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Test Result Report (07/25/2008)


Antibacterial Effect of Cyber Clean

Product: Cyber Clean Manufacturer: JOKER AG/SA, Switzerland


1. Purpose:


The presence of the antibacterial activity of this commodity is investigated. (The keyboard of a dirty personal computer is cleaned by Cyber Clean, and antibiotic properties are examined.)

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2. Summary and Results:


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PC keyboard Cyber Clean

Bacteria count before cleaning 69

Bacteria count after cleaning 0

Remarks No confirmation of bacteria after cleaning No confirmation of bacteria after usage

(Sheet Media before & after cleaning on PC-keyboard)

Before cleaning

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After cleaning


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1) 2) 3) 4)

2. Summary and Results: (Sheet Media before & after cleaning Cyber Clean itself)
Before cleaning

3. Specifications:

Sheet media (Sanitakun . . . . Chisso Co.) is used. Test by direct wiping method (test by n2)

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Open cover of sheet media and add 1.0ml sterilized physiological saline solution to the portion of non woven fabric to be wet. Keeping it still more than 15 minutes. Open cover of 1) sheet media and stamp the unwoven fabric portion of the unused Cyber Clean to PC keyboard and close the cover. After cleaning they keyboard of the PC by Cyber Clean, as much as 2) stamp with sheet media. Cultivate 2) & 3) media at 35C for 48 hours to be observed.

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After cleaning


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