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A Glossary of Technical Terms and Bibliography



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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gacek, Adam. The Arabic manuscript tradition : a glossary of technical terms and bibliography / by Adam Gacek. p. cm. (Handbuch der Orientalistik. = Handbook of Oriental studies. Section one, the Near and Middle East, ISSN 0169-9423 ; v. 58) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004120610 (alk. paper) 1. Manuscripts, ArabicHistoryBibliography. 2.Codicology Dictionaries. 3. Paleography, ArabicBibliography. I. Title. II. Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Nahe und der Mittlere Osten ; 58. Bd. Z6605.A6 G33 [Z106.5] 011.31dc21 2001 2001018082 CIP

Die Deutsche Bibliothek CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Gacek, Adam: The Arabic manuscript tradition : a glossary of technical terms and bibliography / by Adam Gacek.. Leiden ; Boston ; Kln : Brill, 2001 (Handbuch der Orientalistik : Abt. 1, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten ; Bd. 58) ISBN 90-04-12061-0

ISSN 0169-9423 ISBN 90 04 12061 0 Copyright 2001 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. printed in the netherlands


To Joanna, Julian and Helenka

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CONTENTS Acknowledgements ............................................................................ XI Preface ................................................................................................ XIII Part One: GLOSSARY ( ....................................................... 1

Abbreviations ................................................................................. 156 1. Sources/References ..................................................................... 156 2. Technical terms in the glossary ................................................... 174 Part Two: BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................... 177 I. GENERAL AND INTRODUCTORY STUDIES .................. 181 Bibliographies ........................................................................ 181 Periodicals .............................................................................. 182 Conference proceedings and composite works ...................... 182 General studies and surveys ................................................... 184 Selected studies of one or more manuscripts ........................... 187 Manuscript production and cXOWXUH ZLU TDK ........................ 190 Libraries (selected bibliographies and studies) ........................ 191 History of manuscripts (ownership statements, seal impressions, waqf-statements, etc.) .......................................... 193 9. Popular culture in manuscripts ................................................... 194 10. Forgeries ..................................................................................... 194 11. Terminology................................................................................ 195 II. WRITING SURFACES, MATERIALS AND IMPLEMENTS ................................................................................. 195 1. 2. 3. 4. General studies ....................................................................... Papyrus ................................................................................... Parchment ............................................................................... Paper........................................................................................ 195 197 198 198 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.




a) Non-watermarked paper and paper in the Islamic world.... Bibliography ........................................................................ Papermaking recipes and ethics........................................... Studies ................................................................................. b) Watermarked paper and filigranology................................ Inks, inkwells, pens and other writing accessories....................

198 198 198 199 203 204

III. TEXTBLOCK (QUIRES, SIGNATURES, ETC.) .............. 206 IV. THE TEXT, ITS COMPOSITION AND ARRANGEMENT ........................................................................ 207 1. 2. 3. 4. Types of compositions, their parts, etc. ................................. 207 Page lay-out (mise en page) ....................................................... 208 Colophon and scribal verses ...................................................... 208 Dates, dating and numerals ........................................................ 209 a) Bibliography, chronology .................................................. 209 b) Alpha-numerical and numerical systems............................ 209 c) Abjad, LV E DO-jummal, chronograms................................ 210 d) Greek (Coptic) numerals ................................................... 210 H 5 P ) V QXPHUDOV ........................................................ 210 f) Dating by fractions ............................................................. 211 g) Calendars, conversion tables, dynasties ............................ 211 Abbreviations .............................................................................. 212 Arabic nomenclature............................................................... 213 Transcription, corrections and etiquette ................................. 213

5. 6. 7.

V. TRANSMISSION OF KNOWLEDGE .................................. 215 1. 2. 3. General studies ....................................................................... 215 Transmission of individual works .......................................... 216 ,M ] W DQG VDP W ................................................................... 216

VI. ARABIC ALPHABET, SCRIPTS AND PALAEOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 219 1. 2. 3. Albums and exhibition catalogues ............................................. 219 Library catalogues with reproductions of specimens.............. 220 Studies..................................................................................... 221 a) General................................................................................ 221



b) Maghribi and African scripts ................................................. 223 VII. THE ARTS OF THE BOOK ............................................. 224 1. General ................................................................................... 224 a) Bibliographies ........................................................................ 224 b) General studies and exhibition catalogues.......................... 224 c) Albums (muraqqa W .......................................................... 226 Calligraphy ............................................................................. 227 a) Bibliographies and dictionaries ......................................... 227 b) Exhibition catalogues .......................................................... 227 c) Pre-20th century texts on calligraphy and penmanship ......... 228 d) Calligraphers and calligraphers diplomas ........................... 229 e) Studies and albums (by modern calligraphers) .................... 232 Ornament and painted decoration ........................................... 236 Painted illustration .................................................................. 238 a) Drawing................................................................................... 238 b) Other studies .......................................................................... 238 c) Descriptions of individual works........................................ 239 Lacquer ................................................................................... 240 Papercuts ................................................................................ 241 Decorated paper (marbled paper, etc.) ................................... 241 Bookbinding ........................................................................... 242 a) Bibliography........................................................................ 242 b) Pre-18th century texts .......................................................... 242 c) Other studies........................................................................ 243


3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

VIII. QURANIC MANUSCRIPTS ........................................... 247 1. 2. 3. 4. Exhibition catalogues.............................................................. 247 Early Qurans and fragments................................................... 247 Later Qurans........................................................................... 251 Facsimile editions ....................................................................... 255

IX. TEXTUAL CRITICISM AND EDITING ........................... 256 1. 2. General studies ....................................................................... 256 Some specific cases ............................................................... 259


X. CATALOGUING.................................................................... 261 XI. PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION ...................... 263 XII. CATALOGUES OF MANUSCRIPTS, COLLECTIONS, ETC. ............................................................... 266 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bibliographies and bio-bibliographies of the Arabic heritage Lists of dated manuscripts ..................................................... Catalogues of catalogues ....................................................... Descriptions of collections and catalogues ............................. Catalogues of edited manuscripts .......................................... 266 266 267 267 268



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very grateful to Prof. David Pingree for recommending this work for publication and my colleague Prof. Franois Droche for his comments and suggestions. My gratitude also goes to Steve Millier and Khaleel Mohammed for having kindly proof-read this text. Last but not least, I am thankful to McGill University for granting me a sabbatic leave, without which this work would most probably not have seen the light of day.

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PREFACE One of the principal characteristics of Arab Islamic civilization is undoubtedly the cult of books. This central position of the book in Arabic culture has its roots in Islam itself, more specifically in the Qur Q WKH $UDELF ERRN SDU H[FHOOHQFH )URP WKH HDUO\ st / mid 7th century until the end of the 13/19th century, Islamic civilization produced several tens of thousands of works in Arabic on a variety of subjects, both religious and scientific in nature, and most probably several millions of manuscript copies. This very rich heritage has survived in the hundreds of thousands of manuscripts found in almost all major university libraries and in numerous public and private collections throughout the world. Along with this manuscript output, Arab authors, scholars, calligraphers and craftsmen produced a rich literature dealing with the actual making and decoration of books. This literature is gradually being discovered and edited. Apart from numerous compositions on calligraphy and penmanship, most notably from the Mamluk period (see Bibliography, VII. 2), we have now at our disposal three manuals dealing with a wealth of information on writing implements, the preparation of inks, papermaking and bookbinding. They are: Umdat al-NXWW E (UK) by al-MuL]] LEQ % G V G  alMukhtara I IXQ Q PLQ DO-una (MB) attributed to al-Malik alMuDIIDU < VXI DO-*KDVV Q G  DQG al-1XM P DO-VK ULT W (NW) by MuDPPDG LEQ $E DO-Khayr al-DVDQ DO-'LPDVKT (fl.10/16th cent.). To these should be added the 7D\V U (TS) of al-,VKE O G 1231), the 7DGE U DO-VDI U +7 RI ,EQ $E DP GDK IOth) and the LQ DW WDVI U DO-kutub (ST) of al-6XI\ Q IO  DOO RI ZKLFK deal with bookbinding techniques and materials. Furthermore, the Tuaf al-NKDZ 7. RI $E %DNU 0Xammad al-4DODO V G 1307), which deals with the preparation of inks, also contains a chapter on misarah (ruling, lineation). Finally, mention should be made of Badr al-' Q DO-*KD]] G.984/1577), who in his work on education, al-Durr al-na{ G (TP), included the most comprehensive chapter to be found in Arabic literature on scribal etiquette, as well as on the collation and correction of books. The present work consists of two major parts: a glossary of



technical terms and a bibliography arranged by subject.* Although there are a few good general monographs on Arabic manuscripts, there is as yet no comprehensive introduction in English to various Arabic codicological phenomena, and Arabic palaeography is only in its initial stages of development. For this reason the bibliography is envisaged as an indispensable aid for the student of Arabic manuscripts. It brings together, for the first time, some of the most important research in this field published to date. The technical terms contained in the glossary have been collected and selected from a variety of sources: classical, medieval and postmedieval texts, contemporary studies and catalogues, as well as extant specimens. The glossary is a by-product, as it were, of my research on Arabic manuscripts and therefore should not be taken as comprehensive. Nevertheless, even in its present form, it does reveal a very rich picture of Muslim book culture in the manuscript age, which spans almost 14 centuries. It includes terms encountered in the literature produced by or for government officials and secretaries (kuWW E), traditionists (mu|DGGLWK Q), calligraphers (kha Q), lexicographers (OXJKDZ \ Q) and other scholars (XODP ), as well as craftsmen (XQQ ), book lovers and cataloguers. The exploration of this rich written tradition is necessary for a better understanding of the various scripts, writing surfaces and implements used, as well as the way Arabic manuscript books were transcribed, corrected, bound and decorated. Although there may be some doubt as to the exact form or meaning of a given term, due to the obscure context or the fact that the word is used in only a single surviving manuscript, nevertheless it was deemed important to include at this stage all terms encountered, unless their exact meanings could not be verified. Some terms, especially those relating to book formats, are recorded the way they appear in various sources, without the specific corresponding equivalents in English. This is due to the fact that we do not as yet know their exact meanings. To translate, e.g. qa al-rub and qa al-thumn as quarto and octavo, respectively, could be very misleading. A glossary of terms used in the production of manuscripts would
* This work was originally to appear under the title Glossary of the Arabic manuscript book and to contain an edited chapter on bookbinding taken from alMukhtara I IXQ Q PLQ DO-una by al-Malik al-Muaffar. Since an edition of this work has recently been published, this chapter has been omitted.



not be complete without including the names of at least some of the most important scripts in use during the manuscript age. Here, however, great caution is in order. The art of calligraphy is a living art and scripts (and often their labels) were subject to changes and modifications depending on the school (tradition), period and/or region in which they were employed. Thus, for example, the naskh or ULT scripts in the Mamluk period were very different from the naskh or ULT of a later period. We do not, as yet, have a clear picture of these variations in formal scripts and there is besides quite a lot of confusion in the modern literature on calligraphy as to the labels themselves. Therefore, the definitions as given in the glossary are very general and sometimes linked only to the use of a given script in a given period or region. These descriptions should not be taken as definitive. Most of the terms included here concern the Arabic manuscript book. Some, however, having been drawn from sources relating to public administration (diplomatic), may have been used exclusively in those circles. The technical vocabulary relating to the mixing of inks and the use of pigments has, on the other hand, been largely omitted here. This terminology constitutes a well-defined field of study and has been exposed and dealt with in a number of publications but principally in Martin Leveys Medieval Arabic bookmaking (MP). In view of the fact that the terms contained in the glossary were collected from sources which originated in various parts and historical periods of the Arab world, the list contains a considerable number of synonyms. Thus, for example, for the characteristic envelope flap we find udhn (Andalusia, North Africa), marji (Morocco), OLV Q (central Arab lands), miqlab (Levant, Iraq), raddah (Levant), and V TLah (Yemen). The same applies to such terms as endband (headband), case (box), medallion, serif, catchword, inkwell and the like. It is interesting to note also the association of a number of terms with the human body and its various parts. This is particularly apparent in the physical description of the codex. Here we find, for example, udhn (ear; flap), OLV Q (tongue; envelope flap), ras (head; upper margin, fore-edge, flap), wajh (face; recto, upper cover), aqb, aqib (heel; lower margin, catchword), adr (chest; incipit, recto, fore-edge), khadd (cheek; outer or inner margin), shidq and fakk (jawbone; book cover), and UDTT (dancer; catch-



word). Undoubtedly some of the words in the glossary are newly coined terms but the majority can be traced to a medieval usage. Due to the limitations of the computer program used, an Arabic font was used only where absolutely necessary. The glossary is thus arranged alphabetically according to the root of the word which is given in Arabic script. Arabic script has also been used for abbreviations of some technical terms found in the glossary. Most words are traced to a source, either contemporary or earlier. This is done either in order to document the usage of a given word or to provide a reference for topical study or both. On the whole, the terms without references are either commonly encountered in the existing literature or are easily found in standard dictionaries. Apart from English technical terminology the glossary contains also a number of Greek, Greek/Latin and Latin terms still encountered in the English technical literature. As far as transliteration is concerned, the Library of Congress romanization tables have been used.


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al-alif al-muarrafah see taU I al-alif al-murawwasah WKH OHWWHU DOLI SURYLGHG ZLWK D VHULI WDUZ V (q.v.). al-alif al-mushaarah see musha ar. al-alif al-mulaqah see mulaq.

DEMDG DEMDG \DK DO-XU I DO-DEMDG \DK 1. the first of the eight mnemotechnical terms (voces memoriales) into which the twentyeight consonants of the Arabic alphabet were divided; the letters of the alphabet arranged according to this mnemonic system (EI, I, 97; GA, 176-178) 2. also LV E DEMDG LV E DO-jummal (al-jumal) alpha-numerical notation used, among other things, for the creation of chronograms and chronosticons (EI, I, 97-98; SA, III, 18-19; RN, 60; GA, 182).

ibrah (pl. ibar) needle (UK, 154; TS, 11: inda abkih lil-ma if al-mulawwanah; AG, 107; MB, 103, 104; IA, 59; ST, index, 8). LEDU  DEE U needle maker (QS, II, 215; DB, I, 8). mibar 1. needle case (DM) 2. syn. of minfadh (q.v.) (DD, I, 392). muabbar sewn (KC, 33: bi-JKLVK muabbar).

ibrijmah paste (used for work with parchment) (TS, 12, 13; AG, 107; SD, I, 2: ibrishmah).


DEU (Turk. ebr, from Pers. abr cloud) marbled paper (MN, 9,  EU  ZDUDT DO- EU 



NKLU SO DZ NKLU closing matter of the text (composition); explicit (TP, 62, n.14). il NKLULK et cetera, abbrev. (DB, I, 53). DZ NKLU DO-shahr the last 10 days of the month (DM). taNK U PXakhkhar VHH WDTG P

adab SO G E etiquette (EI, I, 175-176). adab maa al-kutub 1. scribal etiquette 2. primitive critical apparatus (apparatus criticus) in manuscripts (TP, 52).

adam(ah), DG P (pl. udum) 1. leather (UK, passim; AE, 106-108) 2. tanned red leather (DB, I, 63; IW, 71-72; MF, 201: fa-lam yazal 5DV O $OO K \XPO ZD-$O \DNWXE att malaa ban al-DG P ZDahrahu wa-DN ULah; MU, XIV, 84: mujallad bi-adam mubaan biG E M , comp. jild. DGG P tanner (DM). DG K SO DGDZ W V\Q ODK (EI, I, 345), tool, implement, instrument, e.g. DGDZ W O W DO-WDMO G = bookbinding tools (UK, 153-156, writing MB, 103-105) or DGDZ W O W DO-kha (al-NLW EDK implements, accessories (SA, II, 440-468; AE, 117-127).

udhn, udhun SO GK Q flap, envelope flap (TS, 25: idh al-XNP I al-XGKQ DQ WDN Q PDE ah al al-sifr att l WDW M LO urw wa-O zirr tazurr bi-KL DPP DO-udhn fa-al-aO I KL DQ \DN Q DTDOO PLQ nif al-sifr bi-PLTG U UDs al-zirr; AG, 109; BA, III, 372).


urkhah date (LL, I, 46). taU NK SO WDZ U NK  WDZU NK (KK, 55; IK, 102-103; SK, 137: wa\XT O DO-WDZU NK OL-DQQDKX \XT O ZDUUDNKWX DO-NLW E ZD-arrakhtuh) date, dating; chronology (SA,VI, 243-251; TP, 53-54; EI, X, 257-302; ER, IV, 668-677); chronogram, chronosticon (also qiat al-taU NK, AM, nos.10, 26, 141; ER, V, 550-551). al-taU NK DO-$UDE (al-taU NK DO-,VO P , al-sanah al-KLMU \DK, alsanah al-TDPDU \DK, al-sanah al-KLO O \ah) Muslim calendar beginning July 16th 622 A.D. (SA, VI, 240, 243; EI, X, 258-261). al-taU NK DO-) ULV (al-sanah al-<D]GLMLUG \DK) Persian calendar beginning June 16th 632 A.D. (SA, VI, 242, 254, 256; EI, X, 262). al-taU NK DO-+LQG Vikrama era (Vikrama samvat) beginning in 58 B.C. al-taU NK al-,O K Mughal calendar with the starting point March 21st 1584 A.D. (EI, X, 263). al-taU NK DO-mudhayyal, also known as al-tamiyah bi-al-]L\ GDK cryptographic dating, chronosticon, in which more than the second hemistich (miU ) of a verse (bayt) is counted in calculating the date (TI, 47-48; TP, 54; EI, IV, 468). al-taU NK DO-mustathn, also known as al-tamiyah bi-al-naq chronosticon, in which the value of one letter or word from the first hemistich is subtracted from the cumulative value of the second hemistich in calculating the date (TI, 47-48; TP, 54; AM, nos.109, 213). al-taU NK DO-mutawwaj chronosticon, in which only the numerical values of the first letters of each verse are counted in calculating the date (KB, 10-12). al-taU NK DO-Qib or al-Qub (taU NK DO-VKXKDG , sanat Diqli\ Q V DO-Malik) Coptic calendar beginning August 29th 284 A.D. (SA, VI, 242, 253, 255; EI, X, 261). al-taU NK DO-5 P (al-taU NK DO-6XU\ Q , taU NK 'K DO-Qarnayn, taU NK JKDODEDW DO-Iskandar, al-sanah al-< Q Q \DK) Seleucid era (era of Alexander) beginning Oct.1st 312 B.C. (SA, VI, 242, 253254; EI, X, 261). taU NK DO-ufr Spanish era beginning Jan. 1st 38 B.C. (EI, X, 261). al-taU NK EL-DM] al-yawm aw al-laylah dating by the hours of day or night, e.g. VKXU T the first hour of day, shafaq the first


hour of night, JKXU E the last hour of day, DE the last hour of night (SA, VI, 250). al-taU NK EL-al-ashr min al-shahr dating by the ten-day segments GHFDGHV RI WKH PRQWK HJ I DO-ashr al- O (al-uwal) (1-10), al-ashr al-wus (al-wusa) (11-20), al-ashr al-ukhr (al- NKLUDK DO-ukhar, alDZ NKLU -30) (SA, VI, 248-249). al-taU NK EL-al-E T dating by the nights of the month using the verb baqiya to indicate how many nights are remaining until the end of the month, e.g. li-arba DVKUDWD OD\ODK LQ EDTL\DW PLQ VKDKU NDGK (SA,VI, 244-248). al-taU NK EL-al-MXO V dating by a rulers accession to the throne (CM, nos. 106, 235). al-taU NK EL-al-NXV U (taU NK ,EQ .DP O 3 VK  DO-taU NK DONLQ ) GDWLQJ E\ IUDFWLRQV DWWULEXWHG WR ,EQ .DP O 3 VK 73  CI, II, 178). al-taU NK EL-OD\ O DO-shahr dating by the nights of the month (SA, VI, 244-249). al-taU kh bi-al-P dating by the nights of the month using the verb ma or khal to indicate how many nights have elapsed from the beginning of the month, e.g. lil-OD\ODWD\Q NKDODW PDDW PLQ VKDKU NDGK 6$9, -248). al-taU NK EL-al-PDZ VLP dDWLQJ E\ IHDVWV DQG IHVWLYDOV HJ I yawm G DO-fir (1st 6KDZZ O  I \DZP arafah (9th 'K DO-LMMDK  I yawm G DO-nar or G DO-a (10th 'K DO-LMMDK  I \DZP DO-qarr (11th 'K DO-LMMDK  I \DZP DO-nafr al-awwal (12th 'K DO-LMMDK  I yawm al-nafr al-WK Q th 'K DO-LMMDK 6$ 9,  &0  I laylat al-MiU M th Rajab). al-taU NK DO--DO O (taU NK-L -DO O , taU NK-L PDODN , taU NK-i sul Q ) -DO O FDOHQGDU EHJLQQLQJ 0DUFK th 1079 A.D. (EI, X, 262; ER, IV, 670). taU NK NDZQ DO- ODP (taU NK DO-khilqah) era of creation (era of Adam) beginning Sept.1st 5509 B.C.

ar \DK background (LC, 22; FZ, 218: ar \DW DO-matn; JL, 88: ar \DK PXODZZDQDK 


uskurrujah inkwell (KD, II, 713: wa-uskurrujah al-GDZ K ) ULV \DK PXarrabah wa-O \XT O VXNXUUXMDK ZD-taJK UXK XVD\ NLrah). XVK UDK, taVK U VHH QXVK UDK

ishf SO DVK ILQ awl, punch (TS, 11, 15; AG, 107; ST, 10: ishfah; MB, 103; IA, 59; IB, 43: VKDI ; IK, 90; KM, I, sifr 4, 115).

al (pl. u O  DXWKRUV RULJLQDO KRORJUDSK 08 9,,,   FRS\ transcript (from which another copy is made); exemplar, also referred to as al-nuskhah al-al (LC, 26; MH, 92: yajib al man kataba nuskhah min al ba al-VKX\ NK DQ \X UL nuskhatahu bi-al-al; MU, VIII, 39: wa-al-al yashtamil al sittat ajz bi-khaih kulluh; SD, II, 27) 3. original (main) text, as opposed to a commentary (shar) or gloss ( VKL\DK  XVXDOO\ DEEUHYLDWHG DV RU 9$ QR 1858, 2024; MI, 136), but also 0= ,,   WH[W FRPPHQWHG XSRQ (LC, 23) 4. main (principal) script such as thuluth or muaqqaq (from which other scripts are derived) (NC, 126; SM, 269: aO Q $6  al-u O DO-khamsah, al-u O DO-sabah) 5. major work (TM, 174: al-u O al-TDG PDK  VSLQH RI D TXLUH RU ERRN 67 LQGH[  67    al u O DO-NDU U V DQ TDI DO-NLW E  URRW RI D YHUE RU QRXQ (, ; 928). al-DTO P DO-u O see qalam.

i U (pl. i U W Xur) 1. rules, rule-border, i.e. textual surround (LC, 24; FT, 402) 2. border (of a book cover) (LC, 24; KR, 80) 3. frame (within a border) (TF, 141: DZ VK K PXWDadditat al-uur) 4. rectangular panel (LC, 24; UI, 29) 5. tabula ansata (UI, 27) 6. headpiece (LC, 24). ma U PXaar ruled (LC, 25; DB, I, 145).


(al-kha) al-,IU T properly a general term for the style of the Arabic script current in Ifriqiyyah (modern Tunisia and eastern Algeria) in the early Middle Ages, () used by the historian Ibn Khaldun, writing circa 1375 (DW, 32); according to other sources al,IU T LV LGHQWLILHG ZLWK DO-6 G Q  D VFULSW ZKLFK RULJLQDWHG IURP WKH Maghrebi family of scripts and came to be associated with subSaharan Africa (AO, 46).

DIVK Q (Pers.) decoration of paper with flecks of gold and silver (MN, 6; ER, I, 581-582). taO I DK (pl. ta O I WDZ O I WDO I W  muallaf (pl. muDOODI W composition, compilation, work (of prose or poetry) (SD, I, 33; EI, X, 360), comp. taQ I muallif author, writer, comp. muannif.

umm, ummah ,1 ,  SO XPPDK W  DOVR al-nuskhah alumm holograph (LC, 26); copy, transcript (from which another copy is made), exemplar; archetype (LC, 26; SD, I, 35; TM, 180: qif al al-LOWL] P OL-PXT EDODW DO-NLW E al al-shaykh aw mu UDatih al al-umm) 2. original (main) text, as opposed to a commentary, shar (IN, I, 246) 3. model codex of the Qur Q XVXDOO\ RI D ODUJH IRUPDW and without vocalization, used in mosques (KN, 130) 4. fundamental (essential) work (composition) (LC, 29). umm al-NLW E 1. heavenly prototype (al) of the Qur Q (, ;   WKH ILUVW V UDK RI WKH 4XU Q '0  Umm al-qur, Umm al-EXOG Q, Umm al-ELO G Mecca. LP P exemplar; archetype, textus receptus (NT, II, 137 : wa-huwa al-LP P DOODGK ODP \DNKWDOLI I PXNKtalaf). al-muaf al-LP P Uthmanic canon, codex (al-muaf al8WKP Q ) (MD, 99; KF, II, 294). al-Musnad al-LP P the Musnad of Ibn anbal (SL, II, 37, 39).


taDPPXO W (sg. taammul consideration) notabilia, comp. tadabbur. fa-taammal(hu) nota bene, abbrev. (CI, II, xiv; LL, I, 99). I KL WDammul a phrase (syn. I KL QDar) implying doubt and insinuating politely that the words to which it relates are false or wrong (LL, II, 2812).

taP Q saying (writing) P Q (DP Q); one of the standard closing formulae in manuscripts, usually abbreviated as DOLI MRLQHG WR P P or /'    $'  (, ,   FRPS WDWP P WDIT .

XQE E DK SO DQ E E unpared, unnibbed reed (FN, 31; KU, 153: wa-O \XVDPP al-XQE E TDODPDQ att yuqa; BA, III, 370; LM, 31). LQV see sinn. anfah nib (of the calamus) (BA, III, 370). taQ I nibbing (of the calamus) (KD, II, 701: annaftuhu taQ IDQ LGK addadtu arafahu al-PDEU ZD-qaatuhu qaan).

(qalam) al-muannaq see al-ash U.

ODK LPSOHPHQW LQVWUXPHQW V\Q DG K TY  awwal SO DZ il) introductory matter of the text (composition); incipit; initia, (TP, 52, n.14; JA, I, 264: rasm al-WDVPL\DK I DZZDO NLW E DO-shir; AA, 40: wa-al-taG U I DZZDO DO-NLW E ZD-al-du I NKLULK 



DZ il al-shahr the first 10 days of the month (DM). taZ O (pl. ta Z O interpretation, explanation (e.g. taZ O DO-Qur Q  ****

PDEW U 1. acephalous, imperfect, incomplete (of text) (KC, passim) 2. truncated letter (especially of a descender) (KH, 34).

bar (pl. bu U panel on a book cover; cartouche (TS, 33; AG, 110; JL, 103: i U I KL PDQ iq wa-bu U PXVWD ODK GK W IX I QLK \DWLK  6' ,   tab U creating panels on book covers (NH, 355).

WDENK U fumigation (TS, 40: wa-yubakhkhir bi-a al-hud KXG ZDU VKLK ID-innahu yaqtul al-araah).

badal, bidl '% ,  SO DEG O  YDULDQW UHDGLQJ YDULD OHFWLR  RU IRU QXVNKDK DQG usually abbreviated as &, ,, [LLL RU badal respectively (KG, 473: see the quotation under KLU 0,    D\ I QXVNKDK XNKU badalan an al-nuskhah al-PDGKN UDK I IRU QXVNKDK-al, MZ, II, 412) 2. also WDEG O subal-matn, comp. stitution, alteration (CL, fasc.3, 296); conjectural substitution, conjecture.

EXG artificial talismanic word (seal) formed from the simple threefold magic square, wifq (US, 49; EI, suppl. fasc.3-4, 153-154; SD, I, 59-60; DT, 100-103).



EDUG , DEDUG (waraq al-bDUG ), EDUG \DK papyrus, papyrus sheet or roll (DB, I, 521-522; EI, VIII, 407; WS, 64-66), comp. qir V mibrad file, rasp (HT, lin.84; QS, II, 417; IA, 60; DD, I, 390: for trimming).

LEU ] bringing out (a book), publishing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 6: abraztu al-NLW E QDVKDUWXKX ZD-KXZD PDEU ]  LEU ] EL-al-umrah see umrah.

barshamah decorating a text with multi-coloured dots (DB, I, 545). EXUVKP Q (or EDUVKP Q SO EDU VKLP '& ,  endband (headband) (ST, index, 8; ST, 17-18; IB, 81, n.148); EDUVK P, EDU VKLP SO EDUVKLP Q /$ SW  EDUVKLP Q MDP EDUVK P DZ EDU VKLP D\ LEU VKLP DZ LEU VLP ZD-huwa al-DU U ZD-al-EDUVK P ) ULV \DK ZD-al-EXUVKP Q MDPXK 

al-PXE UDN DK epithet of the months of afar, ShaE Q 5DPD Q 6KDZZ O DQG 5DE al-7K Q TY  DV ZHOO DV VXFK ZRUGV DV NLW E M PL, nuskhah, etc.

ELUN U SO EDU N U compass; (pair of) dividers (SA, III, 41: used IRU PHDVXULQJ OHWWHUV 08 ;9,  '0  VHH DOVR E N U DQG WDEN U

EXUN Q (pO EDU N Q  ajar al-EXUN Q pumice (TS, 12, 18).



EDUQ PDM SO EDU PLM  WDEOH RI FRQWHQWV /&   ZRUN containing a record of attested study similar to fihris and fahrasah (q.v.).

bary, ELU \DK paring, trimming (of a reed ) (IR, 232; SA, III, 455 6.  8'  DUN Q DO-bary arbaah: fat wa-nat wa-shaqq wa-qa). EXU \DK a shaving (from a reed) (KU, 154: IK, 85; KK, 49). EDUU \DK, PLEU K SO PDE ULQ pen knife (AA, 88; IK, 90; DB, I, 591).

mibzaq lancet-like knife, mibzaq al-fa GDK (ST, index, 8; MP, 64; DA: mibzagh; SD, I, 81).

bas spreading out, flattening (of a letter), as opposed to rounding LW WDTZ U 6$ ,,,   $6   PDEV 1. horizontal stroke, line (KU, 120) 2. (qalam) PDEV reed pen, having its nib cut (evenly) straight (not obliquely), syn. jazm (IK, 87) 3. rectilinear (of a script, al-qalam al-PDEV ) (SA, III, 11: wa-KXZD P O LQNKLV I ZD-O LQi I KL ND-al-muaqqaq; KH, 34; AS, 144) 4. original (comprehensive), unabridged work, comp. mukhtaar. al-DTO P DO-PDEV ah (al-\ ELVDK rectilinear scripts such as muaqqaq, ma if, ray Q DQG QDVNK (AS, 144). (al-kha) al-PDEV clear, well-spaced Maghrebi script used predominantly for the copying of the Qur Q DQG SUD\er books (LT, 365; TW, 13, 47, 322).




down from the head of the page, and opening a composition (TP, 52; -0  T OD Dl-QDE all All K alayhi wa-sallam NXOO DPU GK E O O yubdaX I KL EL-%LVP $OO K ID-huwa abtar ay maq al-barakah; EI, I, 1084-1085).

bashr 1. paring, dressing (of leather) (UK, 161; MP, 58; TS, 23-24; AG, 109; ST, index, 9; IA, 63; LF, 78: racler, ratisser des peaux; HT, lin.111) 2. erasure with a pen knife or scraper (TP, 58; LF, 78; effacer des mots avec un grattoir) 3. cancellation by means of drawing lines above a word or words to be erased (LF, 79-81: en passant quelques traits de plume par dessus). PDEVK U pared; erased.

bashra 1. silk thread used for endbanding (headbanding) 2. silk endband (headband) (HT, lin.97, 155).

bi TDK (pl. ba iq) 1. piece, slip (of paper) 2. catalogue, register (AD, 12). (qalam) al-ba iq the smallest of the curvilinear scripts, also known as al-JKXE U (q.v.) (AS, 145).

ban (pl. bu Q  E in SO EDZ in) inner side; flesh side (of parchment); inner cover. ban al-JKLO I (al-sifr, al-NLW E inner cover; doublure (LC, 23; AG, 112). bi QDK (pl. ba in) 1. lining (FT, 408) 2. doublure (TS, 22-23; MB, 117; IA, 60; HT, lin.73-79) 3. endpaper; paste-down endpaper; endleaf (ST, passim; IB, 47, 49; UK, 157: waraq al-ba in wa-hiya ZDUDTDW Q ID-ZDUDTDK WDN Q I DO-jild wa-ukhr tak Q E TL\DWDQ al al-NDU U V OL-ta Q DO-NLW E PLQ DO-adh wa-al-wasakh) 4. pasteboard (UK, 159; HD, 102; MA, IV, 89, 90: wa-O EDs an yubain al-jild bial-DZU T DOODW I K DO-LV E  EDVDQ VKHHS VNLQ $*  6' , 92).



tab Q 1. lining of the insides of book covers with paper, leather or silk (ST, index, 9; MU, XIV, 84: mujallad bi-adam mubaan bi-G E M 2. removal of shamah (q.v.) from the reed (IK, 87); paring (of the calamus) (KD, II, 701: baantu al-qalam tab QDQ LGK UDTTDTWX baryah; MB, 61; BA, III, 370), comp. bary.

badu after; used for a transposed word, abbrev. /(   baG \DK WKH HSLVWRODU\ DQG WH[WXDO IRUPXOD DPP RU ZD-) badu, also known as fal al-khi E, separating doxological statements from the preface proper (TP, 53, n.20).

tab word division, separation (MM, 135: wa-NDULK WDE alkalimah al-murakkabah).

E N U SO ED\ N U EDZ N U FRPS ELUN U compass, (pair of) dividers (UK, 153, 156; MP, 58; IB, 44; MB, 101, 103; IA, 59, 60; TU, 105), comp. biUN U WDEN U, also E N U \DK working with a compass by drawing circles, measuring distances, etc. (MB, 103, 104, 105: fa-al-E N U \DK LVWLNKU M DO-VKXP V ZD-al-GDZ ir al-PDQT VKDK DOODW WDTDX I ZDVD alNLW E  JHRPHWULFDO ILJXUH GHVLJQ al-GDZ ir al-E N U \D\K VHH G irah. misarat al-WDEN U see misarah. mibkar(ah) case (for a compass) (NH, 380; DD, I, 391).

EDO ah marble slab (UK, 153; IB, 42; MB, 103; IA, 59), comp. UXNK P

EDO JK SO EDO JK W  WDEO JK SO WDEO JK W  DOVR known as DO PDW al-EDO JK (al-WDEO JK) collation statement or mark indicating the



SODFH ZKHUH FROODWLRQ ZDV LQWHUUXSWHG 0)  EDODJKWX TLU atan min al-EDO JK EL-kha LO hun  0)  ID-samiD P I K PLVK DOnuskhah inda al-WDEO JK &' ,9 SO.119; TP, 56; JA, I, 268; CT, 45: EXO JK), comp. mu UDDK PXT EDODK muballigh see mustamlin.  EDO , E OLQ worn, damaged (TS, 28: al-DVI U DO-EDZ O 


(al-kha) al-bih U or al-%LK U (also known as E KDU (thus), khaL E KDU, EI, IV, 1127) script used in India mostly but not exclusively for the copying of the Qur Q IURP WKH ODWH th century to the end of the 10/16th century (CA, 36).

E E SO DEZ E chapter, abbrev. 0,   WDEZ E arrangement (division) of the text into chapters (MF, 609; TP, 53, n.20). mubawwib compiler (DF, IV, 376), comp. murattib.

bayt SO EX\ W  ZRRGHQ ER[ IRU KRXVLQJ D PXOWL-volume copy of the Qur Q 6- QRV DQG  I ED\W G OD I PXEDan bi-al-DU U I bayt G UDEah mughashsh bi-al-jild 2. compartment (in such a box) 3. compartment (in a book cover design) (TS, 31, 32; AG, 110) 4. frame (as part of the border, urrah) (TS, 33). bayt al-JKXU E hexagonal element in a Mamluk book cover design (JL, 95, 97; KR, 82). Bayt al-Maqdis, al-Bayt al-Muqaddas Jerusalem. WDE\ W creation of compartments and frames (on book covers) (TS, 31-33; AG, 110).



ED\ SO ED\ W  EODQN VSDFH JDS VSDFH VSDFLng (e.g. TM,  ED\ al-IDZ WL wa-al-NKDZ WLP $.  ID-inna al-ED\ min jumlat DO im al-fal; SA, III, 146: wa-NXWW E DO-UDV il yajDO Q lil-IDZ LO ED\ DQ \DN Q ED\QD DO-NDO PD\Q 6$9,  PLTG U DOED\ qabla al-basmalah; SA, III, 50: an \DN Q DO-ED\ bayna alaruf ka-mithlih bayna al-su U  ODFXQD DEEUHY 71  /& 23; MI, 138) 3. also mubayyaah, WDE\ ah fair copy (as opposed to a draft, musawwadah (q.v.) (MU, VI, 157: wa-EDTL\D EDT \DW DONLW E PXVDZZDGDWDQ JKD\U PXQDTTDah wa-O PXED\\Dah fabayyaDKX $E ,V T 08 ;9  DO-VDZ G ZD-al-ED\ ; FK, I, 978; KF, II, 333) 4. counter (eye) of a letter (KH, 36) 5. white colour, ink or paint. ED\ a expression used for a blank space or page created by mistake or left deliberately blank in order to indicate a lacuna in the exemplar (hic nullus est defectus). WDE\  FUHDWLQJ DGHTXDWH VSDFH ED\ ) between letters and lines; spacing (TE, 15) 2. execution (of the fair copy) (TE, 15; KF, II, 333, 346) 3. copying, transcription (TE, 15). mubayyi author; fair copyist.

ED\ Q SO ED\ Q W marginal correction or explanatory note (usually for a smudged or clumsily written word, i.e. cacographical error), abbrev. or (TP, 58; CI, I , xiv; MI, 182; MM, 136).


W E W SO WDZ E W  ZRRGHQ ER[ FKHVW IRU KRXVLQJ D PXOWL-volume copy of the Qur Q 6- QR I W E W G PXUDNNDQ EL-al-nu V 76  WDZ E W DO-raba W 76  DO-WDZ E W DO-M IL\DK DO-DMU P 0( 568-569) 2. pentagonal figure or pDQHO 76  WKXPPD WDUVXP I DO-



XGKQ W E WDQ al wasa al-NK WLP DZ DO-G irah; also TS, 30-31; AG, 110).

W V PDK octagonal element in a Mamluk book cover design (JL, 95, 97; KR, 82).

tibr gold, gold dust (AQ, 246: kataba wa-dhahhaba wa-zayyana DUN QDK EL-al-tibr wa-al-lawn wa-al-taU U // ,  

takht SO WXNK W  ZRRGHQ ERDUG 8.  .7  XVHG IRU ERRN covers) 2. wooden pressing board (TS, 22, 24; AG, 107) 3. also takht al-]L\ U (al-]L\\ U) bookbinders press (ST, index, 9; IB, 42; HT, lin. 82, 120). WDNKW W pressing (ST, index, 9).

WXU E dust, earth, sand. WDWU E sprinkling a freshly written text with sand (IK, 94; KM, IV, sifr 13, 6; KU, 156; TD, I, 127-  FRPSWDUP O mitrabah sandbox; compartmeQW IRU VDQG LQ WKH GDZ K TY 6$ II, 478-480).

tarjamah SO WDU MLP  GHVLJQDWLRQ RI WKH VHQGHU LQ WKH XQZ Q 0/  PDN Q DO-tarjamah qabla al-basmalah) 2. title (of a book) (LC, 28; AH, 165); detailed title of a book, indicating its contents (DB, II, 122) 3. key word (LC, 28) 4. chapter heading (IN, 252: waal-PXU G EL-al-WDU MLP DO-DEZ E ZD-al-fu O ZD-naZXK  decorative panel around a chapter heading (LC, 27) 6. paragraph (LC, 27) 7. headpiece or tailpiece (LC, 27) 8. decorative figure of any shape or size used in the text (e.g. disc) or margins (e.g. medallion)



06  WDU MLP PXGKDKKDEDK PXODZZDQDK PXWDQDZZLat al-DVKN O also MS, 28, 29, 30) 9. biographical note, biography (EI, X, 224) 10. table of contents (tarjamat al-DEZ E /& 28) 11. interpretation; translation (EI, X, 224) 12. explanation, exegesis (DB, II, 1021) 13. also mutarjam (e.g. Qa GDW ,EQ DO-'XUD\KLP I DO-mutarjam) cypher, cryptography (AA, 186; IT, 29-31; DB, II, 1021). mutarjim 1. translator; biographer 2. illuminator (TW, 260, 270).

tirs, turs SO WXU V principal (often central) element in a Mamluk book cover design in the shape of a pointed star (JL, 95, 97; KR, 82).

turunj(ah) 1. oval, citrus-shaped stamp (mandorla) for centermedallions (IB, 69; LC, 28) 2. center-medallion in the shape of a mandorla (ST, index, 9; IB, 44) 3. illuminated oval medallion, rosette (HD, 103; IP, 145; PA, 116), comp. shamsah. rub al-turunjah quarter-medallion, corner-piece (ST, 15).

taftar see daftar.

WDWP P completion, execution; writing tamma (lit. it is finished) DQ\ QXPEHU &, , [LLL at the end of the colophon, abbrev. RU CM, 46), comp. taP Q WDIT . WDP P end, finish; used in manuscripts of Persian/Indian provenance in the expression WDP P VKXG (it is finished), often abbreviated as  RU DW WKH HQG RI PDUJLQDO TXRWDWLRQV RU JORVVHV (CI, II, xiii), comp. add. tatimmah supplementation; supplement ; continuation and end (of a composition) (DM). WDP PDK (pl. WDP im) amulet, talisman (EI, X, 177-178).




WKDEW LWKE W writing, copying (MH, 100, 101; FK, II, no.1202-3: K GK NKLU P DWKEDWQ KX I K GK DO-NLW E  XVHG YHU\ RIWHQ LQ WKH formula of attestation aa wa-thabata. thabat (pl. atKE W  FHUWLILFDWH RU GRFXPHQW DWWHVWLQJ D GLGDFWLF transmission of a text; document, written testimony (SD, I, 157) 2. record of attested study (HB, 234; GA, 288: syn. mujam, mashyaNKDK LQ WKH (DVW DQG EDUQ PDM RU IDKUDVDK LQ WKH :HVW  WDEOH RI contents. WKDE W signature (SD, I, 157). LWKE W 1. vocalization (AD, 18) 2. also WDWKE W attestation, authentication (formula), usually expressed by: aa (or a GK OLND wa-WKDEDWD RU NDWDED RU K GK a wa-katabahu (TP, 53, n.25; CT, 45; GA, 289). muthabbit, muthbit ZULWHU UHFRUGHU V\Q N WLE  SDUWLFXODUO\ LQ WKH expression muthbit al-VDP  LH N WLE DO-VDP , writer of the audition note (MH, 101; CT, 45).

thabaj(ah) obscurity or indistinctiveness of handwriting (LL, I, 330).

mithqab SO PDWK TLE drill for making holes in boards when endbanding (headbanding) (TS, 11; AG, 107).

WKDT O (lit. heavy) larger variety (version) of a script (SA, III, 58: al-thuluth al-WKDT O WKDT O DO-thuluth; AS, 147).



(qalam) al-thuluth (al-thulth) the principal curvilinear script used in codices mostly for book titles and chapter headings (SA, III, 50: DU TDW DO-thuluth fa-WDMU DO- O I KL al al-P O LO al-WDTZ U $6  JM, 32-38: al-thuluth al-muW G; JM, 46-53: MDO O DO-thuluth; TU, 106: li-anna alif al-WKXOXWK I DGULK WDG E P ZD-I DM]LK NDGK OLND /0  ZD-al-thuluth lil-taO P /0  ZD-in kunta taktub WKXOXWKDQ DZ WDZ T DZ ULT an fa-DPLO NKLUDKX D\ arf al-alif) muraiban il naw al-yasUDK TDO ODQ (, ,9 - in Persia, 1125in Turkey). al-thuluth al-0DJKULE VHH 0DVKULT  (qa ) al-thulth see qa. WDWKO WK providing a letter with three diacritical points, abbrev. (TN, 51), hence muthallathah having three diacritical dots; epithet DGGHG WR WK WR SUHYHQW LWV EHLQJ PLVWDNHQ IRU E RU W RU \ (LL, I, 349). al-ibr al-muthallath see ibr.

T OLE DO-thumn, al-WKXP Q VHH T OLE muthamman octagonal, octagon (EI,VII, 795-  FRPS NK WLP muthamman.

tathniyah providing a letter with two diacritical points (DM), hence PXWKDQQ K having two diacritical dots (points). PXWKDQQ K IDZT \DK marked with two points above; epithet DGGHG WR W WR SUHYHQW LW IURP EHLQJ UHDG DV E  RU WK RU \ (LL, I, 361). muthann K WDW \DK marked with two points below; epithet added WR \ WR SUHYHQW LWV EHLQJ PLVWDNHQ IRU E RU W RU WK (LL, I, 361). al-taU NK DO-mustathn see taU NK LVWLWKQ WKH IRUPXOD RI VXEPLVVLRQ WR WKH ZLOO RI *RG LQ VK a $OO K (SA, VI, 232-234) , abbrev.  RU &, ,, [LY )0 167; MZ, Taf. 12, no.13; SA,VI, 232-234; MI, 102), see also mashalah.




M PDK 1. decorative medallion or panel; either illuminated or stamped (KI, 258: al-PDQ iq wa-al-bu U /&   center-piece (on a book cover) (FI, 87, 88; JL, 83: M PDK ZXV .5  DVKN O ODZ] \DK  SDOPHWWH URXQGHO =0    rub al-M PDK quarter-medallion, corner-piece (JL, 83, 99). dhayl al-M PDK pendant (JL, 99, 100).

jabr repairing, mending, restoring manuscripts; repair (SJ, nos.41, 43).

WDMG G repair, restoration (KR, 87).

MDG ODK SO MDG il) plait, braid; interlace (TF, 141). PDMG O SO PDM G O leather strap, thong (KC, 33; KC, 42).

jadwal(ah) SO MDG ZLl) 1. also WDMGDZ O ruling (of borders), creating rule-borders (WB, 50, 56; TW, 148, 160) 2. rules, ruleERUGHU /&  MDG ZLO DO-afa W MDG ZLO DO-KDZ PLVK +'  PA, 63) 3. diagram, chart, table (LC, 24) 4. column (of text) (SD, I, 175) 5. table of contents (CM, no.6/2) 6. magic square, talismanic seal (EI, II, 370; DT, 108). mujadwal ruled (LC, 26). mujadwil ruler (maker of rule-borders ) (TC, 32).




jarrah, jurrah horizontal sWURNH OLQH DV LQ WKH PHGLDQ N I LVRODWHG RU V Q ZLWKRXW WHHWK 6$ ,,,     FRPS VKDTT mijarr ZRRGHQ SDUW RI WKH FODVS .&  I VLIU EL-mijarr min khashab).

jard al-matn see matn. MDU GDK list, register, inventory (SD, I, 184; DG, 27). WDMU G 1. edition or composition involving collection or selection of material from an original work; collection (gathering) of glosses from the margins of a manuscript (TT, 107; KF, II, 331: wa-lam yujarridhu an al-musawwadah) 2. extract, abridgement (SD, I, 183). mijrad(ah) file; scraper (MB, 112; DD, I, 390: instrument for FOHDQLQJ D GDZ K 8$  

jirm SO DMU P IRUPDW RI D ERRN  HJ MLUP NDE U RU NDE U DO-jirm, jirm wasa, jirm la I RU OD I DO-jirm (SJ, passim).


jazz trimming, shaving (MB, passim: azz; IA, 62). MX] ]DK SO MX] ] W  ORRVH VKHHW RI SDSHU XVHG IRU QRWHV TXRWDtions or drafts, rough copies 2. also jizzah slip of paper used for glosses and tipped into a volume; inset (UI, 19; MU, VII, 132, n.2: ZXUD\T W WXDOODT I K DO-IDZ id; KF, I, 103).



juz SO DM] ) 1. booklet; single-quire codex; volume (in the sense of mujallad) (MK, 79; AI, 117: wa-yuwassiu al- OLE NXPPDK OL-yaa I KL DO-kutub wa-al-DM] ) 2. the 30th part of the Qur Q  izbs); one of the 30 volumes of the Qur Q  TXLUH JDWKHULQJ  DEEUHY RU (CI, I, xii) 4. chapter or section of a text (composition) 5. independent, small piece of writing, usually not more than a quire (IJ, 128) 6. small collection of DG WK ZLWKRXW DQ\ VWUXFWXUHG DUUDQJHPHQW (, VII, 705). mujazza YROXPH FRQVLVWLQJ RI ERXQG TXLUHV DM] (IJ, 128). juzah handle (of a knife) (KD, II, 711). mijzaah pen knife (IK, 90). tajziah set of a number of volumes (Fr. tomaison) (SJ, passim: tajziat sabDK :5    HJ NKXP V \DW DO-tajziah, tajziah XVK U \DK WDM]LDK WKXP Q \DK 

jaz onyx (for burnishing gold) (UK, 143; MB, 99; MP, 38). al-waraq al-mujazza see waraq.

jazm reed pen, having the nib cut (evenly) straight (not obliquely) (IK, 87: qalam jazm; LL, I, 421). (kha or qalam) al-jazm ancient script of al- UDK XVHG IRU WKH copying of the Qur Q NKD al-ma if) and having a stiff and angular appearance (RN, 7-9; IK, 89, 90). PDM] P well-balanced (of writing) (IK, 94: fa-LGK VDZZ XU I NLW batih wa-ODP \XNK OLI EDXK EDDQ T OD MD]DPD \DM]LPX MD]PDQ wa-kha PDM] P  jazm(ah) diacritical mark ( RU LQGLFDting an unvowelled final consonant (DS, 196: wa-XGKGK T DO-NLW E \DMDO Q DO-MD]PDK M PDQ la IDWDQ EL-ghayr DU TDK LVK UDWDQ OLO-jazm; for other signs representing jazmah see GL, 13).



jasad SO DMV G background (UK, 149: LIDW NLW EDK ED\ jasad aswad). WDMV G tinting in red (AD, 23).


mujaffif GU\HU IRU VDQG  FRPS WDUP O 8$  

(qalam) al-MDO O according to Ibn al-1DG P WKH IDWKHU RI DOO scripts DE DO-DTO P )1   ,.  ZD-kha ahl al-6K P DOjaO O \DNWXE QD EL-hi al-ma if wa-al-VLMLOO W 6$ ,,,   al-kha al-MDO O (also MDO ) name given to a larger variety of the VFULSW HJ MDO O DO-muDTTDT TY  MDO O DO-WKXOXWK TY  G Z Q MDO (SA, III, 50: wa-al-man f KL DQQD DO-DPV O \DO T EL-al-kha al-MDO O EI, IV, 1123). WDMO O WKH IRUPXOD RI JORULILFDWLRQ MDOOD MDO OXK or jalla shanuh (abbrev.  SODFHG DIWHU WKH ZRUG $OO K 73   (ism) al-MDO ODK WKH QDPH RI *RG WKH ZRUG $OO K /&   majallah SO PDM OO  Zriting surface (like a IDK %$ ,,,  al-majallah a IDK N Q \DNWXE QD I K DO-ikmah); parchment roll (ND, 57, n.67) 2. booklet (SL, I, 48; SL, II, 5) 3. composition, work HJ 0DMDOODW /XTP Q ). , QR ZD-badu fa-K GKLKL PDMDOODK mushtamilah al shar). jild SO MXO G  OHDWKHU (, ,, -541; KM, I, sifr 4,100-111; WS, 56-60; AE, 106-109); parchment (AE, 108; EP, 17) 2. volume. jild (raqq) al-JKD] O gazelle skin (hide) (EI, VIII, 408); fine (good quality, vellum-like) parchment, not necessarily made of gazelle skin (EP, 19-21). jild(ah) book cover; binding (JL, 81: jildat muaf; LC, 25). jildah yumn upper cover (LC, 25). MDO GDK, mijlad, WDMO GDK book cover (LC, 25; SD, I, 206). WDMO G covering with leather; bookbinding (SD, I, 206).



mujallad(ah) volume (MU, VIII, 123 and IX, 47; LC, 26). mujallid bookbinder (QS, II, 416-417).

majlis SO PDM OLV session, sitting. majlis al-VDP audition/reading session (EI, VIII, 1020). majlis al-PXT EDODK colODWLRQ VHVVLRQ &, ,,  EDODJKD TLE ODQ I PDM OLV  MXO V accession to the throne (DM). al-taU NK EL-al-MXO V see taU NK

jilfah, julfah nib (of the calamus; the whole part of the reed which is cut away) (SA, II, 459-460; KU, 154: wa-julfat al-qalam min mubtada sinnayh il aythu intah al-bary).

jalam SO DMO P (pair of) scissors (DS, 181: wa-yaW M LOD\KL DON WLE I TD al-waraq lil-taswiyah wa-nawih; IK, 91-92; IR, 230).

-XP G al- O, Jum G DO-Awwal the fifth month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev. / / (OS, 89; CI, II, 203: -DP G DO-Awwal; CM, no.190: -DP GDK DO-7K Q !). -XP G al- NKLUDK DO- NKLU  -XP G al-7K QL\DK -XP G DO7K Q the sixth month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev. / (OS, 89). jam SO MXP ) 1. contraction (of letters) (KU, 126; SA, III, 146: aljam wa-al-mashq) 2. rounding (of the descender to resemble a semicircle) (KH, 34) 3. composition, compilation. M PL  FRPSLOHU DXWKRU ') ,9   SO MDZ PL ) comprehensive work, major original compilation, e.g. the Qur Q 8, FRORSKRQ NDWDED K GK DO-M PL $O LEQ +LO O EL-0DG QDW DO-6DO P 6/ ,  FN, 352).



PDMP (ah) SO PDM P  PDMP W  FRPSHQGLXP ZRUN ERRN (MU, III, 98: wa-ODKX I NXOO IDQQ WD Q I wa-PDM P wa-WDZ O I ). II, 359: tamma al-PDMP al-musamm bi-)DZ W DO-ZDID\ W  composite volume, codex compositus (LC, 25). majma SO PDM PL ), mujamma (UA, 393) 1. tool box, case with compartments (TS, 12, 37; AG, 106; SD, I, 217; DG, 32) 2. inkwell 6' ,  '' ,  GDZ K PXUDEEDDK GK W EDQ ZDV min nu V aw ghayrih); inkwell for coloured ink (TC, 13) 3. case, box (NM, 683) 4. writing case, escritoire (TW, 52, 233; TM, 52; NH, 380).

jumal, jummal see LV E

janb SO MXQ E DMQ E book cover (ST, index, 10).

MDQ (pl. ajniah) hinge (guard) (MB, 109, 110; IA, 61; ST, index, 10). (qalam) al-MDQ the smallest of the curvilinear scripts, better known as al-JKXE U (q.v.) (AS, 145).

MDZ E (pl. ajwibah) responsum, abbrev. (CI, II, xiv; MI,111). M EDK VHH M QDK mijwab cutter, knife (TS, 11; AG, 107: for cutting gold leaf ; IA, 61: mijwab al-WDNKU P 

LM ]DK SO LM ] W authorization, licence; certificate of transmission; statement of authorization to transmit one or more than one text; diploma in the form of a note appended to a manuscript or existing independently and often containing autobibliographical data (LC, 24; EI, III, 27, 1020-1021; LB, 126-130; ER, VIII, 273-275; IJ). LM ]DW DO-PXQ ZDOah VHH PXQ ZDODK



LM ]DW DO-TLU ah VHH TLU ah. LM ]DW DO-ULZ \DK VHH ULZ \DK LM ]DW DO-VDP VHH VDP . LM ]DK EL-al-kitbah certificate granted to a calligrapher allowing him/her to sign his/her calligraphy with the expression katabahu (NI, 181). (kha) al-LM ]DK 2WWRPDQ YDULHW\ RI ULT script having a long WDUZ V ZKLFK RIWHQ ZUDSV URXQG WKH VKDIW RI WKH DOLI (, ,9   PXM ] PXVWDM ]  OLFHQVHH UHFLSLHQW RI DQ LM ]DK  SO PXM ] W PXVWDM ] W OLFHQVHG ZRUN PXM ] licensor (person ZKR KDV WKH DXWKRULW\ WR JUDQW DQ LM ]DK signer of a license).

M QDK FRPSDUWPHQW SODFH IRU DQ LQNZHOO LQ WKH GDZ K  LQNZHOO (HI, 73: wa-DPP DO-M QDK DOODW I K uqq al-PLG G ID-\DQEDJK DQ \DN Q VKDNODQ PXGDZZDU DO-ras; SA, II, 468; al-j QDK ZD-hiya alDUI DOODGK I KL DO-O TDK ZD-al-ibr; DS, 179; AT, 133; NH, 381: jawn; KU, 154: wa-al-M EDK DOODW WXMDO I K DO-uqq, also known as waqabah; see also the quotation under miqlamah).

(al-kha) al-mujawhar Maghrebi script used most commonly in official correspondence and as a book hand for the copying of nonQur QLF WH[WV /7  7:     ****

ibr (pl. aE U  JDOOQXW RU WDQQLQ LQN LQN LQ JHQHUDO 8. -100 and MB, 71-75: al-aE U DO-V G black inks; UK, 101-110 and MB, 75-78: al-aE U DO-mulawwanah coloured inks; MJ, 212-213: ibr al-N JKDG, ibr al-raqq; IR, 236-237: al-aE U DO-murakkabah
compound inks; MP, 13, n.53; MP, 18-21; KM, IV, sifr 13, 6: wa-al-



ibr al-PLG G ZD-al-] M PLQ DNKO al-ibr; MR, 93: wa-al-NLW EDK ELal-ibr awl min al-PLG G OL-annahu athbat; MA, IV, 84: wayataayyan DOD\KL DQ O \DQVDNK EL-al-LEU DOODGK \Driq al-waraq; SA, II, 471-477: wa-DPP DO-ibr fa-aluhu al-lawn; AT, 134-135; AE, 127-131; IK, 68: al-ibr al-muthallath ink produced by cooking the ingredients until two thirds of the substance evaporates , see LL, I, 349; IK, 68: al-ibr al-maE NK cooked ink; LM, 7273: al-ibr al-GXNK Q  FRPS PLG G  DOVR abr flourish, embellishment (DB, III, 2016). arq ibr ink burns (SJ, 354). mibarah (pl. ma ELU  DOVR LEU \DK inkwell (BA, III, 372; SA, II, 443: al-mibarah al-mufradah an al-GDZ K 6$ ,,  ZDhiya al-maq G PLQ DO-GDZ K 7:   FRPSDUWPHQW IRU LQN LQ WKH GDZ K $7 -133; SA, II, 443, 468-  FRPS GDZ K DEE U, LEU ink maker (QS, I, 89). taE U 1. inking, inscribing in ink (SM, 264: al-taE U DO-naqsh min al-ibrah) 2. elegant, embellished writing (composition) or copying, transcription (TE, 15; SA, II, 472: abbartu al-shay taE UDQ LGK assantuhu; WR, 87; SK, 119). misarat al-taE U see misarah. muabbir author, compiler (SS, 73: qaraWX MDP K GK DO-NLW E al muallifih wa-muarririh wa-muhadhdhibih wa-muabbirih).

ubs (pl. aE V  taE V (pl. taE V W  HQGRZPHQW EHTXHVW  FHUtificate or statement of endowment; bequest note (LC, 28), comp. waqf.

abk 1. also taE N endbanding (headbanding), endbanding with silk 2. also abkah endband (headband), decorative endband (UK, 154, 157; TS, 18-20; AG, 109; MB, 104 ff.; IA, 62, n.15: al-kutub al-maE NDK; MM, 132) 3. sewing, stitching (of a book) (TM, 170: VKDGG DZU TLK '% ,,,   VSLQH 74   al-abk al-5 P Graeco-Coptic (Byzantine) endband (headband) (TS, 19; AG, 109). al-abk al-G O trellis-like endband (headband) (TS, 19; AG, 109; 3$  RI WKH OHWWHU G O 



al-abk al-shaUDQM chessboard-like endband (headband) (TS, 19; AG, 109). al-abk al-mualla chevron-like endband (headband) (TS, 19; AG, 109). abakah bookbinding (IB, 19, n. 478). DEE N ornamental sewer; bookbinder (IB, 11; AD, 28). LE NDW DO-NLW E raised band (on the spine) (SD, I, 246).

'K DO-ijjah (al-VKDU IDK DO-DU P the twelfth month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev. (OS, 89).

LM E (pl. ujub) talisman, amulet (DT, 69).

ajar baU OLO-akk polishing stone (IA, 60). ajar al-EXUN Q ajar al-qawDU  ajar al-TXVK U pumice (TS,
ajar al-XP im). ajar al-misann whetstone, hone (TS, 10). ajar al-in mill stone (OM). ajar al-u U stone slab for pressing (OM). mijar, majar (pl. ma MLU  ma MLU letters such DV Z Z P P I and ayn (TU, 36) 2. counter (eye of a letter) (KH, 36).

ajar al-MXP KXQ burnisher (for gold) (MB, 99; MP, 38; UK, 142:

12; AG, 107; ST, index,10; MB, 112: ajar al-TD\VK U  ,$  

(al-kha) al-LM ] generic name given to a number of very early scripts (1st and early 2nd centuries A.H.) used in the region of Mecca and Medina (hence orginally referred to as al-0DNN and al-0DGDQ ) characterized by elongated ascenders and a slant to the right (AV, 2733; FN, 8: fa-DPP DO-0DNN ZD-al-0DGDQ ID-I DOLI WLK WDZ M LO yamnat al-yad wa-aO DO-a EL wa-I VKDNOLK LQLM \DV U  FRPS . I



add, taG G whetting, honing (of a knife) (KD, II, 711). add (pl. XG G limit, end; used in the form of its numerical value add al-qalam place where the cutting of the nib begins (KU, 154:

mabda maqaih). DG G DK (pl. DG id) iron tool or stamp (for leather work) (ST, 10; MP, 59; TS, 29, 31; AG, 109; MB, 105; IA, 59). taG G tooling (of leather) (TF, 138). mustaadd knife (UA, 393; MJ, 188).

adr (pl. XG U descender (down-stroke, terminal of a letter) (AA, 50), comp. ad.

DU U silk (ST, index, 10; AG, 109; DB, IV, 2408; EI, III, 215-227). taU U 1. elegant writing, copying, transcription (TE, 15; SK, 119) 2.
fair copying (TE, 15) 3. composition (GA, 286); revised version (edition); redaction (CM, 13; TE, 15) 4. writing (of a vocalized text) (TE, 16) 5. secretarial style of shikastah script, known in Persian as kha-i taU U WDU U (EI, IV, 1124; ER, IV, 701; TE, 16) 6. outlining of figures and/or letters executed in gold, with black ink (TE, 16; IP, 145; AF, 50, 52; AQ, 246) 7. ornamental surround, frame; outline, contour of letters or illuminated pieces (AF, 38, 48; PA, 58, 64, 214) 8. editing (of a manuscript text). muarrir 1. author, compiler (SS, 73) 2. penman, calligrapher, e.g. al-Awal al-Muarrir al-%DEDUW $&  7( -16; MU, XVII, 280: wa-N QD I DZZDO DPULK PXalliman fa-ODPP M GD NKDuh UD muarULUDQ ,.  ZDUU TDQ N QD DZ PXarriran) 3. editor. muarrar (pl. muDUUDU W piece of calligraphy, calligraph (DP, 53).

ard al-matn see matn.



irz (pl. aU ] XU ] talisman, amulet (DT, 69).

maU VDK (protected by God) epithet of major cities in the Islamic world, e.g. Mir al-maU VDK PDU VDW alab and the like (DB, IV, 2430: aw alab DUDVDK $OO K 

miraah, muruah vessel for making potash from ur (kali or glasswort) (IR, 230; LL, I, 549).

arf (pl. iraf) edge, border; sharp edge (of a knife, cutter). arf (pl. XU I Druf) 1. letter; word 2. variant reading (varia lectio)
qalam huwa al-sinn al-XO\ ZD-hiya al-yumn; DS, 177: huwa al-sinn al-yumn al-murtafiah). XU I DO-JKXE U see al-DUT P DO-JKXE U \DK XU I DO-hij letters of the alphabet (EI, III, 596-560). XU I DO-jummal see LV E DO-jummal. al-XU I DO-muhmalah see al-PXKPDO W XU I DO-mujam see mujam. al-XU I DO-mujamah see al-muMDP W al-XU I DO-muqaaah see muqaa W al-XU I DO-murakkabah see WDUN E XU I DO-]LP P VHH ]LP P tiU I shaving, trimming (HT, lin.80-86). taU I 1. oblique nibbing (cutting of the point of the nib) (SA, II, 463; KK, 50: wa-lil-TDODP VLQQ Q VLQQ D\PDQ ZD-sinn aysar fa-LGK N QD DO-ayman al min al-D\VDU T OD TDOam muarraf wa-qad arraftuhu taU IDQ 6.  .' ,,  PXarraf al-sinnayn; LM, 39-42) 2. distortion, error, usually involving either transposition of letters  RU   RU PLVSURQXQFLDWLRQ HJ within a word, e.g.

arf al-qalam right-side (of the) half-nib (SA, II, 464: arf al-

in the Qur Q '% ,9   FRPS TLU ah.



 08 ; 57; MQ, 641: al-taU I EL-al-]L\ GDK DZ EL-alnaq); falsification (of a text), comp. al-qalb al-PDN Q  WD I al-alif al-muarrafah the letter alif with its tail (foot) tapered slightly to the left (SA, III, 59; MJ, 224). al-qa al-muarraf see qa.

arq ibr see ibr.

arakah (pl. DUDN W vowel (GL, 8), comp. shakl. taU N vocalization, vowelization (DM). miU N spatula, stirrer (for an inkwell) (AA, 112-113; KD, II, 704; MB, 65; UA, 393).

al-DUDP Q the two Holy Places, Mecca and Medina. Muarram (al-DU P  al-shahr al-DU P the first month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev. (OS, 89). al-DU P DOVR DQ HSLWKHW RI 5DMDE 'K DO-QaGDK DQG 'K DOijjah (q.v.).

izb (pl. a] E the 60th part of the Qur Q '0 .

azm , ta] P sewing (of quires) (TS, 28; ST, index, 11; ST, 8:

D]] P sewer of paper into bundles (IB, 11).

azm al-NDU U V 0%  NKD]P 

LV E calculation, computation. LV E DO-jummal (or XU I DO-jummal) chronogram, chronosticon

(TP, 54: EI, III, 468).




$OO K SODFHG XVXDOO\ DW WKH HQG RI D GRFXPHQW FRPSRVLWLRQ DQGRr colophon, abbrev. with a reversed tail of the descender (?) or what looks like , see SA, VI, 269-270; EI, II, 302).

asbalah the formula DVEXQ $OO K ZD-nima al-:DN O RU DVE

VKL\DK (pl. DZ VKLQ  HGJH WXUQ-in (HT, lin.112; MB, 119; IA,
63) 2. border (on a book cover) (MB, 118; IA, 63; FZ, 217-219; MD, 109) 3. margin (of a page) 4. also tashiyah marginal gloss, scholium, apostil; marginalia, often abbreviated as or ; collection of glosses; supergloss ( VKL\DW DO- VKL\DK 73  00 139; EI, III, 268-269; DB, IV, 1820). al- VKL\DK Dl-yumn outer margin. al- VKL\DK DO-yusr inner margin, gutter. (qalam) al-DZ VK the smaller version of al-naskh script (NA, IX, 222; AS, 145; JM, 89-90). ashw(ah) 1. decorative panel or geometrical figure (in illumination or book cover decoration) (TS, 30; AG, 110; FT, 412; FI, pl.54, 60, 63, 65, 71) 2. interpolation, parenthesis. al-ashw al-EDODG Mamluk-type decorative panel (DE, 977). VKLQ (pl. DZ VKLQ  muashshin glossator, abbrev. (MI, 26; CI, II, xi; AD, 34). tashiyah glossing, gloss (AM, nos.74, 296, 322, 332). muashsh provided with glosses, glossed.

aramah paring, trimming (of a reed) (BA, III, 372: wa-arama

al-TDODP EDU KX // ,  

ta O copying, transcription (FK, I, no.89, 546).



a rubbing, smoothing leather (ST, 6; TS, 29, 34), comp. tam W mia wooden tool used for smoothing leather and tooling; burnisher, polisher (KM, I, sifr 4, 110: al-a dalk al-DG P EL-almia wa-huwa khashabah yuaqqal bi-K DO-DG P ZD-yunqash; AG, 107; MB, 118: mikha (!); IA, 60, 63: al-mia al-khashab, often confused with mikha (q.v.); IB, 5, n.31). ini V\Q LQNKLV I  GRZQZDUG FXUYDWXUH RI D OHWWHU HVSHFLDOO\ RI descenders, DU T W VHH WKH TXRWDWLRQ XQGHU PDEV ; KH, 34, 35; RN, 22: PDNKV I deeply curved).

a UDK (pl. a ir) 1. surround, frame (SD, I, 302) 2. headpiece

(LC, 24).

PLPP unia lil-muaf al-a P DO-awinah al-JKDU EDK ZD-alafiah al-DM EDK 0(    FRPS LZ Q mu IDah conservation, preservation.

if learning by heart, memorization (TP, 51). LI (pl. afiah), mifaah case, box (KC, 55; NT, II, 142: wa-

uqq(ah) 1. small box (DG, 44) 2. the main part of the inkwell in the GDZ K LQNZHOO .8  ZD-al-XTT P \XMDO I KL al-PLG G PLQ DOufr aw al-DG G  FRPS M QDK taT T establishing the correctness and authenticity of a text; text editing; critical edition (of a text) (MH, 89; MR, 103: tis ZDTDD I al-NLW E NKDa wa-aqqaqahu kataba DOD\KL NDGK  muaqqiq corrector; editor. (al-kha or qalam) al-muaqqaq 1. ancient bookhand used by the VFULEHV ZDUU T Q RI %DJKGDG KHQFH DOVR NQRZQ DV al-,U T and alZDUU T (FN, 12, 13) 2. family of scripts characterized by a clear execution of letters (SA, III, 22: fa-DPP DO-muaqqaq fa-P aat DVKN OXK ZD-XU IXK al iWLE ULK PXIUDGDWDQ $6   WKH principal rectilinear script (used mostly for the copying of the Qur Q



characterized by tapered descenders (SA, III, 50: DU TDW DO-muaqqaq fa-WDMU DO- O I Ki al al-P O LO al-bas G QD DO-WDTZ U $6  -0 67-72: MDO O DO-muaqqaq; TU, 106: wa-alif al-muDTTDT OD\VD I K taG E /0  ID-al-muaqqaq wa-al-ray Q OLO-ma if wa-aladiyah; LM, 53: fa-in kunta taktub muaqqaqan aw ray QDQ ID-O taawwij NKLUDKX D\ arf al-alif) al-battah; EI, IV, 1123- in Persia, 1125- in Turkey), comp. ray Q al-O P DOLI DO-muaqqaqah VHH O P DOLI

bashr (LF, 78; IR, 237: wa-al-akk bi-al-U VDNKWh (?) wa-al-QXVK GLU wa-al-qily wa-al-NLEU W inda al-P KLU  miakk(ah), miakk al-rijl 1. pumice (MB, 112; IA, 62) 2. syn. mibrad (q.v.) (DD, I, 392; NH, 381: wa-al-miakkah li-iO ru V DOMDU id wa-al-GDI WLU ND-mibrad).

akk rubbing out, effacement (TP, 58; MM, 137); erasure, syn. of

al-dhahab al-maO O see dhahab.

qalam al-albah VHH JKXE U alab al-6KDKE Aleppo.


q.v.) (UK, 141) 2. screw (of the bookbinders press) (MB, 104; IA, 59) 3. scroll (in design) (UI, 31).


chest, part of a clasp) (BA, III, 372) 2. study circle, scholars circle (SL, II, 48; AI, 27). DOTDK ODZODE \DK PLO T (pl. ma O T tendril (FT, 422; AB, 136, 139).



DOT \DK roundel (FT, 416).

composition containing the DG WK GHVFULELQJ WKH SK\VLFDO DSSHDUDQFH of the prophet Muammad (MC, 204-209).

ilyah, taliyah decoration, embellishment (KT, 150-151). ilyat al-sa GDK DO-VKDU IDK, al-ilyah al-VKDU IDK calligraphic

amdalah, taP G DK the doxological formula al-amd li-$OO K (AD, 38; TP, 53, n.20; EI, III, 122-123).

umrah 1. red colour, red ink (LC, 24) 2. rubrication, rubrics (CM, 152: tammat al-umrah al-PXE UDNDK 7(  00  NLW Eah bial-XPUDK NLW EDW DO-umrah; TB, 95), also referred to as LEU ] (iK U NLW EDK EL-al-umrah (LC, 24; TP, 55). taP U rubrication (TE, 15; LC, 24). LP U DO-kutub book support, book cradle (TC, 29).

mamil 1. exemplar; archetype (KM, IV, sifr 13, 4: al-mamil alNLW E DO-awwal; ME, 566: al-mutamad) 2. Uthmanic canon, codex (MA, IV, 86) 3. also mimal, mamal copyists book support (ME, 566; TW, 56-57, 169; WA, 12: G DO-QDV NKDK 6' ,  pupitre). DP ODK (pl. DP il) talisman, amulet (DT, 69). taammul al-ilm transmission of knowledge (GA, 286; TP, 51).

taQ VK (pl. ta Q VK  VWUDLJKW RU FXUYHG OLQH H[HFXWHG RQ OHDWKHU etc.) (MP, 58; ST, index, 11) 2. rope work; interlace (TF, 138, 143) 3. compass, (pair of) dividers (IB, 44).



DQ IDK inkwell (KD, II, 700).

 munanin downward (inclined) sloping stroke (from right to left or OHIW WR ULJKW DV LQ WKH LVRODWHG G O 8'  /0  ZD-al-munDQ wa-al-PXQNDEE I DO-MXPODK KXZD DOODGK \DGNKXO I KL DO-iZLM M PLQ yamnah il yasrah).

miwar (pl. ma ZLU  VSLQH RI D ERRN $%   FHQWUDO SDQHO (on a book cover), as opposed to the border (TF, 138, 144). ma U DK oyster shell (for burnishing gold decoration or writing) (KA, 104-105), see also tam U taZ U lining books with sheepskin leather, awr (LL, II, 665).

taZ ah circular talismanic seal (DT, 109, 149-150).

taZ T parenthesis (IM, 171; MH, 97, 99; TP, 58: as a means of cancellation; TP, 59: as a means of indicating an addition or omission in a different recension).

awqalah, awlaqah WKH IRUPXOD O

awla wa-O TXZZDWD LOO EL$OO K, often found at the end of a composition or colophon (MG, I, 483).

il, taZ O D\O ODK place separatinJ VHSDUDWLRQ RI RQH LVQ G

from another, abbrev. 73  



i ODK  DO PDW DO-i ODK reference mark (signe de renvoi) (LC, 24; MI, 35).


NK QDK compartment, panel (in decoration) (UI, 3, 31).

khatm 1. seal, sealing; stamp, stamping; tool, tooling 2. stamping (of a book cover) (FZ, 214) 3. colophon (TM, 174: wa-ka-GK OLN \Df DO I khatm al-NLW E DZ NKLU NXOO MX]) 4. also khatmah lecture delivered to mark the end of a series of study sessions on a given composition (e.g. a al-%XNK U RU VXEMHFW ZRUN FRPSLOHG IRU WKLV RFFDVLRQ (KS). khatm al-Qur Q WKH ILQDO V UDK RI WKH 4XU Q $'   khatmah SO NKDWDP W NKLWDP 1. recital of the entire Qur Q HVS on festive occasions) 2. complete copy of the Qur Q 6- : alkhitam al-PXE UDNDK 0$ ,9   NK WLP NK WDP NK W P NK W P SO NKDZ WLP NKDZ W P NKD\ W P ..   VHDO VLJQHW VHDO LPSUHVVLRQ (, ,9 1105; OS) 2. talismanic seal (DT, 108) 3. stamp or medallion (on a book cover), e.g. NK WLP PXUDEba lozenge-shaped medallion; NK WLP PXVDGGDV six-pointed medallion (star); NK WLP muthamman eight-pointed medallion (star) (TS, 29, 34; AG, 109, 110, IA, 63). al-NK WLP DO-6XOD\P Q Solomons seal (cryptographic talisman representing the greatest name of God, al-Ism al-Aam) (CM, 169; CI, I, 130; DT, 144). NK WLPDK SO NKDZ WLP  LNKWLW P 1. conclusion, epilogue 2. explicit, closing matter (in manuscripts) (TP, 52, n.14) 3. colophon (UI, 5, 8; FT, 396) 4. tailpiece (HD, 108).



khadd (pl. khXG G inner or outer margin (IM, 165: fa-N QD DOWDNKU M I urratayh urar uffifat bi-E al-NKXG G $$  

takh rounding, backing (of the spine) (HN, 385).

WDNKU M LNKU M 1. also LVWLNKU M (TW, 210) edition or composition involviQJ FRUUHFWLRQ VHOHFWLRQ DQGRU UHDUUDQJHPHQW WDEZ E RI WKH material from the original work (TW, 126-130: mukharraj min almubayyaDK WDNKU M VKL\DK PLQ DO-mubayyaah, kharraja ta O T MDGGLK  FRPS WDMU G  WUDFLQJ D DG WK EDFN WR LWV RULJLQDO VRurce; explanation and evaluation of the sources of a DG WK 0+   omission; insertion, comp. laaq (TP, 58; TM, 187-188; ) 4. writing DQ RPLVVLRQ LQ WKH PDUJLQ 0+  ND\I \DW WDNKU M DO-V TL I DODZ VK  05   ,0   PDUNLQJ WKH SODce of omission (MF, 606) 6. extract from a book; quotation (TM, 169) 7. copying, transcription (TW, 243: akhraja minhu bi-kha \DGLK PXMDOODG W NDWK UDK .) ,,  JKD\U PXNKUDM LO al-ED\ ) 8. WDNKU M NKDUUDMD NLW EDQ he wrote a book leaving [blank] the places [of the titles] of the sections and chapters (LL, I, 718). WDNKU MDK 1. omission; insertion 2. reference mark (signe de renvoi), also known as DO PDW NKD) al-WDNKU M (TP, pl.XXIIA: wa-yajalu badala al-WDNKU MDK LVK UDWDQ EL-al-KLQG  TP, 58, n.73: in the form of a curved line, afah, or a caret; KF, I, 222: wa-O NDOLPDK I DO- VKL\DK wa-O WDNKU MDK  PDUJLQDO QRWH FRPPHQW $'  /&   mukharraj, mukhraj insertion (MH, 95: kharraja al-PXNKDUUDM I al- VKL\DK  mukhraj discarded leaf of calligraphy (AC, 39). LVWLNKU M 1. excerpting; copying (DM) 2. catchword, vox reclamans (MA, IV, 90: fa-yaW M DO- QL DQ \DN Q ULIDQ EL-al-LVWLNKU M OL-yarif bi-GK OLN LWWL O DO-NDO P EL-P EDdih; NM, 683). mustakhrij, mukharrij compiler, selector (DF, II, 384; TW, 126130).



kharz sewing (of leather) (TS, 35; ST, index, 12; MP, 59). PLNKUD] PLNKU ] awl, punch (SA, II, 481; DS, 181). al-TLU E DO-PDNKU ] VHH TLU E kharzah glass bead (for burnishing gold or paper) (MB, 99; OM).

mikhrash tool resembling a churn-staff (for mixing paper pulp) (OM).

NKDU ah SO NKDU i) case, book pouch (for hanging a copy of the Qur Q RQ WKH ZDOO 70  NKDU DK GK W urwah wa-PLVP U 7% 93-94).

khar VK ah) SO NKDU VK  FDUWRXFKH ),  )7   DQVD roundel, palmette (KH, 36), comp. urrah.

khur P SO NKDU jilfah.

P nib (of a calamus) (SA, II, 459), comp.

khirqah (pl. khiraq) 1. cloth (used for doublures and endbanding) (TS, 15, 17, 27; MB, 109) 2. polishing cloth (MB, 114; HT, lin.166); eraser (cloth) (DM) 3. scrap (of paper) (DM).

kharm 1. sewing (of quires) (UK, 154, 157; MB, 104; IA, 60; SA, II, 481) 2. undoing the sewing (ST, index, 12; MP, 59) 3. gap, blank, lacuna (SJ, 347, 354: wa-I KL NKDUP ZD-taq wa arq ibr; MI, 76: al-kharm al-saq I DO-makh W 



NKXU P loose leaves from a disbound codex, fragments (HB, 233: feuillets dcousus, en vrac; TC, 26). PDNKU P, munkharim imperfect, incomplete (TC, 26; KF, II,  PDNKU P DO-DZZDO PDNKU P DO- NKLU  PDNK U P PDNKU P W incomplete, imperfect manuscripts (volumes) (KF, II, 527).

kharmashah uneven lineation (KM, IV, sifr 13, 7: wa-al-kharmaVKDK LIV G DO-su U ZD-al-NLW E ZD-nawih).

khazz SO NKX] ] silk; cloth made of silk and wool (TS, 27; AG, 107; AD, 46).

WDNK] P sewing (of quires) (TS, 14-15; AG, 107), comp. kharm and azm. PDNK] PDK document written on a sheet of paper folded twice vertically in the middle so as to form four narrow pages, each page is divided into two parts divided by a fold (DR, 119).

NKL] QDK, NKL] QDW DO-kutub bookcase; library, comp. maktabah.

LQNKLV I see ini .

mukhtaar  FRQFLVH FRPSRVLWLRQ FRPS PDEV 2. abridgement, epitome (EI, VII, 536-540; EA, I, 23-24) 3. abbreviation (contraction, suspension, siglum, TP, 55-56. For various abbreviations used in manuscripts see CI, II, xiii-xiv, 159-160; GL, 25-26). al-shar al-mukhtaar see shar.



kha (pl. khu ) 1. mark, sign; stroke, line (for various technical terms connected with the shapes of letters and strokes see KH, 34-38) 2. writing, handwriting; script, calligraphy, penmanship (ML, 52: ilam anna al-kha huwa XZDU WDWDVKDNNDO I DO-aql tashakkulan NXOO \DQ Za-al-yad tukharrij tilka al-uwar bi-Z VLat al-qalam bi-qadr quwwat al-yad wa-NDWKUDW LGP QLK ZD-O Q D ELK  al-kha al-) V numerical system of Graeco-Coptic origin, also known as al-qalam al-) V or al-qalam al-5 P , used in Maghrebi manuscripts for the purpose of dating and in the law of inheritance (AK, 358). al-kha al-mujam pointed letters, script (text) see also ajam. al-kha al-PDQV E (also al-NLW EDK DO-PDQV EDK, LM, 29) proportionate writing or scripts, which according to the Arabic tradiWLRQ XVH WKH SULQFLSOH RI WDQ VXE HODERUDWHG E\ ,EQ 0XTODK 6$ ,,, 41; EI, III, 887: ER, IV, 681), comp. al-DTO P DO-sittah. al-kha al-mushakkal vocalized script (text), scriptio plena, as opposed to unvocalized (ghayr mushakkal), scriptio defectiva. bi-kha in the hand(writing) of, copied by (e.g. CI, I, 83, 103), comp. yad. khu al-NXWW E chancery (secretarial) scripts (KU, 114; AS, 144). khu al-ma if Qur QLF VFULSWV ERRN KDQGV XVHG SULQFLSDOO\ for the transcription of the Qur Q )1  .8  51  $6   khu al-ZDUU T Q book hands associated with the copying of texts other than the Qur Q LWVHOI .8  $6   kha calligrapher, penman, comp. muDUULU N WLE kha \DK female calligrapher (SD, I, 380). khi ah writing; paleography (KJ, no.1, 26); calligraphy (WR, 80). makh (pl. makh W  KDQGZULWWHQ  DOVR makh ah manuscript, manuscript codex. mikha 1. implement (made of wood, bone or iron) in the shape of a gendarmes hat used for tracing lines on leather (ST, index, 12); tracer (ME, 555; LL, I, 760; MB, 110, 118; IA, 60, 61) 2. reed pen, calamus (AA, 98, 103; UA, 393: wa-qalam al-ar \XVDPP Q mia!). mikh wooden ruler, straightedge (LL, I, 760). takh 1. tracing, drawing (MB, 110) 2. ruling (of lines); writing,



calligraphy (KM, IV, sifr 13, 4: al-takh al-tas U :5  /)  n.1).

khi E (pl. akhibah) 1. letter, note; address, speech 2. honorific (e.g. Fakhr al-' Q 6KLK E DO-' Q  DOVR khubah exordium, preface (LC, 25; TP, 53, n.20). fal al-khi E see fal.

NKDI I (lit, light) smaller variety (version) of a script (e.g. althuluth al-NKDI I NKDI I DO-muaqqaq) (AS, 145). mukhaffaf letter without doubling (shaddah), abbrev. RIWen unpointed) (GL, 14). al-O P DOLI DO-mukhaffafah VHH O P DOLI

WDNKI shaving, trimming (TS, 18; AG, 109).

NK OLG oval or round-shaped tool (UK, 156; MB, 105; IA, 59; IB, 44: ornament).

NKXO ah excerpt, extract; abridgement, epitome, comp. mukhtaar. takhallu pseudonym; pen-name (nom de plume) (EI, X, 123).

NKLO I SO NKLO I W  LNKWLO I variant reading, varia lectio (e.g. ikhtiO I DO-ULZ \DK LNKWLO I DO-nuskhah, MH, 95; MU, XI, 46; XII, 273; XVII, 52; TP, 58).



yfty xfvspxtiiwpqwtqftpRS&

WDNKP V 1. marking a group of 5 verses of the Qur Q WKH PDUN LWVHOI (MD, 126; thumma raD\Q EDGD NXOO NKDPV \ W DQQD DO-G irah tataamman ras arf al-NK badalan min al-shar wa-abaat tusamm bi-al-WDNKP V W  SO WDNK P V pentastich amplification of a poem, pentameter (SD, I, 405; AD, 50; EI, X, 123-125). PDNKP V pentagonal element in a Mamluk book cover design (JL, 95, 97).

NK ah fillet (in decoration) (FT, 401).

al-khayr epithet of the month of afar (q.v.). LNKWL\ U, PXNKW U  VHOHFWHG SDVVDJH  SO LNKWL\ U W PXNKW U W anthology (EA, I, 94-95).

khay SO NKX\ ) thread (ST, index, 12). al-khay al-WDVKE N thread for preliminary endbanding (headbanding), i.e. endbanding without silk (TS, 19; AG, 109). NKL\ ah sewing (of quires) (ST, index, 12; MB, 107-108). mikhya PLNK\ large, thick needle (ST, index, 12; IB, 43; IR,  '6  KXZD P \XNK bi-hi al-waraq inda al- MDK LO GK OLN 1+  




al-da G (pl. of dudu) the last three nights of the month (SA, VI, 250).

G E M SO GDE E M silk brocade (MU, XIV, 84: mubaan bi-G E M  G E MDK 1. preface, exordium, embracing the matter before and after al-baG \DK TY /& ) 2. headpiece; frontispiece (MD, 127; PA, 65, 115). afat al-G E MDK see afah. WDGE M 1. adorning something with arabesques; creating headpieces (AD, 52; TW, 259) 2. composition (of a text) (DM).

tadabbur consideration, reflection; fa-tadabbar(hu) syn. of fataammal(hu) (q.v).

GLE JK DK tanning (MB, 114-115; IA, 63; MP, 60). GDEE JK tanner (QS, I, 140-143; EI, suppl., fasc.3-4, 172).


darj, dirj :6  SO GXU M DGU M  UROOHG XS RU IROGHG VKHHW RI papyrus, parchment or paper (AJ, 138, 141; LL, I, 868: also daraj; IK, 68: al-DGU M DO-DU ah) 2. roll, rotulus (IK, 68; SA, I, 138: al-



PXU G EL-al-GDUM I DO-urf al- PP DO-waraq al-musta O DO-murakkab min iddat aw O :6  ,$  Q  mudraj(ah) SO PDG ULM  V\Q GDUM )1  $-   uuf mudrajah) 2. bifolio (bifolium) (AJ, 142) 3. inset (SD, I, 432).

WDGU s explication (of a reading) (GA, 287).

dirafsh awl, punch (IA, 60).

darmak farina; paste (used for work with parchment) (TS, 13; AG, 107). dast(ah) SO GXV W  TXLUH )U PDLQ GH SDSLHU  XVXDOO\ FRQVLVWLQJ of 25 sheets (AJ, 145; AB, 92; MA, IV, 81; PT, 39; WS, 92, 94, 96; SD, I, 524) 2. stack of 5 folded sheets of paper (5 bifolia) (OM), comp. rizmah, kaff 3. wide polisher, burnisher (UK, 156; MB, 105; IA, 59; IB, 44).

GXVW U SO GDV W U  KRORJUDSK LQ WKH IRUP Rf a draft or notes (FN,  LUWLM ODQ PLQ JKD\U NLW E ZD-O GXVW U )1  ZD-raaytu bikhaih shayDQ NDWK UDQ I XO P NDWK UDK PXVDZZDG W ZD-GDV W U ODP \XNKUDM PLQK LO al-Q V NLW E W PP .) ,,    DXWKRUs original, holograph (LC, 23) 3. also al-nuskhah al-GXVW U archetype (AL, I, 29: al-al al-wa G DOODGK WD G LOD\KL NKLU DO-amr kull al-nusakh al-kha \DK 

dasht loose leaves; unbound book, book consisting of loose leaves (KF, II, 357: mustakhraj min dasht al-Muayyad; HB, 233: feuillets en vrac).



du (pl. adiyah) 1. supplication, pious invocation, prayer of request (EI, II, 617-618) 2. formula of benediction, such as raimaKX $OO K UDL\D $OO K anhu, alayhi al-VDO P, etc. (see e.g. TP, 54; AA, 150-156).

LGJK P DVVLPLODWLRQ FRQWUDFWLRQ RI OHWWHUV VXFK DV U  V Q P P Q Q K ), hence mudgham contracted, assimilated (KU, 123-124: wa-ilam anna al kull kha wa-DP GDK DO-fat G QD DO-tamiyah faal-WDE\ Q ZD-al-WDZT P G QD DO-LGJK P ZD-al-taZ U 6$ ,,,  .+ 35).

daffah SO GLIDI GDII W  ZRRGHQ ERDUG  SUHVVLQJ ERDUG LQ WKH screw press) (MB, 104) 3. book cover, pasteboard (ST, index, 13; ST, 5: al-DOZ min al-N JKD DOODGK QD \DNV QDKXP EL-al-jild al alNLW E 0% passim). al-daffah al- O (ST, index, 13), also al-daffah al-yumn (al-XO\ ) upper cover. al-daffah al-WK QL\DK (ST, index, 13), also al-daffah al-yusr (alsufl) lower cover.

daftar *U GLSKWHUD SO GDI WLU , taftar (SK, 108, 321; KK, 57) booklet (consisting of a number of bifolia or diplomas); notebook (e.g. Daftar kutub, 14 leaves, 40 x 14 cm., see LS) 2. bound or unbound codex ; volume (IK, 96: al-daftar fa-yuwaqqi QDKX al m jullida wa-al m ODP \XMDOODG ). , QRV  096) 3. account book, register (EI, II, 77-81; SL, I, 4, 22-25, 29, 48; IA, 63, n.18) 3. pen wiper (SA, II, 481).

daqq 1. rubbing, pounding (MP, 60) 2. beating (of the pulp) (OM) WDGT T compact, fine writing (TM, 192).



GXTP T small mallet (OM).

GDON WDGO N polishing, burnishing; glazing (ST, index, 13; MB, 118; HT, lin.163; KM, I, sifr 4, 110; NH, 363: glazing of paper with a wooden ball; OH, 139). midlak polisher, burnisher (for doublures) (TS, 11; AG, 107).

GDOO \DK pendant (FZ, 217; FJ, 48-50; KR, 85, 87). al-abk al-G O see abk.

damghah (sometimes tamghah) ownership stamp (LC, 23; SD, I, 461). waraq damghah see waraq.

duhn SO DGK Q GXK Q fat, grease; oil. midhan, mudhun container for oil (IR, 230: LL, I, 927).

' U DO-Fat Constantinople. ' U DO-Hijrah Medina. ' U DO-,E GDK Yazd. ' U DO-,UVK G $UGDE O ' U DO-.KLO IDK %DJKGDG 7HKUDQ 6K KMDK Q E G ' U DO-Sa GDK Constantinople. ' U DO-Salanah Constantinople, Herat, Tabriz, Isfahan. ' U DO-6DO P Baghdad. ' U DO-6XU U %XUK QS U IRU RWKHU HSLWKHWV RI WRZQV VHH (5 , 905-906).



G UDK G irah SO GDZ ir) 1. circular motif (used as a textual GLYLGHU SDUDJUDSK PDUN I ilah) (MR, 93: yajal bayna kull DG WKD\Q d UDK IDDOD GK OLND MDP at min al-PXWDTDGGLP Q ZD-istaabba alKha E DQ WDN Q JKXIODQ -$ ,  73   FLUFXODU PRWLI XVHG DV a collation mark) (TP, 56; JA, I, 273: fa-istaDEED DQ WDN Q DO-G U W ghuflan fa-LGK ULa bi-kull DG WK QDTDD I Dl-G UDK DOODW WDO KL nuqah aw kha I ZDVDLK NKDan) 3. circular motif representing the OHWWHU K (for intah or intih ) and its numerical value, i.e. (5) 4. circular mark indicating the end of a gloss (TP, 59) 5. round motif in textual or book cover decoration, e.g. roundel, medallion, disc (UK, 156; TS, 30; MB, 105; UD, 13: al-GDZ ir al-E N U \DK circles drawn with a compass). WDGZ U 1. straight, even (as opposed to oblique, taU I QLEELQJ RI D calamus) (UD, 9, 10; LM, 39-40) 2. rounding (of the spine) (IA, 61) 3. also LVWLG UDK rounding (of letters) (KH, 35), hence PXVWDG U round, curvilinear (e.g. RN, 22; LM, 49: wa-al-PXVWDG U KXZD DOODGK O \XPNLQ DQ \XIUD DOD\KL WKDO WK QXTD al samt w id ka-dawr al wa-al-ayn).

G Z Q SO GDZ Z Q  FROOHFWLRQ RI UHFRUGV RU VKHHWV  UHJLVWHU account book; office, chancellery (KM, IV, sifr 13, 8: al-G Z Q majma al-uuf; EI, II, 323; SA, I, 90) 2. book (collection) of prose or poetry (FK, I, 129; EI, II, 323); collection of poems written by one author (DM). WDGZ Q 1. collecting (collection), writing down (of DG WK (, ;  73   FRPS WDT\ G  ZULWLQJ FRPSRVLWLRQ &0 QR 7( 15) 3. copying, transcription (LC, 28; TE, 15; UI, 8: al-nusakh almudawwanah bi-kha al-tadw Q DO- G  (al-kha or kha) al-G Z Q Ottoman chancery hand having a PXFK PRUH SURQRXQFHG WDUZ V TY WKDQ WKH 3HUVLDQ WDO T TY IURP which it is derived (EI, IV, 1125-6).

GDZ K SO GDZD\ W GXZ \ GDZ \  GDZDQ  LQNZHOO ,. -85; KU, 154: wa-I DO-GDZ K PDMU K ZD-M EDWXK ZD-XTTXK ZDDEDTXK  7: -56, 169-170; BA, III, 370) 2. escritoire, writing case (containing among other things compartments for ink and pens,



ruler, wiper and sand) (SA, II, 440-443; ND, 54; UK, 77; MB, 65; AT,132-133; EI, suppl. fasc.3-4, 203-204; ER, VII, 137-139). GDZZ , GDZ W maker of inkwells or writing cases (KD, II, 713; DG, 73).


dhu EDK SO GKDZ ib) 1. leather thong attached to a alqah (q.v.) in boxed books (BA, III, 372) 2. descender (of a letter) (AA, 53).

dhabr, midhbar see mizbar.

tadhkirah 1. memorandum, aide-mmoire (EI, X, 53) 2. FRPPRQSODFH ERRN RIWHQ RI REORQJ IRUPDW VDI QDK +%  (, X, 53).

dhanab SO DGKQ E tail (foot) of a letter, arf (SA, III, 24; UD, 21). WDGKQ E appendix, supplement (AD, 59).

dhahab, P al-dhahab gold ink, paint (MU,V, 226; UK, 130-132; MB, 89-91; SA, II, 477; LC, 25; LL, I, 983: water-gold, gold powder mixed with size for ornamental writing, etc.). al-dhahab al-maO O liquid gold (ST, index, 13). al-dhahab al-mas T gold powder (QS, I, 151). (qalam) al-dhahab script written in gold ink in the form of al-



thuluth or al-WDZT with its letters outlined in a colour other than gold (NA, IX, 222; AS, 145). WDGKK E 1. gilding; writing with liquid gold, chrysography (LC, 27; TE, 15; KA, 104-105: al-WDGKK E DO-muf = matt, al-WDGKK E DOODPP EULOOLDQW JORVV\ JOD]HG  SO WDGK K E JLOW REMHFW 6' , 490). WDGKK E PDU T gold tooling (HN, 385). mudhahhib gilder; chrysographer (AB, 132; PA, 141). LGKK E chrysography (SJ, 27; MU, XV, 120: ib al-kha alPDO wa-al-LGKK E DO-I iq; TE, 15).

dhayl SO GKX\ O  WDLO RU IRRW RI D ERRN RU SDJH  VXSSOHPHQW appendix. dhayl al-M PDK VHH M PDK dhayl al-NLW E tail (of the book) (LC, 23). dhayl al-waraqah foot of the page, lower margin. dhaylah tail of the text colophon (TW, 206). al-taU NK DO-mudhayyal see taU NK ****

ras (pl. ru V  KHDG RI D letter, i.e. character, page or book, e.g. ras al-waraqah, ras al-afah, ras al-NLW E); upper margin (TS, 14; SA, III, 24; LC, 26) 2. fore-edge of the codex, as opposed to the spine (MB, 108, 109; IA, 61) 3. envelope flap (MB, 107, 113: al-V TL wa-huwa al-ras; IA, 62) 4. beginning of something, e.g. ru V DOsu U, ru V DO-XU I (MM, 136; TM, 172). ras al-fiqrah or ras al-NDO P chapter heading or subheading (LC, 26). ras al-kab endband (headband) (MB, 109). ras al-lawah headpiece, frontispiece (LC, 26). (qalam) al-ri V , sometimes al-UL\ V or al-UL\ VK (!) 1. one of the HDUO\ VFULSWV DSSDUHQWO\ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH YL]LHU 'K DO-Ri VDWD\Q



al-Fal ibn Sahl (d.202/817-8) (FN, 12, 13) 2. script akin to a large naskh, but having a left-slRSLQJ WDUZ V DV RQH RI LWV FKDUDFWHULVWLFV (AS, 146; HI, 84; JM, 83-84; TU, 42: fa-inna qalam al-UL\ VK \DP O il al-muaqqaq wa-al-naskh wa-OD\VD I KL LQVLNK I ZD-O LQi waKXZD PXUDZZDV MDP uh). WDUZ V 1. execution of the head of a letter (the manner of drawing it) 2. also WDUZ VDK (see AQ and MO below) barbed letter-head or serif-like downward stroke (either right-sloping or left-sloping) on the KHDG RI VXFK OHWWHUV DV DOLI E  M P G O U ,  N I DQG O P 6$ ,,, 46: thumma qad dhakara ahl al-LQ DK DQQD WDUZ V DO-alif ka-subih wa-GKDKDED < T W LO al-]L\ GDK al dh OLN ,5 -242; KH, 35; RN, 33; AS, 144; AQ, 100, 126, 226, 236; MO, 30, 100).

U EL SO UDZ EL) fore-edge flap (FJ, 37; FZ, 213, 215). U ELah catchword, vox reclamans (NZ, 65).

(qa or T OLE DO-rub, UXE see qa DQG T OLE rub al-M PDK VHH M PDK rub al-turunjah see turunjah. 5DE al-Awwal (al-VKDU I the third month in the Muslim calendar, / / (OS, 89; CM, 39/2: 5DE al-0DZO G). abbrev. 5DE al-7K Q , 5DE al- NKLU (al-PXE UDN the fourth month in rabah (pl. raba W  VTXDUH FKHVW ER[ IRU FRSLHV RI WKH 4XU Q GLYLGHG LQWR FRPSDUWPHQWV EX\ W 6' ,   FRS\ RI RQe part (juz) of the Qur Q 76    PXOWL-volume Qur Q al-rabah alVKDU IDK (SJ, nos.21, 48, 51; MS, 15: inna al-PXU G EL-al-rabah XQG T PXUDEED al-shakl min khashab mughashsh bi-al-MLOG GK DI i wa-DODT \XTVDP G NKLOXK EX\ WDQ EL-adad DM] al-muaf yujDO I NXOO ED\W PLQKX MX] min al-muaf wa-iO TXK al almuDI PDM ]DQ +,  6' ,  &$   mirbaah small tool resembling a piece of wood used for lifting; stalk (?) (TS, 11; AG, 109). WDUE square (an instrument) (HT, lin.128). al-kab al-murabba see kab.
spFwtxhfwpyiffggp   HR%&



WDUW E 1. arrangement (of the text); composition (MU, I, 50, 51: wajaaltu al-WDUW E al XU I DO-mujam; AM, no.170) 2. the expression UDWWDEWXKX K XVHG LQ D SUHIDFH NKXbah) and indicating the chapter arrangement of the composition in question (TP, 53, n.20). murattib author, compiler (DF, II, 384; SS, 72), comp. mubawwib.

ratm close, compact writing, copying (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: ratamtu al-NLW E TDUUDEWX ED\QD VX ULK 

Rajab (al-murajjab, al-DU P DO-aamm, al-aabb, al-fard) the seventh month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev.  26  

XUM ]DK poem composed in rajaz metre in which one and the same rhyme is obligatory; didactic poem (EI, VIII, 376).

raj (pl. DUM ) reference mark (signe de renvoi), often in the shape of an upward rising stroke or the abbreviation 0,   $5  DO PDW DO-raj il al-K PLVK ,1 ,   FRPS SD, I, 513: barrage, barrire qui ferme une rivire. UXM reference, source (in a text) (IN, I, 252). U ML SO UDZ ML ) strip of leather for lining the spine (TS, 28; AG, 109), comp. muallaqah. al-\ al-U MLah WKH OHWWHU \ with its tail (foot) pointing to the right (SA, III, 99; MJ, 239: not allowed in al-muaqqaq). WDUM 1. retouching, retouchage (of a letter); writing in bold characters (TE, 17) 2. polychrome illumination (TE, 17; KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: al-WDUM washy al-NLW E  DOVR LVWLUM IRUPXOD LQQ OL-$OO K ZDLQQ LOD\KL U ML Q XVHG DW WKH Hnd of a conclusion, epilogue (AD, 62).



marji envelope flap (ST, index,13; ST, 13: yusamm al-OLV Q ,% 81, n.185). al-marji al-aghar fore-edge flap (ST, index, 13). al-marji al-akbar envelope flap (ST, index, 13).

ral(ah) book cradle, book support (MD, 137; RI, 31: MD, 132: alraODK DZ NXUV DO-muaf min lawayn min al-khashab mutaG NKLlayn bi-DU TDW DO-taVK T PLQ DO-wasa ka-DQQDKXP NDII Q TDG VKDEDkat a ELXK  $'  SXSLWUH SRXU OH &RUDQ 

tar P WDUDum the formula of benediction, requiescat (used after the name of a deceased person) raLPDKX $OO K UDPDW $OO K DOD\KL WDJKDPPDGDKX $OO K EL-ramatih, abbrev.   WKH U DQG K in manuscripts of Persian and Indian provenance often resemble a long horizontal line with a loop at its end, comp. numrah) (TP, 54; VA, nos. 294, 419, 584, 1223, 1038, 1055, 1062, 1035, 2152, 3099, 3185).

UXNK P DK , also law al-UXNK P marble, marble slab (MB, 103; IA, 59; TS, 11; AG, 107; ST, 10, 14; OM).

raddah envelope flap (TM, 172: al-qiah al-U idah min al-jild fawqa al-daffah al-yusr; TP, pl. XXIB).

UDG at al-kha inelegance (poorness) of handwriting, similarly alkha al-UDG EDG LQHOHJDQW KDQG )1  ZD T OD UDG at al-kha ]DP QDW DO-adab wa-T OD DO-kha al-UDG jadb al-adab).



rizmah (pl. rizam) 1. ream (of paper), consisting of five quires, dast (q.v.) (PT, 39; AB, 92; AJ, 145; WS, 96: wa-al-dast khams wa-LVKU Q waraqah wa-al-UL]PDK NKDPVDW GXV W 6' ,   FRmp. dast 2. also ruzmah booklet (SD, I, 524: cahier).

ULV ODK 1. letter, epistle 2. tract, treatise; monograph (EI, VIII, 532). LUV O DK ILQDO VWURNH H[WHQVLRQ RI WKH WDLOV RI VXFK OHWWHUV DV V Q U ,  P P Q Q \ D\Q T I G Z Z K without an upward curvature (KH, 35: huwa iO T DO-DU TDK PLQ JKD\U WDTZ V 6$ ,,, 36: wa-NXOO LUV ODK \DMLE DQ WDN Q EL-sinn al-qalam al-yumn; LM, 72: fa-\DMLE DQ \DN Q TDGUXK PLWKO VXE alif khaLK  tarassul art of letter writing, epistolography (DM).

rasm 1. marking, making a mark (ST, index, 14) 2. writing, execution; copying, e.g. rasm al-muaf, rasm al-tasmiyah (DP, 45) 3. drawing, designing, sketching (ME, 561; MB, 100, 101; PA, 100; EI,VIII, 451-  SO UXV P stroke, line (traced with a pen) (SD, I, 527) 5. unpointed letter or word ( NO, 15) 6. letter or word in a dictionary (SD, I, 527) 7. chapter (in a composition) (SD, I, 527), comp. fal. rasm al-JKXE U see raqm. bi-rasm see mustanad. misarat al-rasm see misarah. U VLP UDVV P draftsman, designer, painter (ME, 560; SD, I, 528). rawsam SO UDZ VLP woodcut, wood block (AB, 137).

UDVKVK VK reed pen, calamus (BA, III, 370).

UDVKP WDUVK P 1. marking (syn. rasm) (ST, index, 14) 2. tooling (HT, lin.129, 164) 3. decorating centers of book covers with medallions (ST, index, 14).



rashmah 1. mark (TS, 18) 2. ream (of paper) (SD, I, 532), comp. rizmah. marshim, marsham SO PDU VKLP  VPDOO ERRNELQGHUV WRRO +7 lin. 125) 2. hot iron (SD, I, 532).

ra ah central medallion (on a book cover) (AB, 135). tar 1. illumination, decoration (MS, 28: wa-qad raaWX KDZ PLVK al-NLW EDK EL-WDU MLP DNEDU  LOOXPLQDWLRQ LQ JROG DQG VDIIURQ ,3 145; TE, 17) 3. decoration (with liquid gold); covering the entire surface with liquid gold (HD, 103, 126); gilding the inside of the surround (outline), taU U TY $)  

raf, tar I 1. joining letters together (AP, 79; SA, III, 140; KH, 35) 2. writing, composition (NS, 184: faraghtu min taO ILK ZD-rafih wataQ ILK 4)  IDUDJKWX PLQ WDU I K GK DO-in al-a Q 

tariyah, tarain the formula of benediction raL\D $OO K anhu or riZ Q $OO K alayhi, used for the companions of the Prophet, abbrev.    73 54; SL, II, 89; AR, 34, 35; MI, 125).

tar E rounding (of letters) (UD, 15; KH, 35: al-tar E KL\D VKDGGDW al-LVWLG UDK  FRPS WDTZ U al-DTO P DO-muraabah (or al-rabah, DQW RI \ ELV curvilinear VFULSWV VXFK DV WKH WKXOXWK WDZT and riq (UD, 14, 15, 16, 19; AS, 144).

istir \DK note, statement (LC, 24).



raf gouge-like tool (HT, lin.133, 137). mirfa 1. book support, book cradle (IN, I, 230, 231; ND, 44, n.11; KK, 70) 2. support (for an inkwell) (AA, 111-112).

raqq, riqq SO UXT T  WKLQ OHDWKHU SDUFKPHQW 6$ ,, -485; IW, 74-75; AE, 108-111; WS, 60-63; KJ, no.1, 42: al-raqq al-azraq, al-raqq al-amar; EI, VIII, 407-410; EP) 2. parchment leaf (ND, 53, n.67). UDTT JKD] O see jild. UDTT PDQVK U unfolded parchment (EI, VIII, 407). UDTT T UXT T parchment maker, parchmenter (DG, 85).

UDTVK WDUT VK 1. elegant, embellished writing, copying (TE, 17; AA, 105; SK, 119; KK, 53; KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: al-WDUT VK DO-NLW EDK ZD-altas U I DO-uuf) 2. vocalization by means of points; diacritical pointing (TE, 17; IK, 93; LL, I, 1135) 3. making something multicoloured (LL, I, 1135) 4. arabesque decoration (KA, 105; KR, 86: alraqsh al-$UDE ). raqshah pointing, diacritical point (JA, I, 269). mirqash reed pen, calamus (IR, 230).

UDTT catchword, vox reclamans (NM, 683; AK, 353).

ruqah SO ULT ) 1. piece (slip) of leather, paper or other writing surface (MU, I, 133: wa-kuntu ari DOD\KL NXOO \DZP ULT an fayuwaqqiX O I K  OHWWer, brief message, note. (kha) al-ruqah (Turk. rika) script developed most probably in WKH QG KDOI RI WKH WK FHQW RQ WKH EDVLV RI G Z Q TY DQG XVHG commonly by the Arabs in correspondence and occasionally as a book hand (EI, IV, 1126).



(qalam) al-ULT VPDOOHU YHUVLRQ RI WDZT (q.v.) script (AS, 146; JM, 78-82; LM, 47: wa-al-ULT lil-WDZ T al-LJK U ZD-al-PXU VDO W EI, IV, 1123- in Persia, 1125- in Turkey). ruqayah slip of paper (used for glosses and inserted in between the leaves of the codex, often sewn in); inset (MK, 86). WDUT SO WDU T ) repair, patchwork. muraqqa album of paintings, drawings and/or calligraphy (consisting of a number of pieces joined together and forming a bookaccordeon) (AC, passim; MN, 139; EI, VII, 602-603).

raqm 1. writing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: al-raqm al-kha I DO-NLW E  also WDUT P HOHJDQW ZULWLQJ FRS\LQJ 7(   SO UXT P piece of calligraphy, calligraph (AC, 41; DP, 54; NI, 180: al-LM ]DK DOPXE UDNDK OL-N WLE K GK Dl-raqm; AW, 266) 4. diacritical pointing RI OHWWHUV ,.  UDTTDPWXKX WDUT PDQ  SO DUT P  DOVR WDUT P QXPEHULQJ QXPEHU QXPHUDO  SO UXT P abbreviation, siglum (CL, fasc. 2, 141, 160). al-DUT P DO-+LQG \DK, also known as al-LV E DO-Hind or LV E DOHind Hindu-Arabic numerical system used in the Mashriq (AN, 383; GA, 183). al-DUT P DO-JKXE U \DK, also known as isab (or XU I, rasm) alJKXE U numerical system (also known as dust or Toledan numerals) used in the Maghreb (EI, III, 468-9: AN, 387-388; GA, 183; KJ, no.3, 30). U TLP PXUDTTLP calligrapher, copyist (AC, 45; TE, 17; AW, 244; AM, no.76). UDT P inkwell (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5; IK, 82; SK, 106). arqam, mirqam reed pen, calamus (TE, 17; IR, 230; BA, III, 372; LL, I, 1140). WDUT P punctuation (AH, 147, 154). WDUT P DO-afa W pagination. WDUT P DO-ZDUDT W foliation.

raqn compact writing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: raqana al-NLW E TDULED bayna su ULK 



WDUT Q 1. embellishing ( a text, writing) (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: WDUT Q DONLW E WD]\ QXK  FDOOLJUDSK\ )7  

WDUN E 1. linking (joining) one letter with another; ligature (e.g. SA, III, 50, 60ff); composition of letters and words on the line (ER, IV, 681) 2. mounting (of leather on book covers and the covers on the textblock); boarding (TS, 24-27; AG, 109; ST, index, 14; MP, 58; HT, lin.73, 78) 3. preparing inks (by mixing two or more ingredients) HJ 1:  WDUN E DO-DOZ Q ,5 -237: al-aE U DO-murakkabah), comp. ibr. murakkab 1. (Turk. mrekkeb) ink (DD, I, 389; UA, 393), comp. ibr 2. hybrid (of a script) (LM, 45). al-XU I DO-PXUDNNDEDK PXUDNNDE W letters of the alphabet (written joined together, ligatured, on the line) (MY, 83). al-ism al-murakkab compound name, e.g. Muammad OL.

markaz SO PDU NL] support (for reed pens) (UA, 393: li-P alayKL \ a ru V DO-DTO P OLDOO WXda ).

UXN , rakah bowing (during the recitation of the Qur Q  DEEUHY  XVXDOO\ DFFRPSDQLHG E\ QXPEHUV LQGLFDWLQJ UDNah, juz DQG \Dh (CA, 36; EI, VIII, 406).

rukn SO DUN Q  FRUQHU RQ D ERRN FRYHU .5   ZHGJHG stamp (used for a corner piece) (TS, 30, 31; AG, 107) 3. corner piece itself (ST, index, 14; IB, 69). mirkan pitcher-shaped container (OM).

rakwah (pl. ULN ) inkwell (KD, II, 703).



UDPP WDUP P repair, restoration (DM). murammim restorer.


ramz SO UXP ]  DEEUHYLDWLRQ VLJOXP /&  0+   (, VIII, 428) 2. chronogram, chronosticon (EI, III, 468; WB, 55; TW, 159) 3. code, cypher; secret alphabet (EI, VIII, 427) 4. also WDUP ] marking the Qur QLF WH[W ZLWK WKH FRQYHQWLRQDO UHading signs TLU W  KHQFH PDUP ] provided with reading marks (DC, V, 209; .&  DNKDU I DO-UXE TDG P PDUP ] I VLIU 

Rama Q (al-PXE UDN DO-muaam) the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev.  26  

WDUP N see ta]P N

WDUP O sprinkling (of the freshly written text with sand) (TD, I, 127136). al-WDUP O DO-GKDKDE gold sprinkling (TW, 86; TD, I, 135: WDUP O bi-al-dhahab al-NK OL). PLUPDODK UDPO \DK sand box; sand compartment in the writing FDVH GDZ K) (SA, II, 478- $7  6' ,  '' ,  ODK lil-raml al-amar; UA, 393).



mirwad SO PDU ZLG little stick for the application of kohl, syn. mik O '' ,  OLO-ikti O EL-hi; UA, 393; LL, I, 1186; DM).

U ZLQ U ZL\DK (pl. UXZ K transmitter, link in the chain of transmission (TP, 53). ULZ \DK 1. transmission, tradition (traditio); version (versio), recension (recensio) (LC, 26; EI, VIII, 545-547) 2. ULZ \DW DO-NLW E book ascription, also known as sanad (q.v.) (TP, 53; KF, II, 417418 and 500-501) 3. variant reading, varia lectio (MR, 94). LM ]DW DO-ULZ \DK transmission certificate (MU, XII, 109-111). marwiyah SO PDUZL\ W ZRUN WUDQVPLWWHG WKURXJK ULZ \DK FKDLQ of transmitters) (EI, VIII, 545-547).

(qalam) al-ray Q smaller version of al-muaqqaq (q.v.) script (AS, 146; JM, 73-77; LM, 43: wa-T OD ,EQ DO-%DZZ E ZD-DPP DOray Q ID-huwa bi-al-TL\ V LO al-muaqqaq ka-al-DZ VK LO alnaskh, qultu wa-ka-al-JKXE U LO al-ULT , wa-al-farq bayna al-muaqqaq wa-al-ray Q DQQD DO-ray Q \DN Q LU EXKX EL-qalamih wa\DN Q LU EXKX PXIDWWD al-ayun wa-al-muDTTDT \DN Q LU EXKX ELghayr qalamih). ray Q term used in the later Ottoman period and in modern publications either as a syn. of ray Q RU D W\SH RI muaqqaq script (EI, IV, 1123- in Persia, 1125- in Turkey).

rish(ah) quill pen (UK, 144; MP, 38; MB, 100: al-DTO P DO-U VK yah). (qalam) al-UL\ VK see ri V 




] M vitriol, sulphuric acid or a sulphate (one of the components of ink, ibr, q.v.).

]DEU WD]E U 1. also dhabr writing; inscription on stone (KM, IV, sifr 13, 4: al-zabr al-QDTVK I DO-ajar) 2. copying, transcription (TE, 18; CI, I, 65: qad waqaa al-IDU JK PLQ ]DEU K GKLKL DO-0DM OLV DOMustanLU \DK  zab U (pl. zubur) composition, work (SA, II, 444; ND, 80; IK, 92). ] ELU ]DE U scribe, copyist (TE, 18; ND, 80; KK, 53: wa-\XT O OLON WLE ] ELU ZD-]DE U PLWKO ULE ZD-DU E  mizbar or midhbar reed pen, calamus (TE,18; SA, II, 444-465; IK, 85; IR, 230).

]LEULMDK ]LEU M 1. elegant, embellished writing, copying (KK, 53: wa-\XT O ]DEUDMWX DO-NLW E LGK assantuhu wa-zayyantuh; TE, 18) 2. polychrome illumination (TE, 18).

zakhrafah 1. elegant, embellished writing, copying (KK, 53; TE, 18)  SO ]DNK ULI SRO\FKURPH LOOXPLQDWLRQ 7(   DUDEHVTXH RU geometrical decoration (WR, 87). muzakhrif illuminator, decorator (WR, 80).

zirr SO D]U U D]LUUDK knob (of a clasp) (TS, 25, 34; AG, 110; KT, 135), comp. urwah.



zarkashah embellishment, decoration in gold and colours (LL, I, 1222).

zulayjah (]DO MDK, ]XO \MDK, see DC, V, 360) 1. ornamental tile (DM)  PRVW SUREDEO\ D VPDOO VTXDUH IRUPDW RI D ERRN .& SDVVLP I T OLE DO-]XO \MDK I DO-]XO \MDK OLO-kibar(?); ST, index, 19: in 12).

zulf (Pers./Turk., lit. hair lock, curl), zalf (MN, 69) serif-like VWURNH SURWUXGLQJ IURP WKH KHDG RI WKH DOLI O P HWF FRPS WDUZ V (KH, 35; MN, 69; ER, IV, 682, 689).

zamm leather thong (for tying up a book); fastener (TS, 25; AG, 109). ]LP P DK (pl. azimmah) 1. account book, register (IK, 95) 2. list, catalogue (SD, I, 601). XU I DO-]LP P Graeco-Coptic alpha-numerical system used in early Arab administration records (AN, 383-385; GA, 181). (al-kha) al-]LP P see musnad.

WD]P N outlining (of a letter by means of a fine line in a colour different from it) (NC, 127; NA, pt.9, 222: al-WDUP N KXZD DQ yabis al-arf bi-lawn ghayr lawnih bi-TDODP UDT T MLGGDQ 7(  AS, 145; MB, 101; KF, II, 315, 320), comp. taU U WDN O

zunjufr, zinjafr cinnabar, vermillion ink (SA, II, 478).



]DQIDO MDK case, box (DG, 91).

WD]K U floral decoration, hence muzahhar, floriated (KJ, no.1, 38, 44; KR, 80: amal al-PX]DKKDU W ZD-qa al-waraq).

zawj SO D]Z M  ELIROLR ELIROLXP  GLSORPD 76    ID-in N QD DO-NLW E NXOOXK D]Z MDQ G QD PXNDUUDV ZD-GK OLND DQQD D]Z M al-N JKDG DNWKDU GDONLK I DO-DZ VL; TK, f.120b; AG, 107) 2. conjugate leaf (AG, 107). muzdawij XUM ]DK-type poem in which every two verses have the same rhyme (EI, VII, 825 and VIII, 376). sarlaw muzdawij see sarlaw.

mizwadah small container (for making ink) (DD, I, 391).

]DZZ U painter (AD, 73). WD]Z U 1. also WD]Z UDK elegant, embellished writing, copying (TE, 18) 2. forgery, falsification (UI, 6; AD, 73; EI, X, 408-409; GA, 283; ER, X, 90-100). muzawwir forger (EI, X, 409).

WD]Z T SO WD] Z T  HOHJDQW HPEHOOLVKHG ZULWLQJ ..   decoration, multi-colour illumination (HT, lin.102; WA, 11) 3. painting (with an admixture of quicksilver) (ME, 560) 4. writing, decorating (with colours other than gold) (KA, 105). ]LZ TDK art of illumination; miniature painting (WA, 12). ]DZZ T illuminator; miniature painter (ME, 560, n.4; MS, 4).



] ZL\DK 1. corner; angle 2. square (an implement) (MB, 111; IA, 60, 62).

] id(ah) SO ]DZ id) 1. superfluous, abbrev.  ZULWWHQ DERYH D FDQcellation to indicate a dittographic error (TN, 52; MI, 127) 2. interpolation; addition (CM, 136). ]L\ GDK 1. dittography (TM, 184) 2. interpolation; addition (TP, 59; MH, 98) 3. post-scriptum (AD, 73).

]L\ U ]L\\ U bookbinders press, also takht al-]L\ U (ST, index, 9). ]L\ U DO-taq press (for trimming) (ST, index, 9). ]L\ U DO-TDU RUGLQDU\ VFUHZ SUHVV 67 LQGH[   FRPS TDUU .

] QDK WD]\ Q 1. elegant, embellished writing (SK, 119: usn alNLW EDK ZD-]D\QXK  HPEHOOLVKPHQW GHFRUDWLRQ '0  ****

al-V Q DO-muallaqah see muallaqah.

su O (pl. asilah) 1. quodlibet, abbrev. preamble to a fatw, comp. jaw E

(CI, II, xiv; MI, 128) 2.



sabDODK WDVE 1. the doxological formula sub QD $OO K 0: 108) used sometimes instead of the amdalah (TP, 53, n.20; VA, nos. 461, 696, 1853, 3214) 2. the formula of glorification sub QD ZDta O, used after the word All K 73  

sabq(at) al-qalam slip of the pen, lapsus calami (DM).

mistar fore-edge flap (ST, index, 13; IB, 81, n.185).

al-dhahab al-mas T see dhahab.

si ah piece, slip (of paper on which one writes a short sentence), piece (of poetry, etc.) (SD, I, 637). tasiyah binding (with thin leather, parchment) (IB, 11-12).

VXNKWL\ Q VLNKWL\ Q morocco (leather) (DM).


VLG G (pl. asiddah) stopper, plug (in the inkwell) (IK, 83). WDVG G copying, transcription (TE, 17).



surrah center-piece, center-medallion (on a book cover) (FJ, 39, 40, 50: al-surrah al-G LU \DK circular medallion, al-surrah alODZ] \DK mandorla), comp. urrah.


sard 1. awling, punching (SK, 122) 2. reading, recital; collation (of a text without linguistic or other analysis of it), hence V ULG reader, prelector (TP, 56, n.52). V ULG VDUU G sewer of leather (LL, I, 1347). misrad awl, punch (SK, 122; KM, I, sifr 4, 115; LL, I, 1347).

sarlaw(ah) (Pers.) 1. headpiece (lawat adr al-NLW E  frontispiece; double-page frontispiece (sarlaw muzdawij) (LC, 27; MD, 127; AF, 36).

sarwah lozenge-shaped element (with two sides longer than the others, resembling a cypress tree) in a Mamluk bookcover design, also known as lawzah (JL, 95, 97; KR, 82).

munsai flat, horizontal stroke (UD, 11: huwa al-kha al-mamG G PLQ \DP Q DO-N WLE LO yas ULK DZ EL-al-aks ka-al-E wa-al-N I wa-naZLKLP  6$ ,,,   al-TDI al-musaa see qafan.

sar (pl. asur, as U VX U line (KD, II, 705: al-saU I DO-lughah alathar al-musta O al istiw ); line of writing.



huwa i IDW DO-kalimah il al-kalimah att ta U VDran muntaim alwa ka-al-misarah) 2. writing, copying (TE, 17; TM, 174) 3. ruling (of folios), lineation (LC, 28; WS, 91; KA, 134) 4. number of lines per page (LC, 28) 5. geometrical design (polygonal interlace), as RSSRVHG WR DUDEHVTXH WDZU T WDVKM U 67 LQGH[  ,%  Q LC, 28; WR, 86, 87). V ir, musair DPDQXHQVLV V\Q N WLE FRS\LVW VFULEH $$  TE, 17). misarah SO PDV ir) 1. ruler, straightedge (UK, 155; TS, 12; MB, 103, 104- 7. SDVVLP 6$ ,,  ODK PLQ NKDVKDE PXVWDT PDW al-janabayn yusaar alayK P \DW M PLQ WDV ULK PLQ DO-NLW EDK ZDmutaDOODTDWLK ZD-akthar man yaW M LOD\KL DO-mudhahhib) 2. lineation, (grid of) guidelines; number of lines per page (TK, ff.120ab: faO I amal al-misarah; TS, 18; TA, 50; LC, 25) 3. threaded guideline board for ruling pages, ruling board (ST, index, 15; WA, 13; IN, I, 247) 4. stencil (AF, 48) 5. pasteboard (HT, lin. 73, 78, 113) 6. redaction, composition (AD, 77). al-misarah al- M \DK ivory ruler, used for burnishing gold decoration or writing (KA, 104-105). misarat al-rasm ruler for drawing, designing (UK, 155; MB, 104; IA, 59). misarat al-U ruler for work with leather; folder (UK, 155; IB, 43). misarat al-WDEN U ruler for work with geometrical figures (MB, 104; IA, 59). misarat al-taE U ruler for inking (UK, 155). misarat al-tak O ruler for outlining (UK, 155). misarat al-shughl work (heavy duty) ruler (UK, 155; MB, 105; IA, 59).

arsh al-sar see arsh. tas U 1. ruling, lining; creating a line (of writing) (SA, III, 140: wa-

misa, musu receptacle for sa W VQXII" PXVN" ,5  // , 1364; DM: snuff box).



sifr SO DVI U  WH[WEORFN 67   SDSHU WH[WEORFN 76  $* 107) 3. book, codex, volume (bound in leather-covered pasteboards) (IK, 96: wa-qad jarat al- GDK I DO-DNWKDU DOO \XT O DO-VLIU LOO P N QD alayhi jild; MS, 16: al-ma if al-VLIU \DK  FKDSWHU VHFWLRQ LQ D ERRN SDVWHERDUGV ELQGLQJ .& SDVVLP I VLIU EL-G Q VLIU  V ILU (pl. safarah) DPDQXHQVLV V\Q N WLE .0 ,9 VLIU   $$ 23-24: al-safarah al-NDWDEDK Z iduhum al-V ILU  WDVI U 1. bookbinding (e.g. ST, index   SO WDV I U book cover (MB, 97; TF, passim). al-WDVI U DO-MiU Egyptian-style binding characterized by a central medallion in the shape of an almond, lawzah (mandorla) (TS, 31; AG, 110). PXVDIILU VDII U bookbinder (ST, index, 15; AD, 78). al-nuskhah al-VDIDU \DK see nuskhah. al-ma if al-VLIU \DK see muaf.

safa SO DVI ) 1. small tool resembling a fish scale or a reed from a basket (TS, 11; AG, 109) 2. fibres (?) (in paper) (ID, 62: al-N JKDG DMZDGXK P DI ODZQXK ZD-nauma lamsuh wa-thaqula waznuh waM GDW LT ODWXK ZD-TDOODW DVI uh).

asfal (sufl) al-NLW E 1. tail (of the page); lower margin; end of a letter or book 2. spine (of a book) (UK, 158; HT, lin.115; MB, 109: thumma nazalta sufl al-NLW E PDZi al-NKL\ ah).

safan coarse hide (used for polishing) (DM). VDI QDK 1. oblong format (of a book) (MD, 106: al-uuf al-VDI QDK SD, I, 660; EI, IV, 742) 2. note-pad or commonplace book in oblong format in which the lines are usually written parallel with the spine (EI, VIII, 150).



saq, saqa (MU, XII, 238) 1. also LVT omission; haplography (TP, 58; MH, 87) 2. diamond-shaped element (in a Mamluk book cover design) (JL, 95, 97; KR, 88). ghi al-saq hexagonal element (in a Mamluk book cover design, see above) (JL, 95, 97). V TL  RPLVVLRQ KDSORJUDSK\ 0+  ND\I \DW WDNKU M DO-V TL I al-DZ VK  70   DOVR V TLah envelope flap (MB, 107, 113: al-V TL wa-huwa al-ras, 118; IA, 60).

saqy al-waraq sizing (of paper) (UK, 148; WS, 80), comp. LO M PLVT K, VLT K water container (for diluting ink) (SA, II, 482; AT, 133; IR, 230).

VXN Q 1. mark indicating vowellessness of a medial consonant, comp. jazmah 2. circle-like tool (HT, lin.133, 137). VLNN Q SO VDN N Q knife; pen knife (IK, 90-91; SK, 103-104; SA, II, 465-466; AA, 115- ,$  8.  DQG 0%  VLNN Q DOEDU\ VLNN Q DO-qa; KD, II, 711; LM, 31-33). VLNN Q DO-kash see kash.

VDONK LQVLO NK PXQVDODNK the last night of the month (SA, VI, 248).

silsilah SO VDO VLO  FKDLQZRUN LQ ERRN FRYHU GHVLJQ 76  $*  7) SDVVLP  VSLULWXDO JHQHDORJ\ DV IRXQG LQ GLSORPDV LM ] W especially in calligraphy) (EI, IX, 611). silsilat al-nasab stemma, stemma codicum (AL, I, 27). (qalam) al-musalsal relative of al-WDZT script in which all letters DUH LQWHUORFNHG DQG WKH DOLI DQG O P ORRN OLNH OLQNV LQ D FKDLQ $6



146; KK, 47: XU IXK PXWWDLODK OD\VD I K VKD\ munfail; JM, 5863; EI, IV, 1124).

sulfah soft leather (used for doublures) (TS, 15; AG, 107).

VDO P, WDVO P DK) the formula of benediction alayhi al-VDO P (YM, 5: al-PXTDGGLPDK I DO-taliyah wa-al-WDVO PDK  DEEUHY / / / / (TP, 54; VA, no.1830, 2211; CI, I, xiii; MI, 128).

PLVP U (pl. mas P U nail, peg (part of a clasp) (BA, III, 372; TM,  NKDU DK GK W urwah wa-PLVP U 

VDP SO VDP W  DXGLWLRQ RI D WH[W &7   DXGLWLRQ QRWH (statement, certificate), also known as WDVP or abaqat al-VDP , abbrev. (CW, 69; TP, 53; LC, 27; MU, X, 278; MU, XVII, 267; EI, VIII, 1019-1020). LM ]DW DO-VDP audition certificate (beginning with the words samia, samiWX RU EDODJKD VDP an) (e.g. TP, 53, n.25; KF, II, 485493). V PL SXSLO DWWHQGLQJ D VDP -session, auditor. taVP  DXGLWLQJ 08 ;,,,   ZULWLQJ GRZQ UHFRUGLQJ D VDP (CT, 45) 2. audition note, certificate (JA, I, 268: wa-\DNWXE I DOODGK \DO KL DO-WDVP wa-al-taU NK 0+   musammi, musmi SHUVRQ VKD\NK FRQGXFWLQJ D VDP -session, audition leader (master); authoritative commentator, certifier (CT, 45). PDVP SO PDVP W ZRUN WUDQVPLWWHG WKURXJK VDP , comp. PDTU . ism SO DVP  DV PLQ 1. proper name (EI, IV, 179-181) 2. title of a book (ism al-NLW E).



ism al-MDO ODK VHH WDMO O al-Ism al-Aam see al-NK WLP DO-6XOD\P Q  al-ism al-murakkab compound name, such as Muammad OL. ism al-shuhrah see shuhrah. tasmiyah 1. title (of a work) (LC, 28) 2. the expression sammaytuhu (in a preface) (LC, 28; TP, 53, n.20) 3. the propitiatory formula otherwise known as basmalah (q.v.) (MH, 100).

sinn SO DVQ Q half-nib (of a calamus created by a slit, shaqq ) (UK, 154: wa-VLQQ KX arafuhu al-PDEU  6.  ZD-lil-qalam VLQQ Q  6$ ,,  ..  (, ,9  LQV left side; waVK ULJKW VLGH VHH DOVR WKH DUWLFOH RQ LQV LQ // ,   misann or ajar al-misann whetstone, hone (UK, 153; MB, 103; IA, 60: misann akhar, misann XOD\O "  ,5  6$ ,,  $7 133; TS, 10; AG, 107; NH, 384: al-5 P  DO-LM ]  DO-Qaw  misann al-mis whetstone (for a mis, q.v.). musannn al-aU I deckle-edged (paper) (DM). musannanah chevron (FT, 395).

sanad SO DVQ G  DOVR NQRZQ DV LVQ G and ULZ \DW DO-NLW E ascription (of a DG WK RU ZRUN LQGLFDWLQJ D FKDLQ RI authorities going back to the author) (TP, 53, 56). musnad DG WK-work (not arranged thematically but on the basis of WKH ILUVW DXWKRULW\ LQ WKH LVQ G 6/ ,,   (, 9,,   FRPS muannaf. (qalam) al-musnad Himyarite (ancient South Arabian) script, also known as kha imyar (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5; FN, 8; RN, 2; EI, VII, 704-705). al-Musnad al-LP P VHH LP P (al-kha) al-musnad, also known as (al-kha) al-]LP P Maghrebi chancery (secretarial) hand used primarily in legal documents and annotations (LT, 365; TW, 14, 47). misnadah copyists book support made up of some dozen sheets of paper held together at the four corners and placed on the knee (SD, I, 692). mustanad closing phrases of a document including such statements



as bi-al-isK UDK asaba al-amr and the like; in codices these statements indicate patronage and include bi-rasm, bi-LQ \DK EL-himmah, asaba al-LVK UDK asaba al-amr and the like) (SA, VI, 264-265; OS, 88; CM, 232).

sundus silk brocade (NT, II, 143: wa-kusiya al-muaf al-D] ] ELLZ Q OD I PLQ DO-sundus al-akhar).

sanah SO VLQ Q VDQDZ W  \HDU RIWHQ UHSUHVHQWHG E\ D ORJRJUDSK consisting of a horizontal line with a downward curve at its end, and used predominantly in dates in non-Maghrebi manuscripts (SA, VI, 252), comp. P 6HH DOVR WDU NK  HUD al-sanah al-PLO G \DK (al- VDZ \DK DO-0DV \DK) Christian era (A.D.). al-sanah al-TDPDU \DK DO-KLO O \DK DO-KLMU \DK Muslim era (DD, I, 384, 388).

VDZ G 1. black ink (LC, 27; SK, 320; AI, 147- \DQEDJK OLO- OLE an yaktub al-DG WK EL-al-VDZ G WKXPPD EL-al-LEU NK DWDQ G QD DOPLG G OL-anna al-VDZ G Dbagh al-DOZ Q ZD-al-LEU DET K al marr al-GXK U ZD-al-D]P Q  DOVR musawwadah draft, rough copy (LC, 27; MU, VI, 161; MU, XIII, 126; MU, XV, 7: athartu al almusawwadah wa-bayyaWXK  08 ;9   FRPS PXED\\Dah. WDVZ G 1. preparation of a draft (TE, 18) 2. also LVZLG G (!) writing, copying (TE, 18; AM, nos. 45, 50A) 3. marring (of a text), making it difficult to read (MH, 97, 98) 4. copying by an apprentice (TE, 18). musawwid copyist; calligrapher (AW, 237). (al-kha) al-6 G Q VHH ,IU T 

V \LV V is) catchword, vox reclamans (NZ, 65: wa-yulaq DOD\K al-V \LV ZD-hiya al- PP \DK I DO-NDW W b al-Qur Q \DK  V V DK SO V V Q woodworm.



WDVZ V worming, damage caused by worms (LC, 28). musawwas worm-eaten.

taswiyah aligning (of quires) and shaving, trimming the textblock (TS, 17-18). LVWLZ straight (even) cut (of the point of the nib) (SK, 105; KK, 50; SA, II, 463; KD, II, 702), comp. taU I al-qa al-PXVWDZ see qa.

(kha) al-VL\ T DK  NKD-L VL\ TDW VL\ TDW script and/or system of alphabetic abbreviations used in accountancy (EI, IV, 1124- in Persia, 1125- in Turkey; DR, 178-180; RA, 24-24). A variety of this script, used in Ottoman Egypt, was known as qirmah (GA, 183).

sayr SO VX\ U  VWULS QDUURZ SLHFH RI OHDWKHU 0%  ,$   endband (headband) strip (ST, index, 16; MB, 114; HT, lin.96).

sayf SO VX\ I trimming sword, cutter (UK, 154; MB, 103, 104; IA, 60: sayf bi-ni E VD\I EL-ni ED\Q VD\I DJK U VD\I NDE U  ****

VKDE NDK 1. endband (headband) (HT, lin.88-106, 115, 158: wa-alghila I UDs al-ibrah yashtari inda LQ at al-VKDE NDK IDTD) 2. also mushabbak lattice work (FT, 407; DH, nos. 33, 73). WDVKE N 1. preliminary endbanding (without silk) (TS, 19, 20) 2. (pl. WDVK E N interlace (TF, passim).



al-khay al-WDVKE N see khay. PXWDVK ELNDK interlacing (FT, 406).

VKDE W DO-qalam QLE RI D FDODPXV .' ,,  VKDE W DO-qalam arafuhu al-PDEU  %$ ,,,  VKDE WXK adduh), comp. jilfah.


VKDMDU O I DO-shajar paper pulp (OM). shajarah genealogical tree; stemma (AL, I, 27). WDVKM U 1. also mushajjar foliated design, arabesque decoration (WR, 86, 87; DH, no.73) 2. creating a genealogical tree; stemma (SL, I, 14; EI, VII, 967) 3. composing a text in a schematic, tree-like way. al-qalam al-mushajjar see qalam.

shadh whetting, honing (of a knife) (KD, II, 711). mishadh whetstone, hone (DD, I, 390).

sham(ah) pith, white interior substance of the reed (IK, 86: wa\XT O OL-E inih al-shamah wa-li- KLULK DO-O ; UD, 9; LM, 35-35).

shaddah, WDVKG G DK doubling (of a consonant), doubling sign over a consonant (for various practices see GL, 14).

shidq SO DVKG T  SDVWHERDUG PDGH RI WZR RU WKUHH SLHFHV RI paper and one piece of parchment), book cover; case binding (TS, 27;



AG, 109), comp. fakk 2. fore-edge flap (?) (NH, 369).

sharaj SO DVKU M plaited thong (al-sayr al-murassa ) placed beneath a alqah in boxed books (q.v.) (BA, III, 372).

shar (pl. sKXU  VKXU W  QRWH FRPPHQW /&   UXQQLQJ (systematic) commentary, comprising the text commented upon (matn); comment-text book, also referred to as al-shar al-PDP] M (bi-al-matn), al-shar al-PD]M , abbrev. (LC, 27; CI, II, xiv; MI, 100; MM, 139; EI, IX, 397-320; EA, I, 174-175). al-shar al-NDE U DO-muawwal) original, long commentary. al-shar al-wasa middle commentary. al-shar al-DJK U DO-mukhtaar) short commentary. VK UL SO VKXUU ) commentator, abbrev. &, ,, [Lv).

shars pasting, paste (MB, 109: sharastu (not sharshartu!) alayhi bial-DVKU V .0 , VLIU   ZD-al-shars shaddat dak al-shay). DVKU V asphodelus paste (UK, 158; MB, 106-107; IA, 60; IB, 5051), also VKLU V, VLU V and V U V (DM).

shar(ah) (pl. shura) line, stroke (DM). VKDU SO VKDU i, ashriah) 1. rules, rule-border (LC, 27) 2. frame (on a book cover) (FJ, 41: wa-al-matn mu bi-i U GK WKDO WKDW ashriah; FZ, 217; MD, 109) 3. decorative band (UI, 29) 4. fillet (in decoration) (FT, 401). mishra(ah) knife, cutter (IA, 60; NH, 385; DD, I, 392: for opening sealed documents; OM).

al-ashraf epithet of Najaf. al-VKDU I DK epithet of the months of ShaE Q 6KDZZ O 'K DO-



QaGDK DQG 'K DO-ijjah (q.v.), as welO DV WKH ZRUGV NLW E NKDWPDK muaf, nuskhah and the like.

VKXU T the first hour of day (SA, VI, 250). (al-kha) al-0DVKULT large size, ligatured Maghrebi script, sometimes referred to as al-thuluth al-0DJKULE , used predominantly for titles and chapter headings (LT, 365; TW, 47, 322).


shabah, tash E erasure (by means of a pen stroke) (SD, I, 756); cancellation (LC, 28: IN, I, 251), comp. shaqq, arb. mishab 1. duster, whisk (?); eraser (TS, 11; AG, 113) 2. burnisher, polisher (NH, 390).

sha \DK (pl. sha \  VLGH RI WKH ULJKW KDOI-nib; also tash \DK line, stroke produced by the side of the right half-nib (either at the head of such letters as ,  \ , G N I JKD\Q RU DW WKH WDLO RI WKH alif (SA, III, 35, 40: wa-kull sha \DK I DZZDO DZ NKLU PLWKO VXE alif khaLK  .8  ZD-sha \DWXK araf sinnih al-ayman; AA, 88; KH, 36: al-tash \DK DQ \DN Q Dl al-arf al hayat al-sha \DK UD, 13) 2. serif-like stroke (LM, 54: wa-DPP DOLI DO-WDZ T alVKDE KDK EL-al-ULT wa-al-JKXE U ID-anta mukhayyar bayna alshayah ! wa-DGDPLK  /0   8'   FRPS WDUZ V

ShaE Q (al-muaam, al-mukarram, al-PXE UDN DO-VKDU I the eighth month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev.  26  



(qalam) al-shar see qalam. shir (pl. ash U poetry, versification; scribal verse (see e.g. CI, I, no. 12; CI, II, nos. 81, 82, 116). (qalam) al-ash U TDODP al-mushaar, also known as (qalam) almuannaq allegedly a hybrid of either al-muaqqaq or al-thuluth or al-muaqqaq and al-naskh scripts (AS, 145; JM, 91-93; LM, 45, 47: wa-al-muannaq li-NLW EDW DO-shir). tash U 1. outlining; outline (KF, II, 321: bi-al-kha al-muaqqaq biP al-dhahab al-musha ar bi-al-aswad) 2. illumination in gold; design made up of thin lines and drawn in gold (HD, 104; IP, 144; AF, 50) 3. also sharah and tash UDK hairline (used for joining letters in the thuluth family of scripts) (NC, 127; NA, pt. 9, 222: tash U W UDT TDK WDOWDII al al-XU I .+  I QLK \DW DO-DU T W $6 145; SA, III, 58). al-alif al-mushaarah the letter alif with its tail (foot) bent to the left (SA, III, 59; MJ, 224). mish U small tool (most probably for creating tendrils) (TS, 11; AG, 109).

shafrah 1. cutting edge (SK,104; AI, 161) 2. bookbinders sword, trimmer (HT, lin.83; MB, 103, 112; IA, 59) 3. paring knife, parer, scraper (ST, index, 16; UK, 153, 161). WDVKI U trimming, shaving (HT, lin.159).

shafaq the first hour of night (SA, VI, 250).

shaqq SO VKXT T  OLQH GUDZQ DERYH D OHWWHU RU ZRUG HJ al-N I al-PDVKT TDK LH WKH OHWWHU N I ZLWK D OLQH DERYH WKH DVFHQGHU WR GLVWLQJXLVK LW IURP O P 8' -12: SK, 117: wa-yastaVLQ Q an WDN Q DO-N I JKD\U PDVKT TDK  FDQFHOODWLRQ PDUN LQ WKH IRUP RI D line drawn across the top of the word) (TP, 59; MH, 97; IM, 171) 3. slit (of the nib); splitting of the nib to facilitate retention of ink (KU, 154: wa-shaqquhu farjah bayna sinnayh; SA, II, 460-462).



mishakk needle; awl, punch (UA, 393).

WDVKN ] 1. sewing endbands (headbands); preliminary endbanding (IA, 62) 2. mounting (of leather on wooden book covers) (KJ, no.1, 43, 45: wa-al-WDMO G DO-awwal al-$JKODE \DWDallaf min daffatayn min al-khashab al-mushakkazatayn bi-al-jild al-muarraz al-muzakhraf; .- QR  \XMDOOLG Q DO-kutub wa-yubaLQ QDK EL-al-khashab wa\XVKDNNL] QDK EL-al-jild).

(kha-i) shikastah (Pers.) commonly used for shikastah-nastaO T, a hybrid of two Persian scripts nastaO T DQG WDO T GHYHORSHG LQ WKH 11/17th century. Unlike taO T LW KDV QR WDUZ V DQG WKH OHWWHU Q Q LV often written in reverse (EI, IV, 1124; ER, IV, 699-702). shikastah-taO T version of the taO T VFULSW XVHG IRU Uapid writing (EI, IV, 1124; ER, IV, 694).

shakl(ah) SO DVKN O  DOVR WDVKN O vocalization, vowelization; vowel marks; orthographic (orthoepic) signs (e.g. IM, 150), hence mushakkal vocalized, vowelized (for various practices see SA, III, 160-167; GL, 12) 2. diagram. VK NLODK lower end of the stem of a letter before the tail (SA, III, 59; KH, 36). al-N I PDVKN ODK WKH OHWWHU N I SURYLGHG ZLWK D VWUDLJKW OLQH DERYH its stem (KU, 125; SA, III, 81), comp. shaqq.




shams(ah) SO VKXP V  FLUFXODU FHQWHU-medallion (on a book cover) (UK, 156: wa-al-E N U OL-LVWLNKU M DO-VKXP V ZD-hiya al-daZ ir al-PDQT VKDK DOODW WDTD I ZDVD al-NLW E  0%   FLUFXODU illuminated medallion, rosette (LC, 27; AF, passim; PA, 116).

sham(ah) wax (AG, 110; MB, 118; IA, 63). sham al-asal beeswax (used for polishing threads for use in sewing quires) (FD, 51). WDVKP waxing (of leather or paper) (KA, 135).

VK KLG  SO VKXK G DVKK G ZLWQHVV QRWDU\  SO VKDZ KLG quotation (usually drawn from pre-Islamic poetry) serving as textual evidence (e.g. al-VKDZ KLG DO-Qur Q \DK  VK KLGDK SO VKDZ KLG copy of a letter, document (DM). VKDK GDK WDVKDKKXG WKH GRFWULQDO IRUPXOD O LO KD LOO $OO K MuDPPDG UDV O $OO K DOVR NQRZQ DV kalimat al-taw G or kaliPDW Q (TP, 53, n.20; EI, IX, 201 and X, 340-  VLJQHG VKDK GDKstatement (often on the front of the textblock): awdaWX I K GK DONLW E VKDK GDWDQ  LVKK G ZULWWHQ DWWHVWDWLRQ RI D GRFXPHQW HJ D ZDTI \DK TY  XVXDOO\ EHJLQQLQJ ZLWK WKH H[SUHVVLRQ DVKKDGDQ KH FDOOHG XSRQ PH as a witness) (OS, 90). Mashhad $O  DO-Mashhad al-*KDUDZ Najaf. Mashhad (al-)usayn, Mashhad al- ir (al-Mashhad al- LU .HUEHOD .DUEDO ). al-Mashhad al-Muqaddas, al-Mashhad al-RiDZ Mashhad.

shahr SO VKXK U DVKKXU new moon; month (LL, II, 1612). al-shahr al-DU P the Holy Month of Muarram (q.v.). shuhrah, ism al-shuhrah that part of a persons name under which he/she is best known, usually introduced by al-VKDK U DO-PDVKK U EL al-maU I EL DQG WKH OLNH HJ &, ,,  



6KDZZ O (al-mukarram, al-PXE UDN the tenth month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev.  26  

For the formula LQ VK D $OO K VHH LVWLWKQ and mashalah.

mashyakhah (pl. of shaykh) record of attested study consisting of a list of works and their transmitters (EI, VI, 725), comp. fihrist, fahrasah.

VK U ]DK (Pers.) endband (headband) (LA, pt.5, 386: wa-dhakara al-EXUVKP Q EL-man m \XVDPP KX PXMDOOLG DO-,U T DO-VK U ]DK HD, 117; PA, 118).


al-aabb epithet of the month of Rajab (q.v.).

DE the last hour of night (SA, VI, 250).

iE (pl. a EL ) DVFHQGHU XSVWURNH RI VXFK OHWWHUV DV DOLI O P DQG the like) (FN, 8; RN, 19-20; KH, 34: al-XU I DO-T imah aw al OLah).



abghah, LE JK pigment, dye, tint (UK, 120-129; MP, 29-32; MB, 114-118; IA, 63; NH, 370: abgh al-waraq; NW, 45-46: LE JK DOwaraq). LE JKDK art of dyeing, tinting. DEE JK dyer (EI, VIII, 671-672; QS, II, 267-268).

iah soundness of the text (ant. mara and saqam); attestation (of correctness in transcription); sic, thus (JA, I, 279: idh raayta al-NLW E I KL LO T ZD-iO fa-ishhad bi-al-iah). a correct, abbrev. (KG, 473; AR, 35; LE, 136; CT, 45). (sic) on or next to a ta 1. correction; emendation 2. writing word in the text (GA, 285; MH, 95-96: aPP DO-ta fa-huwa NLW EDW aa al al-NDO P DZ indah) or at the end of omission, abbrev. 73    ZULWLQJ SODFHW DW WKH HQG RI DXGLWLRQ notes (TP, 53, n.25); signing (a document) 4. preparation of a critical edition, comp. taU U WaT T muai corrector; editor.

ib (pl. a E  DXWKRU ib al-NLW E), abbrev.

owner (OS). isti E ownership, possession (OS).


parchment, papyrus or paper (KD, II, 704: wa-\XT O OLO-a IDK DOqa P D\an; BA, III, 371: wa-al-uXI P N QD PLQ MXO G 6$ ,, 485: al-qir V ZD-al-a IDK ZD-KXP EL-maQDQ Z id wa-huwa N JKDG :6  (, 9,,, -835) 2. papyrus or parchment roll (SL, I, 22) 3. folio (folium), leaf (TC, 24); page (DM) 4. small pamphlet, notebook (SL, I, 22; IK, 95: al-NLW E ZD-al-a IDK ID-LQQDKXP yaqa Q al jam DQZ ih). muaf, maaf, miaf (pl. ma if) 1. codex (either bound or unbound) (KM, IV, sifr 13,8: wa-al-muaf al-M PL lil-uuf al-

a IDK (pl. uuf, a if) 1. sheet of writing material, often leather,



PDNW EDK ED\QD DO-daffatayn ka-annahu uifa ay jumiDW I KL DOuuf bi-kasr al-P P ZD-DPPLK ZD-fatLK  6.  ID-huwa muDI LGK ammat al-uuf baXK LO ba) 2. parchment textblock (TS, 17, 25; AG, 107) 3. copy of the Qur Q al-muaf alVKDU I) (usually contained in one, sometimes two, volumes) (EI, VII, 668-669; KF, II, 316, n.4). al-muaf al-LP P VHH LP P al-ma if al-VLIU \DK codices bound in pasteboards (TS, 17, 25; AG, 107; MS, 16). al-ma if al-mulawwaah codices bound in wooden boards (TS, 17; AG, 107; MS, 16). (qalam) al-ma if smaller version of al-muaqqaq script, but larger than al-ray Q XVHG H[FOXVLYHO\ IRU WKH FRS\LQJ RI WKH 4XU Q hence its appellation (AS, 146; JM, 54-57). muLI calligrapher and decorator of the Qur Q 06    ta I 1. distortion, error resulting from incorrect pointing or vocalization of a word or misplacing diacritical marks (e.g.  ,  04  6$ ,,  ZD-yusamm al-ta I WD IDQ OLOkhaa I DO-a IDK  FRPS WDU I DO-qalb al-PDN Q  PLVWDNH LQ writing), syn. taU I TY (, ; -348) 3. bookbinding (LA, pt.5, 385: wa-maQ K DO-WDMO G DZ NDP \DT O DO-,U T \ Q DO-ta I  a I 1. also muaif bookbinder (CI, II, 9; IB, 11, 13; HD, 118) 2. bookseller (QS, II, 269-270).

adr (pl. XG U  DG UDK 1. also taG U incipit, preamble, preface 73  Q &0 QR T OD DO-muDQQLI I adr al-NLW E %LVP $OO K DO-RaP Q DO-Ra P )1  ZD-li-$E =Dyd al-%DONK shar DGU K GK DO-NLW E  IURQW RI WKH WH[WEORFN 76  ID-LGK jita il adr al-NLW E ZD-KXZD P ED\QD DO-udhn wa-al-tab Q  UHFWR of the first folio (LC, 27) 4. fore-edge (TS, 15) 5. fore-edge flap (TS, 16; AG, 107) 6. almond-shaped stamp (mandorla), known as adr alE ] (UK, 156; IB, 44; MB, 105; IA, 59). adr al-qalam outer side of the nib, as opposed to inner side, wajh (SA, II, 464; MJ, 218). DG UDK see also law al-DG UDK



taG T the formula of attestation adDTD $OO K DO-A P SODFHG usually at the end of the Qur Q RU D DG WK &$   FRQILUPDWLRQ certification (DM).

urrah center-medallion, mandorla (FZ, 215-219: al-urrah alwus, al-urrah al-ODZ] \DK; JL, 83, 99; MD, 109, 110), comp.

ad (pl. u G ascender (up-stroke of a letter) (AA, 50; TU, 34:

wa- K u GXKX XG UDK 

taJK U abbreviation (contraction, siglum) (TP, 58).

af(ah) page (SJ, 371; FN, 227; KD, II, 703: wa-al-waraqah afat al-G E MDK opening page; verso of the first folio (LC, 27). DI ah (pl. DI i) slab (for tooling leather) (TS, 11, 30; AG, 107). taI catchword, vox reclamans (TT, 192). taaffu examination, study (KF, II, 362: nuqila min GXVW ULK ELkhaih wa-alayhi DO PDW DO-taaffu wa-al-PXT EDODK  maU IDK ZD-kull wajh PLQK


iafar (al-khayr, al-afar, al-muaffar, al-PXE UDN the second ifr (pl. aI U cancellation mark (in the form of a small circle)
(IM,171; TP, 59). month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev. (OS, 89).



miI K (pl. ma ILQ filter, strainer, sieve (UA, 393: for ink).

aql polishing, burnishing (MB, passim; KA, 134). DTT O PLqalah (pl. ma TLO polisher, burnisher (for paper and
gold) (UK, 142, 149, 156; IB, 44; MB, 99, 105; IA, 60: miqalah NDE UDK PLqalah DJK UDK 76  $*  $7  6$ ,,  DS, 181: al-miqalah wa-KL\D DOODW \Xqal bi-K DO-waraq li-L] ODW P I KL PLQ DO-NKXVK QDK ZD-yuqal bi-K DO-dhahab bada al-NLW EDK OLtahar bahjatuhu; DD, I, 391: for polishing paper after erasure with a scraper). ma TLO DO-]XM M glass burnishers (UK, 149; OM) al-waraq al-maT O see waraq.


the margins, text-column (LL, II, 1712; LC, 27) 2. main, original text (LC, 27), comp. matn. DO E cross (as a mark of two intersecting lines) (UK, 166; MB, 119). taO E 1. making pasteboards (MB, 110: taO E DO-daffatayn) 2. also taO EDK pasteboard (MB, 111; IA, 62) 3. bookbinding (IA, 62). law al-taO E slab for making pasteboards (IA, 59).

iO 1. correction (FK, II, no.1209/1: qaraWX K GKLKL DO-NXUU VDK ZDalaWXK  -$ ,   UHSDLU UHVWRUDWLRQ .&   7:   al-waraq al-maO see waraq. iLO , muala abbreviation (contraction, suspension, siglum) (TP, 55-56; CI, II, no. 191; MM, 139: fa-ED\ Q DO-iLO I G E MDW DONLW E 



taliyah, alwalah the formula of supplication all All K alayhi wa-sallam, also known as al-DO K ZD-al-tasO P, used after the name of the prophet Muhammad, abbrev.      73  Q 73  &, , [LLL (, ; -359).


al-aamm epithet of the month of Rajab (q.v.). LP P plug, stopper (in the inkwell) (IK, 83). taP P design, sketching (MO, 227: ittafaqa al-IDU JK PLQ WD ILK

DQG T XQG T (pl. DQ G T wooden chest, box (for copies of the

Qur Q 0'  7% -94). DQGXT keeper of the chest of the Qur Q &$   

LQ ah (pl. LQ W una ); un, anah occupation of and proanah composition, work (as in anDW $E +LO O
comp. amal. taQ I (pl. ta Q I composition, work (MU, III, 98: wa-ODKX I NXOO fann ta Q I ZD-PDM P wa-WDZ O I  FRPS WDO I muannaf compilation, work, often a thematically arranged DG WK compilation, as opposed to musnad (q.v.) (SL, II, 39; EI, VII, 662663, 705). muannif author, compiler; often the author of the original text PDWQ  DV RSSRVHG WR D FRPPHQWDWRU VK UL), abbrev. (CI, I, xi). duction by artisans; art, craft (EI, IX, 625-626). E\ $E +LO O 



DZ E correct, correctness; used in the expression DZ EXKX

NDGK  SODFHG LQ WKH PDUJLQ DEEUHY (LE, 136; TP, 57). taZ E (pl. taZ E t) correction, comp. ta . al-qa al-muawwab see qa.

UDK (pl. uwar) 1. copy, transcript (e.g.

UDW LM ]DK UDW abaqat al-VDP ) 2. exact copy, apograph (TP, 56) 3. example (JA, I, 268) 4. also taZ UDK miniature painting, painted illustration (EI, IX, 889892 and X, 361; DH, no.212). taZ U 1. miniature painting (MU, XV, 121; MU, XVI, 225; EI, X, 361-363) 2. microfilming. muawwir painter, illustrator (PA,141: portraitiste).

LZ Q (pl. awinah) case, box (NT, pt.2, 143; ME, 559), comp.

awn, L\ QDK conservation, preservation (DM).


LI .

abbah (pl. LE E  FRUUHFWLRQ PDUN LQ WKH VKDSH RI D GRRU EROW and resembling the initial form of the letter  DEEUHY 73  AR, 30) 2. sic, thus (TP, 57, n.64; MH, 95-96). taE E, also known as WDPU , marking the word with a abbah (TP, 57; MH, 95-96).

ibarah (pl. a E U , abarah, LE UDK 1. a number of leaves or sheets put together; bundle of documents (IK, 95: al-uuf tujma watushadd; KM, IV, sifr 13, 8: al-uzmah min al-uuf) 2. quire



(consisting of sewn leaves) (DA, II, 5) 3. textblock (TS, 17, 18; AG, 112) 4. album (FT, 388). taE U 1. gathering (arranging) leaves together (IB, 11) 2. collation (of quires) (TS, 13; AG, 107) 3. binding (IB, 19, n.177).

dhahab wa-abaa al-raf PLQK EL-al-amar wa-abaa al-khaf PLQK EL-al-O ]XZDUG ZD-al-akhDU .) ,  0+  NDP WXba al-XU I DO-mujamah bi-al-naq ka-GK OLND \DQEDJK DQ WXba alPXKPDO W JKD\U DO-mujamah bi-DO PDW DO-LKP O .) ,,  abaa K GKLKL DO-khatmah al-VKDU IDK EL-al-shakl). EL 1. specialist in ab; orthographer (MH, 97) 2. (pl. DZ EL) compass, (pair of) dividers (TS, 12, 16, 18, 26, 29; AG, 107; ST, index,16; IB, 44; TK, f.120a-b).

ab pointing and/or vocalization (SJ, 356: wa-abaa al-nab bi-al-

arb (pl. XU E cancellation; erasure (MF, 606: wa-ajwad al-arb DOO \Dmis al-maU E alayhi bal yakhu min fawqih khaan jayyidan bayyinan yadull al ib OLK ZD-yaqra min taWLK P NKDa alayh; KF, II, 347: wa-N QDW I JK \DW DO-VLTDP NDWK UDW DO-XU E IRU various methods of cancellation see TP, 59). mirabah 1. small tool (resembling a drum stick; stalk?) (TS, 11; AG, 109) 2. mallet (LF, 62).

irs (pl. aU V XU V  SDOOHW-like tool (used in leather work) (TS, 12; AG, 109) 2. interlace (TS, 12: DG G DO-irs wa-hiya sabah waWDVPL\DWXK DO-irs wa-al-DZ O ZD-al-ilah wa-al-tak OD\Q DQ ELKLP WDN O DO-irs wa-tak O DO-DZ O ZD-al-afrah wa-al-nuqah; also TS, 32-33; AG, 109-110).

if (pl. a I  ta I (pl. ta I space between lines; interline (LL,

II, 1792; MU, XVII, 54: wa-qad alaqa bi-khaLK I WD I DO-su U bi-kha GDT T // ,,  /&  



agh stamping (KF, 44). al-waraq al-maJK see waraq.

DI UDK (pl. DI ir) 1. plait, braid (FT, 413) 2. interlace (TF, passim). afrah gouge-like tool (TS, 12, 33; AG, 110). maI U plaited, interlaced (FZ, 217). muaffarah interlacing (FT,406).

mualla polygonal; polygon. al-abk al-mualla see abk.

milaf chisel-like implement (for work with wooden boards) (TS, 11; AG, 107).

aw (pl. aZ ) counter, eye (of a letter), e.g.

(SA, III, 30, 32, 44, 45).


, D\Q I


NK WLP  VPDOO WRRO IRU OHDWKHU ZRUN 76   $*   ODUJH stamp (for a center- medallion) (HT, lin.134: wa- EL ka-shakl W OLOwasa).

EL, ED (pl. DZ EL ), miba 1. seal, signet, stamp (IK, 96), comp.



abaq (pl. aE T LE T  PRXOG VKHHW of paper; roll (AJ, 144; WS,   IRUPDW RI D ERRN 6- SDVVLP I abaq min al-N JKDG I QLf al-DEDT I UXE al-abaq), comp. qa DQG T OLE  OLG RI DQ LQNZHOO (KU, 154; DB, III, 2019) 4. center-medallion (on a book cover in the shape of a star) (DE, 979) 5. element of geometrical design (in Mamluk book cover decoration such as kindah, tirs, sarwah) (JL, 83, 95: al-aE T DO-QDMP \DK .5   abaqah (pl. DEDT W LE T  abaqat al-VDP , ELT group of auditors (auditors circle); record of authorities (or those present at a reading session); audition note (EI, VIII, 1020; MZ, I, Taf.7; AD, 102). LE T large sheets, leaves (of paper) (NH, 372).

ablah fore-edge flap (MB, 107, 113; IA, 60).

urrah (pl. urar) 1. edge; turn-in (TS, 21; AG, 109) 2. border (on a book cover) (TS, 33: wa-al-XUDU WDN Q al anw PLQK urrah min ED\W Z id; AG, 110) 3. margin (LC, 28; TK, f.120a) 4. marginal note, gloss; marginalia, abbrev. 73  Q $.   FRPS VKL\DK  KHDG XSSHU margin (TP, 58; ML, 46; SA, VI, 313; SD, II, 29) 6. address (XQZ Q RI D GRFXPHQW PDWWHU SUHFHGLQJ WKH basmalah (MU, X, 57; TP, 58, n.67), comp. ughr 7. illuminated headpiece (LC, 28) 8. title page of a manuscript or recto of the first folio (LC, 28) 9. center-medallion on a book cover (LC, 28) 10. disc or roundel (serving as a text divider) (LC, 28) 11. ansa, palmette (LC, 28; KH, 36) 12. tailpiece (LC, 28) 13. serif-OLNH VWURNH FRPS WDUZ V and zulf (ER, IV, 682, 689). al-urrah al-sufl lower margin (TK, f.120a). al-urrah al-XO\ upper margin (TK, f.120a; HT, lin.85). taU U glossing, annotation (WA, 16). muarrar glossed, annotated (WA, 16).



ar (pl. XU ), taU sketch, outline (HD, 118; MB, 101; PA, 61,
69, 159: dessin, composition). qalam al-ar see mikha. DUU 1. sketcher, draftsman (AB, 132; HD, 118; PA, 141: dessinateur, celui qui fait le trac initial, ar) 2. manuscript restorer; person who repairs parts of the manuscript damaged by humidity or worms by restoring the text (AD, 103). arah mould (DG, 133). al-waraq al-muarra see waraq.


on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for a second writing (WS, 63-64; IW, 75-76; IK, 93; EI, VIII, 408; LL, II, 1840), comp. LOV  VKHHW OHDI RI SDSHU HJ .LW E DO-kha waG EXK ZD-waf XU VLK ZD-DTO PLK E\ ,EQ DO-$G P G  OH, 140; LF, 79: LUV PDEVK U or LUV PDNVK : une feuille de papier (!) qui avait dj servi, et dont on avait effac lcriture avec un grattoir, pour sen servir encore une fois). taU V obliteration, effacement (of the original writing) (KM, IV, sifr 13, 8; BA, III, 371).

araf (pl. aU I key element (part) of a DG WK UHFRUGHG RQ D VOLS RI paper in order to later form an index (fihris) or dictionary (mujam) called al-aU I (IM, 166; TH, 57, 87).

DU T fillet (in book cover design) (TS, 11, 30, 31, 38; AG, 109). miraqah mallet; hammer (TS, 11; AG, 107; IA, 60). taU T pounding (of the spine) (TS, 15; AG, 107).



armasah obliteration, erasure (KM, IV, sifr 13, 7: armastu alNLW E PDawtuh).

umah small tool (possibly in the shape of a calice) (TS, 11; AG, 109). ta P inlay, inlay work (AB, 134; FT, 406).

(MU, X, 57: al-XJKU hiya kalimah DMDP \DK PXarrafah min alurrah (q.v.) 2. signature of the Ottoman sultan (EI, X, 595-598) 3. headpiece (LC, 28) 4. decorative panel (on a book cover or in the text) (LC, 28).



OLE student (medium) format (of a book) (MK, 83).

albaqah the formula of supplication, requiescat a OD $OO K

EDT ahu (MG, I, 483).

al, ala sheet, leaf (of paper) (TS, 27; UK, 147; WS, 92; AJ,
145; SD, II, 52). al \DK (pl. DO \ sheet (of paper from the mould); roll (WS, 87: al-darj; SD, II, 52). DO ah ream (of paper) (DM).



alkh obliteratioQ VPXGJLQJ .0 ,9 VLIU   LIV G DO-NLW E ZDnawih).

ils palimpsest (KM, IV, sifr 13, 7: wa-al-LOV DOODGK PXiya thumma kutiba; NH, 373: als; LL, II, 1866: written paper or the like; syn. a IDK RU RI ZKLFK WKH ZULWLQJ KDV EHHQ REOLWHrated; thus differing from irs), comp. irs. alsah, taO V obliteration, erasure (ND, 63, 82; NH, 373: ulsah).

ilsam, ilsim, ilsim (etc.) (pl. DO VLP talisman; magical combinaDO VLP cryptic characters (DM).
tion of words (EI, X, 500-502).

OL (pl. DZ OL ) 1. ascender (of a letter), iE (q.v.) (KH, 36: al-XU I al- OLah, al-XU I DO-DZ OL ) 2. also OLah head margin; beginning
of the text; incipit (WA, 11; WB, 56); headpiece (TW, 258). mu ODah reading or study note (usually beginning with the verbs ODa, naDUD ZDTDID /&  26   FRPS WDTU , naar.

(al-kha) al-mulaq curvilinear script or a family of scripts using ligatures and hairlines for joining letters together (AS, 144; SA, III, 22: wa-DPP DO-mulaq fa-KXZD DOODGK WDG NKDODW XU IXK ZDittaala baXK EL-ba; RN, 29: common, popular class of scripts). al-alif al-mulaqah the letter alif with its tail (foot) slightly tapered (SA, III, 59; MJ, 224). al-WDZT al-mulaq VHH WDZT .



aly 1. daubing, coating, pasting (MB, passim) 2. gilding (SD, II, 58; DG, 136). LO coat of paste, gilt and the like (MB, 110).

ams 1. obliteration, erasure (JA, I, 278; KD, II, 710: amastu alNLW E DPVDQ LGK ammaytu khaahu att l \XTUD) 2. filling in (inking in) (of the counters, eyes, of the letters such as G ayn, I T I P Q K DQG Z Z 6$ ,,, -47; IR, 242; KH, 36; AS, 144). maP V FORVHG EOLQG  DV RSSRVHG WR RSHQ PDIW ) (of the counter of a letter).

aQ E (sg. unub) ascenders (TU, 36: al-aQ E DO-DOLI W 01  DODOLI W ZD-al-O P W 

TDK 1. sheet (piece, layer) of paper (TS, 17, 35; AG, 109; MB, 111; IA, 62; TK, f. 120b) 2. strand (UK, 157; MB, 107; IA, 61).

a OD $OO h umrahu formula of supplication for someones longevity (placed after a persons name), abbrev. / / / (CI, I, xviii). a ODK $OO K EDT ahu see albaqah. DZ O long, pallet-like tool (used in the interlace) (TS, 31, 32; AG, 110), comp. ilah. muawwal original, unabridged work. al-shar al-muawwal see shar. musta O 1. rules, rule-border (LC, 26) 2. rectangular panel (AB, 135) 3. cartouche (LC, 26).



rolO SDS\UXV SDUFKPHQW RU SDSHU UROO ,%  $-  ,.  I an I DO-DZ P U  VKHHW RI SDSHU RU RWKHU ZULWLQJ VXUIDFH 6$ 9, 189: thumma al-PXU G EL-al- P U DO-waraqah al-N PLODK ZD-hiya almuabbar DQK I ]DP QLQ EL-al-farkhah; KM, IV, sifr 13, 8: al P U ZD-al- P U DO-a IDK  (qalam) al- P U one of the four ancient chancery scripts of a large size (FN, 11, 12). In the Mamluk period it was executed either using the rules of al-muaqqaq or al-thuluth (AS, 147: al- P U DON PLO, al- P U DO-muW G, mukhtaar al- P U). It was written with a reed pen, the nib of which was slit in three or more places (SA, III, 49-57).

P U P U (pl. DZ P U  *U WRPDULRQ 1/6th of the papyrus

ayy al-N JKDG fold (of a leaf of paper) (TK, f.120a).

person, abbrev.  0,   ta\ E VFHQWLQJ SHUIXPLQJ RI LQN ZLWK FDPSKRU N I U DQGRU musk, misk) (e.g. MJ, 206, 212). musta E DK KRQRULILF HSLWKHW RI NLW E ULV ODK HWF (e.g. CI, II, 3; CM, 18).

ED or D\\ED $OO K WKDU KX requiescat, prayer for a deceased

D\\ UDK slip of paper used for additions and glossed and inserted
between the sheets of the volume; inset (EM, 98; AH, 182). ****

arf (pl. XU I  UHFHSWDFOH FRQWDLQHU 6$ ,,   FDVH ER[ /& 29; LL, II, 1910; ME, 575).



DUU I seller of paper and boxes (cases) (QS, II, 495).

al-afar, al-muaffar epithet of the month of afar (q.v.). ufr (pl. aI U outline (surrounding the center-piece on a book cover) (LC, 29). taI U ruling (of leaves by means of fingernails, usually the thumbnail) (TM, 172: fa-LGK affara fa-O \DNELV XIUDK TDZ \DQ 00 132).

taO O (lit. shading) outlining, outline (KJ, no.3, 28: wa-kataba bial-dhahab al-DT T DO-muaan bi-al-ibr al-WKXE W OLO-taO O ZD-al bi-man al-EXU ] 

ann (pl. XQ Q conjecture, abbrev.

(TP, 57, n.64; CI, I, xv; GA, 285), often expressed by the phrase aunnuhu, placed in the margin.

ahr back, verso, hair side (of parchment), comp. ban. ahr al-waraqah verso or recto (LC, 29). ahr al-NLW E (al-nuskhah), DKU \DK 1. back of a document; blank

reverse of a letter (LC, 29; SL, II, 59) 2. front of the textblock (LC, 29); title-page (afat al-XQZ Q  IO\-leaf (SD, II, 88; ME, 553: la feuille de garde) 4. first page(s) of the textblock (KF, I, 8 and II, 473: wajh al-waraqah al- O), comp. gh VKL\DK ahr al-qalabbaq tool resembling the back (shell) of a tortoise (TS, 11; AG, 109). KLU (lit. external, obvious, evident; alleged, presumed) word commonly used in the Persian/Indian context to indicate a conjecture, abbrev. .*  ZD-hiya ay al-]L\ GDK ED\QD DO-a wa-al- KLU wa-al-badal wa-li-NXOO Z LG PLQK UDP] DO-awwal wa-al-WK Q ELhi wa-al-WK OLWK EL-hi khl wa-qad yuktab al-arf I DO-K PLVK D\an LVK UDWDQ LO kalimat al- KLU 73  Q 71  




al-ayn al-muallaqah see muallaqah.

taW T DO-waraq) method of making paper look old using saffron or straw to give it a buff or light brown tint (UK, 148-149; MP, 40; AJ, 147; WS, 80-82).

ajz, ajuz (pl. aM ]  WKH ODVW ZRUG RI D YHUVH '$  FRQFOXVLRQ

final part of a document or composition (work) (MU, V, 21-22; TP, 52, n.14).

DMMDOD $OO K IDUDMDKX formula of supplication (used after the name of al-,P P DO-0DKG  DEEUHY MI, 146; RA, 26). XM ODK (hastily prepared) short tract, treatise.

III, 16: al-ajm al-naq bi-al-VDZ G 0)  Djamtu al-NLW E ID-huwa muMDP O JKD\UXK ZD-huwa al-naq) 2. diacritical point 3. vocalization (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: shakaltu al-NLW E DVKNXOXKX VKDNODQ ajamtuh). mujam record of attested study arranged alphabetically by name 6' ,,  (, ,,   FRPS EDUQ PDM WKDEDW PDVK\DNKDK al-XU I DO-mujamah letters provided with diacritical points, pointed letters (TP, 57). XU I DO-mujam letters of the alphabet.

ajm, iM P WDM P 1. diacritical pointing (of letters) (MH, 90; SA,



taU M DK (pl. ta U M curve, curvature (of the descender) (SA, III,    P KXZD PXWDQ VLE I DO-taU M ZD-huwa al-ayn wa-al-M P wa-yajmaXK TDZOXN aj). taarruj scroll (in decoration) (UI, 30).

arsh (pl. XU VK al-sar base line (TW, 230: al XU VK DO-su U  DU VK WDU VKDK 1. trellis (FT, 423) 2. lattice-work (AB, 136).

ar(ah), LU (ah), mu UDah collation of a text with the

exemplar (usually in the presence of the teacher by means of recitation or reading) (LC, 25; TP, 56; MH, 92: afal al-mu UDah an yu UL al- OLE EL-QDIVLK NLW EDKX EL-NLW E DO-shaykh maa al-VKD\NK I O WDG WKLK L\\ KX PLQ NLW ELK 08 ;9,,  aratu al-Qur Q al (for ULa, JA, I, 202), Ibn $EE V WKDO WK Q aratan), abbrev. FRPS PXT EDODK ur al-NLW E outer or inner margin (IK, 94: fa-LGK QDTDa min alNLW EDK VKD\ fa-aliqhu bayna al-su U DZ I ur al-NLW E ,.  I asfal al-NLW E DO-PDUI ilayh aw al DKULK DZ I urih; LC, 29). ar al-qalam left-side (of the) half-nib (of a reed pen) (MJ, 218; KU, 154: wa-uruhu! al-M QLE DO-aysar; SA, II, 464; SA, III, 45). mu UL collator; reciter (CT, 45).

DU TDK WDU TDK (pl. ta U T  muarraqah descender (terminal, sublinear stroke of a letter) (RN, 22; KH, 36, 37; SA, III, 11, 40, 50; KU, 125: al-XU I DO-muarraqah V Q G T I Q Q \  U  ] \ P P Z Z  FRPS PXaqqaf. (al-kha) al-,U T see muaqqaq.

DUU P bookbinder (IB, 11).



urwah (pl. uran) thong, leather fastener in the shape of a loop or

noose (part of a clasp) (TS, 25, 34; AG, 110; KT, 135: al-muaf walahu uran wa-D]U U %$ ,,,  ZD-f KL >DO-JKLO I@ DO-XUZDW Q 

azza wa-jalla the formula of magnification (placed after the word

$OO K  DEEUHY / (CI, I, xiii).

ashr (pl. aVK U  VKLUDK (pl. DZ VKLU  VKLU \DK mark, decorative disc or rosette indicating the end of a group of 10 verses of the Qur Q 06   .7  // ,,  8,  6' ,,   al-ashr the first 10 days of Muarram (DM). taVK U 1. dividing a chapter of the Qur Q LQWR JURXSV RI  YHUVHV and marking them with the letter RU  SO WDVK U W WKH PDUN LWVHOI (MD, 126: wa-bada kull DVKU \ W WDWDamman al-G irah ras arf alayn wa-abaat tusamm al-taVK U W .7  N Q \DNUDK Q DO-naq wa-al-taVK U ZD-i U DO-suwar). ushar 1. stamp with vegetal design (TS, 31: wa-al-XVKDU I ZDVD alsifr wa-al-lawzah awlah; AG, 109) 2. tool (used for the application of gold with the inside either engraved or not) (TS, 11; AG, 109).

ar pressing (MB, 108, 109). a UDK press (used for tanning leather) (MB, 116: gha UDK  miarah (pl. ma ir) bookbinders press (UK, 154-155; SD, II,
134). miDUDW GK W abl rope press (UK, 154). miarat al-PDJK ]LO screw press, also known as laP 6XOD\P Q (UK, 154; IB, 42).

ubah cotton wad (tow) (in the inkwell) (KU, 155; IK, 84).



af (ah) 1. fold (of a leaf of paper or quire) (MB, 107: af al-NXUU V

HT, lin.130) 2. curved line (used as a reference mark, signe de renvoi); caret (MR, 95: wa-T OD WDPXGG DO-afah il awwal al-laaq thumma yuktab al-laaq TXE ODWD DO-aIDK I DO- VKL\DK 73   rounding (of the end of descender or the tail of the alif) (KH, 37) 4. also DO PDW DO-af or ma IDK conjunction, connection, abbrev. / / / (AR, 35, 36; MI, 145, 147; AM, introd.).

ta m WKH IRUPXOD RI JORULILFDWLRQ VXFK DV WDE UDND WDTDGGDVD azza wa-jalla, sub QDKX WD O (placed after the word All K 00 132; MR, 93; TM, 176; TP, 54). al-muaam epithet of the months of Rama Q DQG 6KDE Q TY 

af galls, gall nuts (for making iron-gall or tannin inks, ibr) (MP, LI plug, stopper (in the inkwell) (IK, 83; LL, II, 2091).
16, 19).

margin (ST, index, 17; ST, 8: wa-yanXU I aqb al-waraqah wa-I DODZZDO DOODW EDGDK  03   taT EDK 1. note, comment (LC, 27) 2. catchword, vox reclamans (TN, 38: hiya al-NDOLPDK DOODW WXNWDE I DVIDO DO-afah al-yumn JK OLEDQ OL-tadull al bad al-afDK DOODW WDO K  .+  10  SJ, 344).

aqb, aqib (pl. aT E end of the text (matn) on a page; lower

uqdah (pl. uqad) 1. counter, eye (of a letter) (SA, III, 46, 47, 58,
128: mufatta al-uqad; KH, 36) 2. knot-like tool (TS, 11; AG, 109).



uqf(ah) tail of the alif curved to the right (KH, 37). muaqqaf OHWWHU VXFK DV M P DQG ayn) having its tail or descender
curved to the right) (KU, 126), comp. taU T

allahu, laallahu (lit. perhaps, maybe) used in the expression


LO M sizing (of paper) (AB, 90; WS, 80: ifat saqy al-N JKDG ZDhuwa al-musamm f PXala al-Q V DO- Q DO-LO M  FRPS VDT\

taO T 1. writing, composition; transcription, copying (TE, 15) 2. copy, transcript (AD, 119) 3. ligature (KU, 124); script, hand (using an unconventional way of joining letters) (MM, 133: huwa khal alXU I DOODW \DQEDJK WDIULTDWXK 73  0$ ,9   GLFWDWLRQ VHVVLRQ LQ 6K IL FLUFOHV .) ,   DOVR taO TDK, abbrev.  (MI, 107) (pl. ta O T WDO T W marginal gloss, comment; scholium, explication (TE, 15; LC, 27; MU, IX, 71; EI, X, 165) 6. insertion/ omission (written in the margin) (SD, II, 162). (kha) al-taO T 1. (also known as taO T-L TDG P or taO T-i al) Persian chancery hand and later also (though less frequently) a book hand which emerged in its definite form in the 7/13th century. It is characterized by numerous ligatures, the WDUZ V protruding to the left and the tail (foot) of the alif bent leftward and often joined with the following letter (EI, IV, 1124; ER, IV, 694-696) 2. name often given, in the Turkish/Arabic context, to the script which is properly known as nastaO T (q.v.). mualliq glossator (MI, 26). muallaqah strip of parchment (used for lining the spine of the textblock befoUH FRYHULQJ  KLQJH JXDUG 76  DPP DO-ma if al-mulawwaah fa-LQQDP WDN Q ODK PXDOODT W PLQ DO-raqq mud-



khalah bayna al-law wa-al-muaf; also TS, 26, 28; AG, 104), FRPS U ML. al-ayn al-muallaqah syn. al-ayn al-maP VDK, closed (blinded) form of the letter ayn (SA, III, 77). al-V Q DO-muallaqah WKH OHWWHU V Q ZLWKRXW WHHWK 6$ ,,,   miO T fastener (part of a clasp) (BA, III, 371, 372: wa-huwa khay aw sayr yushadd il XU K 

alam (pl. aO P decorated border (LL, II, 2140). DO PDK 1. mark, book mark (e.g. to mark centers of quires when
rebinding, TS, 27) 2. abbreviation (siglum) (MU, XII, 138: wa-qad alama alayhi ayn wa-hiya DO PDK OL-nafsih) 3. motto, signature (SD, II, 164; EI, I, 352) 4. autograph (LC, 22). al-DO PDK DO-P \DK watermark (HN, 381). DO PDW DO-af see af. DO PDW DO-EDO JK VHH EDO JK DO PDW DO-i ODK see i ODK DO PDW DO-LKP O VHH LKP O DO PDW DO-raj see raj. DO PDW DO-taE E see abbah. DO PDW DO-WDNKU M VHH WDNKU M. DO PDW DO-WDPU see abbah. DO PDW DO-ta see ta . DO PDW DO-waqf see waqf. taO P 1. marking; marking quires before sewing (ST, index, 18) 2. signing a document (AA, 135; SD, II, 164); also possibly the textual closing formula wa-$OO K Dlam (bi-al-DZ E   0, 100). al-muall HSLWKHW RI .HUEHOD .DUEDO ) (CM, no.39). ta O the formula of glorification placed after the ZRUG $OO K RU qawluhu (introducing a Qur QLF TXRWDWLRQ  DEEUHY RU 73  

LO ZDK upper book cover (BA, III, 372). al All K PDT PDKX the formula of supplication, abbrev.



DP G DO-NLW E text-column (as opposed to the margins) (LL, II, 2153: text of the book). al-nuskhah al-mutamadah see nuskhah.

amal (pl. aP O  FRPSRVition, compilation (MU, VII, 256: amaltu bi-LGKQ $OO K NLW EDQ  FRPS anah 2. also DPDO \DK execution,
i.e. writing, colouring, painting, etc. (SJ, passim: min amal asan jiddan, mukhtalifat al-amal, la I DO-amal; TC, 30) 3. main work of a painter (PA, 61: le gros de loeuvre, used in opposition to ar, q.v.).

tamiyah 1. blinding of the eyes (counters) of letters (KU, 123), comp. taZ U 2. also muamm cryptography, cryptogram; chronosticon (TI, 47-48; SA, IX, 229; EI, VII, 257-258). al-tamiyah bi-al-naq see taU NK al-tamiyah bi-al-]L\ GDK see taU NK

ananah the formula DQ IXO Q RQ WKH DXWKRULW\ RI E\  DEEUHY


XQZ Q (pl. DQ Z Q  DGGUHVV LQ GLSORPDWLF PLQ IXO Q LO ful Q  the matter preceding the basmalah (LC, 29; EI, X, 870), comp. tarjamah 2. title (of a book) (LC, 29; EI, X, 871-872) 3. illuminated headpiece or frontispiece (sometimes containing the title of the work) (AF, 36; PA, 66, 116; EI, X, 870-871) 4. chapter, section heading (LC, 29).

uhdah IDXOW\ IRUPDWLRQ RI OHWWHUV I NKDih uhdah) (LL, II, 2183).



M ivory (EI, I, 200-203). al-misarah al- M \ah see misarah. iZLM M curvature, hence muawwaj crooked, curved (of a line,

VWURNH .8  FXUYDWXUH RI WKH WDLO RI M P DQG ayn; UD, e.g. 13, 14).

G DO-QDV NKDK copyists book support (WA, 12; IN, I, 230). i GDK reiteration of dictation; collation session (MF, 74). mu G transmitters clerk (famulus); collation master, repetitor (EI, VII, 726).

taawwudh, isti GKDK the formula of protection a GKX EL-$OO K (EI, X, 7). taZ GKDK (pl. ta Z GK talisman, amulet (DT, 69).

taZ U filling in (inking in) (of the counters, eyes, of letters) (AP, 95; KU, 114, 123-124), comp. ams.

P (pl. aZ P year (word used predominantly in dates in Maghrebi manuscripts) (SA, VI, 252-253), comp. sanah.

ayn (pl. X\ Q Dyun) counter (eye of a letter) (MJ, 194; LM, 43),
comp. uqdah.




(qalam) al-JKXE U the smallest curvilinear script, also known as (qalam) al-MDQ , (qalam) al-ba iq (AS, 145), as well as JKXE U (or qalam) al-albah or al-ilyah (KK, 47; IK, 88; MP, 41, n.289: JKDE U DO-ulbah!; JM, 58-63; AS, 145; EI, IV, 1124). al-khamsah al-JKXE U \DK see khams. rasm al-JKXE U, al-DUT P DO-JKXE U \DK see raqm. ghubrah mixture of white, red and black colours (SD, II, 199).

ghurrah the first night of the month (SA, VI, 244). ghurar the first three nights of the month (SA, VI, 250).

JKDUDQ JKLU (pl. aghriyah) paste, adhesive (TS, 12-13; AG, 107; HT, lin.60-72; NW, 45-47). JKLU al-DOD] Q snail paste (UK, 141; MB, 97; MP, 37; IB, 73). JKLU al- W whitefish paste (ST, 19-23; IB, 74). JKLU al-samak fish paste (UK, 141; MB, 97; MP, 37; IB, 74; NW, 47). taghriyah 1. pasting (ST, index,18) 2. sizing (of paper) (AB, 90; NW, 46: taghriyat al-waraq).

JKXU E the last hour of day (SA, VI, 250). (al-kha) al-0DJKULE generic name for a host of non-proportioned scripts which originated from the category currently known as the Abbasid bookhand and which were used throughout Andalusia, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa (DQ, 233; OD; DW, 32-34, 42  FRPS ,IU T 



MLOG UDTT JKD] O see jild. miarat al-PDJK ]LO see miarah.

JKLVK (pl. aghshiyah) 1. book cover; covering of the board, binding (TS, 35, 36; ME, 554, 564) 2. case, box (SD, II, 214; KC, passim). JK VKL\DK SO JKDZ VKLQ  ERRN FRYHU LQQHU FRYHU SDVWH-down end paper or recto of the first folio (TM, 182: wa-yajalu ru V XU I K GKLKL DO-tarjamah il al-JK VKL\DK DOODW PLQ M QLE DO-basmalah; CD, III, pl. 71: samia al-juz kullah wa-P I JK VKL\DWLK TDUDtuh wa-P al gh VKL\DWLK  ODVW SDJH V RI WKH WH[WEORFN DUHD DURXQG WKH WDLO of the text and the colophon (KF, I, 8: al-afa W DO-DNK UDK .) ,, 473). taghshiyah book covering, binding (IN, I, 257).

LVWLJKI U DK  WKH IRUPXOD RI IRUJLYHQHVV DVWDJKILUX $OO K 6' ,, 217) 2. prayer (in verse) on the theme of forgiveness.


ghala SO DJKO ), ghalah error, mistake, abbrev. a word) (MI, 150).


ghila, ghilDK JKLO ah boldness (of letters); bold character, OHWWHU 6.  7%  LQ N QD DO-Qur Q EL-kha mutamayyiz bighila aw XPUDK DZ JKD\ULK aruma). WDJKO writing in bold letters (TM, 192).



JKLO I SO DJKOLIDK JKLO I W book cover (MD, 108). mughallif bookbinder (DG, 157). WDJKO I book covering; binding (FZ, 213, 214; AB, 132).



I I U papyrus (EI, VIII, 261).

fat opposite of ams (q.v.); mufatta al-uqad letters with open counters (KU, 114; SA, III, 46, 47, 128), comp.uqdah. I WLah SO IDZ WL) 1. also iftit , LVWLIW opening lines (of a FRPSRVLWLRQ  LQFLSLW 08 ;9,,  NXOO PXMDOODG ODKX I WLah bikhubah; LC, 23) 2. preface, prologue, proem (MU, XV, 8: kull PXMDOODG ODKX I WLah wa-NK WLPDK 73  Q /&   KHDGLQJ (e.g. IDZ WL al-suwar, LC, 23) 4. headpiece (KF, II, 320: al-IDZ WL wa-al-JKDZ OLT  PLIW al-TDUU VHH TDUU . muftata the first day of the month (SA, VI, 245).

IDW ODK 1. also PDIW O endband (headband) strip (MB, 114: wayusamm h GK DO-sayr al-PDIW O DO-IDW ODh; IA, 62; TS,18; AG, 109) 2. press screw (MB, 104; IA, 59).



farkhah sheet, leaf (of paper) (SA, VI, 189; SD, II, 249), comp. P U

fard(ah) SO DIU G one of a pair; one half of a piece of leather (TS, 28); conjugate leaf. al-fard epithet of the month of Rajab (q.v.). IDU GDK quire (of paper) (DM). al-nukhah al-IDU GDK see nuskhah. LIU G letter in its isolated, as opposed to linked (ligatured) form, WDUN E TY 6$ ,,,   al-XU I DO-PXIUDGDK PXIUDG W letters of the alphabet written individually (in their isolated forms) (e.g. SA, III, 60; MY, 83).

mifrash(ah) piece of cotton or wool (used as lining for pens in a writing case) (SA, II, 481; AT, 133; IR, 230; DD, I, 390).

far al-qalam syn. shaqq (q.v.) (KU, 154). furah (pl. fura) SODFH LQ WKH ZULWLQJ FDVH GDZ K ZKHUH WKH LQN LV NHSW SHUKDSV V\Q RI M QDK TY // ,,  

mifra cutter (ST, index,18), most probably a variant of PLTU , PLTU and PLTU .

far SO IXU ) 1. also al-nuskhah al-far copy, apograph; witness (MR, 94: wa-\DNI PXT EDODWXK EL-far T ELOD EL-al al-shaykh; LC, 23) 2. note, annotation (TM, 191: wa-O \XVDZZLGXK EL-naql alPDV il wa-al-IXU al-JKDU EDK .=  N QD al al-al al-PDQT O PLQKX K GK DO-far P UDWXK  VFULSW GHULYHG IURP WKH RULJLQDO



(principal) script (al, q.v.) (UD, 15; SM, 269) 4. argument resulting from a legal point, al; application as opposed to theory, abbrev. (AD, 131). WDIU interlacing, scroll (FI, 87, 88; JL, 93; KR, 82).

IDU JK SO IDU JK W  DOVR WDIU JK (MO, 41) end, completion, execution; one of the standard words introducing a colophon (tail of WKH WH[W  HJ N QD RU ZDTDD RU Z IDTD DO-IDU JK IDUDJKD PLQ WDIU JK 2. also qayd al-IDU JK colophon (LC, 23, 26; GA, 289) 3. blank, lacuna (LC, 23).

farkah (MN, 116) thinner part of a letter (stoke) at its bend (JM, 17: al-qa al-muarraf yuhir al-IDUDN W I DO-NLW EDK ZD-al-farkah riqqat al-] ZL\DK .+  /0  

WDIV U SO WDI V U 1. explication, comment; commentary on a given work (usually but not necessarily relating to the text of the Qur Q )1  IDVVDUDK I WKDO WK PDT O W  FRPS VKDU 2. commentary and/or translation, e.g. from Greek into Arabic (EI, X, 83). mufassir commentator.

fa (pl. fu ) lobe (in design) (JL, 103: buur musta ODK GK W fu I QLK \DWLK  0'  G irah min fu scalloped circle).

I il(ah) SO IDZ il) PDUN VXFK DV D FLUFOH OHWWHU K , disc, three dots, three inverted commas) used as a textual divider; paragraph mark (TP, 55; LC, 23; AK, 351; MS, 28: IDZ il al-khams, IDZ il al-ashr; SA, III, 146: fa-al-QXVV NK \DMDO Q OL-GK OLN G irah tufail bayna al-NDO PD\Q ,5  



fal (pl. fu O  taf O 1. word division (in a text); space between words or passages; spacing (TP, 55; MM, 134, 138; SA, III, 145-146) 2. division of a composition into fu O ). , QR ZD-qad IDUDJKWX PLQ K GK DO-NLW E ZD-ta OLK ZD-taf OLK  FKDSWHU 6' II, 271). fal al-khi E (in epistolography and diplomatic) conclusion of the formal greetings by the words amma badu; place separating the doxological and doctrinal formulae from the preface proper (AA, 37; TP, 53, n.20), comp. baG \DK

fiah silver, silver-based ink (UK, 130-133; MB, 92; MP, 33).

(qalam) al-fa , or fa al-naskh see matn.


fiqrah (pl. fiqar) passage, section of a text, paragraph (LC, 23; AK, 351).

WDIT writing the word faqa only (closing formula found at the end of colophons and marginal glosses), abbrev. RIWHQ UHSUHVHQWHG in the form of a logograph) (CI, I, xiii; SD, II, 273; DM), comp. taP Q WDWP P

fakk SO IXN N book cover (HN, 385; BA, III, 372: wa-KXZD P yastur al-DZU T PLQ M QLED\K  FRPS VKLGT



PDIN N, mufakkak loose, disbound (e.g. al-nuskhah al-mufakkakah).

IDQ T (pl. funuq) case, box (KC, 45).

fihris, fihrist (pl IDK ULV  WDEOH RI FRQWHQWV /&   UHFRUG RI attested study 3. list, catalogue (SD, II, 286; EI, II, 743-744) 4. bibliography. fahrasah 1. record of attested study, comp. mashyakhah 2. cataloguing.

I idah SO IDZ id) 1. digressional remark (in a text) (SD, II, 293) 2. marginal note, gloss; nota bene (notabilia), abbrev. RU &0  RU 66, 149, 207; LC, 23; AR, 36), also I idat al-al, abbrev. (CA, 49, 50).


T Q Q SO TDZ Q Q trapezium-shaped instrument (used for FUHDWLQJ FRPSDUWPHQWV DQG IUDPHV WDE\ W RQ ERRN FRYHUV 76  AG, 107).

Qubbat al-,VO P epithet of the city of Basra. Qubbat al-iakhrah the Dome of the Rock (the Mosque of Umar in Jerusalem). WDTE E rounding (backing) the spine (of a book) (TS, 15). al-TDI al-muqabbab see qafan.



TXE U (sg. qabr, lit.grave) pen box (EI, IV, 471).

qubal, qub O TDE il) ruler, straightedge (TS, 12: wa-yaW M qub ODQ ZD-hiya misarah; AG, 107; SD, II, 302).

qabla before, abbrev. (when used for a transposed word) (LE,   VHH DOVR WDTG P PXT EDODK 1. collation (of the text with the exemplar either in the presence of the shaykh or not) (MR, 94: afal al-PXT EDODK DQ yamsik huwa wa-VKD\NKXK NLW ED\KLP OD Dl-VDP ; MH, 92: al al- OLE PXT EDODW NLW ELK EL-aO VDP ih;TP, 56, n.52; EI, VII, 490492), comp. mu UDah 2. collation note (statement). PXT ELO collator; corrector.

iq P interpolation (LL, II, 2985: arf muqamah, letter inserted withRXW UHDVRQ $'   FRPS ] idah.

TDGG WDTG G cutting (of leather, etc.) into strips (lengthwise) (KD, II, 701; AA, 109), comp. qa. qidd (pl. aqudd) strip (of leather). miqaddah crescent-shaped trimming knife (TS, 10, 11, 18, 24; AG, 107).

WDTG V WKH IRUPXOD RI EHQHGLFWLRQ TDGGDVD $OO K VLUUDKX U ahu), abbrev. / / / / / (TP, 54, n.37; CI, I,xiii; CI, II, xiv).



muqaddam fore-edge; fore-edge flap (TS, 16: al-muqaddam wahuwa al-adr; also TS, 17, 26, 27: urrat al-muqaddam wa-al-udhn; 76  PLQ Q iyat al-abk wa-al-muqaddam; AG, 107). muqaddimah forward, preface, introduction (EI, VII, 495-496). al-WDTG P ZD-al-taNK U transposition (of words), abbrev. RU IRU IRU WDTG P RU PXTDGGDP DQG IRU taNK U RU PXakhkhar or IRU PXakhkhar muqaddam; both muqaddam and muakhkhar; for muqaddam muakhkhar (TN, 52; TP, 59; MI, 120, 173), comp. alqalb al-PDN Q 

WDTU U SO WDT U U marginal note, gloss; collection of glosses, commentary (AD, 139).

T UL SO TXUU ) reader, prelector; reciter. TLU ah 1. reading, recitation (LC, 26) 2. manner of recitation, punctuation and vocalization of the Qur QLF WH[W '0 (, 9 -129) 3. variant reading (varia lectio), lection (especially relating to the text of the Qur Q $/ ,  73   FRPS arf. LM ]DW DO-TLU ah audition (recitation) certificate (beginning with the word qaraa, quria or qaratu) (e.g. TP, 53, n.25; KF, II, 494-498), FRPS VDP . PDTU ah SO PDTU W ZRUN IRU ZKLFK DQ LM ]DW DO-TLU ah was JUDQWHG /0  PLQ PDTU WLK ZD-PDVP WLK 

TLU E (pl. aqribah) 1. sheath (SK, 104; SA, II, 466) 2. sleeve case (TS, 35-36; AG, 110). al-TLU E DO-PDEQ case or box (built around a form) (TS, 36; AG, 110). al-TLU E DO-PDNKU ] sewn case or box (TS, 36; AG, 110).



qur SO DTU ) disc (in decoration) (ZM, 47). qar TDU pressing, putting something into a press (ST, index,19; MP, 63). TDUU bookbinders press; screw press (MB, 103: PLTU (!), elseZKHUH TDUU DQG TDUU ; IA, 59). PLIW al-TDUU press screw (IA, 60).

qaraah fine, compact writing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: qaratu alNLW E TDUPDtuh; IK, 94).

PLTU SO PDT UL) (pair of ) scissors (TS, 10, 21; AG, 107; ST, index, 19; IK, 91-92; IB, 44; QS, II, 417). TXU ah slip (of paper) (UI, 20).

qarDE Q square (an instrument) (TS, 18; AG, 107; ST, index, 19; MP, 63; IB, 44).

qir V TXU V TDU V *U NKDUWHV SO TDU LV TDU V sheet or roll of papyrus (EI, V, 173-174; EI, VIII, 261; AE, 66-93; WS, 66-76; IW, 82-91), parchment (AE, 108; EI, VIII, 407) or paper (SA, II, 485: al-qir V ZD-al-a IDK ZD-KXP EL-maQDQ Z id wa-KXZD N JKDG KK, 50; AE, 98; UD, 11: wa-l-yakun al-qir V I O DO-NLW EDK al alrukbah al-yumn), comp. a IDK TDU V papyrus maker (KF, I, 17).

WDTU (ah) SO WDT U  WDTU W approbation (appreciation) note or statement attached to a manuscript, often in the form of laudatory verses or encomia for the promotion of a newly composed work;



blurb (SA, XIV, 335- WDTU W  %/ $0 QRV     122, 136, 143, 313), comp. mu ODah. muqarri blurb-writer (BL, 182, 186).  qarmadah, qarmaah fine, compact writing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: al-qarmadah wa-al-qarmaah diqqat al-NLW EDK 73  6.  ID-in jamaa al-XU I ZD-T UDED DO-su U EDDK PLQ ED T OD TDUPDDK 

qirmah see VL\ T.

qurnah corner (MB, 112: al-qurnah al-yumn, al-qurnah al-yusr). (qalam) al-muqtarin script derived from al-ULT , the main characteristic of which is that it is executed in lines grouped in twos with a large interline spacing between each group (AS, 146; JM, 41).

miqsam(ah) (lit. divider) tool (most probably a compass) used in leather work (lil-naqsh) (IA, 60, see also UA, 393: not defined).

qa, taq shaving, trimming (ST, index,19; HT, 80). miqa SO PDT ) (pair of ) scissors (UK, 153; IB, 42; DS, 181; MB, 103; IA, 59; IK, 91-92: wa-\XT O KXZa al-miqa wa-al-miqa wa-al-PLTU wa-al-jalam).

qaab(ah) reed; reed pen (IK, 86; EI, IV, 682; EI, IV, 471: baU reeds from a seashore and XNKU reeds from a rocky ground; AA, 69).



qaG U tin, tin-based ink (UK, 130; MP, 32).

qaamah, qu PDK a shaving (from a reed) (KU, 154). miqamah plaquette (for nibbing a calamus) (KU, 153), comp. miqa.

qam syn. qa (nibbing) (IK, 86). qa P DK white hide, leather (IW, 72-74; KM, I, sifr 4, 102; IK, 93).

qa(ah) cutting (of the point of the nib), nibbing; the point itself; cutting (of leather, etc.) breadthwise (KD, II, 701: wa-kull qa aran qa; AA, 109-110; KK, 50; KU, 153; qaatu al-qalam qaDQ LGK qaatu min arafih al-PDEU OL-\DVWDZ  6$ ,, 2-463; LM, 39: waqad ikhtalafa al-NXWW E I TD al-qalam al khamsat madh KLE  al-qa al-muarraf oblique point of the nib (SA, II, 462; LL, I, 551: muarraf reed pen nibbed bliquely; having the right tooth of the nib higher, i.e. longer than the left; LM, 39: fa- ifah taqu muDUUDIDQ I MDP al-DTO P ZD-KXZD LNKWL\ U < T W DO-MustaLP  LM, 42: fa-DPP DO-muarraf fa-yakhta bi-al-muaqqaq wa-alray Q ZD-al-muarraf yuraqqiq al-muntaLE W ND-al-alif wa-ras alO P  al-qa al-muawwab nibbing in which the exterior of the writingUHHG LV PDGH WR H[WHQG EH\RQG WKH SLWK RSSRVHG WR T im (LL, II, 1742; MJ, 217). al-qa al-PXVWDZ even, straight point of the nib (SA, II, 462); see DOVR LVWLZ . al-qa al-T im nibbing in which the pith and the exterior of the reed are made of equal length, opposite to muawwab (LL, II, 2996; MJ, 217). qu ah a shaving (from a reed) (KU, 154). miqa(ah) SO PLT ) nibbing plaquette (made of wood, ivory,



etc. for nibbing a calamus) (UK, 76; MB, 65; SA, II, 468; ND, 54, 62; SK, 105: maqa; AT, 133).

qa (pl. aq ) format (of a sheet or codex) (EI, IV,742; IP, 45; MK, 83: qa nif al-waraqah, nif al-waraqah al-NDE UDK WKXOWK UXE, thumn al-waraqah al-NDE UDK QLf al-thumn; LS, 70: qa al-N PLO DON PLO DO-NDE U TD al-nif, qa al-rub, qa al-thumn; MM, 131: alqa al-NDE U DO-qa al-DJK U  FRPS T OLE T i artist skilled in the art of paper cutting, decoupage (ER, VI, 475). al-T i wa-al-maq cutting and the cut, principle of the interlace, irs (AG, 110). qiah 1. piece of something (e.g. piece of poetry) 2. piece of calligraphy, calligraph (AC, 42: adhantu bi-wa al-kitbah li-muarrir K GKLKL DO-qiah al-PXE UDNDK 1,   SLHFH RI FDOOLJUDSKic decoupage (ER, VI, 475). qiat al-taU NK see taU NK miqa SO PDT i ) 1. (pair of) scissors (IK, 91); cutting instrument (DM) 2. instrument for fixing or removing decoration from book covers (TS, 11; AG, 107), comp. mishra. taq 1. splitting (of a word at the end of the line) (MS, 21) 2. tear(s) 6- QR I K NKDUP ZD-taq  6- QR DZU T PXTDaah) 3. format (of a book) (TL, 85: wa-\DQEDJK DQ \DN Q WDT al-NLW E murabbaan fa-innahu taq $E DQ IDK ZD-huwa aysar al al-raf wa-al-wa wa-al-mu ODah; WS, 90) 4. also qaah art of paper cutting, papercut(s); collage, decoupage, filigree work (IP, 144; PA,  (5 9,  +'   T i, muqaa ). muqaa W disjoined, mysterious letters at the beginning of 26 chapters of the Qur Q (, 9,,  

'K DO-Qadah (al-VKDU IDK DO-DU P the eleventh month of the Muslim calendar, abbrev.  26  

qufl SO DTI O TXI O clasp (for fastening bookbindings) (NH, 377).



TDIDQ TDI spine (back of a codex) (TS, 14, 15; AG, 107; ST, index, 20). al-TDI al-muqabbab round back (TS, 15; AG, 107). al-TDI al-musaa straight, flat back (TS, 15; AG, 107). taqfiyah backing (TS, 15-17; AG, 107).

qalb, al-qalb al-PDN Q transposition (of letters) (MQ, 641), comp. taU I T OLE T ODE SO TDZ OLE  PRXOG 8.    IRUPDW RI D sheet or book) (TS, 14, 26; LC, 26; ST, index,19; MK, 83: mujalladah DJK UDW DO-T OLE $'  T OLE DO-N PLO LQ IROLR T OLE DO-nif in quarto; KC SDVVLP I DO-T OLE DO-NDE U I T OLE UXE  I DO-UXE  I al-UXE OLO-LJKDU I DO-WKXP Q  +7 OLQ DO-ULE wa-al-WKLP Q KJ, no.3, 28- T OLE DO-WKXPQ T OLE DO-thumn al-DJK U T OLE DOthumn al-NDE U T OLE DO-rub al-NDE U  FRPS TD 3. stamp (for book cover design) (IA, 59; FI, 88; FZ, 214; JL, 93) 4. folder (IB, 43). miqlab SO PDT OLE 7XUN PLNOHE envelope flap (MT, 202-203).

TLO GDK SO TDO id) round center-piece (on book covers) (LC, 26). WDTO G imitation of the master calligraphers work by reproducing it from memory (MY, 83; DW, 68).

qalam SO DTO P TLO P  SLHFH RI ZRRG ..  76   calamus, reed pen; also qalam al-qaab, as opposed to qalam alnu V, i.e. copper pen, see TW, 232; TC, 13 (AA, 69: al-DTO P DOqaDE \DK; IK, 45-87; SA, II, 44-465; KU, 153: al-qalam al-XQE E min al-qaab wa-al-TLQQ "  .. -50; AT, 133-134; UK, 71-75; MB, 59-64; EI, IV, 471) 3. script; hand, handwriting; ductus. qalam al-U VK VHH U VK qalam al-shar brush pen (UK, 144, 356; MP, 38-39; MB, 100). al-qalam al-) V DO-5 P see kha. al-DTO P DO-PDEV ah (al-\ ELVDK VHH PDEV  \ ELV



al-DTO P DO-muraabah (al-layyinah, al-muqawwarah) see tar E layyin, muqawwar. al-qalam al-mushajjar cryptographic script, otherwise known as the alphabet of Dioscorides, used in talismans and amulets (IT, I, 335). al-DTO P DO-PDZ] QDK weighed scripts, an appellation given by Ibn al-1DG P WR VRPH  DQFLHQW VFULSWV XVHG LQ WKH HDUO\ FHQWXULHV RI Islam (FN, 11-12). al-DTO P DO-sittah the six main calligraphic scripts based on the SULQFLSOH RI SURSRUWLRQDOLW\ WDQ VXE  DO-muaqqaq, al-ray Q DOnaskh, al-thuluth, al-WDZT and al-ULT , and used extensively in the main Arab lands, Iran and Turkey throughout the medieval and postmedieval periods (AS, 144). al-DTO P DO-u O principal scripts from which other scripts are derived (AS, 145). TXO PDK a shaving (from a reed) (KU, 153; IK, 85). miqlam(ah) SO PDT OLP  SHQ ER[ FDVH ,.  $,  I DOVLNN Q wa-al-miqa LMWLP XKXP PDa al-DTO P I DO-miqlamah; SA, ,,  VDZ DQ N QD PLQ QDIV DO-GDZ K DZ DMQDEL\DQ DQK  ,$  Q  FRPSDUWPHQW IRU UHHG SHQV LQ WKH ZULWLQJ FDVH GDZ K '6 179: al-miqlamah wa-hiya al-M QDK DOODW WDN Q I K DO-DTO m wanaZLK PLQ O W DO-GDZ K $7   WDTO P paring, trimming (a reed), hence miqlam D NQLIH IRU WDTO P (IK, 85).

qamah small tool (resembling a wheat grain) (TS, 11; AG, 109).

qimar(ah) SO TDP ir) container (made of reeds woven together for storing books); chest (LL, II, 2565). For a list of words used for such containers see SL, II, 43, 49-51.

qanarat al-OLV Q fore-edge flap (KF, I, 43; KR, 79).



WDTZ U rounding (of letters) (AS, 144), comp. tar E WDTZ V al-DTO P DO-muqawwarah (al-muraabah, al-layyinah) curvilinear scripts such as al-thuluth, al-WDZT and al-ULT (SA, III, 11; AS, 144).

WDTZ V V\Q WDTZ U WDGZ U URXQGLQJ RI OHWWHUV HVSHFLDOO\ descenders) (KH, 37). muqawwas sublinear stroke (line) forming an arch of the circle, as LQ V Q T I DQG Q Q 8'  /0  ZD-al-PXTDZZDV KXZD DOODGK O \XPNLQ DQ \XIUD DOD\KL WKDO WK QXTD al samt w id ka-dawr alQ Q ZD-al-V Q ZD-al-T I ZD-naZLK 

qawl SO DTZ O quotation, passage; in commentaries and glosses XVXDOO\ LQWURGXFHG E\ T OD RU TDZOXKX DEEUHY   DV ZHOO DV IDrespectively (CI, II, xiv; TP, T OD \XT O ID-\XT O DEEUHY / / 55; MI, 154, 155, 190; MU, XII, 238). PDT ODK 1. short composition, treatise, tract 2. chapter in a composition (such as in the Fihrist of Ibn al-1DG P 


T imah SO TDZ im) leaf, folio (folium) (MK, 82, 83, 86; DF, III, 190, 283, 327, 377; KF, I, 222: wa-kaannahu mat fasada maahu shay abala tilka al-T imah; KF, I, 90: yaktub al-PXVWDPO DZZDO DOT LPDK PDMOLV DPO KX VKD\NKXQ IXO Q  al-qa al-T im see qa. PXVWDT P upright, erect; rectilinear (of letters and scripts) (e.g. RN, 22), comp. mDEV .



taqwiyah SO WDT ZLQ HQGSDSHU 8.  DPP DO-,U T \ Q IDLQQDKXP \DO]LT Q DO-NLW E EL-ZDUDTDK PLQKX ELO K GKLKL DO-ba in wa-tusamm al-WDT Z  03   al-waraq al-muqaww see waraq.

qayd SO TX\ G note, statement. qayd al-tamalluk see tamalluk. qayd al-IDU JK VHH IDU JK WDT\ G 1. committing something to writing; composition (TE, 17; 73  WDT\ G EL-al-NLW E 6' ,,  FH TXRQ QRWH FH TXRQ FRXFKH SDU pFULW  FRPS WDGZ Q  FRS\LQJ WUDQVFULSWLRQ 7(   tying, binding; sewing endbands (headbands) (MB, 113; IA, 62) 4. diacritical pointing (of letters) (BA, III, 371: naqatu al-NLW E ZDajamtuhu wa-shakaltuhu wa-qayyadtuh; IK, 87: muqayyadah SRLQWHG // ,,   SO WDT \ G WDT\ G W marginal note, gloss (LC, 27). muqayyid 1. author 2. glossator (AM, no.187). ****

al-N I DO-PDVKN ODK (al-PDVKT TDK) see shakl and shaqq.

N ]DQ mallet (UK, 153; IB, 43).

N JKDG N JKLG N JKDGK SO NDZ JKLG NDZ JK G NXJK G $- 136), N JKL, N JK 67 SDVVLP SO NDZ JK , WS, 77) paper (EI, IV, 419-420; AE, 98-105; WS, 77-85), comp. waraq. al-N JKDG DO-,VO P , al-5 P , al-kal , etc. see waraq. N JKLGDK sheet, leaf (of paper) (AJ, 136).



NDJKJK G N JKLG  NDZ JKLG paper maker (AJ, 136; WS, 85-86). ayy al-NK JKDG see ayy. N JKDGNK QDK paper mill (HN, 374).

kubbah (pl. kubab) ball (of fibre, in papermaking) (OM). munkabb inclined, downward sloping curved stroke (from right to left or vice versa, as in the beginning of w Z 8'  /0   comp. munanin.

mikbas, makbas bookbinders press (QS, II, 416; SD, II, 440; UA, 393). WDNE V pressing (QS, II, 416).

NDE NDM 1. Ranunculus asiaticus, Asiatic crowfoot (bot.) 2. talismanic word (used as an invocation against worms and insects, known in the Maghreb as kaykataj, q.v.) (US, 49-53; TS, 40; AG,107; KL, 43: iEDV \ NDE NDM DO-araDK \ DI \ $OO K \ $OO K \ $OO K &0  \ NDE NDM \ NDE NDM \ NDE NDM KXZD DO- IL huwa huwa faqa; CM, 169).

katb, kitbah (MH, 91; TH, 21: naskh al-NLW E 7+   NLW E NLW EDK writing, composition; copying, transcription. kitbah WKH ZRUG NDWDED RU NDWDEDKXK DEEUHY   7(  used as part of the signature or autograph of the writer (copyist, FDOOLJUDSKHU +,   DM ]D ODKX EL-al-kitbah; NI, 183: al-LM ]DK bi-al-kitbah; wa-DMD]WX ODKX DQ \DNWXE I NLW EDWLK DO-kitbah; CT, 45: hence katabah, Turkish ketebeh, becomes a term equivalent to colophon). N WLE SO NXWW E NDWDEDK  VHFUetary, amanuensis (EI, IV, 554-760); scribe, scrivener 2. fully-fledged (licensed) calligrapher (NI, 180), comp. muarrir.



NLW E writing; piece of writing; letter, document; book, booklet; chapter in a book (SL, I, 23; IK, 95: wa-\XT O OLO-NLW E D\an mawaddah, wa-majallah wa-way; EI, V, 207-208). NLW ENK QDK NXWXENK QDK library. asfal (sufl) al-NLW E 1. tail (of a book or document) 2. spine (of a codex) (HT, lin.115). al (ulw) al-NLW E head (of a book or document). al-NLW E DO-awwal Uthmanic canon, codex (MA, IV, 86); archetype. al-NLW E DO-mukarras VHH NXUU V al-NLW EDK DO-PDQV EDK see kha. NXWXE ERRNVHOOHU .) ,   V T DO-NXWXE \ Q 46 ,, 384). maktab place designated for writing, copying (KK, 53; KD, II, 705; NH, 388: mukattab). maktabah library (EI, VI, 197-200). PDNW E SO PDNW E W piece of calligraphy, calligraph (DP, 53). muktib, mukattib (e.g. Ibn al- igh al-Mukattib) teacher of calligraphy; master calligrapher (KK, 51; KM, IV, sifr 13, 4; KD, II, 705). LVWLNW E FRS\LQJ RQ UHTXHVW IRU D SDWURQ .0 ,9 VLIU   LGK DPDUWXKX DQ \DNWXE ODND DZ LWWDNKDGKWXKX N WLEDQ ..  26  

NDWK U tragacanth, paste obtained from tragacanth (DM). miktharah receptacle (for paste) (DD, I, 391: ka-al-PLQVK K 8$ 393).

kul antimony; kohl. akal dark-blue ink (or black with bluish luster) (DG, 187). mikalah SO PDN il), mukul kohl container (UA, 393; IR, 230). mik O see mirwad. tak O 1. pointing (of a wall) (FT, 414) 2. outlining, outline (of letters) (DH, no.383: LGGDW NKDWDP W EL-khaLKLP PDNW EDK EL-aldhahab al-mukaal bi-al-O ]XZDUG  RXWOLQLQJ RXWOLQH RI GHVLJQV RQ book covers) (IB, 68), comp. misarat al-tak O  ILQH WKLQ OLQHV LQ



writing) (UK, 142: al-GLTTDK I UDVP DO-XU I  VPDOO SDOOHW-like tool (used in the interlace) (TS, 12, 33; AG, 110: tak O DO-irs, tak O al-DZ O 

kaOLE Q screw press (UK, 154; IB, 42).

NDGK thus, sic, abbrev. 0,  71  ZD-W a N I ED alKDZ PLVK LVK UDWDQ LO annahu kadh I DO-al); for the use of DZ EXKX NDGK DQG ODDOODKX NDGK VHH 73   WDNGK \DK WKH NDGK -statement (MI, 48, 162).

WLNU U, mukarrar (or al-arf al-mukarrar), takarrur graphic error, dittography (e.g. TM, 184).


NXUU V DK 6\U SO NDU U V  DOVR al-NLW E DO-mukarras codex form of a book (AB, 131; TS, 14; AG, 107) 2. quire (gathering), abbrev.  .0 ,9 VLIU   VXPPL\DW EL-GK OLND OL-WDNDUUXVLK ay inLP P EDLK LO ba; TS, passim; CI, II, x; SK, 321: alNXUU VDK OL-DQQDK abaqah al abaqah; SL, II, 60). WDNU V collation (of quires) (HT, lin.92). NXUV book cradle, reading stand (MD, 132), comp. ral. NXUV DO-ajar support (for a stone slab) (IA, 60).

kursuf(ah) tow (wad of raw cotton or wool used in an inkwell) (KK, 48; IK, 84; AA, 100; SA, II, 468-471; KU, 154: wa-huwa jawf al-qun wa-\XT O ODK DO-ubah; KD, II, 700).



kirsh SO NXU VK  WDNU VK letter-head or serif in the shape of a barb RU GRW EORE .- QR    FRPS WDUZ V


kurah wooden ball (for burnishing paper) (NH, 363).

miksar SO PDN VLU fold (in a leaf of paper) (OM). al-taU NK EL-al-NXV U see taU NK

NDVK GDK long line or stroke (like a long fatah) used to embellish the script (MN, 128).

kash erasure (by means of a pen knife or scraper) (MM, 137; TP, 58); syn. of bashr (LF, 79; IR, 237: bi-al-DGU O EL-al-sinn kash I DOwaraq). miksha VLNN Q DO-kash scraper, knife (for making erasures) (IR, 274; NH, 389; DD, I, 391).




kab (pl. ku E spine (back of a codex) (MB, passim; IA, 61; JL, 84, 90). al-kab al-muhallal round back (MB, 109). al-kab al-murabba straight, flat back (MB, 109).

kaff(ah), kaff al-waraq quire (Fr. main de papier), usually 25 sheets (PT, 39; AJ, 145; AB, 92; WS, 92, 94), comp. dast, rizmah.

WDNI W inlaying, inlay (SA, II, 442; FT, 406).

NDOO EDK NXOO EDK (pair of) pincers, tongs (MB, 109; DM).

kindah sexagonal element (in a Mamluk book cover design) (JN, 95, 97; DE, 977; KR, 82).

NXQQ VK DK SO NDQ Q VK 1. commonplace book (LC, 25; HB,   FRPS WDGKNLUDK NDVKN O  V\Q RI EDUQ PDM Rr fahrasah (in the Maghreb).  kunyah (pl. kunan) SDWURQ\PLF FRQVLVWLQJ RI DE RU XPP IROORZHG by the name of the son/daughter (EI, V, 395-396). mukannan named by (known by) his/her kunyah. al-taU NK DO-NLQ see taU NK



(al-kha) al-. I 1. originally and properly speaking, an early script DVVFRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH VFULEDO FLUFOHV RI . IDK )1  ID-awwal alkhu al-$UDE \DK DO-kha al-0DNN ZD-badahu al-0DGDQ WKXPPD al-BaU WKXPPD DO-. I  JHQHULF QDPH XVHG ORRVHO\ IRU a host of early Arabic non-proportioned scripts currently distinguished as the LM ] VFULSWV (DUO\ $EEDVLG VFULSWV 1HZ $EEDVLG VW\OH DQG WKH Abbasid bookhand (see e.g. AV, 27ff; MV, 363; FN, 8-9, 11-13; OD), comp. LM ] 

kaykataj talismanic word (used in the Maghreb as an invocation DJDLQVW ZRUPV DQG LQVHFWV 76  $*  86   FRPS NDE NDM ****

O ]XZDUG O ]DZDUG lapis lazuli, ultramarine; azure ink, paint (UK, 114, 119; MP, 27, 29; SA, II, 478).

(qalam) al-lulu script akin to al-thuluth al-NKDI I LH SUREDEO\ al-tawq ) in which vertical and flat strokes are less than five dots in length (AS, 145; JM, 85).

WDOE V sizing (of paper) (OH, 139).

laaq (pl. al T OL T  il T, mulaq omission; insertion (TP,



 ,.  LGK QDTDa min al-NLW EDK VKD\ fa-alaqahu bayna alsu U DZ I ur al-NLW E ZD-huwa al-laaq; TM, 185; LC, 24; JA, I, 279).

laP 6XOD\P Q screw press (UK, 154; IB, 42).

OL] T paste, adhesive (KD, II, 703), comp. li T

lazm pressing (TS,14). milzam(ah) SO PDO ]LP  ERRNELQGHUV SUHVV 8.  76  11, 14, 15; AG, 107; SA, II, 481) 2. large paper clip (made of copper or other metal to hold the head of a leaf or roll or quire in place while copying) (AT, 133; SA, II, 481; IR, 230, n.24; DD, I, 390) 3. copyists book support; book cradle (TW,169; WA, 12: G DOQDV NKDK RU PDmal min khashab yafta wa-yaZ ID-yua alayhi akiW E DO-muntasakh minhu att yartafi an al-ar wa-yastDQLG M QLE KX LO lawatay al-malzam). malzamah SO PDO ]LP  TXLUH RIWHQ HQFRXQWHUHG LQ 0DJKUHEL lithographed books, where each gathering is numbered separately), abbrev. /&  /(   VKHHW OHDI RI SDSHU $'  /( 137) 3. large size bifolio (bifolium) (TC, 25).

OLV Q (pl. alsinah) envelope flap (ST, index, 20; ST, 13; HT, lin.109, 119; LC, 25; JL, 90; MM, 132). qanarat al-OLV Q see qanarah.




li T (pl. aliqah) paste, adhesive (SA, II, 480; SD, II, 530), comp. OL] T

lanah curse, malediction; the formula of malediction laanahu $OO K RU ODQDW $OO K alayhi , abbrev. or (MI, 145, 167; RA, 26).

ODIIDK OLI IDK SO ODI if) roll (of parchment or paper) (AB, 131; DM). milaff 1. spool (DS, 181; DD, I, 391; IR, 230) 2. wrapper (DM).

laf tooling, stamping (HT, lin.166).

mulaffaq, al-nuskhah al-mulaffaqah made-up copy (KC, passim).

laqab SO DOT E nickname; honorific title (EI, V, 618-631). mulaqqab bi known by (referred to) his/her laqab.

milqa PLOT SO PDO T ) 1. (pair of ) tongs, pincers, tweezers (MB, 109) 2. implement for collecting shavings (small fragments) DIWHU HUDVXUH 8$  OLP VK QD DO-qalam; DD, I, 391: yalqu EDT \ P \Dhar bi-al-waraq min athar al-kash).

WDOT P inlaying, inlay (FT, 406).



mustalqin line, stroke sloping (descending) from right to left and YLFH YHUVD DV LQ WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI N I G \ DQG U ) (UD, 11; LM, 49).

lak, lakk RU O N '*   ODF FULPVRQ UHG SLJPHQW RU LQN 06  wa-al-lak lil-DPP W ZD-al-fat W ZD-al-NDVU W 0% -86) 2. lacquer, varnish (AB, 140).

ODPP glossy, glazed, burnished (e.g. al-WDGKK E DO-ODPP , q.v.).

lamq elegant writing, copying (TE, 16), comp. namq.

ODPO PDK small tool (resembling an elephants tusk ?) (TS, 11; AG, 109).

law(ah) SO DOZ , law W  WDEOHW RI DQ\ KDUG-surfaced material) (SL, II, 58-59) 2. wooden board (TS, 11, 24; HT, lin.123, 124) 3. wooden tablet (for burnishing gold or paper) (UK, 142-143; MB, 99; OM) 4. pasteboard (ST, 5) 5. panel (in decoration); illuminated piece (such as frontispiece, head- or tailpiece) (LC, 25; MS, 29, 31) 6. (Turk. levha) large panel (of calligraphy, usually framed). law al-DG UDK frontispiece, headpiece (FT, 402). law al-taO E see taO E ODZZ master decorator, illuminator (HD, 125). WDOZ marginal note, gloss (DM). al-ma if al-mulawwaah see muaf.



lawzah 1. oval figure 2. almond-shaped tool or stamp (UK, 156; IB, 44; TS, 11, 31; AG, 109; MB, 105; IA, 59, 60: lawzah wa-nif, ras al-lawzah; see also nuqah) 3. central medallion (on a book cover), mandorla 4. lozenge-shaped element (in a Mamluk book cover design), also known as sarwah (q.v.). WDOZ ] rounding (giving an almond shape to) of the initial stroke of such letters as G and (KH, 38).

PLOZ T SO PDO ZLT spatula, stirrer (for mixing ink) (SA, II, 478; AT, 133; IR, 230; IB, 45; MJ, 208).

lawn SO DOZ Q colour; pigment, tint (EI, V, 698-707; AI, 148; JA, ,  1:  WDUN E DO-DOZ Q  WDOZ Q 1. polychrome illumination (WA, 11; LC, 27) 2. tinting (of paper).

O (ah) bark (skin) of the reed (BA, III, 370: qishr al-qaab; IK, 86; see also the quotation under sham). WDO\ 1. shaving off the bark of the reed (IK, 86: layyatu min alTDODP O DK TDVKDUWXKX  SODFLQJ D O ah in the slit of the nib to increase the intake of ink (KD, II, 702; BA, III, 370).

O I DO-shajar bast fibres, paper pulp (OM).

O TDK (pl. liyaq) 1. also PLO T (UA, 393) tow (wad, tuft of unspun silk, wool or cotton used in an inkwell) (ST, index, 20; MP, 13, n. 55, 26-29; IK, 84; MJ, 203) 2. colour, tint (AD, 160) 3. coloured ink (SA, II, 477-478; UK, 111-119; MB, 79-84; MP, 26-29; AT, 133).



PDO T (pl. amliqah) 1. also PLO TDK (BA, III, 370) compartment for ink (KD, II, 700: al-QXTUDK DOODW \XMDO I K DO-PLG G ZD-al- I $7   FRPS M QDK  WRZ RI FRWWRQ RU ZRRO %$ ,,,  

layyin curvilinear (of a letter or script) (AS, 144; KH, 38: al-kha al-OD\\LQ KXZD DOODGK I KL DO-WDGZ U  al-DTO P DO-layyinah curvilinear scripts, such as al-thuluth, alWDZT and al-ULT , comp. muraab, muqawwar.


matn SO PXW Q  FRQWHQW WH[W Rf a DG WK DV GLVWLQJXLVKHG IURP the chain of transmitters who handed it down) (SL, II, 1; EI, VI, 843) 2. main body of the text (as opposed to margins); text-column (MU, V, 111: al-matn al-DU TDK DO-PXPWDGGDK PLQ \DP Q DO-ulb waVKDP OLK ') 9  Dl-PDNW EDK I PDWQ DO-NLW E DG DO- VKL\DK MH, 89: yabiXK I PDWQ DO-NLW E WKXPPD \DNWXEXK TXE ODWD GK OLN I DO- VKL\DK $'   RULJLQDO PDLQ WH[W DV RSSRVHG WR a commentary, shar or gloss, VKL\DK  DEEUHY 9$ QR  MM, 139: wa-ODKX I NLW EDW VKDU PDP] M EL-al-matn an yumayyiz al-matn bi-NLW EDWLK EL-al-umrah; EI, VI, 843) 4. central panel (on a book cover) as opposed to the border (FZ, 214; MD, 109; LC, 25). (qalam) al-matn, also known as fa al-naskh, al-naskh alfa and al-wa larger version of al-naskh (NA, IX, 222: wa-qalam al-naskh yatafarrau anhu qalam al-matn wa-KXZD JKDO uh wa-qalam al-DZ VK ZD-KXZD NKDI IXK $6  -0 -66). ard al-matn (HN, 251-252) or jard (?) al-matn colophon (LC, 24; TP, 53). P WLQ author of the original composition, matn (as opposed to a FRPPHQWDWRU VK UL) (JN, 1; SD, II, 568).



PLWK O (pl. amthilah) copy, transcript, apograph (CD, IV, pl.115: PLWK O DO-VDP ), comp. UDK

majmajah scribbling (KM, IV, VLIU   WDNKO al-NLW E ZDLIV GXKX EL-al-qalam; BA, III, 371).

tam U polishing (burnishing) with an oyster shell, ma UDK (q.v.) .) ,  I LQ DW WDMK ] DO-raqq wa-aqlih wa-tam ULK ZDabghih).

tam 1. process of softening leather (making it flexible, supple) (by rubbing it with a piece of wood) (ST, index, 21; KR, 79: dalk) 2. blind tooling, hence mumaa blind tooled (FI, 86; JL, 90), comp. a. tam bi-al-dhahab gold tooling (FI, 89).

maw ink removal; erasure, obliteration (by means of a cloth, khirqah, or licking) (TP, 58; UK, 138-140; MP, 36-37). al-waraq al-P see waraq.  madd, LVWLPG G PD, tam elongation (of letters) (KU, 121-122; TP, 55; KH, 38; MJ, 238). PLG G (pl. amiddah) soot ink; ink (in general) (SK, 320: summiya al-PLG G PLG GDQ OL-annahu yamudd al-qalam; SA, II, 471-477; UK, 79-90, MB, 67-71; MP, 13, n.52, 15-18; AT, 134-135; AE, 127-131; EI, VI, 1031), comp. ibr. LVWLPG G the manner of dipping the pen in the inkwell (SA, III, 38; MJ, 216).



al-0DG QDK (al-munawwarah), also known as 0DG QDW DO-1DE Medina. 0DG QDW DO-6DO P Baghdad (DM). (al-kha) al-0DGDQ see LM ] DQG . I 

mudyah (madyah, midyah) (pl. mudan, midan) knife, pen knife (SA, II, 465-467; SK, 103- 8$  ,5    FRPS VLNN Q

marrah spatula (for mixing paper pulp) (OM).

WDPU see abbah, taE E

al-shar al-PD]M DO-PDP] M see shar.

mas rubbing, wiping (MB, 110, 114). mis 1. sword (for rubbing leather) (UK, 166; IA, 60: misann almis) 2. coarse haircloth, sackcloth (DG, 202). mimsaah pen wiper (IR, 230; SA, II, 481-482; AT, 133; DD, I, 391).




mish, mush comb (IA, 60; IR, 230).

mashq 1. elongation (of letters) (JA, I, 262: al-mashq huwa madd alXU I I DO-NLW EDK 70  6.  ZD-yastaVLQ Q DO-PDVKT I DOV Q ZD-al-VK Q LOO I DZ NKLU DO-NDO P 6$ ,,I, 146: al-jam wa-almashq; SK, 116-117; AA, 55) 2. copying, transcription (TE, 16) 3. hasty, inelegant hand; scribbling (MM, 133: wa-al-mashq fa-huwa surat al-NLW EDK PDa batharat al-XU I 0+  VKDUU DO-NLW EDK DOPDVKT $$  PDVKDTD LGK DVraa al-NLW EDK 73  7(  4. calligraphic exercise; copying from a model (TE, 16; MY, 83) 5. calligraphic model (AD, 164) 6. elegant, calligraphic hand (CM, 151). (kha) al-mashq one of the ancient scripts (?) used originally by the scribes in the city of al-$QE U DQG FKDUDFWHUL]HG DV OLJKW KDYLQJ D slanted alif and, according to some opinions, unsuitable for the copying of the Qur Q )1   ID-DPP DO-ZDUU T Q DOODG QD \DNWXE Q DO-ma if bi-al-kha al-muaqqaq wa-al-mashq; IK, 89: al-mashq huwa al-kha I KL DO-khiffah; KK, 48; KT, 134: DQ ,EQ 6 U Q annahu kariha an tuktab al-ma if mashqanli-DQQD I KL QDT D O tar al-DOLI ND\ID \XJKDUULTXK \DQEDJK DQ WXUDGG VHH DOVR $9  Mashq, for example, is a technique that can be applied to any kind of script and is not an independent style of its own.). mashqah 1. fine elongation, fine elongated stroke (SK, 320: almashqah al-maddah al-GDT TDK ZD-al-kha al-PDPVK T KXZD DOPDPG G  WDLO RI WKH OHWWHU P P /0  LOO DQQD PDVKTDWDKX I DOnaskh qa UDK  P VKLT calligrapher (NI, 183). PXVK T DU U VLON WRZ ZDG '' ,   FRPS O TDK

im 1. signing; signature, autograph (DM) 2. signed attestation/ UHDGLQJ VWDWHPHQW 27  ODPP uriD K GK DO-NLW E LOD\\D QDartu wa-taammaltu bi-P \DZ KL ID-wajadtuhu mu ELTDQ OLO-DZ E IDakamtu bi-iatih wa-amaytuhu nammaqahu Amad al-4



bi-PDG QDW 1 NGDK  FRPS QDar 3. execution statement (containing the calligraphers name) (MN, 8).

maghrah ochre pigment (FT, 411). al-maghrah al-,U T \DK reddish brown ink (SA, II, 478).

Makkah (al-mukarramah, al-musharrafah, al-muaamah) Mecca. (al-kha) al-0DNN see LM ] DQG . I 

mimlasah 1. plane-like instrument (TS, 11; AG, 107) 2. also malasah burnisher, polisher (NH, 390; TS, 11, 31; AG, 107).

milk ownership (OS, 88; EI, VII, 60-61). PLON \DK WDPO N WDPDOOXN ownership note or statement (such as ex-libris, ex-dono, ex-library, etc.), also referred to as qayd al-tamalluk (OS, 88; LC, 25; LC, 27). For various expressions used in ownership statements see OS.

LPO SO DP OLQ  GLFWDWLRQ $, SDVVLP :6 -13; KF, I, 85-94) 2. work (known as al-DP O SURGXFHG WKURXJK GLFWDWLRQ mumlin dictation master (AI, passim; SL, II, 48). LVWLPO repetition of a dictation by a specially appointed famulus; writing down (of a dictated text) (EI,VII, 725-726). mustamlin tradition transmitters clerk; famulus (AI, passim; EI, VII, 725-726; GA, 287: Vermittler PXEDOOLJK PXOT  muktib).

muhr seal, signet, stamp (EI, VII, 472-  FRPS NK WDP WDPK U sealing, stamping (EI, VII, 472-473).



muhraq SO PDK ULT  JOD]HG FORWK VLON XVHG DV D ZULWLQJ VXUIDFH (IW, 79-82; KM, IV, sifr 13, 8-9; AE, 105-106; WS, 50-52) 2. sheet, leaf (of any writing material) (KD, II, 704: wa-al-qir V ZD-al-a IDK wa-al-sifr wa-al-PXKUDT VDZ ) 3. sheet, leaf (of paper) (SA, II, 472, 482: al-muhraq wa-huwa al-qir V 

mawzah burnisher, polisher (IA, 60, 63).

P V (pl PDZ VLQ DPZ V pen knife; trimmer (TW, 169: li-bary qalam al-qaab wa-iO al-NLW EDK ,$  maws; UD, 16: al-maws al-6K U ] 

P al-dhahab gold ink (MU, V, 226; LC, 25). P al-ward rose water (MP, 64). PLPZDK P ZDUG \DK water container (for diluting ink) (SA, II,  1+  '' ,  PLPZDK ODK ZD-W UDWDQ WDN Q PLQ DOnu V ZD-min al-DOD] Q ZD-JKD\ULK  FRPS PLVT K WDPZ K 1. inlaying (SA, II, 442) 2. coating; gilt (SD). WDPZ K EL-al-DO (al-dhahab) gilt (FT, 403).

LP ODW DO-qalam tilting of the pen; slanting (of the line, script) (UD, 12; SA, II, 45), hence P il inclining, tilting (of a script).




QDET WDQE T elegant writing, copying (TE, 16; KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: nabaqtu al-NLW E ZD-nabbaqtuhu saartuhu wa-katabtuh).

WDQE K note, remark (in the body of a composition); nota bene, PDUJLQDO DQQRWDWLRQ '0 7+  WDQE K al al-ghala).

(qalam) al-PDQWK U QDVNK RU ULT /naskh-based script (characterised by large spaces between words) (AS, 146; JM, 40).


minjam mallet (ST, index, 21; IB, 43: P MDPDK).

nat 1. paring, trimming (of a reed) (IR, 232; UD, 9: wa-al-nat naW Q QDt banih wa-nat MDZ QLELK  DEEUHYLDWLRQ RI WKH W\SH called contraction in which two or three words are fused into one portmanteau word, e.g. basmalah, amdalah, etc. (MG, I, 482).

nu V copper, copper-based ink (UK, 133-134; MP, 35).



QDNKE LQWLNK E Puntakhab  VHOHFWHG SDVVDJH  SO LQWLNK E W PXQWDNKDE W anthology (EA, I, 94-95). muntakhib compiler, selector (DF, II, 384).

munkhul sieve (IR, 230; DM).

narjasah y-shaped nonagonal or decagonal element (in a Mamluk book cover design) (JL, 95, 97; KR, 82).

nasab SO DQV E lineage, genealogy, pedigree (EI, VII, 967-968). nisbah (pl. nisab) descriptive adjective (adjective of relation) indicating an individuals birthplace, tribe, religious sect or school, etc. ending in (EI, VIII, 53-56). al-kha (al-NLW EDK DO-PDQV E DK see kha. PXQ VDEDK collation (of quires) (ST, index, 21).

(kha) al-nastaO T hybrid of naskh and taO T (thus properly known as naskh-i taO T, naskh-taO T), a script which emerged in the 8/14th century in Persia and later was used extensively in Turkey and India (EI, IV, 1124 (in Persia), 1126 (in Turkey), 1127 (in Muslim India); ER, IV, 696-699). In Turkey this script was often (but incorrectly) known under the name of taO T.

naskh 1. also QDVNKDK WDQV NK QDV NKDK LQWLV NK LVWLQV NK copying, transcription (TE, 17; KM, IV, sifr 13,5; KK, 57) 2. (qalam) al-naskh book hand, par excellence, which according to the Mamluk tradition, belonged to the muaqqaq family of scripts. The MamOXN QDVNK ZDV ZULWWHQ VDQV VHULI WDUZ V ZKLOH WKH 2WWRPDQ QDVNK DQG



the Persian naskh of the 10/16th century and later often featured the VHULI RQ WKH OHWWHU O P RI WKH GHILQLWH DUWLFOH 7KH VHULI RI WKLV OHWWHU LQ the Ottoman naskh was often right-sloping, while the serif in the Persian naskh was mostly left-sloping (AS, 146; LM, 47: wa-al-naskh lil-DG WK ZD-al-WDIV U ZD-naZLKLP  /0  DO-naskh iU EXKX DTDOO min al-ray Q ZD-I KL WDO T ZD-ams fa-qaruba min al-ULT ; LM, 45: wa-min al-ray Q DO-QDVNK /0  DPP TDODP DO-naskh wa-alwa wa-al-DZ VK ZD-al-PDQWK U ID-asqi PLQT UDK ./ QR UDI al-naskh, al-naskh al-muW G; CA, 36, 47; EI, IV, 1123- in Persia, 1125- in Turkey, 1127- in Muslim India). al-naskh al-fa see matn. al-naskh al-V GDK regular naskh hand (HI, 89). al-naskh al-wa see matn. QDVNK 1. properly pertaining to naskh; commonly, but erroneously, used as a synomym of al-naskh proper (NC, 128, n.12) 2. naskhbased (related) hand of an idiosyncratic (informal, personal) nature (CI, I, xiv). nuskhah (pl. nusakh) 1. transcript, copy (EI, VIII, 149) 2. version, recension (MU, XVI, 106: wa-NLW E DO-%D\ Q ZD-al-WDE\ Q QXVNKDW Q O wa-WK QL\DK ZD-al-WK QL\DK Da wa-ajwad) 3. variant reading (varia lectio), abbrev.      $5  $.  0, 182; LE, 138; CI, I, xv; CM, 123, 141; MZ, II, 412: nuskhahal, comp. badal) 4. list, catalogue (AD,171). al-nuskhah al-al (al-nuskhah al-mutamadah, CD, IV, pl.131: balagha qir atan wa-PXT EDODWDQ ZD-ta an al nuskhah mutamadah) exemplar; archetype (LC, 26). al-nuskhah al-GXVW U VHH GXVW U al-nuskhah al-far see far. al-nuskhah al-mufakkakah VHH PDIN N PXIDNNDN al-nuskhah al-mulaffaqah see mulaffaq. al-nuskhah (al-kutub, al-makh W DO-VDIDU \DK pocket book (small size manuscript produced for travelers) (TC, 26). al-nuskhah al-umm holograph; archetype (LC, 26). al-nuskhah al-wa GDK (al-IDU GDK) single surviving copy, unicum. Q VLNK SO QXVV NK  QDVV kh SO QDVV NKDK  muntasikh copyist, scribe (TE, 17; WB, 47). PDQV NK PXQWDVDNK manuscript (AK, 348; MA, 16; TW, passim). G DO-QDV NKDK see G



QDVDT WDQV T text arrangement; layout (mise en page ) (FK, I, no. 1014/2: faragha min taU Uih al h GK DO-nasaq).

LQVK construction, style or composition, e.g. of letters, documents or state papers; letter-writing, epistolography (EI, III, 1241-1244). munshi  VHFUHWDU\ DPDQXHQVLV (, 9,,   FRPS N WLE  author (usually referring to poetry) (SS, 67).

nashr, WDQVK U, WDZVK U sprinkling of a freshly copied text with VDZGXVW QXVK UDK QXVK UDK (also XVK UDK ZXVK UDK) sawdust (for drying ink) (JA, I, 278; IK, 94; AI, 173; TD, I, 134, 136). PLQVKDU PLQVK U SO PDQ VK U saw (for work with wooden ERDUGV 76   $*  ,$  PLQVKDUDK NDE UDK PLQVKDUDK DJK UDK 8$  IRU FXWWLQJ UHHGV  PLQVKDU \DK chevron (FT, 395). UDTT PDQVK U see raqq.

QDVKVK I blotting paper (DM). minshafah blotter (TD, I, 136).

nashan wheat starch, starch paste (TS, 12, 13; ST, index, 21; IB, 50; MB, 106; IA, 60; SA, II, 480: al-QDVK DO-muttakhadhah min alburr aw al-NDWK U ); starch paste (made of sorghum, dhurah) (OM). tanshiyah pasting (ST, index, 21). PLQVK K paste-receptacle; compartment for paste (in a writing case) (SA, II, 480; AT, 133; OM; DD, I, 390; IR, 230: minshaah).



nab 1. straight line, stroke; the letter alif (IR, 239: al-madd ka-alnab wa-ka-al-nabayn, 240, 241, 249, 269: al-O P QDE WKXPPD E al-kha) 2. pallet-like tool (HT, lin.133, 137). ni E 1. handle (SK, 103: ni E DO-VLNN Q 6$ ,,  ,.   folder (instrument used for folding sheets of paper when binding) (UK, 156; IB, 43, 47; MB, 103; IA, 59) 3. also ni b al-dalk burnisher (IA, 59). muntaib ascender, up-stroke (SA, III, 101; UD, 11; LM, 49: fa-almuntaLE KXZD DOODGK \XV PLW T PDW DO-N WLE 

tan O elongation (of letters) (SA, III, 140: wa-KXZD PDZ TL alPDGG W DO-mustasanah min al-XU I al-muttailah).

minaqah SO PDQ iq) decorative element, e.g. medallion, panel and the like (in illumination and book cover design) (FI, 88; FZ, 217, 218; JL, 93; ZM, 43).

naar study note, reading note, statement (usually introduced by naDUD I $+  .) ,  &0 QR QDDUD I KL ZD-taammala ma Q K ZD-da OL-P OLNLK  FRPS PX ODah. unur see, abbrev. XVHG LQ WKH PDUJLQ IRU QRWDELOLD QRWD EHQH DORQJ ZLWK WKH ZRUG TLI VHH WDZT I  Q ir (pl. nu U  DGPLQistrator of a waqf 2. curator. I KL QDar SKUDVH V\Q I KL WDammul) implying doubt and insinuating politely that the words to which it relates are false or wrong (LL, II, 2812).

nam, tan P composition (in verse or prose) (AM, no.170); versification, comp. shir.



nafkh gaufrage (KJ, no.3, 23).

nafdh punching, awling (MB, passim). minfadh punch, awl (SA, II, 481; IR, 230; AT, 133; MJ, 208; DD, I, 391: for sewing of quires).

nafa (sg. nafah) pockets of air, bubbles (between the doublures and the cover board) (NH, 392). al-waraq al-naf see waraq.

WDQT , tanaqqu correction; revision (KF, II, 503: uiat watunuqqiat).

naqr inscription, engraving (on stone), epigraphy (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: al-NLW E I DO-ajar). QDTT U carver, engraver (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5). PLQT U serif-OLNH VWURNH V\Q WDUZ V TY /0  

niqs SO DQT V QXT V ink (KK, 49; SA, II, 469, 471; IK, 84; KM, IV, sifr 13, 5).

naqsh SO QXT VK  QLT VKDK 1. inscription, engraving, epigraphy (FT, 400), comp. naqr 2. tooling or stamping (of leather) (UK, 156; TS, 29-32; MB, 105; IA, 63) 3. painting, illumination (EI, VII, 931). PLQT VK SO PDQ TLVK PDQ T VK ERRNELQGHUV WRRO 8.  0% 105; IA, 59).



QDTT sh 1. carver, engraver (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5) 2. miniature painter, designer, illuminator (PA, 141, 155, 159). QDTT VKNK QDK Ottoman imperial painting atelier (workshop) (EI, VII, 931-932). Q TLVK calligrapher (AW, 266). WDQT VK writing, copying (FK, III, 304: wa-qad waqaa al-IDU JK PLQ WDQT VK K GK DO-NLW E 

naq, nuq Q QDT ah SO QDT i) omission; haplographic error, haplography (TP, 58).

naq 1. vocalization (by means of dots) (SA, III, 16: al-naq qad \DN Q EL-man al-shakl; SA, III, 160; TE, 16-17) 2. letter-pointing (TE, 16-17; SA, III, 151; KH, 38). nuqah (pl. nuqa  GLDFULWLFDO SRLQW GRW +,  T OD ,EQ 0XTODK wa-al-naq UDW Q DDGXKXP VKDNO PXUDEED wa-al-akhar shakl PXVWDG U  VPDOO WRRO SRLQW IRU FUHDting dots on leather) (TS, 12, 33; HT, 133, 137; MB, 105; IA, 59: nuqa mudawwarah; IA, 60: nuqat al-lawzah, nuqah lil-WDGKK E QXTDK NDE UDK OL-EX\ W DO-lawzah). Q TL SO QXTT ), QDTT vocaliser; orthographer (LT, 368).

naql 1. transmissLRQ WUDGLWLRQ H[HPSODU ). , QR T ELOD Rawat al-PXU G Q PDa naqlih fa-aa) 2. quoting, citing; extract, quotation 3. copying, transcription (MU, XII, 138: naqaltuhu min khaih; TE, 16) 4. exact copy (apograph), facsimile of the master calligraphers work (DW, 68) 5. translation. Q TLO (pl. naqalah) 1. copyist; calligrapher (TE, 16; AW, 218) 2. translator.




among other things as a reference mark, written over the word in the text and repeated above the relevant gloss in the margin and bearing a superscript number) (RA, 45; AM, 53, 62, 91). WDQP U marking (providing) with numbers, numbering.

namq WDQP T elegant, embellished writing, copying (TE, 16; KK, 53; SK, 119: usn al-NLW EDK QDPTXK :5   HOHJDQW FRPSRVLWLRQ (of a text) (DM). Q PLT PXQDPPLT calligrapher (AC, 45; NI, 180: adhantu liQ PLT K GKLKL DO-qiah al-PDUJK EDK 7(   QDP TDK piece (of calligraphy); calligraph, calligraphic composition (NI, 181; AW, 237).

WDQP O compact writing, copying (KH, 38).

namnamah 1. elegant, embellished writing, copying (SK, 119; AA, 105) 2. compact writing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 5: namnamtu al-NLW E qarmatuhu). munamnamah miniature (figurative) painting, painted illustration (KF, II, 369, n.1).

QXZZ U SO QDZ Z U floral design, arabesques (on book covers) (LC, 26; IB, 69). QDZ UDK corner stamp (smaller than turunjah, used in the decoration of an envelope flap) (ST, index, 22; IB, 44). al-munawwarah epithet of Medina. PXQ U syn. of mufatta, having an open counter (ant. of maP V q.v.) (LM, 43). PXQ ZDODK LM ]DW DO-PXQ ZDODK authorisation note or statement (allowing the transmission of a work by means of handing over the



shaykhs copy to the student) (MF, 86- Q ZDOWX K GK DO-NLW E N PLODQ ZD-huwa sabDW DM] ; KF, II, 498-450; EI, III, 27).

Q Q SO DQZ Q Q Q Q inkwell (SK, 106; KD, II, 700; IK, 82: wa\XT O KL\D DO-GDZ K ZD-al-Q Q ZD-al-UDT P 

LQWLK end, termination, used as a paragraph mark or textual divider, abbrev. / / / (for intah) (MW, 110; CI, I, xiii; CI, II, xi; SL, II, 87; GA, 285). LQK SO LQK W FROODWLRQ VWDWHPHQW DQGRU LM ]DK EHJLQQLQJ ZLWK WKH ZRUG DQK KX ,+   ID-NDWDED ODKX LQK DQ I NKLU NLW E DO]DN K PLQKX  ****

DKG E (sg. hudb, hudub) OHWWHUV VXFK DV U DQG ] (TU, 36).

hud hud SO KDG KLG hoopoe VHH WDENK U 

LKG dedication (FN, 17: katabtu al ahr juz ahdaytuh il DG T O  08 ;,,,  ZD-hiya al-QXVNKDK DOODW DKG K LO Sayf alDawlah).

WDKGK E 1. correction, revision (DM) 2. abridgement, epitome (EA, I, 23).



muhadhdhib 1. author, compiler (SS, 69, 72, 73) 2. abridger, epitomist.

al-waraq al-KLO O see waraq. WDKO O 1. also haylalah WKH GRFWULQDO IRUPXOD O LO KD LOO All K (AD, 181; MG, I, 483; EI, X, 108) 2. rounding (of the spine), backing (MB, 109; IA, 61). al-kab al-muhallal see kab. muhall, mustahall WKH ILUVW QLJKW RI WKH PRQWK HJ I PXKDOO PXVWDKDOO VKDKU NDGK 6$ 9,  

K PLVK SO KDZ PLVK  PDUJLQ ') ,,,     PDUJLQDO note, gloss, abbrev. /&  0,   K PLshah LQWHUOLQH %$ ,,,  \XT O DM EDKX I K PLVKDW NLW ELK LGK NDWDED ED\QD DO-sarayn). WDKP VK 1. glossing, annotation (TT, 193: hammasha al-NLW E allaqa al h PLVKLK  PDUJLQDO QRWH JORVV $.   muhammash glossed, annotated (TW, 102: sifr muhammash bita O T PXKLPPDK 

LKP O DO PDW DO-LKP O mark distinguishing an unpointed letter from its pointed counterpart (for various practices see TP, 57; GL, 4; IR, 244). al-XU I DO-muhmalah, al-PXKPDO W letters without diacritical points, unpointed letters (TP, 57; MH, 90).

K PDK head (of a letter), syn. raV HJ 6$ ,,,  K PDW DO-alif).




M ] P MD] abridgement, epitome (DM).

wajh(ah) 1. face, upper part (of a document or textblock) (TS, 25) 2. upper cover (TS, 25, 31) 3. recto (of a document or leaf) 4. page (MU, IV, 182: mujalladah akhmah taWDZ al LVKU Q NXUU VDWDQ I kull wajhah LVKU Q VDUDQ ') ,,,   I VDE TDZ im waZDMKDK Z idah). al al-wajh copying, transcription in full; making a complete copy (of a manuscript or collection) (SL, II, 31, 43-45). wajh al-hirr (lit. tomcats face) WKH OHWWHU K in the form of a rounded (as opposed to almond shaped mulawwaz) double loop ( 6$ ,,, -92). wajh al-kiW E upper cover (AG, 109). al-wajh al-awwal (al-wajhah al- O) recto (of a leaf) (LC, 29; MK, 82). al-wajh al-WK Q (al-wajhah al-WK QL\DK verso (of a leaf) (LC, 29; MK, 82). wajh al-qalam inner side of the nib (KU, 154: wa-ZDMKXKX E in sinnayh; SA, II, 464; MJ, 218). wajh al-waraqah see waraqah.

waVK see sinn.

way writing; piece of writing (in an unspecified form) (IK, 95: wa-\XT O OLO-NLW E D\an mawaddah wa-majallah wa-way; KM, IV, sifr 13, 5; KK, 53).



mawaddah writing; piece of writing (see way above) (IK, 95; DA).

WDZU NK see taU NK

wardah rosette, lobed medallion (DH, no.73). muwarrad floriated (of design) (DH, no.73).

al-DTO P DO-PDZ] QDK see qalam.

waraq SO DZU T  SDSHU IRU YDrious types of paper, such as alwaraq al-6DPDUTDQG  DO-%DJKG G  DO-.KXU V Q  DO-6K P  DO-0LVU  al-7LK P  DO-0DJKULE  DO-$QGDOXV  VHH HJ 6$ 9, -195; WS, 85-  FRPS N JKDG  SDUFKPHQW $(   waraqah 1. piece (of paper, parchment or leather) 2. leaf, folio (folium), abbrev.  $5    VPDOO WRRO UHVHPEOLQJ D YLQH OHDI (TS, 11; AG, 109). khalf al-waraqah verso (of a leaf) (LC, 25). wajh al-waraqah recto (of a leaf) (LC, 29). al-waraq (al-N JKDG DO-,VO P Islamic paper (paper produced by Muslims) (WM, I, 85). al-waraq (al-N JKDG DO-5 P 1. European (usually watermarked) paper (WM, I, 75, 77) 2. French paper (PT, 31). al-waraq al- GLP waste paper (HN, 378). al-waraq (al-N JKDG DO-EDODG local paper (as opposed to imported) (PT, 30; SA, VI, 193; OM). waraq damghah (tamghah) stamped paper (DM), paper bearing an imitation watermark. al-waraq al-KLO O Venetian paper (bearing a crescent watermark, Tre Lune) (PT, 31).



al-waraq al-NK P unglazed paper (PT, 32). al-waraq al-maO (al-maT O glazed paper (PT, 32; SA, II, 487; WS, 82). al-waraq al-PDGJK papier mach (FI, 88; JL, 84). al-waraq al-P wove paper (HN, 380). al-waraq al-muqaww 1. pasteboard (JL, 87; MS, 35; MD, 107; WS, 104) 2. cardboard (FT, 394). al-waraq al-mujazza (al-naf or waraq al-DEU marbled paper (DM; MN, 161). al-waraq al-muarra laid paper (HN, 380). al-waraqah al-wus middle leaf (of a quire) (ST, index, 22; MP, 65). ZDUU T PXZDUULT papermaker, stationer, bookseller; professional copyist, scribe (SL, II, 16; IK, 66: fa-N WLE DO-kha huwa al-ZDUU T wa-al-muarrir); bookbinder (QS, II, 495). (al-kha) al-ZDUU T see muaqqaq. al-O P DOLI DO-ZDUU T \DK VHH O P DOLI ZLU TDK  SURIHVVLRQ RI WKH ZDUU T  FXlture of the handwritten book. ZDUU TDK paper-mill (MA, IV, 81, 82; WS, 94). WDZU T 1. copying, transcription (WS, 9, 14; KF, I, 148) 2. foliation (as opposed to pagination) 3. vegetal (curvilinear) decoration; foliated arabesque design (ST, index, 22; IB, 69; FI, 88; LC, 28; JL, 93; WR, 87; EI, I, 558-561).

maysam SO PD\ VLP tool, stamp (AB, 135). mawsim SO PDZ VLP feast, festival. For dating by feasts see taU NK PDZV P EL entitled (e.g. CI, II, 10).

wash decorating, decoration (of book covers by impression and stamping) (ST, index, 22; MP, 65).




washm 1. writing, drawing (AD, 186) 2. diacritical pointing (of letters) (IK, 93) 3. also WDZVK P tooling, stamping (of leather) (HT, lin.125,   FRPS UDVKP WDUVK P mawshim SO PDZ VKLP pattern (created by tooling); stamp (HT, lin.126).

washy, tawshiyah polychrome illumination (TE, 18; UK, 147: altawshiyah al-naqsh wa-al-zakhrafah).

wal, wil, wul (pl. aw O ZDO W  straight line (drawn with a ruler) (SD, II, 812; SA, VI, 195: fa-qa al-%DJKG G \XWUDN I KL VLWWDW aw O ED\ an wa-tuktab al-EDVPDODK I DZZDO DO-V EL ) 2. connection (between two sheets when pasted side by side) (MB, 110); line of paste (kollesis) (AJ, 144) 3. piece, leaf (of parchment or paper forming an integral part of a roll, darj), collema (kollema) (WS, 10, 88, 90). walah 1. also Z ilah catchword, vox reclamans (NM, 683; HB, 234; NZ, 65) 2. knife (used by the wa O $'   wa O manuscript decorator (who cuts the margins of leaves, replaces them with coloured papers and draws lines to cover the joints) (AD, 187; PA, 161: person involved in reparation et montage des marges). ilah pallet-like connecting tool (used in the interlace) (TS, 12, 3132), comp. DZ O

(qalam) al-wa see matn.

wa (pl. aw ) composition, arrangement (of a text) (MU, VI, 62; KF, I, 222: usn al-wa wa-ri \DW DO-PDUV P  Z i compiler, author (DF, IV, 376).



tawiah preface, prologue, proem (DM).

P G PDZid SO PDZ G collation session (TP, 56; TM,192: faLQ N QD GK OLN I VDP al-DG WK NDWDED EDODJKD I DO-P G DO-awwal aw al-WK Q  $,   

wi (pl. awiyah) 1. case, box (MS, 16, 19; ME, 575) 2. container (OM).

ZDI ah pen wiper (IK, 87: ZDT ah; DA).

wifq SO DZI T talismanic seal (in the form of a square) (DT, 69, 100, 108). P IDT seal, stamp (IK, 96).

waqabah VHH M QDK

ZDT ah VHH ZDI ah. WDZT 1. writing something down, taking something down in writing (SL, I, 10) 2. royal edict, decree (EI, X, 392-393) 3. motto; autograph, signature (EI, X, 392; LC, 28; KM, IV, sifr 13, 6: al-WDZT an yuliq I DO-NLW E VKD\an bada al-IDU JK PLQKX ). ,, QR QDTDOWX min kha al-muannif wa-waqqaa alayhi bi-khaLK K GK a ; KF, I, 124, 125) 4. gloss, apostil (usually signed) (AD, 189; LC, 28; AD, 189). (qalam) al-WDZT , al-WDZ T , al-WDZT W smaller version of the



thuluth script (characterised by a liberal use of hairlines, tash U W (AS, 146; JM, 43-46, 73-77; LM, 47: wa-al-WDZ T yuktab bi-hi alWDZ T al-NLE U DOODW OLO-XPDU wa-al-qu K ZD-al-DN ELU (, ,9 1123- in Persia, 1125- in Turkey). al-WDZT al-mulaq UHJXODU VL]H WDZT script (SA, III, 100; AS, 146). (qalam) al-WDZ T al-ULT \DK VPDOOHU YHUVLRQ RI WDZT script (AS, 146; LM, 69). (qalam) al-WDZ T al-WKXOXWK \DK ODUJHU YHUVLRQ RI WDZT script (AS, 146; LM, 63).

waqf 1. also DO PDW DO-waqf pause-mark or abbreviation (written O ]LP M iz) (KH, above the line in the text of the Qur Q HJ 38) 2. endowment, wakf 3. reading, perusal (from waqaftu al I have read), a standard opening phrase of reading notes and blurbs, WDTU (q.v.) (BL, 187). waqfiyah, WDZT I (KF, II, 473) endowment certificate or statement; bequest note (OS, 90; LC,29; KF, II, 428-442). Z TLI donor (of a wakf) (e.g. KF, II, 441). PDZT I 1. unfinished stroke (e.g. al-E al-PDZT IDK VHH 6$ ,,, 61; KH, 38) 2. al-PDZT I object of the endowment (e.g. number of volumes and titles of the books) (OS, 90). al-PDZT f alayhi beneficiary or usufructuary (of a wakf). WDZT I SO WDZT I W  PDUJLQDO QRWH VLGH-head (preceded by the word qif (also qif al) or its stylised form, logograph, which resembOHV WZR XQSRLQWHG E V RU W s. It was used extensively in Maghrebi manuscripts for notabilia.) (LC, 28), comp. taammul 2. overlining (TP, 55).

wakt letter pointing (KM, IV, sifr 13, 6: wakata al-NLW E ZDNWDQ naqaahu).

wahm mistake, error (IK, 95; AA, 122). K P omission (IK, 95; AA, 123).




al-O P DOLI DO-muaqqaqah WKH O P DOLI OLJDWXUH FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ D loop at the base (SA, III, 95-96; SA, III, 58: wa-al-O P DOLI DOmuDTTDTDK NXOOXK PXIDWWDDK O \DM ] I K DO-ams bi- O $6 146). al-O P DOLI DO-mukhaffafah WKH O P DOLI OLJDWXUH FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ MRLQLQJ WKH IRRW RI WKH DOLI WR WKH H[WUHPLW\ RI O P RQ WKH EDVH OLQH (SA, III, 96). al-O P DOLI DO-ZDUU T \DK WKH O P DOLI OLJDWXUH FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ LWV triangular base ( DQG XVHG LQ WKH 0DPOXN SHULRG H[FOXVLYHO\ LQ WKH rectilinear family of scripts (muaqqaq, ma if, ray Q QDVNK 6$ III, 97: wa-O \DN Q K GK DO-VKDNO LOO I TDODP DO-naskh wa-P VK NDODKX ZD-I TDODP DO-muaqqaq wa-P VK EDKDK 0-  $6 146). ****

al-\ al-U MLah VHH U MLah.

\ ELV rectilinear, ant. of rab (of a letter or script) (AS, 144). al-DTO P DO-\ ELVDK rectilinear scripts (such as al-muaqqaq and al-ray Q 6$ ,,,  8'  $6  /0   FRPSPDEV .

yad SO D\GLQ D\ GLQ hand; used in the expressions such as al yad, I \DG, bi-yad and an yad (copied by, in the hand of) (OT, 42), FRPS \DP Q DQG NKD.

\DU (ah) reed; reed pen (IK, 86; UA, 393; DM; KD, II, 701: faLGK ODP \DNXQ PDEU \DQ ID-KXZD \DU ah wa-al-jam \DU ).



\DP Q right hand (e.g. CM, no.39: katabahu muallifuhu bi\DP QLKL DO-G WKLUDK  PD\P Q DK RQH RI WKH KRQRULILFV HSLWKHWV RI WKH ZRUGV NLW E ULV ODK QXVNKDK DQG WKH OLNH &, ,,  DO-nuskhah al-mub UDNDK DOPD\P QDK 


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MO = David James. The master scribes: Qurans of the 11th to 14th centuries. London/Oxford, 1992. MP = Martin Levey. Mediaeval Arabic bookmaking and its relation to early chemistry and pharmacology. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S., 52, pt.4 (1962). MQ = Amad Rizq Muaf al-6DZ LO  0LQ TD \ DO-arf al$UDE  DO-ta I ZD-al-taU I ODP DO-kutub, 14, no.6 (1993): 641649. MR = Badr al-' Q 0XDPPDG LEQ -DP ah al-.LQ Q  Al-Manhal alU Z I PXNKWDar XO P DO-|DG WK DO-QDEDZ , ed. Mu\ DO-' Q Abd al-RaP Q 5DPD Q 'DPDVFXV  MS = Muammad al-0DQ Q  7DU NK DO-muaf al-VKDU I EL-alMaghrib. Majallat Mahad al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK, 15, no.1 (1969): 3-47. MT = Adam Gacek. Makh W LEE \DK $UDE \DK I 0DNWDEDW DO'LU V W DO-6KDUT \DK DO-,IU T \DK WUDQVO $GQDQ -DZZ G DO-umah. Al-Mawrid, 18, no.2 (1989): 201-203. MU < T W LEQ $EG $OO K DO-DPDZ  Mujam al-XGDE . Cairo, 1936-38. MV = Franois Droche. Les manuscrits arabes dats du IIIe/IXe sicle. Revue des tudes islamiques, 55/57 (1987/89): 343-379. MW ,EU K P DO-6DPDUU  $O-MukhtaDU W ZD-al-UXP ] I DO-tuU WK DO-$UDE  Majallat Majma al-Lughah al-$UDE \DK DO-8UGXQ , 32 (1987): 105-114. MY = Franois Droche. Matres et disciples: la transmission de la culture calligraphique dans le monde musulman. Revue du monde musulman et de la Mditerrane, 75/76 (1995): 81-90. MZ = Rudolf Sellheim. Materialien zur arabischen Literaturgeschichte. Wiesbaden/ Stuttgart, 1976-87.



-NNA = Amad ibn Abd al-:DKK E DO-1XZD\U  1LK \DW DO-DUDE I IXQ Q DO-adab. Cairo, 1342/1923 - . NC = Adam Gacek. Al-1XZD\U V FODVVLILFDWLRQ RI $UDELF VFULSWV Manuscripts of the Middle East, 2 (1987): 126-130. ND = J. Sadan. Nouveaux documents sur scribes et copistes. Revue des tudes islamiques, 45 (1977): 1-87. NH ,EU K P 6KDEE . Nawa mujam taU NK OL-muala wanu IXQ Q LQ at al-makh al-$UDE  L\ QDK ZD-|if al-makh W DO-,VO P \DK DP O DO-Mutamar al-7K OLWK OL-Muassasat al)XUT Q OLl-7XU WK DO-,VO P  -  1 ILPELU  HG ,EU K P 6KDEE . London, 1418/1998: 341-393. NI = $EE V DO-$]] Z  1X nos.3-4 (1971-72): 180-186.

I LM ] W DO-kha

Q Al-Mawrid, 1,

NM = Abd al-$] ] DO- ZLU  1DGZDK DO-makh al-$UDE ZDilm al-makh al-$UDE  ODP DO-kutub, 13, no.2 (1992): 679-683. NO = Dimitri Gutas. Notes and texts from Cairo manuscripts, II: texts from Avicennas library . Manuscripts of the Middle East, 2 (1987): 8-17. NS = S.A. Bonebakker. Notes on some old manuscripts of the Adab al-N WLE RI ,EQ 4XWD\EDK WKH .LW E D-LQ DWD\Q RI $E +LO O DO$VNDU DQG WKH 0Dal as-V ir of ]L\ al-' Q LEQ DO-A U Oriens, 13-14 (1960-61): 159-194. NT = Amad ibn Muammad al-0DTTDU  Naf| al- E PLQ JKXn alAndalus al-ra E. Cairo, 1367/1949. NW = MuDPPDG LEQ $E DO-Khayr al-DVDQ DO-'LPDVKT  Al1XM P DO-VK ULT W I GKLNU ED{ al-DQ i al-mu|W M LOD\K I ilm alP T W (!). Damascus, 1928. NZ = APDG 6KDZT %LQE Q Ni P DO-taT EDK Fann fahrasat al-



makh 65-72.

W PDGNKDO ZD-qa{ \ , by Fayal al-DI\ Q &DLUR  -O-

OD = Franois Droche. O. Houdas et les critures maghrbines. Al-Makh al-$UDE ZD-ilm al-makh W /H PDQXVFULW DUDEH HW la codicologie). Rabat, 1994 : 75-81. OH = J. Derek Latham. Observations on the text and translation of al--DUV I V 7UHDWLVH RQ +LVED Journal of Semitic studies, 5 (1960): 124-143. OM = Adam Gacek. On the making of local paper: a thirteenth century Yemeni recipe. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Mditerrane (forthcoming). OS = Adam Gacek. Ownership statements and seals in Arabic manuscripts. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 2 (1987): 88-95. OT $GDP *DFHN DQG $OL <D\FLROX 2WWRPDQ-Turkish manuscripts in the Islamic Studies Library and other libraries of McGill University. Fontanus: from the collections of McGill University, 10 (1998): 41-63. -PPA = Yves Porter. Peinture et arts du livre: essai sur la littrature technique indo-persane. Paris/Teheran, 1992. PK = S.H. Ali Problem kratica u arapskim rukopisima sa spiskom arapskih kratica iz 16 vjeka. Prilozi Orientalnu Filologiju, 26 (1976): 199-212. PT = Terence Walz. The paper trade of Egypt and the Sudan in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Modernization in the Sudan: essays in honour of Richard Hill, ed. M.W. Daly. New York, 1985: 29-48.



-QQF = DO al-' Q DO-Munajjid. 4DZ id fahrasat al-makh $UDE \DK. Beirut, 1973.


QS = Muammad Sa G DO-4 VLP  4 P V DO-LQ W DO-6K P \DK. Paris, 1960. -RRA = William L. Hanaway and Brian Spooner. Reading nastaliq: Persian and Urdu hands from 1500 to the present. Costa Mesa, 1995. RI = W. Bull. Rebinding Islamic manuscripts, a new direction. Bookbinder, 1 (1987): 21-38. RN = Nabia Abbott. The rise of the North Arabic script and its ur QLF GHYHORSPHQW. Chicago, 1938. -SSA = Amad ibn $O DO-4DOTDVKDQG  ub| al-ash f LQ at alLQVK . Cairo, 1383/1963 (reprint of al-abah al-$P U \DK 1920). SD = R. Dozy. Supplment aux dictionnaires arabes. 3rd ed. Paris, 1967. SJ ,EU K P 6KDEE  6LMLOO TDG P OL-0DNWDEDW - PL 4D\UDZ Q Majallat Mahad al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK, 2 (1956): 339-372. SK $E -Dfar Amad ibn Muammad al-Na V LQ at al-NXWW E, ed. Badr Amad ]ayyif. Beirut, 1410/1990. SL = Nabia Abbott. Studies in Arabic literary papyri. Chicago, 195772. SM = Ibn al-Ba . Shar al-man PDK DO-musta EDK I ilm alNLW EDK HG +LO O 1 M  Al-Mawrid, 15, no.4 (1986): 259-270.



SS = APDG .K Q 6DP W PXallaf W DO-DJK Q DO-OXJKDZ \DK Majallat Mahad al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK, 41, no.1 (1997): 55-90. ST = Amad ibn Muammad al-6XI\ Q  LQ DW WDVI U DO-kutub waall al-dhahab, ed. P. Ricard. Paris, 1925. -TTA = Yvette Sauvan. Un trait lusage des scribes lpoque nasride. Les manuscrits du Moyen Orient, ed. Franois Droche. Paris/Istanbul, 1989: 49-50. TB = Yay ibn Sharaf al-1DZDZ  Al-7LE\ Q I Qur Q. Damascus, 1965. G E |amlat al-

TC = Muammad al-0DQ Q  7DTQ \ W LG G DO-makh al-MaghriE  Al-Makh al-$UDE ZD-ilm al-makh W /H PDQXVFULW DUDEH et la codicologie). Rabat, 1994: 11-32. TD = Abd al-ayy al-.DWW Q  .LW E DO-WDU W E DO-LG U \DK ZD-alDP O W ZD-al-LQ W ZD-al-PDW MLU ZD-al-| ODK DO-LOP \DK. Rabat, 1346-49 A.H. TE = Adam Gacek. Some technical terms relative to the execution of Arabic manuscripts. MELA notes, 50-51 (1990): 13-18. TF 0XU G DO-5DPP  7DV I U 0DNWDEDW DO-4D\UDZ Q DO-DW TDK 'LU V W DO-makh W DO-,VO P \DK ED\QD LWLE U W DO-P GGDK wa-albashar: aP O DO-Mutamar al-7K Q OL-Muassasat al-)XUT Q OLO7XU WK DO-,VO P , ed. 5DVK G DO-,Q Q  London, 1997: 135-150. TH = APDG 6K NLU Ta| | al-kutub wa-un al-IDK ULV DO-mujamah wa-ND\I \DW ab al-NLW E ZD-sabq al-0XVOLP Q ZD-al-IfranM I GK OLN. Beirut, 1995. TI = KLU LEQ OL al--D] LU  7DVK O DO-PDM ] LO fann al-muamm wa-al-DOJK ]. Damascus, 1303 A.H. TK = Muammad ibn Muammad al-4DODO V  Tu|af al-NKDZ I uraf al-NKDZ . MS (Paris, Bibliothque nationale, arabe 6844).



TL %XUK Q DO-' Q DO-=DUQ M  TaO P DO-mutaallim DU T DO-taallum, HG 0DUZ Q 4DEE Q  %HLUXW  TM = Badr al-' Q 0XDPPDG LEQ -DP ah al-.LQ Q  Tadhkirat alV PL wa-al-PXWDNDOOLP I DGDE DO- OLP ZDO-mutaallim. Hyderabad, 1353/1934. TN = Abd al-6DO P + U Q Ta|T T DO-nu wa-QDVKUXK . Kuwait, n.d. TP = Adam Gacek. Technical practices and recommendations recorded by classical and post-classical Arabic scholars concerning the copying and correction of manuscripts. Les manuscrits du Moyen Orient, ed. F. Droche. Paris/Istanbul, 1989: 51-60, pl. xx-xxxii. [Includes a facsimile of Chapter 6 from al-Durr al-na G IL G E DOPXI G ZD-al-PXVWDI G by Badr al-' Q DO-*KD]] @ TQ = al-Kha E DO-%DJKG G  7DT\ G DO-ilm HG < VXI DO-Ishsh. Damascus, 1949. TS %DNU LEQ ,EU K P DO-,VKE O  .LW E DO-WD\V U I LQ at al-WDVI U ed. $EG $OO K .DQQ Q Revista del Instituto de Estudios Islmicos en Madrid, 7-8 (1959-60): 1-42. TT = Abd al-+ G DO-FaO  TaT T DO-WXU WK. Jedda, 1982. TU = Abd al-RaP Q LEQ < VXI LEQ DO- igh. Tu|IDW O DO-DOE E I LQ at al-kha wa-al-NLW E, ed. +LO O 1 M  7XQLV  TW = Muammad al-0DQ Q  TaU NK DO-ZLU TDK DO-0DJKULE \DK LQ at al-makh al-0DJKULE PLQ DO-ar al-ZDV il al-fatrah almu irah. Rabat, 1991. -UUA 1 U DO-' Q DO-8VD\O  8UM ]DK I O W GDZ W DO-N WLE AlDurar al-IDU id al-munaDPDK I DNKE U DO-| MM ZD-DU T 0DNNDK al-Muaamah, by Abd al-4 GLU LEQ 0Xammad al-An U DO--D] O  ed. amd al-- VLU 5L\DG ' U DO-YaP PDK   -393.



UD = $EG $OO K DO-+ W  Al-8PGDK ULV ODK I DO-kha wa-al-qalam, HG +LO O 1 M  %DJKGDG  UI = The unique Ibn al-Bawwab manuscript: complete facsimile edition of the earliest surviving naskhi Quran, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin. Graz, 1983. UK = al-MuL]] LEQ % G V Umdat al-NXWW E ZD-XGGDW GKDZ DODOE E HG Abd al-6DWW U DO-DOZDM DQG $O Abd al-MuVLQ =DN  Majallat Mahad al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK, 17 (1971): 43-172. US $GDP *DFHN 7KH XVH RI NDE NDj in Arabic manuscripts. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 1 (1986): 49-53. -VVA = Wilhelm Ahlwardt. Verzeichnis der arabischen Handschriften. Hildesheim/New York, 1980. -WWA = Muammad al-0DQ Q  $O-:LU TDK DO-$ODZ \DK abra sabat XT G PLQ al-miah al-KLMU \DK DO-WK OLWKDK ashrata. Dawat al-|aqq, 23, no.4 (1982): 10-24.

WB = Muammad al-0DQ Q  $O-:LU TDK DO-0DJKULE \DK I ahd al-Sul Q DO-$ODZ 0Xammad al-7K OLWK Dawat al-|aqq, 18, no.2 (1977): 45-56. WM = Amad ibn Yay al-WaQVKDU V  Al-Mi\ U DO-murib wa-alM PL al-mughrib. Beirut, 1981-83. WR = Muammad al-0DQ Q  Al-:LU TDK DO-0DJKULE \DK I ar al$ODZ DO-awwal. Dawat al-|aqq, 16, no.10 (1975): 80-92. WS = DE E =D\\ W Al-:LU TDK ZD-LQ at al-NLW EDK ZD-mujam alsufun. Beirut, 1992.



-YYM 6XOD\P Q DO-%DONK  <DQ E al-mawaddah li-GK DO-qurb. Tehran, 1308 [1890-1] (lithographed).

-ZZM )DU G 6K IL  =DNK ULI PXaf bi-' U DO-Kutub al-MiU \DK 0DMDOODW .XOO \DW DO- G E (Cairo), 17, no.1 (1955): 43-48, 6 pl. 2. Technical terms in the glossary = al All K PDT PDKX = il NKLULK / PQ / LQ VK D $OO K LVWLWKQ ) = intah = baGX E E ED\ Q 5DMDE = taO TDK / = ta O = WDWKO WK / / = Jum G al- O / -XP G al- NKLUDK / = juz MD]PDK MDZ E M iz (see under waqf) = jalla shaQXK WDMO O = il (taZ O D\O ODK / = DVEXQ $OO K (asbalah) / = VKL\DK = taNK U PXakhkhar); nuskhah (ukhr) / = nuskhah (ukhr) = nuskhah-badal = nuskhah-badal; nuskhaha l = mukhaffaf = 'K DO-ijjah = 'K DO-Qadah 5DE al-7K Q  5DMDE 5DE al-Awwal 5DE al-7K Q / / = raL\D $OO K anhu (tariyah) = raLPDKX $OO K WDU P  raL\D $OO K anhu (tariyah); numrah / = raLPDKX $OO K (tar P = ] idah = TDGGDVD $OO K VLUUDKX RU U DKX WDTG V  VX O = al-VK UL = shar; ShaE Q 6KDZZ O = LQ VK D $OO K LVWLWKQ ) = ShaE Q = al; a ; ib; DZ E (DZ EXKX  all All K alayhi (alwalah); afar = a = al / / / / / = all All K alayhi (alwalah) = ED\ ; raL\D $OO K



anhu (tariyah); abbah (taE E = urrah; faqa / = ED $OO K WKDU KX / / / = a OD $OO K umrahu = ann ; KLU XQur / = ma IDK WDVK UDK VDP ; ULa; DQ IXO Q IDU; raj; laDOODKX UXN = laDQDKX $OO K / / / / / = alayhi al-VDO P WDVO PDK / = azza wa-jalla = DMMDOD $OO K farajahu / = ma IDK / = 5DE al-Awwal = 5DE al-7K Q = laallahu = ghala / = I idah = fa-taammal(hu); fa-tadabbar(hu) / = I idat al-al = fa-T OD = fa-\XT O = T OD TDEOD WDTG P PXqaddam); waraqah

/ / / / = qaddasa $OO K VLUUDKX RU U ahu (taqG V = 'K DO-Qadah = qawluhu / = NXUU V DK  NDGK  NDWDba(hu) = katabahu = badal (baddilhu); al; ShawZ O = laDQDKX $OO K = matn; tamma; malzamah; MuDUUDP O ]LP see under waqf) = al-muDVKVK = muakhkhar muqaddam = al-muannif = Rama Q = ma IDK = muqaddam muakhkhar = ED\ Q QXVNKDK XNKU); Rama Q / = nuskhah (ukhr) = K PLVK / = taO TDK / = intah = waraqah = \XT O

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The present bibliography, apart from a number of entries in Turkish and Persian, includes the research published in Arabic and European languages on various aspects of the Arabic manuscript tradition. It does not, however, reproduce all the entries found in the bibliographies listed below in Section I.1. The bibliography has been arranged by subject with the result that some entries are repeated in the various sections due to their broader coverage. Arabic manuscripts cannot be studied in isolation. Indeed, many practices and phenomena connected with Arabic manuscripts are also to be found in the Hebrew, Greek and Latin manuscript traditions. It is therefore appropriate to mention here a number of important references dealing with the codicologies and palaeographies of the latter. Their usefulness for the study of Arabic manuscripts will be evident for anyone who consults them.

Ancient and medieval book materials and techniques, ed. M. Maniaci and P. Munaf. Vatican City, 1993. 2 vols. Archologie du livre mdival: exposition organise par le Centre national de la recherche scientifique et la Bibliothque nationale. Paris, 1988. Beit-Ari, Malachi. Hebrew codicology: tentative typology of technical practices employed in Hebrew dated medieval manuscripts. Paris, 1976. The makings of the medieval Hebrew book: studies in palaeography and codicology. Jerusalem, 1993. Bischoff, Bernhard. Latin palaeography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Transl. by Dibh Crinn and David Ganz. Cambridge, 1990. Boyle, Leonard. Medieval Latin palaeography: a bibliographical introduction. Toronto, 1984. Bozzolo, Carla. Pour une histoire du livre manuscrit au Moyen Age: trois essais de codicologie quantitative. Paris, 1983. Cockerell, Sydney M. Bookbinding, and the care of books: a text-book for book-binders and librarians. 5th ed. London/New York, 1953 (repr. 1979). Codicologica: towards a science of handwritten books, ed. A. Gruys and J.P. Gumbert. Leiden, 1976-1980. 5 vols. Dain, Alphonse. Les manuscrits. Paris, 1997.



Les dbuts du codex, ed. A. Blanchard. Turnhout, 1989. Delamare, Franois and Guineau, Bernard. Les matriaux de la couleur. Paris, 1999. Diringer, David. The hand-produced book. New York, 1953. Dukan, M. La rglure des manuscrits hbreux au Moyen-Age. Paris, 1988. Gallo, Italo. Greek and Latin papyrology. London, 1986. Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall. Encyclopedia of the book. 2nd ed. New Castle, Del., 1996. Glenisson, Jean. Le livre au Moyen Age. Paris, 1988. Gruijs, M. Albert. Palographie, codicologie et archologie du livre. Questions de mthodologie et de terminologie. La palographie hbraque mdivale, Paris, 11-13 septembre 1972. Paris, 1974 : 19-25. Johnston, Edward. Writing & illuminating, & lettering. London/New York, 1977. Kristeller, Paul O. Tasks and problems of manuscripts research. Codicologica, 1 (1976): 84-90. Lemaire, Jacques. Introduction la codicologie. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1989. Maniaci, M. Terminologia del libro manuscritto. Rome, 1996. Les manuscrits dats: premiers bilans et perspectives (= Die datierten Handschriften: erste Bilanz und Perspektiven). Neuchtel/Neuenburg, 1983. Paris, 1985. Murdoch, John E. Album of science: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. New York, 1984. Muzerelle, Denis. Vocabulaire codicologique: rpertoire mthodique des termes franais relatifs aux manuscrits. Paris, 1985. Pigments et colorants de lAntiquit et du Moyen-Age: teinture, peinture, enluminure, tudes historiques et physico-chimiques. Paris, 1990. Recherches de codicologie compare: la composition du codex au Moyen-Age en Orient et en Occident, ed. P. Hoffmann. Paris, 1998. Reynolds, L.D. and Wilson, N.G. Scribes and scholars: a guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1974. Roberts, C. H. The codex. Proceedings of the British Academy, 40 (1954): 169-204. Roberts, C.H. and Skeat, T.C. The birth of the codex. London, 1983.



Shailor, Barbara A. The medieval book: illustrated from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. Toronto, 1991. Sirat, Colette. Du scribe au livre: les manuscrits hbreux au Moyen Age. Paris, 1994. Les techniques de laboratoire dans ltude des manuscrits. Paris, 13-15 septembre 1972. Paris, CNRS, 1974. Thompson, E. Maunde. An introduction to Greek and Latin palaeography. Oxford, 1912. Les tranchefiles brodes: tudes historique et technique. Paris, 1989. Turner, Eric G. The typology of the early codex. [Philadelphia], 1977. West, Martin L. Textual criticism and editorial technique applicable to Greek and Latin texts. Stuttgart, 1972. Wouters, A. From papyrus roll to papyrus codex: some technical aspects of the ancient book fabrication. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 5 (1990-91): 9-19. I. GENERAL AND INTRODUCTORY STUDIES I. 1. Bibliographies

Abd al-+ G  0Dammad Fat  Al-7XU WK DO-$UDE DO-,VO P  ELEO\ MU I \DK EL-al-LQW M DO-ILNU DO-$UDE PLQ  LO 1998. London, Muassasat al-)XUT Q OLO-7XU WK DO-,VO P   Abd al-RaP Q Abd al--DEE U .DVKVK I DO-GDZU \ W DO-$UDE \DK. Baghdad, 1989. 4 vols. 'KD\\ E 0LIW Muammad. arakat al-taO I ZD-al-kutub wa-alPDNWDE W 0DMDOODW .XOO \DW DO-Dawah al-,VO P \DK (Tripoli, Libya), 6 (1989): 367-398. Endress, Gerhard. Handschriftenkunde. Grundriss der arabischen Philologie. Band I: Sprachwissenschaft, herausgegeben von W. Fischer. Wiesbaden, 1982: 306-315. Gacek, Adam. A select bibliography of Arabic language publications concerning Arabic manuscripts. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 1 (1986): 106-108. Arabic language publications on manuscripts (Part I). Nouvelles des manuscrits du Moyen-Orient, VII/1 (1998): 3-8. Arabic language publications on manuscripts (Part II). Nouvelles des manuscrits du Moyen-Orient, VII/2 (1998): 2-7. Index Islamicus on CD-ROM. London/New York, 1998.

182 I. 2. Periodicals


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198 II. 3. Parchment


Droche, Franois. Lemploi du parchemin dans les manuscrits islamiques: quelques remarques liminaires. The codicology of Islamic manuscripts. Proceedings of the Second Conference of Al)XUT Q ,VODPLF +HULWDJH )RXQGDWLRQ . London, 1995: 1757. ,VWLNKG P DO-UDTT I DO-makh W DO-,VO P \DK PXO a W WDPK G \DK 'LU V W DO-makh W DO-,VO P \DK ED\QD LWLE U W DOP GGDK ZD-al-bashar. AP O DO-Mutamar al-7K Q OL-Muassasat al-)XUT Q OLO-7XU WK DO-,VO P  HG 5DVK G DO-In Q  London, 1997: 93-134. Endress, G. Pergament in der Codicologie des islamisch-arabischen Mittelalters. Pergament: Geschichte, Structur, Restaurierung, Herstellung, ed. P. Rck. Sigmaringen, 1991: 45-46. Grohmann, A. Djild. EI, new ed., 2: 540-541. Khoury, R.G. and Witkam, J.J. Ra. EI, new ed., 8: 407-410. Reed, Ronald. The nature and making of parchment. Leeds, 1975. al-=D\\ W DE E $O--XO G ZD-al-UXT T ZD-al-XU V I DO-,VO P Al.LW E, 4 (1947): 1358-1366. II. 4. Paper (for decorated paper see VII. 7.) a) Non-watermarked paper and paper in the Islamic world - Bibliography Le Lannec-Bavavas, Marie-Thrse. Les papiers non-filigrans mdivaux de la Perse lEspagne: bibliographie 1950-1995. Paris, 1998. - Papermaking recipes and ethics Gacek, Adam. On the making of local paper: a thirteenth century Yemeni recipe. Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Mditerrane (forthcoming). Ibn al- MM DO-) V  0Xammad ibn Muammad. Al-Madkhal. Cairo, 1929 : 4, 79-83. ,EQ % G V DO-Muizz. Umdat al-NXWW E ZD-XGGDW GKDZ DO-DOE E HG Abd al-6DWW U DO-DOZDM DQG $O Abd al-MuVLQ =DN  Majallat



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Tabellen zur muslimischen und iranischen Zeitrechnung mit Tafeln zur Umrechnung orient-christlicher ren. Wiesbaden, 1961. TaU kh. EI, new ed., 10: 257-302. IV. 5. Abbreviations Abbreviations. EI, new ed., suppl., fasc.1-2, p.2. $ODZ Q 0XDPPDG % TLU 7KDO WK DU M ] I UXP ] DO-- PL alDJK U Majallat Mahad al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK, 18 (1972): 151-158. $OL 6DOLK + 3UREOHP NUDWLFD X DUDSVNLP UXNRSLVLPD VD VSLVNRP arapskih kratica iz 16. vjeka). Prilozi za orientalnu filologiju, 26 (1976):199-212. Ben Cheneb, M. Liste des abrviations employes par les auteurs arabes. Revue africaine, nos.302-303 (1920): 134-138. Fekete, Lajos. Tamma und seine synonyme. Trudy Dvadtsat pjatogo Mezhdunarodnogo Kongressa Vostokovedov, Moskva 916 avgusta 1960 g. Moscow, 1963: 2, 374-377. Gacek, Adam. Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. London, 1984-1985: 2, xiv. MaI , usayn $O  Al-$O P W ZD-al-UXP ] inda al-muDOOLI Q DO$UDE TDG PDQ ZD-aG WKDQ Al-7XU WK DO-shaE , no.1 (1963/64): 23-27 [436-451]. Also: Baghdad, Mabaat al-Ma ULI 1964. al-0 PDT Q  0Xmmad Ri. Mujam al-UXP ] ZD-al-LVK U W 7XU WKXQ , 2, no.1 (1407 H): 159-171; 2, nos 2-3 (1407 H): 164219. Mujam al-UXP ] ZD-al-LVK U W %HLUXW ' U DO-Muarrikh al$UDE   Quiring-Zoche, Rosemarie. How al-Bu U V a was edited in the Middle Ages: $O DO-< Q Q DQG KLV 5XP ] Bulletin dtudes orientales, 50 (1998): 191-222. al-6DPDUU  ,EU K P $O-MukhtaDU W ZD-al-UXP ] I DO-WXU WK DO$UDE  Majallat Majma al-Lughah al-$UDE \DK DO-8UGXQ , 32 (1987): 105-114.



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V. TRANSMISSION OF KNOWLEDGE V. 1. General studies Berkey, Jonathan Porter. The transmission of knowledge in medieval Cairo: a social history of Islamic education. Princeton, N.J., 1992. Leder, Stefan. Authorship and transmission in unauthored literature. Oriens, 31 (1988): 67-81. 5LZ \D EI, new ed., 8: 545-547. Makdisi, George. The rise of colleges: institutions of learning in Islam and the West. Edinburgh, 1981. The rise of humanism in classical Islam and the Christian West with special reference to scholasticism. Edinburgh, 1990. Madrasa and university in the Middle Ages. Studia Islamica, 32 (1970): 255-264. Messick, Brinkley. The calligraphic state. Textual domination and history in a Muslim society. Berkeley/Oxford, 1993. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. Oral transmission and the book in Islamic education: the spoken and the written word. Journal of Islamic studies, 3, no.1 (1992): 1-14. Reichmuth, Stefan. Murta D]-=DE G G LQ ELRJUDSKLFDO DQG autobiographical accounts: glimpses of Islamic scholarship in the 18th century. Die Welt des Islams, 39, no.1 (1999): 64-102. Schoeler, Gregor. Die Frage der schriftlichen oder mndlichen berlieferung der Wissenschaften im frhen Islam. Der Islam, 62 (1985): 210-230. Weiteres zur Frage der schriftlichen oder mndlichen berlieferung der Wissenschaften im Islam. Der Islam, 66 (1989): 38-67. Sellheim, R. Al-Ilm wa-al-XODP I u U DO-NKXODI . Beirut, 1972. 6L]N Q 6H]JLQ  )X G $KDPP \DW DO-LVQ G I DO-XO P DO-$UDE \DK wa-al-,VO P \DK Mu DU W I WDU NK DO-XO P DO-$UDE \DK wa-al-,VO P \DK (= Vortrge zur Geschichte der arabischislamischen Wissenschaften), by Fu G 6L]N Q Frankfurt am Main, 1984. Vajda, Georges. De la transmission orale du savoir dans lIslam traditionnel. LArabisant, 4 (1975): 2-8. La transmission du savoir en Islam (VII-XVIIIe sicles), ed. N. Cottart. London, 1983.



V. 2. Transmission of individual works Fck, Johann. Beitrge zur berlieferungsgeschichte von Bu U s Traditionssammlung. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlndischen Gesellschaft, 92 (1938): 60-87. Humbert, Genevive. /HV YRLHV GH OD WUDQVPLVVLRQ GX .LW E GH 6 EDZD\K. Leiden, 1995. al-.DWW Q  < VXI .KDWDP W a al-%XNK U  Dawat al-aqq, 240 (1984): 61-68. Lvi-Provenal, E. La recension maghribine du a dal-Bo U  Journal asiaique, 202 (1923): 209-233. Quiring-Zoche, Rosemarie. How al-Bu U s a was edited in the Middle Ages: $O DO-< Q Q DQG KLV 5XP ]. Bulletin dtudes orientales, 50 (1998): 191-222. 5REVRQ - 7KH WUDQVPLVVLRQ RI $E ' Z Gs Sunan. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 14 (1952): 579-588. The transmission of Muslims a . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (1949): 46-60. 7KH WUDQVPLVVLRQ LI 7LUP GK V - PL. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 16 (1954): 258-270. Schacht, Joseph. Deux ditions inconnues du Muwaa. Studi orientalistici in onore di Giorgio Levi della Vida. Rome, 1956: 2, 477-492. Vajda, Georges. /D WUDQVPLVVLRQ GH OD .LI \D I PDrifat u O ilm alULZ \DK GDO-Ha E Dl-Ba G G  Arabica, 4 (1957): 304-307. La transmission de lloge de Zayn al- ELG Q Journal asiatique, 244 (1956): 433-437. La transmission de la mayaa (Ansal al-PDT id wa-adab alPDZ ULG GIbn al-Bu U Gaprs le manuscrit Reislkttab 262 de la Bibliothque Sleymaniye dIstanbul. Rivista degli studi orientali, 48 (1973-74): 55-74. 9  ,M ] W DQG VDP W (for LM ] W in calligraphy see the section on calligraphy below) Amad, Amad Rama Q Al-,M ] W ZD-al-WDZWK T W DO-PDNW EDK I al-XO P DO-QDTO \DK ZD-al-DTO \DK PLQ DO-qarn 4 h../10 m. il



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Arabic calligraphy in manuscripts. Riyad, 1986. Moritz, Bernhard. Arabic palaeography: a collecton of Arabic texts from the first century of the Hidjra till the year 1000. Cairo, 1905. al-Munajjid, DO al-' Q Al-.LW E DO-$UDE DO-makh il al-qarn al- VKLU DO-KLUM /H 0DQXVFULW DUDEH MXVTXau Xe s. de lH.). al-Juz al-awwal: al-QDP GKLM &DLUR  6KDEE (ChabERXK  ,EU K P Al-Makh (= Le manuscrit). Tunis, al-:LN ODK DO-4DZP \DK OL-I\ wa-,VWLJKO O DO-7XU WK DO$WKDU ZD-al-TaU NK  $O I  Tisserant, Eugenius. Specimena codicum orientalium. Bonn, 1914. Vajda, Georges. Album de palographie arabe. Paris, 1958. Witkam, J.J. Seven specimens of Arabic manuscripts. Leiden, 1978. Wright, William. Facsimiles of manuscripts and inscriptions. Oriental series. London, 1875-83. al-=LULNO  .KD\U DO-' Q al-AO P T P V WDU MLP DVKKDU DO-ULM O ZDal-QLV min al-Arab wa-al-mustaULE Q. Vol.11, mustadrak 2: alKhu wa-al-uwar. Beirut, 1970. VI. 2. Library catalogues with reproductions of specimens Arberry, A.J. Chester Beatty Library. A handlist of the Arabic manuscripts. Dublin, 1955-66. Gacek, Adam. Arabic manuscripts in the libraries of McGill University: union catalogue. Montreal, 1991. Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in the library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. London, 1984-85. 2 vols. XVD\Q  $mad. Fihrist-L QXVNKDKK -yi kha -L .LW ENK QDK-i 8P P -i aUDW \DW $OO K DO-Um Najaf 0DUDVK Qum, 1395 [1975] . [28 vols. to date.] Quiring-Zoche, Rosemarie. Arabische Handschriften. Teil III. Stuttgart, 1994. Iskandar, Albert Zaki. A catalogue of Arabic manuscripts on medicine and science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library. London, 1967. Lfgren, Oscar and Traini, Renato. Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Vicenza, 1975 . Rasmussen, Stig T. (ed.). Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts, xylographs etc. in Danish collections. Vol. 5, pt. 1: Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts. Codices Arabici additamenta & codices



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QLP 4DGG U  0XZ ]DQDK ED\QD UDVP DO-muaf wa-alQXT VK DO-$UDE \DK DO-TDG PDK Al-Mawrid, 15, no.4 (1986): 27-44. Hanaway, William L. and Spooner, Brian. Reading nastaliq: Persian and Urdu hands from 1500 to the present. Costa Mesa, Ca., 1995. Healey, John F. Nabataean to Arabic. Calligraphy and script development among the pre-Islamic Arabs. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 5 (1990-91): 41-52. Karabacek, Josef von. Arabic palaeography. Wiener Zeitschrift fr die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 20 (1906):131-148. 0 GXQ 0Xammad $O  Kha al-jazm ibn kha al-musnad. Damascus, DO V  Minovi, M. The so-FDOOHG %DG script. Bulletin of the American Institute of Iranian Art and Archeology, 5 (1937): 143-146. Muaffal, Muammad. ) X O DO-NLW EDK DO-$UDE \DK 'LU V W taU NK \DK (Damascus), 6 (1981): 59-111. al-1DTVKDEDQG  8V PDK 1 ir. Mabda XK U DO-XU I DO-$UDE \DK wa-taawZXUXK I JK \DW DO-qarn al-awwal al-KLMU  Al-Mawrid, 15, no.4 (1986): 83-102. Orsatti, Paola. Gli studi di paleografia araba oggi: problemi e metodi. Scrittura e civilt, 14 (1990): 281-331. 5 LE < VXI /pFULWXUH GHV SDS\UXV DUDEHV DX[ SUHPLHUV VLcles de lIslam. Revue du monde musulman et de la Mditerrane, 58 (1991): 14-29. Rezvan, E. and Kondybaev, N.S. New tool for analysis of handwritten script. Manuscripta Orientalia, 2, no. 3 (1996): 43-53. Robin, Christian. Les critures de lArabie avant lIslam. Revue du monde musulman et de la Mditerrane, 61 (1991):127-137. Rosenthal, Franz. Significant uses of Arabic writing. Ars Orientalis, 4 (1961): 15-23. [Reprinted in his Four essays on art and literature in Islam. Leiden, 1971: 50-62.] Schroeder, Eric. :KDW ZDV WKH %DG script?. Ars Islamica, 4 (1937):232-248. The so-FDOOHG %DG script, a mistaken identification. Bulletin of the American Insitute of Iranian Art and Archaeology, 5 (1937): 146-147. HHQ 5DPD]DQ /HV FDUDFWpULVWLTXHV GH Ocriture de quatre manuscrits du IVe s. H/Xe s. AD. Les manuscrits du Moyen-Orient, ed. F. Droche. Istanbul/Paris, 1989: 45-48.




6KDEE  ,EU K P Ba PXO a W al kha al-EDUG \ W DO-$UDE \DK al-MiU \DK DO-mubakkarah wa-mad taDWKWKXULK EL-DUDN W iO al-NLW EDK. Cairo, MabaDW ' U DO-Kutub, 1970. Silvestre de Sacy, A.I. Nouveaux aperus sur lhistoire de lcriture chez les arabes du Hedjaz. Journal asiatique, 10 (1827): 209-231. Mmoire sur lorigine et les anciens monuments de la littrature parmi les arabes. Mmoires de littrature tirs des registres de lAcadmie royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1 (1808): 247-440. [1re partie: Histoire de lcriture parmi les arabes, reprinted in F. Droche, Sources de la transmission manuscrite du texte coranique I, vol.1. Lesa, 1998: XXIX-XCII.] Sourdel-Thomine, J. Les origines de lcriture arabe: propos dune hypothse rcente. Revue des tudes islamiques, 34 (1966): 151157. al-=DUN Q 0Xammad $O  $O-.LW EDK ED\QD DO-6XU\ Q \DK ZD-al$UDE \DK Al-/LV Q DO-$UDE , 40 (1995): 53-76. b) Maghribi and African scripts %LQVKDU IDK 0Xammad. Narah awla al-kha al-$QGDOXV  AlMakh al-$UDE ZD-ilm al-makh W /H manuscrit arabe et la codicologie). Rabat, 1994: 73-85. Bivar, A.D.H. The Arabic calligraphy of West Africa. African languages review, 7 (1968): 3-15. Boogert, N. van den. Some notes on Maghribi script. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 4 (1989): 30-43. Droche, Franois. O. Houdas et les critures maghrbines. AlMakh al-$UDE ZD-ilm al-makh W /H PDQXVFULW DUDEH et la codicologie). Rabat, 1994: 75-81. Tradition et innovation dans la pratique de lcriture au Maghreb pendant les IVe/Xe et Ve/Xie sicles. Numismatique, langues, critures et arts du livre, spcificit des arts figurs: actes du VIIe Colloque international sur lhistoire et archologie de lAfrique du nord, runis dans le cadre du 121e Congrs des socits historiques et scientifiques, Nice, 21 au 31 octobre 1996, ed. Serge Lancel. Paris, 1999 : 233-247. Houdas, O. Essai sur lcriture maghrbine. Nouveaux mlanges orientaux, (1886): 85-112. al-0DQ Q  0Xammad . Lamah an taU NK DO-kha al-$UDE ZD-al-



]DNKUDIDK I DO-Gharb al-,VO P  Al-Majallah al-taU NK \DK DO0DJKULE \DK, 16, nos.53-54 (1989): 205-230. al-1 M  DO-Amjad. Al-Kha al-0DJKULE ZD-al-KXZ \DK DO-PDIT dah. Al-Makh al-$UDE ZD-ilm al-makh W /H PDQuscrit arabe et la codicologie). Rabat, 1994: 87-97. Sukayrij, Abd al-.DU P $O-Kha al-0DJKULE  Majallat alWKDT IDK DO-MaghriE \DK, no.2 (1941): 67-72. Al-Kha al-$UDE DO-0DJKULE  TaU NK DO-ZLU Tah al0DJKULE \DK LQ at al-makh al-0DJKULE PLQ DO-ar al-ZDV il al-fatrah al-mu irah, by Muammad al-0DQ Q  Rabat, 1991: 320-325. VII. THE ARTS OF THE BOOK VII. 1. General a) Bibliographies Creswell, K.A.C. A bibliography of the architecture, arts and crafts of Islam to 1st Jan. 1960. Cairo,1978: 608-624 (bookbinding), 627-674 (calligraphy and palaeography), 979-1087 (painting). Supplement Jan.1960 to Jan 1972. Cairo, 1973: 199-214, 293316. Second supplement Jan.1972 to Dec. 1980 (with omissions from previous years), by J.D. Pearson, Cairo, 1984: 309-412, 455-498. Jachimowicz, E.M.F. Illuminated Arabic manuscripts. Arab Islamic bibliography: the Middle East Library Committee guide, ed. D. Grimwood-Jones, D. Hopwood, and J.D. Pearson. Hassocks, England, 1977: 164-186. b) General studies and exhibition catalogues Arnold, T.W. and Grohmann, Adolf. The Islamic book: a contribution to its art and history from the VIIth to the XIIIth century. [Florence], 1929. The arts of Islam: catalogue of an exhibition at the Hayward Gallery. London, 1976. Berthier, A. Lart du livre ottoman. Arts et mtiers du livre, 163 (1990): 41-47.



Blair, Sheila and Bloom, Jonathan M. Islamic art: arts of the book, III. introduction. The dictionary of art, ed. J. Turner. New York, 1996: 16, 271-273. Bothmer, Hans-Caspar Graf von. Islamische Buchkunst. Das Buch im Orient: Handschriften und kostbare Drucke aus zwei Jahrtausenden. Ausstellung 16. Nov. 1982 5. Feb. 1983. Wiesbaden, 1982: 109-220. Brend, Barbara. The arts of the book. The arts of Persia, ed. R.W. Ferrier. New Haven/London, 1989: 232-242. Carboni, Stefano. The Arabic manuscripts. Pages of perfection. Islamic paintings and calligraphy from the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Lugano/Milan, 1995: 77-91. Denny, Walter B. Dating Ottoman Turkish works in the saz style. Muqarnas, 1 (1983): 103-121. The image and the word: Islamic painting and calligraphy. Springfield, Mass, Museum of Fine Arts, 1976. Dreaming of paradise. Islamic art from the collection of the Museum of Ethnology, Rotterdam. [Rotterdam], 1993. Duda, D. Islamische Handschriften. Wien, 1992-1993. 2 vols. Fisher, Carol G. Na sh-kh QD EI, new ed., 7: 931-932. Gray, Basil (ed.). The arts of the book in Central Asia, 14th-16th centuries. Paris/ London, 1979. James, David. The Arabic book (= Das arabische Buch). An exhibition of Arabic manuscripts from the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin at the Museum fr Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg on the occasion of the Euro-Arab Dialogue, Cultural Symposium, April 1983. Dublin, 1983. Islamic masterpieces of the Chester Beatty Library. London, World of Islam Festival Trust, 1981. Losty, J. The art of the book in India. London, 1982. Lowry, Glen and Nemazee, Susan. A jewelers eye: Islamic arts of the book from the Vever Collection. Washington, D.C. 1988. Orientalische Buchkunst in Gotha: Ausstellung zum 350 jhrigen Jubilum der Forschungs- und Landesbibliothek Gotha. Gotha, 1997. [In particular: Die Buchkunst des Islams, 49-175.] Pages of perfection. Islamic paintings and calligraphy from the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Lugano/Milan, 1995. Piemontese, Angelo M. Arte persiana del libro e scrittura araba. Scrittura e civilt, 4 (1980): 103-156.



Richard, Francis. Splendeurs persanes: manuscrits du XIIe au XVIIe sicle. Paris, Bibliothque nationale de France, 1997. Roxburgh, David J. The study of painting and the arts of the book. Muqarnas, 17 (2000): 1-16. Rhrdanz, K. The arts of the book in Central Asia. Uzbekistan: heirs to the silk road, ed. J. Kalter and M. Pavaloi. London/New York, 1997: 101-115. Tanindi, Zeren. Additions to illustrated manuscripts in Ottoman workshops. Muqarnas, 17 (2000): 147-161. Manuscript production in the Ottoman Palace workshop. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 5 (1990-91): 67-98. Taylor, Alice. Book arts of Isfahan: diversity and identity in seventeenth-century Persia. Malibu, Ca., J. Paul Getty Museum, 1995. Vernoit, Stephen. Occidentalism: Islamic art in the 19th century. London/Oxford, 1997 (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, XXIII). Welch, A. and Welch, S.C. Arts of the Islamic book. The collection of Prince Sadruddin Agha Khan. Ithaca/London, 1982. c) Albums (muraqqa W 'HUPDQ 0 8XU The murakka, an album of calligraphic collage. OJL, 32 (1981): 40-43. 7KH 7XUNLVK FDOOLJUDSKLF DUW WKH NWa. OJL, 30 (1980): 3235. 0DKG ] GDK 0Xaf and Razz T  usayn. 0XQWDNKDE D] muraqqa W-L .LW ENK QDK-i Marka] -\L $VW Q-i Quds-i RaDY (= Selected calligraphy from the Central Library of Astane Qods Razavi). [Mashhad], 1368 [1990]. 0XVWDID ]]HW .D]DVNHU 0XVWDID ]]HW (IHQGLQLQ VOV YH QHVLK PHN murakkai ,VWDQEXO .XEEHDOW 1HUL\kW  Robinson, B.W. Muraa . EI, new ed., 7: 602-603. Roxburgh, David J. Catalogue of scripts by seven masters (H.2310): a Timurid calligraphy album at the Ottoman court. Art turc (= Turkish art): 10e Congrs international dart turc, ed. F. Droche et al. Geneva, 1999: 587-597. Our works point to us: album making, collecting, and art (1427-1565) under the Timurids and Safavids. Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1996.



HYNL (IHQGL 0HKPHG HYNL (IHQGLQLQ VOV YH QHVLK PHN PXUDNNDL. Istanbul, KubEHDOW 1HUL\kW  The St. Petersburg muraqqa: album of Indian and Persian miniatures from the 16th through the 18th century and specimens of Persian calligraphy by Imd al-Hasan. Lugano/Milan, 1996. Thackston, Wheeler M. Album, 3. Islamic world. The dictionary of art, ed. J. Turner. New York, 1996: 1, 583-584. VII. 2. Calligraphy (see also VIII. Quranic manuscripts) a) Bibliographies and dictionaries $NJO 0HGLQH DQG <LLWED $\HH .]OWHSH 8XU 'HUPDQ ELEOL\RJUDI\DV. Istanbul, Trk KtbhanecileU 'HUQHL  $ZZ G . UN V $O-Kha al-$UDE I WK U DO-G ULV Q TDG PDQ ZDDG WKDQ Al-Mawrid, 15 (1986): 377-412. al-%DKQDVV  $I I  Mujam muala W DO-kha al-$UDE ZD-alkha Q. Beirut, MaktaEDW /XEQ Q  Gacek, Adam. Al-NuwayU V FODVVLILFDWLRQ RI $UDELF VFULSWV Manuscripts of the Middle East, 2 (1987): 126-130. [Includes an appendix: A select bibliography of classical and post-classical texts on penmanship.] 6KD\NK 0 V, Muammad Khayr. arakat al-taO I I DO-NLW EDK ZD-alNXWW E ZD-ma GLU QDTG DO-tarassul wa-al-NLW EDK att al-qarn alU EL al-KLMU  Majallat Majma al-Lughah al-$UDE \DK ELDimashq, 72, no.3 (1997): 481-526. al-< VXI .K OLG $PDG DQG 6D\\LG $P Q 6XOD\P Q 0DU ML al-kha al-$UDE  Al-Kha al-$UDE PLQ NKLO O DO-makh W. Riyad, 1406 [1986] : 241-254. [See also the English version : Arabic calligraphy in manuscripts, 259-267.] b) Exhibition catalogues 'HUPDQ 0 8XU Letters in gold: Ottoman calligraphy from the Sakip Sabanci collection, Istanbul. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1998. Grube, Ernst J. Calligraphy and the decorative arts of Islam. London, Bluett, 1976. Hoare, Oliver. The calligraphers craft. Summer exhibition, 1-27 June 1987, Ahuan Gallery of Islamic Art. London,1987.



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5LI DO-Qas O  0LQK M DO-i EDK by Muammad al-=LIW Z  Bi at al-mujawwid by Muammad al-6LQM U DQG Shar alman PDK DO-musta EDK I ilm al-NLW EDK by Ibn Ba and Ibn al-Wa G@ 5LV ODK I LQ at al-NLW Eah, ed. Abd al-La I DO-5 Z DQG Abd al,O K 1DEK Q Majallat Majma al-Lughah al-$UDE \DK ELDimashq, 62, no.4 (1987): 760-795; 63, no.1 (1988): 50-65. Rudolph, Ekkehard. Der Wettsreit der Schriftarten eine arabische Handschrift aus der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha. Der Islam, 65, Heft 2 (1988): 301-316. [Contains a facsimile of *K \DW DOPDU P I WDNK ub al-DTO P by $EG $OO K LEQ $mad al0DTGLV @ SaG ) U T 5LV ODK I DO-kha wa-bary al-qalam li-Ibn al- igh. Beirut, Sharikat al-MaE W 97. al-SaG DO-MawLO  6 OL 8UM ]DK I ilm rasm al-kha, ed. Zuhayr = KLG DQG +LO O 1 M  Al-Mawrid, 15, no.4 (1986): 345-376. al-6 ZLU  Abd al-$] ] .LW E DO-qalam li-$E 0Xammad al-6DUU M al-%DJKG G  ODP DO-kutub, 15, no.1 (1994): 70-73. al-=DE G  0Xammad Murta. ikmat al-LVKU T LO kutt E DO- I T, ed. Muammad alDK %LO O -HGGD ' U DO-0DGDQ   [Contains (pp.113-138) a compilation by the editor entitled: 7DWLPPDK I naqd al-DWK U DO-maU IDK an al-kha wa-al-NLW EDK.] d) Calligraphers and calligraphers diplomas

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from the St. Petersburg Academic Collection. Manuscripta Orientalia, 1, no.1 (1995): 56-67. $OLNEHURY $ DQG 5H]YDQ ( ,EQ $E .KD]] P DQG KLV .LW E DOPDNK] Q WKH 0DPO N PLOLWDU\ PDQXDO Manuscripta Orientalia, 1, no.1 (1995): 21-28. al-$UU T  6DP U 0XTELO $O-Madrasah al-<DPDQ \DK I IDQQ WD]Z T DOmakh W DO-,VO P \DK ODP DO-makh W ZD-al-QDZ GLU, 2, no.2 (1997-8): 343-364. %DUUXFDQG 0DULDQQH /H .DO OD ZD 'LPQD GH OD %LEOLRWKque royale de Rabat: un manuscrit illustr Il-NK QLGH Revue des tudes islamiques, 54 (1986): 17-48. Un manuscrit arabe illustr de Kalila wa Dimna du XIIIe sicle et sa copie ottomane. Archologie islamique, 2 (1991): 81-95. Blair, Sheila S. A compendium of chronicles. Rashid al-Dins illustrated history of the world. London/Oxford, 1995 (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, XXVII). Carboni, Stefano. Constellations, giants and angels from al-Qazwini manuscripts. Islamic art in the Ashmolean Museum, ed. James Allen. Oxford, 1995: 83-97 (Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, X, pt.1). An illustrated copy of al-4D]Z Q V 7KH :RQGHUV RI creation. Sothebys art at auction, 1990: 229-234. 7KH /RQGRQ 4D]Z Q  DQ HDUO\ WK-century copy of the $M ib al-PDNKO T W Islamic art, 3 (1989): 15-31. &RQWDGLQL $QQD 7KH .LW E PDQ IL al-D\DZ Q LQ WKH (scorial Library. Islamic art, 3 (1989): 33-57. Cowen, Jill Sanchia. Kalila wa-Dimna: an animal allegory of the Mongol court. New York, 1989. Grabar, Oleg. The illustrations of the Maqamat. Chicago, 1984. Grube, Ernst J. Prolegomena for a corpus publication of illustrated .DO ODK ZD 'LPQDK PDQXVFULSWV Islamic art, 4 (1991): 301481. VII. 5. Lacquer Diba, L. Lacquer work. The arts of Persia, ed. R.W. Ferrier. New Haven/London, 1989: 243-253. Grube, Ernst J. A lacquered panel painting from the collection of Lester Wolfe in the Museum of the University of Notre-Dame.



Orientalia Hispanica sive studia F.M. Pareja octogenario dicata. Leiden, 1974: 1, 376-397. Khalili, Nasser D., Robinson, B.W. and Stanley, Tim. Lacquer of the Islamic lands. London/Oxford, 1996 (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, XXII, pt.1-2). Lacquer: an international history and illustrated survey. New York, 1984. Motamed, Said. Lackerwork from Iran. Dreaming of paradise. Islamic art from the collection of the Museum of Ethnology, Rotterdam. [Rotterdam], 1993: 173-186. [Robinson, B.W.]. An exhibition of 50 pieces of Persian, Indian and Turkish lacquer at Bernheimer Fine Arts Ltd. from 10 June to 27 June 1986. London, 1986. Islamic art, VIII, 10. Lacquer. The dictionary of art, ed. J. Turner. New York, 1996: 16, 533-535. Lacquer in the University of Oxford. Islamic art in the Ashmolean Museum, ed. James Allen. Oxford, 1995: 45-61 (Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, X, pt.2). Persian lacquer in the Bern Historical Museum. Iran, 8 (1970): 47-50. Qajar lacquer. Muqarnas, 6 (1989): 131-146. VII. 6. Papercuts Schmitz, Barbara. Cut-paper. Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. E.Yarshater, 6: 475-478. Thackston, Wheeler M. Islamic art, III, 6. Papercuts. The dictionary of art, ed. J. Turner. New York, 1996: 16, 354-355. VII. 7. Decorated paper (marbled paper, etc.) Arndt, R. Ebru, the cloud art. Aramco world, 24, no.3 (1973): 2632. Blair, Sheila S. Color and gold: the decorated papers used in manuscripts in later Islamic times. Muqarnas, 17 (2000): 2436. 'HUPDQ 0 8XU &RORXULQJ DQG VL]LQJ RI SDSHU OJL, 25 (1977): 32-35. Doizy, Marie-Ange. De la dominoterie la marbrure: histoire des



techniques traditionnelles de la dcoration du papier. Paris, 1996. Kgiti, M.A. Ebr : Turkish marbled papers. Palette, 30 (1968): 14-20, pl. 3RUWHU <YHV . TDe-e abri: notes sur la technique de la marbrure. Studia Iranica, 17 (1988): 47-55. 6RXFHN 33 $I Q Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. E. Yarshater, 1: 581-582. Wolfe, Richard J. Marbled paper: its history, techniques and patterns, with special reference to the relationship of marbling to bookbinding in Europe and the Western World. Philadelphia, 1990. VII. 8. Bookbinding (for lacquer bindings see also VII. 5.) a) Bibliography Gratzl, Emil, Creswell, K.A.C. and Ettinghausen, R. Bibliographie der islamischen Einbandkunst, 1871 bis 1956. Ars Orientalis, 2 (1957): 519-540. b) Pre-18th century texts Bosch, Gulnar K. The staff of the scribes and the implements of the discerning, an excerpt. Ars Orientalis, 4 (1961): 1-13. [Translation of the chapter on bookbinding from Umdat al-NXWW E of ,EQ % G V@ Bosch, G., Carswell, J. and Petherbridge, G. Islamic bindings and bookmaking. A catalogue of an exhibition. Chicago, 1982. [Contains essays on Islamic bookmaking, its materials, techniques and structures based principally on the works of Ibn % G V DQG $mad al-6XI\ Q @ Gacek, Adam. Arabic bookmaking and terminology as portrayed by Bakr al-,VKE O LQ KLV .LW E al-WD\V U I LQ at al-WDVI U Manuscripts of the Middle East, 5 (1990-91): 106-113. ,EQ $E DP GDKV GLGDFWLF SRHP IRU ERRNELQGHUV Manuscripts of the Middle East, 6 (1991): 41-58. [Persian translation E\ 0DKG $UMXPDQG 0 U -L ,VO P -L U Q, 3 (1375/1996): 857867.]



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Istanbul, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, 1995. Benjelloun-Laroui, Latifa. Les bibliothques au Maroc. Paris, 1990. Berthier, A. Manuscrits orientaux et connaissance de lOrient: lments pour une enqute culturelle. Moyen-Orient et Ocan Indien, XVIe-XIXe s., 2, no.2 (1985): 79-108. Dodkhudoeva, Larisa and Dodkhudoeva, Lola. Manuscrits orientaux du Tadjikistan: la collection Semenov. Cahiers de lAsie centrale, 7 (1999): 39-55. Jones, Robert. Piracy, war, and the acquisition of Arabic manuscripts in Renaissance Europe. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 2 (1987): 96-110. Khan, Geoffrey A. The Arabic fragments in the Cambridge Genizah collections. Manuscripts of the Middle East, 1 (1986): 54-60. al-0DQ Q  0Xammad. Adillat al-makh W ZD-PDU NL]XK EL-alMaghrib wa-al-ELO G DO-$UDE \DK 0DMDOODW ' U DO-DG WK DODVDQ \DK, 8 (1990): 11-46. al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK I DO-Gharb al-,VO P  ZD \DW DOPDMP W ZD- I T DO-bath (= Manuscrits arabes en occident musulman). Casablanca, Muassasat al-Malik Abd al-$] ] 1990. Martel-Thoumian, Bernadette. Achats et legs de manuscrits historiques la bibliothque KLUL\\D GH 'DPDV -1972). Scribes et manuscrits du Moyen-Orient, ed. F. Droche and F. Richard. Paris, 1997: 363-375. Muminov, Ashirbek. Fonds nationaux et collections prives de manuscrits en criture arabe de lOuzbkistan. Cahiers de lAsie centrale, 7 (1999): 17-38. 6 W  <Dy MaP G Wa \DW DO-makh W I DO-Mamlakah al$UDE \DK DO-Sa G \DK LO P  h. Riyad, Maktabat al-Malik Fahd al-WaDQ \DK  al-6KD\E Q  0XDPPDG LEQ ,EU K P Aw al-makh W DO$UDE \DK I DO-Kuwayt mundhu al-nashah att P  h./1997 m. Kuwait, Markaz al-Makh W ZD-al-7XU WK ZD-al:DWK iq, 1999. XII. 5. Catalogues of edited manuscripts

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all printed works written by Arab authors from the advent of Islam to the end of the 12th century A.H./17th century A.D.). Basra, 198183. 2 vols. O 6DOP Q 0DVKK U asan MaP G Al-,VK U W LO asm al-UDV il alP GDDK I EX Q DO-PXMDOODG W ZD-al-PDMDOO W 5L\DG ' U DOumay   al-'DNKO  Abd al-:DKK E Al-,VK P DO-7 QLV I WD|T T al-WXU WK DOmakh : fihris ta|O O EL-al-PDQVK U W DO-mu|DTTDTDK I 7 QLV wa-al- GLUDK NKLO O DO-fatrah 1860-1988. Tunis, al-Muassasah alWaDQ \DK OLO-Tarjamah wa-al-TaT T ZD-al-'LU V W  al-Munajjid, DO al-' Q Mujam al-makh W DO-maE ah (19541980) %HLUXW ' U DO-.LW E DO--DG G -82. 5 vols. OL \DK 0Xammad V. Al-Mujam al-VK PLO OLO-WXU WK DO-$UDE DOmaE . Cairo, Mahad al-Makh W DO-$UDE \DK -1995. 5 vols.


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