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Pre-K MPACT Student Achievement

Tier I Instruction Evidence/Artifacts

-Interactive Journals- Journal Prompts, Read Aloud Activities -Question of the Day -Circle Time (Literacy (Phonemic Awareness), Graphing the Weather, Calendar, & Vocabulary of the Week. & Math (Numerical Fluency))
Celebrations and priority TEKS by subject based on recent assessments:

-Pre-K does not have or use Unit Test heat map samples selected for priority content based on campus STAAR results for 2013. We use various informal assessments, such as letter identification, letter sound activities, rhyming activities, numeracy activities etc.. They serve as assessments for the class as a whole group, small group, or individually. We use data from our informal assessments, as well as our universal screener, Cpalls, to plan activities for our small group lesson plans. -We are still administering Cpalls testing and will begin RSK testing for report cards when we get done with Cpalls.
Plan of action for reteach/samples of teacher plans for classroom reteach:

-After we are done with Cpalls and RSK testing, we will be able to use the data results to see what competencies or concepts our students need more whole group or small group instruction on.

Intervention Evidence/Artifacts (Tier II)

-Cpalls (BOY, MOY and EOY) -Small Groups during Center Time/ Pre-K ACE tutoring after school on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays Pre-K- CPALLs is the Universal Screener. It is conducted at BOY, MOY and EOY- CPALLS offers an intervention plan. The assessment allows teachers to group the children into 3 different groups (green-understands concept, yellow-showing understanding and progressing, red-not showing understanding or progression in area). C-PALLS puts our students into small groups and also offers activities that assist us in working with our students in those groups. We use the Cpalls activities or other activities from region 13 for our small group lesson plans. We use checklist for each small group to document/record their progress. Once a student has mastered that concept or skill in that small group. They no longer have to come to that small group.

Data Analysis The data analysis trend that we want to expel is that our children will be ready for Kindergarten when they leave Pre-k.
Guiding Questions: -Describe your communication with staff regarding STAAR/EOC outcomes for 2013.

-How are you using your universal screener data?

The data is driving the planning of our large and small group instruction.
-How are you using your unit test data?

We do not have unit test but our data from informal assessments in either whole or small group are used in our lesson planning.
-Describe your communication so far with parents regarding student achievement.

So far our students are just getting acclimated to school for the first time. They have learned their routines and schedules. We dove right into our curriculum (OWL) the second week of school. We have made positive phone calls to let their parents know how they are doing. If there have been early concerns with parents, we have discussed those concerns with parents and already had phone or inperson conferences with them.

-How many students failed the first grading period in each core subject?

-How many students failed two or more subjects in this grading period? Do you have names?

What additional data would have you collected on this group of students? Why?

-How are you tracking the students listed in the previous question data set?

-What communication has occurred for this group of students with teachers? Parents?


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