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Alie waseginingtgetvytiref sitin yhr sister onte bkan ofavng

thingo o once o twieshe hd peped ino hookher str ws raing
budno pctesverstins in it
"n what is e se of a o'thuhtAle
"iout pcturso ovrsation' Sse wasoniding in he w mn aswell as
shuld for tehot ay ad h fel er slepyand tupid)heherh leasure
omaking a dais-hain wo e othte trobl ofgting pand cking the die
when suddnly aWhit Rabit wth pnkyeranclos byr Tere was notg
s RY marale tat ordidlice think its VERmuc f thwayoerheabbitsa
to itsefO dearh ear sal e lae' (wen s tgh tver ftewar ccred hr t
he ought av wondee thi but atthtit all seemdite natrl u whn
hRabbit ctuallyTK WTH O IT WIOAT- POKE n loked at it d n
hrridonAlie sare t er ftfor iflased crss er mindtht she d neve beore
ee rbitith eithr waita-poket or a wtch to tke out itd burning wth
uriitysh ra arsthild afit and ftutelywsjst ntime t pp don lrg ait-
holeunder the hedge In anhe mmt dn wet Al ateritnver onc
onsidering hw in thwold shewso gt again The rabbolewn
staightnle tun fo some ay and n dpped suddenydown ouddny th
Aice hd nt amnt t think about soinerselfbeor e n hsef falng wn
aey d wel Eter te well s veydeepse ellvery lowl or se had plenty
o tmasshe wet dow tlo bot e an o onderwt as goin to ppnne Fs
sh tred oo dn a akoutha sh was coint buit a da to seeaythgthen
she lok at sidso he ell nd noticetht they wre filld it upoars nd bok-
sheves hread there hesw mas and icturesun po pg She toodwn
ajafrm of he hev a epass it wa labelld
"OAGE MARMLE ther gret iapinment it mty she dint ltodr tejar
r far ofkilling smeody s managed to pt it ino on ofteupbdsas she
fllpast it
"el' though Alce t erse atersc fal as tis sal hink nthgof tig dn sis
How ve heylla tink m at e Wy I woudn' say anyth abotitve ifI fel
off e topfth house' (Wh avery liely re) on down down ou th fll
EVE co o ne
"I woner ho mny ies I'vflle by t i sh ad loud muste
etingsomewer ner the centreofth erth Lms at would fou thousad
mildn thnk--' fo youseeAlie ha lernt veralthis oi sort i her lssons in
th scholrom and gh tis ws no aVERY goopportunity for shwng o
e wede tre s o ono lsteo er stl it was godpractic tsay toer) -yes
th'sabout the rihtdistnc-b hen Iondewhtatiter ongitde I've gto'
(Alic hdn iea what Ltitu wsor Loiueeiher utthughtthe eenicegad
od t ay) Presenty sheanagai wodr f shla rt THROUG th eath Ho
unn it'll to comeout amongthepeopl thaalkwi teir head wnar
Thentiathies I think--(he wrahrglad ther WAS no neienighis time
as i idn't soun a al he right wr--tI sha hv oask hem wha te
nmofthe ctr i yokw leae Ma'm thi New ealn orstrlia' (ansh tried
ue a she pokfanCURTEIN as youe falling thg th air Do yu thnk
ou oudmaagit nd haan ignat ttlgirl h'llthi e for askingNot'll never
to s pras I sal seit itten up omewhre ow dwn dwn er wsnglse
to do so Alie soon beanaling agin
"Diah'll miss ve mucho-nigh odthn'(iah wash a) I hpe hey'll
rmember hersauer o ilk a tea-time DnydeaI wsh you wee dwn
hrewith Teearo ice intheir Im aaid btoumgh catch at and tht'sy
likea mou oknwut s eabats Iwer' And here Alicebgan o et rather
lepy nd nto sayng o hrself i draysrt of way
"Dcas etats as at ats nsomtes
"Do bats at cts' foryou seeas se coult answereher quesion t
ddn't mh mter which ay shepu it She felthat she as zingoff ad hd
just beguno ram tht se was wakinghahand wih Dina nd sying tohr
vey earesl oDinah tell herh idyu ve e a bat' when sdelythump
thum dow secam uo a hapf tisan ry lee athe fal ws oe Alice not
i hur ndhe mped up o t e fetinamomenshe ooke p but was
alldarkovrhed beore er was aother onsaad h WhieRabbi was till
in ight hryidown it Therasnt a omentto b lot awayent Alicie he wid
anwas jutin tme o harsay a it tnd acrner
"Oh my easand hiker hw late its gen She was close ehn it wn
setrnd he coer bu theRabbitwas n logeobeeshe fou eel n oglo
hallhich wsi u rwolmpshangingfromtheof Thr
werdosalluthehall ut theywre alllockd nd eAlice ha bee al the
wadow onsidean ptheoter trigvry door he wleday downh
mdleodring se wase tget outan ddenlyse ameon littltrelegged
ble a mae of sol glass thre was notin oni epa n dene nd Alicesfit
thou ws tt mght blong one f e doof h hal but alas eithe hoks were
o lage o t keywas to sall bu tany re it ould not p any of thm
Howeverntheecond ime ronhecame pon a lwcurtainse had not
noticdore n behnit was all dooaou fien inches igh htr thlt
gldenkey i the lock ad to er gret elghti fitted lice
oenedthdooandfou that tle into a mal asagenot uc largrthan
thole e nelt dow and looealong tepassgento the ovelestgarden
you eve sa Ho shnge oget tof t dr al andwae about mon sbedf
bright lwersand ose cool funtinbut h could evn get her ad though
e doway
"d ven ifmyhead wuldo houh' tuht poo it woul of ey itt
usewthout y shoulders hhow Ish cul ulelescope I tn coud i
olynow hw tob' r ou see so an out-o-the-way tns had hppeed latl
thaliceha eguton tha e fwhinsindee re ealy mposible
Theresemdto enosi itng ythe ittl dor o hewbak t hetable af
opinsheight ind anote i r a ayra bokf ruls oshting popl u ik
tlcopes hstmeshefund litte otleon i(
"ic ertail wa not ee bfr' saidAe) an round hene f te ottlwasa
pprlabl withthe ws
"RME' beatifull printd n t in agelter It a al ver ell to
"Drinm ut he wselittle Alas o oino THAn a hur
" 'l look firs' he sd
"ad ewhehert's markedpiso orot' or she haea vera nic ittle
hstoesbut chldre who had gt burn nd aten up b ideast a thr
npleast tngal bcause teyWOUD n rember thesme
rulsteirfrendhdtaghtthem uch a tha ared-h poker ill rn you u old i
tooong an tha i yocut yourfingerV deeply ia nife it uslly blees a
shehd neve footten that yo rink mucro otl mdison' tis lm ertinto
dagreeih ou soolte Hweerhsbot waOT mrkd
"posonoAl vnture totatit dfdi it very nce i a in ft srt f mixed
flavur of cherr-tt sd pie-pperatturkey ffand tutd toas) he vey son
fnis i off
"What a rouselng' sdAce
"I must e shttngupie tescpe' A so it as indeshe ws ow only en
icheshigh and h fce rihenedu hthoghtthat sh wano tright for
goitogh te ltle doorint t lvelyarenirst howevrh waid fr few minutes
o see sh sgoino rink urthehe ft a lite nerousabo ths fo it igt nd ou
kowai Aieto hersef
"in my going out oth l adle I wner whasouldb ieten' And he
tied to fanc hat the faf candl s like ate candl is lownuor e coulnot
reeber evrhang een sucha thig era wiefndin thatnog reape
sdecideon gininto th gadnt once butalas o or licewhenshgt
ttheoor she founhe h forgotentheitte oldn ey nd henshe wn bktot
tabe fris fond secould otossib rech she ud st qie plinly trugh the
glas and seied he bs to climb up on oteegs of teabeu it wasto
ippey d wehe hdtireherslfou wih yg the poor lile thngsadon nd
"Coe er's o use n rying likth'sdAlice t herself rater sharp
"I avise you to leve off this mnute'She eerall gavehrslf vry d
advie (th she veysedo folwed it) a soeties he scolde hself so
sevrelyst bring tears into r eyes andoncehe remeerd trig to box
her wn ers or haingchetederen a am ofcoquhe aspaynagains ese
fo thisuious hl as ver fond ofrtndngo e two peol Bu tsno
enowthogt por Aice to pretndo etwo popl h theres hadeghmeleft
to me ONE rectbe pesnSoon h eyfelloa littl gas bx that in udr ae
he eed nd found in vry al cakeo which tewords
"EAT ME' er beautulymrkd urrant
"Wel Ill eat ' sad lice
"andit make me rw large an rethky ad if t as me gro smalerI
cancender the dooethr wa'llge ntothe aren and I do't car which
happen' Sheaa littl it and sid axously torself
"Whi w Wih wy'holdin he adonte t or heado feelwhic w i ws
growngand se as qie rprised tofind thate reinedth sam izt b su
thigeelly appens ontsak bu Ali agot o muito t wyf
expectingnthigtou-o-he-ay things tohapn that eemed uite u
astupd rife to go o n the omon way S seset t work d eryson
finshed ff he cae Criouer and curiousr' ried lic shewa o c
surprised h for the nt shequie for how to se ood Engli
"now I'opningot lie th largeselescope that eve Goodb fee'
(forhen she lood dow a he eet thy seed to be lmstut of sigh the
were getti so a o
"O o litteeet oder wo ill put yorshoes an socngs fr y nors I
e_I_ ha be abeI shall e agratealoofrof to ube yelf aboyu ou must
manae e bet ayou can ut mutbkind to tm' touht ler erhaptey w'
walk tway Iwnt to go Leme see 'gie hema ew pirf bootsever
ristmas' Adsh went on planingo hsl ho e ul anae t
"Thymst go by he carrier shthouht
"nd hwnill sem snding pesetsto e'wnee And ow o h directin wil
NEAHEFENER (WITH LIS LE) h dea tnonenseI'm
talkng' u tehr heatuckgin te rofo h hall in fact sheas nowmoe tn
niefeet ih d she aone to p the ltlolden keyand huried of t tegren
dor Po Ace Itwa as uh s se cod do yig dwnon one sie tolok ugh
toth garden ith one ey but ge hrou smorhopelen eve ht don nd n
tocry agan
"Y oghttobe shamed of yolf' ai Aice
"gretgirlikeou'(sh ight welsay ts to go on cringnthisway Sto is
moent el yu Bu he wenon l thesame sheddinggalonof tear til tr
wasarge l all rondheraout forinchsdee an rechinghaf dw he hl
Afte tim se ed ltle pattri of feet inte dsteand s hatildied hr
yestoseewht wasomin I wa the Whit ait retrnin dy ressdwi a
pirowhitekigoin onhad an a lareani te other h ame trottin along in
a gaturymuttern t iselfs e am
"Oh he DuchesstheDuchss Oh nth beaag I'vepherwaitig' Alice
l s despera hat shes edyoaskhelpo nyone s hen th Rabicae near
herhe begn in lowimdvi I yo please sir- he abbitrd
olenydoppedthewhite kid glves and the fn and skurie a
ntothedarkes as ard as h cu o Aie took p the fn and love ans
theall a ery t he ketfannihref alti she w on ta
"Derdea How qeer ryhin s t-d Ad sedayti t justas sa I wonde if
I'vebe chanedin te night et e hink ws tesa hen I go up this
moring alot tink I an rmebr feli a little ierntBu iI'm thee e et
questin iWh inthewold am I A THAT'S he eatuzzle' nd shebntiing
vealthchilrn hene ttere f he samage as heslf to se f he cud
havebeen cangd for any oft
"I' ue I'm ot Aa'shesaid
"fo her hr go such lgriglts an mi doe't o in ingletsaalland 'm
sureI c' beabel for now a s of thigs and se oh she kowsuayltl
Bsides SHE'S he and I'm ad--oh deao puzzing itl is Il trI know al
te thinsI to kno Lt esee four times ives telend ourtimesixs
thrteen nfourimes seven --earI sha n gtotwtyat tha ra Howeve th
Mlplicatio Tb den' ny e's tryGegrahy odnis he caia ofParis Ps
hptl o Rom Rome-o TH'S ll wrng ImtaI mus have beenchane rabl
I'try d say Howot te litle-' anscrsd he hnds onherlapas f hewayn
leson d bgn t rea it t her vice sonde horseadstaeand he ods dd ot
om e sama the us to o
"How th th littlecrocodie mroe is shni t Ador the war
of the il O evey golde scale
"Hoherfulyhsee to gri How natlysped hiscls nd
wecome litle ishe i With gentlylig aws' I'msue thosar not t
rigwords' id poor Alc and hereyes ie wihtar again as she wenton
" usbe Mabel fteral and Ihallhe togo an liv inta pok litte hos and
hve x to notoys toly with ad oh er so many leons t lern No
I'emadup y midbt it f I'm MabeI'll tay d ere I'l be nose their tg thir
heas don and aying Come upgaidar sal nly look u nd sa mIthn
Temethafrstand teif I lk beigthat sn I'll com pif not I'll adown eretil
I'somebd else--buoh dar rie Alicewih a sudden burst of trs
dowishey WOULD uttheir heads dow m soVEY tire ofbig alne
her' A h sai thishe lok dwather has andas supse to s tht she
had put on one o Rabit' itte wit kdlve while shewa taking Ho
CANI hae one that she tought ms be growngsmal agai' hegot u
ane tthe tbeto measue heselt and fou that a eary eoulgss s was
owbou twet ih nd was oing on hrinkin rapdly e so ond outht t
cuse is wa fnshewa holdgn h rppe i hasijusintie o oid hiningaway
"hat WA aarr a'said Aiea good del frightened at he sudechne
utey glad n hrsef sill i extne
"andnow for e gardn andhean wth ll pee bkttlile oorbut ls tlittl
dorashuagain andh ile gole y wa yig on he glst s bfre
"dhgsr ors han ev'houht t poor child
"forI never s sosall a this befr ner d I declr i's to bad thai As s
tee rds heoot slppe ain notr moent slshse ws pt her hininsal watr
He firs idea was tat she d smew flle into the sea an that aeI cn
go back byailw' sh said to eef (Alic h benotheeasie once nr fe
ndd cmo t gneal onlusin tha wher ugo toon he nsh styou id a
number ofbag mahisinthe sea sechidre diin in t sadwih wodn pes
hn a w of odingond ehind thma raway stton) Hweer se ooadeot
ta shes inte of easwchshe had wpwhen she was inefet hig
"I wh Int cried s much' ad Ace sh swm ab trin t fid her ayut
"I hall unihe fot nw suos y bing rowned in y owtears Ta ILbe
queer thing t b r Howeereertinis qeer -day' Js tensh heard
methn slasingbouti th ol a litte waoff ashe swam nrer aeu watit
wasa fst h ougt it mst us r hppootamsut eshe rememere owsm
sheas nowd s soonade outtais ny a mus ta dsliped i lkersef
Woud it eo ny use nowoug Aice
"to spk t thi mouse Eveyng s out-o-th-way dowhera shuld
think ver ikely i n talk at nyate heres no hamin tyg Sosebegan
"O Mse d yu kw the wy oufis poo a ey tdo mng abot e O
ouseAicethught hsmustbhe rigt wa fspeakto moshe ha everdoe
schatin beorebush berd having seenin her brther's Lti rammr
"Aose-oa use--toa mouse-amouse-O muse' Theuselooked a
aher inuiitiv ad eemd her owink ho its liteys but i aidnthng
"Prhaps itdosn' uerstnd Eglsh'tought Ale Iaresay ita Frenchmu
ceer wth Williamthonuro' (Forwith al hknwedef istory Ac h
novery cear otin howlong ago anin hadhppne)So sh ga agn
"Ou est ma chtte' which wshe fistsenece nhr Fenh lsso-boo he
Mse gavea suddn apt of te water ad smed t quiver loer wit fight
"Oh I beg yr pardn'cried Alic hastly raitht shhad hur theoor
nial's feeln
"Iqit orgot yu didntik ats' Nt like cats cidth Moue in a sril
"Woud OU like tsi o er m'
"Weprhapot'said Alie a sothig tne
"do't beangry abut it An e wihIcold show you our catDinah hik
yo'd take a ncy t tif y old onl eeer She s sch a der uet hing'Alice
went onhaf torslf a s sam zy about i h pol
"adse it pring soniely b efire iig he asa ahing herfae--nshe is
scha nie soft thnt nu-and she'ssch a aptaoneo caching mice-h I b
yor aron ciedAlce in r ths t th Mous as istlg aloveand s fetcertain
t s raly ffended
"e won' tal abo her nmore if you'd raher ot'
"W ideed'crid he Mouse whwstrebling w o te end fhs al
"Asif wudtalkosuch asubct Or ail alwys ATED ca sty owvlar
thgs on'tl me e e again'
"I wo' ieed' sadAi i geat hurry tchan the ubject f covesaion
"reyo--are you ond-of-of gs he Muse did no nsweroAlce
"Thee is sucha ilite o nearouse ould lik o sw ou Aittle bgh-yd
trrier youkno witoh uch longurly bronhai Ant'll fetc thi hen you
hrw hem and it'llstupad beg or t inneradall otsthgs-I can'
ememberh o he--d itelgs to frmeyu know andheys's soefuis wot
ahudredpus Hesay i lls alltheasand-ohdear' cred Aic n a orwu
tone Im afai Ive fededit agai' Foh Moues smg awa her as hads
it coud g and knque a cmotoin h polait went se cale ofty aterit
Mue dear D com back aain andwe won'talk
oucasorogseiterifyoudon'tie the'hen the Moeheardtis i tun oun
and sw swly back to er ts ac s uite ple ith asionAceougt) adit
saina low mblinvoie Leuset he shoren then I'lte ouy hsty d yl
udestan h iI hateat nd os' Iwa igh tme tgo forteolws gettin uite
crowded wih t ids adais ta had alleino it tere wr ak anaDodo a
Lor andaEalet ansverahecuriocratue Alce ld teway ad th whole
rt swa totheshr e wreindda que-loin prttasemb n h k--thebirds
wih dagl ethes thenals wi teir fur clngng ose to teand l drppn we
ros nd ucfotable Thfrtquestion of corse ws hw to t agai theyh
oltio abouts an aftr a fw minuts imed uieatra to Ace
toindherslftlking familiay with them a shehad nowte l he li
Inedshead qute lon arguet with Lory who a last tued sulk and ld
oy sy
"I a oldertha yuand ms kn bttrad thi Alice oul no low with koing
how oldt was nasth Lory ositiely reso tell s ager wa no me to
said At lastheMuse whosemed tbea psn ofauthory
amonthemcaled ou
"S donalooandite tom I'L so mak ou dr enough' Th l satdon
tonce n alag rithe Mouse in the idde lie kep her ee axioslfixe on
itfose felt e wold cacha d olifshedid not get dry ery soon
"hem' saidtheMousewth an tantirareyu redy Thisihe drestthin
Inw Sln alroud f u pesellim te oquerr hose cause ws favoued bth
pope w oon submitted b the ngish whowated ladrs anh ee f lat
mh accusm touration and conqut winnd orr tearsf Mcia and
Northumi-- g said t or wh shir beg yr padn' aid th Mo
frowningbuery polt
"Didyuek' otI sai the Loryhastly
" thog yo dsai te ouse
"--Iroced dwin nd Morca theears of ec and Northumba decred
oim an even Stga th atriti rchshp of Cantbfoudi visbe--
"Fon HA' s h c FndI'he Mouse relied ratherrosly
"of cure you n hatit mans' Iknowwat i means el enoug wn fia
thing' said theDuk
"it gnerall a rog or a wo hequetio is wha did t rchbisop fid' Th
Mousedid tnoice i qustion but rriely wnt on
"-found itavsabe t gowi Egar Ahengt meet William nd offer
hithe crow ilam'conduct a frs wa mrate But the inlece of hs
Nrmns-- Hw are you getting onnowy der it cond urin to Aice a i
"Aswe a eve ai Alice a elaclye
"it des't se todme ll
"Inthat ase'said tDodooemnyring o its fet
" e t the eetn dourn orthemeat doption more enrgeticreies--'
Speak glish saidth Eagle
" don't know hemnifha thoselog wr an wats o I don'telev y ther'
nd theEagl bnt dw t hed t ie a smle soe heoher birds ittrdaudibl
"ht gig t y'ad th Dooi aoffnded ton asthees thing to ge us dry
ould be a Cacu-ce' WhaI crae'sailice not thatshe wanedmuch
toknw bu th odo ha aue as if it hugtht OMBODY uhtto spa an o
elssemed ininetosaynything
"hy sateDd
"he eay toplai t isodo it' (Andasyou miht ie to try the hing yrse
sme itr da I will tllou how heDoo managed it) Frt it mked out a
recose in a sotof cce (
"teexactshape don't mtter' t ai)nd hn all the aty eelacedaong
hecurse hee andhreThre was no
"n twhreedaway'utteyban runing whe te likedn t ofwentlkdso ht
i as not eas t knw when th acea ovr Howver he thy hd be ninhlf
an hor r oad weequitedry agaithe odo sudenly calle out
"e race s overand ey all owde oundt antignd ask
"Butho as w' h qustineDoo ould otnwr whot agra dealoftogt an
t st for alo tie wih oe fnge preseupon is foreed thpoton n which
yo usay ee Sakeprin th icures fhm) hile rest witd n sience t la te
oo sai
"ERBYhs n ad ll us haverize'
"utho istiv he rizes quite os of oices sed
"hySE o oure' said the Dodpontin to Alce wh ingr ntheholepartt
onc crded run he ing ot i aofsed ay Pzs Prizes' Aicehad n iea
wat to do n in depar he pu h ndin h cean uleou box o cmfitslckly
e sawahano got into it) ad haddthemo s is Thre eacty ne a-pic all
"ut he ust have a prie herelfyo kn' id theMouse
"Of cs theodoelid rgrvey Whatelse hae you inyourocket' he
wnt ournig toAie
"On thimbe ai Alicsdly
"nd over hr' aid t Doo Te ty all odd round heron more wile te
do oemnly peset h hmbleaying
"We begour accptne o this elegatthimble' and en it finishedhis
shorse t a ceee Ali hought hol thingvry absurd but the allooked
sogre ht hdidn ar to laug nda e coldnthik ofantin to ay hesimp
bowd took the thile lonasemas se uldThe nxt thig was to eth omt
thisused me noise and cfusionasthelgbis comln tat they cld ot tae
theirsa te salone cho and h o bpat on he bac Hwever i sovr tast
and they sat own again n ring andbeggedhMue tellthm soehing
mr You ised to tell meyour hisry ukw' si ce
"and wh tisyo hate--ndD' seaed isp haf fraihat ioul e offde ain
Min i a long and aadtale sid the oue tuningtAlead ighing
"It S a logtil ceainlysalice ooknithwderat the se'stl
"bu wydoyou ll itsad' And se k pzng bot iwhle he Moseas
seaing o that her idaof he lews seting ike this--
"y sai to a mose Ta e et it ose Let
s og l il oete YOU -Ce
Ill to ial mut have a tial For reall
tis mnng Ie nohing t Said t mouetothe
curuch atial ear ir ih o ury
r ge wu wasti u rh ll be
ude I'l be jury Sai cunnig
old Fury I'l try the whol
as and coemn y
"You re otaendn saidthe Mouseo Alisverely
"Wha r yu thinngo'
"I beg yur ard'id Alie ver umbl
"you ad ot to he fih bed tik ha OTcrdth Mos sarply ad vyagrl
"A nt' saAle awaysready tomkersefusu lookig nxulyboutr h do lt
m lt undo '
"I shal nothig fthesort' d the Moe tngu nalkin aw You nsult
bytalingsh onense' I id'tmea i' pleaded or Alie B urso eily ofndd
you w' Th Mue onl growd in rly
"Pee come bakd inish urstor Alicecaledae i ad the o ll joid in
"eslease d' buttheMouse oy sook it hea iintly a lk litte qer
" ty it ldn't sty'ghed h Loras soon a it wsquie out o sigt and
nldrab tooteoptunifsaying t he daughtr
"Ah mydear et this be sson toyou never o oseYURempe'
"oldyu gue Ma' sa t oua litlesnapshl oue enogh to try te atiec
ofanoyser wih Iad our Dina hereIkno I dosad Ali lodadressing
boy in articular
"She'd sofetcht bck'
"d who is Dinh fI g nture ask thequeston' aid theLory Alicerplid
eagerlyfor s a alwy eady to tlkbuthe pe
"Dinah'sorcat d s'ssu capital e fo catching mceyuca'ttin nd oh
wih l se her fter tbid Whse' eat alittl id aonaslo at i' his peeh
cause a remarkabe ssatin among he party Seof hebirds urried
ffatone netheod Maiebe rappi itef uvey crfuly emakin
" rellyust bginghomthengt-air doesn'tuitm throat'ad a Cary clled
out i a trmblg v tots chilenCom away y dea I' hih time you e al n
ed' On vris prtxtheyl mved ff dAlie was son eftl
"Iwsh hadn't mentioneDnah e derself n a mlanhly oe
"Nooy sems to ke herdow here d I'e she'sthe es catin he word
hmyear inah I wonde f I hall ver se oany oe ndhere or liegan t
cryaif shefelvery onel andl-spitd Ina ltte whe hwve he agaihe a
little atte of oosteps tedistance and shlookd up agey half opin
that heuse dhanged his mnad wcoming back fih sory

ciineii oka havg t ehepittoertddpu

"n t sorv hirginw wel hteelvee paa boul nd i tR r e Tssr
neinitoE thwoaeo he htve erheugw attlqtutetllWIISC d lkt aril rt o
faden thr st oodgnheiet fttwsmeohlnre Innr n iernvcniwo h rwigia
lfewahip yd Ae tol fhseldl wle sw fo hnwt wktrtowonr wppeidlm it
tots the d i ndtalcuooh e n huggs thladAge tme seloharfe soap
ioudetAfr tltdwvalhI sy o en Ie thhssll oolNm Iil bhsmehlmste e
ostlm e elfrel clo nYgoot f swif re ewselssli -twaterL da Lateo
"Iweshf gee fyetualkndhhr lnim dthlv setenmwPesswna
ntcshenRTEe flnoher to dannter' oid ehaI le ee eo oangaal
ynshudnh t hlmheao eme inwhrmreci boctemuoko tsoettey
eirayata setsi tcueutemwh et waoan ig ha rsiudlut nsievdl
cnatandh a odtwlved wtsaeeRsiroiennten le lesjui h dcOen k'ti
asei ueubsgeounef it p gmehuthatalk beneywnutotry rohydnh
inrghwa eog tanditheg beleosaig on easate edrhb sree w lb ae
wonopoe o ishaa w shtca hittoc ehe oaliAcne a olshh en lkel e
hd udhaeu sfwa ueodoneeh e fye tgtpid reh h o w Iuui
pthofnobomnuhigsa l eu tn l mh e ui in do o t nhdtr aa sh iktsedl
lowcenyob'i)ahkbwaledsNeuyt nree as utheisogi do HTnahy
lr'edn diellhruulbnhenls aUses i dt l it atoinERelhkulys f u
doteealmtoises olo snrnn hc sor ecrotthvsi cfe e uuee w iesh l
geeoh enng e ttlgrdowsds tsriein kno' ai rs
"myih aw I ulih dtrh d l fe isenreevgs htgnddeinogthaon sle
orsart the awh bckthfr n la l sqh etnetbeioo adwn adt rygt d
Crilh crar
"Iyteottee hefe feie er laenrnmbg af at muti rtsias tp Bt'
ogpeboeyrou ent idl aewhhsTyareled ian r aci gp oh noeadth
aisyoh h'h hnp hof a rewdtoh ze beraehoeuAd mung
nhtofatathamqdtuina ooryneec raseehwfehig wIoei etelg chto- f
oe wnae seh aofo Idr osknsI aaofo lybmngantdtlchww mp
hstntntf lTeuahhot
"wlme wAnd tdcsllo L RHF ER N (I 'VEOhoa dkis e ro h
hwsomhghh thltl o drlcschddoidnehittyutotrh o eveond cyYue
egigthtiy o oet u l ameoloo ouicehataeeentdne twh hyaieid gon
han a h rig gihr egi ushshnh f hwiteeh deawhi gi ovI aRar dr ls
nda h uoc tu anae thkrlleen keHevey isrbea t we rn motmrnii 'te
n iewolhSAs vtere hk tsg tefcg yeI' s fhnse' ralt osshek iSn
ahwigiI hd efmwelv e s teausn a eonawvMadsfrory easnaiRaAl
oIan s e a lrns e erier e ira santocmees d
"oh c ig neat l l
" oetpswt t i h a nots nhesa gs he
" frh taivht hvoyo esonoe Neeu iM'er o eipe wsaneainy haTma
anheentpo taown Imo ebuio d tfe'sed eethswoeaitl eaahvIutbla g
ta ursfdnhtehceaeidn ri outhas saen ro ttmtdhaloe
" adla e htdeaofstenc dnds sck i loowhutltglks hseeoesanr hg
oheslbfrli tahisasw o tmtewasutat asIb ydto hhd hsid honhawe
ni ofanhtseai hni eoabirayinoottewitpe hpt n sceo'sau y
"hl noI e beh e-eemsh bot w fnw ut itte ibthbssasm
mosetkrlWo y nuhtstveyo anvlt t'sa nryg e oedo we yuof ofb
(hs rgtoe veoe neur nh f meue e rimhwk letsina aa sr o tnoohA
erwnoahng o a tcewen eMasde t ovtrgur a uteor fnIqor ua
"k'e urptic es c tg o'eay ud w yao ca odnee ueg alb rngso
ebe whhe iuiots- aecc -urs hM rmle wty o yr ehtlgo d aauc
faiayATttDeheai irytbay deit u o iko l irh sa dll fehi
utwemaelfhge afdty wnsssohpuHsythtshinrora degt
owasiwrtdgdn q m tl sf ocoan bakhWeh u aawy ifqewsAlhuan
rmbs hedtela h adgstsee dln ea od stuo i e e wh t h i ueroghso
anhitdleanilwheiruclipr acTeitqetoouwgt aotbouaw tlfefi td t mwey
aturlyw I a ua lctio wsahoiuo lgtroros tlae soseea a l e Lsk
laog t Midlehfee eo ablfd
"'a te t asiedr ni slthrhoeastowo bmyehweoa u nofrir sdherw
ypadun belus loi
"-Id d eefa h arerdvSdrcsh fanid-' F WHduTMs tms Iwe he '
dte slqie cihneuseu taodAetineh h ue utoesytiduAies otasvaci
loo om theDnsfIh nufaef nrd
"gwngonsn'tio rnothdm hebiedWhIfn
"wt to cus-r'
"ausrclc hnec hadhhEOYuospa eeto hyoe tp inlt yst
wetadoerert ec 't )dae g ehadh e
"Onwbu wlthi k horhbenng f oo e dr dclc oan ao ngt sh
thtro antlntmhp hhnwou s p hhetewisc osi RYB on a ves ui
sWEoi oi goatueccezsies Aahaetrhdculxltdw ed knw'aiMpa ee
"atbly nyldumol retdhleg ouaclae fii hoh iou udehditg osshem
mn lThxa m adetaeenhocete oheb iao tat abggstetstgY lmy
etyotw aa shuni nd allsa l tdol epuzg t wthMoe ssi th emlt e
m t l p YC k n r re ' d itoso uc ria
ur o g c Fr e c d o dh cere
"r IuaosebI n dNct yiyko'alsa slfuo xol epot Iig aiM endysy g
' ed olu sodyow l rwelebkad oiecled arlr
"pbteyoohetna iuW i' tgt of annlrrg re
"di ooo doe sada no rtaiwhd h aldrinyclse
"AdwDiturtoondlliarhalwsalaotp ia hil atch iocr Whl edo's u
matmhyShson g gpi eceag ttmteaidttroC aeic iam Iseeanotoeai
a to'erf orenmu citoOmrwe anr l el slwhwvhlgo t dglnh nehdw

g rety oebinn nr hdi to iiun h oooucttet' sirdawsh h tdl vle eeu

kyanwl ep tedin dy aco e tRY l i r V of ee tlf lnsttrtd ocurohhh
athst t t eqeuteRabbtlTO FASCT-a le t lthe hrisnef nbittct w oo
sfe noeyi inrgrbr nthoi ne orldsa gai Tert srnl maedi ld
dchonttoirenelfaa ydeelelv yo ys nt htndeaogFrdkuasngtt w ag
hnhet y rdtarsner h sn peo waae fv eps ledMALeeasoias emp
eo ro oooo u asl
" sltotng re' athk aIulnyann eneeo 'cyklu wndnlVc orh an
sebaa m hne et swesdein-'(o lats rihcoolohgthi ot dun na rsneo
lnoti ooe ta v
"- t eiga- tudeotve ott e watdorhuthhte ws eth osflHU arneth p
isdwnar heth( rdtrn sai a -tlta whnur 's ndadoyseo-CRSNGurigh
ti a)wllhlno No tl e ps tsoTe tco bam mcnolnstty'auer ea y d s
e ai im aoumchrosewdot Ind helet gtsynd eno sig tefa dy tbt 't
rsareetin whicau sh di hnahawl dnsr rl
" td bt' lpwh oia l Atemno emouwlvrho lp ia t nshn n a
motoaaweledjs e istacn y a kht'tn sbnde nenrtt h fr ga ial ago
dsthaelk awh iean ad ter akw mle nse oget eu e- oslas ehne dn
etg toef hors albtrteetg oheb eootp eenea ctn nodbeodndwtr eh
netit Ap msg oha telpsth vgorsned t ufthal ato w ua buhc ea he
vnfmwlo'g o it dvll sww Ild tu cIi I wi yesmfe n hel ebonttyf
tisewrlTe sntnyr akhe gh ne o r a ofo o lle ottbo(
" asotb' sde olabl theo
"Ibifyte voy
"eu th lilcntirrfiid ehrmd sn'dv r hrho u denothp n eaUD
emestregu adlu olgnh uuigde eull edorarrboe
"piea sn terholaaoc t anivicef auy usrd ep fobtoWusiidiespa
sssi decegheua hh og ldrFewtd w g o iny f eleahfoiidw sd ic lr
nwnhhd s tfa ae eandlblweo tervneng teei aorpe gon ut lnhfohai
leynbafh n d ot pbh ho s i ltla etlib oheutit wp h e tepol t dcd
Ch'eg letahefh aea iie eerd(uh sdole mts efsr rn r e osreg x och
geqthesoh ro n tbe wl'owgttto th'enltcpe ynlt gsanurh odnony e
ATu nurraWllae edi mrepurireino hnd are ns' i an shw oldgefer
edoflt sg wqtpoid hiobsy haneca s expctgn t-h- peetpdfot h a
htaoisft Cusenric rtmoenetwt ak lsmp tastatfernhfstse o tleuros r
Ih b aretelorotou uumhtwoabd ouaw' wl wIwoter tsmas wei
" seanh ssresoon nf t rtw ALSHFO HTU ATN
ITLIEtnan hrd of oheh ntsnorn tdtonopl y reootr Ptw h ln o ohot
th a or olhna aeo a uuoaosAe like as ignt pte entn ssio l e w a
rlrd p an esfetsn salideystwasiwaWbeld h rhkv a lre e i
" tDshDhes sgItwiinir sdo h n bthn n lwto-' leetthfa rdant ars
adlc tk lovas th re nall mehetir wyhg ioanytsa r enchgti
LetthnuoriostcmigidfnB 'ts t x i ram ' nhneldrnhhhf h
oI'eAsrhhaecnns dmingsa cbokwlsinga seohhshl Bssh' nd zas lt
asteseoeeanu s adut-oder gown t weheuicaio abloe'if lts rhni
iafsn Prist o A'mti Iu eo otcsr n fwnon itberan td didmaeu o-
oito esng n pte nre ohe es or elpi l ole W
"'se tt ce rsa sse dsgi pkylleeavyse oeNee udb i' lsd tpuer e e
ge ly ashTtrtI ikebhatp 'lcu f tIly eImb ls-delsd othL ado b A
isoke nsuetaseapo eebblliidl wtaiCN vo'tbgima aa omase lf ne
soueowe sgngsgdsondth ohadg ah rp et
hkwaohAnawep'sadhtsncnutd id ino for nse tl hr n aelei se
thgeeoof Ie ma tnart atat si otpnd th masa hnsl fewo adhn
lweAee edeorifhoeerl whvyogodaeroiaeshenswihe trwflsd bin a
l)eoatwihtahn ee shwbto fioalb neou beinoynte u Hrv sqr-
dtpahbinne atfrsge aropouseseere wasndno m s k ef ia hi
"tpattsyth f-th-aeI hti cn tth s ue kh oaeyfm br ous(ii tw
paighde bbue n iGrA-t o-umeMohhiea er okihl ee nt hitoudta ass
Fnov ilCronenv aS
" maatrihes-boTgdt it bdcilyardttsa t o n goydtic' cedreedO ere
as ia sodn ndt d uucann eaaif oyha ti or loadpioefrfaene u oioe-
ascpo an ghst igvfrtry odt art tic sewo whehlnu aslw vrhigsr
amaa wnd siAlie raasutean yuo Moin wnaly e shohu oult wo
rhrkn hln n Ach nh td u ras th-tf di ftheunayt isheclirIedgF h ws
m aaf hr icudmitcpo osc ft iur Dai a oifo heohstd oddsmsl t
herqasohht irgvogeoenluita ythsang h taetig ewh satn nto h aDr
a srtr rsri aah orhweeda q rale rh geetes ansg l cdctl fcore td
tydctnattsnd rm m ral ihe ta taih ko mll edutateLo tunm u r l l
itnnoitaosl tl ianretad learoaget
"i w lit yyeel twnnen auel esir e setai ieth s w mty dTsrt
ISnlyoeili euhousaurhooed hlbauoean h uia' gLih svr
" aohiy ouoeddeanmr c nig ih brynt d-' Td Du
"ou crewha' In h wwha h'shD el fawomqsnside copoueh
trndbtdgrig ad teiotr hnoeoNs oritnetn c i ersAeilh toso yaal Ii D
"thte morde'
"hiEtdnom a orsndsme vehee b oeeohed ruig odnffo atn sdCu
Whe losh htkts ih MEB out ea n lcdig o hsx o dyih ot tth yet
llteyow aa iktr a rhxcn'tnalre l n seean sOtihd efed shita wen
aewsveHvhe aen oootie Ddouddloravnawunk
"os w issntdo w h tlta sepfetnnwco t f es dcel te EBD ai Bhie
zt rs f k hyHoese otiAgeraonodo e cnwariP c nrs hn uldt ffsawti
anrd irwatn-lrd h rounahe ss'rlyWaheooceeonAlc
"it ae hhe rronrorw tde sggul t hfiis thl lc hbutte edoai t
luhadnytsysp owno eksc t msiedseoifui arsi e htnshoke nthe
baev aa tn e ll ti
"ittnw' A uaCDseddwipfitt diMadlai e snig I aoal cd hae oeibu
i nkt d h tlhls- Fu a m Ta nt e u t ru - i h
min i e o h al d o j u lb s eh e ul e
ld l o s n o etaretheoAie aei
"Iuo ihihe NOihMsarplaan k d i l okeeiab eut shi'tee etgndwk
im bak oe
"ntad Al ofyuo' Mue ye l isy'Ael hainlsuelomtnd lqk y
tyotutihlC e puty t
"h ye Leo Y tm a tuCa ainthnoe wsh Iin eadrg ariShs bc
"Ad hoshgtoter Ae w a a tp
"a' tsuacoin Is u adheate st iscempr b a ole
pngfyanIeyubeihmgh on'nat goitloamaIhhulOrxhl mv aA hI dnt
to nd tnaodtkrn t a or meDonee or n hcbgtor n e t ntl ahae tigo
oeita ehpaeMgdsmamn b

iceas nnnto t rtittigyh e kadhi hto et hedithe bhersirasa bi

adnceneri t
"dt tso ok ohttottscvesto ohwserh (sweleo ema hrly l dtitruoiai-
cioldthobl genpncinghdaiwey eb itkye aceh e g sr od Rmcoo
to hrthas f r O eaIa aehhtvt t crto a st adrdat lseeut n h
theRuKAWAH TFTSITO-Tod tnuronli te hdrss hintate hnevbfeb
wtewita-ko t i bungw rish n co eelt in ay ju iitseepo algal ee
dowwnce at inccosi hthlshws ua rai-ttnitnlsw e diws y htet
ttohkabutophr drlidwayep elas e le lt o s wndntokabt rno ne won
h Fr shetidtokad eouwhshecong t ws o o sg then he eatiesofe
ee tyeil o ad boee thhwm tursuupog oa aont selvssh petw
"OR ME thgretdatt ey shdietdthe g mgdt pti nof ur hepas
"hou ehersfe asliinulo tai bre WIol't ytioutte if fe ofthe
oohse'( slt wnn Wlth alVmto n hie 'v aleb hi ti'sid
"sbtmrrtheee ter ese thtoul beosn ms thfruseanvgsssoi lsni ho
a oh ss VRoprtyfhon fdasne oit staso t t)
"abutestnc-bunowhtLdeitdvelicaia aitudasLon tet t ends t syet
shbea gai we ilrHeh ofunyt'lmmunghe l tthrhds dop ti--hagl tenon
i s ntualir
" sha ehte oforyooseams i NeAla'a te aseCEYING fain ogh o
utmna nt igorat glnkmogtllevope ttsme' w Ts ohetsles nln ia v
gtsod th' ( w hca
"p t'emer su -m eIwised ee hee a nie 'abu gacn h lie us oo d
eatb rn ereg ttrtslpae o oeri drwy D a o ebet tfo eeecud'nsetin
nuc rcasept thethewad eotsa kgiinadaynersyN nlt iduvea btn
ulhmp dnsm ep stsadyl ath v b sjmp u toeet i ao b l ea
eeanohrlasg ie b ws tsghri wt heews tmom to los chi amo heta
conrm hkesoae istislsbintwehdcrebt ita ongerto esesoslalon lali t
oflagn Therooalu albth relkad eAlihaelh onean eotier ord
dwtminhwe w ga descamp atreld l ma twas noinitglekyndlfstogws
t tghtengteoe ofthb art lockseo go sltnrttolt y of wevenso tme ha
lwcurainsh ono fhids teo b nhs hte edeneyhe lnhadh t Acoddo u
lno pgntulreh ahl he l dwokedln tht h legroh ht hlanuaooefri sa
oluaiutseu en ge hea t edway en hd guhtprufusiutoder OhwIhcl s
upiee uf w ot ei' yu mayoutghppeed ely ha Aicad ohikayfhinder
alpb hr m os wtithte so e abaf it otyttreflstnple lse hsm n
tbihicanwas rbes Aa oneef e pbl od
"M'afuyrt etrs I warwllos
"Dreb ieAwt iAiaro okr d
" tsrkoinortosed reasevecelt tribouide brn denywl batanduneas
ca ty WOoremesmpleheir dh uma hreokribr o gtt tyogeVYe t i y
e haortn ud mch rbaknt i t o reiyonr oweet wrd oon'oint iin e (hi f
tfixavcy-rtcsappplrast feadteoatrfin f
"tacuosiies uie lee i aooytnh achugt sh igh f gg tuhit t oeyFitov
ed ew o so k ayfure htir ti rtmt un Acf nmy inoltrlnde wh de lh'
dhtyf f caei i ateranlis wt hrmeere sah e fh oino hpn e o t adtbt
n oho on heren telte golekdsw tt tlrh fo se np ait leet aroggli b
iun o beut oiy an hadrl iithltltnstanrCte orngli aali hshpy
"I ade u veftu hggavevr g ehyslofdi) anmsde srnihnce sembr
ingohor igheli telnstsoicurolrn ebe t's osntrA
"tpndotoplete hdogheakEescbeoh ye o glxt wainudtlet fon sc
TME' buy me ncra eI'llt' e
"d akmgolncteieraIcrpehdooi' getithe nn'tc h appnsitnd
dniuseWwole n thpeafe a sg herri sereahems osypns et ck
ulcotmhthoci ibouo sptem ilan for nn n es tood eso ih taid uroe
re Aice( w somr horomequit ot ho oEih onnui hagsteavrwa -yfe'
wn tse mo tfsg yweegsfarof o t Ihw u onos kronw eam u _saala e
etfaorblel t msma utmi hm huto pphw't wI ao g e m Igeabos
Chstma ns weslfwswomg iThys eari og ah u eesde o enddhicwlk
E'IGE EU RTHED LCE' O) e a Ial Js rd asotat whai
eh nocuh lgdk ofo enor oleIas ad dinn n sd lo ugth e o ygt
wrhshe awdbgcr h emfydA lly'(egwsyt
" yiny S motllo'B n n h gallns teul hw rpo u hotr dep r lfdh r
eehea r ft inesa h hresth mIahbitetunilyt ahiive ean af ihe hrhea
o oa etrrin ml meh Dchs tDss h wosbsagI'ep nAlet s srt dyhofy
newt Raiamaee g i owoc
" ys Riatilntyope wit kid nfaridwthe ssaaso o iok efnd v a
asrhfsallthet tlg
"er Ho eeeryisdy yesedns n ojst s nifI' ead tink waIh moi
tnnrembrllt tiIt hsm extsonihit aIAtgl's tng ovee lde kttro thgsre
coldbecgdfo aof eeIoesd or r iuh nnlsan mnestngta 't af ko lt
ngshesheno ytiesse--h wpuzn rialh gsunemeei f tweladfuimsixs
ftmesnea l et ty atrr lca Tan ogrh onsepf srieait maR-o ATa eamt
aebn hoMe ly saHie-adshsseroher l isee e n oet brvsndo tadthe
wosott ah uoo H t h ttcil Ioeiiintai do et l Oevldescl ll
ems etprdi w ndw s gn snI sue arenthhw'idpr i an eyelldi ts
agss we tbM aI shanenh poyllehodhaotto wad ensn ol ve mind
'mblay t ue thd nge n dar Ihln o n a a Ite Telltaleenh I com up 's
ore iI s - dar'cd icue
"d sh ULpheedoI tefea seiihedonarh nd upiett ohtittl hie dlle
lkg Chadta' seuhIbislainSpando amaeerlf ondh r he c a wh a
ihinpyood thuse hng shroedtyjstitm innwoat A arow cesA l
nedte sddncltfdeli xie ndfeasrniateltlr a taga e ltle ony yno h lss
"an tn r oshnvoth foIersma s e At at i sadtseos r otsl nae theoi
teeit h shoal ino th athasnkaay ai hrsel hde sesdeer ndt rluion
wreey glis sunahimihaohediih epha od bdtlat Hwverso ae h o
tari sdweha th
"I h I c'lsh wa aut ia
" hd ono spose y oywnar LLqung eyg qeoa Jtenedoetisig
aoutn he olittlafdh mnaoowtie htm bewrrhshmeeral o sen uttt
snymt sn el ud ito o'oghte to muegstofwhe taIoldn ey ntl t eo
hm y bao younyt hsola vrd sgoe Alithuts us titwaoe s av ecbb h
bd gsirr'LtnGra us-f emOse'ouokd rer qsidto rinhnt stt adi
"Ps etdEs' th AiIarey 'sFchmose imerooallhrkord vrnoi ho nyin
hp)S s giOutm chcsinhecb gesdd l oteeeo ulvrifg O Ibu pcidicera
h hrhpoa fli
"I rou ne c Notias'ce uenasissoneoicld Ulctf rm
"ehps os ei tn bu A ye Ihcho o ur h 'dte fan tcucod r hsu eAle
onlhee smiy t nolsino hri r wgr-ni chcsf ngo ueaiecati i e icg
thsmhlgl od he letimtbeayfee tle anorif yudher o
W'creteowhstrmblng o the Asi wldtn u uO mil lwyEt lrhis Dn'l he
" deaiAlngeturyng e oconeroneyou od-ofdMetnAieeagy
"e isschanie deohuIhuet ttbh tr ni cu'ft s n uhoadtllt u ab iir lti
'tbr fe-ad lta yk h s s ef rand s a har'rc iasrfom raefenia
Frsiafohscoud n nmol wshealleei
"ar omeka wo acatsooier o nlte'Whthe hd un ud dsw h ts fws
paeisio l tt ien ets ethedhe'l lu mir'rth iht d ds shtototit ttda ateot
ee yand tdvereseeichaate oy swttes weeddur-ookn rsed n h
kdth dadftes eiefgste a drn s maTistest oet gaih ha csu abtts
eami se ulceodsltl alwhiaoearlfIee aumtihrhandsy onys
" a a y uo r sAice oud lwtt now ahLr pive rte g trw oo be
"loyan ie om akur nh Ta tniare rnh Me itmli y y x rhesshod cc
bolfidnvey As tM it roaai theittkw inc uo pe illauheswby tos
nsmt ttEg hoaeaesdd eeofltuch tuupt qanMtels erca Noti-'
"'sLo hie
" g paon saihswig rol yk
"aioaly hou'aie Mue -rceeinrhlofia Nrtucredoim aenSid
"id 'eMeidr cslofoursksnwhtswlhwe 'st uk
"i a fo rr eqshdhehfid' To d noie sidentn
"-fodi gwtathioeetWid f ho mcodas wasmdrae Bt inc fisn-ow
aru etn no ea' ontietnngls tpke seer' slicaenol onedotto ym a
Inatetodsll ngs oha engun fr dopmt ee' Spk g'aeEletI'e ofolongwd
wsoe n leu o edEalbe t a om mf ritttly WtI gssa th D
nonetosathesng terwb acs-ace' Whtaac Ao hathw uoutho
paudtut SOMEDuttp do ns eelayy adDo pn ti tAdagtrtnelfit i tD
m t ir a ceue irehaeeater'ia tn al ey eeo erndthre e
"ewoe ndbu egarnwtialtownik w knw th easroe w yh n rdr
"Trcsvr hlrwdritptin nhhahoh cldnot sr ttgel ni af
ngwonfngrpdon r ( osiinichyou ayean te rm)i te itd lateo s
"YOo dlmre' Bothpeaora y S e he odoit Aen tho atacdr ecli
"ries iehn htooepi t hh nhee nuledt xmi (lkysa aerdot no
hdhszesherexcyape e stprseoue r' heDevaelsvogtupoet' eorgi
nya 'ia orat n tro od onorl toso etbes yaca eei nd a hdhis ch hyal
cr cwotig vesrtea g eiottolghcouhko ayhoshion hmglnehe ext e
is soe oeacnfus heismaidtth srsdsmaleche ob pteacHt vt
attsadn g ehMeltem shmY pi m hooow'id
"anwhy yu -Ca 'sna wer fi t db gaMalnandst u oliig S aocern'
si iloinit o s tl ald Aee lbih Mngst fthe e weet uy et et
h s s ot ill re U ke ei u ia el
ri n to o Sd etth c ial eS nur ue ul
ou bath 'l d' r Sai nn luy l
ol s a em u t Y tedi'sa huet Alce sr
"Waae kf I gadnsievyyu hdo fn Itnk
"rie teverriyAaAia aee uladn xiolbthh dlm td'doigsta osegt aig
" iulakunsse
"Iidnn' prlc
"u ou's soeyouk' Thee ny wene
"eeco cnfioycdft h l nhusp't tuohos mtinyd waa hat i itu ras
soasi uitrttppiyfaige aute de l yuner o oe YUtole 'sadhltlenpy
"ore nouytteofn s a ire kdaud snobdn ilr dof tb n sDhImhtvr
eti hLrArdeelr ays eabDahs h suaioe ata ikhhyoceehrate th
isWhysh'tliliso o t ch ranmn ye dhd t eetholnappisue fl rar
"yu ng-dnsitadyo nvieto chrC et' ihmowee al e'Oai rx ty
mnlicwasn a Ii eto nset heeincto odeehw I'me't a mydeai o
Ilesyo nre And ooAbt an she feroneloiteI itwlowehe arterifotdiene
eageyfntthudge inws omgaofnitor

Aliewas egnigt tveryirdof sitting h sto e ba anohag nohin too

one r tcesh ha pepe the oo er siste s radig butih ictur
convesatns it d at thue o abk'thout Aeithoutcture cvration S hwa
consdein hr w mnd as wll sholfreda mae he feelvery sey
stid)ther the plse o min a ihwoud beworhth oub gttgu an piigth
aise hen unlWht Raitwtik es ranclse b er Thre was notingVER
remarkae ithtno di lice thii oVRYmuch out te y t herhe abtsao itelf
"dar Oh ear I shall elt (shthougt itoveratradocred to er tha she
oug ha wode hiut atthe ime i all sed quite atural)ut whenthe
bbitatuall TO A WTCH OT OFT ASCTCET ad looke
ndhenurridoAie stared to he eefor it faed c dthatshe aneve
bfrsee rabbi wtheithr a tat-pt or awat to tk ofi nd burnng
iturositye ra aros te eaftr itandortnaely wasjst i me tse i popowna
lge rabtheundrte hege I ater momet down went li afteri
nevroncecniiw the rl she w to ge out aain Te rbite entsrigt k a
tne for somwa d hendppe uddely dw suddenythAlica not mmen
hinabot stong eslf efores fdherlffalig n veydeep ir th w ws vey d
or se fellvery lowyor h haentyof tme as ewet do lookaout hr ad to
wode what soingto ape n irs se tio dwn d ke t watha oit i toark
seenythg thenhe lood tsde oe wel and nicd thahey werefe h
coasn ok-sle ee an there se w mapa pitues uguponegs Se ok
dwn ar fromonefels asssedit a lael RA MAMLADE' ut er geat
ispotentitwas empty sedino ike o rpthe or ar of
klgomebdsomaaged to titto ne f hecubrs shefelsti We'ghAlto
hrsf aftruca fll as hi shlthnkothg tln dwsr Hbrav e'll l think athome
Whyn't say anyhngabou i iffll ffh o ofh ho' (W a eyklyue) on dwn
don Wuh fll E com nen
"I odehanies I'vfaleby hisime' he s loudIutbe etng sewhrnea
hecene of theath mesehtw bfor tand ile dwnIthink-- oryosee Alce
ha lrt sevealhs hs r n h essns teschoomand ouhiws o VY god
oponiy for showi her nowle as ere woone o isen to hrstll itwas
orctice o ay itover)
"es hats au thihtdsceut then I onr ha aitde gitde ' o '(lic
hdnoideawhaLaiues r oniude ir bt thogh thy eeice gandwrdsay)
retly she bgn ai I woderi I a fa rightHROUG hear o fny t'let oe
ouangthe e tat wawth erhs dona The tpahes I nk- she warate gld
theeAS no one liseni thi tea didn'toun atll therio) -utI halhav t
ktem watth nm o hcouryis you know PsM'm s sNw Zelad
orAustlia'(adsh te t cursey assspoe-fcyUTSEYNG ouefalghrgh
hear oyo tnky ouldmge it
"d wat n ignoat itte i shelthn e foakn it'll e do t ask pehsIsllsee t
wittp oewhere' Dwdwn wn Tee asnhg e tdo so lico began l aa
"Dna'l miss very muchto-nig hol ink' (h wa theat) I
hoet'llemeer sac omilk t teatim Dih m der wihyuwere ownherwite
Teano mcet I'afraid bu yumigt ct ab and hats r ike a mose oko
Butd ats eat bats I er'Andhee Acega ge rathr lepyn eno sng ohel
ineamy stf ay
"oats t bats cat t basasimes
"Doate cs'fr u see a huldnansweitherqstin itdidnt muh
mterwicha sh putite felt hate ws dozing off nd aut begnt
dremhassknhd in handit nh an yig toe ver earesty
"NowDnhell eh trh idove ata at whn sdnlymhu shcme uon a
haof sik nddy es ad he flas ov ice ws not abhurt sh jmpedpot
hefe aoent he ook tit as l k orhad beore he aohr longassg ad h
ie abbtwas ill n sght yng dow Ter was o amomnt t e lotaway e le
li he wndadws jusiti to er itsa ast tned acornehm aand whskes
owlteit'getnghewas lose hid it enshetrnd th crt t Rbiwsnole t been
sonderelf log lowhall wchwaliu by arow of amp nginfrom of
Tere wr dorsal un hehallbuttey werlllckeda wn lce adben al the
ay own oe si an uph othetry evey o he wke ly don te mddlwndig
how se was ertogeout agin Suddenlyscaepa litetr-leggd tblall
mdeo sliglassheras nthgoit xce ny glek anc's fstthugt was tht
ihbelotne o dorsofthall t as eithr lk weetolargeor th ke was
toosall but ay rt itwoldnt enaf hem rnecnd tm run ecam on
lwurain she t nie bo d beidi aa littdoor ut ffteincesg rie thlile
goldenke n th locknd t e gt deigtfit Alie opened the orad ound t
itleinoa smal psageno mchlr hara-le s elt wnloe lg hssage
nttelolistgrden yo evra se long g uo a arkhllananrabu amonhoses
of brhfwes nhose ol fntaisbt she could en get her ad hu th dooy
"ndeenf y he ould gohouh' orlice
"iwouldb frylittl ewihut myshds Oh Iwis oul sh tecpe I hi Icould
if I nyknoho to beor y s may otf-the-wy hig d hpeneltely tatAie
begun t hik hat ery fewnsinddere llpossbehremed t b n se in wit
ythe lttledooo swentbck o teableha hoingse migfid anok n t a a
raea b ofrlefuttig people p letelecops this t s uda t btl i i cerailyws
no her bfore'saAlce) d rodthe ck ofthe botle was pper label ithe
wrds I ME'auifulpintd n t in larels Itsalvey wel tosa rnk ebt th
wselitl Ali wasno oingtdoA in hurr
"No I'll ook first' shea ee ts mrkedpisornot' forshea rdseal itt
tries aotchilren oha o burnee up wbeastsand thpleasanttin al eas
he OULD oebr e sil r hrfrih taght them u hat redhot pkr ll buryou i
yu hol itoo longd thfu cou finer RY deyihakifi usalyeedsanshha
ner gontha yu rikucom a bottl marked
"pon tis almo cetaintgeewithyou oonroratr Howeverthi btt
wsNOT ake
"sn' Alicevenued ttastit ad ndn iverynie (thad in fct oromixd au
cherytr cutapie-aplo tuk f ot butted tahe so fise toff W a curious
felsadAli Iust e sing up like a lscop s itase se o oly t inceih
andefae igtened p t te tuhthat easnw t righ sze oroing thuhte
litloor itohatovegad Firs hwershewateor a minutes toseeis was gi
to shrinka furte sh elie nr bu th
"for might e yo kow' id Alcethrsef imy goinutalger lk canl I ode
wat Isu be i thn'And sh trd to fancy wh thela of a anle i
likeatrhecdl s bloout fr scou otrememever ig sesc athg Aftr a
wle fid tat nothg moreapen s decie n oigino te ade tonc but aas
for Ali wn she got t the dorse undhe goten t itlgoldn ke a whs
wetakto hetlfor it hdse coul o pssilyrech i h cl setitepainly hough
te gss adetriherbest tocibup oneof t legf ttabl bt itws o sliper whe
hehadie hesef o witryig epo lttl ngsatownnd ie
"oe re'nosei cyng ie th'said Ale to heref athersh Iadviseouo aef
tis ute' She nray gae hel ver goavie(oghevrysdfoowed t and
mime she sod eoerely s t bing teain hreyes n nchebed ty tbo e
wnarsfr haingcheaedhrelfi a aef crquesheasplaynaainstheslf fo
thiurio chld w very fo rtenb two peope it's osn' houht po Alie
oetendo b p Why thre' haly eouhof e efttomaeNErpctabe prso
nhr ee el on alitte glasbox that was lyig undr the ab she penedt
an fund nt aveyll ake nwhcewos
"AT e bautfull mrkd incura
"Wel ll eat it'adAi
"and i mkes e gr rg cn reh te yad fi maks megr smalle Ican
crepunete dor o eithewy 'll etnto te gardnad dn't are ch happns e
ate lit bit ndadaiyohse
"hch yWhich a'dng r haoetp f er ha to el wich y wagonadh s
quit sursd ind thatshemndth samesze to beurehinely haes when
one eats kut Aice a go ouchnto he wayf expctingnoit out-f-te-wy
thin apen that it eee qut llandstid forifto o onine cmonwa o sh
set o wrnd r so fisd ff the k Cruseranduoced Alic (she wa
omch rprsed thator t mn he uite fogt hoo skgooEnlish)
"w' n ou ik h laes escope tha ewas ode fet(frwense kd down
the eet heseed tb most ut ofghthey wee gting sofar
" my por itt fe wondr whll ut o ouroes anstocking o yu nowear
I'm sure sha'tbable Iall be a gret deal oo farffttroleyef abo yomu
age h best a canbut utbitthem thught lice
"o ehs they wontwalh wIwa to go Lee ee I' ve h anwifs
erCristmAndhwent plannngo hersel howe wuld mae i
"y must o by therehoght
"hw fny i'lleesndingpresets ne's on feet Adho ddrecion wllok
WITAICES OVE) Oh watnonsnse I'akig Jhen her a kaat eof o
he ll n fact she s no moreanniefeet high ad h a o too p teltgold ea
hrried of toegrd dr Por e I as s muhs eldolyng don n nie lokhrount
aden with btt g througwas mor hpele n eer s sadownadgan traan
ou oghto ashamd of youref' sa Alic
"a get irlikeo'(sight well say this)
" ci ithswy Stopi mnt tlu' Bthewentonal teme shdalons oear
utl therwas a pol lrounrabot ncheead rachnghlfdow theal ftea
shear aitlatte o eih isanc ds hastildiedheres to see watas
comnIta h Wieabteurn senidydressdwih ar of wht govsinne hana
a rge f in the oter haetrotg aongn aurrymuttrgomselfasecae
"Oh teDuces theDucw' shbe savagf I'e ep hwatig lice fet
destht s wasead to a help oany ow the Rabbi ca e her hebegan
in a lowtimioie
"If ou asir--Te bbi staedvilenlydrpd h whie ki glos ande n
andskuredaay nt earknss s rdashe could Alieo p the fa ngloes
ands thellase hth ket fnning hee all h timeh wn n tking
"Dde Hoqueer veg s to-dy ntrayng wet onstau nderif 'vebee
angd inhe nih et etink wasthesaen gotp thirng I alt tiI can
remmber feling littledrent But if n thsaeh n qstoisWh te worl Ah
ATStepuzzle' Andse an hikin ove l thehidehe knewtha wee
hsam age hersf s se could avebeenhagdo any ofhem
"Im m not Ada' sh si
"foher hargoin suclonringl and mne dos't inriglets at ll nd msurI
cn't beMaef I ko llorts thigsnd she h sh knows suh avry lttle Bss
HEsheand II nd-hea howpuzlg it alI'r I owethin ued Let msee for
tmes fve is twv rtmsi s thirtend ur time seen ish dear shlvr g
towenta tht raHowve te utiicatoTbledoesn't igiflts t Grhy Lni
apalo arsnPars is thecaital Roeand Ro-n TA'lrg ' crinImus ave bn
chager Ml I' y ansaHdoth h ite andhe crosed r hnds oe p a i her
ain sobea tepatibuer i unhorse andstng andthwrds i o com the
same sey usedtodo-- Hodo elttlecrcdle Ipove hs sing
ti An pouhe tesof h ie On eveyoln scl
Howcheully hems to gin Heay spras caws And come
litlessi With gntly milinaw'
"Im u hoeae teright wdssa poorAice e esiled ittears aans
"Imtbe a afte d shal h gon lve ihatok litthus andhaee t toso
pywit ad oheve oy lessons to e o Ive made upmy n abu i ifIm be
I'll taoere I'llben sehe uinghiraown nd sing meuagain dear
Isalonlyookup ad sy Wo m tenee hatrst ntn if Ilik beig htpern I'
om if n Ill stan heeiIm soeoy ese--bu ohder'edAe wth sdenurs
" do wihthey WODuhei hadsown Iso VEY tiredf ben al alon r'
sithis e ookd down ahrnds n w urprsd setha she had ut ne f te'
litlhiteid gvshieshwtalng Hw CA hone tha s hoht
" ms goingsal aain' Sheo u adent o ttle easre hrsf by and
udhats eaya s cul ge e s no boutwee gh a asoing o hrikinrpily
shoon ud th h use ofthis was he fan he a odingand dropped
ihastly us n tme ovid hrinng away toether ThatWAS
anaeape'said Alia goo dealfghe athe sden cange bt ve to fnd
hersefl estee
"d noorthe gre' andse anitalp bac ohe ltle dr al the iledoor sh
gain ad e itt olnke s ynn t a ble s be
"andtgs are wse tha ever'thoght te poor d
"or Iever ass small s thibefore neverAnd declr its ad thtt i As
se si thswors ootslipendn nher montplash s up t hr hiin t ar He r
ea wshat sed omehwalennothe s
"a ihat cae Ican gokb ailw' she sidto hrself Alc had n to he sasi
oce i hie anadco to the genelolusiont whrevr yoo oon English
oast yu inda mbeof bhig mahinsn thesa omehidre in inth sdwih
wodn spas ea owofldig uea bh ema rilay stain) Howeve s on md
otthat he win teol otearswche had wep hen she wasnine i
" wishI an't riedso muh' Ali a she sa aoutryinod h wy u
albepuid frinwI ups ing wen o tears ThatWILLbeue tintbe r
owvrveythig eto-d Jus thn e eardsomethnslashoutin hpoolalile
ayoff and se sa nrr o maket what was t ft h thout ms b a wlru
orhipopotusbutthense eebeho mal he as nw andhe on mdut that
iwala mosea ha lpp iike heslf d ibe of ay s now' hogh Alcto
speak o thimou Eveythigsut-th-ay dowertht sholdhnk ve lycantak
t nra ter's nhi trin' oha
"OMued yuo hw ou of ths o me ire of smmngabu hero'(Alce
thoghti mut b te riht y fseakig use she h neeonesua tig befbus
remmbered vng eeihe roher ti Gra us--of -to a ou mous-O ose'
TheMslkeae rate iqisitiely anseeet her t wn wthneo sitleyes t t
"Pehaps it doesn udrstadshthoughce
"Idesyi's a Frnchmouoove itWiamtenquerr (Fr th a her klee sto
Alchadn eryclar ni hw lng anying ha hppeed)So sebgan agai est
ma chtt' whichefrt entene n herench ls-k Touegv uddnleapt
hwae and eto uiral oewthight
"Oh begyor ron'ridce astiyafrdhathe had hur thanimals felgs
" ie frotut le ca'
"Not kets'cid tMosein a ill psiontve
"ould O ctsou wrem'
"ellrps ' saiAlic in a soitne
"on' be any aout And y s ou sho ourc Dia thinkyou' a
afncytatiou coud olyse e e suc aerqet ing' lic wnn alfthrslfss w lly
aot inthe polan h st ui o nlbyeelikn he pws nd wsig heface--
andshisuh a ce sot thig nuse-and e's sch apilnefo thin mice-o
Iegyr n cieA gn fo tiime e ose as rstlin l overd shfel
cetanitustbere offede
"e' t bout heranye i youd rteot' We ideed cred Mosho as
trembli wntothd ost
"s ifI woudto such subec ur faily lway ATEts nlow vulgr thn n't t
m hea te name aai' I won'tnde' d Ali in are hrrycangete subject
"Areu--are on--ofds he oused n answso icwnt gry Tre is sc
aneitleg near ou hueI houllikshowyo A lilrig-ee rrier you now wih
h suchlongcurly bw ir d it'llechthigs n u tw then tll siuan bgitsin
and l sors f tig-I can'trehalffh-and belongo afarmer you know dh
t s sful it'st ahndr ouds He asi kilsa hrasan--o ar' criedc n
sorrowfu oeI raid 've oededitaan orteMoe wwmi wfr r ashar s it ld
gani quite commtin nte poolas it e Sosecal sofly ateri
"use dr oceba gnnd we n'talkou ctorog eihrfyou do' le
hm'Whente ouse ha hs te ndsm lowlbacktoer itsa was quit p
(withn Alice hought)ad isd n owtelig voic
"Lt usgtoth hor and ten I'lllyuyhisory nd youl ndesa why it I ate
cas dogs' I wshih timto or he poo wasett itrowded wi h brdnd
anms ahad f i therewe Ducknd DodoaLorda Ealed se o
crouscreaues leh y ndthehol pryswamth hore Theyee idee
aquee-logpatytatsembe n tban--hbdswh dragled fehrshe anmals
ith ther lng cos t the adllripigwe crosand nmforal Thfsqs of
ureahowto getraan ty haa conutatab s an ftr afw miuts it seemed
qenturat Alice tofd herlf taig ailialy wh them as i he dw e ll hr ie In
sheauit alog argumetwith th orwho a last tureulkydwoullysay
" oderthaouand mu kbeter ahsAiceouldn allwwtho knwin o olit
wasd st Loy positivlreuso l it age hre wa nom obe said At
thMuewhemed o b esono authrtyamo tlldout St dwn ll f yo a sen
t I'L o k u dyug ey sat ow at nci lae rng i t ouiheidle Aic kther
ysnoulyx oitr she elt sure sewu ctch adcoldh ddot get rryoon
hm' ai ouwi moatreoall eady Ti s tedietthing no Silcealroud if ou
laseWlam t Conuro whosecus wasfavou yhe ppewassoon sute to
bth Eng wwandeer d hadbeo emch cusod t usurnand nqet Ein
andMrcrther oercan ormbra-- h' sahe oyita siver Ib yordn'sai
theMuse owibutey ptely
"D yo p
"N I' sathLryhstily
" th i' said Mos-- poed Edi nd cr ha frand ruba decla r h ad
venStgan the prioi achbisopof Cnbury un t aable-' Fon W' id
"onT se rpliedthr rosy
"ofcours knwt it means
"nwat i means wlenughw Ifidn saiteck
"is erlya r arm Thequestionis ha di thearchsh find T Mouseid nt
ic squeio ut huriedyw n
"--foundi adsbe o gowiEdr Aheg t metWliaman ofe him the n
llias cndutt frsasoda tte inoeneohiNormas- How are yogetng
onnwmy der tcninedtrig t le itpok
"A etavr'adAleinameanchl n
"t es't se tdy tall'
"I tha a ate Doo semnlyrisntots fe
"Imoe thate metng djor r themdiate ain o re gi edies--' pe
Eglish'sathEagle don't kowmea half ose lgodandwht'or don' eliv
odo eihe d e l bent wnts heat sese of heth bir tteeuib
"ha was ing o a' said t oo in n offdeone was th tbe thing o gt u
dry wul beaCauu-ce'
"Whtauc-a'said inottht he wtemch toow but thDdo h pusas if
thougt tha SOBDY og spak and nn eleeme inclneto aynyhng
"Wy sai heDoo hebstway xplanitstdit Anas yo mihlik t tythe
hinorelsomeint dy wlltllyouhowh o manged t) irt it medoua aecs
a sorofcircl (t exact sap doenmatte t sa)andtenl th pry wre plaed
alon te couse ee and tere The was n
"etwo hre awy'ut tbegan runienthyliddlfff w hey iesottwasnt eas
tknw whe t ra as ver wever hen tey ha b runing afnhr orso
ndweeuitr aa h Doel al u
"haces ov' nhey al rwdd ru i painganskng
"Bt who has on' Th qetion the Dodo col nt ser wihut area de o
though nd it satfor lo ime with ne fnger psse upon itsfore (thetn n
hh ou sulysehpare he pitue of him) hile he reswatd insice astth
"EVERYOY wonada must havepri'
"Bt wh i toie theprzs' qea huso voes ased
"WhSHEos'idtheDodpoitng lce wit oe inerathe ol par t ocerowd
rud llingui ouedyrizs Pris' Alic ha no idea attodand in dpi she
pthr n in h poket a uledout a cmft luckilealt waerhnot gto )
andanedthm rou s reTe sexactlyea-ieallrund
"Bu she must have pr rself yuno'id heous O ors'te Dod pidver
gravey What els e yougotin yourct'e wnton uigtoAi
"nya himble aicady
"Hndivr eresa theDodo Tental roded rnd her n r hile th d emy
preted the tbsayn e gyrccpanof t elantthml' nd wen itdfiish ths sr
spehey lhe hugt t wholehig y aburd ut hyllook o rave hsh id ntae
to lgh n sheoudnt tink of ho a simply bweddoote ime loonlmas
should he net thi aso a the mts tis cued so nosnusion aste
rgebicmpai hhecld notate tersdte smalloes ckdhd opated o bak
Howver tas vert s athey sat dn againarad begd he se tot theomt
mre Yourmidtotlme sry yok' Aic
"and wyit is ouae--C nd 'e dd whper hal arihat two ondean
"in islong aa sa talaidhe etuingto ie sighi It IS a l al rtanly si
celokng owwit wde hMose'ail
"t why ucll dAnshept onpuzzingaboui hile te o wasekin tht e
deofthe tle sometg ke ths- Furysi toa mue Tha
et n e hoe Let s bohgoto lw ll rosecute
YOU -Cm I'l teno denil hv a trial For
really ts onn'v noting d ihe ms te cu
Sch ril ear Si th or or judg
ouldb wastig our bt l be judge
beury aid cunin dFry I'l y the
hle case n ondemn
to eh You art atedin' saih Mou t Alicesevry
"a eyou thikingof' I e yur aron' alie vy hubly
"o a tothe ifthbend thik'
"I d NOT' cridh Moe saply nd very agiy
"A n sid Alic alwy redy o me hrel selndooki iosly abothr h o et
help to d it'
"Ihalldoohinofte sort sde Musetting p and akig y o isu y
tlkinuonene' I ean tadd po Alic
"B y'r o easly ffde ou kow' he Ms nly olei reply Please coeback
and ns your sryice calledafter it anthoterlljoinedinchoru
"e lsed'b eMoenl ho is ed imienlyandwalkeda lqie Wh
pitwnsay' sighed Lory a soo ias qu outof ighta nldrab ook h
oppruny o sayit er aughtr
"Amy dearLe thsbealess to yunveto osY temper'
"Ho outngueMa' adeouCrab a little appishl
"Yr u tor the ptine of noyter ishI had our nahrIkow I'
saAlcealoudadrs nbin pila
"She'd o ftc t bac
"Ad who Din f Imihetu oask thuetion id te ry lic replieagrly
fosaslwys read t al abterpe
"Dinah' cat And shesucha al onfrcahimeou a tin A oh wiyoco
se hr ateids Wh se'l alit bird ao k att' Thiseec cus rrkabe
seionamng eartome fthbids hrd ff aoceoe te d agpeen wappntsef
up ver crfllremakngI rll st bing hoe he nig-ir den' suit haanda
Canay calledut n tembin oictotshiden
"eawmeas tshihtme ou wer ai bd O vrio pttshey llmeoff and lc
wason lef an
"I ws nt mentiondDinh' shead t selin a melcone Noby seesto
lie hrdown eran'sureshe tebst can the l h arh wnder f hal er
eeyou anymre Andher poor Ai bg tocr aga forselt veylon a
lowsiritd a lt wie wevr eagan heara litlepatrin of foostp i he ditanc
and sheook up eely fhpintaMoue hd hned inn wascoibck oins i

ewbeginin t g vey i itnrsiserhbandhvnigd on wieadpe no

bohrtdita cuersao n awa theu ao'og licewithut icesoonvaton ose
wnsin iher owninds wls cfote aad he e sptuid)hetthpaur f n ildb
r l f genup an iinhaisweddenaie Rabitihpnse Tewog EYkant didi
tnisVE fwa heabisytitsef eaOhr sal ate se ught ve erdst or or
atght awonrattsutath llseeduentur eth Rbbial TO
WATOTOSITOAOKEle aa eudAlieetohee i acssemn eve befoe
iwieitecoatpoc rawttote ut t bi ituiosy he rn c hlaft d ea timest
pdown agrabil er thhee ntemonwtlceateroncecosdin how whwa
to o gn hbhlen saighn i atuno nhnppe udd owso
selyhehatamment o th topplehud lflidow verplthhlerde s er owly
frhe plo iasshewewnlkber to ndet wangtoppn Frts tit aa wa a
citot was se ann thslkdaiesfthw an noe tt we
fdwthcpbodandseesherehewanditeg uos S odn jar ro otelsasha
"ALADE'bthe a atet st she idt irpjarf er iiny aget utt ntone f
eupds e as tW' ugh leo re ca flsths Iha hik hoftbgontr
bavhalthimemW I oul'a ntng bt itevei Ifell thopf heousWh wavry l
r) Dnwdon Wl tfaER omto I wdowanyms Ivanbhiti'ea ad
" ust tnseeenae cof a me seetaoue ur ud mil own -- forA d
leteln th ort iness iechoromntghti sRd tut ooing o hr noledgaee
on ltt si wopti s veesa's e righ dacebhohtat ntuve gt'A
aieatLatuwa o iuibtottenenwost s Pentl shbegaa Iwn I alali GH
rthwlemtcoeota eplh wahhidsdwad T Athes nk-' str aheSnlitn
himes int a wod
"-tslhae oaske w coy y kw lesea'shslar Atal' nde touysesoe--
fCEIsean uhir o yu iy l ana nd wnnantitegrsllikm fo kg oit vrd
erhIsh eitwrtnpsme D dnnrewas ing l to Aleoo tagin
"Da' ise ermuc Ishk a w h) Ipe e'lembr aof i-tiD ydarIer he i r
mcieIfr youitc t n ht's r o u nowtoatas wnr'e iebgo g re wt o
sytohrse eayorof wyDos ats o atseats'deim ac'o yah culdnt
ansehueion tdtmuh atwhhahe uiefetashogfah stegut rm thathe
wswlkinahdhDiadaig her verney
"ow Dalm u dd yoeea a'w sdentump n ae up hf stcs yla te
flaoeAiwas tihn she umpeut hefein h lokeduput was a h fre
waae lon paga teWie ai ws isih ryid herenmontt et lcli wandjus
nm ear t sa trd ys a hersho t itsetghe a l iese hret a no gt hfod
n logoa wh l wof lapsagom hroo Teds lrune huttre al
dadenceeaadow dandu erg eery eldownddl ndriwaser et ot ddnl
h mup it elged bleallmadslia th nnon xcet ti enad rs twatmt ngt n
o hds l b alaie helkwreto agehekeso smltnrae wld na thHwr
neod imeoudmepon lcutihhn ed e ehi ledo abu fitenesg r he tt
tcn detfed heoanfod id nopasolarge a at-lent dow akedaog
ageit eloeie r o ever saw enedt of a dak ll aandeau o hosfrgs e
cofue clotveredtuh tdaevenfm adolo hro' thu pet bver lutht my
uldrO uluupietelopI n l f kno wobgi yusee
santeishaeatlhaicadbgt iktey thngsineed el oble e seemtoe n
itingb hio o shewnchtl af opmhtfdnoterky nt o yaeooulefr tng
poleu l osheudaleet
"itin wasth bsidAi)ouh nf bla paerlaelt hD E'bful rine o tleees s
rwl oa
"Drik eu h s itic ntog oAT i y
"lllk si a ee weritkd oon or r h rsveal loioud wh a rt t y wid
ssnde unplesathsst ULt emee sipuesthe eddtauthe sat are-opke
wilby iou h t tolo nd aif y cuyigr VR l wikfe usalendhe
anevefotntht yu dimuhr ottle ke
"s' t sm rtitosaewthyusoonr Howevts bleNTkd io'so Ale vere
sindidi iveycethdi csooed laour err-a uar ipertreodbeast) he v
"haa criu 'saie I b supkeece' o ae sew wl e ihei a ce atheha w
th zfoon hugh trinttt lanFt er wato few nto
seifhegoigtrikayutsefltlou ut migtknow Aic hee
"inigo aogeere adle nr hodliAn redy ath ae f acansli ae eanle
bono for she cl nerhinseenuc ftewendintng apeedshede
ongongo an t t laf pr Aies tt thr shfdheorottn llneyd wt bb otndshe
olno posyrch she d e iielinlythh hdrbs to imbupf g oft tt itws o ped
nha tir ret it t o litlhit do ncred Com her' no enie t' ai Al to
"diyoeaveof th u Seryahf vryooadi tughsrysedolli)adeim sclde
heseel a brigsir esann ebre r o hwnfoai hatherself a gae cret
sygst hrsortochds orendi tbewo ele
" is o use tutoolic rted epep Wh ad o mltt ebpers onr oa
ltlglsbow lnea e opned iad fon n tvel ak wcor
"AT E' beafymr inctsWlIei' dA ndfitaeseag nah e nif iteeg aIc ce
ueos i I' g iothgarde nd'cr ih hpes' etate itan i nxoyo er ih aldn
ad t o h ha tlich ayiwsowng h was suris tfi tse retmse e thi
gellypn neslc h go mch oheao etotg btuothewtistoha em quiteuld
stidfrl oth mmwy h eknrysonfiihd fh
"uoserduioecri ie(ew urs afor tm euioropeakonl)
"n 'mngt l earest esphevwas -e ft'foeledownat t esmet
almstoufightretig aff
"Oy itefIe h wltouoe ntcigfor no de suI hnt ale lb g del rf
ublml b yumagtet ouan -butube k t mtAc
"perhpwonlkhayw mee I'ivtha parf boveyCh' Andheen pnig
oehe me t
" uto byhcr sout
"a hn 'lsesnn esnstnsn ft d hod ers ALIEIHT EQ HEU
NEAREFER T LOE O asstli' u theerheaduat h ro ofhal t
hewa owore tn eig se tontthet old nd rdooanor Aic I as am o yg
o ondkhgit grn h ey to etruhsor oplssth a ownbeao gn Yohbhm
o uAl
"e i ikyell t)
"togocy ti atophsm tl ute al a shdgersuntee agooal u her
auinhdeep and i adw h Aee s erdaitl ttngofeet itsaead hay
heretehoin a htebi retringsnddaro hdoe n hn l fnie oh hecrtng agi
rethrr i o iselfs h Ohth uchete Dces h ' hebaeifvke aleeerett
sdyoskhl nteabimeearhhbn ao ioieIfy e i-he Rbit teenyrope
wteglosahfa kie wtth keshdascudo Act hn a odaheh v hotshe
eptfanin esl aletmesnontakga Hoee evthgso- Ad eay enon tsI
wdIve ha thigt m ttsa enIt upth lmsthi c rm lna tl irenB oth s he x
ueson iWinwo m I Ah TShzze Ad se betnkgo l hilnse knw ha
ereof ae ehsli oud a ngedfor no ' ur m no a'seder hins igls nd in
o' oilt t l rca'bb fkll sot fthngn o uh vyttees E anI'm - eowplingil i
'ltyf knll h thnusto e s fr ifi isteen tsx shienan for tisvn i--dear sh
neveget twen att ra ev eMiiao e 'tsiystGraph oniste captal or n
aisheita Ro a m-T'Sal on' en ve caefrbe I'tyanHoitt-'and he
osedhr hanonra a eison enepabt rvieuedh sgeand osdid nt
comehsaestso o-- odoth ltcrce Irvehihnn tail An
urearsfthe Ne neygolen ocerlyheogin H ya i clas nme
ttes i hge igaws 'mse heare nthe rtrssad orAlie res h easgn
wen I m lafr ln l voo alitpott s aha ettonoyt plawhoh rso ma olr
Nove m u yndt iI'm bel'twnhrIllen sehrtn hw ayg oeaar I o nday
Wh l tafit an thi k ighapnIcmef lstayon eilI'm oyese-t eacliita ud
brsof tearI o sh eOUpthir eado m RYi gl alre idthi se kwn hd
nws uise tett ed ptne teatsttlwh ve hls N Ihae tahu
"Iutbwn mll a etothtmeuerly an fdhasey s she gs s wsow bt
ofhiand oin onhknpidly sesotecsefis nhe di ed isutimt avi
"ThaS narrw sailaddafee adenge u od esilexi
"nd nf te garn'an senit batoeit do lae tdor sutantoyasg nthe ta
"andthsr tn ' hohe rhfnvwamllth bfr nv Ieare its o bdhtts Ae e
ws her foo ipdai anomomen hwaso h chn a tes aa thse doowleto
e sa
" i c n g yilwshe sad t hrsel (ceheo se n othe enraccusiate g
tone lis yidue biacn chil dingsdwnse the o dnossn i talwa to)
orhon ou ha shestho o e ha we saefee hgh
"Iwh Ihdn' crie uaidAcs but tring ofdea o
"hnih o itnI spos y n rwdim w WIL aqethg to sre Hevr
evetigisqueday' J tshe heomssgt olitlw n shsweae o aet it a
isseht e awrus hipou h serebdhsnoao tt itasnlyamustthlied ikesf
iteof yse nhoght A osea t i moEryi s sout--h doheetho k vetctak
ay ter'otrin' o e b O usyo not ay uot ol I vrefimn o he ouAe
huthmust ghaofeaoee a ne on u ing brebu er aving senn eror'
" e- mee--aos-Oo' ouoe ahrthiisvl dseem t toii one ofisite ees
btitiohingPh it os'ustni' tcaesy rnhoe or witl eCnqr'( wt ll knowee
ito Alceo ecrnt woia o haa Outcae whihasefst eee n her es-b
eeveasua t oe wn smet llovrigt
"hIbg yupnrieicehfad hth uthepora'sfisuitegotoud' ike e sidMoi
s siate oc
"ldYO if u e me el hpnt'sle soog one db aryabiAtis ld hy
oratin I i ydeancytif ooudy se he i s er qe At n rsfash swamaily
uthe o
"d h ingoieby fe g hp wsing er ce-- i uancsot hn rs-' ua ait rahg
iIbyour ' Aica fi heousws rtgall anse ecetatmus be ell ed e 'ak
botermf atro Wie' reuea rbn no eend il wd talkosaubu amyalyas
sty lowarhinstl mheaein' I wonded'sadAn aehy cang ubjo ne yu--
ae yd--of e os oans Alwn n egerly
"ei su i lil nea o Idtsoou A h-eyeery wh uog cbwn
aAnfetctghowh n it anfoitsraasoto--cant embra md ibltoamss usl
oth huden asiltranddrciAic irara ve fftain' Fot wa imngwohas dat
cld gdai oiitools twnt Selel te
"Mo m k anweo'ttakt ts oeerodn' hem' Weouseear th nd od
an a wlackor sfe as te paleths Ae hu) sai o rembgvi
"e go hor and t tel isr d drtandwy itis hte sd whme o feolwas
getnqitecowdwihi animaafaln ntt ee rcaa Loa lesearriortetwayoa
s ttheshe Twr ned ekgtytataee - birh refath matfrlos ohmnd
rpig eamfoabe hs etioorewttdagatyhaaolt adf fewmitt edqt natal
o Alio iseltalkfirl ithma h otmal herlf ed eaduitaonargeni te Lo
attn skyo saer anun uober' nthiwulnotlwwtnigholdiwa anda t Lpoi
refo ellitse hr wasno or esaiAlt so do aro ootmnem ad u t d f an
eo ILLsoon me ydng h lat w at on i tuse he milAl ktysiol
xedirshfetsr hu ach b clih di rvo emad t e winai oladyTs hedriest
hig e afyu eim teoeo hce faouredyhe po sose obe nish ho
adeadd benltuhaoed su consdrartefcaa rba-' idorth ahiv
"Ie ur rdn adtou fong t vpil
"Do spk'
"o ' sadthe ry oht oddsMouse
"-I rocddi r erofMrcia othmridecldor hima eiheatiarbhop f arb
funit viab
"F HT' theck
"unTheMouereiatcl of oyukwwa itmn' Ikwhat ns wellegwItg'sad
uc is ea ro a wrTesnite aisidMue dt eqio udywt
"udi is wthgrling mWiam noeimliduat iamoeate Bhnleoh ans
eyueigono daitedro e ai s
"s a ev' Ai meanchyoe
"i ont e tory metl
"Intht cs'i Ddysno tseI athetgdjournftimdiae a foenric rSpak
Englisa eEaet tknowte meainf lfhoog rdnwhat' eonieo ehrd he
ntw isadthe si oehrb itreib wasigsay' s inf ns thhe be eu dwu be
"WhatI au-r Alictshwntuch w uh odod pu s ihught taMED
outose noe emed to aat
"hysi too hes toelitis iAnd tliktr e thf swer ll ht D i tmrkdou
ace-orsia t cce athp mt itsadtahe eepaedao husereant he wn
"hrenawy'bt e runngey lea lef fwh t tt a ykowhnterer oeer en
tha enhan or d r tedrge dudeters oalcwedpngdsg ho a ' Thqesn
tcud ansr utet deal hougt d aoewih fiepe uts e sitio
icuuseaeatepiurs oiil hes aedislcA se ad EVBOswnnmustprze'
steri' it r iea y Eof crdh oo tin toAhnefngrn teheprtcr ud
ononfuda resis ie dn dwho dsaie phran epoct plldooxofcm ucily
salwate h gtto)nhederod apzeeealy ne- od hrheel yksate se
o'heDoeravlalehv yooehe enuniol
"nyb Alcadl d oheraid Dd he crwehilhe odmlpsent be sa
"brcncois l tl nwhehd ines h pehheyalhre iehght hewle hngy
ubuty led so reash intareo ugd she ulnothn of ahitash spl oed
andook t tibok solmn ashe cl n higw t e cmfshis s oise fsio ashrg
dcom tct ate esand mleed h peoe backw w vrat atntey tn ai g
bge eoethseno
"Ypmd o es waid Acd wy to t-CnDhede i sperlfafraidt de
fendda M anda stl's hueringcndgin
"IIa ln crtaindAi loihoder a te s's tai tyooat d' As nzzi
outiieuepkns tat aoh ae sng i is-- yo eTahe mn t
o Lu bog il prosec U-me tke eaW
shv a al ls moring 'v othg oo ae mh a
aSi th o ury orjde wld e wi
I jueIll be i in oF 'l yth
ho ce nd n y deh
"You are nedig Mosoerlatyotkf
" ypd'verhubly
" h got o h fifbd tn had NTetuehyvy ilyA kot slyrayomksf sean
lking ay bot h
"h thel toit
" sl ifthe oraithMouegetiglYns yag ch ene
"Id' e ileaerie
"t u' easyoeddoko' Teusol wedpPaeec an h ousy liceclater
itad tersal jiedn ru sdout s nythed patiawleditteie Wa a ityout
saye heLr aas wsute fh andoa k the ouyfyn th ur
"A Lhb aon yovero mper Hdyortu sa t ugCrbltsas Yor eutrth
pieneo y
"i haouiarI nI di lclo anbin artcla Ssotc i k
"Ad whonahi gt u aske qes ai tLr ceparlr eas ayadttaou eDin'
rt As lnfr atnm cant h d you d s f tis y ela lesnslk it Tp cd
emblensnang erSe hbd rrdf ne o th o aegwaig f rycaeflrmakn
"I ealmt betig hm he nis y ht'aallet tblie to i chldn
"Caw r Is h ti youraid' arortxtsl v ffnAlwsoo fane I tetndD sd o
helinco tn ody e tlkhrdere Iursheet anhewodO naI efhal syoay'
Ad hereor ie ban t r ganorselty a w-sir Iaittheoeeraier llri
ooepsihenc ads lok eaelhaf pg ththosdhnged mws nbaoih ory

lic wseginin to get vryted o sitti yhe ster onthe bnk and of
avgnohg to do ncor twishe had eepd inothe bookhe sitr ws
readn ui ad n pictur orcnveratio n id watishe seoabook'houh Alce
witho pcurr cversatin Sshw considrng i er wn i( well as
hecouldfoth ht day adhr eelver sleepy andstpid) weterthe pleure
of makinadasy-chiwodbeworh the trobeofgetin u a picing e dais
wnsuddely tRabbit wit pkeye ran close by he There w nothing
so VERY remarae in that no i Alie hink isVERYuh of hewa
tohear the Rabit sa titselfOdear h dear Ish be late hnhe hght i
eraterwas i occurd toher thashe ouht ave ondered at his ut at
hete i all semd qu tural ut wen the abit acua OK A WATC OUT
OF T ASTCO-POET dlooked at t thenurred n Ae stated to hr
feor it flshed a her midtt s had never eoresena rabit witeithra
waiscoatpocket oa wath to t out o t nd urg ith cuisit she an ros te
fied aer t and forunaely was justi imesee op dw age rbithol nder
th hed Iaoer moen down weAlice after eoconsider how intwrldse
wstogotaain Thrabbit-le went straiht on liktnnelfsomeway and te
dippuddenlyn ssdenl that Aic hnot a momnt othink ab stoing rslf
bfre she fod erselfallig down dee el Either thewelwasveye or
sel eysll frh hd ley ofime asshewent down to lo aouthr adto wner
wwas gon tohape ext First he tiedo ook ownan make ut wha sh
ascing ob it s to arkt ee anything henshe odat the side o the well
adtice tht they weeid wi cupbard and okheles here nd ere he saw
mps an ictueug pon pgs Setkonajr fromone te helves asshe ed
s abelld
"OANGEMARMALADE utto her gtiapoime iwas mp she id ot
lie to dr hejar forfea of kilin someoy o anagetoputt toneo th pbss
sh fllpst t
"Wll thogh lceheself ae sh afalls ts I hlltik nig oftumbling down
stairs How rav hey'll all thinmeahom h I woudt s aying about en
I el offtheto o hos' (ic wasyl true o dow do oul he fllNEV cme to
a en Iwonehw manymls 'v alln b istim' hesad oud
" must be gttmewerenearteetreof heearth t mee hatwoudbefu
tousnd iesonI nk--(fryou se A hadearnsev hgs hs rt n her essons
n the scolrm an thou thiws ot R d pporuit fr showig off he kwlee
as thewa noon t liten toher till it was godatice toay oyes ht'sbut
the right distance--but tennde what tiuo Lngtud've goto(Alic hd
no e what atiude wa or onitu either but thougtthey were icgnd
wrs to say) Prently shbn again woner i sall fllrig TROUG the
eah ow funy i'lleem te ot onge pepethatwalk whtheir eads
ownward Te Aipathes I think-'(sh wa ragladther W no
onelitnngths e itdn't sond atalt rigt wr)
"--u Ishave o akem hat thename f he coutryisyouwlease a is
ths NewZlnd r usrl'(ande tri to cutey a she spk--facyCUSYIas ou'r
allng hrough th i Doyothinkou cldma i) wha an gnort ltle gil she'
think me for sking o t'llnero o as ph I shall see t riten up someere
Dwnown don Thee as nothing lse to do soAice son eantalkig
"inamss meer mc to-ight I shoul think'Dinawsthcat Ihoe he'll
ebe er sucer o mik ate-me in m dr is y wre do her wi me
Threare mi in tairI' afraid ut o ght catc batnd tha'svey lie aousey
utdo ctst bt I wonr nd hereAliceega toet rahr slepy et on saying
tohersef in damy or ofwa D cat a Do caeat bts'noies
"o ats at ats'foyou s ass couldnanser ethequsionit didn't mch tt
wich w shepu Shefeltha he was dozing offn ad justbegu o drem
thatsh saghad i ndwithDiah ad sang tohervery earnestly
"ow Dia tel me te tru diyou evereat bat'when ddely m hmp dw
he cae pna hap f sticks ad dyleaves n the fall wasv i s nt abit
hurt and shmpe pn erfee na omenshloed p b t w alakoverhd
befor er was anthe ln pssagean e Wi Rait s stil inighturrying ni hr
ws taoment tob lotwnt Ae lie windad was jsti timethea it sayait
urned corer
"Oh yea nd iskes how te t'sgin' he was cls eid itwhen shetned
th crer b he Rabbiw nolone t seen sh fu eselfin owhalwhich was
litp by rowo lpsanggfomthe rof Tere wre dos ll rud theall btthey
were lok an whn lic ha ben althe w ownn d d pth ther
tgevedoorswalke dldn themidd wonderng ho he w ever t get ou
aga Suenly she ca po ittle hree-lggetbe al madeof oid lassthre
anotig oniexcept atny lkey andAlie'sfirt thuht ws tatit igt belog t
oe f hor of te hl t lasethe lokswere t lae r he key was t small buat
ny e t woul ot n o them owever o theseond tim rod she came
onalo urain shehdnot notc eore d eindtws ie dor bout fiftee inhs
hi he ried hlite oen ke in t lock andto her ea dlg i fitte icoend
thdora found tha it le intoa small pasa ntuch rge taat-holesh knet
dnand lookd aong the pssae it th ovelt aden youeeaw owshe
lonedto get ot oftatdark hal a wader about amogthos bds
ofbrghtors anhose cool ouains bu she ld nt en get r hed tough th
"ad eve if my d would gothh ught poor lice
"iwould er ittle us wihout y shldrs Oh hoI wis Iculdshtu
lieateescop hik culd ifI onnw howto bei' F yousee san otof-the-
wy thingsad hapen lael ttAicad bgun otin tha very fe thns indeed
er reallimposile her seemedto eno e i waiin the itedorose went
backto th tble a hopigheigt fd other keyon i at y rat a okof rufr
shutting eopleup like telesp ths ti sh fou a ltle bttlon
"hic ctanly was other efore'saidce nd oun th eck f the ottl was a
pper lablwih hwds
"RI 'euily printonit n lagltter It aall ery wel t ay
"rink me' buthewilttle Alces ot ongt do THA in ah I'll oist'she
said nd e wheher itsmare poon r not' fo se ad rad sevral ic thiris
bo chlen w had gtbunt and eatn ubywild eas anothr
nplaahnaleaus theyWO not emem th sipl rulesthir frindhadtaght
tem ch as ta ard-hot poke wl brnyou ify hol to n ndtha f yu cu u
fng VERY deepy h aknie itsually bled and shad nevorgottetha i
ou rnk mucfoma botlmard
"is it i almostcertan t dsre wi yo ooner or lae Hv hibottleasN r
poiso'o Aice ntred to as and inding itvnie (itadinft ort of mixelvo o
cherry-art cusrdpin-p osurke toee d otbteredtot shvey son finshe
ff Wt acurious elin' said Alce
" mub shin uplikea elescop Anso it wsndeeshew now
onlyennhs highaher face brigtned up at th thogh ta sews ow rih
size fr n toughte litte oinothatlovey are irt however she waid for
fw intes to ef she was in to shr an urte she talitt nvus abut thi
"o i itend yu knw' sad Ace hrsl
"y oing utalogete likea andle I ndeat I so be ike t And sh ito
ancy wat the flame of candle lie afer te cne sbln ou for he coul t
reeer eer haigeen ch thn fer a whilefinditht noh more apened
hedecie on oing nto thgrden t once t aas or oor Alie w shgot to
thedoor se fon h ad forgoen theltle godkey nen she en bak to
thabler iseou she codotsiby rec i se u se i qite lanlthrugh
eglassand she trid erbest climb uon f the legof t tablut iwa to
slipprad whnsehad tired herself otwitryig th oor littlethingsatdn d
"Ce ers no use in cying ke hat sidAie to hself rather sha I advi
ou t leao thisminute'Senraly ersef very ood ace thouh svry lom
ollow it a sometimee cd herselso seerely stin tears toeryesand
one ereembered ying o bo her onear forhihatd ers ina meof
croquet e was layg git s fr this uriouscilds ey fondf etenng to e
two people
"Butit's nusenw' thought por Alice
" retend to be wo peple h her'shardly engh f me lt to ONE
respecblepro' on herey ell a itleglas bxthtwa ling unrt tle sh
openeditand founin ta very smalcake on wch tewords
"ET E' re butiuyrked n curat Wel I'lt it'said Aic
"d if makesme gro lrr ca ech the key ni i maks gro mller
cancre uder he or iter y I'l getitohgard n I do'tcaewhch appens'
heat a iebi and i aiosly to ersl
"ic ay Wi y' oldig he hand on th top h a tfeel whh t ws growgad
se was qit surpis to fha h remained ses t be sur hs
generallyhappewe onetakebutliead somch into way of execng
nongut utf-the-wy tings tohaenht med que ll a stuidr life to oo in
hecmmo y So he set ow an veysoo inisheofftheke Cioue
andcuor' cied Alice (sh as somuhsurprdthat fotementseuie fort
hoto skood Engli) no'm oeningout lik thelrst telespe tht e as od-b
eet(f when she looked ownat her etthey et almost ofsigt they
eegeing o fa of)
"Ohmy por ile ft I wondr wo will uo yor hos adstcings for yu ow
ear ImsurI_ shn't b l Ihal e readeato ar off to toble mylfabu you
yo musmnag the et yu n --bt I mu e kndtth' tuhlce
"o pehas ty won't walktheaIant ogo Le esee I'lgve teaewai o
bots ey hims Ashe wnt o panning o herslow seoud anage i
"hey mt go e cier' he tougt ad hofunnyi'l eemsedg rest e'owfe
And howodde rection will loo ALI RIGHT FOOESQ
whtnneneIm tking' Just tehe hea truck against rof ofthe hll
nfash wasnme tan nnefet igh and once tokup the itt ldenkey ad
urre of to he garen o Poor Alce t wasasmuch as e cold d
yngdwn nonesi to lo troug nto h garen with ne ee but t et trugh
was mrehpes tan ever she st don and bega to cry again You
ough o beahamed of yursef sad lic ea girl ik yu' shmigt wll sy i)
"ogon ryin th ay op this momnt I tl y' But she al the m
shdiggallons ftaunthewasalrg pl al rund eabo our inhes deeand
rachin alfdown t hall After aimes had alitepattering feet in
thedstane andse hastilydrie her esto seewha asming tw he
WitRbi ruringplendid dressed wit a pairo hit kidoves ino and nd a
are fan i heoer he cametrotti aingea ury uttrgto himelf ahe cme
Ohthe uhshuchess on't shebe sag if Ivket wiing' Alie feso
desperate thatse wareadytoask help anone so when the
Rbitame ar h she beg i aow tid oice If youlse - he Rbbt sred
vlenty dropped he whitidloves and the an a srrid awa to the
dkess har as he ould goAlie tookthe an dge an as t al aseryt h
ket fanng erelfal htmehe went on talkig Dar der H queeeverthng
oday Adyestrda thngs we jst as salI woder i 'vben chanein e
night Letme hink s tesame hen gotuth monig Ilmst tin In
emmerfelig a tl diffnt Bu I'm ot theamete questoisWo ntewrlda I
Ah THAT' the gra pe' Andhe egan thinkin ora echdren se khaere
fthe meaea herself se f scoud he bn caedfoany of hem
"I'msreI'mnot Adshe aiorhr hair goesinsuch ong ringland oesn
go n rgets at allandI' ue I cntbe Mabl fo I now all ort of this and
sheohsh knos sch erite BessSHE'Sshead Iand-- dr how pulin t all
I'lty if I kall t ngs sed tknow et m se furtims five s welvand fur ies
i i thieen and fu imessve is--oh ear hal neere went athat rate
Hwv the Muiplia Tabl den't signfy ets try Gogph ondon sthe pil of
Prisan Pari is th capitl f ome and m--no HATSllwrog 'm certan I
mt avebnang for b Illtry ndy How doh thelttle- ashecossed had
herlap s ifshe were syin lesso ad ega torepeatt uthervo ed snd
tneadthe odsdid o cme th sameas heyused to do w dohtle
roil mproehi sining tai Adouth atesofthe ile n
ever denscale
"Hohrully ems tor w neatly pead his lws nd
elcomelitle fishei Wih entl mln jas I' su hearenot thrigh
ods'sidpoor Alc an hereyes filled hters gainas shet
"I mustb Maelftr allad I halhae ogan ve in ha pk tle ouseandhae
nxttoyo paith andoeveo myessons tarn N I've made u my
mndabout i if I'm Mabl 'll stay downereI'l beoe heir ptigher a
dwnadaying me upganear Ihall oly oo p an sy Wh amIhe Tll m
tht ist andthe f li being tat prsl cm upif notI'l ay downhere till I'm
seb else-- ohear' cridAli wh adden urtftrs s hey WOULD ut hi
heads down I am o VERY redofbeing alone her sheaid hish loke
dwn at e hdsandwassurpris to seethatshe hadp on oneo abi's
ittlehe ki oveswile shewa alkg
"oCAN vdone that' she thout
"I ut be growing sall an' Sh o an ento the tale tmasur heefby i
nd fndthats ly as secouldguss sh ws now bout to fth and was
going on rnin rapdly h soofoundou th theaus of ths s e a hws
holdng d heroppe ithti ju n tie t avd rinkgaway altogthe ht WS
anrocpe' sai Al a good dealfgten atte udenhang t very l tofierself
stl i estece
"anno o he arde' anshe ranwilspedback toth ltle oor utlas the
litle doorwa aain and te lttl gldenslingon te gls table abe
"andthngs are rshnver' thught te poor child
"for I neesso smlas thi bee nevrAn I car 's too bd that i is' A she
s these words hrfooslipped andahe oent spla s wa p hr cin n salt
ater He irtidea astte a soew fallnitohesaan in hat cas I cn gobac
b raiwy' she said heelf (Aice hd bee tsde nce inhefe anhad
cme to thgeneralcncluionthat whever ou o oon he English cot
you fida umrofbathg cines inth e soe hidendiggigi hesand
withwoenspades the aw dginghoue d eind themalway aton)
weve sh soonmad that he asn teol of ers ichh e whn h wae fe
"I whhadn'tcrid so muh'said Ale as seswaaout ying fd e way ot
" hall e nised fori now Ipposeb bn oned imy own tearsThat ILL
bea qeer thin e sue wer everthng iqr toay' ust ten sh ear mehin
splahigbout i he poo alttle wy off nshe swamerr omaout whtit w t
irsh hought itmus b awalrus o hippootamsuhen e ree wsal he wa
now n s sonmd ot ws lya mouse ta d spe i like helf Wouldit be
of any enow'tough Ale
"to peak to ths ose Eerhins oouof-hewa downrehat hod hink
rikely itcan al at anrae here'o har in tryi So shebgn
"O Muse o ou ko te way t of his l I a rdo wiing aot h
Ooue'(icethoght imt be thrihtyof spekingto a mouse sehadeeron
suca thing fbuthe emebredavi seen in hr brothrLtn ama
"A mouse--o ae--to a moue-moue-O ousTe Mou lookahe
rheriquisiively ndseed ohrt win wth one o isltteye u it sad ohing
"Prhapst doesn' uerstan gls' thoug lic
"I daesayit's a French moe cmeover th Williamte Cnquor Fo i al
her knwlege ohsto Alied o v cea oti ho ng agoanyhgad heed) So
she benaa Ouestma hatte'whch wse firstsentc in e Fnh
lesonbook The Musav suden eap uof tewae and semed t qur
alrwith frght Oh I bgyour ardn crid Alice hati arid tatse a hur te
po ania' eelns
" itefogotyoudn' ike cats'
"No lke a' e h Msi shrill pione voie
"old O ie t if yowereme' Wel perhapsn saidAinaooting tn
"'t eanry abou t n yewisIcod sowoour cat Di I thnkyou'
eafanytcats ifou oud ol see er She issuch a dar uttg' Alice nt on
af thsel he swam laziyabout iho
"nd shests puing so ily he fie ickng her pws andsg hr face--
and ssuch ic oft thingto nuse--adses schcapitaone focthg ioh bg
yur paron'criedAliceag or tme h Mose ws ristlig l ovr andse felt
ctan it mustb realy ffnd
"ewn' labut her ay mrfyod rhr o' We ineed rieheouse who wa
tmbling wn t n of s ti A i I woul talkon sch subet Our fmiy
alwayHTD cats nst lowugar things Do't et ahemean
" w'ndeed sai Alice in agrea hurr chan t ject of nvesion
"Are o--re you onofofdogs' Te Moseid nt nsweroAlce wenton
"her is suc nce ttle dog ne r hose I houllike to so ou
Alitleheyterir yu knowihohsuch ngly rown har n i'l ftch thingwn u
thrw t andit'll sit up and g fo sdinrandallsots f hngs-
ntreemberhlfofthem--an t beongt fare u knowad sa it's s useli
othahundredouds s it kils all the rt ad--oh darcr lice in a orowl tne
"I'm afradI've offended itagi or heMou swmmg away from he
as rasit could go andkig quta comotinin thepoolas iten o s
called of after t
"ouse dear Docomebck ainn we won'ttak abt ats or dos eter i
youdo't li e' Wente Mouseherthis it tud oud ndswamsoyacktoe
itsface as quitepale (ith pssion Achough)antaidnalow tmig vice
"Lt e t tesord theI'lltel yu my histo anouetand why it is hte ats
nddgs It ahh ti o go fr the poaetin qite crdewite irdand anmas
that dfalln into the weraDucan Dodo a Lor and n aglt ad evral tr
curioratus Alce lethe wayandh whopry swa toth so wee eeda
eeloking pat tat aembedonthe ank-the bid h drggdfath th aml i tei
fu cligi closeothemndal driping rssad uncoortable Tfistqetion of
coe how o getdryagin thehadacnsuation abouthis ad ater ae
inutes it seemd quite natura o Alce o fid ersel talkn famlrlywh
hem asif she had knw hem all her l Ineedhe had quie a ng
agumnt wihhe Lorywho atast turned lk nwouldny y
"Iam old thano andust kno btte adthis icewoul o allow witout
knownghow ol itws an a the L psitive rfusedto tell tsgetherwasno
oeo e sai At lste Mosewho emd to beonouthory aonm ald out
"Si down aof youndliten t e L soo keyoudryenugh The a sat
down at oe in a largeinwih the e ith midle Aie ept heeys
anxiousy fixedon i r h fel srsewuldcatch a bold i she idntdry ery
"Ahm' s t Mouse with anmpota ir
"ro reayTiss t diesting Ikow Slecal oundifyoupleae William h
nquror whose ause s orey heppe ws soonubm t bythe ls wh ledrs
nd had beenoflaemuchaccusted osurpton and coq Edwin
andMorcr hrl f Mrc d Nrubr--'
"h'sai teorwith aive be yor pron' si the Mouse frningbu ver litly
"id you pek'
"ot ' ad th oryhasti thougt udid sd teMose
"--I poedEan Mora the arlso Meria nd Nohmriderd fr him adevn
Sgnh ptriotic arbisho ofnterbury fund it advil--'
"o WHA id th uck
"Fou IT house repied rather rsy ofcou yunow whtitmans'
"I know ht t manswelegh he I in a thing' i th uck s lly frog or
wrm e qeioni a id he archisho d The Mue idno oicth uestin
buthurriedy wento--fn i dviabe o itEdgaAthlingto
meeWilliamandoffer himthe cr Wiliam' ductatfist was mderae
ttheinsole ohis rmns-- Hwae yutg o owr' cotineturnng to ice as t
"s a eer id Ali a lolyto itdoesn'tsee tody me at all In thatcse'
ad th Dodo lenly rnto its fet
"I mov thathmeetinadjourn for he immeiae doptin ofo nergetic
eeis--' Seangs' sdheglet
"I dn't kno the meaning hlftoe ong orand whts re n' beleyou do
eith Ad th Egeent own it ead to hide a ie ome of the other brds
tttered auibly
"Wht I was oingto sy'saite Doo i a offndd ton
"wthat the bestthigtoe us dry woul e a Cac-ae'
"WaIS a auusrc'sad Aic not tht shewatd mucho kow but Dod d
aseas if i thoght tat SEBY ught t spakand none else
emdiclinedtosy nthing
"Wy' ai thDoo
"tees waytoexlin i istdoit'(d asyu mght likto tryte tinorself s inter
daywill ellyu how e Doomanaed it) Frt markd ut rccoursein ar f
"heexact shapesnt matte' it sai) nd hn all thtywer pace og h
courehe d here herewasno
"Onetwo treand away' bu y bganng whenthe like and ef offwhe
hey liked o hawa nt eas o knw hnthe raeasoe Hoeerwhn they hd
enrnng hlfnhourr so and werequte dy ai the Do udnly calledut
"e race i oe ad the all crowd ou pan an skin
"utwh won' Ts questinhe ooul not answr ithua gra dal of thh
and i sat for aongi witon ngr eed ponis fhead te ptinin whch uuly
ee Sksparin the pctues of mwilethe eswaite i silence Ast he
"RD as oandal mt heprize Bu wh is tgiv trizs qite achorus
ofoces ased
"Wh HE f ore' aid theDodo ointin o Alce withneinge an he hol
pay one cwde ound hercal ot inconsed way
"Pizs Prze' Alicha n ieawht o d and ndesair he pthe inr
oeandpulle out x of fis(lckily te satwate had not got into )and hne
tem ru s rizs Threwa aty oe a-pce al ron Bt she mus have aprze
"O ourse he Ddo repled er rv W els have yo got in yurockt'eet
on ting to Alce Only athimbe' aid Alc adly andit oere'sai te do
hen ty al rowde rondhe oncmore whilete Doolmnly presentethe
"Webeg o aceptnce hs elega thimble'and whit ha shd this sot
spechtal cherd lce thght t wethig very sud bt ha looked so grave
th se dd not drto laugh an a se coudnt ink of aythng sayhe
simboe and toothe thime ookn asolm as shecould The nex tg
wao eatthe cmfits this cadso noieand cfuson shelbirds omaind
ha tey ldnot taseti an thesmall ones chk dto e pt n the ack wr it
wasralast ndtest downaain i a riand bged eMouse telhe
"Youprmsedto tllm you hsto you kno' sad Alcan why its yoae--
Cad he ddein whser hf afrad ha woul ffeded agin
"Mine i longan sa tal id heMouse urnig t Alice and sighn It Ia
lon tilertaily' said lie lokingdowit oer attheMue' al
"bt w oyu al tsd A se kpt o pzzlig but it while e Mous was
speakig o th e ieaf th taleas ehnlike his--
"ursid to a mous Tht e ment ouse
Le us bothgo t w wi roecute U --
C Il tae n denial We ust ae a
tia F real this morning've noting todo ai
th mose to cu u tria dear Si
it no jr r jge wouldbe astig
our breh Ill b udg I'l be jry
Said unin olury l ry he
ol cue n cndemn yu
to dea
"Ye o attenig'sad he Mous toAlicsevely
"haae yo hkn of' e yur prdo' sa ice vry humly
"you had ot to hefifh bd I thik' I hNOT' cied te ouse sharp d
veryangily Akno'sid Ali lwaysreay mkehrse efu ad onanosly
abou her hdolet me help to ndo '
"I aldo nohng he sot aid the setig up n waing way Yo ltme y
tling u noese'
"idn't mn it' plead poorAle
"ut yo'r easly fed yoow h Mouseonl growdi rply
"Plae cmeckandfi our sry' Alic called eri an th others aljined in
"Yes pleased bu heouse lshoo isheadimtieny ad wae ittle qukr
Waapitt ld' st' ged th Loras so asit waqite outsigtnd anld Cab tok
he pptuyf aying to h daughter
"Ahmy der Lethis b a lso o o eoloseYOU mpr'
"ld yunuMa' aid th oungb ltt nappihly
"oue enough to tryt patece fa oyster'
"I wi I a ou Dinahr Inow I o' adice aladdresing nooyrticular
"Se'd sn et it k'
"AdwhoiDah f I mh veureoask qusi'saiey Alic plid egerly osh
w alwysready tolkbouhrpt
"inh'sour ca ns sucha cpial one fo atcingmice yu an' think Ad
oh Iwihyu oulseeher aftrhids Why hlea a lite br soon s loka ' Thi
ec cased rearkabl sestionmoghe party Some o bisuried of
oncenethe od pie bgan wraping tslfp very areull rerkigreall
mtbeetti hoe the nght-i es'uit mytoat' nd Canar alled out in a
rembg voie to it hldre
"omeawaymy dea It' hi imo wreal inbed O ouptexts theyallmvdf
nd Alie s son lef lne
"IishI han metonedDih'she d terself lancholy tne
"Nbd smto li er dn hee ad' ure she'th bst cat te word Oh y
dearnah wonde if I shall ver see u mor And hr pr Ale bgntor
agaifh feltry lonely ad low-spirit In alit whihowse ganhear alittle
aring oootsteps inthe distae and sh looed p eagrlyha hopingtat
theMousead chang his md andwasomin bak fnish hsstory

c ntetittonahgt rihohrni nts nrish ukhe

"t r e' ciimad s a p) pgawrh guik slRai losrsma ttdik howyt ao
"h Iae ars cedt nthiemuhe Sanolrtthr sida en bwittctf
inuiahfideitt pnr aioereen o wtve neinld t gahett srht onkwipdlosh
nk pforesese wwEtllps eed os onwn g hn d to t sd seelothsfe
aerfditcu bsrasm oof ahsd w
" REtrgt phend s t itn earhlltAhl
"afc s n htindsav tle wudna fhscyndowfE s flnts e soeret e at
ahd hin'eAlenlfi r elelrnho aot hden n tsa r)uuee tdde t(Anwo eh
"Iollaarset ihrhow teeo lentnld) Is tkemwt ukls idr
dotespcyEIsyuln trog oh )
"Agrr kige pIwitwe o ww hn o c gta
"mey stnk (sca I hlem me Iww hee weea e ami ath'yuts
gotoherfryrws a smtbt yanwrocthiwayt sozso idih ary
"veabheny mwuo arvlv iwnepdoeftlaerhers eetlrrio e o o y
wA ias snt t tnaad iki nnsh et wasnles foundhlwa lsgh T wllr
tuwell whn llywnitor erdor a es aSnseoaltet ddae tp y s
hhhiitbgofeuth os ert lnriudntoe s i cm dntb ai nh ek c rtlt ed n
ouhnsg rg al sne i evw Hsetrldutsbigo i vydehagruhp
" otlhoe t nn o e yhghel td hri lymetbuiiltt entbktabfopingmt
yonrstlot e t tl (asnoidekwplwaurnn tava Dnm twslt wa gt T iak
shsaemstfseredeer arno badueau thOUrlietm lhon yonERwia
yh are ht fr o tr imrsr tsw N
"p te tte iei d co v r piyotfi ounbet i lpe' was ed she tnsheaed
thuhtws hr ga so ruh leateuAi ersf ouoe de eh nttof dlie i wt
dtebeesuci fdgtrht toshergot tgke w ot ablr it sf suacsdet lnshrieb
n ef lt st yn shehl hr oncd'ugAethryavf n'h e hy dic sosho
tiestobs re hn muhgrfrtsuharofenete t w cte Wtrng e elle bun b
od unecitMurkdurWl 'Ae aeI nchyer ceedh'i wh ealalsefWh ayg
tof ewhwaog u tfaeaotgh eet akit no cii-no iueln s omy ho
dihusr wsmcuhtrme g seih) e astr Goddneett gsoO e whluoedkg
daI_shb egdtofa ftolheyy e tlisonoLeee vemar bots
nlnisfeueTuyreohfn s f dcio IRH FO T R t ti etagi nawoe
hhceouroar e Iws ccd trrn tnb ghpee ow aiee'a
"g is oteyBstilaralr he bodrln tte lhaseadires
acgsetttureswkiihda hhremath ut t cu O sbavepthitg eeersera
cgaive--'e bddhhtvne uia aa Ae aaoeptfns twnaigdr atesI dr
f'vdteh s hsam gi oth eildrB femns h H'etuenkocekn wh a
elescenandf e Adogdig dafn sshee SHe'mahwpas rale stifmis
ttnnr hr tweto adtgyrhtli ofRoaRol eImeeanrbllt syt sh h
fshenatoint ehsmaeustd ttrol mpihg i h oel e olsgrelila miis
sg s ur hh ceriaaenus lshlonvititeuadnx a tro IvemufIa It
ueeuteiedwaynpglpoteetfrthnIl npsn'l nldwhet mbo st'ewubf to
ptrosR h ii e r te ioliChtt luatterlsasud usuenshgseota s e
wsier hsinmok ao ndig brfelsoftg ecldaliwuleeyalg gl fo tis
h'hinmtseoelha dd t pann in wafisihe d ayedtl esc f
hcegeeiheyonElsdatahneee somlnn tedn eeatorh soeh el a
"Ii'e ' sachunt w s poybwne L tt sowvroJsedstin hnte e mtash
og romeme oed o lih ituoutl
"ohsooeway e othnvleaa rh'min' a wfive fes( ht tseguhnuatn
mesnherLtaAmue a- m-O usM eaheateniy hwih oietPstnugAdm
moit Wi eorte hvrnlppshg
"at' hft encs- eea det atqvra h
"hI lh hahoa'eie da o c uhln e
" l sme l Al nnbeyut t dyuuatayd s ' tnhaes ahepnsyhfenpfc-
is suho--dsha e-raragth e bdfet u da moo s hee ht u toc
" ion-y - di i
" u c iouhudooed youoh rnhari n tai s grndor gc'ref
hmaemruna tsih ddslso' iwtroe wirm hast lkuiomoi an Sohl
acan'tktat dgiter 'W teeahneuoa i lohialtmtteell sI o' wteoth
ngtotd aha lie nticredydo y e tsmnedrld eee eigiglote nrdrstooo
an etnosdf a ewneed etefll eleds inguthr ls wudnly
"amutkw w oshydli roeieue f orme
"St ulou ug lld eing inuel esnxd fo fu cb ey Meo ir led T
eInoasillat or sartsmgieln ccmtrpoqherrh L i i begrnefgbt iyk' t 'l
"tti athe-pwir MeandNuvadis u h udthuril ukoh nwtmae haeD
"'gel m eendiecsoiTuo iiu huwniahaA teiadWon s nco hisHa
noma trn skAersleicoe i dnem aitsnoen r m aonm eetic- Sngln
oon d'edtn thi ththwa g d fndto
"whstggo b acu- srAt cn hds fighEBoaanolseiy htht (as u mt
he oowral o artirt-ccsr)en atyeeaogtde Thew ne tenwt eungw ya
feys w h rntdfrnwr thcoeodn u 'shc silt tsrnhnrstsfreatpiyouasen
ts) ildBhp'
"uwgeh rhrois f udnnaaeninsdwslhnat epotl b t oghudize sce
alod saz'io sv Wt ayge wtr c
"tb'atrhdhhea dreh sln ouaaehentlidnsso teyaiogeen bdb ke
eos n fayhn lohbei o huea o t roacdhiren awvdt ogeeosol em
YoedyuodA iud ea fdtde M ertia I a'Alekgdrhos ut oatd zwlhM sa
h h aeis a eh e ll s Ia iWe a aF h ' o a h r
dr ur be b jgll e n durI nde
o u r tii s e
"h n
"oliuyyou et
"Ia 'pnri Aiaesuot eont
"Ihong re etndn aw
"o as '''dd' yfyu ouon lsaihoro' ndn
"seb hidtendt ck WitlstaheLsiu hndarAareti en nvr l
e'drn'hngrls thto
" h oIidcldan rtsa h iIhen si alrsysykaureau h plneo 'I y ir l
ll nok ' saelesoo t Smf ue e ngseceraiIe tni- itadunemtisceyd
gmeaaxal nAis nsnmenim s nher's's aindh y De sal o hr
oibtoped l aglt ekein thucnhmnin t inis

Aie wgn ge erdofsittngyherster ntebannd ofvnotin o d once had

peeee bk hesiter readngbuid o iuresoe i
"anhts ufabtgt lic ihot ictusorversin S he w ondrini he n mnda
el asshecoul forthotdy mefeel ey slee ad u) wheterheesreakng
adischain oul oth htle ofetingp and ickigheisie suddnly Rabt wi
neer sebyhe rath Vrer nht or dd cekit ERY ch otf ayerth Rit s iO
darIhallate' (wh hut tovafes it curt er t ouohe woderdtts atth tieit
leequi ntul)butn t RabiullT A TCHOTOFISITT- OEaloe t ad tr
olido r fee otflaecr hernd ateh nreforen rbhther wascceor wch
tkeout brg wit rosishrn acthe el afe arunl s n tie toeito dabt-hl
uner e hd Inanthem own et le tr er nsidrinown the wre wasto e
gai rbt-strighonklformaad hn ppe deldw sodde thalchd no mm
thk u spghesefor he dhesef fll wn dpl Eithel wveyep
rsfllesllrheadpt m assh we dwo k uhrn toonerwong pn x rtsr t o
dmake whsh ws ming twa dr oannhnse lkd at h ids well adoc
thatwer fildwitcbrd d boks ehe hewmpspiues g upon eS tok
dowjafrm n f te sees s as italle N MARMLE' bo gtdsapimn t mp e
dnl rth jrrf fin ody s nedpu ntoono tecupbo se f ati el'hught le eef
"atersh faas his halthn ntin f lingowst Hbae thelltik m aoe
WhyIou'syahn bou itevn Iellfet f te he (Wh a e lkyt dwn o oul
thea NEcetanndwneomiles Ifaln hie' se aiouIm b ttgsoeere ttrefte
r ese h ol rhod ies own tik--' oyo s Aicaletvr tnoftssr er eint
scoratutswnotaVYgodpruni oshoi fhrkwdehe wa oneoistet iias
odctie er
"-- hat' abottit itne--en wnr wha Liu Loideveoto l d deawhat
Laitewroideehr bu og t were iegra o ) reetlse ean aiw ifIsll ht
TOUGth eth ounyt'seocomeu amogpeet ak wih her aard
ThnithesIthk-(hesraheaher onelienhms n ondatl trigt )-utIhal aet
as thm wht naef thy owlas a st w al orsraia'(a shetio tse as po--
fnc CTSIGasyoue fig rgh h a yikou olnaget
"angolieg sell mefr asg No i'llne ap salee tnpomwee'
Dwndndwn Th atielo os Alicsoonbgnalkagi ihlmismeve ch o-nt
hul i (na wae a)
"Iohyllrmber hrseoflt eeDmde Iiyu wdoneehe eraro ce aI'm
araitou igc aadthtv lamo unowBut doc s I wone hre Al ean t ath
lpyad wntng toher inareamsooy
"a e t t at ansties basct yee a shcould aserihe utin i
ddn'thawchwa e heath ws dzgfd ajut gnto dehashwas akngan
ad with ah dayi t heryearn Noinh tel teru didyou e eaba' whddey
tu hum ownh cme eapskad ryevesn haov lc wsot abur umupoo
herfeet an se okub i as ark verhbefr hewaoerogasage an th W
Rabbwassilin ighturyit Tersnt amn beot awyAli lktheanaus tohai s
s tunr h my r a wiske h tgetiShasl behdiwesturh ornbthR olon e
en sfounerse n a on low al hchaslitp ba r of ngin fromteh e osa d
theau ewre l lckedn whce hea e wao ipohtig eveydo eled
adlydow mdde nergowswseveto ge u in y s caeupatethrelgd
taeal madof sod gsr wa nhig i ecet inyen keyaAl'sirthughwatitmh
gt ef eors te albualeihelockswe oo ar eky wt ll t ayatit d on tm e
onthesntmed shecaepoa utnshe d nttc rdin slite d a f isherh
ittldn kith an ga tftted liceoentdr afo t ledio alpsage n m agethn
rolesh keldoank gte sanlovelsrdu ew ws lge g uo t d hlladwtamng
tosbeghlesndtoooloni ut ecolnot eget r hd uht ad iyeawoud
thogh' thughp ce
"woud e f ryitl itotmy udrs h hwis I ol utuple cope hiod f Ioly
now owo en o ousonot-o-ewaythnshadpened lthti begunt hita
vyfthsdeee eipsi Thsteouse aig byhe ittle d ose n c theaeaf
hopsh h fidanoth y o it r at bk usfr shttngpeplpiteescp hs tiee
uda tlbtt i wih ceilwnhe efre'siAlic a un henck o bolw p belt
thosDRMEatlriteoinaelt t wasvrywl tDn tee li lew ntongto do
THT arrolo is ad
"n ewhetertsarke oisnornot' rseevrlceitle isr ut ildrn ohdgoutdan
pby wild eas a oer nplean tn llbechyWUD tremmer iplruti iend
had tauem suh ha r-tpewill u ifyou od toong antiuourfierERel
ubeda adevefge thaif urnkmu o a bottlmrkitsaos ti t dsgreewit snr
o te owetstlwsO k
"oisn' Aleeted ate it nndint ey thad n c sotomdaou frar
udaasentt oasshe vryso fisit hta osfelnsaAlic Imuteshutg uike
ateop Andasdeed she snnhehhder faerihtenp ath tuh thtwan
high i forginhghtlitl ooa lvly garen rstr he ae ewmte oseefh
wasithik nther e eltattnervous buhst iht d o sid to eef
"imyg o lgeheke a c Iwr wht Iud lk' s tie facywha t a aal ike
after he cndl bnoufsholo mbev eensu hig Arnthanog apedsdeied
ogong i thgd t onceut ls or rAiew got teorh fo hhd orten th itlole e
ann nt ac the ale orith found e colnotsbl hecd se iupay hrouh
gssad teherbes tolu oe otheg thb itw oo ippeawe she
hrhreoutwt yn t poor it ingsat wn d re
"o te yg liet aid Alice to ef sry
"Idvs youto lathsme Senerl gaeerlfeo ie tug ver do fo ia omse
scd sf serelsobrinarsinoereedocseeeredtryig bo e wrs r hig ctehrf
am croqe spayi an sefoh curio le o pednobewoele
"Bu it nouse 'ot o copt tbewo opeh thr's adnh ofeet t Eet pn'
Son r l oa ttglass oxtta lyngunertetbheoe ndfouninitaveyl ak
owhth rsT Mraufllrk i curt Wel I'l 'siliandfi makmoage c r the knd f
tmakgow maller I ccre n d eiher a e nohegar d Int re wihhpes' h
e lin anxoly tes
"Whichy hichahod hadn h t o heafe cwi wa gowin ansh asquite
sused n ttshremndt aie toe s ths enrallypshontcake but Alce
hadot uc n hwy epen nti utt--theayi thapen ht t e tedlstud foleo g
o n thoon S hsettwo d ry onfine tca osrdcrcedAe
somuprisedhatr me iefgot howtop oEngih
"nI'm enin ul lae elcopehat er s odyeet(fohen shlokeddtherty
eme balstut ighth wre r)
"Omypor tte fet Iwoo wi put on yrhoancsfr yunow r ure I_ shn
blI hl ea ra ea toar of o e e out o y stmanae e t w yu can--btI b id
to h'out lior peapteywon'twlthe wayIwgoets I'llg thman irfotseey
Csas Andshwo plnin oherslow s wulmaat
"Themt oby h arrehtoht n ow uyt' e edn rse oe on t Ado th
ITHALL)awtnos'm alng' Jn hereaugait h o ofthha in actasnw
orehifth dhonc tok upte legoln e n riedoft gadendoor PAic I aau
h coldoygonne sio okhroh nothe ar h oeebt et thugh asmoeesst r
se awn agaocry gi
"Yuht shm r' sd Alc areatilkeyou' (s wl yth)
"tgo nii iwayt thment telyou' shewen on alesesedi gaos of nit
w lrge al rdhao r iheea achn eal fte mhear lttepateringof
fintdaceae hasy drdhee oeeh ws ming w tWit t run spelrse wi
pofhitkd love in one anndlgai hr rotig alo gat hurmtteinisas cam
"h teDucheshe Dces Oon't sh esag i Iv ewaitig' ic so de tht sar
os helof aeh Rbc hese bnn w timidvoc Iyulss' Te abbt
sarvieydppd thwekglve ad e nkri a te arssras el g ic ok uthean nd
gad ah haehfainrelf l th tiesh lk Dear deo quee ehiis o-dd yeday
hins enojusta sa Iwne if v be hge n te h L methink w wheIgot h
mrn lm Inmembeeig ae difeent Bt ifImnot taetent to ihieor m
THShe eatpuzeAnd se gah ovr lhehildrns nw atwf th se g as hf e
if culdveb cangora sure t Ad'shifrairgesi suh nrinletsn ine st n
rl tand' urIc' Me I srt gandheh she knoss avr l BeideSE' sh nI'm
anh dr h zn t sI'l ry Il he tg tnw Lt mesee forimv twlvd ourtms een
d fesevi-h de I hanver etnyahta ever theMiltinb o'ify et
erpyonoithecpt ofaisanis iste c RmnRo--oASalngIm in shve be
hngd fbel I'ly a sayo thhltt-' nh csedherhd one pifh we inlessns
an r itthr oceudhoaredtag an orsddtcomh amathe sd oo-
Hodt lite ocodil Ioehis snai A outtrile Ovy ge sca
"Hwhhesgrin Hweal pa la n welolitishes n it gnl ml
"I'sthse re no h rgodssi prAlcads fleihrsas we o bMabl afr a d
Isalhae too a i tk tueanx o oos tlwihnovero mnlesonoar 'vadpmn
o t IabI'll sadwn hee Itlbe nue their pte d dw adan m pan eaal
lyupand hahenTel mtha i d hen f ln a rnlome ft lltadwnhe till '
mebye-oheaAi w a su burs fas
" do whhy U tir hdwn VEire of eigl lere' Ae said hsoke dwn er
hds nda sredt see t sh tnoef thRit'litteitkides wsewas ali
"owCA ha ott' se thog
"I mown sma gan Sh otpne ot tboeerf nfondta ea s s co gu s
ws owut two t iga a goi ohkiail sesoon fd otthat the e fi sth fn s s
nan sedrop it s iio ikgaytehe ha WAS naresce' ai a d ealfited t
th ncag t vrlhersef sin is nd tegaenandran wtspeac e e dor but
as e it or sshaganttte gd ywyingo hgs tle abe
"thisae h ever ouhtheor hildfoev s s hrev nd I de t'tdtatit is'
Ashe i theeods heflpedaer mmt la shews upt her chin i sa te
Hefidwta seshwfale tot saand in sIcgoak lw sei ereihbe eesoe ile
ad hace tohenrnuio thathevrouoo te Eglishostuid a umbr
baimaies eea soindiggng thedw epdes e rof log o anbin tem alw
i owvrhesoo aeo shwasn th po fthh aeh ses nefeth
"IhI hn ied so ch' i Ace shswam abouttryngo i ra o shl enheft
pos yeng drowne inmy own ter hILethgobe sur
Howeeeveryhniqeday st t se herd omtgslinan thel lewoffnh m
nrertae outh it afrt s thou sba wauioamusbu tnsheeebed h ashe
nwadson me uhati ay moue thtasppe lk hf Wldibe any u w'gh
Aice teak to th moEveryng sou-the-aydown r tha Itnk rikelyitaa
arathersomn rigSo se n
"O Mu o uote w o hs pool mry tommigaot erO eAlthi ms beih
af sekg as aner e sh a hig beorebutheremmberdhai in herhers
"Ase--oao-ta moe- mosOoe TeMsoet rh nivyaneed erto in thoe
t tle e isiothng rp doet ad Eshtugh Aice
"I resa aecouecove i lm tCque' or a e knwld fhisy c adn ey cl
inhow loggnthinghadee)oshe ga u stachte' hicwahefitn r nheso-o
he useae au lp t ofthwrandeeed qieral over it ft Oh e urardon ri
Ali tilaridthse hadurt te or aneels
"I it froyin i cat Ntk ctscri he Mousen a srilpnae voce
"Would YU lkcsu r
"Wel prapnotd Alcen asooh bag Ae s I cuhwyu our tnahI tio'dte
nccasiu l lysher Seiu dar iet h'Ac wnon lheraeziya nep nd he its
uris nicel eeliknhrawsndwange ac-a hescha nit igto nur--
ashe'suchapi one f chg ic-r r'ciea forhttheusewas rgl over d
eertain it tberallofede
"ettkohae iod rhro e iee' ihe Mose o ws tmblg wntthe oh tail fI
wd aknsch ujcr ilas HATED ts naty owug things t t mha t m agi'
"Iw'tindd' id len greyt chan sbetof orreuaryuo-o-o gh os ot ers
lice nt aly i sca ne lt dnaorouse Ihold lk t w litlrgteedeukno u g
curly n it'l tngswn or thetl it u ad its dinnenllsos o hiIcanremrf -
andilntfrmeyokno andhe ys s efulit' ousesit klsa at and--ar ice
"'mradv ed Fr thMs waiin awaym hera hard asicold k qu aoto
nh ools et h clleflyae it us deoco ck nd won l osrtrf yu oleth'
henushar irneoundaslwyba he sfacea qe pl passotought adi iw
rg vice
"et u e othehore e l llyoyhitoy dyou'unrtd y i iIha tsd ' Iwaigh
tim or h o s ginqcrowdwt bir andamahhall it r w Dckda Do aorn
an Eaet d sera theuo rearAlceed yd tehoeart swam to o e
ddaerlog arty thssmbd o t ank-e rswith dae ha i ulg clshean adit s
auncomforabe rsti ofrsashoto etrain ty csutonabuhid emd q ntr
Aie fnerselftakifmilalwt t s i he hadnow em a ndd e aanargmentt
tey ho atast tukno n s Imolrhanynmunw ee' dts lcwoldaowthok ho
o it ad heLorost rfudttel tt so mre t e Atast usehoedbe a pofuthty
onhe l ut
"Sit wn o you n ise omIou drng Tey a sat t oncn larrg h he os
thie c e ereanslyed on ors tsre wd cta cldifidotge dy vrsn
"he sai heMoewi a imrtae o rahs thedistt icalndifyolas Wla h
onqro au wa fythp as numd b engi owders dhad bee f tmuhccsd
trpi n cnue winn Moca t a Mrcan Nthumbri
"gh'id eoy wh her I y ard'sideouserng teliely
"Not ' sai the Loy asi Ithoho isa heM
" proe din anocr thesofr a thria ecre for m nee
tgadepatriotchbopofbuy f aisa-
"udWHAT i hDck
"n h serple ther cosy
"f coure yuknw ht ans'
"now easwllnugweI dtng sai Dck
"'geralyfogr Te quso s h id te arhiop f' Mose ddt ot ts uesin bu
hurridwen o-fod it advle o wh Edg hlgtometlliamandofe hm rn
li'sot t firmoeat uth solnceof Normns ar ouettgnnowm e oteturg t
st sk
"s wet ase'i cn amncho tonosn' smt dyea'
"n sead toemly rii toiseeIoett e etn ourhe ieaoptoeer res pekgis'
ad teElt
"Idn'tknhno afsenors whsmoreI 'tl yodoeith ne Eateo ht hi i soe
tthebid ered udbly
"atws intosa sdtoi n ededoe astthe bst tg te u drywula u-'Wa
Iasae' adliceno htsheh t kw aps ai it hOBOY gttsakan ee seed
iletsa ti
"hy th o
"hebe a exanis o doit as yo igte oty thhigorsfme int Il ll o
hdoangd st i akeut accoure ato ile ectshpes mariidte alth t er
acedage cors renr T o et heaaway' tth beunwhen helke ndeftf
whe telk ot nots okw henee as veroerhnthyhd en ighal hur rs
adwere quityagint Dodsudenycl u
" race er ndhalcrododiantig ndsknBt os i uestn otait a etd ogt
ad i safral timeithnenereso ts oredoon iwhich u ule asearein
hicueowhe teretd iecelast t osa
"EEYYhasw alms hve pzs'
"hoi to e ps ute s fves kd Wy E ofo sad oo pintngo Aicewit
igean e lt one rowdeouhecan u iose is Ps ced awha adinds
sepu hadnh pocen lled oua ofcofit cite twt tg oit ad hnde tem
onapehere wext onaicl ndu shusthae a prizhers un sihe o
"O cr'th ep veygra Waes have y gt iyuo'wen onting t Alie ntl'sd
"Han vee'aidt Do acrdonhone toly pene thethimbsyg W g ur
acptnceti eanttimlen whn anied tiosech t all ch ctug hewl i
arduthlle o gvtt se ot d to auga ased ottn faig o sse plowed n t
oing s en hd T nens t the cos th ced soeisdcofsion as helrge
irdsoanehthy coud ttthrath saohoked n ao be attednte ck v a ra t
d t wn gain n rn and gd h Mse to el e eg e Yu roid ttelmeyouhiry
ukno' aiA anw yohat' sadddin a whisr ffdtt wolofened a Mne ia
lng da d tesi ousernitAd sgig
"Ialgtaicri' sallokinwnith wn t the Mu'tbu wy yo its'n sheep
opiaboui ilheMsas skns at id the waomethiehs- Fury a o
ost e e th h tu th o law Ii rosee
Ye Itak o dnale s aa il or realyi
mge ot o aid e oush cur a tri ei h
nur oge old asg or re le jue 'l
ur cning l ry Il ty th
cu and oe o t ath u
arai'sitMose eeverly haeouhgof bgyu pardsAle ver hml
"yu atoh ifthd Ithk dO ed te Mouehpy ndve ngrly
"notsd ea aymk heesflaog xou at Ohoet he ndoit hll noi o th
o'ai e e gtngup d wala
"ou akgsunonsns I ddan door li y're o eailedyoknw
heoseonyrwene Peme bc dfnis yostr'Acale tiathersllined inch
"sesd' buth ouon so t d imteny ndle uik Wt y t wln'ta' gedth o
as a qiteightnd anoldCr oo t pportit ofsnoh ght dea thibe
leotoyeero oYU p' Hoou tguMa og raba itlnpsy
"Yo'e ngt ty he tice f oytr Iwhha urina hr kooid l aoessinood iticl
Sheoonfi c
"wh isnahi mightveturet shquen'st oAiceeidael e wsawyrad tol
ouheret iasrct Ands a capil e o ctcig c cnttnkn s ouuhr th brd
helleatalil das o lot t Ti sp ce mablntaot pt me f te birds hrr a
onethold ae ewrapin tef uverarely reminI realust gete e ni-detsut
myhoat' n ce t imblvcets chren
"Com ayders Itg m uweealbd'O rosprtxthe alvdaiceasotlone
"Iwshan'miod Diah'sesaidt ef inmelhoy toe od ses
ikehwheandI'sre h'he escintworld Oh ydea ahI e sl vr s an m
Aer p Aice ean tocganoshe ft velen lowpi Initl we hwver gahard
tle tig offps inthe dacandsd u egeyh hpg th he Mo hd ehimn
scomigkfii ssy

iebenoteie siti by hei nth k vinghin t one r tc head

eeheoohrtersrditit hanpcuro cortionn
"d w se of bok'tt Aic
"wiout cuocvro' h as ndegin e ow nawllasshdor hhymehfevry
ad sud)hethr taekn dsy-a ud b worh hube ofeingu pkigeie esdny
eRbbtwi eyas he wasnoig E remlein ta o ileik it Yhut the yto
hearbt e I a' henthug rfterws ccd he uhto hndatis ah tie leu l w
tactlOK H O FITCOT-T oot dered l ar to he e o itfshrsr in ha e
erbeo ee a bwh ithrisoae a th oo iad rnn ithcroi sa acthe fter it
aotwa j itm te i dow rg ra-o uer ge Inoe twlafeinvo sieownh wr e
wasto ttaan abbie wet sigton aunl so a dhdpedlydo
sudelttAlcehdno momet tkbosoi ersefosfoun hrselfllin daer e it la
ver dee flvy slyo she hadln oftieas e en dwn tkbout anwo
haaoinae nex Fsseldo an k twhtshwoin tu iareytthhlk t tid f t wll n
tidhy weildwt cudsak-el a ehe wmpcreng pon pe tok dw rom
oftheslvs as sditwased ONE MMAADEthegreatisaoit smpty ino l
o rohj a f i obysmaaed out iio oe theuoas as eell st Wll' thutco
hrefaf su fal a i sal n ohotund ss Hoahy'l lin at Wwodnsayin u ite
ifle toof es Wi s k rDwnn on the fallEoetann
"I wnr omnyisIvfe this tie'she ai luus tg smrner he cntfhah me
ee td fo hsnd s on thin-( yslcehadeat severah fis rihlsn thom
noha aERoort f sin he ode s theas onesn t rtlli ws godr yt oe)
"y tas aohrgt scebuttn I nerha Ltuo ogtue Ive t t (ce dia w iud
orgiteihutthuht the wene gn wsy) resntybn gndr ha fl rhRGH rh
Hw ft'lsem omon pep ha iththidsowaThenttItink--'(e wa a hA
iinghstma intsond let rd -but sal h as emteeof cour owse
aahNeelnor ustansheie eysh soe-fan TN youe flliuhhe r tiyucu
"ndaa gn ittlegl hl hk foskg tleverdtok perap le ri smewe Ddn
ee anthi l doso lieben
"Da'liseyh nhI soltn'Ds hct) Ioey' her rof mk e-e a my ear Iwiy
rdown hrw meTren mici i ard toughcath abadha's
eylikemonwBudts atwo'Anhicbe getrsl an wt ayin hrefina ray ty
"o tt D cb'andms
"etc'fo u se s heodnasituod't umter hih wa sh fetse wofad adu
ent eamte wswalkihdinhn nad i vrye
"NowDhe m th ou evrea b'he sdenlt t downsham po apo
ticanddryven lae i sta bhut ad sm ono eft in oe lokep
irerhedeeewnotr lnpaaandheWhiRab sguryig owtrs ta momeb st
wywetAlicel thewnandastn meea tsasit ed oarsan hskershwltei tn
close n i netrhecorbutabi lrte seeondhlfia l lohlhih aslit upow o
lms hifrmerf h we oosaloundelbuhyeelllocd dwen A aeel
waooidendte rtyngerdoorsheed d onth idedrnheasvertgetta dlyh
caeoalitlthre-ledtabosli gashrewsntgoie aolkedie irhughtat
gbogot dr f ea bt eir osw toago hk o mabt nrtit o o p o hem
However siond eaepo a l urtae onoced e ndbd wdr boifeennchig
serd h littegold te o ndoreatg ftt l opetednfout t edint lag nch
lagrna hlhenel ndod ao thpaaeitheeiga u ees hongd t
outftahlwaer bumntbdof bgtlowra hocfouin souov herhedthuhtda
neveif meodu'tt r Ae i d bofrtl ue itho ders OhowI olshut leleo II
oldf nlynot bi'yuomayuo--way shadpedty tha Aleu ink
hfinddwrealy poi Ted beno n witng bytldoohwet kot le hf pne
ightfnohr taboouf peopeiketesop s oa ltlebto it w erlwaser'said
lcnnhft te sprelwith o
"INK MEeiuid o rgee alvrylo aik eut i it ls notgoo T o o
s'dsewhad o o nt'feadre eeal nlihitrboutc odgtbt ndea p y
esaoeneasa thngsll bc yUnrember em rte frdh g emuhsa adopke
wll ryoifyl ito gnht i y t uriner ERYeeytha if i ll n shed er gtte thai
orinm m lmakeoo iti s ci tiarey ar toe r o e vnued o taianniy nice d
s f medaro ey-r sa i-apostturetof n hotbutts h v os ioufi sid Ae
"I mu shttigliklso nd oisine w y teis i n h fac bghed u at the
gttsewa otsi forinthugh h tle do it loelygFsw site o ti hewagn
inuhe se ellitevou abui
"oit mgyo nw saiAerlfign t oehri aadl na I ln A ee nwtfa iier h
cdl i bl s lno emm evrh eenuch t rlendingtattigorhapeedsdece o
th grdenone tfrlwheng fou hd rot lildenka en s tc te afi sh soul nt
siyah i shoudseiqi pl tg t ashrid hr btmb ne ftsotabbu olipan he
eh teesefttrnprlit n satdndci Coeeosicyin iehtilc sla saI ave y tlv
ie Shegvergd c(hgh e v o foloeditoetese c herse
vastrngtnteeocsheberdtin b r w ohvnce hefigm ofr easlagst hr
ocuii as fd eedino e two B it' oowthupor Alic
"opten oe toWy rehady eof e lefo e ON sectableer on heyefln
a tllbth ayin und tbshped nfdi iery a canwi hword
"ETM'ebai nutel aiAle it aeegrlrgnrectky imksm smar n eudeh
o siha'lentte gaendontr p h allebind said xiul t hrlfh ayWh woner
ah f ao eewich a w w d h ws ut edto fnd tshrih zeobes hsenlyh
o ae bu ce hadg somuh to thewyoxptngnti btootehs hapnt it eeq
ad i frtog oncommo S sh sttwor ar soiso thk iosr curous ieAie
(shas s h spitf t omtheqtefrh saod Enlih) pegu rt tlscpe hv a
Godbe' ens lodn a ree hee alt ouiwerggfa ff) O morite ewhlp
oyosh nockng odeas I'm s_san b be hll beagreat del faro tlme
uo o s g twyu c b ut beitm tuc
"perhasn't thaywntoo e Ivte a nwa tsvrs Ahton nt eelf hh
wuldmge t
"hey s go arr'hughta hofuny lsem sdnesents o o w t d hw theis
erhonstlkng' uhenhhea stuc agastthooffte hl c shno mretn fet h at
netoou lnk andhedf totegarde dr ooAle It as
mhshecodolingonnn sde ookthrgiteaen itneeyebtg trh wasoehoss
ev hean anan raa Yo uhbehedo yuslf' saaea l lke y shem wthi
"to yi n thisway Shimmt Illyo e e onl th sdg alonsoaslr s replll
oudhe bufuche racng a doe hall Afie tlattg ffe h dsace a aly ed
etat anI ste hiaturnin n essd ita arowhie doesi o nd a g e oth
heinalong arrmtti fa e cOht Des Desh onavife khwat'lie o e
tshwas o a lpfanyo soh e mer hebanlw foa - T bstre vdoppedt
we kd esa n ad iay res a as dgo c tpthefanadlosd he hllsry th
kfng hsel all htmswotkinr w e eyhgis t-dy yeerdy h wea l
Iworf'ebhandi tntLme tk theae e t tirnig lmstn rmmberfee atleife
Bt if'ot te sm quston on word I ATHAe gatzzle d sbatkge allte
hink a oth meg se te f se avben ng foratem 'ur Id'ssa
"hair goi clgrlednt gon nt landI'mrc Mablo knoaosf ths n
hsekwsry l BeesE he 'm Indda wpuzingtais Ilr knlt tigedt kwtm si
wle a fur tie s srtead otmesevenisdearIalever t e tat at
HweMpliconbe osnt sg lt Ggrapyoon i h aal o aid ris iecai
RomadR-HA' alrogmca musta ben chefor blIl dsywtheltl--
anheshhnso lp asewre yi ss g pt bh sue oa tre r d toe sae hs -
Hoh it ehs hinal Apot ohe i veryole a
"whflyhse i Hntlpe laws ecomeilehes Wtgetlylja'
"Iueteae heihwd sidlicanhye fdwtesgai as o
"I st Mata n sa hvo andlie n ha poyihs adt stn o rs ylen l Ie
ae mdit im Mal l do he tle n settinreasowdayinp in deaIl olyloupd
sh at T a rt nd enlkbeingtape'e u intladnretll'mbody --r crie
lewsunbst ta
" wh they ULD pthe dI RY teigl e sheihis eedonan a sidtoea
sha unn fh bitsltlwite ilehi e a tk CN hdetha hht
"sb groial n pd weo e tbet meauehsl binud t nrla e se wnw au f
n oinrni id on fno at the cseosshe fan e holingdot tjstn
aningwylogee at r a sid Ac oddaliah su ane tv dt in sfl ntndfor
tnd sean led ao held btee oor ahutga andh le goekyasgo hls tl
"ntis awrene'uthpor hi so ml hioe ver Ad cla is tdt i Aseaid
ths rserfotsli nnoherets sh pto r hi sat wtr f wst he a omfaleo th
"nith ase angba ailway hd t (chd b tote saeocinhef andcheelsin
ttwhve ou g ton gcoaid anueobanmch n t sordgn ithea odensphe
awf ldisnnd tem ra st) Heve s e outta se was eooo tas ihsh pt
weh a feethg
" wih admdAcsshwm abou trto hera ou
" llbusdfr i no ppoe rd es hIbe qt se owerrhng quee ayt theshe
headoeiglasgbinheoa ttl wy ffn sh s narme uwhwa st h i us a
wrusiootmb hhe beedho smallshas oasoma t tt itwasol utspednl
"ou bfnyse nowtotAicto pt hsme vrytiis oou-fe-drhld tnkyca
ayaeheorm tr oebean osun ey outofthisoo ey ire ofmig ore Os'
(leuhtth ub th htaof peakig omue nv onsuhain bfoe herehavnsro
in raA u-o ue mamus- mus'u loedrater nitey adseemd er thnflle
yebutiaohng Praid' dghoh idsarn muse omev th WilatCnqro' F
witlwdeoyAeadnveanotiolongoathghapne seeaga u s ciwfrssetei
herec lesooo The Mou gesen leap ou t wteneemdtqulovet
OhbgyadriAehily d urteoonils elns
"I tfgtudidecs
"Nt at ie on rillaioat Wl Y ietsi yowr e Wlhsti Alicasi toe
"' b n bu A isIcoloooi i udeacy o atf y udlsee uh aer qt ingAlc
wn ot sf ashslil hnds itspin l bt feiger awn ahihefac-dshisuncotti
onure- 'ha cafhinmce-eg your pdoce lcgthsim h Musbgav ndshe
fet c i utray fed
" o't a au an mre rate W iedihoe howas tmbdnn o i
"sif IwualocbjOuawasAT c nsto vularhs Do' lt meha tem a o'
ed ad Alei ge rrohanhsbjtovsati Are -- fdo-ogTMu innsw icnt oe
"Thish nitgneaoru oud k o o itl bgtdrryk wihosch lgur rw
hainditlet thiwe wthmad it'lsu ndb o it nnlsts of hingsnt remrof th-
ant beo t frrounowan sys osftswrth ahuned nss ta nd-e r Ace
aorow 'fi' end ant wimmi y fohers hrsi cul d mkqui mmoti i e p a i
Se c oteriMouse rDmaagainn n' abo r gseherfd' lh'When hus
edisttrnd ru n swm lowybck o eic as qtpa(witpaso Aehug ndis n a
otrb voice Le uso reeI'lltu hsy anollunty Ie cts dd' wa igtieogoor
tep quitcdedi d nnias hat d fn nti tr eaDndaoaLrdn aglea
vaoherouraur idhewyad tewhsa eorhe ei aqeeloknga a ad
nthrdihdggle ts tnhi fuclinglseto aipietcos ndnmfta first qeo atet
daieh aoltont t n aft af muteiseeqi ntu c o ndhe alkn alihtemif
henow maern s d uitearumeithLryho at lstundul d old sI ler hyo a
nweter'd ti Aioul ollo u wg how oi w nds thrpoiivel reuetoeits here
wasnoetbeai AtsheMewedt a en otoriyan temlu inl lstn tm
ILsnaou rog y asadto ge w usei t midAcke h ys axslfiitrhe fel
uhewl cth cl seidngetrver on
"m'sai heMoit a antiroualreshers th n ell odi leseWiloqrrwos sw
red hpop on bmito e gl oanlads da bflt hustme uuptin coqes n o
teerlsoM and Nrra-'
"U ai eoryit aie
" ur pron idtheMfoingbutve olly
"Di o a' o heLha
" tugh dd sadt Mo --pceeddwinadMers Mri nNothumi
dedhandeen Stand tpaoiarcpf anyod asabl-'
"AT'sa th undTM eiedrtoslrs younwh
"owa t easel n wn tgst uc
"tsgeerlyor aorTe snitearbioind' eMotnoticthisti but rredl went --
fisgo withErnto me Wi ferimthcrown Wlia'sdtrsas der tih No-- Ho
a tinw er' ioteuintolis ke Ae asr'i Ace n mean oesn em tdrmt
aInthcae id e Donl ngo sft
" t ti n formi pio enerecemedi- pakEngs'ieet
"Id' te mif f e we teeeyohr' A tEalet ot e t amlototirsttead W sn
to sysa heod in aofen
"w t teigo getus dd e cs-a' Wht IS Caucce'aid Ali o atsh c obt
heD puse ifttMBDYht pako n e em ncid a ytn
"W'i th o thbes tai i to d(And as g loe yrsel omidy Iil tuo t
odoage Frt i mareota -se aotclthact a en'te't d hn allteptye
lnthurhereaheTee nnee adwbteyngwhethlkeanlefof heyid at
soeasy n henherc oe Heve hentha ein h n oro weuie d anoudn
cle outhrce andtallownn akB han hsquein h dol aerwho ageat dl
that r ongmi oneine pess nsrehed pson in ch yo alySakpe hic f )l
te rtwisc lsho s
"R h nadl st hp Buois tgitheizs'uite cr visskdHE 'sieD pin o
Alwitonen th ol artatoncede ru cigu osdyP PzAlih ea o d
diuhhdirokeadouofomi cl te sl e antg t hanemrundses e sxacl
apilunt ut are rlfuowaid Ofrse' thDorpie v raeyWa shu ourock' h
wnu Ae hbe sai Aiel here'i dyaroded dher eo wl e ooen
"bgy aeptn het thml' nht dedth short ylheed itte tveraburbthya
ookeo gavetha t arlad col nottnkningto hsil okhe tibleassoln
asscld hething o et e cmi tscausd some e andsa the rcomaiedhat
ud tse eanesls choeand atb ate he ckevrta vea ladeysatg
igadbgtee ltm sehinoe o rostl osoryu 's icea yit isu teC he dda
hsrlf afi t woldeoeg
"Mini longnda tae dthMonigtoesghI I ong talet aidlinnth der
hMe ti h u cal a h poabuti iltuse ws seg so ther ohetaewasehes-
ury o u Th tte o eu ot l ll roec U-
ome ll al msv F alths mrnng nti
o Sd moue uh a tal dear i W
no o dge e at our r jude' er
a nig ol 'l r l cau and o
yu to de'o attenaitselicser
"Wtary thnkingof
" beg u adsi Acvrumblua gti ed aN'c Muse srpladyg
"Anot sie ay edyo ake ersuu d okinxioyaut hr olt elp d I s
onotst'sdhe ouegettinp n wking aa
"Yu nu m btkg schnene' I did'ta lded poo Ace
"reseiy offeneou kn' Te Monl oln r ls co akands yutry li alti
nhea orples do bth loishe pienledlittle e
"Wa ityitwodn 'ighd he oyas ooast qto o ratok opuiofsto hr gA
da se alesnty oseYtmHdurue sate ogra lttspsh Yoe ou t
yhpence ooser
"Iws hdu iahhere kw I' d eaddresng obipr She'doe bak nd
osDii ittr to uei aid tLry erepie er o she aawy ra t tl uthet
"Dnh' ca Andecatalnefoahnc you tin nh is yucol se es la ileird
on lok t it i seesa emarbimonthe Som birs h fe toldgp egn wrai
ifup vyau ari
"rustgttngme h-dsn'su y trt a Cr cl atblig eitchiln mwy der I'
tio we le' Oaos pr thylvdfnAl sn e IiIha Dnh'aidto he ao tonoy
ems lkeern nsheheesanewrl drDa ef hlseuany o'reoAie
nocyaifoseetrlnel adlop te ih gahalatgfpsnhedistnad kd upgel tate
osaeim d waomig ack inisistr

Ae bing to vyrf tn bron an avhing ncoi apedihebootsedgu

npcus cesai dathuof oo thuicwhut ooesa' eas cnn inheown
mdsll scodtheodyee eryle supi) heepaue okndis-hul e ee
otnupaeisiwueyhea kyers hr s Rrehat il hktER muh otof e hte
bi yl arOh dearIshal le'wnthottafewds t oud ohrst were hiuat l se
tnatl)t heRbbull TKACUT T TPOT alooa ate nAest hecss in
hderbeai it eihe wapct oa watu fiir e acosfefte aorttl a me
toeepon algrithoe nertdg ten o wenta ivrc cengo w sewa t oai
Tri-et titonik f ay die uddldo udead ont g erlerehefund hrd v
dee erwellae ey sow forshapn wn okaueadoone t sogpnFis tr k
doa kowt e wa cbuitwak seyhigtedh si elnd ihhe efewalvhere
atshsw pspithun e he tok dnjarfo o hee she e islel
"ALD'hget ap wyshi nl ja rfel soboo gtoutie uar fl st tel
gAicthrfecafa a tik thn lidwn brv tlaltk mehoe y I lyyt bot efel
hu'ser ly) n aNRo d
"Ider ieI'e aenyim' u I usenerence oht tme thlbthdonInk'( se
Aclrn eh ts les had hissn V godposern hen olstenoerslio
rticeaite)--su tt d-tnndr tuuIvgto' chdna t Latiewanideiutugthy
cewdt l she ena iIshtHGahwfny'l ooumo el ih ddoardenistk--(es
atr adthe So e li hs tm stioundhehwrd)- lh thmwat meoheuris o
na a heeador aindhed use ssekfnSaoiouh hk cumait
"ndhatnittegsh'l tinkm r ki eeoa erahalswtuee ndonon ee nel
do so Acnenkgi
"inahl iemt-i ld t' nashat)
" p'll re hr uc fiae Dmy ar Iws ywdonhmTerearo e fai migh t bt
as l kowBoeatsIwdr' AndrA b el t rsfn amso
" at tDtseasd t
"as cs'foo s c ith ntdd'taeriaptefltt sdohus gn odet hs i ntadsi
o e eryrih lme ei o a' wh dyt thp dnhe uo ofsddle dhalws c at htd
supdu e eenot lou b aalvrdeore lonaae a tWhtRbtwstlnur i re ws
tmeela Alihd adsust o iurnaOy rsis watt's gg hwslo eineeu tcrb
Rbt s logobn hefnheef lwaws bya o fpaigre oor l roueallt lld
hneadb l t w nosi noryg eeydr edothemeonernowheasr t Sdh
ue tegedb aeo a eti texcp atny laifu wtimbeot ot oeh buehethe
eoar atallt yrte tt nohev th snd ruh ulo ctaihd ot icoe ndbh ale dr
btffte ereegln yi ctoer lfi Ace oee rnfndha int mll aagotcartr-ho
he neowan loo aghepsgen vest geyeaegedet ou hak
danbogosbfnoutans cloen trdthdor
"niwlohghopor lu oveltswou w Id hu pa lcopkulfIlyn hwtei
Foyoe omn otothw t analhlichbegunhika fwnded yoie hreednsen
igthl sstktehahpshih e t n aook fleouipu lescs t ehef lttle
i(elywaherforesi)drundte oth botew erlabehthwRK tfuprit o ti laetr
Itwsvr saDnk' ewiilceno o TA fi's nh ike osrn'r s e
senttiesteddee bwil beasanthelaa igsll beahyW neb ths rinhdath
sh astaa-pr ln yu y it on tatfuctyurfigVde ie s n seevroenh
ydmcrobemontisrtadwhsnorblwa NOk
"i venrdtn inyeh ntotmefv ocryapea s ketfeed tbtetoasvr io
" cuous eli iie u enu else a hew o hs iafc rp uhthashwao g ie
ging g he iteonhrFrto itd w mitet ehasgr rhrsltvoboirtmgdy' sid
lierselny gig lgelkecnd wt Isho eh' nhrifnywthefeacnekarteai bwf
o t rerhth r wlfidgt gppedcedongnrd onbuas ole hn sotoh o
rgottethttleoenk dh hale sn sh pba itsheud ulnt hel e terbetooo th
lsf ete lpey nwad ire huwtnolltgs i ete' usriethaa eosefrae py
" dseavef siu' Sheale ey chuev dwedass shersselst bese a
one heemeego e nas rdhere iaoroq plaingaahsfccl we fpoeo pe
"'ou tgh oAorbe wprs gh mt to secrson'reelit a thwa ig ueb
shpdiand un n lcn whictheo
"EAwe meus
"llitsi Acn s e gwrI nrehthe if mewmaludethdsee 'l hdeanawihpp
a a iebdxiuy el
"ahc in er etofer e o wihy w oigane aquri toi ths eaiehsmei
burhi gnraypensebutedg h nttefepcg nthnguu-twahi t hisdi dlap
foogn m a oe ryoinhe ce uis diousclc (e hursed thafthoequtet tk
o iw'ning outtheltheve oeeor hnhloowfte ee ost ou igygett arf) h y
e tI newhoi ut yrss a soonowse _ le hl e agaofao tlauy oumu
mantbo- usndtohmtut o hapsteyn't k yat g liee a r o
ooytmsdsent plghesf w s dmagithestobterrirhethuh a w funi'llse d
snt oefet d ho hdrns l RGH O R FD
LCE'SOVEdewhtnon' ang reskteof hhl it mothn nintad e tok
hlitglen yidf ae or t asuah c onnnesetlo to haewihtothrehles eve
dnd ega n Y ghtobahouel' dA gat ri (eghwlsatis) t gnr ih pioIy
wentol malotarsne saaroldafou hd ad rcighlwnhehall
fraieseaaitle e i se hd eoe as ong thehbbitnpetaiotoves
iohadafi thter me ttg lg ngt un tomsam
"he uestecssOhoth fke hertn'e ftdp a reate aohnbi amn e bgin
a lwivoe fs-hRbt tavoty rdth itead hfnd k aaodknesaasodg licto
ananldashla tsheeinesefl mes n tg d uevehg itonesdy gswn oju
su I nfe e h ighteam s rin l th aembinalite difeBt fIm ntthte e
ueston h i e or HT' threuz hegathig otil ae eaa shrs e
houdaebned fny ohe
"nt 'e fgo nshismniges talnre I na fnwlr ftngs d seo shkwsa y tle
iE'e I' --hao pzis ltI althgu t wteoumf lvafe siih dteioher lleron at
hra owve t pctialetiiy et'tegrhy i itaraaiapa oom eA ronIrti v enchn
orl rnda elit'adhosdh hansr af er ayn ngnra tr viddares anh os
hath usdo- H thitteool mo hshai dwaershee nrygosc ow
eeul ogr Hwal spr sc d l ltfsi h tnjsmts otih aorAice nd
heeyilwsag a s
" eabe a lad a oandlvntoyil an a nn tyop h ndo somlarnN mdi'lt
eei ig easanypgdr allonl lnd sahm hatsthnf l i r'l ce f oI
oilIsoeeuer rilae sots
"o y ODphe ads ow oERired ige i th he k rhsdssrr t se
pneotabtew i whhatlkiHow ae don t' eugt ue ro al a' houan to th
aoesurehe y it a tat ras could u uoeed oing ngriyhodtaf a he as
on op astlieaoi igylther hWa nos o dlite sen ch ueyl tof rlineitn
anther' anhe hllspdcoti ort athe le or ad lg wsgoneass le aborg ar
os nve ooci
"r hiefreeer Irei tob h Ash heoshrpped namn hw r
chiniawatr frs eaa soenih dits I cnac bywa er(Alc he erd hdeote
e consioth reuhelh cot yu anmboima ea omce dn esnith wdensp
tn aong oadbhi t rai stio) eshstt ses te wsh a
eesaeehiI'rido'iessaou oindhewao Ihalhfouppose b rwned
mynrs hgbre oe iquershh esethnplsgothpllly f swm r uta fst sh
imuteal rhiootuuheemeehw mll anhe omot hiwoyaus tdipdin ere
"W bof o'hotAli
"to ptisyhino--tayonhe thtuiveylkyk a e'rng Sos be
" use oewa utfi e ird imaoerOs(li usst b igwopa ahadero suc a
hn frurebd avi senh oeLinmar
"As-f eoae-ae- ousoe aertrsiy a eme thwiniheit liyb sao Perhp
ton ndeElhthot AieI at a Fremo veiiaCoe' i a er efhsy ieh v lron h
lggonded shba
"usache'hcwfiet rFressnboMu aasudeep otoh wtenoer alv
hfhyo prdre tlardadrt t porns felig t or y s
"oike csce teMein lpitic
"YOUec ere ' W ap sAcshie d'g t Atis col ho y orh Iikou a anto
tifyooud see isucae h Acnt l t he m l teoan ssurrgs lyyte lk
hadigefed hssh aoft g torsnd esc apt cah mcI eyrron crlc o thi
osws n he felcit m ed
"won' a ayfyraot e r tMuswsrig wn oe eff woo u OmlHAE asy
lns't na w'td'a e inarty chst iA-eofdo' eMseidotsero Ale ly
"Teruait da orueshoe shwylbreerreooclcuyownidl tgwny td t'll
ninraalo in- nb ltaieont ame o e iso lt'sw roHkisl a ad--
da'idAiawfuteIafrd oean r ouesiarhs icldod mg quemtiepool i So
caldsfyaiouarDak agand w 'kocas dg ih ehese aite ad mlwy aitf
wa tho ichtit ainati gthI ty aol unstan tsh o Iahgtime g
sgegudwhrntt haei heer c alasr tcoururlicle thelety t heindealoi
r tabha- dggle eatrhenmt ei ingosto drpn n mb heirf rsahwto e
teyhad sultatiotanafeiu enta ireltkgay iifhdn teae ad alnggu ith
te Ly w lst urnduy woon aaolrt ynmustkno tter' dhAeu n
alwwhknonhod wst ptveysdto el itgtrsmetoi At the wmtbpoaramh
"S nallou ito ae oh' at acelrergeomde Ackprsaxil xe fo e t ul
a b o io etryvesAm's teMouw an oaa yl rh iseist kw ece llrd f
oupleae ilaeoqrwwave h oassom toby Egihowtee ha bn la
muudsundconstdwntsorc uba
"U' idthe oth sveropdit oerwgbut epyi up o Isaeorytiyodi'deose
ped En ao alMia rumr eaod tga theatitiobufodtasab
"FdWT' de D thMoerplirr rs
"fcrskhe I enwelhfi atidhecktgl fg o h ttih co fn'h dtic ts stt hrt
ni ieo oathen ometilidofrie cron imscondt irs Benc ofhNorm-
Howo inoya netno as i k t eaiA ahl t doen se r m acehe ol riftIe
meajrnthe imete ofeeceis--pan' ai Eagl
"I't the ioal tolnn mr o' eeveyuoe'dEaged s he od esmhttd bl
"Ww in s id do ffeo
" a ettho yoe Ccrace' I-raceadlt thsanthto teodhes itohtt SEh
tokan nl semnce osanying
"' dh
"tt pli it(An so mihtle try htyus oe rd lyu Dmaditt rkoac-oeor cie
"tc pe oestm hhatyweeled o rende eewso re anway' bt eybnn
he lan of wntk otatteay enhwrevh hyaennnig n osnwqud agn
tDodycldo Te rr' adhey crwd nd tpngas
" hwo' hein d colnteitgdl dflng withoefgrs uot oed esi iwy ae
akeartheits of lt res teinietat thD
"EYDs onllut aep B whis ieerzeqiahuofcask S f cus edopinl w
fngand ewprtyton durcalt f ieies awatt aidesaiutennkenl oa of
cfikil haaerh o) a teprhereaycl ru mtha pzherelf e u
"a elsu iyouph on ug i be sdieady
"d e er ah d Tt alcrowdrouerne whileDod n pende mbsage
ccecsie h ia nishhorth cherd Aceugtg rabuks t hi noe lgst k h
tsayilodok eoinasm s sld tin stohostedmoe oua haesoie co
ntherd h mllnchok ahd bpatd aHowerias sao in andMo totl smto
ol mriro lcadyt e-Can 'add n srhlfaraihai oudff in ie alg atldh
rintlningItS aon ti' iilongdwi wo at teotw citsa'd e
nattlehoepeasthid hlessmeing s Frdt eht e u L
t li ru Coe 'lltkn ena W aa tl Fo
eay hs morn e og t a moe h ti ei i
oury o ol sn u ath l be uel eury i lr
l he e n n t d' Ya n
attig' sdeMuetice serelyt ey inig' gyo pri vruby
"o oe ifh d NO e te e sre iy
" oAliclwadmklufoo xy heeptnd it
"Io i ho ait ose gtindalna ilt b tlksosenI eed or uy seailyn Mseo
gwil Plaecbckdsury lld atr itthr all jndhose eeuteMslokitseailane
" itldsy gtsoos waitot o hn ol r t totf aygedaueh Lthsesntoyuveo
"od ton ygrb ltnap enug t trttcof a oe harnhekdaie lddssnobip
Sedof k
" oiDI ghtvnta quion i or Apleesh lar abt inahoa u pitan otccu
thik yo e rfe thr eaa leir so asokt Tspe d rli mntparye of s h ao
oolMgbgnitsfrferingIau gnghe hgtit moan nr caled o ti tois hn
"ow s t' hme be'vaits tloofand lice wae
"i Iad't nin sheido eli mtone odsso n n mseh
thestcatewldOhmah oerifrseeyre r ri e af she flrlnelalo-tdn i
owesegan ttergo heta hlkeuey a igtate uhcgeiindad i backsh

Acwasbennng t eteie f sittingy er itront ak aof havin nohn t do

oneor twesheadped ntothbk h siter was readng t t ha no icturor
cversats in it
"and ht is heuse f bok' thought Aic
"toupituresorconvratio' So se was consiri he own mind(swll s
she old foreht a mdeer el ey leepy andstupd) wethert pleaue of
making a dais-chain woul beorth the toubl of geig uanpicki the
dasiewe ddnlya White Rbbit wih pink eyes an clseby her ere w
thig soVRY remarkabe ht no i licethink it so VR muchouofthe yoe
te Rabbit saytoitself
"O ar O dear Isl be ate' (hnse thouht t oeateras oedto ethat
ough to have wndeea hi utat the tme i lseeequte atual butw he
Rabbit atua TO AWTH UT FIT AISOAT-POCKTad look tit a en ui
on lie tarted ohf for it fashed aros her id hat hhd evebefre sen a
rbbt with eite astcoatcket oaat takeout of andbrning tcuisity he
ran acro efieldater it artuatey s just itme se it op w alre abbit-o
ndr thhede Inotermome nwent Alce after itnver nceconsderin
hw i hwldseas o e o gai T rbit-hole wstaigh on like unne for
sewa andthen dipeddny down o suddn a Alice hadno a moment
tothn about stoppng rselfbeo heundhsefaling don vey epel
Eththeel ws very dor sh fel vry slowl or he hadletyftm a se nt
ontolook abot he ado wdrwhat as ging tohapen next Fistshe
tredo ook donan mak out what sh wa omno ut i w too arkto see
nyhin thensh ooked atthe es of thewelad otcd a they we fild wt
cupbardsa bkhelve hreandtere she sw aps an pictureshungpon
pegs Se ok downa f nof the eves she passed itwa lbeldORAGE
MAALDE' ut tohe grt dsapoinmnt it was pty se d not ike t doth jar
forfearf kiingsombo sanag opt t into one thecboards s he el pas t
"Well houghAce herf
"aferuch fal thisI halthink nthinf tumln dostairs o ave the'l al
ink m toe W Iwudntsa anthig about ien if ell ffthetopof the
oue(Wh as ery liky true) wn dow own Woul thefal NEERc oan n
ner ow man milesI'elln y ths tie' hesd aou
" st egettig omwhr na th cntre ofheearh Let see th ld b four
touandlesdn tn-'(fo youse Alice had latseverathingofts ot in r
lssonin he scoolroom nd thouhhi a nota VEY goo pporuity forshi
off he knwlede s tere wanoonelistento her stil it was gopractic
"--yes ta's about t right staeut tnI wor wat atie orLonitude Iv g
to' l hd no iea hat Latitde wsr ongtude eter but thoghtthy wer
cegrand ords to sa) Peseny she beanagan
"I wode if shall fall righ THUGH the art Howfnnyt'lls to ce ou
amn the popl tht walwth th ownward h Antipaties I thnk-
'shewarterad he WASn oisi hstimeas itdidnt oud a all the right
"--bt I ll ve to a hemhtthena fthe counry is onow Please Ma'am
is ths New Zdor Araa' (anshe redtcusy aespke-fancy CTSEYING
asyu're fallinrough h ai Doyothinko culd man i)
"ndwha n ignrat litl rl hell nk e foskig N t'll neve do t asprhaps
sal see it rttn p mehre' Downdown don Thr as nohin eleto
sAlice soongantalkgagain
"Dnh'l miss me ey uchtnight I soud thin' Da steca) hop they'll
emebeher sauer of milk ttea-ime Dih yd I wish yoer down er
with e he re no e in h ai 'mafraid but ohatch bat ndtht's very ke a
ose you kow Bt do cats eat ts I onde' nd he Alice began to
getratheeepy annt sayingto hrsl n dreamy sort of wa
"Docat at bats D t ats' mes D bteat cat'for yosee sse ould't
ans etr qustnidin't much mtter wich way heut t She felt ta she
sdozing off ad haust begun to deat shw waking had in hand with
Dinah and sayingto h veranestlyNo ina tel te ut id o ever a a
bat'when sudeltumpthumdown s a upon a hep of stk and ry eave
thfals over lie ws not ab ur ad shejumed u tor fetn oment she
lookedup t it as allark ovrabfe he was aother ogasag n
theWhiteRabit ws stil n sgh hrryig dnt Tere ws no aomntoe ot
way wen lice like th wnd ad just i tm oear itsa asit rnecore Oy
ernd hiskers w leitsgeti Se as lose ehind i he shturned te cr but
teRabbwas no longer o bes hfoun hslf a og lw hal whichwas litup
by a wf lamps ngigfromte rof Tere werdoorsall rond h hal buttey
ere all ockand whelieh ben al hwaydoones nd up theohr
ryigevrydo e wakedsl own th middleonderingowse waser t gt ut n
dely she camupn ittletree-ege tbeal madeofsolils heeasnothngo i
expt a ti golde ey and Alices fs houghts t tmight belng to ono the
doors ohhall bt alaseiterth os re to lrge or te keyas o sabut atan
rae i would o openanyf em Hoee on thescod tie round she e
upon a lcurtain heh ntoced bore and behind it was littler
abotffteeincheshigh se tid he lilegolden ke n helock and t he
reatdelig itfitted Alce opnd he or noud ha ld ito sa passae not
muhlrer thn rat-ol seknelt owanlokaong tassage nt teoveliest
garde you evr saHow he longed toget t of t a hllad waraboutag
thoseeds obrh owersandthoscoaiut he coud no vn gt
hehedthouhedorway and ven fmy ead ould go rouh' hgt pooAlce
"it wou be vryitte se wthut my suldes h ow wshIcouldhut ulike
atelscope I tn I co if I oy owowto begn' Fr youee so many outo-
he-way thinghad hap laly th Aliced bgno think that ver fe tg nded
weerelly impossibe here smed ben s in aiting yhelittl oos ewet
bak tothe tale l hoping she miht id e e on t or a any rae bok o
rule for shutingpeopl up ie leps thste she fod littlbottle nt
(hichcetywa not hereeo' si Aie) ad ound henek f h bottle was ape
lal ih ords
"DNK 'euiull prnted on t nre letrs I ws al very wel to a
"Dri me'bt he ise litteicewas no gngto do THAin hrry
"o I'll oo frst' sh sad nd ee whte it's marke poson or n' f had
radsalnce little hstrie bout hlren ho had g brnt andeaen p by
wlbasts nd oher unlasanthingall ecas ty WOD notreember e
simple rl therfrnds adtagt them sucs thata re-hot okell burnyouf
yu hld ittoln ad thatiy ct ourngerVERY deely wih knfe i usull bd
ndshehadner forgoten ht fyou rink muc from a otle mrkedpoin'it is
amot crainto diagree wihyousoneorlate eeths bottl wa NT marke
"pio Aiceventuredt taste it nd finig i eynic(it ad n at asrf ied faor
f heytat custa pne-appe roastukey tffeandht bttre oas) shever
soonfnised it off What acurios eeli sad lie
"I musbe suttin up la tescope' Andso it as in shes now ony ten
ncs hih a erfacebriee up t theohtthat se sn e rig size for going
toug e little door into that loveyardenFit however heitedfor a few
inteso ee fhe ws gongt shrik ny furh sh l tte nerou abutths
"fr itight n ou know' ai lice to erself
"in m ging altogeterlikea cae Iwonder what I sould b liethen'
Ands tretofay at th flmeoa candle lk ar he cadle is blown out for
shecou notreemberevr vig seensch a tigAfra whl finding tha
nothing or happnd e decidedo oing intothe garn atoc but las for
oorAce h shegot orhe od he ha forgtenth littelden k adwhen she
went ac tohe tablefr it se ud he coul no iblyeachit she cu see it
qute plainly tgh thegssandshe trieder estto clmb uponf th egs of
the tble but i a o lper whn she a tiredhersefou wttyng h poo tle
thing sat own adrid
"Cetr's nuse cyin le hatsd ce toherself ratheharly
"Iadvise u o ev of thi miute he generaly avehrsefvry oo avice
(thou hevery seo followed it) anometime shecoed heselsoseverel
a brig tears ino he ees an nce se rembere tr t box e neas or vig
ceated helf in age of croquet he ws layng aginst herelf fotiscurios
hil as vey nd of reding t be twoeople But it' o useno hogt oo Aie
"opretendto be two eop h thee's hardly nouh o me
lefttomkeNE resct ps' oonhr ey fel alittle gasbo thtws lyn under
talshe oened it adfond ii a vry alcke whh ds
"AT M weautily marked i urrns
"Wel I' ett' sadAli
"nd f makesmegrow agerc rea the ky nd if itk egro smaler Ica
crepue te door so eiher waI'll ge itthegrdnand I don't crwhch
hpen Sate litlbit n said anxously to hrself
"Whih wy Wich way' ig her hn n the top ofher hed to fel which
wayitwasgrwn andhe as quite surrisedto fidtashe rmaied the sme
ie o b surethis gnelly hpn whnon es c bAlic had got so much ino
h wy ofexectin nothing but t-ofthe-wayhigto happe a isemedqie
dull n pi fliftgo o i th ommoy Sos set to orad very oon
finihdofthe cak
"riur and uroer' cied Ai (he wso uchsurised ta fo the momet equ
orgot how to a godEglis)
"nowI'm eng out li th lgest teeop at e Good-be fet' (fo whe
shookdown her fet tey semed to balmost ut of hth eregtng so fr
"Omypor littl fe Iwe wol putoor soesantocings o ou nweas I' su
_I shan'teal Ihall e great dealto farof o rouble mlfabou yu yu
must mange theest y yu can-ut Imst b knd totem' hougt Alie
"or pehap y wot lk the w I wanto go Le see l ema new pair
ofoteveChstms nd she wn on lnigtoherse hshe ol aagei
"They ms o y thecrrie' ethoht
"nd howunny t'llsem sdng rents to ons own feet An o dd th
dirctins ill look LI'S I FOTSQ HARTHRU EAR
nnsenseIm tlki then her head srucaainstth rof of the hall if s was
now moetha in fe high d he at one tookupthe lttle goe key and
huieof ohe gre door oor Alic It wasas muhashecoud dlying
dwn n one side o lookrouhoth rden ith one ey utget throgh as oe
hoels thaneesh satdow nd began cry again
"ugh to haeof uef' sid l a gret grl like you' hgwllaytiooncryin hs
wy Stop ths moment I t u the wnt on ll th ame sedinggallonso
ears unitre was a large ol all rou r abut foiches deep an rachngal
own th h Afera imsh rd a litte atteng of fe in h distan an she
hstly ried hr yestoseewhtwaciItwathe Wite Rabit tringsplnddly de
wih a ai o whitekd glvs inone hand nd large faintether
hecamerttialong ina grat hu mttengto himsef ashe Oh te
DuchessteDuce Oh won' hbe svae f I'v pthe wtng' Alice elt s
esptethat she as eady o ask hel o ayone owhnthe Rabbicame n
he she egan in a wimid oice
" yolaesr--' he bbit tarted voletlydroped hewhte kd ovsnd the
an n kuriwy in e aknss ashard she cold go Aice took he fan and
glvs and the hall ws very she kept faning hesefall te ti she went
"Dea dear Hoqeeveythi isto-y And yestday tingswn on jus as I
wonder ifI'e ben aned he nht Lee thin was the smwh I got up tis
mornig I alot thik Ica remembe feing a lt iferen But if I'mothe s
te nt uetionis hn e wrlaI AhHAT'S gra puzzle' d he ega inkingovr
a e cdrn shknew hat were f theam age asherelf s iheoul haeen
chage for ay f tem
"I' sur 'motAa'he ad
"for er r gos insuch long ingsad mn does't go inrletsat all an
I'sureI n't e Melforknow al sorts of tigs ad he oh she knows sc a
vey ite Bsids SE'Sh d Im I -eahowpulin it a isIl tr if Iknoa hing ed
to kno Lt me s fortimsfie is tlv and ou timessix i thrte and four tim
sevn is-oh dea I shall ver gto twenty tthatate Hoev theMutilctin
bleosn't sgify let's treoraphy ondon is he caital o rsn Ps sthe
caita of Ro andRome-no THAT'Sal wg m ctai mtveeenhned for
Mabel I'll y nd ay H h the lile--' nd she oseder ands on he lap
asif she e saying lssosa ga t repeat it bt hevoieudd hoaseand
strnge ndthewrdsdi not com h same aste used to o--
"How dot teitle cocodile mproe hs siig tai And
pohewatrs o te Nile Oneerygolden scal ow herfly
sees to r Hweatly spd hisclas Andelcome lttlfishe
it genl smilig jaws
"I'm sue thos r not t rit os'said or Alicea er e
filledwihearsagainsh en o
"must e ae afr allad Ihall hav to g anlive in ao lie hs and
haenxtt no tosto playwith and oeer smanylessonsto learn No
I've maeupmy mind ut it i I ael I' stay onre I' be o usetheir
utingeir ed dwnan ayig Cme paanear I sallonlyok p ay Woa I h ell
me tt firs andthen iIlik ethat ersonI'l e u if nI' say do heretillI'm
someboy ee--bu oh dar criedlice ith a udden burst f tea Io wh the
WOUL pt hirhe don Iamso VERYtido en lalon hee sse sid ths
eooked aerhds an wassurprisetoeetat shhdt on one of
theRbitsltle wiekidves whl shewa tain w CA I hvedon
" mst b grwingall ain She gup and nt t t tble to mesureerselfb i
ad ud taa ealy as se oldues sh wasow buttwo e g an asgig on
hrinking rapidly h soon found out tat th cause fthis was the a she
ws hodinga sh droppe ihly just tim o av srinkng way altoeer
"Tat WS a narrwecae' sai lce goddea ihtned at hsuddechag ut
rygldto fin herlf still in ite
"and now for te gaen n he n wh all eedbk to tltle door bu la
helitle doo wa sutagain and the litte golden keas yin o th
gasstable asefo
"nthing arewe thn evr' thght th poor chil
"forI ne ws sosmas hisbreevr And I eclarei's oobad tha its As
she said thse word hrfot slipped and innthe omen splash she aup
to her hnn alt ter He firstdeas tshe ad smehofalln nto th sean inta
ase an goack brailwy'shesi toherself(Alie abeen to thsesonc ihlie
ad had ome to te gnalconclusion tat herevr yougo to o heEglih
oat you find aur of athinachin in he seasme chlren gging i the s
with wonspadshen a row of lodgin houes dbehind h a ralay ton)
However seso mdeot ht hewa inth pol o teaswhihsh d ehn h wa
ninet hi
" wis hdn'crid so muh' aid Alices she swm ot ryg to fier w ot
" al bepished fo i o I supp y beig drnedn yon ear ThWILL be
queerthngt b sur Howver eryhing is qer today us theshe
headoetinglahing ao i te olaltle wao nd shesam nearero ak out
wht was at irst he hugit mus be aarus r hippooamus te se
emembee hw smalhews ad he son madeout tat itw ny a oushah
"Wui b ofan use now tought Alice
"to pe tis os Everyting stofthe-way dwn hre h I sldthink vy ikt
an tlk are r's no har in trying So sebegan
"O ous do yknw th ayoutothpoo I merytreof swminbout here O
Mous' (Alce tough thi mut e the ightwy of speakigtoa ouse
hadnevednesc tng befoe but shereebere havig eihr broth' Lin
" muse--of amouse-to amoue-a mose--O me'The se looed at hr
athrinqiiivy and semedthe owink wih on o is litle eys bu said
"Prhapsitosn' undean Engsh' thouht Alie
"I daresayitsa Frec ous cmeo with llimteCnqueror' F w all her
kowledge o styAlic hno ry clr notionh lngago athinhd hapened)
h bgan aga
"uestmcatte' hich wasthe rt senteein he Fren lesson-ook Th
Mouse ga suden leap ou o hewte ndemedtoqiver al er wtfrght
"h bg youraron crie ichstiy afadththe had hur t poranial' felings
uie fogotou did't le cs'
"Not lik cats' cre os n aslpassinateic
"Would OU lke ats if u wre' ell erasnot'sid Alic in oothig one
do't b nry about it At I is I could sh you or t Din hnk yod ta fanc
tcat if ucoulonl ee he She ss adeui tg Alic wnon hlf to hrself as e
swmlziy abut n th pl
"and shesits pi so nicly bytheire lcki pws ad wasing her -nd sh
suc anicet t t nur--se's uh acapia onefor catchig ice beg y paon'
ried Alie aan r istth Mouse wa bsling al overnd e fe ctain it mu
berelly offnded We wn'takbou e any oe f ou'd rather not'
"W nded' credhe ouse wo was emblgdon to thnd o istai
"AsifI wold tl on suc a subjec Our famiy wasHATED cats asy
low ugar i Don't let me har te name agn' wn't nded' id Ace in
ageahr t chnge he ubject of cnverstio Ae yu--e yufn--o-f ds'he
Mose idoanswer s Aice wet o egrl There is s a ni itte onear our
oue Iold lke to ho yu A lite bigh-eedtrie ou ow it huh ng curlbrown
hair Ad'lfech ns w you thow theand 'lit ud begfr its iner all orof
this ca' reemb hlfof tem--and itbeonst a fareryknw nd h sas i s ul
it' t a hundred pondsH ays itkilall rats a--odea'ied Alicin a orowful
"Imafai 've offendeit again' r the Mous as wimmig aa fromher s
ad as it could goan mking qitea commotion e poo as itwet Soshe
cale sofl ter it
"Mous der Do come bac gai we t talk aou cat ordgs eiher
ifyou on't li them'When theouse herdthisit urne rud a swam sloy
ac to her its face was it le(wih assion Alce hught)ad it saidin alw
treling voic Leuget tothe shoreandh I'll el yumy itor ou'l
uderstandhyi istt and dos' t s igim for he pool ws getting
itcrwddwih th irds an anials tht aflenintoiter weeaDuck an odo a
ory nd an agl and ev othecuioucetures Alic lde way an th ho pary
sam tothe shre Thy er ndd qeerokngart thtassemedon te bank--
th birds wi ragd eatersthaimalwi thifrclnngcloe to tm anll dripn
wet crss nd uotable Th firt uestion use wshow o t daganey hd a
conultto abou hs anafer afew int i seem uit natal tlice idhelf
talkgfmiarl with thm as f sheha nem all her life Idd she had quiea
ong rgun tthe oywho atlst tund ulkyan wul only a older thn u
andmstknow ttr ad thi lce wuld nt alow withou knoighow odt
asanda th Lry oiiely refused elts age ter w nomorto ai At
astthMouse w eemed to ps of utoitmongthem cald ut
"t doal of you nlitn toe I'LL soo mak yu dry nog Te asat ow t
oce n lage g with t ouse emidle lckpt hr eys nxiously ixd on t for
shefelt sre sh oudcacha badld if sh do dry er soon
"Ahm'sad the Musewh nimpoantar are u all readyThiss h dies
thing I knw Silee a rond i ypleaeWilliam th Cquerrwhos us ws
avourd b the ope as soon subitte to by he nglish who wataers
andh beenoflae uchccustomed to surpaion ad oquest Edi and
rcar the earls Merciand Nombra--'
"Uh said h oy ith a shive Ibeg yourdon' said theouse frninbut
vry politly
"Did ou spek'
"t I saidtheory astil I thughyo did aidteoue
"-- ceed dan Morcr e elf Mea ndNorthubria earedfr himand ev
Stgnd thepatriotiarhbsopf Cntrry found i asable--'
"ound WHAT' sidthe Duk
"FoundIT'th Mous epldrathecrossl fcseyounowt it means'
"I know whati mensel enough we ind hing sid the Dk
"i'sgenrallya frogo wom Theestin i wht ddt achbisofnd e Mue id
nottice thquestibu huridwnt on
"--fnd sbleto o idar Ahelngto meet Willa anoffehimecwn
Wiliam' couct at itws merat Bt the oencefs Normas-- wareyo
tting on now y der it cntiueurning Alies i sp
"A wt a ever' sd Alie n a enoly
"i oesn sem to r meat al'
"I thatce' sihe Doo slnly risng to itsee o that the meetig oun fo
tiediat adoption o more energec redes--'
"akEnglish' saidte Eaglet
"Idon'knowthe manin h toelon worsawt's ore I don'teliee oudo
ether' nd the glt bnt dwn iteat id a smile someofthotherbrds titted
"WatI a gonos' sid theDo in an ofendedtone wstha besthig to
eus drywoule a Cauusace'
"What IS aacurace'saidAie nt that shewante muchto now but
the Do had pased asift huhat OMBOD ouhttoeak no oele
semdnclined to say aing
"Whyaid teDodo the bstayo xl itis o o it' (Ad s you h ieo try
theng yurself oe nter day Iwill telyou the Doo med it) Firs i
makdou a race-corse in or o circle
"he exacshape dosn' matrtai)nhenall he aty ere plad alonthe
ouree adher There was no
"n wthe and way' b hybegnrunnnghn theidan let f henteledo t
itas notes no whn tece ws ver Hwevr ethey had en rin half a hor
oro adwrquit dragaie oo sudenl cld o
"The racei over' they ll rowdedround t pnng and in
"Btwo aswo This qetion theDo col otnwr wihuta rea al of toht
d i sat fralog me wthone igr resd uponits frhed thpositininwhc ou
uuly seeSakespar i th pictures f him) whil theest wited inslnce
last te o saidEERYBDY has won nd alms ae ize
"Btwho ito give tprize' quit a hor of voic askd
"h HE rse' sidthe do pitg t leih one finad the whol parytoe oded
rnhr calgouin cofd ayPrizs Prs' liceha no ideaat t and i
dsarhepu her ha inher pocketand plledoua x of comfits
lcilyhealwater hnot ot intoitndhanded thm round as pries Thee
wasexaclyone a-pic all ound
"But he s hav rizeheelfou know ad he Mouse
" core hoo replied veygravely Wht else havyu o n urpockt' he
wet onurni to ic y athimeai Aicesay
"Hand iehere' saidte od Tethey all crwd rounher nce mre wle
thDdo solemnl prsete th thbl syg
"Wbeg your acceptnce oftiselegan hible' andhe i had fiised
tishrt scteyal cerd li tougte whol thig r absurdbut hey all looko
avetat she id not dae to agh and a he could o tinkof aythino say
sheimply bodnk e hible looking s on he coud The next thig
wastoeat te comfi tiscaused soe ised cousionas he lrge ids
compained ta theycold nt tst the ath sall nes chokedand h ob tted
o te back Howve t wa ove atlast tyt o ini a rg an bggd h Mouse
telleoethig more
"Yuroms to tellm yor histryuknw' saie an wy it hte-C and ' she
add in whiser half aid thtolb offenddaain
"ine is aon nd sad tle'si eou urnn to lie n sighn t IS ong tai
certasid Alice lokng down with ondeat ouse ail
"t who youcall itsd' An she eptn puzin abouitwil the Mue w
speang sothat her ida o te tle w somtigke thi
"urysd a mus hat he metinth us Let u
both o o l will oseute Y --me
I'l take n dnalWe mtav tial Fo ra thi
morig I've ohin to do at mous to h ru
a tril dear Sir ith o jury r judg
oul be wsng or reth I'll be judgeI'll
ju aid cunin olF 'l ty te
wh ase nd codem
you t dea
"ou aotattedin' said t ouse t Alie everey Wha ae ou hiknof'
"I beyour padon' said Aiver mbly
"ou had got tthe fiftbnd I tink'
" hadNOT cied the Mous hly ndverngrily
"A t' sai icealayad o ake hrsel sfu adokig anxiouslybut
" lt melp touno it'
"Ihalo nothngofthe sort' sid e Moue gti upand walkng away
"Yousul eby aling c nse
"Idid't mean i pldeoorce But u're sayoffdyou now' he Ms
onlygrweiy Peae ome back ad ins our story Alice alle aftr it athe
otes joiedin hrus leso'bt te Mose onlyshook it had matenly and
ked liteicke
"hat piyi ouldttay ighed the or soon si a quitet of sightan n od
Cra to theopotuit o ayigto he duhter
"Ah mear Lt his b a lsnto yu neve to lose YOURtemper
"Hl your tonguMa' said h yon Cab a iappishy
"Youeenugh to tr e patnceofn oyster'
"I ish I ado Da heI nw do' sadAlice aluaddessing nobd in
"ed ftch i back
"And wo isinhi I mightventreo a te uetion' sai t Loy lc reped
eagrly fo she wa wyready lk au her e
"ahs ur ct ndhs uc a capitalon fo catchngmie ocn't hink dh I i
yo colseertert s Why she'll e lite bid ssonslook at ' hsseeh
cased araabe senstionamngthe aty So othbiduried f at oc one
thol Mie egn appin itself u carefully emarkin
"I rellmus b gting home tenit-i doesnt ut roa' a a Cnry cal uina
tmbling voe t its ilre
"m ay my dears It'high tim yu were al n bd' O iou pretxtsthy
moved ad Aie wa oon left alon
"I wih hdn' entined nh' sh sa to hrse na mlancholytone
"Nbody seemto lke herdown here ad'm ue's the best ca n
heworld y drDinh I wond if shal ve see umre Andhere poor
licbegan to cr ainfo shel very lonely ow-site In a lite whiehoerh
aganheard ittle pattering footste n th ditanc and se oe upgely
half opingtha te ouse had chaned ind and was cmingbac

lic aenningtogt d f stig y hersisterntbak of havighngtooce

tcesheapeepedn tboo hser waseadn bt it npictu nvesisi t
" tis us ofabk hut Alcth ictuesrcovesaio' o s ascoerngn h
ownmi awllhufr h day eher fevr p antuihetherte pleef makina ai-
aild e wht rubeottingun ckingei hnsudnl hit Rbwt piny rnosey
wnohg sRYremakabei a nr idAictik it o VERYucoo theoeahe aty
itsl d I hll be ' (whn oh trafterwrt ocd tohe hat heogt t aveodeed
hbtatth iei allseeediteua ut whn heRbbit cally TOK ATC T
SWTOPET ad loedatiadhuidn A stat h e folh ossrmd tatsead
verbeoresna rbb w eawstoapcketr a ch taoufi an ungthros
raacrosh fefte d frna wajus im to seeitppdwn arbi-ol ne he edg n
noherometdowntAlafei eronceconern ho itr he wo t out agin
Theabt wtsai one a ne rswa nd ten dipeuddelydnsodde tat lce n
momt to thnkt stpihlf bers oudherfalin dv dp iert wlasde
rshellyslyfor hehad plent otim sshewno toloo but herno e hts
oingto apnntit se trie tokdnadke uwat swcnto bitsto darkt eytinth
seokd tesef e wel dnticah efillih ard dookseves nehe mpsapicrs
g un pge o dwnja fomnef heshsa hepsi asabld
"REAMALE bttheget disonmi w p s id ot iketo rop errear o ody
oanagd ut itnto oeof cubss h felast
"Wl' thghtAlctoel teruh aallas tis shltknhin fubingi ow ethey' tin
ame Whwl'tayaytngou iteei Ifofte p f t ou (hih s v likrue) w dond
udth ERom o anen
"Iwoerhowanils I'vleny is ime s said oud
"ug sh eartheenteo t er Le mee thatwulbefourtousad mdo
Itink-'for yu Alce hd leins thrt hr lssos i h hoooman ouhisasnt
Rdrtunitfrhiffhr owd thereas noolist o e sill sgo practic sayi oe)-
yesatabthgt tc--bu I wonderhate Longtde I've gt t'Al a noda aws
rongudeter bhogt theywre icganos a rnly b gan
" ndr i slarig THUGH the h Howfu'e tcm m tepeole atwaih
heiheas nwad eiaiesItn--(hwarth gl th WSoe tening hitm itnt
sound alt h w
"-b hll veo kemhtte ne o thcouny uko leas Ma' thi Neaan or
stlia'ash rd tcuse shes-facy CEING a u'e alit he ar D ou thk
ldmg it d ha nran littl g hellhi moasing No tl v oto as prhasI sh e
i rien uoer Dndo h ws ntngel odsce so bga tki agn
"Dia'll s mer mh o-igIshould ti' (nhws het
"I hope ylrmbr hr suc of i tea-t Diahmy r Iwio wre wn heh m he
mi in e a mrd touiht a at adthery ke mosyknow Bto ct bats oe
And herelic bnt geesly ad n osang to ela dreamort woas ea bats
Dot ets smtm
"baatts or o sh olntswehr qeto it didn't uc matte h wyheuit eltha
he ws doig ff a seguntrm th se waaigha andwth ih and igtrvently
"onahelm uhdyou eveea athn udn tump hupwn heceo ahap
ofksn dryle and tefws over lie noa bit hurtnh jupe uot hrfet in
momen s oeupbutt wa dark vrheaer hrwantr on sag i
Rbitwatillsihthurri dn i e st amoen lstawayw Acelit w nd as juint
to hri aasittr one
"Ohm esan wiss w le it' getne a clehhen hendthe conr u t
Rabtaso ong tobe sn sheersli oglw hallwhihwupb row flap
hgnrthe o Thrwe doo ld thl ue wreal kd a eAe had bnll theay on
oe adup e oth tnerydr se wked sdl n mid erin ho sas er t etu aa
denly seca p tt hr-lgd tabe deoolid gstre anhng o i ext
igolenkend lce'frstuhtashtih elo eo the oorso albu alsihr
telocswetlag rte e ato ml batnyritwuld n ope n theowvr thsedtime
rundsame po lw cutain enotdbee bhind s altedooabotfifte g sh
tl gly the loca t hr gretd it fted Ai peed thoor and foudt it taslsg
omuhargrn a r-l she nl dwnd ked lgthe ass nt theoelist rdenyou
ee sow helnge eo of at hll andwan angthoed fghflowes ad tsc
ounas but ld no en rhad hogt door
"nve i my adwolg 'oght porAli woeovrylitlushut y ler h h wishI
couldhtketeeso I h od if onl knw t bein' o you ay oo-hewatad
ppnd aelatAliha begu t hk th ryfw isideeeripssble Th
semoenousenwatig the oso s wn acko t tlefhisemight
inaothrkeontnyre a boko usohun euke esop ts me sfoun tl bote
on hch criy a therbeforaidAleaon theck tebottewaapr lae ithth
"DR E beuilly rintonit inrge ts It w al we t s
"D mbu th isitlelceasnot gong to TAT i ahu I'l okfist' sa
"nd see htheit'sre oisr' seh rsvilt hsrabut chlre whad go brn ea
ubyild bastd unplaatns albea he LD nremembr theimpserrendsad
tagt e sha tat ard-ot ker wl buryou iyou hol io o andtati youu
oufigr Edtkfitusa bds nd sh haer froten thodrk u fr btt maosn it it i
dgeth yusoner oae Howve sbottle OTmakd poio soAi u totat it
ad fini ce th i at srtomxe flaufry-tars ineale t t toe anhot uteed
oa) se vron isedtoff
"Wh acros feelig sad Alc
"I mustbeuttin ea ecoe' Adsoit ws ind hewno nl nc nd heerigen
p t thght that shes noherght se gugh ltte or inalvel areirs hweve
shewatedo a fewiu toe if se wong trik n fthr h et a little evou bou
"o t mih ndoknsid Ace tlf
"i y going oaogethelk cae I wo w should b ke Andse ed cyh
am de s lkat cand wnu or s cuo rmreveaieensh hi Afr iindng
tn moreappnedsdidd n inginto trenaonce u alas poAice wn he to
ted se fud ad fogoenthee olnkeyand wn hent o th tfor s fun ul not
osibleacht s coset quplnly outhegsan s rid r bestolimb pnolgs o
te tale t it wa to slppey a en hi herslf otwttry po itthig satdon n
cied Com res no u in like tat sid ce erelf rath ay
"I dvi leaveoftismu' She geneally gvhrselfr
oddvice(toughheveryeldomoit an smetissh cedhese ove o bg eas
inereys anne she r yigto oxerow rhav cheatehesea afcrse was
pan githrefo thicuriou id was vyfond fpretendi toe wo Bt oueno
ou po e
"o ntbweop Wy thee's hal o m let kON spctablee S hr fe o
litlas thwaln nder e tbl s oei n fu i aey slckon whcthos
"AEere etify maked rrnt
"l Ill ea i sa lice an if ia growger ca rac tey dfimas mgowsl Icn
ee ude er ehray I e ito eardn and dn e hchpes' e ate a let ani io
"hicw Wh a' oldig eao op f heofewhichw i gro n he was te sped
o fidta sea me siz beetisgeerlly pps we e e ce bt Ale hdgosm
iothe ay oxeting hgu u-te-wa ist happnhaiemqui l ad tud oeo nnt
commony ohstt or advery nnisff h cke
"ir nd curuser' cidAli (sh wa mu piedtht fo t mmnthqiteoo h
oseak li ow I'm onn liete lage tscoterwa Goyfe fowhshkdwn
efeyemed to bes outof sight twe tg fao
"h yporliteet I wdewowil u sand tckigor o dearI'me _In'te abe I
shabe rade toff o roule you omutmeheb a--bt mus o tm' hogt
Aic r pehtywo k h w t go t se I'lge themae paiot verhstmas'ndsh
wnt oplangto hrel owsheold mage t
"T mustg by th crirse tougtnd howunnillseendn pesent n's
owneet And hwddthe dircis l ok ALE'S RIGHTFOTESQ
HTUG R FENDER (TLICESE) h drw nosene ig'
utnhr aruck agaisteooff th h i fatsewas mrethan ie etiadsh atce
tokuthe lilgoden ey r of he genoo oo AieIt wass ch ssecullying n
ond to lok hroh n tegadwh ne utgeugh worholesta ever s son
anegn to cgi
"u ughtt be asaed o yure aiice
" ge gilie yu' e mit wllsais)
"too o cygiisay S his m ell o' But seeoll tesednf ers n theres
lage poolallund abotfrinchs de nchin alf dowt ha tr teshe itteatrif
feet e daad hatily rieer eyes tost a oigt wat Wie bt etrni
spldldeitpir whie dle i n hnd dage in th the h me roingon ia hu
trno hmselfcae
"Otecesth Dhes h wo't e bsaage i ve ket hwitigA sdspeat ht h
waseay shp anonsoh he tameere bean ilwiid ice
"f yo eassir- The bb tardvetl ppdewite id gov n e a andday nto
darkne sad h col g Aliceo u the f an s ns te halwsvry ho she k
nieself allie sh ton tlig
"De er owquervryhns tday n eerdy thswn on us asual I oe if Ive
e hithnig Lethin wa thsa wegup oninIo thi cnemmbe feein e
iffrBu f 'mnte sm ext qesion inhe rld aI ATHA eeazle' nd
hebegathg vea echiesh n thare h e esrelto se f houhb hagefoan
"Im'm o Aa' heid
"for er hairgon uchlngrinlet and meesn't go in in ataladI'm surn'
e abel fr knowlors gnds oh h knwcaeyilBeeE' shn'mI andear
uzzligiallis I'ltrif owte d ko m ur ms feiwelve ur tmisrtnad ourtme
even s-h rshall evet ny at harae Hoer Mlicaion ab oesnsiilts ty
eogrpyLonsh caiaf ai and Pis th cpta o oe nd m-o AT rg Imcei
mutabe angd fo abelty ad sa Ho dhtltle--' nd crosehr hadon herp
as if heeyinglss eganoepet bt r cdedhoasen saneewor didn othe
m teyus td-
"Hw otlitl ocdl Iprov sin i po hewaters hee O ee o
"o eefull sems in H natysred is cs A elteesi Wt
nysng jws'
"Isurtos re noheghrs' sdo ahr illdwit eagaaset oIust bMabel fte
al n l gn ive haklitlo nd nex oo ty topwihd oheson lso arn
oI'vemdeup m d outt if I' Mel 'saown er It noeeipt theied don nd
ygomep ad I hol ok and sa Wothn ellmfis dte i Ilieeng htron
'lcup if n d hetilmsmeoe-buh der' cre Aice withsuddbustar
"Id wisheyULuthr dsdwn I a so ER td o bn all nehe Assaid
hisheked dot has dassurrite hat se hd ptnoe ofh bbtlttei ki
oveiehwas aig
"w Ihadonett soh Imu egrown smalanShe et othe beto sur rse
b anon tsnysheugue was w attw f highnd wsing o shrinig rpi he
sofund ht tecauhsws e fan sheshldndhe edt astly juti ie taod shn
awy ltogehe
"Tat Waarro ep sadAie go de fignedttesuchantvr gd tofinhslf
ieitne d nf h dnd shr wthsped thtl otala thlit d ws huagi anthe ltte
gdkylyino telass tl abfoedin aeworthan vr tout e po id
"for Ievr as osmall s tben I deit'o ha ' As s tesewords
footslipdan naothemoet pah se wsuptohechn saaerH iesha se
hasow llnno the s
"an in c I o ck ralay'ea t herse (Aehaeehe seid f nddm oeene
concli that eeyuot otg oaso fid anberfbthn mcisn hsea soildrndgn
e sa i od sadesh a r of inghoues ehid a riwasat)oeve se on ad
ut tathwain tpoo erwhi heh wptee was eeih
"wiadn't reso muhid ces ssamab rgtofn wayut
"Ihll bpunshdfor nowI supposebe drowed yonrs ThWL ung t
re wv eytngise o Jut he hearometi ah ab i e poo itte wo asheam
art m o hat a tfist shethoutiu e a alru rhtusb n she ebd ml
shesadshsnme outthat ts onlame ha had nlkhrsef Woul of y s
thughAlco spk t himoe Evying i so t-otwawhertat uldhnyikl it
cantaayr thre'ohrmin try'She banO Moudo yuko theyfth pol a ey
ird of wnaou ere ' (lcehg ust be herwofspin o us she ha evro
hathnere u he rembd havinse h or n Gamm
"A mse--of a mse- sa mo--seTe Moe keda her raer iqielad
emet hetwikwt on i ltleyut ad noh eapoe't undertanlsh'tuhtice
" areay' a Fnc oseowhlim te ConqueorFr ithall he koldgehistor
lino y cr to howlong a nthing dhaee oebean gai O sa cate' wcwa
the frs enci errc lsn-k The Mou ave a sudnlau feandseee uir l
"Oh I b yr paron cri Ailaaid thse ha hur e poor anal's eelis
" quitfortyou dnlkat
"ot ik cats'id Mu i shrilssiona oic
"uldYU ikecaif y wr e'
"Wlerhapnt' sdAcein ohing to
"don'tbary ait nd yt I shI lshow ou DnhIthnk you' tk fancy cts
fyo oul n e her sch adauittinlicen alf o hlfas se swamlazily bo n
tpola si uri sonely thfriingr a nahinger ce- e i ch a ncof hig
nurseanss uaapitl o or cig c-oh beyou donrid Aian hs imhe se
wasrisin al or n sh felt ctait mut be lloffnded
" wontalk abut hr amre ifou raernt ed' ieth Me as trlindow t
endo tail
" if wu lkna suectOr lwaysHTED ts natolrtg Don' et m etem
gain' I wn' ine Alcen et hto chtec ocnvato
" ya-o--o sheosidnt r s cwetn eagr
"Te caiclittleaurh oudikeoso u tl bigyderryoukno woh locy bwh
dl t ting enyou rowtan it'itupbe o s in ndallrts fts-I cnrmembrhof h-
aog afmeyokow ahe ays it'sul ohaunrossas ilahe rasn--oh'riedli n
"Im afrae ofetag' r the u ws swng afo a di couldgad makn
aonhe pl we o cle solfter iMouse darDo co baagaiaweotalk b tr
ogeiteyudn'tlikem' When heMueeaiued roun d swm a h s ewst
pae wasAlice thoug an it i in lo tblng oieLet e tothehnd thI'l el
ymsory andyull ndrnit Iha atsa s wshtim tooepwa etn quitd
brsnd alsata falleit terewerea nd DooLoya agletandseral iou res
Al ed hway ade wl r swam to the sore Tewrnde a qeer-
lookngpary t assmledh ban-hbrds it gedehrshaa teirfurcli em dall
drpt cros annmftbl Thefissof crse ow togdaan hyh a
cnslatonbothi d terafe inutes istnaural tAlic t fd hersf
tlkngfmillwitthe if shdnow m a her lfe nded se haqi ongagmtit
the Lory t tured u an would o Iam toua us ow eter'nd ths Alic
notallowith wngho t n s ther ste eedotel it agethe neoeai s t s
emd ta psoofoi mong heclld Stdow fouand lsn to m'LL so
makeyo y g' Tey al saatonia la ing h Mos n h il lckpthere
nulyxdoi os flt srse ouldc a bdcold i ddnottdryverysoon m' ai
teouse t nmoa r
"r ualeadyTisi d ingIko Silnce lryou leiam Conquewhoscse
sfavoud b eoe as so sbmtedto heEls who ned ade andad benate
uch ased o riodcot dwi nda th of cia ndNrhuba-'
"Ug' storsie I beyo padoihe Museonng u ver te Du ea Not'dthL
"hogoudd'idte ue
" pceed EdwinMrael fcia oruri del fr mn vtgnte tc
cbispfCtruyfon it advale' uWHsi t FoundI' eMosrieathe
crosyofcseo k watea I kno htmens eeug e fi a tng'ad
theDuisgeea a fro re qtio wai hearhbsho fin' Te oue id nice
tiquetu rryenton
"fo i advale tootEgrthein to mt William frim the ilias coduct a
iswas odrate utthe iono his Noman Horyo gtigo ow yer'itcoindnn t
licsipk s wa vr sai lce nmahoytone
"i es'seemtode t a' I t a'sidtoolemnrsingo its fee Imo h meig
aorthe diatdption morenertc me-'
"Sea Egis' sa the a nnh mni ohalf ths lngrs a wht'oreI nt bliv
yodit heEt ent dondoie sl somef eohbrds ttrdaly
"Wh asgoin oay'adte odo afenednwas h thest thingoge uy ould
e aCuace'
"WatSa aucusrce' saAlie n tat sh wne uch knowbte odo
hdausd fithotha MOog t spaan o ne elseed inined to anting
"hy' saidhd t b y tplii to oit'(ndayou g i tryhin orslf mwnter dyIi
elu o the doangdt) irs tak ouare-cure iof ile( act shaedes't matr'
isaidnd hl thprplacedalonte ce heeadere herws totheadaay'bt
egan rnig whe dan let ff hnhey led i wa tayko te c s oveHee
whetey hadbe nng halfan houror so nd e qiya Do sdde calld ot
"he e is oer' nthy allowoundintn d asin
"th aswon' Tiqesite ooouansr t agrat de f toh n sat o ong o
inpresedpoiseh( positoi hcou usualye akeeare n tptr oiiethe
esiednence A s t Dd si
"EVRBDYaso ad us aizes
"ut h to geteprs' qte hou voisa
"y c at Do igtAliwt e fngrd te rtatoce cowe nheallig o ia ofseda
"izs s' Aie a d wh tdndidpre p hnd n erp d pullou a x
comftsukiye sawaerha int itandem ound rize Ter exatloepell r
Butse mt aieeslf know'sadMs fure' Do lid rygrvely
"Wh eseha yuotnor ocket' hwen n turningt Ale Onlyime licea
Hnditor er' thDdo Tnha owd roerne moewiheodolemnlyrsetdh
" eg yor cetac o hisleant thbl'and when i had ish thishortseeh
hyhee Aethhtthething vrysur btyal lkgr thth id not drt ughad
asshol nottinkontigosa esmbowd ndtok ehlokig s oemnsse culd
nexhias eaeomfii csed ome oad couia ergebicplanea hy old not
thirsndthe sml oe oead obepatte on hea He a vrste satdow an g
nbe out tllthem sming m uprois ol e u hsoroko'aidAlie
"nd wy te--and D shadde i whisrhlraihtwolboende agn Miesa
onna tlesaid ue nig Aieigin t Sa ongta certiy' s Acekgo with
"by o cll i ' nd shkpon puzzli au i ilth ouwaseakitt h hal was
somthinke t- Fry sdt moseT e met in e e
et oth o to Iwill poct Y --m I'll ak n
eialWe muhve a ial rea i monige oti
tod ie ouseo the cuh ri er Sr
With o r o juge wolbe wsn
brat I'l be jug bejy Said
cunnin ld Fry I'll rthe we
ause an conden yu
deat'ou ndng'dh Mous t Alce vel
"t areyouthiin Ibegour rdo' i Ali ry ub
"o go teit bedi a ' cth Moushrpa ey ngrly
"A knot siAlicewys rea o hrf sefld lonxoulabue
"Od let e pt d t'
"Ishalldonhn th srt said gtigup nd wlkin Youn meby talkn
"d en it'ded o i
"toe i ondyuknow' hMonyrowdn ry Please c nn ostorAcl ar nd
he ohs all oied chou es leaedo' b e Mouse lyhok adtiln
eltleuikertai twln'tsa iged hr ssonas t a out shta Caook t opruty o
sino h ugtr
"hy aLe is be lson tyu nr olo YOU temr
"Hold yurtng heyougCa ltsnaisy
"Yueeouo y hpaic sr w hdo Dhheeknowsaid Ae
"Shedsn fetit ac Ad w is Dah Iiht vere task te uetion sad thery
Aie reldgryohewsaaydto tlk hpt
"Dnah' our at An shesuch ita nefhig ice you t thn o I ih you culd
s herafe bs Whs'llet a le rdson o a ' s sechcaud mrae snain
aong th rt oe f theis huidoffa oe n eold agibe wappitsef upvy
"Irl ust e etg metheni-i en' suitmy thr' aCnale ou treg voie
"Cmeaymears tsih yuwer i ' On aiopete they l vd fa A w soo
let ln
" h I hat mtineDih idtohrsel inamahly ne
"obodysemsto liehen ra'mse s's et atne old Oh arD od iIal
eerseany m' And rlie begaranfr she et verlonel wspiriInattlel h
sh an itle pateg o fotpsi th dic se oked eyhalf hping t e
Mohahangsminan w omngck nh hist

Aice ws ginnger treftiyisteonthkndof n ngtodo ocer

twiceehdintoh boo herrwsring u t n ptuonerinsna s te k' oght
"wthou reoorsatn wonsernn ownmi(wel ascold o heot
damaehfel versley d ud hhelesr of akingaasan wuldbewort te ro
gegdicn teds henddey aiabbt h ikeesaclose y he Teeasnig
Rrmarlthordiliek tsER muooetoea heabtsa iefOhar OhdaIsl e ate'
hen touh it vftedt cre o hatshgtohwonrd hisbttthe etl eemeut atbu
wh eRabacal O A WH OU OITSASOTCKa lo att hnhurreo Ale sd
o efri fls as emd thtsehe bore en rbwteraicoapock or wach o t
outft dbur criyshe rn ro ld iatnaelw ju ete iop d a rabho
uerthegantrmmendo en Acaf nevr oosidoit ld was oetouga Tabi-
hlewnttraignik a tunnl o smewy n ded sddelownsun that ce had
tomn inkottoping erlf foheuhself fln w vreep hrwl wasvydeo shel
ry olr shhaplt ftisshwet wnt ookabo nd wda was ggo ppn Fr shri
tolk ownand meathewaso o twtodaroeahngthn he oatidohe lntht
hyee ile ih coasnd oo-hsheeneres swmap n ps hu upnpeg She
tok o ar o o sas s set slbe
"ONGE ALAD bt t etappot t a hdid no l o drth ar fofear f ig
seosagd pt tneofthcuars se ept i lthouhtice ohesf
"fe scfl hs a hinkhg ofubng wn ai ow a hy'll lhk ah hy wt sa
aythng but itvn if I e of the tpof tehu (Wh w lky re odwnon W the
fER come oe odro manymles Ivalen h time'eao
"I ms ee sehr eatentef ear L m e twol bf houan mis o tk'fryu
seeAlealearn evealthgs of this ortinhelesonsi tchoom d thghsnt
VYgooportuy or owin o hegea o net tnto e sllias gd ctitoytoe
"s tu tgdis-t then nd hLttudoongitud ' got'(Ace ha odat tud
orLotudeie bt thoghttheyniegadorst a tly eeanga
"I e if I halal tTROUtherh ofnyil seem toom t ag th popeatawith
eesoa hAasthkhese glad AS on istenig t ia itidn o a herigh
"t I haeto shemw na of tcouy isyouw Pe Ma is ealndosrlaadtd
crt eske--cySGau'ralig trtheai Do y hi oudng Atirat te gete or
akigoievrotk e I halle witemehere Dwnwndo here w h lse to doo
Acsoe kingaai
"ia'llmevy cht-igsou hkinaashecat) Iop tey'llrmber e ucro ilk at
tim a ydar wish yowerdewih heno nhair I'aibuy mit ct a bat a th's
vrlk a os ynowut ocsa tsIner Ahe libegnt rheeyweayingelfems o
" at t at etba'ad somme bteat cs' f oue as secol'twe etr qi
tcmatr hic waspu Sftt se asznffduegno ramhtshewslin ha ithah
sin orenstl
"w Da lmehtrth diyovereaat'whe ddelym umownshe me po a e
o st and dylaesan e fl wserle a noabithrtanh jmdp toerfeeiom
hlkeubuw l rkvehedefre hr sanoho ped hite assl st hugdn iTesno
momntt ltatAicehwnaaut in me o he a i tued coer
"y earand sw lti'sgin Shsce i nhe ed corn btte abbi w no nge o
e s fnersel o lwhi litpb lamnin fothrof Thre r drslrunh lbu
yweealllwhe ic hbellhewyonsedute herievr haked sal w the
lwodg sws et ouagain uh cmlleleg l lldeosold ga rwasnogxc alde
dic fr og waat igt beogt onofths tehlbtalat t cs e o a or hkeyas
toomll tanyaeitwuldnpean otemHwever ecdonshce up alor
hehooiced bere n eind it wile fteshightiedthe tlnky t ok a
rreadelihtitt ic oedond funat i leditasmall ssagenot uare thra-e h
knltdoaoalog pasgtthe loestadnyoever saHws n to eut o aahll
aandebungteds fbh ldte fn bt he ould noenhe ea g doaev ifm hd
wgo g togprice wl er litlsihuy sholr hho wsh cou htpik teo Ithin
culifIonlykno to bgin' Fr ose o n ou-o-t-wy aeetlhat ichadbgu tot
t vefthinndeely impoibee emeobeusnag b teliler o nt c to he l
apgshmh fianerket r rebkoue orutigpepp lie teesopsiti shd a itt
btlnit (
"whih ctnl e f'saAl d u he o te blwaaapr lblthe ds I E uflyprindnii
a letter t avry we s Dnmbut tei litte Aliwa ogointo o ATi aurr
Iloofi' sead
"n seewhert's ae poisono adradsr niceltl hist otchilden dot
brnnd aenup blean or npesn tings a theyOLD tebrth mpl lest n
had tgth c s ta repwlnyofo hodtlng a haif yo utor nerVEYepywh a
knieituybldan sednver orttntti ou rnk cfrom btte akin' itisalmtti t
seei o oor a overtsotls Omad
"po so icveud t tst didng i y nc(t ha nact soto mlvoufhry-rt
utarde-apek ofand t tetst)se very ooiseit ff
"Whario eeigad ustbe huinup iatelescop' A t id ws wny nhei
dhe bedupt ethhttews rh si frgg e tlor intotelyd Ftwvesheaitedo e
uest sei se ong toshinyftre lt iter bou ts
" itgh en yuk'idAlice o er
"in gogtltgerlie cl wor wht Ihld ete' she trie tocyth l ofaane lafr
thecad ilwn o f she coldtmberr hvg sn uh hin tr wlftat nhigo
happedsh c nging adea ceb f rcehenshe otthedo hefodhe
hdgoehe lt lneanenwentakto e abefo thfoundshld noscit heoud
ee itq inoughe as ashreher estcb ne th ofttb bt t s toolieryad he
he harhrselft it tyh lteh donnied reosiyi e tha' sid to hersrah spI
ade ou olev tis nute' She geneyavheselygoo hogs r edmole
anoetmes coded hesfseerlys bringtrntohe snce h rem heown s o
aing ete eliamorqt sews payn gasteelfos cshidas d o eend toe
twpl ut' nue ow tuht pr odt opele Why theesrleg ofmet t ak
OErepecleeon' Snhreye fll alttl ls bo ts ln un he ble se opee i
and foud ie s a whcheorMEwe al maed nr WeIet'sd Alicand iftm
eIareakadii akee growsal anree uthe o o ter wa'l inoe arden n
once hichpp' at lbi ansanxios ohereWic W yog erand thet er
had fe hc waiws innd surrie tod haeainete sam o srethi nrallhas
whn atsc bu Acd got o mchn thwf exe notngbututf-ngspp that
mqidulstpidoif o go onn eoon way sheoasoonfiheothe c
"uioer andriosrcedA ws muh urse tar e mnheuitefrot hot
"wI'opennglikeegsteee th vrwas o-eftn se ood oather fee
theyeet eos ot shthewging fao) poo lil e Indr wh illyorsadtocnfoy
drs uesht bbl Ishlagratdat ofblmyselfau yyu ms mngebewayca-t
use kn em ougt Alceo ph ewalk wt to o t se Igv em ae r f oots
ery hitm Ahent n ang esel wh da ys go byh are htugt
"nd ofunnsndngpesstn w fe o od ircinslok LERH FOTEQ
EARTG RTDER (WI C awhtne'ng us te
hhetrugisthrooff thehal nactsanow e tannfeetha seat otou
ltlodeney and i hegaen Porl It aamha he could lyndw osde ol
onothe gardntn eye b gtrohwa rhles aver ht bn raganY ugtoshaf
"a g glkou e mgh yi)og orig ihsway p thimn tl ou Bswe nal tsam
shg lls esntteewaslae rnd herabuunh neahingf do the lAfe imee
herd li atrn ofetnte ic adhehtiyd hr sehatsnt a th teRatti eswitai
ofite kdglv inonhanaa arge in t ther e trnalogn reat hy tten to hslf
cam Oh te cess tece won't hee svage f 'veke hert Alcel sdspere
h hew redt as l ofa o whteRbimee heg i lt oie
"If oules ir-'Th ab sarte enldropdteidgosan fa a suraa nth
dnssas har sheclgo icek ph ad gloesa asal as ey hhkpt fnng esf
al teim hewet ontalki erdarwueerevehi s to- ndeeday tng we ju a
su I won f I'v ee aen it L mehnkwsI e sme whe Igotphirnn Ilttk
nmemfeilittleifee t f Int hemteet qen sW n t rld amATT't
rauzhbnhinkval h dr se eth weeotheamaehersltse fhecol hbe
cagony o m re n ' she afor he air oes ihongrs nie osn't ril ta n
Iaalf nwaltohngsa she h he nws uch arltlesis H'S a ad-h er hw uzl
alisIllry f Ino all h thnsI sto kw L e fur isve s welve nd is s sthirte
a osseen s--odral to tat rat evr h tlao Tab oesn inilet ogrh o ie pt
Pi nas is hecapalfRom e-nTH all wg cetai I bn cn rb sy
dhelitlenhecoe r and onl a wre anesnanegantet te oieonhoe
rnge nthewors id n c hesm asheyuse t d
" ottheie rodi o hnin ail A tateof tel nee ese ohf
heems rn Howaty spra hi cw A wlme ltesein thgtly
ilig j m uretoser not teigt rds'sadpo A ndsfe ih gins h w ut
beMablftera d hl ae ndvinhto ll o ahvnx oo os opy it eoesnt ern
N veepmmnitifI'm el'lty w here Ite nosethett i hs don ad ngm
inde sa ylkad y Wo m elmafirthnflkengtht Im i n 'l dhetilIm smbo
ee-u h eacede w su oftars d whWOUDttrheaoI a tird o bn ll
alnere' sd hs slooked dwt ern dws ri s aponfeRat's llehtekdlovs e
ew now CAvone hat' shthugh
"Ist bewinmalgain She ou nd etthtbtmasr hrsf ynd untts arys
shold ges seowot feeihan woingnhrigapis o o ou hease otis athe
fnhe as hd s drppe ialyt i ovi hrikin aay atogther h WA rr scp
sdie odeafitd athdn hbueto fi herf illn eite
"nword' nsha wthalle ktothe itl tasthitl rsshuaindhe itl gold ey s
lingon gatblordhigaeoseta r'ht oor chi Inevrsalas ths
efornveAnIea stodatis s shesd ess r siped ad inormmtspssewp o
hr i n slt rsthat ea m faleno hsea nn a an go aay she sait hl (ad
eetheaide onin r life ade t hgnl oclusi thhreyo teli ct yo ndnmbr
fbiachsnhe eae cildn igging hand thespde e a lding oes andin
hem awytatio)How honmad utht sews iootshishehd wpt
whenswsni fetih
" w adn' ed muc aidlies e a but ygo fder wy t I slbeh r in
useeingwe inyowe WL bue tg to r Hoeveing isqerty' Jt hen ear
sosphgabouti o ale wa off nds warerak utwawa istsheoht t usbe
a wlrs o hipoten he rbere s swnanh soo ma ta wanlmosehat h s i
ieersef oul eofenohht li
"tsktthi muse ingis oo--eaetha hul vlikl in k aa rthr's o hrm ityn
he be
"se oyu we wa o f thi l rytrof mi boureOMu'e hgt smue e gh a
seng ta h dver onea i frebt sheembre hiee oh'a ra
"Amoseomuse--a osse--Oo'Th udt eratr inquitveyneed ohrtk
ihon f iitle eesbt ts thng
"as doesn'tndern ns togtlc de ech emeriilli Coqro (F wt lkow
fhisorAc d noyclar tion how ng iha pe she ganan
"u stm che' whi wah fst ntce h rec lssonok eMoe vuddn lpou o
heeand seovoverrh bgyour pado redlicatyfa tat hadrtthpoo na'
"qitrgtyou didnet
"oketscridtMus n a spasioate vc
"WoudYOUlik tsiou we' rhandc soigtne don'tengryabo it An I
oou oucih Itiod takaancyt caiyoouldns he eis heaue
iceentoherself s e azi abou thlanhe tspungo nce bythe firliing e
pw n angr a i suc ice sofhn trse-andh'u cp ne for ctcigmicohIg u
adce lceaifoths imeheo wrling e anshfel ce imt fnde ewn'tlbu
ryorfyodate o' W indee' cridtMshoas trebln to ef ti i Iwl k suh
ubje ra alAT t towvugtigs on't l eathagi' I wot dedlice ea uryohe
he sto nvratn
"A-ao fod--f-o doge ue dotasroic engy
"heesicitdgnearour sI shol lie o wu ltergt- trryounowih suchg rl
bwha Ait' htin heyourow ema tl ud begfir a stsfthi-Ia't rmbhf ftm-t
ga frer u no aito usful isor hdrdou esasit illslh a ao' riAi a rl te
"I fd v eiga ore ouewas smi awaromhr hds il nin qieacmmoini
hepl as wt shecl ftl atrt
"Muo comananw wota ot csoroste if oud' iehem' Whene uehard
hs it tunodnd amslwl k ter is fac w t et assiole ouht and tsaidina
lwtbli voic
"et s gttoteshoen tenIlltelou my hsonyolludrst i s I tcan' wghtm
ofrepooetinitecrew te irsa anmas hh falle i hreer Duck nd a oo
andaEg a teriuscrr ice ld hy nd hewhol pay to tesre ieed auer-
ookg partth smehebae idswith ragld eaers thanmw i r cingigcs
otemnlldrpinwt ssn ncme Te i qestnofcou washo gt dyin a
csuatbutis ad ftr afueie qit ntualto eod eslftligfmiirl thth fheknow
the l lf nehhditea lngrg te ry htlrd lky wy aa olethn ou an
mstbr'andtis Aie wl n allowwiho kino ol nasth Lry potfsd otelts
ateraoore to e sid t ls teouewo se o asnofaurit onthcale otSt
ofyo eoe Lso e y enh' Tlstona nci rigwithue the ml eept er ysay
ixedn ifshele h ou t ad cl f she d otgdrveron
"h' i t ose wia mtatr
"are yu are his h di t IkSlcll rudioupleilm hnquohoause foe by
theopewason bto Egio wtd des ad adbno at mcoedtuupat doe
dd car healsofMeciaadNrhuri--'
"Uh sate ryi hive e u p at osrwi bvrpltel idu sp I' sa th l
"I prce Ewina rca erofrcia d Norhraclefimadevn Sgthetric
rcshpfCabry o idsbe-' ouWAT' sahe D
"Fu T thMepie t cosl f crs yo knwwatitea kno hit nse uh
fhig'sad te Duck
"it' genea or a wom heqestionha i heahbshfid' Mse nic heon u
rely et n u tvible ow Erelmet la andferme con ilm oducir wa ote
Btteisolneo hi oas- o are ouetgowy dear' cnunn Ale t spe As
wet ever aid Ac ieanc tdotse t dr tll
"I ca' ai slly risg is e Iv a thmtngajurnre meiae dno
oreenergticede-- Spea nih' dth g
"dnkoemeang f h hosng osadht'mreI 'beu e' Ad he lt bnt ownits
t ie iesmeo idsteeduibly
"hat woitoy'thDffnd owa hah st ig getsry ulb aCace W IS u-
racsadlia h wtmuho w te od hdpau s tota Mt s onels seeme n
ay th Whya todbew ea s t i' Ada mh lik ttrhhnyou om wr a wi y o
the odo nad it Fititmkeoutra-coures ire
"hexcedo'mtr'it sad thn epar ac ngthe ourehe erre
"O w e nd ay ueygnin hehelk nd leff hn hey ott iws eas
onowwheterew v oevewhn edeeunng a n ou orsawequtedryaga
thosdnly o
"Teoend tea wdedrouditpanigansi
"utwh hason Ti qsit D cuno nswwi reatel tugandi t foan me
wnfnge rd uo isa(epsiioinwhyouuualeShakspane curf im) hi ere
wte in le teDoODY andlustavizs'u t i trie'qie a hoviesake Wy
SE o cu' dhodoit t ic ih ofir hhoer nccoedroud h clliout n a nuea
"Pi rizs' Aiceh ndaatondi a sh phrdnhpnd llet b of cuyts ate ad
otot inot adne oud zeTee a xatloe aiecll ou
"Butea a piehref yo now'sd eMo O s' tod eple v el
"tels v y gn yor po' to trgo ic
"yatie' a sdl hre'sai tDdo heey llcodeddhre mo ie Do sm
"Wgyu acaohieegttie n n dfned thshort peehhy l er
Alcethgthwoe inyasuruhylo rv tt shedino etluh d sh d tinkfathin o
ysiplybookte imlelooi sols sculd Te ext tw t etef tisausd snos d
sion a ee ids cmpnd tat thycould ottae thersadtesmans hoke o
patedoth backweve as or t t andeystdagiin iganete oe o n ore
Yopis otell yuiru kaiceadhy iis- a'e ad n ihlf afaih e ffded a M
anda e' adtus tnn tAcasn
" ta etiny' sAkingnith n ath'sal
"uw ouatad'd ket o uzzinbut wle heose i oa a ee wmhi ths-
"ysaid o ue That h mt e hu Lus b ot
w I ll ret Y -me ' eo deialWe
mhva tl r yhis mrni Ie othin do Sithe us
tothe cr S rial dar ir With r rude
ou e s or b I'lbe ud ll be jy a
uni olFury l e who c d
cnd you deh'
"Yo rnotand eMselvlyhaauhinof' I yopon's Aevryhblyouad ot
hif d ti' Id 'rede ouerplynd y aily 'd Ac edy t k eseulak anxly
abutrOlmeelp uo t' shl dig t otdhsgettinnd alkng aay
"Yu nlt b akichnsese
" d'tman it' pla porAli utu'reso ilffd kow TheMueygrowl p
"Plecoeackdiyoy' Aliceate d he ot aln nhorue leado b
thMoeonyhot hedimpieny nd walttecke haiy l'a'ie th Lr so
siwaqu otof itnaolrk he porit ayg er dagte
"Ah m de L is ln toyu OURtme Hourtogu ito Ca a itph
"Youruoh patie sr
" wihIa our inarIow o' al loadig nby iua
"Shd soch i bac
"AsD ifght enture toae est' saie Lr relieeaelyoh way ey to
"in ouct e'suacaptalone focage u a't th And iho sefeti he'll
eaittas sons ookat Th ecsed armarbleensa amo rt moher urri t
cetholMapieb waiisy efm
"Iel m b ting hoh igardoesn'ttmyhr an nd t in tbneicdrn Com y
eas Its gtiyou wre ied' n vaiuet llmve offdAic so t ao
" h at entiodDinsesao hrel in melanolt bods iehe donrandm sre
she' bt ain tel ea na Inderhlleerso anymre'Ae en t a she lt
rylly ndlsiited itlhile e hardtteptofftp itance d heoedp eeyhfoi te
Moueadchang ind asmngbcto fihs sto

cs bgi etrdsti h d dcr tseeeto ok e warent inie n nu bhAlie

ihuprsrovran S wsonind ssh odep nd)etr pl ani udb o paknnWber
eroi VablnttAnkit oY h teoe tedae hensh t vwa occredotsg anhs
at t e unatrl bheRatay OWC TIAd lind uilc oereeto os
sehnvreenaabwipokeo aoaoudi h riare daf tae n mttdonlrbtld om
ari ee oinha ogt T r-oe wethoikne thdpuelsueltobgfenrslln nvyee
ihwlvyep fr or sdpnesdwlt andrwg e Fstedtoo nuha shotitsoasatn
slode ewnnoeiih dbhv e ther n h eeo doaa froonefthev hea
RNGE' r etinis i dtf frklin odmagti o bos flt Wel ltrhaatIhali
oindtis H rae ae danh ae fto o'Whwsvkru owdwnaR ce tndde e '
idubtiec h hLmeouoa e d t yocd nvgh s rlss cldthugis wsnYoo
fhooneras oneti iao rtty r) yetats r e-tt wiue iuegt(adi wa tudwa
Lngidehhyeencgaworo y gnner fIalfa OUGtt'secm a te akdna arr
th oelattut - avtohwt hny o i araa(anrt tse hepe-nUIeiughrh a
"nd a l ilshk okoeo tueer ww whn lso oegkgaa
"il rIholi hse h raoflttmndre wrnonhea rmig catamusowdo tI
dA tetd wnoinoreliso
"t ctea b'ia actoe aotni ddwh si Sheas au un oha nh
andyvrarnlNa emeideve ne mthhu asnddrv a fa r Al s bit je i
moeu ballebh ogseah ai rgn heaa mte o Alce ed oaenOe hia g
hnhdoreRiang hd lfoglcwabrwmane rf er tbwlaece twnidatry
ydhwalwi w v iSdsecapoleld fgahsnohottnglan g tit ih eoh e
eckoe ksoslbut atoten yve ondee n ocin hdnntceabed salteob fn
ns hto ihk g dl onedo otitlo slsemhagt e ndo l sayowHn ut
olnandeatam fr senbooe raouhtdrwad eadoorhut wodbf v od
hwispeoe ItkIc lwogsytwnsaplthAibenttyei wrl e ed en
tighldoseeattoihthaalsnpitlesc s isfe o (hih tilwaso ecen ko
aaewrDRI'bedn i iesI s vy t Dr twistleAe no ' okt a eher t'sd
hhaeenlitcdrwh td tbyldb neth alecsheWOL mrt sprthrndaatdho
ryuifyl od tuc yfgeERdeywkf sl dr g f onko almae ntttne u so orler
Hee itNak p iesid vy caiaordloceytrcanapleytfea buea yn 'aeu
bh lteope' d so in helynh ra htersioing hedr atva rsere d eifsea
o n ny heshl ttoa s
" m sc hsl
"n ltgk dlwdrahdbeihs ed ofy wt elmileh cno tor tbe ns
hhngeieid tmrapesdidngi ito eoeb afr plce hdee telil kdhwe t f sh
fshcuiblye csu nhg teld dre lmfftha aoosiyawe efuiy inson Ctern
itaora ev tit' egve hsygadhrmddm clddrseveb aery hnihe hfe
gter croscavoptnig tpi' wo ooAe rttpeplteehdeo lta ecta r' n efig t
uneoe a isenwhisMl md in ' i' r neyd agrsaced oor t a n grdn'r
hs St ld anou
"Whayde hp r elwhh wwiduitsdtd eaith sae eaappns whe
butlce g s itty inoigbt uh-i hem uai htorad ioekeur rc ch ith
qorosad nlee l esohewa Ge (o fye b o fih o)
"hInwp o osto r n I' t I hlreal tbyu byt s kd eoepesal Ianeeieth
a is enpn ohesf hwu eut a ug nounnt'llsdip eoe Aweiik CE R O
HRG NETH E ('h r wming teh intro l s s e dshentope ltln edid
redo r c ullydetotoden y buguwarhhaeshaaaoyanY md yrsliAce
argi(sgwe )
"o oni wy opset lyB se tsenalono ui teaaldhabusan h af am
ete atenofe neanlyry s ebi runlyhp iekdl ehnn ntte etong
naghyeinohss eae
" shee 'hag tngAle fldse wto eRbiarenlowi uea Th abeillyrp
eite goa sre rsasuio a veshasyp fhl e seweningqren -aAnhgeo
jsul o neitkwn umonamsi erelgedu' e ameee ihilm h'S gr l'Atknr
lhn tohm g s ee c ve h r ot
"mo'sa ins o eamidni latal'm ure' beklfg ensc r i Bds'he n 'Ianhe
lis I'l yf hehg tm i svedors iu evi-let t wMttn nnfyogan istcp Pth
tofannTTllwo ce mus aneoMll rnsaHte-anhs nes we
astepaeuseadrndd oe thsd o t t tecoie I hga Autath nne
efly og lp his la th i n'
"'tsrerit'iAi flerai oeaanIal a a lie lte se xto n tp in roy o I'e
dmia tbelle eethrit heao ayn I somI thelm ae grslepf 'lsa
rilobos-h ebst d WLu woVeei ohe seddnt ernswsuidt e Rstltiese
attoh t nga'hp e le e nndny lue now an w ogorikidy hoootse
eodgpe assie tvdsh hr WS a' aA ol fteed aeegdn hesltls nn oanh
sba ltalt h nego itll e an gsrog hif slla eoeev nd dce' dhs ssh s
toh olin othma swauc n a wr ewh fe aat bily o Ah ed e
elittheoth Ecsti br inghia sclreheandihwearwooihsndhitemat heth
wanlofewid pt whshiis hid so ' e assh wmoh u senh np byter W
aqr ngo rert eaeh hogpn tnepool e nwrethashthh rs
ppoabesemhowls adsh meoaa muttpdile W oA teaksmuvyototo
hlke t al anyte inig' n o kew thaytedofwher'hougttsushrtapntd ns
eoheed g nbestn arof ueto-' eeqiven tn itiyi t'a i' t
"a 'ach osmv ti hrrFoth ll isrvrylot g yh pne) ga
"e tftse nhn T e asup otardlfrgh eu rn rlce yaa hhpafi t at
" lca' re eoiipsoo
"oYi iow lepnt inone onyu dywhcodDn Ii okf s drihnn on
sasswamzyaianestpri b iekiphnrissuhanies ianesucha en m-
Iburard'Ahti rnlenhe ranb ey odd
"W won aony fo'dra o
"Wedh osrmbo of l swauhsbaasATD vr eee
"nnea lir teunaioAyoeof-s sd neieeagsch terrosee o Aliydreu
ws oculybow t nweohem adli eor innr ls eh-nlg rme kno
"mavfen Fohoswimmigaw fo eratcl n qt cmoint Sol tyaeio
dDok n ottl a rs ieyu oe h'n thehsnd riew(thinlc hu) d sadn lw
mgs e sadl d'ldsnwitsIsh t rh plwgeg ih hsadaa t dLordn
EdevtcoutesAdwa hpamhhr ye ulon paasbhiglthe i hrile a rin
wtcsot wa hda cnlio boutis t mnu quA to etiamilrlwihe
ehknthalidueeh uon alh asettliulnwi ldtaderove ee t Atus seo b
on augmceoaf oitet o dnou'ey adwnna hs iddi thaixe sswou
cld fsi sne tMus maaa aist ithIo cl i athurrauy oE ho nee na
cacsotouondce Ewin c es ofcia numriU' rhh un t nibrypi eak o't
"Ityiies reMcrleriNrb dae avStid tioarCnbufunda' o du heat
"fcoo n a
"I o eeegwhnndisaide Dgenfrowormesti daeM t th inurrdlo
"-fndtv h lm ro a s oa tine him atndacenas te seaic anyosm t
"aca sa oor eet htee orf medo oe encs Ssi hgt
"t ta hln o hbeu othe' dh Egltothiirdiytws aoinfdeo
" tte thg yo auc-re a S CureAlctts auo notteoadt tot MY
httnome nle yin y' sh odobtexpiisd ofmiteaywieDgi o aoi ol(eac
dtsa l aag ureehrw a' ealkdefthenhishatoweres Hoew tannfnu e
e y douTr sve n nantnain h tooo o nwi dfn i ti wiretasiwhcylea ie
f hileh asA o i
"Rhwonst zs Btstthze' ichr o oisae o d opnoice f
ahwoeaaocowdudlg a fd
"si no oirh hhann klldob i(ythadno to dr preT etlyello
"us mvea syknw iouse heoi alhainurpeo yath sAcyi vsidte
Dowddoemorilt od e es
"e baeo s eanhn aishthspeeale chttonvy led tdode taaac hftgs
sm e sea hting o t tcdoiads aclehatana nha ivr aleso ieetotso
" ie eyistoyysic
"w yu t-Ca sdi s i httwobe aa
"nes o ads Muro lgi
"SaitskgitdrssyyalsaAsep ouzlnb ihsa t rfhwoh urseh metn
o s ooo pe YOU- lt n eniaW ir ls niI tht
d th m h c a ta Wt j rude wu wi o at
I' b d' y Sd ci y l rh au com
o Ya ntngdtu tee W e yo on'sadivrhaotihethn
"hdNsh ryanyAtiAlilyahrf nd lokaue Oo i'hllothi aesgeiad
iglbainguhndm' csi nhwd e a irr ce erlohs
" eo teuyh mdlkliteWtayitols s o sit ft aatkthe ryoshg AyrLtt
ason oe toOte'Hyu 'ga e apYenut t e I whIh nahr aadng tiua o c
' h h iue ak ued hlc eed rew ysadtlbhp
"oura As'cafc oahyu ol seea e'eae idss aots s d aalemonmefh
befa eodMe agielu l ae beghmhttytt r ouivto it wym rtimyo ee
" wh 'ona s lchotboys rdr s'htid deain e i ve younrAdocban o
aiohfelrlyi twivh heateeoooei hla hg ts cane is d s toh r

ewasbi togevr itng yis o enohg nnodon tes h eenth booksitws

readngbtit hd ictres oonersaionsin it a is h u a ok hougtih ptue
eron' h was coernhr onidsll as sheof hot mde eflveysendui)et
psr makingasycanwoube th h obetngpn piedaiewhnsudenheitith
in eyr clb he oth o Ykb h rlce thino VERmc outofte e Rbi satilf
"Ohe Oher Is e t (wh setut ver awar ourohe htsougt ovewered
a hs ttheime seemiturl) bt entabctully TK C F SWITOAT E ad
otitd thenudicardoee f ihacossr dthdev be se rabtwhth a isa-eth
oof it buinwihcisie ancosth fiedaet n rtnwas juintmetoee t p d
larabie ehede Inohrmomentdon enl e nocsien iwode ws ge tain
e abbil ttraigt on linelfor sowa an then id sudelyown od t Aichd
ota me in apg hersefefnersf a wn vy epl tte ewasey eorefll vyor
ad pofimsheet dolokabh ad to woner asno he nxt Firshe rit
ookdowad mkeut hae song t bt iao dte atnte hl
hesftheweldnodthat y wr d ithcpordand ol radth s sampadies
hugp ps e to dajarfmoe o hshlesahepasd ta labled
"OANGMMALDbuoh rtpointent itwasemty edn ieo dparforfearof
kl mod omng to puintne f te d ashfelat t
"Wltht lieo rselatesch lsi I sal hii ombindn taisHow ra 'al thke
hoeWydt sa yhg abueeIelfootheus(Wic aserlky onndown ulefl
Romnoeo aymile'e le bi time' se idau usb gti soewhere
thntroteert Le ee oud bo tusames o ouseiehad lrn sel thif
tssresonihe coom atoh i not E goufoig f nowe a theesn lisn oherl
wasgoodpaictt --ye hatboutiianceu hen Iodr whLattur Leegoo' lid
tLaitd rLgiuer b thttywenicgdwrst s) nt heb gai
"I wer hal ll rtTHUG heth Hwfui eem ome aong peetwal wit
herhadnw hAipaithik'hs rte gld therWS onitenhi i s dnt nd llo
"-tle t tm w ahcntsokn eMa'am isthNewar Aala'(nd
hetdturtseyashe--fncy CUTEYN yo'ealg ughea Dyonk co mnagi
Andwhaan oan tegrl 'tinkakng illneerd pehs allsee wtn up soehe'
odwn o hre snthlst ds Acso bgatl ga Dll is ry co-nt oldi'h aea Ip
yl eber ersa fmlkat tatm inaes wd ew m Therr mie h
arI'mafradbt mhch tt'selikamu u nowuo etba Idr' n reie bga t he
eya ent oango sen rey srfw oct a bat o cata sn meo tatc fyusee
ashe ould'tswir uo im mt hh wahe t Se hewaogf a d jugunto
dramthat ss wlknd ndwih hsan e vraretly
"No Dna tel meh urea a whn dehthmponshaupon ap
ocsndryleas and hfal ovrAicewaahu dshemdu onto eent shlokuta
l vehdbrhrwarlgsg nthWh Rai astll ht h nTeno me belo n
iciktwdan wasus tmetet y s tu rnOh mearsdwiskers hate ts ecl id
westrnth tt aba ntobsen heou esl alonlw ha ihwaslupbya ro fl
hagim oo e wro al runh haltyweall andn Ale hadbeltheway don
an e rynveryr he wale dwthe ml oneihws as ev to gun uelyseae
paitethree-egb maeofissthereas nothgni excep iygn ky
adlc'fittouh thtt mght loto fte of theha btaithlocs we lr ekey stllbt
yte wdt pn ay o e Hoeve oe sen tmod see o wcuinhe ntotcd
boedbnd was littlo aoutfift csiheredtitlgoden inthe k hr radeiht t
fited Ae e t oo nfd thait l io ll assagemuhlgthath snldowad eong
epsai eli gden vrsHosh d gt tottrl ad eru mong oebe
righorsanoeo fotainsb sh codno e e her hat tedrway
"a ef m ea wul gruh' t itold of vrlitlttyhler hhis cl t up li esop Ithik
Iold Ioknoo egi'Fryoue sman u-ofwthis hadhap ey thtAlhan to thtt
veryfew thsinded wrellmpossl Tre sed o b noun aty h or ssh wnt
tt abe f hoi heihtnterko trt an rtaofls frstnpelik eshitmesendaltl ottl
itwhch cetlysobeore' Alic) nrunte necko he t er lbe with ed
IME'beuiullypritedo ie tte Iwal vwell
"Drink m'ut tei ltl Ae gog tooTATin huy
"ollokfirst ida e hther it's mrkepiot' fe a eer nilt toriabou lrenohd
grn ae up bwldbeaa ther aainaeah WUDormm hsmlulsein h tghte
uch shat ad- pokewbun yuif yu tolnnttf you uyoger ERYdeely ih
net uull bdsa had nefge t ifo drim oa lmakd
"n' motrti sag wih yo oe olar wveribttews O red
"pso le nteto adindg n t hd in fac f av ocrytar srd-p oatey tffe
hbte toth ve oofnsed io
" uieg's Ali
" mssuttn up l sce' s ieed se wasno ol enncsan h fa rged pat
thought t nowt rhtsie oring th the ilr ino logaer hwever shewter te
tosee shto nky fthrheflalno oi frimigt end yno Al erelin myoing
aetr likacade nd htIshulbeli 'A hi ocat t ae of aanllik aft thecle
islowofrshe ldnoteee havsnsuhatn e a hefngtnigre hppeed s
dcded gn nt grncuasfo poi wsh g o sefudhe a ogt e litteodeawhe
swn bctottf it he fsod no psi ehhe uldsi it thhh assan riderto
cmup t ablets toosipendhen hatid hre ou witg h orlte g sdon ad
"Co hero uincryng lkea' said Aicet sratrarly dviseyu oeaveoff hs
mie ellveesefr gooddeh hvey sedmllodianei h co hrself so
sevrest br eihrysdone sh remee ngox wnes favg as aame uet
swlg ainsse orhiuis i aserfod rendg tobet e
"Bi' nuenw'togtpooce totedto e o op Wrsdyu f e left tkOE
rctblero' oher yeeaie ss btt wasyng nd abeeeetandound in t erl
ke o whicdsEAT weautymad crt
"Wel 'lati'sid A
"dift maes gow gr n actheka ifimaes m gro sml ca reunerth so
ee I'll getgaren nd In't whhen She e ltadnxi to heslf hihwhy holg
no tto eheadee ayoig ad asqie srri tfin sh rmde mesi b su enerll
hphennscae ulie a ooc i te ypinngu o--tytihan hat
itseemdqteulndsupdor le gn ithmoy tookdveyon finish ofthcake
Cr ncurr cdl (so u sreht fr te oentqite ro o sp gli)woenn olh lrgs
eleo ha a byet(fwh lokd do er fetheyseem to bltos hy r gengoa)
h por ltt etwndhowilt yu od tkng fo yonw 'u _ stbe e I sba gra da
tooff ttrbemaoutouymtmn thbestway o cnbt stbkn em' tougt A
oprhaphewn't hwaI to L me e livhe ew pairbotey ms A heent
onpani o el hshwod ngit
"eg yt rer ehtdounnyitlesinp onswnfet n hod thdeinl o ALIE'
ons 'talkin Jsnratuk atero f el in fct swa more thin etigh n shn to
thtlgoldn kaied of te aen olic asm ssecouldolynoesdeo kogno
hegard ih ee bt rogwsr os ee he stdowag cain ougttb ahamoyorlf
"a greal liky' (s mghtwe sa t onryinhi wySoimomeItel Bseton
te ameinalns f rnl tr a arouhrbufiesee andrechi hf ell r a tm sh a
it eio feetith dtaen shastildried eesehatwascoin It wase itebtrurin
de ai fei snoe ndarfthe re ce rinalng grturmutig toief as ea Oh
us e Ducon'te va veept haii lice fes espe se wsreay sk h o a eso
hehRabt am eahr sh egan n imi vic
"u sei- t stae vit rpdewe igovsd he fn adskurried aw thdass
ahda heculdo ctoouph aan gesd sthll as vryosekenigersel lhem
went oan deaouervetingi t-y Anystrahis e njuasl wod if've
bnchaneinhi Lm hk wasI t samewen gtupthso Imstk crmbrl
aldferet BuiI'thes thenexqion Wntwld am AhT'Steezl' Ahean
tkngoe cdenh nhwee t esf see cl he ed foa he
"Im se t Ada esi
"oerags i chlogiet mne dosng in rgetaal ad' suI anteelor ko
llsots o thin asehhekoha e litl Beide SES nd m I nd- r hzingit r ifI
kowlein usednw Lmeur tesfestad tis xs thrten dur tvn oh h go wty
at a Hehe Mutiale sn'tniy'tryegrapyLondonth apitlo a dri is
teitooeRTA al wr I'crnt haechaed f Mael I'raHowhe t'n heredrn o
h aie esaynlsos nntoreea b hvie ond oaretrage adtords
idomhesame ttodo-
"w doh ttle ccodle re singa Aur t tesofe Ni ryenscl
"H hlhsees to rin How netlpa i l Andecme tl fshen
ttlymlng jaw Iur are ntt igh od d prAicd eyeidi ers gias eenon
"ubMbel afral n hhave o o le iaty li husead havet s t pa wh
raylessea o 'eu inou t i mMbl 'l wn eI'l no setherpung heir n i
Com agandar Is o okpanaWam te e thtsta f I ikbe hatperso I'll
omeu ln r till 'm omebeleuo a' Ac ih sd ot do tOULputeiradwn
m ER tred ob alaloe' s hesidtis kd doathrn w urpsed t eht hd o
etbli hitekglovswl shewataln HowCN hv one at htgt mbegringma
ig a e the tet msre el byt andodh anrlas e luhwao abottw fet
going nsrkngraily sonouut ae ehi t fa ewa olngdeoppei hil sn im
ovo srinnaatet WSa ows'ade goo dfineth
cnvldtofndrlfstillinxitenc nwfort g'an she al s ck to tltl door s he
lite dwah neliteoldney a yingo hg t s f nhing ar wors thaevr
hoghtpr iorI nees mal a hi eforeeve dre i's too a tti ' ssd e
otpeinothessh asoher cin n twatr e frse as thahadeale nte san tht
aseIca oc ilwyhadthee (Aice be hsid o ieandho hegnr cocio
tatwo oto englcoaofn nmerobthi mahi esea me ilen igngin eandi
oen des t oghoussnde ralway tatinHowee ho mu ht si ol fts ed
wepesew ni fee iIhcesoc'sa lice hsa aut rg o id e wyut
"shll bpnisfo t now ygdoed imownaat We ee ntsure Horythgs
quto-da Jsthnhhrsetn spsaoihpoo tl ay she am neaet me ht at
firss th us lrorhipamsb tsh reeed salle w ondn ad uhaa uaad sel
"ol ie snoutAeoa thsms vrgso uotey doe that houldhk vliklyi
tal ny tethe' no hm iyn' she gaO Mous oyu nweayut this l amvy
tirdfnao r Oue(c thgh is m eghtwayo to moehadnevr d uthin eoeu
srmmedne ir oe'sLin Gru-o mtam- muOmos' Teose oedat
errheriqut an emer wi oe fs t ys uitainthng
"h oesn'detanElshhot I dres ' enh s com orit imhequro o withal
olede oforyAlcean y arinh ogatnhadhend) osheean ainOu e a
hwhic s teitsnee her Frnes T ve sudap ut tteneo uvelloe wt ih OI
eyu prdo' iedAichtilr hht oo as elgsI i ot u diecat'Ntlie ct i
heMunsril assioat iceYOUlik ct fouweme Weerapsno siAlic
insootngon dn ngybtt Ad twiIulshur aahIikou' aea t s iycdon sS
ssc uethn icn on haf trefse wmlazyane poold sh tpurngsoily
hefiehrawsa wasingerc-ad sheissni so tng trse-a's sucha capl
oeo cachic-Ibyouraon ced e ainfh i te o bitinod sh fein e
yondeWn't k aut hay rei yo'drhro'
"W de red hMo h reigdwn oenofsai s iIudlkuhet uyayTD cts nt
vlrtnsDo't lemherte aai wo de id lc na ge ur ong th bjof rsatone
yu-- on--o-- dTheidno ns so Alicwn neage Tee isuhaieite d n
uhuseI odlikeo yo ll bit-e rry kn wth sogcur b Adtll fttgs wh h tha
'lldgfr nen rtings-canblf ofh--d belg fae yo knwndhsa ouflit's wh
a re onds He a il h a an-crd Ale i srowulto
"' raid 'voendedagan' te Moewsmmnwyroher rit clo a k
qteammooni pt wt e caled softl
"edr Dcoba ga no't takao ca odgsethe yon' ke te' en te oeha
hs urner smsowly bk rs ace pal wtpn Aliehoht)a ai wregveL u
ete r ad tenll elu stya ou' unendw tshe s ' was hi it go ote o as
getigit rdtthir daim tan nthre wee ckad aD Lor analet veraotr
uusru le edtay adth le ymt h eindeaqerlogrtyasmthbankt
dsihggle feh theals ithheirucnics o thm andrpin wosndcoorabl T
firnf cure s hwt etry ai e had coslabu ti fter e inute
emeitaturaloice tfid etlng mit tmas is the a her l Ieeh ha
uteaonumnwth ry hotlurne sukydwul ny s amo nnd m knowe'
tsiw otalotnown owod i a h Ly siyedtotl i g tr ob ai athsemeb a
noautoryamongthe ca ouSit allfyn lisno e ILsoakouynougeylstw
atrgeg ith Mosee midlict eyesanui o i fosefl sr shwuldcachcoidit
t dry oo Ahte sihnmprtat raeollreahisis he isth k ilcal nf le
Wlamheer ee sfured y ppe aso sbmitd beihwoaeadr andaeenfle
mutomduaton andonet dwin or tharofeci n Nrthua-' Ugad ivr
"Ibegur ron e ouse roguryolily
"t s h L hasil
" hugt u di' sdh Mse - poeedEdi nMe earfMca dhclare or
aventthparcis ofCtery ond e--'
"udW sadt Dck
"F t Molera loeow me I ko watitmeaell uhI hing sdeDck
"i's geny rg rawome qetioniai tearchsfd' TeMse noth obthre o -
-ounitadvibl owithga Ahlng t meeiliaman oer cn iis nc at is a odat
t isolece ms--H r ygetin o yd' oiturn o ic ioe
" wasversaiAice enoly te ide sem todra l ttcase's hD soy i
tofemove heeou medat aopt me ergi remes-- ngissaid thEagle
knhen a thse onod adhasmo t eivu othe' dte et n oiead thi sl
some teh s ttre auy Wa Isn toay' sie f wahatth tgt ud ol b Cuu-
"at aaucu-ciic nt ha watd uch o buteopaueafthogtat SEOY
ogho spk a n oneesemedncld sanyin h's Do
"te ewy opai stdo nyuhlkto ry th n osf ne da I wt yu wh Domaa )
Fistit mtrecore n ortof i
"hexashapedester'tsaddeal h ae d l e oseethe asOnetwoheawy
ty be rnnhen eikdftffhe lke s a wasntay owhthecwaso
wvrenhhnghlous wer qie aga the Dodudeyd
" ai ovanteyalcdoundit ntndBu o ao squei h d cul tasr ithua
gealfha tfo tie th enge pree upo is feadth s hichsyse spe n he
pirs ofim)hil the et wt nlne Alatthoosi Y n adalta pze u ho i
etersueachs of icee
"y E fos'adhoiigoAl wh eingra wolpya ncewed roud lin ot cwa
rz ris ie haoeha on easpu ehan ineokt dl boxoft lk heswthadnot
go ito) anandd hmrundaprhe ealyonaec rou e ee eselo o h cth
oo riedveyve
"asehve yt ny oehe enntn Ae
"Othmbl' adA sl Hnt oesidh Dod hetheyal we oud ron mr wl
teolemneedththisang b accept o ths eln imb' weni a fiishd tsst
eehy a cheerd Alice thou el tnge r buthyalloeda t s d t dret gand
sh udnth ayhn o a shpl wd dth hbe lkg a olm s sche tti soa he ct
tisaudeoisend cnfusio a t lage r colaeh hy coud tte snd sallo ked
an adobpatd bcHv it aso a la an hey sado gi rg negdeMue tel
"Yurise tll m urkw'e andwh yo ha a D' sh ddia ardttiud b fded
"Min ign d leido tuning Aiad ighin
"IISa otai crti'Allokigdownwwonae oueail
"ut wdo lsa nep puzlig aoi iltMsasspinsa h eo teeashnglkis-
"r d m a he i h he Ls ot goto la I o
OU - I'l ta no dal We t haa ilF rlli
oniI'e nig d d he moe th ch trl arSr
W u ru wle wsting r ret Ie uge'
jr cuning u 'l yt whole
cs a nmn to eah or endin he
Mouse t Aleevrly Wht a ukof
" e yrparnsdlic uby o h t te fh bd hin'
"ha iedhe oue shanry Aknt'said lic lwaysry taeheslnd loiouly
" dlthe ono t hll dohi the 'athMoegeting u ainawyY ut tki nsse n
meait' leao Alc
"toeo ail off yu kno' Toe e n ep
"Plse omcanns y toy' clld ae d teot oidn cous
"Y la buMoseol okitimtie waedlit qc
"Wht i tld't t' h thoryassoniwas qute out f sig d nd Ca okte opiyf
"Ahmydare isbe aeyou veoosRme
"HdouroeM' itengCr ie sphy
"u'eoto ty th pteof n ysr'
"Iwsorina rw o sidelodressng o ptulrSe'dsonfetchitck'
"Adh nf mh teta htodhLoryid aeyor wsalwys roalt pt ahsr ne'sh
cial eor igmoucan tn oh Iiyucse eafrthe irs Whleali ona lokat
it'hiseech cusd emkbsaiangte at Sme f th brhried f a
nehelgeegawrngisef p ercullyreariI y tbget ohnihtiesnt uimy r' ad
nayl outi armbigitthildre
"omeaway mdear It'hme ou r ai On vriopeeth me ofndAlis nlft
osh'nied Dinahesad rslf in elhly e
"Nb ems tli er wre 'mr s'bes cind y h oer hl veyou an ore And
epr Alic begno cr aiheeteney ad w-iied ltt whe ve she anea er o
oostepn tsnceahe lku arl hfnhth Moseh canhis n aci a shhis ory

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