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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________


Animal Farm - Chapter 3

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Instead of working, the pigs a. b. ____ slept a lot and lounged around c. directed and supervised the other animals d. enslaved and abused the other animals provided help and assistance

2. The animals, especially the horses, are far better at working the farm most likely because a. b. they are much more intelligent than Farmer Jones. they know the farm really well and therefore understand what needs to be done. c. d. they are motivated by self-interested reasons. they are filled with hatred that propels them to succeed.


3. What is the most significant challenge the animals face that first summer of The Animal Farm? a. b. their lack of more advanced tools their lack of food c. d. their in-fighting and conflicts their desires to quit working


4. Boxer is seen by all of the other animals as a. b. dumb and lazy selfish and vain c. d. wicked and deceptive hardworking and strong


5. Boxers solution to just about every problem is a. b. to destroy the enemy. rebel against those in power. c. d. work harder. give up and stop worrying about it.


6. In chapter 3, the word indefatigable can best be defined as a. b. a putrid smell never tiring c. d. never exerting effort unable to make a decision


7. In chapter 3, we find out that Mollie the Mule a. b. works just as hard as everyone else takes over the role of leading and directing the farm c. d. sleeps late, shows up to work late, and leaves early amazes all of the other animals with her diligence and hard work

Name: ________________________ ____


8. The most likely reason the narrator begins to describe the animals that are doing less work than the others is to a. prompt the reader to feel anger towards c. show that things on the farm are much the animals that arent working as hard. better under animal rule than under human rule. b. show that the animals are not really equal d. suggest that the animals not working as no matter how hard they chant the motto hard deserve to be punished or exiled. that they are. 9. What began to be noticed about Snowball and Napolean? a. b. they were growing enormously fat they never had any new ideas about how to lead the farm c. d. they never agreed on much of anything they always had the same ideas


____ 10. What is the most obvious reason for Snowballs failure to educate the animals on the farm? a. b. The animals preferred Napolean over Snowball. The animals had a hard time overcome their instinctual natures. c. d. The animals did not have enough resources. The animals came from terrible situations and were disadvantaged from the start.

____ 11. The most likely reason that the sparrows refuse to accept the cats offer for them to come and perch on her paw is that a. they still dont trust her, regardless of her c. kind promises they believe the cat is sick and will contaminate them with her illness d. the cat has not learned the techniques of persuasion and hasnt done a good job of being convincing the cat doesnt speak the sparrows language very well


____ 12. Four legs good, two legs bad. This motto is used by the Snowball most likely to a. b. make the ideas of Animalism easy to understand by all the stupid animals fit the concepts of Animalism into a smaller poster c. d. convince the other animals that human beings were bad express his outrage at humans

____ 13. How does Snowball work around the problem that birds have two legs and are therefore bad? a. b. he asks the birds to try and grow more legs he explains away this fact by equating wings with legs c. d. he reject the birds and asks the other animals to try and get rid of the birds he tries to get the birds to see that they are an exception to the rule

Name: ________________________


____ 14. Napolean shows no interest whatsoever in Snowballs committees for the education and re-integration of the animals; instead, he a. b. turns his attention to the older animals to c. maximize the productions on the farm turns his attention to the young animals d. to educate them while they are still small tries to teach the animals about what is wrong with Snowball tries to get all animals to focus on working harder, not wasting time on education

____ 15. The most obvious sign that a distinct new class of animals is forming is a. the fact that the horses cant learn how to c. read the fact that Snowball and Napolean are having disagreements d. the fact that the pigs are using the milk and trying to explain it to the rest of the animals the fact that the pigs are running all of the education programs


____ 16. In chapter 3, the word cryptic is best defined as a. b. mysterious or difficult to understand related to gang-like groups or activities c. d. disgusting or obnoxious putrid or foul-smelling

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