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Leadership Interview: Recommended Interview Material

Each group will be required to conduct an interview with somebody they consider to be a leader, and then construct a report (at least 1000 words) on the results of that interview. The report should be printed on your computer and handed in as a hard-copy in class, due on the first day of class in the second week of October. For Ebanos and Tangares, this assignment will be due on Monday the 7th in class. For Abedules and Eucaliptos, this assignment will be due on Tuesday the 8th in class. Below are some of the questions you might want to consider answering in the interview:

Why do you consider this person as a leader? Before interviewing this person, why did you select him/her? Why does this person consider him/herself a leader? In what ways has this person influenced others in a way which collaborates other people toward a common goal? Does this person lead by example? In what ways? What does this person consider as the key to their success in what they do as a leader? Through asking different questions, try to determine what kind of leader this person tries to be: taskoriented, people oriented, charismatic, authoritative, transformative etc. Why do you think this person takes leadership in this way? Does this person use financial incentives or emotional incentives to motivate people? Or both? In what ways? Does part of this persons leadership involve inspiring others to take leadership as well? How so? How did this person learn how to be leader in the way that he/she is a leader now? Was there a particular job or stage in this persons life when they developed these skills? What kind of personality does this person have? Does this person often consider the big picture, looking at everything all at once and how to manage it from a distance, or does this person concern themselves with the small details to be sure that everything is according to their standard of quality at all times? Do they do both equally or one more than the other? How so? Is this person aware of their weaknesses? Do they rely on somebody else to make up for that weakness? What is their weakness and how do they deal with it?

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