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Hamsters are one of the most popular pets because they are small, adorable and do not have the long tail like mice and rats. The hamster is a nocturnal animal, which means it is most active at night. They are solitary rodents with a lifespan of 2 to 3 years. They come in many types, such the Teddy bear and Chinese, with the most common being the Golden (or Syrian) type. Housing two or more adult hamsters together will always result in fights, regardless of sex. Contrary to their name, pocket pets should not really be kept in your pockets. Housing is an important consideration because their little cage is essentially their entire world. The environment that you provide for them greatly influences their behavior and well-being. The temperature must be about 21 degrees Celsius (i.e. normal room temperature for humans). It is best to place the hamsters cage in an area that is free of drafts. Although they cannot tolerate cold, they also cannot tolerate temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius. Keep in mind hamsters will hibernate if temperatures drop below 10 degrees Celsius. Ideally, the cage should be made of metal so it cannot be chewed, but suitable cages can also be made of plastic. The cage should include a running wheel that allows the hamster to exercise freely and a nesting area with cotton or other soft bedding material. Hamsters also enjoy exploring tubes which can be made of plastic or toilet paper rolls. Remember to purchase a cage with good latches to keep openings securely locked, because hamsters make good escape artists. At least once per week, all old bedding should be removed and replaced with fresh material.

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