Lesson Plan - Ksa 2

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Lesson Plan Template Microteaching (3505) KSA Focus Teacher KSA 2 Alberta Structure Meagan Fullerton-Lee Date Time

me Duration October 3, 2013 15 minutes

Students will: 1. Describe the different roles (and their associated responsibilities) in the Alberta Education system. 2. Identify what things are in place to direct the role of a teacher.

Observations: Key Questions: Small group discussions listen for student discussion that identifies legislative, moral and ethical resources that determine the role of the teacher. (2) Introduction question: What are the different roles (and their responsibilities) involved in the Alberta Education system? (1) Partner work: What things are in place to communicate and enforce responsibilities and accountabilities of teachers? (2) Development of Role Responsibility Posters (1)



Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Teachers Document ATA Workshop Workbook and Supplementary Materials Packet Alberta Education website Prior to lesson


Index cards (4 groups of 3) iPads (1 for each group) Role index cards (4) Role Responsibility Charts (12) Markers

Put index cards on front tables Place an iPad (preloaded with AbEd website) on each of the back four tables Place 4 role worksheets and the designated role on each of the back four tables Introduction Time Announce that we will be focusing on KSA #2 The Structure of the Alberta Education System. This focuses on two things: the roles and responsibilities of the people involved, and the moral, ethical and legislated codes that maintain and enforce these responsibilities. We will first explore the roles and responsibilities, then look at the codes in place. 2 minute Pose question What are the different roles (and their responsibilities) involved in the Alberta Education system? If you dont know now, thats okay. By the end of this lesson, everyone will be able to describe the different roles. Now that we have some ideas flowing, well break into groups to flesh these roles out. Have each student take an index card from the centre of the table. Explain that when I say go, they are going to stand up to find the other two people who have the same shape. When they are in their group, they will find an index card designating their table as one of four Alberta Education roles -1 minute they will go to the Alberta Education website that Ive loaded on the iPads for them to find out what responsibilities are associated with each role and make note of these on the Role Responsibility Charts. There will be 4 groups of 3. They will have three minutes. Say go. Body Time In groups, students will have 3 minutes to explore the Alberta Education website. (Raise hand to get attention). When time is up, students will pick a speaker (based on who lives 7 minutes closest to the university) to briefly talk about the role and associated responsibilities they investigated. Ask students to fill in the other three positions on their Role

Assessment of Prior Knowledge

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour

Transition to Body Learning Activity #1

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

Lesson Plan Template Microteaching (3505)

Assessments/ Differentiation:

Learning Activity #2

Assessments/ Differentiation

Assessment of Learning:

Responsibility Charts While researching, monitor the groups to listen in on the responsibilities they discover for their assigned role. Ask groups to consider why these responsibilities are attached to these roles. Explain that as a teacher in this profession, it is important to know the part that everyone has to play. As a teacher, however, it is very important that we know how to play our part well so that others can do their part. Pose question Think back to the things we discussed in the ATA Workshop. What things are in place to communicate and enforce responsibilities and accountabilities on teachers? Instruct students to find a partner from a different group and list the things that guide teachers in their profession theyll have 2 minutes (Gather attention with hands at 10 seconds) When time is up, they must pick a speaker (Rock-Paper-Scissors winner decides) to list the things to guide teachers that they discussed in their group Move through groups and listen in on discussion. If needed, offer different avenues they can pursue (ie; What things are in place at the basic school/district level?) Closure Ask students to return to their tables. As students to take a moment to share amongst themselves one key learning from the lesson. What will you be making note of in the KSA chart Kurtis has given us? If they have extra time, work together to help fill in any missing information on their Role Responsibility Charts If no one has any questions, thank everyone for their attention and conclude lesson.

3 minutes


2 minutes

Sponge Activity/Activities Reflections from the lesson

If groups finish early, they can look at the Certification of Teachers Regulation to see what is required of an interim teacher.

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe

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