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My Memoir Plan Name: ____________________________________ Block: __________

Theme: What do I want my readers to learn about? What message am I sending? (Examples: Overcoming fear, Hard work has big rewards, Children have insights that adults have lost, Talent comes from practice, etc.)

Scene 1: What is this scene about? Why did you pick it?

Setting- Where is this happening?

Characters- Who is in this scene? Why are they important?

Action- What is happening in this scene that shows your message? How much of your scene is action?

Thoughts- What are you revealing in your characters thoughts about the Theme? How much of your scene is introspection?

How does this scene connect to the Theme?

Scene 2: What is this scene about? Why did you pick it?

Setting- Where is this happening?

Characters- Who is in this scene? Why are they important?

Action- What is happening in this scene that shows your message? How much of your scene is action?

Thoughts- What are you revealing in your characters thoughts about the Theme? How much of your scene is introspection?

How does this scene connect to the Theme?

Scene 3: What is this scene about? Why did you pick it?

Setting- Where is this happening?

Characters- Who is in this scene? Why are they important?

Action- What is happening in this scene that shows your message? How much of your scene is action?

Thoughts- What are you revealing in your characters thoughts about the Theme? How much of your scene is introspection?

How does this scene connect to the Theme?

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