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Introduction to Biotechnology

Final Exam Review

Here is a brief overview of the things we have covered during this class. Topics with an asterisk (*) are things that were covered AFTER the midterm, and may be more heavily represented on the final exam. Study your class notes and handouts, lab protocols (background info, procedure, pre/post questions), and the reading assignments. Labs: 1. DNA Extraction from cheek cells: lysis buffer, protease, saline solution, ethanol, cell and nuclear membranes. DNA structure (adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine, purines/pyrimidines, phosphates, deoxyribose, draw a nucleotide and number the carbons, complementary base pairing, negative charge due to phosphates) 2. Yogurt Lab: Kochs postulates, ampicillin, lactose, scalding milk, positive and negative controls. 3. DNA fingerprinting (RFLP): restriction enzymes (palindromes, sticky/blunt ends, from bacteria), agarose, DNA is separated by size, run to red (the positive electrode), uses in forensics, be able to draw a gel with bands of given sizes 4. Biofuels (enzymes): substrates, enzymes, active sites, influence of pH/temperature on activity, reaction rate, cellobiase reaction, color change indicating product formation, applications for biofuels 5. PCR (disease gene testing): denature/anneal/extend (with temps), InstaGene matrix, Master Mix components, Taq polymerase, other applications of PCR 6. GMO foods lab: PCR concepts, plant and GMO primers 7. * Transformation: bacteria, sterile technique, pGLO, ampicillin resistance and screening, arabinose, heat shock 8. * DNA Chips: cDNA, reverse transcription (making cDNA from mRNA), active vs inactive genes, cancerous cells vs. normal cells 9. * ELISA: immune system (all lines of defense and all cell types), antibodies/antigens, enzymes 10. * Protein Profiler (SDS-PAGE): protein structure, proteins and evolution, polyacrilimide electrophoresis

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