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In English some nouns belong to the category of uncountable nouns.

Not always the same uncountable nouns in English correspond with uncountable nouns in other languages. Below you can find a list of the most common uncountable nouns in English. In bold you can the most troublesome cases.

Uncountable Nouns
absence access accommodation advice age agriculture anger applause assistance atmosphere baggage beauty behavior bread business (=trade) capacity capital (=money) cardboard cash chaos chess childhood china clothing coal comfort concern confidence cookery countryside courage crockery cutlery damage dancing democracy depression design dirt duty earth education electricity energy environment equipment evidence evil existence experience failure fear faith fashion finance fire flesh flu food freedom fruit fun furniture garbage grass ground growth hair (= all the hairs on the head) happiness harm health help history homework hospitality housework ice independence industry information insurance intelligence jealousy jewellery joy justice knowledge leisure labour laughter lightening loneliness love luck luggage machinery magic marriage meat mercy money moonlight mud music nature news nonsense paper parking patience peace peel permission philosophy pleasure policy poetry the post (= letters) poverty power pride produce progress rain protection purity reality relief religion research respect rubbish safety salt sand scaffolding scenery seaside security sewing shopping silence sleep smoking snow soap spaghetti spelling stream strength spite status stuff stupidity sunshine teaching technology thunder timber trade time toast (=bread) traffic training transport travel trust truth underwear violence vocabulary wealth weather work writing

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