Diccionario de EIM L1 WLB Spanish

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let ter

Unit English Word No.

n, v, International Spanish adj, Espaol adv un/una

English definition

Example sentence

one; every or each; used when saying how much of something there is

They left the party an hour ago; I need a new car; I run three times a week.

a lot of

muchos; muchas

a large number of things or people Shes got a lot of friends.



the skill or qualities that you need to do something

the ability to walk



the way in which someone from a He had an American accent. country or area speaks a language



a word used by teenagers in the 1980s to say something was very good something that you do, especially to enjoy yourself students who are very good at Maths are sometimes in a class where the lessons are more difficult

"I can come to the party tonight." "Ace!"

10 activity


The main activity on this holiday will be surfing. Albert is studying Advanced Maths he's very intelligent!

Advanced Maths

Matemtica avanzada

10 adventure holiday

vacaciones de actividades

a holiday in which you do a lot of Alex went on an adventure exciting activities, such as climbing holiday. rocks used to talk about a time in the past a place where planes arrive and leave, with buildings for people to wait in a lot of songs or pieces of music on a CD, a record, etc a long animal with short legs, a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in or near water every time, or at all times; at all times in the past; Forever They left the party an hour ago.



a Start airport


Which airport are you flying from?

16 album


Have you heard their new album? She saw an alligator coming out of the river.

16 alligator




I am always happy to see you; Have you always lived here?; I will always love him.

a Start America


usually used to talk about the Washington is the capital of United States America. North America the United States and Canada South America Argentina, Brazil and Peru etc. Central America Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica etc. coming from or relating to the United States of America someone who comes from the United States of America She has an American accent.

a Start American



a Start American


We get a lot of Americans visiting in the summer.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 1



used instead of 'a' when the next word starts with a vowel sound a date on which you remember something that happened on that date one or more years ago slightly angry

an apple

16 anniversary


a wedding anniversary

15 annoyed



I was annoyed with James because hed forgotten my birthday. Its so annoying when the train is late.

15 annoying



making you slightly angry



to speak or write back to someone I asked her why but she didn't who has asked you a question or answer. spoken to you used in questions and negatives to Is there any cake left?; Can you mean 'some'; used to mean one, pass me a knife? Any will do. but it is not important which one



11 Anything else?

Algo ms?

said by a waiter or shop assistant Would you like anything else to ask you if there is another thing with your food? that you want to order or buy

a Start apple


a hard, round fruit which is white inside and green or red on the outside the fourth month of the year

Apples are my favourite fruit.

a Start April


In England it rains a lot in April.

a Start Argentina


a country in South America

Gabriel Batistuta is from Argentina. Argentinian wine is very good.

a Start Argentinian



coming from or relating to Argentina a person who comes from Argentina

a Start Argentinian


We get a lot of Argentinians visiting in the summer.

a Start armchair


a comfortable chair with sides that Fred is tired, so he's sitting in you put your arms on the armchair. a school subject where you draw or paint to ask someone to come with you somewhere, such as a restaurant or caf sleeping She studied Art at college.



15 ask somebody out

invitar a salir

I was too shy to ask her out.

a a

8 2

asleep assembly

adj n

dormido reunin, asamblea

The children were all asleep.

a regular meeting of all the We were all in morning students and teachers at a school assembly.

a a

3 6

at the moment athlete n

en estos momentos atleta

now someone who is very good at a sport and who takes part in competitions the sports which include running, jumping, and throwing

Im a bit busy at the moment. My brother was a real athlete.



She was good at athletics.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 2



to try to hurt someone or damage something nice to look at when someone does a short performance to try to get a job as an actor, singer, etc the eighth month of the year

The dog attacked him when he opened the door. Shes very attractive. I did an audition but I didnt get the part.

a a

14 attractive 8 audition

adj n

atractivo audicin

a Start August a Start aunt

n n

agosto ta

Her birthday is in August.

the sister of your mother or father, My aunt is staying with us. or the wife of your uncle the time of the year between summer and winter when leaves fall from the trees when a lot of snow falls down the side of a mountain not sleeping very bad a bag that you carry on your back Im going back to college in autumn.

a Start autumn


12 avalanche


He was killed in an avalanche.

a a b


adj adj n

despierto horrible mochila

The baby is awake. The food was awful. I travelled around Europe with a backpack.

14 awful 10 backpack

bacon and eggs

huevos con beicon, huevos con tocino

a meal in which flat pieces of meat We had bacon and eggs for from a pig are eaten with eggs breakfast.

12 badly


mucho; mal

very much; in a way that is not good a type of dancing that is done in a theatre and tells a story, usually with music to make a rule saying that people must not do something a long, yellow fruit which is white inside

He his arm hurt badly; She plays the piano very badly. I love ballet.





Smoking has been banned in restaurants. Most bananas come from South America or the Caribbean.

b Start banana


15 bank robber

atracador de bancos, ladron de bancos baloncesto

someone who steals money from a The police are looking for a bank dangerous bank robber. a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a high net; the large ball used in the game of basketball the thing that you sit or lie in to wash your body when a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother's body and start to exist Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in history; A basketball is bigger than a football. Fred is in the bath.


b Start bath

baera, tina

be born


She was born in Paris in 1980.

13 be going to

ir a

used as a way of talking or writing It's going to rain tomorrow. about what you plan to do in the future to be able to do something well Hes good at sports.

be good at

ser bueno en


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 3



to defeat someone in a competition I can beat him at tennis.

b Start bed


a piece of furniture that you sleep on

Im going to bed.

10 bed and breakfast


a house where you pay to sleep in We stayed in a bed and a room and have food in the breakfast. morning the meat of a cow to start at the back of someone or something I had roast beef for dinner. College begins next week; I begin my new job in a month. Close the door behind you.

b b

4 6

beef begin

n v

ternera empezar detrs

b Start behind

b Start Belgian



coming from or relating to Belgium They are Belgian flowers.

b Start Belgian


someone from Belgium

We get a lot of Belgians visiting in the summer. Brussels is the capital of Belgium. I dont believe hes over 16; I dont believe anything he says!

b Start Belgium b 3 believe

n v

Blgica creer

a country in Europe to think that something is true, or that what someone says is true

belong to

pertenecer a

if something belongs to you, you own it (the superlative of good) better than any other (the comparative of good) of a higher quality or more enjoyable than something or someone else in the space that separates two places, people, or things; in the period of time that separates two events or times

Who does this bag belong to?




She's one of our best students.




Jeff's better at Maths than me.

b Start between


The town lies between Florence and Rome; The shop is closed for lunch between 12.30 and 1.30.

b Start bicycle


a vehicle with two wheels that you Is he driving to school today or sit on and move by pushing two going on his bicycle? parts with your feet also called bike large in size or amount; important or serious I come from a big family; Tonight's big game is between Real Madrid and Manchester United.

b Start big



11 bill


a piece of paper that tells you how Have you paid the electricity much you must pay for something bill? you have bought or used


n n

biologa cumpleaos

the study of living things the day on which someone was born, or the same date each year

She studies Biology at school Happy birthday, Emma!

b Start birthday

13 birthday cake

tarta de cumpleaos, pastel de cumpleanos

a cake that you have on your birthday

Do you want a slice of birthday cake?


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 4

16 bite


to cut something using your teeth

She bit into an apple.

12 bitterly (cold)


extremadamente (fro)

if it is bitterly cold, the weather is extremely and unpleasantly cold

It's bitterly cold in Siberia in January.

b Start book


pages of paper together in a cover Im reading such a good book; for people to read; a set of pages Let me write that in my address fastened together in a cover and book. used for writing on a shop that sells books World of Books is the best bookshop in Cambridge.

b Start bookshop


15 bored



feeling tired and unhappy because I'm bored with doing homework. you are not interested not interesting or exciting He has a very boring job.

b b


adj v

aburrido hacer una reverencia

14 bow

to bend your body forward in order The actors all bowed after the to show respect or to thank an performance. audience not afraid of dangerous or difficult situations a country in South America coming from or relating to Brazil someone from Brazil Youre very brave to get on a horse of that size! Ronaldo is from Brazil Its Brazilian coffee. We get a lot of Brazilians visiting in the summer. Would you like a slice of bread?

15 brave



b Start Brazil b Start Brazilian b Start Brazilian

n adj n

Brasil brasileo brasileo



a basic food made by mixing flour and water and then baking it



when you stop an activity for a Time for a coffee break. short time, usually to rest or to eat

12 break


to separate into two or more pieces, or to make something separate into two or more pieces to do something faster, better, etc than anyone else the food you eat in the morning after you wake up very good the island in Europe containing England, Wales and Scotland coming from or relating to The United Kingdom

The plate fell on the floor and broke.

16 break a record

batir un rcord

He broke the world record for the 200m. She had breakfast in bed this morning. We saw a brilliant film. London is the capital of Britain.



14 brilliant

adj n

brillante Gran Bretaa

b Start Britain

b Start British



The Beatles were a British group.

b Start British


a group of people coming from The The British drink a lot of tea. United Kingdom a boy or man who has the same parents as you I have an older brother.

b Start brother



English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 5

16 build a house

construir una casa

to make a house

It's cheaper to build a house than to buy one, but it's a lot of work.

15 burn


to destroy something with fire, or to I burnt all his letters. be destroyed by fire to use energy when you do an activity a person who works in business, usually with an important job in a company Swimming helps you burn a lot of calories. The hotel is mainly used by business people.

burn calories

quemar caloras

business person

empresario, hombre de negocios



to get something by paying money I went to the shop to buy some for it milk. a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and small meals to telephone someone Lets meet in the caf.

c Start caf




He called me every night while he was away. She has a very calm manner.

c c

15 calm 4 calorie

adj n

calmado, tranquilo calora

relaxed and not worried or angry

a unit for measuring the amount of I try to eat no more than 2000 energy food provides calories a day. when you stay in a tent for a holiday an area where people can stay in tents for a holiday a country in North America We're going camping in France this summer. We stayed on a really nice campsite. Toronto is the biggest city in Canada.

10 camping


10 campsite


c Start Canada


c Start Canadian



coming from or relating to Canada We flew over the Canadian mountains. someone who comes from Canada We get a lot of Canadians visiting in the Summer. a thin boat which is used for travelling on canals Some people live in canal boats, because it's cheaper than buying a house.

c Start Canadian


10 canal boat


10 canoeing


the activity of travelling in a canoe We are going canoeing in Scotland this summer. to hate something or someone a vehicle with an engine and four wheels I cant stand his mother. She goes to work by car.

15 can't stand

v n

no soportar coche, carro

c Start car



to think that something is important He cares about the and to feel interested in it environment.

12 carefully



with a lot of attention so that you do not make a mistake a long, thin orange vegetable that grows in the ground

She drives very carefully.



My horse likes eating carrots.

13 celebrate


to do something nice because it is I think we should celebrate the a special day, or because end of the exams. something good has happened


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 6


cereal, cereales

a food that is made from grain and I dont like breakfast cereals. eaten with milk, especially in the morning a seat for one person, with a back Here, take a chair. and usually four legs to become different, or to make someone or something become different Shes changed a lot in the last few years.

c Start chair




16 charity


an organisation that gives money, He gives a lot of money to food, or help to people who need it charity.

Check it out!


used when you have seen There's a new disco in the something interesting that you centre of town. Let's check it think someone else should look at out! too happy He seemed more cheerful yesterday. a chicken sandwich My dad has some chickens on his farm.

14 cheerful



c c

4 4

chicken chicken

adj n

pollo pollo

the meat of a chicken a bird kept on a farm for its meat and eggs

c Start child


a young person who is not an adult an eight-year-old child

c Start children c Start China

n n

nios China

plural of child a country in Asia

Do you have any children? More than 1,000,000,000 people live in China. Its a Chinese dog. The Chinese work very hard. Have you chosen what youre going to eat? Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? I spent the morning cleaning the house. The cat climbed down the tree.

c Start Chinese c Start Chinese c 2 choose

adj n v

chino chino elegir

coming from or relating to China a group of people from China to decide which thing you want

c Start cinema


a building where you go to watch films to get the dirt off something



climb down


to go down something

c c

climb up

v n

subir alpinista

to go up something

The cat climbed up the tree.

12 climber

someone who climbs mountains or In 1952, the first climber got to rocks as a sport the top of Everest. if you close something, you make it Could you close the window? move so that it is not open

c Start close


c Start clothes shop

tienda de ropa

a shop where you can buy clothes Benetton is my favourite clothes shop. when it is cloudy, there are clouds It's a cloudy day I can't see the in the sky sun.

12 cloudy




English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 7

10 coach


a comfortable bus used to take We went on a coach trip. groups of people on long journeys

10 coast


the land next to the sea

The island lies off the North African coast. The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.

15 collapse


to fall down

16 collect


to get and keep one type of things She collects dolls. as a hobby a group of objects of the same type that have been collected by one person or in one place to fall to the ground A private art collection.

16 collection


come down


A lot of trees came down in the storm. He can't communicate with his parents. He works for a software company. Lots of people have complained about the noise.



to tell people about something so that they understand you an organisation which sells goods or services to say that something is wrong or that you are angry about something



16 complain



ordenador, computadora an electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information programador informtico someone whose job is writing computer programmes

We've put all our records on computer.

computer programmer n

Bill Gates was a computer programmer now he's a businessman. wildlife conservation Pop Idol is my favourite contest on television. a game show contestant

c c

3 8

conservation contest

n n

conservacin concurso

the protection of nature a competition



someone who competes in a contest



to start doing or saying something We'll have to continue this again, after stopping for a while discussion tomorrow.



a talk between two or more people a telephone conversation



to prepare food and usually heat it Who's cooking dinner tonight?

c Start cooker


a piece of equipment used to cook an electric cooker food a word used by teenagers to say something is very good "Look at my new car!" "Cool!"



coral reef

barrera coralina, arrecife a line of hard rocks which you find There are coral reefs in the sea de coral in warm sea water off Belize and Australia. correcto without mistakes Check that you have the correct information.




English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 8



a set of lessons about a particular subject

She did a ten-week course in computing.

16 cow


a large farm animal kept for milk or There are lots of cows on my meat dad's farm. if a vehicle crashes, it hits something by accident a cake, usually for one person, with cream in it The car skidded and crashed into a tree. You eat too many cream cakes. You'll get fat!

11 crash


cream cake

pastel de nata



to make something happen or exist The project will create more than 500 jobs. to say that someone or something He criticised the film for being is bad too violent. if you cry, water comes out of your I could see that she'd been eyes, usually because you are sad crying.



c Start cry


c Start cupboard

armario, alacena

a piece of furniture with a door on I put the plates back in the the front which you use for putting cupboard. things in a type of food from India, made of vegetables or meat cooked with hot spices something that a particular group of people often do Chicken curry is my favourite food.



14 custom


Its the custom for the couple who are getting married not to see each other the night before the wedding. Theyve cut down all those trees.

cut down


to cut something near the bottom so that it falls to the ground



riding on a bicycle

I do a lot of cycling in my spare time. I love dancing.



to move your feet and body to music something or someone that may hurt you if someone or something is dangerous, they could hurt you a period of 24 hours

15 danger


Icy roads are a danger to drivers. a dangerous chemical

d Start dangerous



d Start day


I'm working only 4 days this week. Im seeing him the day after tomorrow. I was just daydreaming about all the things Id do with the money.

10 day after tomorrow

pasado maana

the day that will come after tomorrow to have nice thoughts about something you would like to happen the end of life



16 death


Do you believe in life after death? Her birthday is in December.

d Start December


the twelfth month of the year


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 9



to choose something after thinking Ive decided not to go. about several possibilities



someone who repairs teeth

I've made an appointment with the dentist. You need a lot of determination to succeed. He's determined to win this match.

12 determination


when someone keeps trying to do something that is difficult wanting to do something very much, and not letting anyone stop you to stop living a place or event where people dance to pop music to be the first person to find something important





v n

morir discoteca

She died when she was 98. Are you coming to the disco tonight? Joseph Lister discovered antiseptic.

d Start disco



d Start dish


food that is prepared in a particular They do a lot of vegetarian way as part of a meal dishes. not honest I dont think he was being dishonest with me. The competition was completely disorganised. Whos going to do the cooking on holiday? I have to go to the doctor's for a check-up. I did a paper round when I was at school. She studied English and drama at college. It was dreadful news.

14 dishonest



14 disorganised



not planned or organised well

do the cooking


to cook


doctor, mdico

a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt to take newspapers to a lot of houses plays and acting

doing a paper round

repartir peridicos


arte dramtico

d d

14 dreadful 5 dream

adj v

espantoso soar

very bad

to imagine things happening while I dreamt last night that Peter you are sleeping came to see me. things that you imagine happening I had a horrible dream last night; while you are sleeping; something It was his dream to become an that you want to happen although it actor. is not likely



d Start dress


a piece of clothing for women or girls which covers the top of the body and hangs down over the legs to make a car, bus, or train move, and control what it does to let something you are carrying fall to the ground boring not difficult

She was wearing a short, black dress.


conducir, manejar

She's learning to drive.

15 drop

dejar caer

She tripped and dropped the plate. I found the film very dull. I found the exam very easy.

d e

14 dull 6 easy

adj adj

aburrido fcil


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 10



to put food into your mouth and then swallow it

Who ate all the cake?



someone whose job is to design, Hes a mechanical engineer. build, or repair machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc if you enjoy something, it gives you I really enjoyed the film. pleasure a group which tries to protect nature Greenpeace is a famous environmental organisation.



environmental organisation

organizacin ambiental, organizacin medioambiental equipo


the things that are used for a particular activity to leave a place where you do not want to be each

kitchen/office equipment

16 escape


The two killers escaped from prison last night. I think about him every day.

e e

3 2

every exam n

cada examen

a test of how much you know I have an English exam about something or how good you tomorrow. are at something very good That was an excellent meal.

e e

6 6

excellent excited

adj adj

excelente entusiasmado

feeling very happy and enthusiastic I was so excited to see him.

15 exciting



making you feel very happy and enthusiastic activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy; a piece of written work that helps you learn something costing a lot of money

It was a really exciting game.



Swimming is my favourite form of exercise; For your homework, please do exercise 3 on page 24. She wears very expensive clothes. Both children have fair hair. She fell off her bike.

e Start expensive



f Start fair hair f 13 fall off

adj v

rubio caerse

hair that is light in colour to suddenly go down and hit the ground known by many people

f f


adj n

famoso aficionado

Shes a famous actress.

16 fan

someone who likes and supports a Youre a football fan, arent you, famous person, sport, type of Gav? music, etc an area of land with buildings that is used for growing crops and keeping animals as a business Alan has a pig farm.

10 farm




someone who owns or looks after a farm

My dad is a farmer. He's got 500 cows and lots of chickens.

12 fast



moving, happening, or doing something quickly your male parent

He likes fast cars.

f Start father


My father lived until he was 90.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 11

f Start favourite



your favourite person or thing is the one that you like best the second month of the year to have an emotion or a physical feeling a boat that regularly carries passengers and vehicles across the water a story shown in moving pictures, shown at the cinema or on television a famous cinema actor or actress

What's your favourite band?

f Start February f 15 feel

n v

febrero sentir

Were going away in February. I felt so sad.

10 ferry


a car/passenger ferry

f Start film


Titanic was one of the most popular Hollywood films ever made. Who is your favourite film star?

film star

estrella de cine



final, examen final

last in a series or coming at the end of something

This is my final exam.



to discover something or someone I can't find my glasses and I've that you have been searching for looked everywhere.

f Start fine



well, healthy, or happy

"How are you?" "I'm fine thanks. And you?"

16 fingernail


the hard, thin part on the top of the Maria always paints her end of your finger fingernails red to complete something When I finish my homework, can I watch TV?





someone whose job is to stop fires I'd like to be a firefighter. It burning would be a very exciting job. a small object that explodes and causes bright colours in the sky and loud noises an animal that lives only in water and swims a popular, usually cheap, meal in Britain consisting of fried fish and fried potatoes healthy, especially because you exercise regularly We watched an amazing firework display.

13 fireworks

fuegos artificiales



Are there any fish in the pond?

fish and chips

pescado con patatas fritas

I eat fish and chips every Friday.



en forma

He's very fit for his age.

f Start flat


a set of rooms to live in, with all the They live in a large block of rooms on one level of a building flats.

flight attendant

auxiliar de vuelo, asistente de vuelo flotar

someone whose job is to look after I asked the flight attendant for a passengers on an aircraft drink of orange juice. to stay in the air, or move gently through the air to travel through the air in an aircraft with fog A balloon floated across the sky.

11 float



I'm flying to Delhi tomorrow.

12 foggy


de niebla, nebuloso

a foggy day


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 12



to move behind someone or something and go where they go a large area of trees growing closely together to not remember a type of car racing

She followed me into the kitchen. a pine forest



f f

6 1

forget Formula 1

v n

olvidar Frmula 1

I forgot to call him. Michael Schumacher is a famous Formula 1 driver. My fortune cookie says I'm going to be rich and famous.

11 fortune cookie

galletita china de la fortuna

a biscuit containing a message about your future, usually eaten after a Chinese meal a country in Europe

f Start France f 2 free time

n n

Francia tiempo libre

Paris is the capital of France

time when you are not working and When Ive finished my exams Ill can do what you like have more free time. coming from or relating to France She speaks with a French accent.

f Start French



f Start French f Start Friday

n n

francs viernes

people from France

The French make a lot of cheese. the day of the week after Thursday Shes leaving on Friday. and before Saturday a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold cooked in hot oil or fat someone who you know well and like behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone when two people are friends Could you put the milk back in the fridge? a fried egg Sarah's my best friend.

f Start fridge

refrigerador, nevera


adj n

frito amigo

f Start friend



amistoso, amable

She was very friendly.



They have a very close friendship. It frightens me when he drives so fast. Shes frightened of spiders. It was a very frightening film. Lots of big frogs live in the Amazon in Brazil.

15 frighten


to make someone afraid or nervous afraid or nervous making you feel afraid or nervous a small, green animal with long back legs for jumping that lives in or near water a drink made from fruit

f f f

15 frightened 15 frightening 16 frog

adj adj n

asustado espantoso, aterrador rana

fruit juice

zumo de fruta, jugo

Fruit juice is a very healthy drink. He told me a really funny story.

f Start funny



making you smile or laugh



ms lejos

the comparative of far

Manchester is further from London than Cambridge. In the year 3000, people will live in other galaxies.

11 galaxy


a very large group of stars held together in the universe


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 13



the study of all the countries of the In Geography this week, we world, and of the surface of the learned about Global Warming. Earth, such as the mountains and seas coming from or relating to Germany someone from Germany Its German wine.

g Start German



g Start German


We get a lot of Germans visiting in the summer. Berlin is the biggest city in Germany. A bridge is useful if you want to get across a river. I was just getting dressed when the phone rang. They must have got in through the bathroom window. I must get in touch with Michael and arrange to see him.

g Start Germany


a country in Europe

13 get across


to move from one side of something to the other side to put clothes on your body

get dressed


get in


to enter somewhere, especially a building or car

get in touch with

ponerse en contacto con to speak or write to someone, especially when you have not spoken or written to them for a long time casarse to start to be someones wife or husband to move out of something, especially a vehicle to move out of your bed in the morning the spirit of a dead person which appears to people who are alive to stop trying to do something

11 get married

We got married last year.

get out


I'll get out when you stop at the traffic lights. I got up at 7.30 this morning.

get up


16 ghost


Do you believe in ghosts?

12 give up

dejar de

Dont give up playing the guitar youre getting better.

13 give up smoking

dejar de fumar

to stop doing or having something, Ive given up smoking. often so that you will become healthier if a bomb or gun or a firework goes A bomb had gone off in the off, it explodes or fires marketplace. to continue You cant go on working this hard.

13 go off


12 go on

continuar, seguir

go out with

salir con

if someone is going out with "Will you go out with me?" someone else, that person is their "No, you're too ugly!" boyfriend or girlfriend to move through water by using your arms and legs to get into a bed so that you can sleep to begin to sleep She goes swimming at the local pool. I usually go to bed around midnight. Babies often go to sleep after a feed. I want to go to university after school.

go swimming

practicar natacin

go to bed

irse a dormir

go to sleep


go to university

ir a la universidad

to study at a university


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 14

12 go wrong

salir mal

to develop problems

Something's gone wrong with my computer.

gold medal

medalla de oro

a small, round piece of metal given She won an Olympic gold to someone who has won a medal. competition if someone is good-looking, they have an attractive face a big, black, hairy animal, like a large monkey Shes a good-looking woman.



bien parecido, guapo

15 gorilla


I don't think gorillas should live in the Zoo they should be free!

12 gradually



slowly over a period of time

Gradually he began to get better. My grandfather was born in 1920.

g Start grandfather


the father of your mother or father

g Start grandmother


the mother of your mother or father My grandmother lets me play computer games all day she's great! small, round, green or black fruit that grow in large groups Grapes are my favourite fruit.





a las brasas

cooked by being placed under heat grilled vegetables


Bien!, Chevere!

a word used by teenagers in the 1960s to say something was very good a number of people or things that are together; a few people who sing or play music together

Hey, look at your jeans groovy!



She went camping with a small group of friends; a pop group.



to give an answer or opinion about Can you guess how old he is? something when you do not know for sure a musical instrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings with your fingers a weapon that you fire bullets out of a man a round, flat piece of meat which you eat between round pieces of bread a handsome man is attractive an electric guitar



15 gun


The back robber took a gun out of his bag. What a nice guy! a hamburger and fries

g h

1 4

guy hamburger

n n

tipo hamburguesa




He was tall, dark and handsome. She worked very hard but she wasn't quite good enough. Its hard work studying for a degree. The trip cost so much it left me with hardly any money for presents.

12 hard



with a lot of effort

hard work

trabajo duro

work that is difficult to do

hardly any

casi sin

very little or few


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 15

hardly ever

casi nunca

almost never

We hardly ever go out these days. He's always been hard-working. They've hated each other since they were kids. I have a shower after breakfast.

h h

7 1

hard-working hate

adj v

trabajador odiar

always working with a lot of effort to dislike someone or something very much to wash your body while you are standing under running water

13 have a shower


have an argument


if two or more people have an I heard my neighbours having argument, they shout at each other an argument last night. or talk angrily to have sons or daughters to have something They dont have any children. Theyve got three children.

11 have children

tener hijos tener tener algo en comn

h Start have got h 7 have something in common have to v

to have or do something that is the We both like reading so at least same as someone else we have that in common. if you have to do something, you need to do it or someone makes you do it the part of your body above your neck which contains your brain, eyes, ears, mouth, etc. the person who controls a school I have to go to the doctors this afternoon.

tener que

16 head


He fell and hit his head on the table.


director, director academico saludable con fuerza

Our headteacher is horrible!

h h


adj adv

good for your health when it snows a lot, it snows heavily weighing a lot an aircraft which flies using long, thin parts on top of it that turn round and round very fast to make it easier for someone to do something

She has a very healthy diet. It snowed very heavily last night 2 metres of snow! Those look like heavy bags. When I'm rich, I'm going to travel everywhere by helicopter.

12 heavily

h Start heavy h 1 helicopter

adj n

pesado helicptero



Thank you for helping me.



someone who does something Hes a sporting hero of mine. brave or good which makes people admire them the activity of going on long walks in the countryside A word used by teenagers in the 1950s to say something was very good to pay money so that you can use something for a short time the study of things that happened in the past to touch something quickly and with force They often go hiking at the weekend. Hey, pink trousers hip!

10 hiking




10 hire


They hired a car for a few weeks. Hes studying history at college.



12 hit


She hit him on the head with her tennis racket.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 16

16 hit


a very successful song, film, book, The film Titanic was a big hit. etc work which teachers give students Have you done your homework to do at home yet? sincere and telling the truth Be honest with me do I look fat in this? I hope to see you in Paris. I go horse-riding most weekends.


deberes, tarea

13 honest



h h

12 hope to 10 horse-riding

v n

esperar hpica

to want to do something the activity of sitting on a horse while it moves and controlling it



a place where people who are ill or He was in hospital for two hurt go to be treated by doctors weeks. and nurses very warm It's usually hot in Saudi Arabia.

12 hot



h Start house


a building where people live, usually one family or group a boat that people can live on the work that you do to keep your house clean

They have a big house in the country. I'd like to live in a houseboat. I can't stand doing housework.

h h

10 houseboat 3 housework

n n

casa flotante labores domsticas

11 How embarrassing!

Qu vergenza!

something you say when someone You forgot his name in a has told you about something meeting? How embarrassing! which they did which made them feel ashamed something you say when you do not know something So wheres Jake gone? How should I know? He never tells me anything. "The world is going to end tomorrow!" "I don't believe it!"

15 How should I know?

Yo qu s!

11 I don't believe it!

No me lo creo!

said about something that is very surprising

12 ice


water that has frozen and become Gerry slipped on the ice and solid broke his arm. a sweet food made from frozen milk or cream and sugar chocolate/vanilla ice cream

i Start ice cream


ice hockey

hockey sobre hielo

a game played on ice in which two Ice hockey is a very dangerous teams try to hit a small hard object sport. into a goal using long sticks

i Start I'd like i 8 idea n

Yo querr, Me gustaria used to ask for something ... idea a suggestion or plan

Id like the tuna fish, please. "Why don't we ask Georgia?" "That's a good idea."

i Start I'm fine, thanks.

Bien, gracias.

said when someone asks How are Hi Joe, how are you? you? and you want to say that you Im fine, thanks. How are you? are well the ability to create ideas or pictures in your mind to copy the way someone or something looks, speaks, or behaves The job needs someone with a little imagination. Shes really good at imitating people.






English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 17

12 immigrant


someone who comes to live in a different country valuable, useful, or necessary

America is a country of immigrants. My family is very important to me. There's milk in the fridge. It will be ready in three days time. Its a vital piece of information. I am studying Information Technology, because I want to be a computer programmer. Shes a highly intelligent young woman. Sarah's only interested in boys and clothes.




i Start in i 10 in three days' time

en dentro de tres das

inside of a container or place during the next three days

i i

3 2

information Information Technology

n n


facts about a situation or person

tecnologa de la the use of computers and other informacin, informatica electronic equipment to send and store information inteligente able to learn and understand things easily liking something and wanting to give your attention to it



15 interested



14 interesting



keeping your attention and making I found the talk very interesting. you think a lot someone who designs and makes My uncle was a famous inventor new things he made the world's first television. the activity of making clothes flat and smooth using an iron (=a piece of electrical equipment) an area of land that has water around it coming from or relating to Italy Laurie was doing the ironing.





10 island


the Caribbean island of Grenada. Mozzarella is an Italian cheese.

i Start Italian



i Start Italian


someone from Italy

We get a lot of Italians visiting in the summer. Italy is a beautiful country, but I don't like the food there. Its nonsense he would never have said that! a leather jacket Were coming back in January.

i Start Italy


a country in Europe

11 It's nonsense


said when you hear or read something that is not true a short coat the first month of the year

j Start jacket j Start January

n n

chaqueta enero

j Start Japan


a country consisting of a group of Lots of technology comes from islands near the east coast of Asia Japan.

j Start Japanese j Start Japanese

adj n

japons japons

coming from or relating to Japan a group of people from Japan

Its a Japanese car. The Japanese bow when they meet each other. a pair of jeans

j Start jeans

tejanos, jeans

trousers made from denim (=a strong, usually blue, material)


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 18

11 joke


something which someone says to He told me a funny joke. make people laugh, usually a short story with a funny ending when you travel from one place to a car/train journey another someone who decides which the Olympic judges person or thing wins a competition





j Start July


the seventh month of the year

Were going on holiday in July.

j Start jump


to push your body up into the air using your feet and legs

I know you're not happy, but please don't jump off the bridge!

j Start jumper

jersey, sueter

a warm piece of clothing which a woolly jumper covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head the sixth month of the year She was born in June.

j Start June k 10 kayak

n n

junio kayak

a light, narrow boat, usually for one "I like your canoe!" person, which you move using a "It's not a canoe, it's a kayak!" stick to not get angry or upset I tried to keep calm but it was hard. My Dad's very fat. He doesn't keep fit. Even though youre tired you have to keep going. I try to keep in touch with all my old school friends.

15 keep calm

mantener la calma

keep fit

mantenerse en forma

do exercises to make you stay strong and healthy to continue doing something

12 keep going


keep in touch with

ponerse en contacto con, mantenerse en contacto con mantener el ritmo

to regularly speak or write to someone so that you stay friends

13 keep up

to continue

She was walking so fast I couldn't keep up with her.



to cause someone or something to Sunday's bomb killed 19 people. die kind people do things to help others and show that they care about them to press your lips against another person's lips or skin to show love or affection to have information about something in your mind; to be familiar with a person, place, or thing because you have met them, been there or used it before Your mother was very kind to us.

14 kind



14 kiss


He kissed her cheek.

k Start know


"How old is she?" "I don't know."; I've known Tim since primary school.



when an aircraft lands, it arrives on We should land in Madrid at the ground after a journey 7am. a school where you can learn languages I'm learning English at a language school in London.

l Start language school

escuela de idiomas, instituto de idiomas


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 19

l l

6 2

last late adj

ltimo tarde

most recent

I saw him last night.

after the usual time or the time that I was late for work this morning. was arranged to smile and make a noise because you think something is funny someone whose job is to understand the law and deal with legal situations You never laugh at my jokes.

l Start laugh




I want to see my lawyer before I say anything.

14 lazy


perezoso, flojo

someone who is lazy does not like Get out of bed, you lazy thing! working or using any effort to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity the skin of animals that is used to make things such as shoes and bags to go away from a place or a situation a period of time when a teacher teaches people used in making suggestions I learned Russian at school.



14 leather



Ive bought a leather jacket.



I'm leaving work early this afternoon. The best way to improve your game is to take lessons. Look! There's Charlotte let's follow her.

l Start lesson


Let's (follow her)

Vamos a (seguirla)

l Start letter


a written message that you send to I got a letter from Paulo this someone, usually by post morning. a room or building that contains a lot of books that you can read or borrow to put something or someone in a higher position to enjoy something or think that someone or something is nice to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them a lot of I usually study in the library.

l Start library


12 lift


Could you help me lift this table, please? I liked her as soon as I met her.



l Start listen (to)


What kind of music do you listen to? Shes got loads of clothes.

l l

5 2

loads of lonely adj

mucho solo

sad because you are not with other She gets lonely now that the people kids have all left home. the sport of jumping as far as you can The world record for the long jump is almost 9 metres.

long jump

salto largo

l Start look at


to turn your eyes to something or Look at me, Daddy! someone so that you can see them

look down at

despreciar, mirar hacia abajo ir impecable buscar

to use your eyes to see something She looked down at the city from that is below you the top of the tower. to seem to be something to find information in a book or on the internet She always looks perfect. She looked the word up in her dictionary.

l l

7 9

look perfect look up

v v


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 20

16 look-alike


someone whose face and body is very like someone else making a lot of noise very attractive used when you are saying about something good that happened that prevented a problem having good things happen to you

a David Beckham look-alike

12 loudly

adv adj adv

alto precioso afortunadamente

She talks very loudly. They have a lovely house. Luckily I had some money with me.

l Start lovely l 12 luckily




"I'm going on holiday." "Lucky you!" You're mad to walk home alone at night. I made a mistake and put an extra zero in the figure. I don't have many clothes. My birthday is in March. Will you marry me?

m 16 mad




make mistakes

cometer errores

to do things that are not right and that cause problems a lot of the third month of the year to start to be someones husband or wife the study or science of numbers and shapes the fifth month of the year the food that you eat at one time to have a particular meaning

many n v

muchos marzo casarse con

m Start March m 9 marry



I was never very good at maths.

m Start May m m 4 9 meal mean

n n v

mayo comida significar

He died in May. We had a four-course meal in the hotel. What does 'perpendicular' mean?



soft parts of animals, used as food I don't eat meat.



a metal circle given as a prize in a She got a bronze medal in the competition or given to someone swimming. who has been very brave

m 16 middle-aged


de mediana edad

in the middle of your life before you A middle-aged couple walked in. are old used to talk about what will possibly happen It might be finished by Thursday.

m 15 might




a white liquid produced by female a carton of milk animals, such as cows, for feeding their babies water which is taken from the ground and contains chemicals that are good for your health unhappy someone whose job is to wear clothes in fashion shows and be photographed for magazines the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday fizzy/sparkling mineral water

mineral water

agua mineral

m 14 miserable m 7 model

adj n

triste modelo

I woke up feeling miserable. a fashion model

m Start Monday


Im seeing her on Monday.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 21



the coins or banknotes (=pieces of How much money have you paper with values) that are used to got? buy things one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into approximately four weeks the month that follows the next month for example, if is now January, the month after next is March your female parent the first language that you learn when you are a child Hes starting his new job next month.

m Start month


m 10 month after next

dentro de dos meses

It's January now, so the month after next is March.

m Start mother m 9 mother tongue

n n

madre lengua materna

a single mother Her mother tongue is English.

m 10 mountain bike

bicicleta de montaa

a bicycle with thick tyres and lots of My parents are going to buy me gears (=things that help you to go a mountain bike for my birthday. faster or slower) someone who climbs mountains Edmund Hilary was the first mountain climber to get to the top of Everest, in 1952.

m 15 mountain climber


m 16 mouse


a small animal with fur and a long, I've got a dog, but my friend thin tail Mark has a mouse. often or a lot She doesnt help me very much.



m Start museum


a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or science a small, brown plant with a round top, some types of which can be eaten as a vegetable a shop that sells CDs or a shop that sells musical instruments

a museum of modern art



pasta with wild mushrooms

m Start music shop

tienda de instrumentos musicales deber

I bought my guitar in a music shop in New York.

m 13 must

used to say that it is necessary that The meat must be cooked something happens before you eat it. used when introducing yourself to someone else all the plants, creatures, etc. that exist in the world, which are not made by people not far away in distance or time a word used by teenagers in the 1970s to say something was very good needed in order to achieve something Hi! My name's Andrew. Nice to meet you! the laws of nature

m Start My names

Me llamo

10 nature


n Start near n 9 Neat!


cerca Bien!

The school's very near here. Youre going to drive us there? Neat!




Is it really necessary to give so much detail?

16 neighbour


someone who lives very near you, Our next-door neighbours are especially in the next house always having parties.

14 nervous



worried and anxious

I was so nervous in my interview.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 22



not ever

"Have you ever been to Australia?" "No, never." I need some new shoes; Their house is quite new.

n Start new



different from before; recently made

13 New Years Eve/Day

vspera de Ao Nuevo, vspera, da de Ao Nuevo siguiente

31st December, the last day of the Hes having a New Years Eve year party.


coming after this one

Were going on holiday next week. I was sitting next to Phillip. Its a really nice town; He seems like a nice guy. "Hi Fred, I'm Andrew." "Nice to meet you!"

n Start next to n 9 nice adj

al lado de agradable

beside pleasant; kind and friendly

n Start Nice to meet you.

Un placer conocerte.

said when you meet someone for the first time

15 No big deal.

No es importante.

said to mean that something is not "Sorry I can't come to the a problem cinema with you tonight." "Don't worry, it's no big deal"

15 No way!

De ningn modo!

certainly not

"Would you invite him to a party?" "No way!"

11 nonsense


something that someone has said or written that is silly and not true

She talks such nonsense sometimes.

n n

9 5

normal North Pole

adj n

normal Polo Norte

usual and ordinary the point on the Earths surface which is furthest north the eleventh month of the year at the present time; immediately

We lead a fairly normal life. One day I'm going to walk to the North Pole. Shes leaving in November. She's finished her degree and now she teaches English; Come on, Andreas, we're going home now. The nurse came to take my temperature. Shell be eighteen in October. I often see her there.

n Start November n 3 now

noviembre ahora



someone whose job is to care for people who are ill and hurt the tenth month of the year many times

o Start October o o 2 3 often old

octubre a menudo viejo

having lived or existed for a long Shes an old woman now; How time; used to describe or ask about old are you? someone's age a set of international sports competitions that happen once every four years a food made with eggs that have been mixed and fried, often with other foods added on a surface of something The next Olympic Games will be China.

Olympic Games

Juegos Olmpicos



a cheese omelette

o Start on


She put the cake on the table.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 23

10 on horseback

a caballo

riding a horse

There were police on horseback there. I go round to see him once a week. One day, I came home to find my windows broken. I like onions in my salad.

once (a week)

una vez (a la semana)

on one day of the week

one day

un da

used to talk about something that happened in the past a round vegetable with layers that has a strong taste and smell



o Start open


to put something in a position that is not closed a round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a lot of juice to ask for food, goods, etc. not special or different in any way

Could you open the window, please? orange juice

o Start orange


o o

4 7

order ordinary

v adj

pedir normal y corriente, comun organizar

Ive just ordered the drinks. I was just wearing my ordinary clothes. Shes busy organising the wedding. My secretary is very organised.


to plan and arrange something

14 organised



planning things well

15 overturn


if something overturns or if you overturn something, it turns over onto its top or onto its side too fat

She overturned her car in the accident.



pasado de peso

He's still a few pounds overweight. I learned to paint in Italy.

p Start paint


to produce a picture of something or someone using paint

p p


n n

pintor pintura

someone who paints pictures

Picasso wasn't a bad painter.

12 painting

a picture that someone has painted Ive put a couple of paintings up in the bedroom. thin, flat material used for writing on, etc. Could I have a piece of paper?



15 parachute jumper


A person who jumps put of a Id hate to jump out of a plane plane, with a piece of cloth that fills what if my parachute didnt with air attached to him/her to help open? him/her fall more slowly your mother or father a large area of grass, often in a town, where people can walk and enjoy themselves a tropical bird with colourful feathers traditional food from Italy made from flour and water that gets soft when you cook it in water Her parents live in Oxford. We went for a walk in the park.

p Start parent p Start park

n n

padre parque

16 parrot


My parrot can talk.



Spaghetti's my favourite pasta.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 24


amigo por correspondencia

a person that you often write to and get letters from, often someone who you have not met exactly right for someone or something to use the phone to speak to someone the activity or job of taking photographs classes at school where children do exercise and play sport

I've got a penfriend in Scotland, called James.




You'd be perfect for the job.


llamar por telfono, telefonear fotografa

I tried to phone her last night, but she was out. She studied photography at college. Physical Education is my favourite subject at school, especially when we play football.


Physical Education

educacin fsica



the scientific study of natural forces, such as energy, heat and light to lift someone or something by using your hands

Albert Einstein was good at Physics.

pick up


The baby started to cry so she picked her up.

p Start picture


a drawing, painting, or photograph She painted a picture. of something or someone



someone who flies an aircraft

Pilots have a great life. They travel a lot and have lots of money. Italians eat a lot of pizza.

p Start pizza


a food made from a flat, round piece of bread covered with cheese, vegetables, etc and cooked



an arrangement for something that Have you got any holiday plans? you intend to do to think about and decide what you We're just planning our holidays. are going to do or how you are going to do something a large, round object in space that Jupiter is the largest planet of moves around the sun or another our solar system. star when you play a sport or game, you take part in it play games on a computer, Playstation etc You play tennis, don't you Sam?



11 planet


p Start play


play computer games

jugar en el ordenador

Henry loves his Playstation. He spends hours playing computer games. Julian spent his pocket money on ice cream and sweets. Poland is a big country next to Germany.

pocket money

dinero de bolsillo

an amount of money given regularly to a child by its parents a country in Europe

p Start Poland


polar bear

oso polar

a large, white bear that lives in the Polar bears look nice, but if you North Pole (=most northern part of get too close to one, it will eat the Earth) you!


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 25

p Start policeman


a man who is a member of the police (=organisation that makes people obey the law) coming from or relating to Poland

There is a lot of crime, so we need more policemen.

p Start Polish



We flew over the Polish mountains.

12 politics


ideas and activities relating to how Politics had never interested a country or area is governed him.

16 poor



having too little money

Most of these people are very poor.

pop idol

dolo popular, dolo del pop

someone who is famous for Justin Timberlake is my singing or playing the type of music favourite pop idol at the that young people like moment. modern music which is liked by young people I love most pop music especially Coldplay and Tatu.

pop music

msica popular, msica pop estrella del pop

pop star

someone who is famous for I'm going to be a pop star one singing or playing the type of music day, just like my cousin, Jennifer that young people like Lopez. liked by many people "Jack" was the most popular boy's name in that year.




p Start post office

oficina de correos

a place where you can buy stamps I hate going to the post office to and send letters and parcels buy stamps.

10 postcard


a card with a picture on one side Send me a postcard from your that you send without an envelope holidays.


patata, papa

a round vegetable which is white inside and grows in the ground

boiled/fried potatoes



to make a liquid flow from or into a I poured the milk into a jug. container to often repeat something in order How often do you practice the to improve your ability piano? to like someone or something more I prefer dogs to cats. than another person or thing



p Start prefer




something that you give to someone, usually for a special occasion

a birthday/wedding present



a piece of school work that We're doing a class project on involves detailed study of a subject the environment.



to make the sound of a letter or word how words are pronounced

How do you pronounce his name? Mario's English pronunciation is excellent.





to keep someone or something It's important to protect your skin safe from something dangerous or from the sun. bad


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 26

pull out (teeth)

extraer (muelas)

to remove teeth from the head

The dentist is going to pull out 6 of my teeth tomorrow. She gave him a little push towards the door.



when you move someone or something by pressing them with your hands or body to place someone or something that you are holding onto the floor or a table to get dressed

put down


She put her books down on the desk.

put on


She got dressed so quickly that she put her jumper on the wrong way. Can you help me put this picture up? I joined the queue.

put up


to put a picture on a wall

14 queue


a row of people waiting for something




doing something fast or taking only I tried to catch him but he was a short time too quick for me. making little or no noise Can you be quiet, please? We're trying to work. "Don't worry," she said quietly.




12 quietly



making little or no noise

16 rabbit


a small animal with fur and long ears that lives in a hole in the ground

I love rabbits. I want my parents to buy me one.



a competition in which people run, a car race ride, drive, etc against each other in order to see who is the fastest

15 racing driver

corredor de carreras

someone who drives a car in a car Michael Schumacher is a great race racing driver, but I don't like him.



if it rains, water falls from the sky in It rains a lot in Britain small drops water that falls from the sky in small drops to collect money from lots of people to arrive somewhere I got caught in the rain.

12 rain


16 raise money

recaudar dinero

Were raising money for charity.

12 reach

llegar a

We won't reach Miami till five or six o'clock. What was the last book you read? Give me a call when you're ready. I didnt recognise her with her new haircut.

r Start read


to look at words and understand what they mean prepared for doing something




15 recognise


to know someone or something because you have seen them before


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 27

13 record


to store sounds or pictures using electronic equipment so that you can listen to them or see them again the best, biggest, longest, tallest, etc to become happy and calm because nothing is worrying you feeling happy and calm because nothing is worrying you

Theyre recording a new album.

16 record


He broke the world record for long jump I find it difficult to relax.

11 relax


14 relaxed



She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation.



if you remember a fact or I can't remember his name. something from the past, you keep it in your mind to answer "I don't understand," she replied.

14 reply




someone whose job is to discover My Dad is a reporter. He works information about news events and for the most important describe them on television, radio, newspaper in England. or in a newspaper



when someone studies a subject in Shes doing research into detail in order to discover new language development. information a promise to yourself to do something My New Year's resolution is to do more exercise.

13 resolution




a place where you can buy and eat I know a nice little Italian a meal restaurant near there. small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten having a lot of money People eat a lot of rice in China, Japan and India. She's the third richest woman in Britain. I ride my bike to work.








to travel by sitting on a horse, bicycle, or motorcycle and controlling it if something rings, it makes the sound of a bell a long area of water that flows across the land and into a sea, lake, or another river meat from a cow which is cooked in an oven



The phone's ringing.

r Start river


the River Thames

roast beef

carne asada

My family eat roast beef for lunch every Sunday.

12 rope


very thick string made from twisted Charlotte climbed the tree using thread a rope. behaving in a way which is not polite and upsets other people a flat, straight stick which is used to measure things I hope youre not rude to your teacher. My art teacher says "don't use a ruler for drawing pictures" .

14 rude


rudo, descortes

r Start ruler



English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 28

r Start run


to move on your feet at a faster speed than walking a country in Europe

He can run very fast.

r Start Russia


Russia is the biggest country in the world. I collect Russian dolls.

r Start Russian



coming from or relating to Russia

r Start Russian


someone from Russia

We get a lot of Russians visiting in the summer. I feel safe when I'm with you. They go sailing at the weekends. I made a big salad for lunch.

s s


adj n

seguro navegacin a vela

not in danger or likely to be hurt a sport using boats with sails

10 sailing



a cold mixture of vegetables that have not been cooked a substance that is found on beaches which is made from very small grains of rock two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc between them the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday a hot or cold liquid that you put on food to add flavour to stop someone or something from being killed or destroyed



a grain of sand



a cheese/tuna sandwich

s Start Saturday


Ill see her on Saturday.



a tomato/cheese sauce



He was badly injured, but the doctors saved his life.

save up


to keep money so that you can buy Im saving up for a car. something with it in the future

s Start scarf


a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck, head, or shoulders a big room in a school where everyone can come together the study and knowledge of the structure and behaviour of natural things in an organised way

I always wear a scarf in winter.

school hall

comedor escolar

We have lunch in the school hall. Science is my favourite subject at school I love doing experiments with chemicals.

s Start science


s s

3 4

sea seafood

n n

mar mariscos, marisco

a large area of salt water animals from the sea that are eaten as food, especially animals that live in shells someone who works in an office, typing letters, answering the telephone, and arranging meetings, etc to notice people and things with your eyes to appear

I'd like to live by the sea. Last year we went to Spain on holiday, and ate a lot of seafood.



I'd like to be a secretary, because I like talking on the phone.



We saw some monkeys when we were on holiday. She seemed happy.

16 seem



English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 29



to arrange for something to go somewhere, especially by post the ninth month of the year

I sent him a letter last week.

s Start September


The new term starts in September. She shares a house with Louisa.



to have or use something at the same time as someone else a large fish with very sharp teeth

s s

15 shark 3 She must be crazy!

tiburn Tiene que estar loca!

My friend Kevin was eaten by a shark last week! said about someone who has done "Anna is going out with Ronald." something very silly "She must be crazy! He's so boring!"

s Start shirt


a piece of clothing worn on the top I like your new shirt David. It part of the body, fastened with looks good with those pink buttons down the front trousers! a strong covering for the foot, often a pair of shoes made of leather a shop where shoes are sold "Hey! Nice shoes! Where did you get them?" "In a shoe shop" a book shop

s Start shoe


s Start shoe shop


s Start shop


a building where you can buy things



the things that you buy from a shop Can you help me unpack the or shops shopping? continuing for a small amount of time used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do to say something very loudly to express a feeling so that other people are able to notice it It was only a short visit.




14 should


He should go to the doctor.

s Start shout s 15 show

v v

gritar mostrar

"Look out!" she shouted. He hasn't shown any interest so far.

s Start shower


a piece of bathroom equipment He likes to sing in the shower. that you stand under to wash your whole body said to rudely tell someone to stop Stop talking please.....please talking listen to me.....shut up! when you see something that is rare or unusual UFO sightings have been reported in the area.

Shut up!


16 sighting


10 sightseeing


the activity of visiting places which a sightseeing tour of London are interesting the same in some ways although not in all ways someone who sings The two houses are remarkably similar. a jazz singer





n n

cantante fregadero

s Start sink

a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a Can you do the washing up kitchen or bathroom that you wash that's in the sink. dishes or your hands, etc in


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 30

s Start sister


a girl or woman who has the same I have an older sister. parents as you the set of things that are the economic/political situation happening at a particular time and place the activity of moving using a skateboard Skateboarding is cool. I go skateboarding in the park after school.

15 situation






the activity of moving over snow Have you ever been skiing? wearing skis (=long thin things that you attach to boots) a piece of women's clothing that hangs from the waist and has no legs I'm going to buy a new skirt this weekend because I'm going to a party on Saturday night.

s Start skirt


16 sky-diver

paracaidista (cada libre) someone who jumps from an My brother's a sky-diver. He aircraft and falls for as long as says it's great fun, but a bit possible before using a parachute dangerous. (=piece of cloth that fills with air)



to be in the state of rest when your We had to sleep in the car that eyes are closed and your mind is night. not conscious at a slow speed Could you speak more slowly, please? They live in a small apartment near Times Square. She smiled at me.

12 slowly



s Start small



little in size or amount

s Start smile


to make a happy expression in which the corners of your mouth curve up



a small amount of food that you eat Do you want a quick snack between meals before you go out? a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground the activity of swimming while holding in your mouth a snorkel (=tube that helps you to breathe) when soft white pieces of frozen water fall from the sky when the weather is cold a sport in which you stand on a large board and move over snow There are lots of very dangerous snakes in Australia. They can kill you. I want to go snorkelling and see lots of fish swimming in the sea.

16 snake


10 snorkelling

buceo con esnrkel, buceo con tubo



It snowed a lot last Christmas.



I think snowboarding is more fun than skiing.

So what?

Y qu?

said when you think what someone Ellie wont like it. has said is not important So what? Im not interested in what Ellie thinks. things that you wear on your feet inside your shoes "Why are you wearing green socks? They look stupid!" "They were a present from my Grandmother."

s Start socks


s Start sofa


a large, comfortable seat for more Can I sit on your sofa? than one person


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 31

solo singer

cantante solista

someone who sings on their own and not with a group used to refer to part of a larger amount or number of something and not all of it

She won the award for best female solo singer. In some cases it's possible to fix the problem right away.





a veces

on some occasions but not always He does cook sometimes, but or often not very often. someone who writes songs I think Elton John is a great songwriter. chicken/tomato soup





a hot, liquid food, made from vegetables, meat, or fish something which you buy or keep to remember a special event or holiday the area outside the Earth

10 souvenir


a souvenir shop

11 space


They plan to send another satellite into space. My uncle Robert is an inventor. He's making a spaceship at the moment.

11 spaceship

nave espacial

a vehicle which can travel outside the Earth and into space, especially one which is carrying people a country in Europe

s Start Spain


In Spain it's always hot in summer. They are Spanish olives.

s Start Spanish s 9 speak

adj v

espaol hablar

coming from or relating to Spain

to say something using your voice She speaks very loudly.

spend (time)

pasar el tiempo

to pass the time doing a particular I love spending time with him. thing a game or activity which people do winter sports to keep healthy or for enjoyment, often competing against each other a place where you can do different My Dad wants to keep fit, so types of sport he's joined a sports club. someone who does a lot of sports I'm good at football and athletics. I'd like to be a sports person.



sports club

club deportivo

sports person


s Start sports stadium


a big place where sports are Wembley was the biggest sports played and people can watch them stadium in England.

s Start spring


the season of the year between winter and summer when the weather starts to get warmer to move to a vertical position from sitting or lying down

Spring is my favourite season, because I love flowers.

12 stand up


I'm so tired, I can't stand up!



to begin doing something; to begin He started smoking when he to happen was eighteen; The programme starts at seven o'clock. a building where trains stop so that Dad met me at the station. you can get on or off them

s Start station



English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 32



to continue to be in a place, job, he weather was bad so we etc and not leave; to continue to be stayed at home; They stayed in a particular state friends for many years. one of the movements you make with your feet when you walk to continue doing or using something to not continue; to prevent something from happening or someone from doing something a road in a town or city that has houses or other buildings to become stronger or make something become stronger someone who is studying at a school or university She took a few steps forward and then started to speak. Ill stick to orange juice as Im driving. Stop laughing it's not funny; If she wants to go to Australia, we can't stop her. We live on the same street.



13 stick to

seguir con



s Start street


12 strengthen


I do exercises to strengthen my leg muscles. a law student

s Start student




to learn about a subject, usually at I studied biology before going school or university into medicine. an area of knowledge studied in school or university achieving what you want to achieve; having achieved a lot or made a lot of money through your work a very sweet substance used to give flavour to food and drinks the season between spring and autumn when the weather is warmest Chemistry is my favourite subject. If the operation is successful, she should be walking within a few months; a successful businessman Do you have sugar in your coffee? Were going away in the summer.


asignatura, materia






s Start summer


10 summer camp

campamento de verano

a place where some American Next summer I'm going to a teenagers go during their summer summer camp in France. holidays to do activities when you lie in the sun, wearing My favourite holiday activity is few clothes so that your skin will go sunbathing on the beach. brown the day of the week after Saturday Were going out on Sunday. and before Monday bright because of light from the sun a large shop that sells food, drink, products for the home, etc certain It was a lovely sunny day.

10 sunbathing

bao de sol

s Start Sunday


12 sunny



s Start supermarket


We buy all our food at the supermarket. I'm sure that he won't mind.

s s


adj n

seguro tabla de surf

10 surfboard

a long piece of wood or plastic that I love surfing, but I need a new you use to ride on waves in the surfboard. sea the activity of riding on waves in the sea using a surfboard (=special board) I'd like to live in California, so I can go surfing every day.




English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 33



a small piece of sweet food, often made of sugar or chocolate to move through water by moving your body the activity of moving through water by moving your body an area of water that has been made for people to swim in coming from or relating to Switzerland a country in Europe

s Start swim


You shouldn't eat so many sweets they're bad for your teeth. I learnt to swim when I was about 5 years old. I go swimming every week at our local swimming pool. Our school's swimming pool is 50 metres long. Its a Swiss watch.



s Start swimming pool

piscina de natacin, piscina, alberca suizo

s Start Swiss


s Start Switzerland


They make a lot of chocolate in Switzerland.

t Start table


a piece of furniture with four legs, We sat at the kitchen table; The used for eating off, putting things table below shows the results of on, etc; a set of numbers or words the experiment. written in rows that go across and down the page to take a picture with a camera I took a photo of the kids.

t Start take a photo

hacer una fotografa, tomar una fotografia correr un riesgo

16 take a risk

to do something although something bad might happen because of it to remove something

This time I'm not taking any risks I'm going to get insured.

take away



Take away my food, please. I'm not hungry. We have to take 10 exams every year at my school. I hope this aeroplane takes off OK the weather's really bad!

take exams

hacer exmenes

to do an exam

take off


if an aircraft takes off, it begins to fly

take out

llevar a salir, salir con

if you take someone out to the My parents took me out for my cinema or a restaurant, you go with birthday. them and pay for it to start doing a particular job or activity a hot, ready-to-eat meal that you buy in a shop and then eat at home a natural ability to do something Ive taken up swimming every morning. We phoned for a take-away curry.

13 take up



comida para llevar



She showed an early talent for drawing. There's going to be a talent show at my school next week. I'm going to sing All The Things You Said by Tatu. Hes a very talented young musician. Have you talked to her yet? Help! There's a tarantula in the bath!

talent show

concurso de talentos

a programme in which people try to show how good they are at singing, dancing, etc. by competing against other people showing natural ability in a particular area to speak to someone a large, hairy spider that is often poisonous




t t

talk to

v n

hablar con tarntula

16 tarantula


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 34


a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried leaves to show or explain to someone how to do something

The English drink tea with milk.



My dad taught me to drive.


maestro, profesor

someone whose job is to teach in a a history/science teacher school, college, etc a group of people who work a management team/a football together to do something or play a team sport together against another group of players someone who is between 13 and 19 years old The worst thing about being a teenager is all the exams we have to do. The telephone rang and she hurried to pick it up.





t Start telephone


a piece of equipment that is used to talk to someone who is in another place



a piece of equipment in the shape Richard switched the television of a box, with a screen on the on. front, used for watching programmes to say something to someone, usually giving them information He told me about his new school.

t Start tell


16 tell a joke

contar un cuento, contar to tell someone a short story that is James is always telling terrible un chiste intended to make them laugh jokes they just aren't funny!!



a sport in which two or four people Tennis is my favourite sport. I hit a small ball to each other over a think Andre Agassi is great, but net he's a bit old now. someone who plays tennis I think Serena Williams is the best tennis player in the world.

tennis player

jugador de tenis

t t


adj adj n

terrible aterrorizado prueba

very bad very frightened a set of questions to find out someone's knowledge or ability a written message, usually containing words with letters left out, sent from one mobile phone (=a telephone that you can carry with you) to another

It was a terrible accident. I'm terrified of flying. a driving test

15 terrified

t Start test

text message

mensaje de texto

I send text messages to my friends when we're in class at school.

t Start Thank you very much.

Muchas gracias.

used to tell someone that you are "Here's 1,000." grateful because they have given "Thank you very much!" you something or done something for you said about something that is very surprising said when something is very strange "My dog speaks French." "That's amazing!" "Laurie likes peas for breakfast." "That's weird!"

That's amazing.

Es increble.

That's weird!

Es raro., Es extrano.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 35

11 the best bit

lo mejor

the most enjoyable part of something to have an opinion about something or someone or to believe that something is true

The best bit of the film was the ending. Do you think it's going to rain?





used to refer to the present period Im meeting her this morning. of time or the one that comes next

three times (a week)

tres veces (a la semana) on three occasions during a period I have English lessons three of seven days times a week. v tirar to get rid of something that you do Now youve started your new not now need job, you can throw away all your school books. the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday to make a place tidy Hes arriving on Thursday.

13 throw away

t Start Thursday


t t

3 2

tidy tie

v n

ordenar corbata

Ill just tidy the kitchen.

a long, thin piece of cloth that a If you work for a bank, you have man wears around his neck with a to wear a tie. shirt a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it a list of times when buses, trains, etc arrive and leave or a list of dates and times that shows when things will happen a piece of useful advice feeling that you want to rest or sleep making you feel tired bread that has been heated to make it brown I want a tiger, but parents say I can have a cat. a school timetable

16 tiger




t t

14 tip 15 tired

n adj

consejo cansado

gardening tips I'm too tired to go out tonight.

t t

15 tiring 4 toast

adj n

cansado tostada

Ive had a tiring day. a slice of toast

t Start today


this day, or on this day; the period It's John's birthday today; More of time that is happening now or in young people smoke today than in the past. a bowl that you sit on or stand near Our toilet is green. when you get rid of waste substances from your body a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable the day after today to put your hand on something I like eating pasta with tomatoes.

t Start toilet




t Start tomorrow t 14 touch v

maana tocar

It's my birthday tomorrow. You can look at them but please don't touch them. There are a lot of tourists in Cambridge. The train arrives at 2.45.

10 tourist


someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries people or goods

t Start train



English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 36



to change written or spoken words We were asked to translate a list from one language to another of sentences.



something which has been translated from one language to another, or the process of translating to make a journey

I'm reading the Polish translation of Macbeth in school.



I spent a year travelling around Asia.



a tall plant with a thick stem which There are a lot of trees in has branches coming from it and Canada. leaves a small structure built in the branches of a tree that children can play in to attempt to do something We have a tree house in the garden.


cabaa en un rbol



I tried to open the window but couldn't. Well be there on Tuesday.

t Start Tuesday


the day of the week after Monday and before Wednesday

twice (a week)

dos veces (a la semana) on two occasions during a period of seven days adj n feo to unpleasant to look at

I play tennis twice a week after school. Its an ugly city.

14 ugly

u Start uncle

the brother of your mother or My uncle George is a famous father, or the husband of your aunt actor.

u Start under


below something

She pushed her bag under the table.



to know the meaning of something I don't understand half of what that someone says; to know how he says; I don't understand someone feels or why they behave James sometimes. in a particular way

15 underwater photographer

fotgrafo submarino

someone who take photographs of I'd like to be an underwater things that are in the sea or river, photographer I think fish are etc. amazing! not friendly I didnt want to appear unfriendly. She had a very unhappy childhood; Giorgio was unhappy with his test results. Eating too much is unhealthy.

14 unfriendly






sad; not satisfied

u u

4 2

unhealthy uniform

adj n

poco saludable uniforme

likely to damage your health

a special set of clothes that are a school uniform worn by people who do a particular job or people who go to a particular school everything that exists, including starts, space, etc. We are studying the universe in Physics.

11 universe


u Start university


a place where students study at a the University of Cambridge high level to get a degree (=type of qualification)


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 37

14 unkind



slightly cruel

I didn't tell her the truth because I thought it would be unkind.



inusual, no muy comun, poco comn

different and not ordinary, often in Thats an unusual name. a way that is interesting or exciting

u Start USA


United States of America

I'd like to go to the USA especially New York and Chicago. Its useful information.




helping you to do or achieve something




in the way that most often happens I usually get home at about six o'clock. an area of low land between hills or mountains a plant that you eat, for example potatoes, onions, beans, etc I live in a valley between two big mountains. I hate vegetables. I only eat meat.

10 valley






someone whose job is to give My sister wants to be a vet, medical care to animals that are ill because she loves animals. or hurt to go to someone's home and spend time with them; to go to a place and spend a short amount of time there a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a net without allowing it to touch the ground someone who does work without being paid, especially work that involves helping people a man who works in a restaurant, bringing food to customers We have friends coming to visit this weekend; Did you visit St Petersburg while you were in Russia? I often play volleyball on the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro.







a Red Cross volunteer



My older brother is a waiter in an expensive restaurant.

wake up


to stop being asleep, or to make someone stop being asleep to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other and then repeating the action to hope to have or do something

I cant wake her up.



She walks to school.


v adj

querer caliente

He wants a new car.

w 12 warm

having a temperature between cool It's nice and warm in here. and hot clothes, sheets, and similar things I'm doing the washing this that are being washed or have morning. been washed, or when you wash these a machine that washes clothes Our washing machine is broken, so all my clothes are dirty.


lavar la ropa

washing machine



English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 38



when you wash the dishes, pans, He is doing the washing-up. and other things you have used for cooking and eating a meal

waste time

perder el tiempo

to use time doing things that are not useful or enjoyable

I don't want to waste time learning German. I want to learn more English.



to look at something for a period of I watched him as he arrived. time a sport that is done in or on water Snorkelling is my favourite water sport. I wear jeans a lot of the time.

water sport

deporte acutico



to have a piece of clothing, jewellery, etc on your body

w Start Wednesday


the day of the week after Tuesday It starts on Wednesday. and before Thursday a period of seven days not next week but the week that come after that last week/next week We've got a big English exam the week after next.

w Start week w 10 week after next

semana dentro de dos semanas



to measure how heavy someone or Can you weigh that piece of something is cheese for me? in a successful or satisfactory way I thought they played well.

w 12 well



What about her?

Qu pasa con ella?

said after someone says someone "Let's talk about Charlotte." elses name and you want to know "OK. What about her?" why they are interested in that person said after someone says someone "Let's talk about James." elses name and you want to know "OK. What about him?" why they are interested in that person a chair with wheels used by someone who cannot walk Fred was in a bad car accident last week, and he's still in a wheelchair. Youre coming too? Wicked!

What about him?

Qu pasa con l?

w 16 wheelchair

silla de ruedas



A word used by teenagers in the 1990s to say something was very good to get the most points in a competition or game, or the most votes in an election to get a prize in a game or competition



Barcelona won the game 60.

w 16 win a prize

ganar un premio

He won a prize of 500.

w Start window


a space in the wall of a building or Open the window if you're too vehicle that has glass in it, used for hot. letting light and air inside and for looking through a sport in which you sail across water by standing on a board and holding onto a large sail with a lot of wind Windsurfing is great fun, but it's too cold in the winter.

w 10 windsurfing


w 12 windy



Its a windy day out there.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 39



someone who wins a game, competition, or election the season between autumn and spring when the weather is cold to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money; to do something that needs a lot of time or effort, or to make someone do this

the winners of the World Cup

w Start winter


We like to go away in winter.



Helen works for a computer company; Ill have to work hard to finish my homework before 11pm.

w 13 work out a problem

solucionar un problema, to solve a problem resolver un problema

This maths question is too difficult I can't work it out!



the Earth and all the people, places, and things on it the best, fastest, highest, etc. that anyone has ever done, especially in sport more unpleasant or difficult than something else that is also bad; less well someone whose job is writing books, stories, articles, etc not correct; if something is wrong, there is a problem

The world is getting warmer every year. The world record for the 100 metres is 9.78 seconds.

w 16 world record

rcord mundial




The exam was worse than I expected; He was treated much worse than I was. William Shakespeare was a famous English writer. It was the wrong answer; There's something wrong with my computer. I went to see the doctor yesterday. I went to see the doctor yesterday morning.








the day before today

yesterday morning

ayer por la maana

in the morning of the day before today



a thick, liquid food with a slightly a low-fat strawberry yoghurt sour taste which is made from milk

You can't be serious.

Ests bromeando.

said when someone has said something that you are certain is not true having lived or existed for only a short time and not old said to someone who has done something good for you

"I am the son of Bill Gates and Jennifer Lopez." "You can't be serious!" young children/people




You're an angel!

Eres un ngel.

"I'll do the ironing for you Mum." "Wow, thanks! You're an angel!"

10 youth hostel

albergue juvenil

a cheap, simple hotel, especially Hotels are too expensive, so I for young people who are travelling usually stay in a Youth Hostel around when I'm travelling.


English in Mind 1 Wordlist - SPANISH 40

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