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My name is Caroline Elizabeth Shabet and I am 12 years old in the 7th grade.

I was born at Troy Beaumont hospital. At 12:02 am on May 24th, 2001. I was 8 lbs and 14 ounces and 20 inches.
My Aunt Gail and I. Birth


When I was one I started to crawl and always had my hair in ponytail on the top of my head.
Age 1

When I was 2 I went on my first sledding trip. I also liked to play in water and in wagons.
Age 2

When I was 3 I ate my first cupcake.

Age 3

When I was four I liked to play with squirt guns.

Age 4

When I was 5 I finished preschool and started kindergarten and I always wore a hat.
Age 5

When I was 6 I liked to play in my backyard with my cousins. I also started 1st grade.
Age 6

When I was 7 I started gymnastics and played in my backyard with my aunts dog, Scully. I also went to 2nd grade.

Age 7

When I was 8 I joined my first travel soccer team, the Gators and went into the 3rd grade.
Age 8

When I was 9 I went to 4th grade and my baby cousin, Cameron, was born on my birthday. I joined cheer for Upward and had a pool party for Age 9 my birthday.

When I was 10 I joined softball. I also did Locks for Love and gave a foot of my hair to kids without hair. Finally I graduated 5th grade at 5th grade promotion.

Age 10

When I was 11 I went into my first year of middle school. I also did a 5k to earn money to help build a well in Kenya for clean water.
Age 11

I am 12 now. I have done basketball and dance so far. I have also gone to nts camp witch is a church camp that I go to in the summer.
Age 12


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