A Gallery of Stars: Lyndon Green Junior School

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4 OCTOBER 2013

Lyndon Green Junior School

Club lists

A Gallery of Stars

Monday Football Gymnastics Cookery Tuesday Dodgeball DT/Craft Wednesday Tag Rugby Dance Thursday ICT Netball Art x 2 Cross Country Friday Guitar Dance All clubs are currently full. Events next week
Book Quiz Swimming - 3J, 6C and members of 10M Cross Country Thursday - Open event, Sheldon Country Park Yr 6 Boys Football Tag Rugby Competition

How fast are these weeks going by? Is anyone else feeling the pace? Some great sports news this week as well as brilliant attendance. Well done to all our Achievement Certicate winners. It makes me feel very proud to be able to listen to the exciting work that is happening in our classrooms. Welcome home Another successful residential. Thank you to the staff that attended Condover Hall this week. A huge thanks to the children as well for being great representatives of the school. I hope you had fun! Cross Country Another amazing evening in what would be described as not ideal conditions. This time it was the Handy Hint! I havent told you this, but at some point next week we will be doing another punctuality spot check! Doors will close just after 8:55 and and names will be taken of anyone entering through the main doors. Remember I never told you ;)

relay teams consisting of 4 boys and 4 girls. Both teams ran fabulously well, the girls nishing in 4th and the boys being crowned champions with a fabulous 1st Place. Well done and thank you to: Ryan, Kaiya, Joe, Tom, Ellie, Cheoni, Hannah and Mia. Next week is the nal week before winter and it is an open event again. Hope you can all attend. Book Quiz Good Luck to the Book Quiz team in the competition next week. Thank you for reading so many books. I hope you enjoy yourselves and show your amazing knowledge. Whitemoor Lakes Year 5 residential from 6th - 8th November still has places available. Please contact the ofce if you need any further information Have a super weekend Mr. R Attendance

An even better attendance gure this week, a staggering 98.66% Can we beat it next week? 5th place 5E - 98.67% 4th place 6S - 98.71% 3rd place 5J, 4B, 3J - 99.33% 2nd place 5M - 99.35% Joint 1st place 3E and 6C - 100% WOW! Well done to everyone, the best overall for a while!

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