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COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE BY PAUL GRICE Definition The cooperative principle is a principle of conversation that was proposed by Grice 1975,

stating that participants expect that each will make a conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange. The cooperative principal by Paul Grice divided into four maxims : 1. Maxim of Quality be truthful Do not say what you believe to be false. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. Example : Andi yakin mencintai Nia adalah kesalahan, tetapi Andi tetap mencintai Nia. Andi menuduh Nia selingkuh, padahal Andi tidak pernah melihat Nia selingkuh.

2. Maxim of Quantity Give the most helpful amount of information. Example : Andi menjarkom teman-temanya bahwa besok ada ujian.

3. Maxim of Relation Be relevan Example :

4. Maxim of Manner Avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity). Be orderly.

Example : Andi berkata mayat itu hidup kembali setelah di lompati kucing

M Hafidz Makarim C0311027

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