Midwest Mediation Training Oct 14-18, 2013

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Oct 14- 18, 2013

40- Hour Training : Client- Centered Training

Bloomington, MN

Sept 20, 2013


Erickson Mediat ion Inst it ut e 3600 American Blvd West, Suite 105 Minneapolis, MN 55431 (952) 835- 3688 Monday- Friday 9:00- 4:30 Evenings & Weekends By Appointment Cont act Us

More Inf ormat ion: Click On The Above Links Or Contact Us Discount s: Discounts May Be Available For Trained Civil Mediators Or Trained Divorce Mediators, Click On Above Links Or Contact Us Regist rat ion Deadline & Deposit : A Deposit of at least 50% of the total cost of the 40 Hour ClientCentered Divorce Mediation Training is required to complete your registration. For all other trainings, the full amount is due upon registration. Regist rat ion Conf irmat ion: You will receive a registration and payment receipt confirmation within 3 business days. Ref und & Cancellat ion Policy : Cancellation of registrations made fewer than 10 business days prior to

You both have worked tirelessly on behalf of conflicted, exhausted, bewildered couples for decades... Read more After my week of immersion in the theory and practice of divorce mediation, I feel like a convert... Read more


training forfeits your deposit. Deposits may be transferred to training with no additional fee. EMI reserves the right to cancel a training if necessary and will refund any fees collected.

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Academy Of Prof essional Family Mediat ors BBB A+ Rat ing Child Support Guidelines Calculat or
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Erickson Mediat ion Inst it ut e 3600 American Blvd West , Suit e 105 Minneapolis, MN 554 31 (952) 835- 3688

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