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Meaning of brand adoption: Adoption is acceptance of new ideas and new product categories by consumers. Brand adoption practices are the ways or methods through which a consumer is convinced to become a loyal customer.

Relative advantage


Brand Adoption practices




Relative advantage- Comparative advantage correlated with other existing products/brands with respect to attributes and benefits Compatibility: checking matches to customer needs, personal values, beliefs and past consumption practices is termed compatibility. Complexity: It refers to an innovation`s degree of perceived difficulty.understanding of product

Trialability: The extent to which an innovation can be used on a limited basis prior to making a full-blown commitment Observability: it is the degree to which positive effects of a new brand on its uder or others is visible(seen or smelled or felt)EgNew Hyundai Grand i10

1>> Normative adoption : when mutual understanding or learning between two parties leads to adoption by one party. Eg consumer was helping a friend to use ebay 2>>coercive Adoption: power forces the other to adopt a practice. Eg- A company asks to buy only HCL computers as they provide loan

3>> Mimetic adoption: Mimetic or imitative forces lead to adoption Eg-A competitor company gives tea and snacks from Pizza hut and the same is followed in your company


Trial Retrial Adoption Referrel

Definition- Extension or stretching is expanding the marketing process by using already established image and enabling scope of activities. The firms either choose to extend in related or non related categories.

Types of brand extensions: Brand Extensions are of two types: 1>> Extension into related categories also called as Line extension-Power soapSandal,lemon, rose 2>> Extension into unrelated categoriesalso called as Brand extension-Horlicks-oats

Brand extension



Category related

Parent Brand diff-Tata steel

Prod brand diff- Tata tea

Parenty Brandcinthil

Extn-cinthil lime

Image related

Parent Brandcinthol soap

New Prodcinthol talc


Eg-Strong channels of Brittania

1. 1. 1.

Corporate marketing capabilities:. Financial and technical strength:-

Eg- Nestle

Eg- Tata Motors-Tata Salt

Main business entrenched:-

. Corporate image:-

Eg-Tata Goldhouse

Consumer factors:-Nokia phone Product factors:-IFB vs LG washing machines Marketing factors:-Bicycle in winter roads Brand associations :-Lenovo Channels and the promotion of factors:(Advt+Sales promo)-Sony VAIO

Promotion strategy- coke by clour, Sumo by


Brand Portfolio comfort level- VIM Bar/liquid Identifying Brand personality traits-mobile When to extend- storage prob in chocolates Category size- Area coverage Timing the stretch- duration of advt

Re-branding is the creation of a new name, term, symbol, design, or a combination of them for an established brand with the intention of developing a differentiated (new) position in the mind of stakeholders and competitors.

Increasing Market Penetration: Increasing Relevance to Customer: Making Brand Contemporary: Change in Market or Market Conditions: Individual have a Dated Look: Product Line has changed: Individual have Moved Location: Individual have Expanded the Business:

Value-Oriented Repositioning: Reynolds Segment-Oriented Repositioning: Cadbury Celebrity-Oriented Brand Enhancement Repositioning: Sachin-boost Symbolism-Oriented Repositioning:


Up-market Technology-Oriented Repositioning: ponds Niche-Oriented Repositioning: pepsi Change of Image-Oriented Repositioning


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