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Objective; Conjunctions (and, but, or, so, because)

Conjunctions ,


but .

so ..

because .

or .

Mana and Manee study hard.

Usa always sing and dance.


I like eating apples and oranges


Sam is poor but his brother is rich.

He is smart but not handsome.


Would you like tea or coffee?

Do you want a blue pen or a red pen?




I dont go out because it is raining.

Nobody like Niyom because he is selfish.

He is sick so he go to see a doctor.

He is selfish so nobody like him.


Conjunctions ( and, but, or, so, because)

A Good Boy
Billy always listens to his mother. He always does what she
says. If his mother says, 'Brush your teeth, Billy brushes his teeth.
If his mother says, 'Go to bed, Billy goes to bed. Billy is a very
good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother doesnt
have to ask him again. She asks him to do something one time, and
she doesnt ask again. Billy is a good boy. He does what his mother
asks the first time. She doesnt have to ask again. She tells Billy,
'You are my best child. Of course Billy is her best child. Billy is
her only child.

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