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How to Find, Download, and Use Tera Terminal

Windows Vista and Windows 7 do not come with HyperTerminal. You will need an alternative program. Tera Term is open source free software terminal emulator that works fine in windows 7 and Vista.

At the time of writing this tutorial, Tera Term 4.63 can be downloaded from the following link: According to the figure bellow, click the link to download the program.

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To install the program, run the downloaded file and choose the compact installation according to the following figure.

After running Tera Term you have to choose the connection type. Choose the Serial connection and then choose the serial port of your computer. If you are using a USB to Serial adaptor, choose it from the list.

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Now you should configure the serial port. Choose Serial port from Setup menu

And configure the serial port options:

Now everything is ready for you to use Tera Term.

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