Int Trade 2013-1 Market Research, Forhad, A.K.M.

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Market research: You are intern at Stinking Donut.

They want to enlarge their product line by a new chocolate chili donut. What are the general major steps in the marketing research process? What could be the best solution(s) for collecting primary data for this new donut, and why? The research process for this research will be: Defining the problem and research objective: the problem statement here will cover the how introduction of new product stinky donut under the existing product line will do. Hence objectives should be set accordingly keeping in mind the target market, determining the 4ps of the new product, its positioning and differentiation. Developing the research plan for collecting information: the research plan shall be developed in order to collect data. Here we have to determine how we are going to collect the data i.e. from primary and secondary sources. Here we have to list all the possible ways to assemble response from the object audience, brainstorm a list of question and then assigning them to the target audience. Implementing the research plan-this is the most crucial phase of the research process and the most subject to error. Accurate implementation of this part is really important and a daunting task. Here we have to process and analyze the collected data to isolate information and findings and then have to check them for accuracy and completeness. Interpreting and reporting the finding: after collecting the data and analyzing them we need to interpret and report the finding whether we should go for the stinky donut product or not.

Primary Data Collection: Research approach: observation, online survey Contact methods: personal Research instrument: questionnaire, personal interview My primary data collection method will be survey method through questionnaire and informal in person interviews and observation. Informal Interviews and Observation Informal interviews and observation may be slightly less scientific in composition than the other survey methods, Interviews can be used to determine what products current customers would like to have access to, while observation can be used to determine whether the product is going to be popular to the customers. Online survey is also going to be a good because we can attain good amount of data, will have control over what we specifically needs to know, we can select our sample from our target audience, data collection will be quick and cost will be low.

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