Why Do People Travel? Use Examples and Reasons.: Question: Should Teenagers Work During High School? Why? Give Reasons

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Why do people travel? Use examples and reasons.

Personally speaking, I like traveling because it is a learning experience. For example, last year I went to Tonekabon. I visited many famous places like 2000 Jungle, Tonekabon Cablecar, and lots of things. The most interesting thing was Caspian Sea. Actually Caspian Sea isnt a sea but a lake because it is so big its called sea. On TV it doesnt look so big. But seeing it in person, it was so huge. Looking at it made me realize that sometimes you just have to see things with your own eyes. That way you can understand it deeply.

Question: Should teenagers work during high school? Why? Give reasons. Personally, I think that high school students should work while going to school. For example, when I was a high school student, I had a job at an English bookstore in Tehran, Iran. I worked evenings, and sometimes at night during the week. I loved it because I was always meeting students who spoke English. By helping them find books, I was able to practice my English. It was great because at school, I only learned grammar from books, but at the bookstore I was learning conversational English. Not only that but I made money for myself. This helped me because I didnt always have to ask my parents for money for books and other things. It was clear by working at the bookstore I could kill two birds with one stone.

Question In your view, what was the greatest invention of the twentieth centur? Give examples and reasons.

Personally, I think that the car was the greatest invention of the twentieth century. For example, I am from Isfahan, Iran. I remember my mother and father telling me how they had a horse before they had a car. The horse was very important because it did everything, such as work in the fields and take vegetables to market. But using a horse was very slow. Everything took so much time. But then my father bought a car and everything changed completely. He could go places more quickly and he could take more vegetables to market. Best of all,

he took my mother to the hospital to have me.

Prompt Which person has been the greatest influence in your life? Give examples and reasons.

Personally, I believe that my mother has been the biggest influence in my life. For example, I am now in Turkey working as an au pair. An au pair is like a babysitter who lives with a Turkish family. I am doing this for a year in Istambul. At first I didnt want to come to Turkey and leave all my friends in Estonia, but my mother said it would be a great experience and a great way to develop my Turkish. She was right. Living with a Turkish family has been a wonderful experience and my Turkish is so much better. Question: People are living longer. Why? Use examples and reasons.

Personally, I agree that people are living longer because they are taking better care of themselves. For example, my grandfather is eighty. When he was younger, he used to smoke and drink a lot. Also, he never ate very well. Then, when he was fifty, he had heart attack. He was in the hospital for a long time. The doctor told him he should stop smoking and drinking, and start eating better. Thats what my grandfather did. Now, he doesnt drink or smoke anymore. Also, he eats lots of healthy food like salads and fish, and he exercises every day. So, he feels much better than before and has more energy.

You can replace for example with a synonymous phrase, for example: For example, my grandfather A good example is my grandfather An excellent example is my grandfather A good illustration is my eighty-year-old grandfather An illustration to support my opinion is my grandfather... My grandfather, who is eighty, is an excellent illustration.

You can replace Personally with a synonymous phrase, for example:

In my opinion, As far as Im concerned, In my experience, In my view, From my experience, From my perspective, Personally speaking,

TRAVEL Collocations, Vocabulary, and Idioms travel abroad: travel to another country Example: Only the rich can travel abroad.

travel light: not take many things with you Example: The idea was to travel light.

travel widely/extensively: travel a lot He travelled extensively in Europe studying geology.

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