SEE 3533 - Intro

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SEE 3533


Topic 1– Introduction to
Communication System
1.0 Introduction

“How do you want to send data/information to

someone who is far from you?”

“If the information that you want to send is your

voice, how to make sure that what you are
saying is understood by your friend?”

“What is the source and technology available

surround you that can help?”
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1.1 Communication System History
• 1837 – Samuel Morse invented telegraph.
• 1858 – First telegraph cable across Atlantic (Canada – Ireland)
• 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone.
• 1888 – Heinrich Hertz demonstrated the existence of EM waves.
• 1897 – Marconi invented wireless telegraph.
• 1906 – Radio communication system was invented.
• 1923 – Television was invented.
• 1938 – Radar and microwave system was invented for World War II.
• 1950 – TDM was invented.
• 1956 – First telephone cable was installed across Atlantic.
• 1960 – Laser was invented
• 1962 – Satellite communication
• 1969 – Internet DARPA
• 1970 – Corning Glass invented optical fiber.
• 1975 – Digital telephone was introduced.
• 1985 – Facsimile machine.
• 1988 – Installation of fiber optic cable across Pacific and Atlantic.
• 1990 – World Wide Web and Digital Communication.
• 1998 – Digital Television.
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1.2 Communication System
• Communication system – Process of sending information
signal from one point to another point - involves 3 important
processes ie:
• Eg: Telegraphy, telephony, facsimile, radio, satellite, optical
fiber system, cellular mobile.

mtx(t) mrx(t)
s(t) Input Comm Output r(t)
Transducer System Transducer

Fig. 1.1 Basic communication system

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Analog vs Digital Systems

• Signal processed is analog, • Information signal can be digital

takes any value within a range or analogue signal (through A/D
conversion), takes limited no. of
• values
An audio amplifier produces an
output voltage which can be
any value within the range of its • A computer is a digital system
power supply. contains logic gates that takes
two values; true or false
• More sensitive to noise as noise • Noise is easier to distinguish as
is harder to be distinguished the desired signals can take
from the desired signal only specific values
1.3 Signal Classification
– Continuous-time and discrete-time
Continuous: The signal can be described by functions of a continuous time
e.g. x(t) = e−|t| , for ∞<t<∞
Discrete: Signals are defined only at discrete values of time
e.g. x(tn) = e−|tn| , for n=0,±1,±2..

– Analog and digital

• Analog: Signal whose amplitude can take on any value in a continuous range
• Digital: Signal with finite values of amplitude

– Periodic and Aperiodic

• Periodic : x(t)=x(t+To), the smallest value of To is the period of x(t)
• Aperiodic: x(t) – no repetition, eg: audio signal

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g(t) g(t)

Analog, continuous-time Digital, continuous-time

g(t) g(t)

Analog, discrete-time Digital, discrete-time

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Aperiodic signal: Unit pulse signal Periodic signal: A sinusoidal signal

An example of a periodic signal is a sinusoidal signal:

x (t ) = A sin(2πf ot +θ )
2π 1
ω0 = 2πf 0 ; T0 = =
ω0 f0
sin (x+y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y
2π  2π 
x(t + ) = A sin ω0 (t + ) + θ  = A sin(ω0t + 2π + θ )
ω0  ω0 
= A[ sin(ω0t + θ ) cos(2π ) + cos(ω0t + θ ) sin(2π )]

But cos(2 π ) =1 and sin(2 π )=0 2π

x (t + ) = A sin(ω0t +θ ) = x(t )

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1.3.1 Harmonic signal
-A harmonic is a signal whose frequency
is an integral multiple of the frequency of
a reference signal.

-If f is the fundamental frequency, the 2nd

harmonic has frequency 2f, 3rd has 3f etc

-Nearly all signals have energy at harmonic

frequencies in addition to the fundamental

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Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Perhubun
1.4 Basic Communication System
wired / wireless
mtx(t) ptx(t) prx(t) mrx(t)
Input Transmitter Transmission Output
Transducer Medium Transducer

s(t) r(t)

Noise n(t)

s(t) – Input signal; audio, video, image, data etc.

mtx(t) – Modulating signal; input signal that has been converted to electrical
ptx(t) – Modulated signal transmitted by the transmitter.
n(t) – Noise signal.
prx(t) – Modulated signal received by the receiver.
mrx(t) – Modulating signal at the receiver.
r(t) – Output signal. 11
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1.4.1 Component Function in Basic
Communication System
• Input Transducer – convert input signal, s(t) in electrical forms. eg:

• Transmitter – involve modulation process – convert modulating signal,

mtx(t) to modulated signal, ptx(t). And finally transmit the signal.

• Transmission medium – connecting the transmitter and the receiver

that enable the modulated signal, ptx(t) propagate through the medium.

• Receiver – receive the modulated signal, prx(t) and then convert the
signal to modulating signal, mrx(t) through the process called

• Output Transducer – convert the modulating signal, mrx(t) to its

original forms (output signal), r(t) that is useful to the users. eg: loud

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1.5 Transmission Medium (Guided)
• Kabel Terpiuh (Twisted pair)
– Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
– Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
• Kabel Sepaksi (Coaxial)

• Kabel Gentian Optik (Fiber Optic)

– Singlemode step index
– Multimode step index
– Multimode graded index
• Pandu Gelombang (Waveguide)

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1.6 Transmission Medium (Unguided)

• Ruang Bebas (Free Space)

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Optical Fiber

Laser beam
1.7 Frequency Spectrum

Wideband data

Extra High Satellite-satellite 1G0Hz
Frequency Microwave relay
EHF Earth-satellite


Super High 10GHz



Broadband PCS
Ultra High Wireless communication 1GHz
Frequency Cellular, Pager

Very High Mobil and Aeronautical

VHF TV and FM 100MHz
Coaxial Cable


Mobil radio


CB radio
HF 10MHz

Amateur radio
AM broadcasting 1MHz

Frequency 100kHz

Submarine cable

Twisted Pair
Very Low Navigation

Frequency Transoceanic radio 10kHz
Audio Telephone
1.8 Communication System Efficiency
• We can measure the level of efficiency of communication system
through several ways:
– How close the received signal to the transmitted input signal?
• s(t), r(t) ; Needs high quality of transmission.
• s(t) Analog – Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).

• s(t) Digital – Bit Error rate (BER).

– How much power needed to transmit modulated signal?
Low power; Lifespan of a battery is longer.
High power; Lifespan of a battery is shorter.
– How much Bandwidth, BW is needed to transmit the modulated
• Low BW means more users can share the communication
– How much signal or signal size needs to transmit?
Analog system depends on s(t) BW.
Digital system depends on bit rate, bit/s. 16
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1.8.1 Obstacle to Communication System

• Technology Problem
– Hardware
– Economy
– Law and Regulation

• Physical Problems
– BW
– Signal Power
– Noise

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1.8.2 Types of Transmission
• Simplex
One way transmission
• Half-Duplex
Two way transmission but only one user can transmit the
signal at one time.
• Full-Duplex
Two way transmission, both users can transmit the signal at
the same time.

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1.9 Noise

• In practice, we cannot avoid the existence of

unwanted signal together with the modulated signal
transmitted by the transmitter.
• This unwanted signal is called noise.
• Noise is a random signal that exists in a
communication system.
• Random signal cannot be represented with a simple
• The existence of noise will degrade the level of
quality of the receive signal at the receiver.

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1.9.1 Types of noise
• An undesired disturbance within the frequency band of interest; the summation
of unwanted or disturbing energy introduced into a communications system
from man-made and natural sources.

• A disturbance that affects a signal and that may distort the information carried
by the signal.


Internal Noise External Noise

Due to random movement of Man-made noise and

electrons in electronic circuit natural resources
• Thermal noise/Johnson noise • Lightning
• Shot noise • Solar noise
• Ignition
• Crosstalk

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1.9.2 Noise Effect
• Degrade system performance for both analog and
digital systems.
• The receiver cannot understand the original signal.
• The receiver cannot function as it should be.
• Reduce the efficiency of communication system.

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1.9.3 Thermal Noise
• Johnson–Nyquist noise (thermal noise, Johnson noise, or
Nyquist noise) is the Electronic noise - generated by the
thermal agitation of the charge carriers (the electrons) inside
an electrical conductor in equilibrium, which happens
regardless of any applied voltage.

• Movement of the electrons will form kinetic energy in the conductor

related to the temperature of the conductor.

• When the temperature increases the movement of free electrons will

increase and the current flows through the conductor.

• Current flows due to the free electrons will create noise voltage, n(t).

• Noise voltage, n(t) is influenced by the temperature and therefore it is

called thermal noise.

• Also known as Johnson noise or white noise.

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This type of noise was first measured by John B. Johnson at Bell Labs in 1928. He described his
findings to Harry Nyquist, also at Bell Labs, who was able to explain the results.

In 1928, J. B. Johnson proved that noise power generated is

proportional to the temperature and the BW.

Pn ∝ TB
Pn = kTB Watt

Pn = noise power (Watt)
k = Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K)
T = Temperature (K)
B = BW spectrum system (Hz)

Noise power can be modeled using voltage equivalent circuit (Thevenin

equivalent circuit) or current equivalent circuit (Norton equivalent circuit)

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It can be modeled by a voltage source representing the noise of the non-ideal
resistor in series with an ideal noise free resistor.

Vn, Noise
voltage source
Rn, Noise
source Rn, noise

(a) Noise source circuit (b) Thevenin equivalent circuit

• Noise source will be connected to a system with the input resistance RL.
• Therefore, total noise power is Pn.
• With the concept of maximum power transfer ie when Rn = RL all the
power will be transferred to the load.
• Also called as impedance matching.

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Vn, Noise
voltage source
VL RL, system input
Rn, Noise resistance

(c) Thevenin equivalent circuit with the load

Given Rn = RL = R
Note: Vn = Vrms
Voltage across RL :
=> Vn2
RL 2 = kTB
VL = Vn  Vn  4R
Rn + RL VL2  2  Vn2 Vn2 = 4kTBR
=> PL = = =
Vn R R 4R
= Vn = 4kTBR
2 and Pn =PL =kTB
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1.9.4 How to determine noise level in
communication system?
• Noise effect can be determined by measuring:
- Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR for analog system
- probability of error or bit error rate, BER for digital system

• To determine the quality of received signal at the receiver or an

antenna, SNRi is used.

• SNR o is always less than SNRi , due to the facts that the
existence of noise in the receiver itself. In the receiver usually
constitute a process of filtering, demodulation and

• Other parameters that can be used are Noise Factor, F and

Noise Temperature, Te .

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1.10 Noise Calculation
• SNR is a ratio of signal power, S to noise power, N.

SNR = 10 log dB
• Noise Factor, F
Si N i
So N o

• Noise Figure, NF NF = 10 log F

Si N i
= 10 log dB
So N o
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1.10.1 Noise calculation in Amplifier
• To simplify the analysis two types of noise model are used.
• - Amplifier with noise (Noisy Amp.)
• - Amplifier without noise (Noiseless Amp.)

G Ni
Ni No G No
Na Nai

(a) Noisy Amplifier (b) Noiseless Amplifier

N o = GN i + N a N o = G ( N i + N ai )

Na and Pn = N i = kTi B
where N ai =
Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Perhubun
1.10.2 Analysis Amplifier with Noise
Si G So
(1) S o = GSi
Ni Na No N o = GN i + N a
Model Penguat Berhingar  Na 
=G N i + 
Si  G 
SNRo << SNRi
(2) SNRi Ni = G ( N i + N ai )
(3) We have:
G ( N i + N ai )
N i = kTi B and N ai = kTe B
N i + N ai
Ni kTe B
=> F = 1+
N ai kTi B
Ni Noise Factor: Noise Temperature:
F =1 +
N ai
F =1+ Te = ( F − 1)Ti
Ni Ti 29
1.10.3 Analysis Amplifier Without Noise
G So
(1) S o = GSi
N o = G ( N i + N ai )
Model Penguat Tanpa Hingar
SNRo << SNRi
(2) SNRi Ni
(3) We have:
G ( N i + N ai )
N i = kTi B and N ai = kTe B
N i + N ai
Ni kTe B
=> F = 1+
N ai kTi B
Ni Noise Factor: Noise Temperature:
F =1 +
N ai
F =1+ Te = ( F − 1)Ti
Ni Ti 30
1.10.4 Cascaded Connection
• In communication system cascaded connection is commonly
• Below is the example of cascaded connection.

F1 , Te1 F3 , Te3
Si S1 S2
Ni N1 N2
G1 F2 , G2 , Te2 G3 So
Ti No
Nai1 Nai2 Nai3

pre-amplifier demodulate amplifier

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Level 1: Si F1 , Te1 Level 2:
Ni S1 S1 F2 , G2 , Te2 S2
Ti N1 N1 N2
Nai1 Nai2

S1 = G1Si S 2 = G2 S1
N1 = G1 ( N i + N ai1 ) = G1G2 Si
= G1kTi B + G1kTe1 B N 2 = G2 ( N1 + N ai 2 )
= G1kB( Ti + Te1 ) = G1G2 ( N i + N ai1 ) + G2 N ai 2
= G1G2 kTi B + G1G2 kTe1 B + G2 kTe 2 B
Level 3: = G1G2 kB( Ti + Te1 ) + G2 kTe 2 B
F3 , Te3
S 0 = G3 S 2 N2
G3 So
Nai3 No
= G1G2G3 S i
N o = G3 ( N 2 + N ai 3 )
= G2G3 ( N1 + N ai 2 ) + G3 N ai 3
= G1G2G3kTi B + G1G2G3kTe1 B + G2G3kTe 2 B + G3kTe3 B
= G1G2G3kB( Ti + Te1 ) + G2G3 kTe 2 B + G3 kTe 3 B
Ftot = =
kTi B
G1G2G3 S i
G1G2G3 kB (Ti +Te1 ) +G2G3 kTe 2 B +G3 kTe 3 B
G1G2G3 kB(Ti +Te1 ) +G2G3 kTe 2 B +G3 kTe 3 B
G1G2G3 kTi B
Ti +Te1 T Te 3
= + e2 +
Ti G1Ti G1G2Ti
Te1 T Te 3
=1 + + e2 +
Ti G1Ti G1G2Ti

We have: Therefore:
F =1 +
Ftot = F1 +
( F2 −1) ( F3 −1)
Ti G1 G1G2 33
To calculate Noise Temperature: From: Te = ( F − 1)Ti
We have:
Ftot = F1 +
( F2 −1) + ( F3 −1)
G1 G1G2
 Te 2   T 
1 + −1 1 + e 3 −1
Tetot Te1  Ti   Ti 
1+ =1+ + +
Ti Ti G1 G1G2
Tetot Te1 Te 2 Te 3
= + +
Ti Ti G1Ti G1G2Ti
Te 2 Te 3
Tetot = Te1 + +
G1 G1G2

Friss’ formula: ( F2 − 1) ( F3 − 1) ( Fn − 1)
Ftot =F +
1 + + ... +
G1 G1G2 G1G2 ...Gn −1
Te 2 Te 3 Tn
Tetot = Te1 + + + ... +
G1 G1G2 G1G2 ...Gn −1
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1.10.5 Attenuator, Transmission Loss
• All transmission medium will attenuate power and caused power
loss => Pout < Pin.
 Power loss or power attenuation is given by:
Pin 1
L= =
Pout G
P 
LdB = 10 log10  in  = −GdB
 Pout 

 Also can be calculated using :

LdB = α

l = length of the transmission medium
α = attenuation constant
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1.10.6 Transmission Loss
Transmission Medium Frequency Loss dB/km
Kabel Terpiuh (Twisted- 10kHz 2
pair Cable) 100kHz 3
300kHz 6
Kabel Sepaksi (Coaxial 100kHz 1
Cable) 1MHz 2
3MHz 4
Pandu Gelombang
Empat Segi (Rectangular 10GHz 5
Kabel Fiber Optik (Fiber 3.6 x 1014Hz 2.5
Optic Cable) 2.4 x 1014Hz 0.5
1.8 x 1014Hz 0.2

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Unit dB in Communication
If P1 is the reference power: If V1 is the reference voltage:

 P2   V2 
PdB = 10 log10   VdB = 20 log10 
V 

 P1   1 

dBm - Power measurement in unit mW i.e. P1 = 1 mW

dBW - Power measurement in unit W i.e. P1 = 1 W

dBV – Voltage measurement in unit V i.e. V1 = 1 V

Example 1.1
Calculate signal power if its value in dBm is 0 dBm.
dBm = 10 log P2 / P1 = 10 log P2 / 1 mW = 0
P2 = 1 mW
Example 1.2

Calculate signal power in dB if its value is 1 mW.

dB = 10 log P2 / P1 = 10 log P2 / 1 W = 10 log 1 mW / 1 W = - 30 dB

Example 1.3

A carrier signal, vc(t) = 100 cos 10πt Volt was suppressed by 20 dB.
What is the carrier’s new amplitude?
dB = 20 log V2 / V1 = 20 log 100 / 1 = 40 dB
New carrier amplitude = 40 dB – 20 dB = 20 dB ;
20 log V = 20 dB ; V = log-1 1 = 10 Volt.
Therefore, vc(t)new = 10 cos 10πt Volt
Example 1.4
One operational amplifier with a frequency range of (18-20) MHz has
input resistance 10 kΩ. Calculate noise voltage at the input if the
amplifier operate at ambient temperature of 270C.

Vn2 = 4KTBR
= 4 x 1.38 x 10-23 x (273+ 27) x 2 x 106 x 104
Vn = 18 µvolt

Example 1.5
Noise generated in amplifier of 5 MHz bandwidth is represented by
amplifier input noise power of 0.082 pW. Calculate noise factor and
noise figure if the amplifier was fed with the
(a) source input signal match the temperature of 300 K
(b) source input signal match the temperature of 100 K

Ni No

(a) Noise power from the source input = KTiB

Ne = 0.082PW
= 1.38 x 10-23 x 300 x 5 x 106
= 0.021 pW

Ni + Ne 0.021 + 0.082 0.103

Faktor hingar = = = = 4.9
Ni 0.021 0.021

Noise figure = 10log10 4.9 = 6.9 dB

Ni No
(b) Noise power from the source input = KTiB
= 1.38 x 10-23 x 100 x 5 x 106
= 0.007 pW Ne = 0.082PW

Ni + Ne 0.007 + 0.082 0.103

Faktor hingar = = = = 12.7
Ni 0.007 0.007

Noise Factor = 10log10 12.7 = 11.04 dB

Noise factor and noise figure were less when operated at room

Example 1.6
An antenna is connected to an amplifier with noise temperature, Te = 125 oK,
gain, G = 108. Given the bandwidth, B = 10 MHz and output receiver noise, No
= 10 µW. Determine the antenna temperature, Ti and noise factor, F of the

N o = ( N i + N e )G
= ( KTi B + KTe B )G
= KB (Ti + Te )G
10 µ = 1.38 ×10 −23 ×10 ×10 6 (Ti +125)10 8
∴ Ti = 600 o K

Te 125 N i + N e 100
F = 1+ = 1+ = 1. 2 or F= = = 1.2
Ti 600 Ni 82.8

Example 1.7
Three amplifiers, ABC was connected in series. Noise figure and power
gain of the amplifiers are given below:
Amplifier A : GA = 20 dB FA = 3 dB

Amplifier B : GB = 10 dB FB = 5 dB

Amplifier C : GC = 5 dB FC = 10 dB

An input signal of 50 dB higher than noise level was fed at the input of the
network. Calculate:
(a) Total noise factor
(b) SNR at the output


F − 1 F3 − 1 Amplifier A : GA = 20 dB FA = 3 dB
F = F1 + 2 +
G1 G1G2 Amplifier B : GB = 10 dB FB = 5 dB

10 5 / 10
10 − 1 Amplifier C : GC = 5 dB FC = 10 dB
= 10 +
3 10
100 100 × 10
3.16 − 1 10 − 1
= 1.99 + + A B C
100 1000
= 1.99 + 0.0216 + 9 × 10 −3
= 2.03
(a) Angka hingar = 10 log10 2.03 = 3.05 dB

(b) Di beri, SNRmasukan = 50 dB

SNR di masukan
SNR di keluarkan
FdB = SNR masukan (dB) – SNR keluaran (dB)

SNR keluaran = 50 dB – 3.05 dB = 46.95 dB 44

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