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wn These Great Times a Karl Kraus reader swith translations by edited by HARRY ZOHN JOSEPH FABRY MAX KNIGHT KARL F. ROSS. HARRY ZOHN on ene | 3 Biwe is empl 03st) ibe Fast published in Great Briain by ARCANE PRESS LIMITED. 208212 Gorn Exchange Buldngs Manchester M380 Merke by Kael Kraus are pubhed in German “inder the editorship of Heinrich Pacer, copyright @ Kise Vela GmbH & Co. Mich English translations Copyright @1976, 1984 by Joneph Fabry ‘ax Knight, Kal ¥ Rose and Harry Zohn respectively Ineroduction Copyright @1976, 1988 by tary Zohn Frontispiece itusation propery of Hey Zohn Photograph of the desth mask of Kar Kras propery of Tandestildstele Wien Burgenland All other photographs incied nthe text, reproduced with she hind permis of Mr Friedrich Pain Priih Library Cataloging in Plein Data ‘ras Kel In here rea tines. Urige Sos 91209. pr2621.R27 ISBN 0 85635 516% Pubs with inca sista fr the Arts Counc of Gest Brain Prine by SRP Lad, Peter To the memory of Paul Halvani (Hirsch)

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