Mineral Identification Data

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Jordan B.

: Mineral Identification Data

Observation s #1B Definition
What it looks like. Black Really shiny 60% smooth 40% rough Not dense at all Really dark Not hard at all None BOB

Guess 1
Black and Gray Really shiny 60% smooth 40% rough Not dense at all Dark Not hard at all None For looks

Guess 2
Black Shiny More smooth than rough dense Dark HARD I dont know For Hardness

Actual Mineral
Black and Gray Really Shiny 60% smooth 40% rough Not dense at all Dark Not hard at all None For looks

How shiny it is.

Luster Cleavage/ Fracture Density Streak Hardness Special Properties Uses

What it looks like when You scratch it How hard it is I dont know For looks How smooth or rough it is. How dense it is.

The price of it

$30 per gram


$40 per pound

$30 per gram

Where found

Where it is

Near Ken River

I Dont Know

Near Ken River


www.wikipedia.co m


My Description Its black, gray and really shiny. And its not hard or dense at all.

Actual Mineral Image

Guess 1 Image

Guess 2 Image

Lab Drawing

Fun Drawing

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