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Friday, October 4th, 2013 OCTOBER NEWSLETTER

Dear Families,
In Math, the children are working on patterning. They are learning to identify attributes in patterns as well as to create and extend patterns. Please have your child look around the house and identify and pattern that they see.

Montre et Raconte: Show and Tell will take place once this month. I will send an information sheet closer to the presentation date. I will be providing a rubric in advance so that you child can see how they will be evaluated. I will be outlining the expectations as well as the procedure. This mark will be part of your childs oral communication mark as well as other activities we do in class! Agendas and Cahier de Lecture: Please kindly remember to sign both of these nightly. They acknowledge the fact that your child has taken the time to do their homework. Both items must be brought in every morning. Homework folders: Although the work completed in the homework folder is not for evaluation, I ask that your child completes the work to the best of their ability. This will foster good work habits at home. Please encourage your child to return their orange homework folder every Wednesday of that week. I will check it like their reading log book - for completion, thus it will not be corrected. Please note that I will not be excepting any tardy folders. Late folders will be marked as incomplete. It is

In Science, the grade 2s will be wrapping up their unit on air and water. The grade 3s will be wrapping up their unit on soils.

This month, we will begin our Social Studies unit on mapping skills.

important that your child is prepared to bring it in each Wednesday so they can receive the new package on Thursday. Thank you in advance!

Important Dates:
October 11th: P.A. Day no school October 14th: Thanksgiving no school October 24th: Show and Tell (Details to follow soon) October 31st: Halloween class party in the afternoon.

Weekly test and dicte: Please initial their work in their navy duotang. Corrected tests will go home on Fridays and please returned them signed on Mondays. Kleenex Box Donations: With the cold and flu season just around the corner, it would be great to please have a few more Kleenex boxes. I will be reviewing some health tips regarding washing hands.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Madame Woolner

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