Friends of Lulu Newsletter October 1995

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SEMPLE-- Por Distray one ulu’s Clubhouse. | = Meee How 1 sors sumer vcenon: Wel, you know, fr folks inthe comes Bz, Limes sro vacation, but athe lott and Lats of hard work, My personalcon. \envion schedule Included the Sail res Expo, Chicago Comion, San Os 90, and the New York Comie Rock Spectacular. Meeting and greeting Propie tthe booth, trowing aresher fabulous pay, and geting 0 wear my ‘ew Fo Tahir were defines highligh (the sure eas realy neat howe the fot bon became ares fo Imalecstoonite and pos forall pare the business. Now de nip of atu inthe a an 0 are gloomy outleokson tee lesb 1dowrt need toll anyone tha limesare, wel sof no-s-hat Heck, they we aw, Ses are down, comps hen ae ealinghsek indurty wide, ted ro genie fs comingto whisk us back the boom days Irs gong take alot ofhare work rebuild the nctry, The problems Feraling datrbution and weryteling that eakdeaces fe create arent ging tobe ined overnight, “And Nek Ad the ‘Crus inthe World Can Save Him’ as Stan Lee might have ited this tle. However convinced that com leg can grow agin andthat ths me © willbe heli growth, andnotspecu- lation. For ‘companies to have healthy growh, hawever they mut reach out tthe audences tat com les have abandoned—worren, chi ‘en andthe non supemera rowed "An enarpe of tis was drawn Intaharp form during con eeaion "hecame increasingly disturbed cover the sunenet by ¥ phenom: fon I roticed each time aa at on, My sandard operating procedure ‘would be 10 se & women walk by and eal hes over, About 50% ofthe tre, 2 Conversation something iki this ensued. Wor Excuse me, mins (or Mw een we ‘should the bigest ‘mwsmi:Dovyouwadeonis! addrene “Pho Inaleung evens tyamnerscnaeecsone PUAN ef he cary tet other wider Stoeponied ar emisnzuad Brapalangs? — auciencest Give me ore Sonne itso ncn ahtnmeteanon enatieneeteecice eeeiacieeee ere ee ee eco mes Sec iarra semeoweraee Pecos Pit Seventies ies Sareea nee tate er ane hated women ike 10 dois shopt ‘hod yet the dag alongs were erp Nanded Whats eongts os psa? “The coms ry mans ecoge the pean fthe dp songe Come cons wih a few notable xcepsors, ret comic book shows: they "5 pemnero shows ashing Sgainw superheroes, but scone emi have: bar fon todo at Seamac conic to tyre esesatng te book Si Sapsiogysleemen om hey nantes ons w coarser Sarthe mie le sew rees ‘veto me hey hn hd eas Cea inrccng nce eng oneno comes ia Phase 2 Imuligert, rgted approach. ‘Converting dag-alorgs ale as welas erate regular eaten sire con suring. yes but is an earmple ofthe beat growth alluded wears. Dray alongs ae potential new cusomers wo tre ready inthe stare, Fat the con. Leesnextetthem slp amay. 1995, one of Fas biggest goals singthe read ard rete soveys wis 1 get coms concrete anneers tthe quesions of what women do andor like in comes. in 1996, we have o ty to bridge the gap by ging tee ‘ee Got Our work ct ont fot us, ssutrerembey, FOU membeship pars the entre range ofthe fed crema, readers. publisher, retailers. diriby tors. If we can doit, no ene can “Ave we hee save omic! You bet had MacDonald Me hoo [Cuding: common law, ‘and rademarks sat ad fede wader registration, fai use, work or hive, vr bal contacts, he Uniform Commercial Code, standard royalty ras, ccourt- Ing procedures, mera ifs, and more MORE MORE! This sounds ike some heavy realng, but the consequences of ot low ths su are much worse than Fearing i, Order from Aria Press 12638-28 jelloron Avent, Ste 173, ewpon News, VA 23602. *ey Katafa Nico ised the se: onda aseries of chidten on Aug 1, fein or XXL, pos $3 pur sh er a yh “gs yay Wah en ep tot gee age oSoveComica" seh S12 ort ork S14 ake ‘Schaerer gh Fight Conic, Comsat Mal 4835 High Amouncoments Convention Schedile Madnese- One f Friends of Lul's goals for 1996 i 0 seth convertion booth et upp onal appearances and springs by Fol member. lets krowif you would ike 1 partcipate. The longer in advance ‘Of the show tit you can cone, the ‘mor publicity wowill be abi to gen ‘rae. Nex year's dates are a folows SESE yes eae Stine Bia ew Prey eacpememeesmentts when Winter McCloud made fer ap- Pearince in the world, Fou Members Fn rington Busiek, Kun Beste, fred Nel’ Gaiman were in atendanc, ‘Mother, chil, sister Sky, and daddy See, ‘Pe al ding fine * "kim Yale recently underwent ‘mastectomy but is recovering ricely, with peiencesn Comes Buyer's Guide S657 Capen Wy San Des, CA free Ha, we may wat 39 ote ’ “p rr “ok et ote oon Wey coy he as yt Gres tee st el Iie ep ‘ate oe ne ‘ar rembeshp caegry fr fae i ae el Mara Cada age 3 nd ate fe ie ee cent ‘eryone seems to think 3 Junio Lula ra aetard ihe CT ger brigade isa great way 1 reduce eran pena te J ine iets 10 comics, bt what should be stat, Se qeam tor es the benefit of amen membership? ‘et oe The being non vei a ‘members 50 whaddaya ‘Tere tc Witt Orpusiling pide Pay we pay theme” npn tenia tat ede aeit, Mt lal Cathouse ©1965 by Friend $1 hae 8 eit ater Sheree. {ih snore eportion dsl ee a eae Mpeeeten pt ca tems n ercarreted tars ope arwork© 1995 by Mi tei tn cao cunt (ses ok ean ht OY, nore Tai tae Sd Hee ermaerre Macdoets “ov te ‘Rana perma Co ee Grp tarot a Merete SteBenaacS unter ans ere ean ft Tome Saag Bott Oates Rae Hee Bas 2 | Bio ee Jot of supp from the tule NYC chap ter: She is wring a eves about here Your member news wart here! Send member rews 19 LULU"S CLUBHOUSE op ure fw atte nal etn, mail to Heid MacDonald’ 72702.42ecompuserve.con Signs wil be one othe mos ect gpa our mtd Al yor of or shting Web Se: The wore oing oni, if you havent notiad, ard uu wares Yo get connected. ‘Volunteers are needed to help se una web page and mal youn. Lal ell at abo Aderes I you can help in thi ae ‘Ad Swap: Are you a rere wh publisher fa comic of ere toi Mae ‘Whew! Since the fre iene of Lule Clubhouse came out the lu toad and Fol members have Survived co ‘eniion season more oF less tac. ere’ te iste happenings and devel opments. Social vents Following te sco of {clupalaora a Wendercon, Friends of tc eck AL fa yt the Chicago Como, cosponsored te conf Sewer Cram Cracks Caries, Lower Deck Comics, and PCR, fhe, This wessucha swe taht even thetone! seury gopseame.-- ops! A teas ro pernanes drape wa Soe ‘Almost all he pros preset 3 he Con sterded, rciusing a muttude of Fok ‘Rombor- Aspen sank yout Chuck Dre Fl Gian a roe ar usance en beweage nes. Ths was Sicha geatpany tate tate [yon aiden meeting bard members inSan Diego was “Ae yous having, snore pay” ‘San Dieto Convention Fun: Tere was 10 party, but inthe words of ane con. ‘erton oer “Frends fL— yOu Buys ae everynhor!” “The Fot Tt with design by Mary \Wishie andthe slogan "Here to save ‘comes Geduted © wide acclaim. (Or ering ini can be found on page 2) ‘Another standout was the gorgeous FL bwookmare, put together bythe Bay Arex ‘Chapter and ditribaed at tables of sconsoring publishers. The very busy Bay Area Luluies also put togeber 3 rinicomic with art by Doona Bar see Shove) and yet ancther mini, this one {an at sampler. The Sta*Reach agency ‘onaied a jam piece by the ass o7 theirroster, which was ucioned fon Sindy [ules were on torso” panels and signe Jats of comics. mproverees the booth inlet sec tion forthe rt time: a pny of bk ‘with female appeal donate by publish “The annual meeing was eld Sun dy, uly 30h to announce the resus (the election ofthe new bowed of ei rectors. Hecied were five pas scering Commitee member: Presider, Jacke Estrada: Vice President for Indust Is sues, Hedi MacDonald; Secretary Liz Schiler Regional Chapter Coordinator icone writ by is Sb by Donna da, and hued at tn San Shege Come con ‘sina Bernat: and Membership Secre taey, Overt Harr, They are joined by ‘set new board members Vico Presider foe Public Communication, Martha Thomases, and Treasurer, Den Loubert The result of the vore on agenda rir: ties were aso announced: (0) PR the comics indusy: (2) ting coms Ineo norwational uae 3!menber ship drive: (4) newsie: ter (5) fund-raising: (6) ‘menting program (7) seralized comic or ir/vamens magix Zines 18) comics as an educationatocl ‘nd (9) pubic re Tations inside the omicsindusy. ‘rally, gaelnes tr ocal rapier were drafted: 2 local chapter must held {minimum ofsix meetings a year sub- ‘rit quarry reports to the National Bowd of Direc: submit the names of two coreacs to the National Board: and, in general, work owardsthe goals ol Fiend of Llu. (ae Avina Beets report on page 4 for rare info on hi) Great Eastern New York Comic Book Spectacular "The highlight of tis con. vention was the agpeararce of legend {iy art Mariesevern athe FL BOO, ‘This was her fest convention appear. ance in Six years. Amanda Conner alo appeared at the booth. NY chapter memes aso produced 2 minicar. Membenkip Driv: As of exty Oco- Serroen ofa har net 200 ere bers The pe pnty mearpcas \Scdgned hare Severe hve sated ot Please let ox know fou Set pour Press Coverage: Fol. has gone ino a. ‘io and video: Liz Scie and 1 Held ‘ssacDoonakd appearedon the WBA a io talk how "Null Sa" In uly i cussing the history of comics and women’s place int and elding| Drone calls fram prople who were between 3 and 6 ase on 2 Wednesiy morning (to's owe: not sue Fe fever dreaded. the ‘prospect of anything mere, but was 8 piece of cake) ‘Also, ¥ wil bbe appear ingon"The Anti= Gravity oom,”

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