Tongue Twisters: 1 - Basic Module

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Tongue Twisters

Who says that English is difficult? Just to show you how easy it can be, here is a tri-modular test in pronunciation and stress. 1 Basic Module (Tres brujas miran tres relojes Swatch. Qu bruja mira qu reloj?) - Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watches which Swatch watch? 2 Advanced Module (Tres brujas transexuales miran los botones de tres relojes Swatch. Qu bruja transexual mira los botones de qu reloj Swatch?) -Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?

Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch?
3 Master Module (Tres brujas suecas transexuales miran los botones de tres relojes Swatch suizos. Qu bruja sueca transexual mira a qu botn de qu reloj Swatch suizo?) -Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watches which Swiss Swatch watch switch? When you can pronounce the last module without any hesitation you will be considered an outstanding student!

Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watches which Swatch watch? Three switched witches watch three Swatch watches switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch? Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watches switches. Which Swedish switched witch watches which Swiss Swatch watch switch?

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