Year 7 History - Ancient China - Assessment Task

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Year 7 History Ancient China


Image sourced from: http://www /etc/progr ams/at/at0 80805mar athon_of_ chinese_

In this unit students will investigate the following question What emerged as the defining characteristics of ancient China during the Imperial age and what are its legacies? The main focus of the unit is to build on and develop students understanding of historical inquiry in the context of the ancient world. Beginning with the Warring States and continuing through to the last emperor of the Chinese dynasties, they will investigate some of the important characteristics and events of Ancient China and how the features and experiences have influenced the modern world. TASK Produce a PowerPoint slide that identifies the following areas within a nominated dynasty major changes and continuity events and developments significant individuals and how they influenced life and society the importance of the imperial ruler and whether they were inspirational or heartless identify useful sources of information Your slide must combine at least three of the following elements: title, text, relevant images, and links to useful sources of information related to the subject. The finished slide will be part of a whole class presentation. Your group will present your slide at the end of the unit. Each member of the group must participate in the oral presentation. Each group will produce a record of research by filling out the specified template during your research journey. TASK INFORMATION
Assessment type: Research Assignment Genre: Multimodal Presentation Purpose: Evaluation Mode and Medium: Written and Spoken Length: 5-10 minute oral presentation 100-200 words per slide

Empire Imperialism Economic Political Social

DUE DATE PowerPoint Slide: Monday, September 17 Presentation: Thursday, September 19

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