READING Lesson - Exercise 3

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Exercise 3

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1. raked (verb) Collect, gather, or move with a rake. 2. fiery (adj.) a. Consisting of or containing fire. b. Burning or glowing. c. Using or effected with fire. d. Easily ignited; flammable.

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3. eruption (noun) a. The act or process of erupting. b. An instance of erupting. c. A sudden, often violent outburst.

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. 4. excavation- (noun) a. The act or process of excavating. b. A hole formed by excavating.

How the Romans Cooked their Food Long ago the Romans used

to cook their food just as the way hunters today sometimes do. They dug out an oven the way in the ground, lined it with stones and made a fire in it.

When the improvised oven was well heated, they raked out the ashes, put in the food and covered it. We learned about this from excavations in the city of Pompeii. Pompeii was destroyed and buried during

the eruption of a volcano hundreds of years ago. When the city was excavated, ovens with wood and ashes were found among the ruins. It is believed that just as the cooks were about to bake, the fiery

Volcano rained out ashes and boiling lava and burned the city.

Comprehension Check
1. In ancient times, how did the Romans cook their food?

a. Just as the cooks do today

b. Just as the people do today c. Just as some hunters do today

Comprehension Check
2. What did they use to line the ground where they built the oven?
a. lime b. stones c. clay

Comprehension Check
3. What did they do with the oven before putting in their food? a. They cool it.
b. They heated it. c. They poured water in it.

Comprehension Check
4. Where did they dig their ovens?
a. in the ground b. In the cement

c. In the tree trunks

Comprehension Check
5. What did they rake out of the oven before putting in their food? a. sand
b. ashes c. wood

Comprehension Check
6. Who cooked their food in underground ovens?
a. the Jews b. the Italians

c. the Romans

Comprehension Check
7. Who had ovens with wood ashes in them?
a. the British b. the Romans

c. the people of Pompeii

Comprehension Check
8. What destroyed Pompeii?
a. A great fire

b. A terrible flood
c. A volcanic eruption

Comprehension Check
9. What were the cooks about to do when the volcano erupted?
a. eat

b. bake
c. Wash dishes

Comprehension Check
10. What was done with the buried city?
a. rebuilt b. forgotten

c. excavated

Exercise 4

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1. clattering (verb) a. To make a rattling sound. b. To move with a rattling sound: clattering along on roller skates. c. To talk rapidly and noisily; chatter.

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2. roaring (adj.) a. Very lively

3. stun (adj.) a. To overwhelm or daze with a loud noise.

First Night in the City

It was Lynns first night in the city. She woke up with a stun and then she remembered where she was. She had never spent the night in a city before. She lay still and listened. Cars and jeepneys seemed to race

like ants heading straight towards her. A new house was being built next to her aunts house and the cement mixer was roaring angrily. Downstairs, in the kitchen, she heard that clattering of pans. Then, she

heard the chime of the big clock. She turned over and fell asleep again

Comprehension Check
1. What did Lynn remember when she woke up?
a. She was in the city. b. She was in her house.

c. She was in her country.

Comprehension Check
2. Has Lynn ever spent a night before in the city?
a. No b. Yes

c. maybe

Comprehension Check
3. Where did Lynn imagine the cars and jeeps going?
a. heading to the city b. heading towards her

c. heading towards the house

Comprehension Check
4. Where did the roaring sound come from?
a. a bulldozer b. a cement mixer

c. a street sweeper

Comprehension Check
5. How did she know the time? a. from the radio b. from the big clock

c. from the position of the sun

Comprehension Check
6. Why did Lynn wake up with a stun? a. She was afraid.

b. She had a dream.

c. She felt she was in a strange place.

Comprehension Check
8. What did Lyn passing in front of the house?
a. buses and trains b. cars and jeepneys

c. street cars and carts

Comprehension Check
9. Where did she hear the clattering of the pans?
a. from the streets b. from the kitchen

c. from the living room

Comprehension Check
10. Did Lynn fall asleep again?
a. Yes

b. No
c. Maybe

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