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ELLAMAYS Childcare

Mandy Robinson Personal Profile Hello I am a mother to one daughter Ella and live with her Father Stuart, our 2 dogs Ceasar and Doris (King Charles Cavaliers) our 2 cats Apollo and Athena and our 4 Rabbits. I have spent my career since the age of 23 around sport leisure and fitness, I once taught aerobics classes, personal trained clients, ran a health club and became a full time health, sport and fitness lecturer. I studied an HND in Business and Finance and then went on to complete my Certificate in Education to work in the Further Education sector and worked and taught around the sport, fitness and leisure industry for 10 years. I then went on to Managing departments in further education where I taught and was responsible for the delivery of curriculum to 14-19 year olds and Adults in a college environment. My specialist subjects were Sport, Fitness, Travel, Work Experience, Marketing and Business. I was a Nanny all the while I studied and this was by far my most satisfying job and the children I looked after then were 3 and 6 years of age. Both are now adults and I still have a great relationship with the family and they were so pleased to meet my daughter when she was born and have been a part of my family life as a result of the relationships we built at the time. I had been working as a child minding assistant since the birth of my daughter and enjoyed the work so much because I was able to see my daughter grow up and watch her play with her new friends every day during her early development. It was the most satisfying job I have ever done because of the children and also because of the frameworks we are guided to work within. It enables us to support the parents in the growth and development of the young people we are looking after and seeing them achieve is the most rewarding part and it seems to me the best type of child care your child could ever receive if you are a working family. The children have such a nice welcoming home care environment with a small number of children to build relationships with and seeing them with all their different personalities gaining in confidence and learning to speak, read, write, draw, cook and simply play as well as becoming respectful little people that are part of the community is simply the most wonderful part about being a child minder. I have (since December 1012) set myself up as a fully registered child minder because I want to help other families with their young children and share all my life experiences and education background with them so they can head off to school confident and able little people. I own a horse that I visit every day before I start work and am an avid animal lover and keen to share this with children if they are interested, but also appreciate this is not to everyones taste and will work flexibly with families to suit desires they may have. Policy written July 2012Review date June 2013 signed ___________________________________Child minder date________________ Page 1

ELLAMAYS Childcare I will be working Monday-Friday each week and happy to start and finish at times suited to the familys needs. I will also provide breakfasts, lunch and tea if required along with school runs and partake in activities that are requested by parents where possible. I can drop off and collect from Esher Church School, St Clements Nursery, Danetree, Southfields, Ewell Grove and Ewell Castle

Complaints Procedure

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ELLAMAYS Childcare If you have any feedback of a positive or negative nature please feel free to write it in the feedback book on the shelf in the porch. The purpose of you being able to write them in this book is so I can read your thoughts and act on them. I believe that this type of work is best when we work on having a 360 degree relationship that will grow day by day based on honesty and trust. However there may be concerns that you may have and want to write down in a letter or simply verbally communicate. All of these feedback points are best logged and acted upon and then finalised and signed off as an agreed outcome. Therefore if you would prefer to write a letter to me to share your feedback then please do. I will respond within 5 working days in writing to you with a suggestion that I hope will allay your concern. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome of this action please do not hesitate to contact the Surrey Early years team on 01372 833 833. The contact there is Pauline Jacobs the senior child minding advisor. We are also in regular contact with Ofsted and they are also a place that parents and child minders turn to when they need guidance and their contact details are 0300 1231231 (add address here). Ofsted will be informed of the complaint within 28 days of the complaint being received. All records will made available to Ofsted and prospective parents that visit the setting, only the source of the complaint is recorded names are kept confidential. All records will be kept in secure locked cupboards for 3 years from the date of receipt.

Emergency Plan Policy written July 2012Review date June 2013 signed ___________________________________Child minder date________________

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ELLAMAYS Childcare I will make every effort to ensure that 49 Gilders Road is a safe environment for your child/children to spend their time and enjoy themselves. Risk Assessments will have been performed prior to the business of childcare opening up in September 2012 and a full overarching Risk Assessment will be completed and seen by Ofsted prior to approving and registering Gilders Road for Childcare. These Risk Assessments will be reviewed annually but checked quarterly and added to if there are changes to the property or the type of activities the children take part in. Or if changes to the initial routines made by parental requests (for example a visit to place not planned before but recommended by a parent a full Risk Assessment would need to be completed before par taking in it) It is of paramount importance that a fully qualified Paediatric 1st Aider is present at all times with the children. I Mandy Robinson completed my Paediatric 1st Aid in June 2012 and this will need reviewing and re taking in May 2015. This course is fully recommended by Surrey Early Years and Certified by Surrey 1st Aid training and consists of a 12 hour course to be attended over 2 days and renewed every 3 years. It is an Ofsted requirement for Child Minders to register. I put the childcare First Aid kit together as a result of the advice and the guidance of the providers of this course and through research to ensure it contains the appropriate equipment. The First Aid box is stored on the floor in the kitchen beneath the high chair close to the entrance so that everyone can reach it if and when required. If there was an accident or incident at ELLAMAYS Childcare that was deemed an emergency and 1st Aid was not quite enough to resolve the problem, I will contact the support child minder Mrs Claire Meyer, 07970 652 507 at 21 Melton Fields whom is also a fully registered child minder who could support and assist me and the children if needed. If an ambulance needs to be called I will go with the child to the hospital and call the parents as soon as the ambulance has arrived and makes the decision as to where they are taking the child (if needed) so that the parents can be contacted and get to the hospital as soon as possible. You will need to sign a form at the start of the contract to provide the permission for me to seek emergency treatment on your behalf if required. If an accident or incident occurred and I am able to administer 1st Aid initially this would be completed to help assess, calm and make your child comfortable and safe before an ambulance is called and due to arrive. It would be necessary at this point for me to call the support child minder to come and stay with the other children at this time. All Incidents, Accidents and Emergencies will be recorded in the ELLAMAYS Childcare incident book and the necessary organisations, Surrey County Council, The HSE, Ofsted and RIDDOR will be contacted if the incident required these measures.
I will inform my insurance company and the Childrens Social Care team via the contact centre.

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Evacuation Procedure

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If there is an accident/incident at Gilders Raod like a Fire, Flood, Gas Leak and or another such incident that warranted an evacuation I would do the following; Gather all the children together (I always have my mobile phone on my person and keep it charged) and take them out of the property as far away as possible to ensure no further risk to the children and wait on the drive way of the house opposite which is 100 yards away from the property and wait for the emergency services to arrive. ORI will contact the support child minder (Claire Meyer who lives at 21 Melton Fields) by calling her or request to use her house as a safe place for the children to stay while I await emergency services to arrive and resolve the issue. We have a smoke alarm in the house for fire/smoke related problems and the fire brigade have visited the property and guided my placement of the smoke alarm to ensure it is in the best possible position. The 2 exit points are the front door and or the back doors. I will ensure that all parents are contacted via the mobile phone and using their emergency contact phone numbers stored in my nd phone and if they do not answer I will contact the 2 person named to notify them and request them to come and pick the children up as soon as possible. I will practice the evacuation procedure every 3 months and log the time it took to perform and list any issues and concerns that I need to action before the next drill.

Illness and Infection Policy If a child becomes ill in my care I will treat them based around the guidance provided on the sign up contract which will have been signed by the parents and will adhere to the parental requests.

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I will monitor the childs condition and log any concerns in the daily diary. If the symptoms persist and worsen I will contact the parent and request they return home and take the child to the GP but offer assistance to both the child and the parents to make sure all are in a position to provide the adequate care and treatment to ensure the comfort and welfare of the child is available. I will show care and consideration to the child and make sure they can lie down somewhere quiet and safe while they rest. I will also show care and consideration to the other children in my care and make sure they are not too close to the poorly child while I am unaware of the diagnosis so will keep them away from each other. Once I am aware of the diagnosis of the illness I will suggest a 48 hour absence/exclusion (according to the HPA guidance) to allow the child to recover and once the parent feels the child is well enough to return to child care I will ensure that the recovery is catered for in the type of activities I provide. I will follow the guidelines set by HPA (Health Protection Agency) for each individual disease and will act accordingly for the specified illnesses. I will inform the parents once I am concerned that the illness requires parental intervention and will be guided by each pare nts wishes. I will ask each parent to sign my medical treatment administering slip to provide me with permission to provide the medication that will ensure the child is feeling more comfortable and on the slip there will be a list of the medication that I will store in case of the needs for them. I will use the Medication Administering carbonated sheet to log the medication given and provide a copy to the parent (once signed by them) when they come to collect the child. If a child arrives feeling ill I will (dependant on the illness) make a decision whether this illness will be a risk to the other children. If it is I will ask the parent to take them home and follow my exclusion suggestion of 24 hours as a minimum. If any members of my family become ill (depending on the illness and its severity) I will contact the parents and ask their opinion as to whether they are happy to bring the child to my home for care. Or if severe suggest a 24 hour exclusion to prevent the children being exposed to the illness.

I give Mandy Robinson permission to administer over the counter medication to my son or daughter_________________as of _____________date to help ease the symptoms they may be suffering from. Calpol Teething Gel Yes No Yes No

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Saline Spray Cough Mixture Sun Screen Nurofen Prescribed medication Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Inclusion Policy

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My aim is to provide equality of opportunity for all children in my care and to take positive action to eliminate discriminative practices. All children, regardless of their race, cultural background, gender, class, religion, ability or disability will be respected and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured. It is my aim and duty to value all children and their family members and to promote equality of opportunity. I aim to help the children in my care to develop a positive self-image and a respect for others, their values and cultures. I will ensure that my knowledge is improving all the time by attending CPD events offered by Surrey County Council about inclusion. I will always listen and talk to parents to gain a real perspective of the family culture, special needs or disabilities. I am happy to make extra provisions if I do not have them initially to provide specific care for a child for example (my bathroom is upstairs) so I would have a commode downstairs if required. To ensure that children in my care value, respect beliefs and embrace cultures, diversity and differences I will ensure that activities I provide and resources and toys I have in my house provide an opportunity to expose the children to these areas and to educate them. I will make sure that I encourage all the children to play together and accept each other whatever the age, gender, ability, ethnicity, culture or religion, home language, family background, learning difficulties and disabilities. I will do this by making sure my knowledge is enhanced once I am aware of what I may need to learn myself and will each week provide activities around these subject areas to ensure that the children gain awareness and feel comfortable and can talk about the subjects without any problem. For example I have worked with autism, ADHD, Asbergers and Dyslexic children/adults in my career and have been able to interact with them and include them in my sessions/classes by asking them what works for them and making sure I make the relevant changes to my practice and environment. I will make sure that each childs needs are logged at the start of the contract and will also keep the daily diary as my re cord of all activities and outings that we have all enjoyed and provide the parents with the comfort that the individual child s needs are being met and that there is 2 way dialogue daily/weekly via the diary. I will buy resources that support my aims that I have talked about above so will consider this in all my purchasing of toys and resources. For example I have purchased a mixture of races baby dolls, have a vast array of people toys and incorporated disabled people within this. I have purchased toys from around the globe so the children can play and learn about the various countries and the people within each. I will also provide the exposure to hearing different languages through the use of interactive ICT applications if required. If I see inappropriate behaviour and actions in relation to this inclusion policy and my planned actions are not being adhered to by parents or children I will challenge these in a professional fashion either in person or in writing, depending on the situation. I will display posters and have books about the subject areas that will enable the children to gain familiarity of the issues of others so they feel they are part of a normal family with a mixed way of life for all the children to appreciate.

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Behaviour Management Policy It is of paramount importance that children understand the type of behaviours that I deem are appropriate and inappropriate and I will ensure that parents are hugely involved in this from the start.

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I will ask those parents and children that are old enough to understand what they deem to be acceptable for positive and negative behaviour and agree going forward how we will monitor and manage both behaviours. I am very keen to set the boundaries and remain consistent. Playing and coming to ELLAMAYS Childcare needs to be fun, safe and understood. I do believe that children require a routine for them to feel comfortable so will provide a typical days plan to the families when they visit for the initial meeting. Within this programme there will be free play, toilet visits, nappy changing, hand washing, tidying up time, respect for the toys, resources and environment and expected behaviour and respect to all and the same for all our outings. I do believe it is fair to be clear and concise to the children and with all others concerned to ensure there is support for the types of measures that may need to be used. For example I embrace positive reinforcement rather that punishments. I agree that children need to be told off on occasions but a firm fair approach is what I will use in my setting. Here is an example of the types of expectations I would work with; Play with the toys that have been put out for you and ask for toys that you want to play with to be put out. No toys are off limits (just space) Help tidy up one set of toys before you move on to the next set of toys. Play together if other children want to join you. Feel free to ask for activities you wish to take part in A plan (may be guided by parents and or children from previous discusssions) of activities will be provided at the start of each week so we all know what is happening and the parents know what to provide you with (outdoor shoes/boots/rain hats/coats/sunscreen/caps/sun glasses etc..) Please sit on the sofas and avoid using them as trampolines Please use crayons, pens, pencils on paper (avoid the walls and other furniture)

I am very keen to remind children and congratulate them for good behaviour and to spread this evenly and fairly among all the children I work with as this is a real boost for their self- esteem. If a child or children behave inappropriately I will stop the action they may have been doing or the activity they are par taking in and explain (without anger or prejudice but firmly and fairl) that we will not be playing or doing this anymore and explain why and the consequences of why we have all had to stop what we are doing. I will log all behaviours in the daily diaries for all the children. But will work with parents if methods need to be changed to suit the consistency of actions followed at home. I will keep a constant dialogue of al behaviours with parents through the daily diaries and hope that parents will share either in writing or verbally anything that may affect the wellbeing or behaviour of the child or children. With reference to the EYFS statutory framework point 3.50, I will be the named practitioner responsible for behaviour management in ELLAMAYS childcare setting. With reference to the EYFS statutory framework point 3.51, I will not provide any form of corporal punishment to a child. I will also take all reasonable care to ensure that any person who cares for or is in regular contact with a child, or by any person living or working at my premises does not give any form of corporal punishment to any child.

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Safeguarding Policy I believe it is my legal duty to protect children and will do so while working as a fully Ofsted registered child minder. I have undergone Safeguarding training provided by Surrey County Council in June 2012 and this is an Ofsted approved course that is valid for 3 years and I will update in May 2013. It is my responsibility to protect children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of ch ildrens health or development.

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I will be vigilant in ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. This policy will cover; -Safeguarding/ child protection -Current safeguarding children training -Whistleblowing -Social networking -Use of mobile phones -Common Assessment Framework (CAF). Safeguarding/ child protection I promote effective multi-agency working in light of the Children Act 2004 and the DfE document, Working together to safeguard children 2010. Aim of this policy My main responsibility is the welfare of all the children in my care. To safeguard children I need to comply with the local child protection procedures approved by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) and make sure that all adults working with, and looking after children are able to put the procedures into practice. I have read and understood the booklet and policy what to do if youre worried a child is being abused? (available to download from search for DFES-04319-2006), I have read and understood the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Manual of child protection procedures. I have read and understand the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Manual of child protection procedures I do not leave any adults who have not been vetted alone with children. I have utilised the Ofsted approved persons paperwork and practice for my partner and mother who may be in contact with my setting. I am responsible for regularly reviewing my accident book, incident book and any recorded concerns and monitor and/ or identify possible safeguarding children issues within them. During initial parental visits I share my Safeguarding children/ child protection policy. I respect confidentiality and only share my policy and practice and provide access to updated polices and practice to parents regularly With permission and if required I will pass information about child protection concerns or cases to the childs new setting or school, with permission from the childs parents If I have a concern about a child I will share these concerns with parents/ carers. However, if sharing these concerns puts the child at risk of significant or further harm I will seek advice from the duty manager at Surrey County Councils Contact Centre I record the statutory information required for each child before their admission. I update this information on an annual basis it is my responsibility to do so. I will record and store information in relation to any safeguarding concerns confidentially. I strongly consider and think about what activities I do in my setting to help children think about keeping themselves safe. I am very aware that an allegation of child abuse or neglect may lead to a criminal investigation, so I would not do anything that may jeopardise a police investigation, such as asking a child leading questions or attempting to investigate the allegations myself.

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Training I will continue to update myself on the latest policies and practices that may change during the next 3 years. After receiving Surrey County Councils training course I am aware of how to look for possible signs of abuse. I understand how to share information and any concerns I may have and who to go to. I feel comfortable on how I need to respond appropriately and confidentiality to the issues found. I understand the legislative child protection procedures and will follow these if or when needed to ensure I am fully up to date. I will record pre-existing injuries and use a body map to do so. My partner and Mother will be provided with a summative induction process that covers safeguarding children information. I will ask them to read and sign off my safeguarding/child protection policy and procedure. Current training available and click on safeguarding workshops. Working together to safeguard children: introduction This course is an introduction to protecting children from abuse. It builds on the knowledge and skills you have gained through working within the childcare sector. Safeguarding children refresher for practitioners (used to be called Working together to safeguard children: update) and Safeguarding children refresher for home-based childcarers (used to be called Working together to safeguard children: update for home-based childcarers). This is an update workshop for practitioners who have been on the Working together to safeguard children: introduction. We recommend that practitioners do the refresher courses every three years. Referring a child If I was not sure whether I should refer a child you can get advice from the duty manager at Surrey County Councils Contact Centre by calling 0300 200 1006. If I am told that a referral is required, the information I have given will be regarded as a referral and responded to as such. If I know I want to make a referral, I will contact Surrey County Councils Contact Centre by calling 0300 200 1006. The Contact Centre is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. If I want to make a referral outside of those office hours I would contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01483 517898. If it was an emergency you I would need to contact the Police as well. I would confirm referrals in writing, within 48 hours of them being made, using the Multi-Agency Referral Form, including a body map where appropriate. I will use the online Multi-Agency Referral Form as this will be the most up to date version. I will download the form, go to and click on guidance for professionals if required. If a referral has been made to the appropriate authorities for investigation I will need to know: Details of the concern or allegation, Name, Date of birth and address of the child or young person, Details of the service or setting being inspected including contact details of the manager on site, and so on and any additional relevant information regarding the child, if possible, for example ethnicity and details of other agencies involved.

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If there are more allegations after I have spoken to the Surrey County Council LADO, or if I need any more advice, will talk to the Early Years and Childcare Services named person for allegations against adults working with children and young people by calling 01372 833895.

Contact details Childrens Services Contact Centre Floor 3, Conquest House, Wood Street, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 1AB Tel: 0300 200 1006 Out of hours tel (5pm 9am): 01483 517898 Local Authority Child Protection designated officer (LADO) Managing Allegation Strategy Meetings (masm) Emergency Duty Desk - 01372 833321 Secure e-mail address Early Years and Childcare Services named person for allegations against adults working with children and young people 01372 833895 Ofsted Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD 0300 123 1231

Whistleblowing Whistleblowing is an important aspect of safeguarding where staff and volunteers are encouraged to share genuine concerns about a colleagues behaviour. The behaviour may not be child abuse but they may not be following the code of conduct or could be pushing boundaries beyond normal limits. Whistleblowing is very different from a complaint or a grievance. The term whistleblowing generally applies when you are acting as a witness to misconduct that you have seen and that threatens other people. The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, known as the Whistleblowing Act, is intended to promote internal and regulatory disclosures and encourage workplace accountability and self-regulation. The Act protects the public interest by providing a remedy for individuals who suffer workplace reprisal for raising a genuine concern, whether it is a concern about child safeguarding and welfare systems, financial malpractice, danger, illegality, or other wrongdoing. The statutory guidance from the DfE (Working together to safeguard children 2010) makes it clear that all organisations that provide services for, or work with, children, must have appropriate whistleblowing procedures. They must also have a culture that enables concerns about safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children to be addressed by the organisation. The concern may relate to something that is happening now, has happened in the past or that you think could happen in the future. Using the Ofsted Whistle blower Hotline Ofsteds dedicated Whistle blower Hotline (0300 123 3155) was launched in April 2009. It is staffed from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. Whistleblowing disclosures can also be submitted to Ofsted by email to or by post to: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD

Social networking I will respect and carefully monitor any use of social networking and be vigilant and act on findings if there are any forms of abuse reported to me.

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I will also ensure images or information on any forms of social networking sites are approved by parents and I will be vigilant on behalf of the children in my care if they regularly use social networking sites that they also know and understand the safeguarding practices I will endorse .

Use of mobile phones It is important that all involved in my setting have awareness about the need to protect children from harm and that mobile phone usage can jeopardise this if personal calls are taken and or photos are being taken and stored on a personal phone. I will make sure that the mobile phone usage is purely for emergency calls while working in my setting and that any photos videos taken are deleted once stored in appropriate pre agreed with parents format. Mobile phones have a place in these types of settings, and I rarely use a landline but will have my phone on me during outings. This is usually the only means of contact available in settings and can be helpful in making sure children are kept safe. My mobile phone is protected with a password. I always make sure that my landline telephone is connected and working at all times, unless circumstances are beyond my control. If there is a power cut, the battery kicks in. My phones have answer phones on them so parents and other practitioners in my profession who work with me can contact me at all times. I check the answer phone regularly and as soon as I return from outings.

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Common Assessment Framework (CAF) What I will do if I have concerns about a child, I have undergone training to understand how and when this intervention may be required. The CAF procedure is designed to help us child careprofessionals understand what to do if we have concerns about a child and to find out whether the child has additional needs or needs that mean they have been, or are likely to be, significantly harmed. In Surrey it is clear that children with different levels of need will be responded to appropriately by the range of agencies who work with them. The information below is based on national government guidance and shows how different levels of need should be addressed. All of which we covered in our safe guarding training. Level 1 - Universal services No additional action needed Level 2 Targeted services (additional needs) Consider assessment using CAF (CAF advisors can help with this) Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Levels 3/4 Specialist Services (acute/ complex needs) Consider referral using multi-agency referral form For detailed information on making a referral and the form go to go to and click on guidance for professionals. Our Safeguarding work and practices are linked to the following legislation Children Act 1989 and 2004 Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF 1989 Data Protection Act 1998 Every Child Matters Change for Children 2004 Freedom of Information Act 2000 Race Relations Act 1976 Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 Sex Discriminations Acts 1975 and 1986 Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999 The Human Rights Act 2000. I will keep my practices up to date and in line with above and below by working with: What to do if youre worried a child is being abused summary and poster (available to download from search for DFES-04319-2006) or any national guidance which replaces this publication. Of which will be available in my setting

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These are the useful resources and websites provided by the Surrey Early Years team during my Childminding training and will be the documents I will be referring to and guiding parents to if required and relevant. Working together to safeguard children 2010 (available to download from search for DCSF-003052010) What to do if youre worried a child is being abused summary and poster (available to download from search for DFES-04319-2006). Surrey Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Manual of child protection guidelines. (available online at Ofsted - Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) 08457 474747 Stop it Now! Campaign Free helpline: 0808 1000 900 Childline - NSPCC - Direct Gov for information relating to legislation - UNICEF - The Children Act 1989 - Online Safety: A Toolkit for Early Years Settings

It will be pertinent that I update myself regularly by utilising the Surrey County Council websites and they will steer me to new updates via the links to the where there are regular updates for practitioners from the early years sector. I will do this on a monthly basis during my office hours set aside on Sundays. I have been able to work through how I would recognise if a child is suffering abuse and will make sure I stay vigilant and record any concerns I have using the surrey county council preferred templates (paperwork) provided in the child minding induction programme as detailed earlier. A template form is available in my portfolio. I will attend any CPD events offered by Surrey County Council to keep my awareness of the Safeguarding issues that are current and ensure that I update my portfolio when I have attended these courses for parents to peruse.

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Missing Child Policy When any children are in my care the house (front and back doors) and garden gate will be locked at all times when we are in the home and or using the garden. If a child fails to arrive at my house when they are due I will contact the parents and next of kin to ensure that all is well. If there is no response I will wait for 30 minutes and try again. If after this I have not heard anything I will give it another 30 minutes. If I hear nothing I will contact the police and share my concern for the health and wellbeing of the child and the parent concerned. If one of my children is not at school when I arrive to collect them I will check first with the school they attended and then who they left with. If there has been a miscommunication I will re-iterate that I need to be told of any changes to who will be picking up my charges. If a child goes missing whilst in my care I will look for them with my support child minder looking after my other charges and will alert the police if I cannot find them and as soon as I am aware of the emergency of the situation. I would then call the parents and ensure that they are fully in the picture. I would ensure that all who are dealing with this treat it as extremely urgent due to the age of the charges likely to be under 5 or 8 years old. I will recount where I have been and where I believe the child has gone missing from and ensure I report a clear and concise account to ensure that the police have a good idea of where to start the search. I will inform Ofsted of the situation as an incident following the guidelines set by the authority. All incidents will be recorded and this would be no different. It would be logged and recorded on the appropriate incident forms and a copy will be sent to the parents, Ofsted and stored in my records until the child is 21 years of age.

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Failure to Collect Policy If parents fail to arrive at the time they are supposed to collect their child/children I will continue to look after them and keep them safe. I will keep an eye on the local news regarding travel and weather so I can be prepared for any potential issues. I will contact the parent and attempt to see what has happened and gauge when the collection might occur if they answer and simply late and all is well. If parents fail to respond I will contact the next of kin and seek guidance from them. If I have not joy with either I will keep the child safe and in my care for 2.00 hours and if they have not been collected I will notify the Social Care Team and contact the Duty Officer at Surrey County Council.

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Activity- Flash cards indoor activity-EXAMPLE Age of child Activity title 30-50 months Learn about Emotions of ourselves and others

Using the EYFS non-statutory guidance (development matters), identify the areas of learning and development the activity will cover for the age and stage of the child. Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Understanding the World

What aspects within those areas does it cover and can you find a statement (development matters) to back up what the child is learning? Managing feelings and behaviours and People and communities Describe how you will undertake the activity and the resources you will use to support the child. Describe the scenario for each flash card to explain why the facial expression may be happeningAsk the children to take it in turns to explain what the facial expression is telling themAre the people? Happy? Sad? Excited? Scared? Proud? Brave? Sleepy? What would be the next steps for that child? (future provision) Ask the children to draw the faces and expressions and the environment around them to back up the understanding Or Take photos of the expressions that each child makes when I describe a scenario and show them later Or Read a book about emotions to extend the understanding further How would you adapt the activity for a child with additional needs/Impairment Utilise an ICT application that does the same but is more interactive and allows the child to concentrate on the activity in a more comfortable fashion. For example I have an autistic child in my care at the moment and he struggles in groups as needs low stimulus environment and I use an ipad app with him that he can interact with as he feels more comfortable learning the same information but in a more suited to his style fashion.

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Arrivals and Departures Policy

Daily registration system I will you record the time that all children, parents, staff and visitors arrive and leave? Ill you operate a self-registration system. A signing in file (page for each day) with time in and any comments and sign out at the end of each day. I will keep it in the porch so it is used and get the parents in the habit (like they would at a crche or nursery. I will check the register after arrivals and again at the end of the day. All records will be stored for 25 years in an archive. In the comments part of the signing in file/page I will ask the parents to include details of who is collecting the child. I must only release children into the care of individuals who have been notified to me by the parent (Paragraph 3.61 Revised EYFS 2012). I must ensure children do not leave the premises unsupervised (Paragraph 3.61 Revised EYFS 2012). Registration form My contract and all about me form (supplied by the NCMA) will be where I store all the initial information that I need to be aware of for each child. Each child will have their own section of my file and I will keep all relevant documents for them in it until they move on to school. I will read and take note of any specifics I need to remember for each child and will refer this in my regular plans. I bwill have a system in place to make sure the registration details are kept up-to-date after every 3 months I will pass an update form to my parents so they can keep me informed of any changes to the registration details, for example, new phone number etc I will keep all the registration information for children, staff and volunteers (remembering confidentiality) locked away in a filing cabinet and only I will have the key and access to this I will keep the child records relevant during an outing on my phone ipad where I have access to stored information. When setting up a registration system, I will think about the following: whether I know individual childrens details and needs I will be recording who will be collecting children I will be getting written permission from parents if children are going to be picked up by another childs parents I will be recording the time that children, staff and visitors arrive and leave I will be making sure I update information regularly I will use electronic devices in an emergency if my manual records are not able to be used. Registers will be stored and filed away and locked after use. Registers will be taken on arrival and departure. I will also ask others that visit my premises to sign in and out stating the reason for the visit. I will also record on the register (via space for trips) children and staff who leave the premises for an outing. Visitors I will monitor visitors access and record the following in the register stating the full name of the visitor, the name of their organisation, company, job title or link to child, for example, parent or grandparent, the purpose of their visit, accurate details of the arrival and departure times, initials of the (me) the member of staff that checked the visitors identity and how I checked the identity of visitors. Points to consider If a visitor, parent or family member arrived at my premises under the influence of alcohol or any other substance I would not let them in my setting. If they had come to collect a child/children I would make arrangements for them to leave and a suitable person to pick up the child in their place.

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When parents are happy for their child to be collected by another member of the family, I ask them to tell me via text and have suggested a phrase to be used so I can be sure (if I do not know them) that they are who they say they are. If I had doubts I would call the parent before releasing the child/children. If the parents are happy I would allow a child/children to walk to mine from an after school activity like netball or football, to my after school club. I would treat them in exactly the same way as the parents on arrival they would sign in and sign out and if they did not arrive I would contact the parent straight away so they can assist me in following up the whereabouts. I would also be very mindful of the child/children in my care at this time. If a parent wants their child to be collected by a young person, maybe their brother or sister, I am happy for this to happen if they are over 16 and are fully engaged in my practice and understand the way my setting works and what they need to do. But only if this was supported fully by the parents ( I would ask them to sign a bespoke policy document for this particular scenario) I would ask the parent to tell me about it in writing. I would review the situation once a term and ask the parent to write another letter for each term. If a parent wants their child to walk home alone, for example, after a holiday play scheme, I am happy for that to happen as long as the situation described above is followed. I will have a copy of my policies available for any visitors during work hours and will highlight the relevant ones to them, for example, your fire procedure, risk assessments and the location of adult toilets.

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Confidentiality Policy Aim I share information with parents and children of the same family only and this is very much discussed and agreed at the start of my working with any family. I will make sure that parents and children can share information with you and can be confident that information shared will only be used for the benefit of their child. I will always make sure that any information I share is done so whilst respecting the privacy of children and their parents? Points to consider All information is stored in files locked away in filing cabinet. I am the only person who has access to personal records. The information is retained for 25 years in archive once the family leave by law. I store the contract, all about me form, the Learning Journeys, personal records for children and their families. This information will include the observations, samples of work, development reports and achievements, Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and so on. I will store the childrens development records and only I will have access to them in my locked filing cabinet. Childrens Act Regulations You must keep records of the name, address and date of birth of each child and the name, address and contact number of a parent. Consider who should have access to this information. Useful resources and websites Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act. Available to download from Information Sharing: Guidance for practitioners and managers ref DCSF-00807-2008is available to download from Department for Education

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Food and Drinks (Healthy Eating Policy) Aim It is my intention to ensure I am raising awareness of nutrition, encouraging and developing childrens skills so they can make informed choices about food and drink, helping children develop positive attitudes to diet, health and oral health and developing healthy eating and drinking activities that can benefit children, staff and parents. Points to consider Environment I will always promote healthy lifestyles through healthy eating and drinking. I will encourage and manage to support and encourage good table manners and social eating skills I will sit and eat with the children at meal times I will promote a positive, educational and engaging atmosphere at meal times. Drinks I will provide (full fat) milk Parents have to provide (the particular formula) for their child and provide me with the mixes daily, although I will always have the ready- made versions spare supplies in case I need them. All the children in my care can access drinking water at all times via the cups provided left at their heights and available at all times. I stop activities and regularly encourage children to drink water throughout the day. I offer milk, water and pure fruit juice at meal times, for example, pure unsweetened fruit juice containing less than 5% sugar. Diet and health Childrens health is an integral part of their emotional, mental, social and spiritual well - being and is supported by attention to these aspects. Diet is central to health and childrens diet can be an important influence on their health now and in the future. Nutritional status can have immediate impact on the health of children and young people. A poor diet can contribute to anaemia, dental decay, obesity, susceptibility to illness and adversely af fect general health. (DfES, 2007) As good health in the early years helps to safeguard health and well-being throughout life, it is important that children develop healthy habits when they first learn about food and activity. How do you do this? Nutrition The Early Years Foundation Stage says that I should promote good nutrition and oral health, I do this each day during the regular meal times and physical activities. I use education and routine to instill this in to the children without forcing the issue, it should become second nature. When food is provided by parents, if it was not as balanced as it could be I would offer them guidance and information on providing nutritious and well balanced options by sharing my knowledge, links to websites and the meal planners I have prepared .I make sure that children get their five a day by asking what they have eaten with the parents and sharing what I have fed them in my diary sheet. Obesity Nationally, obesity in children is rising. The Department of Health has set clear priorities to reduce dietary intake of fat, salt and sugar, increase fruit and vegetable consumption and tackle obesity. I have provided a meal planner based on the recommendations of regular protein carbohydrates and fresh fruit and vegetables each day and have followed this for myself and for my setting. Oral health Parents and carers should be warned against the practice of allowing prolonged drinking of drinks contain ing sugar from a bottle or valve type cups. If sugary or sweetened drinks are given to younger children, they should be very well diluted, taken preferably at meal times only and drinking times should be kept short. An open cup or beaker should be used. It is

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recommended that this be as soon as they are old enough to hold one and should be introduced by the age of six months old, although individual childrens physical development must be taken into consideration. Bottle feeding should be very much discouraged after the age of 12 months. Between meals, milk and water are the only drinks that are safe for teeth. (Food Standard Agency). I allow dummies at my setting and will follow the parents guidance on how they are used and when they are not used. I will also advise when it is a good time to start the process of weaning from the dummy. . I will encourage tooth brushing after breakfast and dinner if children are still with me. I will follow the reccomendations for oral health and encourage the children to brush their teeth properly. Training I will source up to date information and training on healthy eating, oral health, food safety and hygiene, first aid, health and safety from the relevant websites. Birthdays and celebrations I will take into account ethical, religious and medical dietary requirements of children and staff when celebrating festivals, special dates and so on. I will celebrate childrens birthdays and provide a cake for all the children (if parents permit) I will have food and drink at Christmas parties I will prepare the food, and the storage will be in my setting and within my white goods all of which are kept clean and tidy for my work. I will not be using food as a reward at any time Useful websites Five a day (NHS site) Food Standards Agency Department of Health

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Outings/Risk Policy Aim To ensure that safety is my highest priority when I am both planning and taking children on an outing? Points to consider Ofsted define an outing as being any occasion you leave the premises where you provide childcare with at least one child bei ng cared for. The children do not necessarily have to return to the premises (for example their parents may collect them from the outing destination; or you could be taking them to school or another childcare provider). If you are collecting children from elsewhere and bringing them into the childcare setting, this is not an outing. I am fully aware that It is now a statutory requirement to obtain written parental permission for a child to take part in outings. I will get written permission from parents to allow their child to go on an outing. I will be keeping records of vehicles and drivers including licences and MOT certificates. See my Vehicle records document. I will use appropriate harnesses, seat belts, child seats, booster seats and air bags correctly. I will also make sure I do not go over the maximum seating allowed. I am fully versed in the regulations from September 2006 for child restraints and seat belts: My adult to child ratio takes account of the nature of the outing I will be partaking and this will be included in my risk assessment. It is a statutory requirement to assess the risks and hazards which may arise for children and I will identify the steps to be taken to remove, minimize and manage those risks and hazards. I have a set procedure to follow in an emergency and will adapt it for outings. I make sure I have access to a working mobile phone and that I will check it has a signal during the whole journey and onceI have reached the outing destination. I will take essential records and equipment with meFor example, contact details for staff and children, first aid kit, medication, spare clothing and plastic bags. I will make sure I can cater for different needs on outings, For example, children with disabilities and cultural requirements. I always make sure that no child is left in a vehicle on their own. I make sure that I take care at times of particular risk, such as when children are walking or getting into or out of a vehicle? Useful resources and websites Health Protection Agency Health and Safety Executive Directgov travel advice

Settling in Policy

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Aim I will make sure that all children in my setting feel safe, secure and comfortable with me and my home. I will make my setting a welcome environment where children settle quickly and where consideration is given to the childs individual needs and the parents wishes? Points to consider I will give parents information before their child starts via email copies of all my documentation which will include the prospectus for ELLAMAYS childcare setting. I will provide the family with a welcome pack, invite them to regular quarterly meetings, and operate an open evening for parents to drop in and see the childrens setting in operation and the work they have completed. I share my policies with parents during the initial visit and send copies of these if they request them but omce they are signed up they are emailed over the full pack.

I will provide opportunities for parents and children to visit before the child starts fully with my setting. They can visit the term before or a few sessions before they start of which there will be no charges. I am happy to do home visits if the family believe this will be of help to them. I will be the key person and this will be explained to parents and the aim is I remain the key person for this child until they move on to aid comfort and consistency. I complete the registration forms with the parents after the initial visit if they have decided to choose my services or send them to them via email for completion but will always work with what suits the parents best. I will not provide any services unless the forms are signed and completed. I have a contract with parents that will be signed and agreed by both parties. I will explain settling in process to parents and decide the best way forward for their child together My expectation of the parents during the settling in process is that they stay for a while then leave the child to enable them to start to relax in to the routine of the day. I understand and will explain that younger children may take longer to settle. When a child arrives and seems keen to join in the fun and the parent can leave without too much fuss I will suggest that it is probably time that they are settled in to my setting and can be left without worry for the parents. Once the child has fully settled in to the routine at ELLAMAYS I ask the parents to say goodbye straight away and only to stay and settle their child at an activity before leaving them if there child seems anxious (which does happen occasionally) If a child is distressed, I will support and comfort the child and the parents. Useful resources and websites Childrens books about starting school and nursery.

No Smoking alcohol or drugs Policy

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Aim I do not and will not allow smoking, alcohol or drugs on my premises at any time, including outside areas during working hours where any children are being left in my care. Points to consider Smoking I will have a no smoking sign displayed at all times. If a member of staff, student, parent, volunteer or child were found to be smoking on my premises I would stop them immediately and will be asked to leave. Considering outside my setting, for example the grounds or the playground nearby, as this is still likely to affect the child/children in my care. I will avoid any people that are under the influence and if there are any people smoking nearby I will also avoid them coming in to contact with my child children. Alcohol If a parent or carer was to turn up under the influence of alcohol I would ensure they leave immediately. If a parent is under the influence of alcohol when they drop off or collect their child I have a duty to tell the other parent/carer and if this becomes regular I will contact the child protection liaison officer (CPLO) at Surrey County Council. They will then have to decide on the appropriate course of action according to your Safeguarding Children Policy. I would not let a parent take their child home if they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drugs If a parent/carer seemed to be under the influence of drugs I would ask them to leave immediately. I would also call the police and notify social services of the situation as this would be an extreme concern for me and the child/children they are responsible for. Practitioners taking medication that they believe may affect their ability to care for children should seek medical advice. They should only work directly with children if the advice is that the medication is unlikely to impair their ability to look after children. Useful resources and websites NHS direct Surrey Family Information Directory 0300 200 1004

Animals Policy

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Animals All animals have potential health and safety risks. These may be pets who spend most of their time in the setting or animals encountered during outings e.g. farm visits. Points to consider: My animals are checked regularly to see that they are free of disease and are they vaccinated as they should be. If an animal becomes sick I will contact the vet contact details for local vet kept handy. There is a quarantine area away from the children in the garden set out for the comfort of the animals during setting opening times All aninmals are cleaned and checked daily/weekly for fleas and ticks The accessibility of feeding bowls and litter trays for the animals is minimised so that children do not eat or play with any of the food stuffs. All animals food and water are prepared and out of the way of children apart from the water bowl in the kitchen (no children are left in the kitchen unattended) children be supervised when handling the animals at all times when this occurs. I will advise parents that animals are on the premises and allow them to meet them and see how they live within the setting and see how this would not be a threat in any way to the child/children. Ensure there is a hand-washing procedure in place for after handling the animals (as with before and after eating) . I will respect Religious beliefs, allergies or anxiety related to animals.

Nappy Policy (Toilet)

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Taking preventative measures and following good hygiene practice are the best ways to prevent the spread of infection. As part of your duty of care as a business, the Environmental Protection Act 1990 expects you to have an available strategy for dealing with the storage and disposal of waste. Good practice is to include the procedure for the safe disposal of nappies and other soiled items in your health and safety policy, and in your regular risk assessments. You should write a procedure for changing a nappy and this should include wearing a clean apron and gloves each time you change a baby or child and removing them before leaving the changing area. Human hygiene waste The Department of Health publication Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe Management of Healthcare Waste 2011 provides guidance on the assessment of various wastes to determine if they are clinical wastes. To download a copy go to the Department of Health website and type reference number 15645 into the search box. The information below is a summary from the Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe Management of Healthcare Waste 2011 document. You will need to read the full document to make sure you are disposing of your waste appropr iately. Childcare facilities are classed as municipal premises and their wastes can normally be assumed to present no risk of infection unless an indication to the contrary is provided by a healthcare professional. However, those who have a duty of care for such waste should undertake appropriate assessment and segregation where any risk factors indicate that an element of the waste may be infectious. Nappies, incontinence pads and similar items can often be classed as offensive/hygiene waste rather than clinical/infectious waste. Classifying pads and nappies correctly and separating them out is probably the biggest saving that can be made in waste management. This is possibly one of the biggest opportunities to reduce wasted energy used in unnecessary treatment of noninfectious wastes and potentially introduce significant cost savings. Offensive/hygiene waste is healthcare waste or similar waste from municipal sources, which meets the following criteria: it is not clinical waste it is not dangerous for carriage the producer has identified, after segregation at source, that it is suitable for disposal at a non-hazardous landfill site without further treatment it may cause offence to those coming into contact with it. Offensive/hygiene waste includes waste previously described as human hygiene waste and sanpro waste. Potentially offensive/hygiene waste may include: incontinence and other waste produced from human hygiene sanitary waste disposable medical/veterinary items and equipment that do not pose a risk of infection, including PPE (that is, items that are not clinical waste) animal faeces and soiled animal bedding. Offensive/hygiene waste should be segregated where it is generated in quantity one bag (7 kg or more) in any collection interval. Only quantities less than 7 kg may be placed in the black-bag waste stream. If you generate more than 7kg of offensive/hygiene waste in any collection interval, contact your local borough or district council for advice.

Useful resources and websites Environment Agency 08708 506 506

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Nappy changing tips from For Parents By Parents website Department for Environment, food and Rural affairs (DEFRA) 08459 33 55 77 Department of Health Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC) Baby centre website information about how often to change a nappy

Vehicle records (including insurance)

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Aim Whether I am transporting children on a regular or an occasional basis, I must hold information about the vehicles I am using, including vehicle insurance. I also need a list of named drivers (see List of named drivers guidance document). Points to consider To make sure I have all the information required I need to think about the following: We have a copy of the up to date MOT certificate on file. The cars tax disc will always be in date. Do you have a process in place to make sure MOTs, tax and insurance requirements are updated regularly, I diarise the dates in which all these events need to take place and make sure they happen. I have ensured that we are insured to transport children within our policy. I have a process in place for minor checks to vehicles to check the tyre pressure, oil and water I do it monthly. I will make sure drivers are aware of, and follow, current legislation regarding seat belts and car seats. I will make sure I am aware of, and follow, new legislation, for example using mobile phones while driving. I will you make sure ratios are met while children are being transported. If there is an accident I have an emergency plan in place see emergency policy I have a first aid kit in my car

Inventory of all toys, materials, equipment and furniture

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I will record all the toys, pieces of equipment, materials and furniture that are on your premises, both indoors and outdoors. I will take photographs too. I will divide up my inventory by where the items are stored. I will update the inventory if anything new arrives or when something is broken. The insurance company will find this useful if I need to make any claims. This information will be recorded and any copies are stored electronically. TOYS Lounge Lounge Bedroom Outside Shed Books x 25 Mega bloks 3 sensory baskets Pop up goal Ball pond and balls Post box Noisy Car steering Walking tortoise Pop up tent Activity centre wheel Alphabet magnets (in Alarm torch Shape sorter ball Sports games multi Pop up tent shop/post plastic screw top jar) office Play dough moulds in Bob the builder phone Hopscotch plastic tub (noisy) Globe on stand cat head and shoulders Bubbles c shaped cushion Inflatable globe Rings on a cone Sand pit/water table Musical walker/ride on Ambulance (noisy) Balls smiley face toy Ride on caterpillar Truck plastic Bucket Sensory baskets x 3 1 basket of cuddly toys Paddling pool Musical/alphabet 1 wooden alphabet slide dinosaur blocks in rows Leapfrog lap top Leapfrog tag reader and 7 books 2 wooden jigsaw puzzles 1 box of cars 1 box of games Pairs matching game Lunch box bingo Wooden shape sorter on wheels Dog in carry box Wooden dog on string (to tow) Noisy caterpillar on string Wooden fish on a stick Leapfrog interactive map


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LOUNGE 2 booster seats for feeding with straps kitchen 1 lindam stair gate 1 parachute koochi buggy 1 fold away high chair Bedroom 1 1 lindam stair gate 1 fold away carry cot birth 6 months 1 fold away cor 612 months BEDROOM 2 1 cot on wheels 1 fold away cot sturdy 12months 5 years Car 2 car seats for 9mths upwards 1 single urban koochi buggy 1 double buggy (cosatto) 2 booster seats up to 9 year olds Shed 1 car seat for birth -6 mths

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