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Chain of Evidence

Improved Students Learning Outcomes: How have the changes in my practice led to an improvement in my students learning? What growth has been made? What is my evidence of this? Possible Evidence: Students work samples, anchor charts, learning environment, precise measureable data (as per RHPS Assessment Schedule) Teacher Classroom Planning: How has my professional learning enhanced classroom planning? How am using the tools in the RHPS Assessment Schedule in my classroom planning? What is my evidence of this? Possible Evidence: Demonstrate evidence from Term Planner and Professional Development that we are differentiating.

Teacher Level Planning: How has my professional learning enhanced level planning? How am I using the tools in the RHPS Assessment Schedule in level planning? What is my evidence of this? Possible Evidence: Detailed Term Planners that demonstrate differentiation for students. This is then translated to the teachers weekly planner.
Teacher Professional Knowledge: What do I know? What do I need to know? How will I further develop my understandings? What is my evidence of this? Possible Evidence: WOW (reference to professional reading and research, professional discussions etc. in the WOWs as a dot point, visit to other schools, it has to start with research (reading etc.)

Evidence can be presented in any form you choose including. E.G: Paper copy, Digital Portfolio, Power Point, Weebly. Hyperlinked to your SPP documentation

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