About Me

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About Me My name is Luis Guardia.

I am 15 years old, and currently am taking dual enrollment courses at Miami Dade College with my school's scholars program. I enjoy watching movies, playing games, and spending time with people. My goal in life is to be a successful surgeon/programmer/lawyer. I one day hope to start a family and repeat this joyous cycle of life. My main priority though, is to be happy, in any way possible. The topic I chose for this semester is Homelessness in the United States of America. I chose this topic because of the increasing issues of poverty, and how many individuals were becoming homeless due to this. With the help of this page, I one day hope to spread some awareness of the increasing issues, and demand a reform for the policies assisting the homeless, and those that prevent this from happening. It is true that our country and us, would like to help people from Haiti and Africa, and we should. However, we cannot help others, until our own problems are solved first.

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