Test A

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Test 1 I. Pronunciation 1. a. fat b. cat c. table d. sat --> c 2. a. hit b. tide c. sit d. did --> b 3. a. fed b. left c. bet d. these --> d 4. a. color b. hole c. go d. toe --> a 5. a. these b. free c. scene d. bed --> d 6. a. peace b. meat c. instead d. leader --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. Our train will arrive to Hue at noon. a. will arrive b. to c. at d. noon -> b 8. Don't enter to this mysterious cave. a. Don't b. enter c. to d. mysterious -> c 9. An European gentleman is waiting for my boss in the hall. a. An b. is waiting c. for d. in -> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. I know the .......................... to the post office. a. book b. lunch c. walk d. way --> d 11. Why didn't you go camping last week? If you ........................ there, you would have had a lot of fun. a. were being b. have been c. had been d. was being -> c 12. His trick made me furious. a. extremely angry b. hot c. not very happy

d. too sad --> a 13. - Will you do me a favor? - Yes ............................. great pleasure. a. at b. of c. with d. in -> c 14. Can you ..................... me a good French restaurant? a. recommend b. praise c. say about d. answer --> a 15. What .................... if you had had a day off yesterday? a. would you have done b. would you do c. will you do d. you would have done -> a 16. He will .......................... his brother to the zoo with him. a. give b. take c. like d. catch --> b 17. Long is working in a bicycle firm. He ............................. there since 1978. a. had worked b. has been working c. were working d. was working -> b 18. She often hires the van to transport her goods. a. the heavy car b. the coach c. the small truck d. the big motorbike --> c 19. ............................ everything before the visitors came? a. Had they prepared b. Were they preparing c. Have they prepared d. Are they preparing -> a 20. The boys were clapping their hands and cheering loudly. a. enjoying himself b. crying loudly c. observing the scene d. shouting congratulations --> d 21. What games did you like .................................? a. best b. well

c. rather d. better -> a 22. Will you .......................... me how to play tennis? a. learn b. call c. need d. show --> d 23. I ......................... that he was an English teacher. a. am thinking b. thought c. am being thought d. was thinking -> b 24. There are only ordinary flowers in this garden. a. common b. good-looking c. famous d. gently --> a 25. This is a good athlete ......................... performance is admired by many people in the world. a. whom b. which c. whose d. who -> c 26. The ball .......................... the fence and into the classroom. a. hit b. shot c. kicked d. went over --> d 27. The test becomes ...................... and .................... a. hard / hard b. harder / harder c. hardest / hardest d. harder / hard b 28. Abdul was badly frightened by a stranger in the market. a. surprised b. embarrassed c. worried d. terrified --> d 29. Is her health getting ........................... and ...........................? a. bad / bad b. good / good c. worse / worse d. more / more -> c 30. Mrs. White, an elderly widow, was feeding her dogs. a. a mature

b. an older c. a somewhat old d. a very old --> c 31. Robert .................... for Mary since noon. a. is going to wait b. has been waiting c. is waiting d. was going to wait -> b 32. We shall .......................... this package to our friend in Ho Chi Minh city. a. receive b. reply c. send d. ask --> c 33. The Jones .................... in that house for twenty years. They like it very much. a. are living b. were living c. has lived d. have been living -> d 34. The old man descended the stairs slowly because he was afraid of falling. a. went down b. looked down c. turned down d. stepped down --> a 35. The United Nations Charter ......................... signed in 1945. a. are b. were c. has been d. was -> d 36. How often does Mr. Black .......................... his vet? a. eat b. food c. give d. feed --> d 37. It is not raining now, but when I came to school this morning, it ...................very hard. a. is raining b. was raining c. has rained d. has been raining b 38. Her factory went bankrupt and since then she has been out of work. a. unable to do b. disappointed c. dissatisfied d. unemployed --> d 39. - He says he is still reading "The Old Man and the Sea". - I don't think so. I .................. it to him a long time ago and it's quite a short book.

a. gave b. was giving c. have given d. are giving a 40. Id like to have this dress shortened. a. reduced b. tailored c. made shorter d. repaired --> c 41. The road in front of your house ............................... a. repairs b. is preparing c. is being repaired d. repairing c 42. He was so .......................... that he went to bed early. a. healthy b. tired c. strong d. angrily --> b 43. - Has Roger been looking for Jane for some time? - Yes, he ................................. a. has b. has been c. has looked d. have a 44. Nowadays, it's rather difficult to .......................... a suitable job. a. apply for b. want c. work d. look on --> a 45. When we arrived, the winner of the art competition ......................... a prize. a. awarded b. were being awarded c. was awarding d. was being awarded d 46. When I arrived, the train had .......................... left. a. never b. yet c. already d. suddenly --> c 47. - Mr. and Mrs. Foster finally saw a football game. - ..................... they ever ................... a football game before? a. Didn't / see b. Wasn't / seen c. Weren't / seen d. Hadn't / seen

d 48. If you don't hurry, we shall .......................... the bus. a. catch b. miss c. run d. deceive --> b 49. Lan lives on a farm. She ........................ a traffic-jam before she went to the city last month. a. did not see b. were not seeing c. had never seen d. has never seen c 50. I want you to .......................... a double room for me at Bamboo Green hotel tonight. a. ask b. keep on c. phone d. reserve --> d Test 2: I. Pronunciation 1. a. ahead b. capitalist c. also d. important --> c 2. a. large b. war c. motor-car d. starter --> b 3. a. fat b. bat c. fade d. lack --> c 4. a. time b. find c. nice d. bid --> d 5. a. loud b. amount c. found d. you --> d 6. a. cup b. tube c. nut d. but --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. My brother is three years elder than me. a. My b. is c. elder d me -> c 8. The weather was such cold that we didn't go out. a. was b. such c. that d. didn't go -> b 9. I drew my salary and I bought a trousers for my father yesterday. a. drew b. bought c. a trousers d. for -> c

III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. Do you know where Peter .......................... his car? a. find b. seen c. looks d. found --> d 11. When we came, the stadium ............................ a. was being filled b. has filled c. filled d. is being filled -> a 12. Florida was rocked by a car bomb explosion yesterday. a. shaken violently b. taken c. seized d. taken seriously --> a 13. How long ..................... waiting for me? Just a few minutes. a. have you been b. are you c. were you d. had you been -> a 14. Nancy is .......................... a shirt to present Nam on his birthday. a. making b. building c. selling d. handing --> a 15. Nam was not at the meeting yesterday. I wish he ................. there. a. had been b. were c. has been d. was -> a 16. A helicopter managed to land on the mountain and rescued the climbers. a. pretended b. succeeded c. could d. was able --> d 17. If I ........................... you, I wouldn't accept the invitation. a. had been b. were c. are d. has been ->b 18. New machines ........................ used on this farm. a. have b. are being c. being d. were being

->b 19. After they ........................... the Olympic torch into the stadium, the games began. a. had carried b. were carrying c. had been carrying d. has carried a 20. Their speed is approximately twenty miles an hour. a. under b. above c. about d. over --> c 21. I didn't study hard enough for the examinations last week. I wish I .......................... harder. a. have studied b. had studied c. studied d. has been studied b 22. Thank you for a marvelous evening. a. wonderful b. boring c. awful d. embarrassing --> a 23. Hung went to Ha Noi last week. She ................ there once a few years ago. a. was being b. was c. had been d. has been b 24. He forgot to .......................... the ruler I lent him. a. give me back b. pay me c. lend me again d. offer me --> a 25. - Had you and Bill ever seen the Olympic Games before? - No, we ....................... a. hadn't b. didn't c. weren't d. hasn't a 26. The English are always .......................... in football. a. angry b. pleased c. interested d. happy --> c 27. I wish my grandparents ................. before I was born, but they did. a. weren't died b. didn't die

c. hadn't died d. has died c 28. The acrobats .......................... the children very much. a. practiced b. trained c. interested d. happy --> c 29. I wish it .......................... my birthday every day, but it isn't. a. had been b. were c. is d. had been b 30. Nam .......................... the heavy suitcase for the old woman. a. held b. helped c. called d. carried d 31. The examinations ..................... next month. a. will give b. will have given c. would have given d. will be given d 32. I believe her. I dont think she would .......................... me a lie. a. say b. tell c. speak d. talk --> b 33. Traffic rules ............................. at all times. a. must observe b. must have observed c. must be observed d. must been observed c 34. The boy was punished because he was very rude to his uncle. a. cruel b. impolite c. polite d. kind --> b 35. The visiting team scored one goal in the first half. The home team scored two goals in the second half. The home team .......................... the game. a. played b. won c. lost d. gain b 36. The teacher wanted her naughty pupil to go out immediately. a. completely

b. at once c. correctly d. all answers are correct --> b 37. Jim contributes news or comments regularly from abroad to a newspaper. He's ........................... a. a correspondent b. a competitor c. an athlete c. journalist a 38. I .......................... here for ten years. a. works b. am working c. work d. have been working --> d 39. Cattle and sheep graze in the .......................... a. rivers b. bridges c. meadows d. hills c 40. I .......................... him two weeks ago. a. meet b. was meeting c. met d. have met --> c 41. Cars, buses, and bicycles are means of ........................... a. conversation b. transport c. competition d. traffic b 42. I .......................... to my present house in 1985. a. moved b. have been moving c. have moved d. was moving --> a 43. Taxis are .......................for tourists who need to get to the airport quickly. a. convenient b. cheaper c. distant d. comfortable a 44. ..................... to Dalat? a. Are you ever b. Were you ever c. Do you ever being d. Have you ever been --> d 45. Winners of Olympic events are ............................. with medals.

a. prepared b. presented c. given d. taken b 46. I felt asleep when I .......................... my exercises. a. am doing b. am being did c. was doing d. all are correct --> c 47. The football player between the defender and the forward is known as the ................... a. back player b. striker c. midfield link man d. middle player c 48. The classroom is very dirty. We ..................... it for three months. a. haven't cleaned b. weren't cleaning c. hadn't cleaned d. aren't cleaning --> a 49. Sunday is the day .................. I don't have many things to do. a. when b. where c. which d. that a 50. Jack is out of breath. He ..................... a. was running b. has been running c. has run d. would run --> b Test 3 I. Pronunciation 1. a. fishing --> c 2. a. head --> c 3. a. now --> a 4. a. gave --> b 5. a. run --> d 6. a. picture --> c

b. middle b. feather b. show b. slap b. funny b. culture

c. find c. theatre c. borrow c. slave c. upwards c. pure

d. picture d. leather d. slow d. cake d. autumn d. nature

II. Find the mistakes

7. The woman crosses the road when the light turned red. a. crosses b. the c. when d. turned -> a 8. I am used to swim in this river when I was young. a. am used to b. in c. when d. was -> a 9. She has been to Da Nang for one month and now she uses to the hot weather in Da Nang. a. has been b. for c. uses to d. in -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. In a football match, .................. often stands in front of the goal. a. the goal keeper b. the defender c. the forward d. the referee a 11. Peter sounded ..................... when I spoke to him on the phone. a. angrily b. happily c. angry d. anger --> c 12. The man looks very ......................... Everyone admires him. a. succeed b. successful c. unsuccessful d. success b 13. Mary looked at me ..................... at Daisys birthday party last night. a. sad b. sadder c. sadly d. all are correct --> c 14. They marched to show their ............................ a. solidarity b. sport-ship c. friendly-ship d. team a 15. Dont climb that tree. It doesnt look ..................... a. safely b. safe

c. well d. better --> b 16. Bruce is the person who always ............................ his promises. a. makes b. keeps c. follows d. agrees b 17. Do you feel ..................... before the driving test? a. nervous b. badly c. nervously d. all are correct --> a 18. Neither the teacher nor the students ............................ come. a. have b. has c. is d. are a 19. This skirt is ..................... small for me. I need a larger size. a. so b. not c. too d. all are correct --> c 20. Its not worth ............................ to him. He never answers letters. a. write b. to write c. written d. writing d 21. - Why dont we make a fire? - Its not cold ..................... to make a fire. a. too b. enough c. such d. much --> b 22. Before I bought the jeans, I asked if I could ............................ them on. a. try b. wear c. have d. take a 23. Why cant you solve ..................... easy exercises? a. so b. such a c. such d. all are correct --> c 24. They came and informed us ............................ their decision. a. about

b. of c. for d. on a 25. It was ..................... good book that I read it all night. a. so b. such a c. such d. very --> b 26. The test has been put off ............................ next Sunday. a. by b. on c. until d. to c 27. The farmer ..................... the land before he planted anything. a. will plough b. ploughs c. ploughed d. had ploughing --> c 28. - When are the library cards .................. ? - At the beginning of each school-year. a. bought b. promoted c. issued d. published c 29. First I ..................... my bicycle, then I had a shower. a. clean b. cleaning c. was clean d. cleaned --> d 30. May Day is a .................. day for workers. a. special b. working c. well-equipped d. free a 31. I shall stay at home unless Peter ..................... me up. a. doesnt pick b. picks c. pick d. picking --> b 32. - Why was Nam late for school yesterday? - He was ................ by colorful posters at the circus, and he forgot about the time. a. tamed b. promised c. attracted d. interested c

33. If it rains this evening, I ..................... come to the party. a. dont b. wont c. am not d. didn't --> b 34. They were so fond of the performing animals that they ............ about them. a. kept talking b. admired c. had a good time d. wanted to talk a 35. If Jean ..................... phone me, Im not going to wait. a. isnt b. didnt c. doesnt d. hasnt --> c 36. Have you seen the ..................... of the acrobats? a. talk b. march c. performance d. performing c 37. I wish I ..................... a bicycle trip to the countryside now. a. took b. take c. taking d. am taking --> a 38. After the examinations, we have a lot of .................. during the summer holiday. a. friendship b. recreations c. reference d. playing b 39. Nobody has ..................... thought about that. a. ever b. seldom c. never d. hardly --> a 40. - It's hot now, and we don't have anything to do. - Why don't we take a ................ walk round the lake? a. colorful b. demonstration c. leisurely d. enjoyable c 41. Please show me ..................... this computer works. a. what b. how c. which d. that

--> b 42. My grandparents are going to .................... their golden wedding anniversary next week. a. demonstrate b. attract c. celebrate d. fascinate c 43. His parents are all ..................... by his result. a. disappointing b. disappointed c. disappoint d. to disappoint --> b 44. Team-work helps to strengthen the pupils' ..................... a. celebrations b. solidarity c. spirit d. friendship b 45. She is ..................... to answer the question. a. enough intelligent b. so intelligent c. intelligent enough d. very intelligent --> c 46. Look! How beautifully those students are ................... with red flags and banners! a. fascinating b. marching c. interesting d. going b 47. He ..................... be a famous singer. a. use to b. used to c. use d. used --> b 48. Music was............................. by the bands in May Day marches. a. played b. held c. taken part d. joined a 49. The furniture in this house is ..................... a. in the good condition b. in very good condition c. in condition d. in condition very good --> b 50. Reference books ......................... on the stacks. a. keep b. are kept c. are keeping

d. is kept b Test 4: I. Pronunciation a. a. clean --> a 2. a. seaside --> d 3. a. is --> b 4. a. take --> c 5. a. car --> d 6. a. this --> a

b. bread b. combine b. ice-cream b. place b. carry b. thick

c. threaten c. life c. ink-pot c. tall c. corn c. thank

d. death d. police d. fridge d. name d. city d. thin

II. Find the mistakes 7. Her son was arrested with the police last night because of fighting. a. was arrested b. with c. because of d. fighting -> b 8. Two prisoners were hang this morning by Taliban. a. prisoners b. were hang c. by d. Taliban -> b 9. You are many more intelligent than I thought you are. a. many b. than c. thought d. are -> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Public libraries ......................... to all readers. a. open b. are opened c. is open d. are open d 11. Do you know .....................? a. what she was wrong b. whats wrong with her c. what wrong she was d. what wrong is with her --> b 12. The love for books is helpful in.......................... the pupils' knowledge. a. developing b. developed

c. being developed d. develop a 13. The earth moves around the sun, .....................? a. doesnt it b. isnt c. wont it d. shouldnt it --> a 14. My father used to ......................... bicycle trips to the countryside when he was young. a. take b. taking c. be taken d. being taken a 15. She will take her examination next Monday, .....................? a. mustnt she b. has she c. doesnt she d. wont she --> d 16. .......................... the letter sent yesterday? a. Did b. Was c. Is d. Were b 17. You ..................... tell him about that, did you? a. did b. didnt c. could d. had to --> b 18. It's so hot today. I wish we ................ some fresh air. a. have b. are having c. had d. would have c 19. Mary ..................... hand in her essay tomorrow, doesnt she? a. must to b. will c. is going to d. has to -> d 20. I wish I ......................... on the beach now. Then I would swim and sunbathe. a. were b. am c. was d. had been a 21. The table ..................... with a cloth. a. is covering

b. covered c. is covered d. has covered --> c 22. ......................... you ever been to England? a. Have b. Are c. Do d. Had a 23. This is the boy ..................... father teaches me mathematics. a. whose b. which c. who d. his --> a 24. Young Pioneers ..................... to love their fatherland. a. have taught b. taught c. have been taught d. has been taught c 25. My family wanted to reserve a hotel room. a. live in b. stay c. accommodate d. book -> d 26. The library is open to the pupils .................. come there to read. a. which b. who c. whom d. whose b 27. June is ..................... than November. a. hot b. hoter c. hotter d. more hot --> c 28. Mai told her grandmother about the performance ................... she liked best. a. which b. who c. whom d. what a 29. Steel is ..................... than wood. a. heavy b. as heavy c. heavier d. many heavier --> c 30. There are a few things ......................... we can do. a. that

b. who c. whom d. whose a 31. Would you like ..................... more coffee? a. some b. a lot of c. little d. many --> a 32. Jack and Mary kept talking about the lion-tamers .......................... they admired a great deal. a. which b. whom c. who d. whose b 33. They finished their work ...................... a. before three hours b. since three hours c. for three hours d. three hours ago --> d 34. Nam and Tom are talking about the actress .......................... they saw in the show last night. a. her b. which c. whom d. who c 35. - What did you do last night? - ..................... a. None b. Nothing c. No one d. Anything --> b 36. Sunday is the day ....................... I don't have many things to do. a. where b. when c. which d. that b 37. Daisy knows ..................... on her way to school. a. any b. every c. everyone d. whole --> c 38. That's the place ........................ the meeting took place. a. where b. when c. whom d. which

a 39. A librarian is someone ..................... is often at the desk to help the readers. a. which b. who c. whose d. whom --> b 40. The building ........................ has just been built recently is our new school library. a. which b. who c. whom d. whose a 41. The bee stung ..................... on the nose. a. she b. herself c. hers d. her --> d 42. Studying history is important to ..................... the love of our country. a. promote b. promoted c. promoting d. being promoted a 43. She often talks to ..................... on the phone every Saturday night. a. he b. his c. him d. himself --> c 44. The clowns made the audience ......................... so much. a. laughing b. laugh c. laughed d. to laugh b 45. Daisy and ..................... would like to drink orange juice. a. me b. I c. my d. mine --> b 46. Nam's class kept ......................... on the book report all week last week. a. work b. working c. to work d. worked b 47. I didn't like the shirt ..................... she was wearing. a. who b. that c. which d. b and c are correct

--> d 48. He would visit us if he ....................... in town. a. will be b. was c. were d. would be c 49. They expect to see their uncle ..................... Sunday. a. at b. in c. on d. for --> c 50. You'll tell him about our project if you ..................... him, won't you? a. see b. saw c. will see d. would seen a Test 5 I. Pronunciation 1. a. drive b. indoor --> b 2. a. one b. box --> a 3. a. ask b. anger --> a 4. a. her b. term --> c 5. a. grew b. threw --> c 6. a. eight b. weight --> d

c. find c. hot c. bad c. here c. knew c. freight

d. outside d. college d. cat d. herb d. flew d. ceiling

II. Find the mistakes 7. They haven't made up our minds yet. a. haven't b. made c. up d. our -> d 8. It isn't too dark here. Please turn on the light. a. isn't b. too c. turn d. on -> d 9. Mary speaks English very well. She spoke English since she was a little girl. a. speaks b. well c. spoke d. was -> c

III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. If you didn't stay up late, you ...................... get up earlier. a. can b. could c. will d. can b 11. We reached ..................... the village fair that morning. a. at b. in c. for d. no word is needed --> d 12. If I heard from Jack, I ........................ let you know. a. will b. would c. shall d. had b 13. Workers in many countries are very proud ..................... May Day. a. on b. for c. of d. with --> c 14. - You and Jack can stay for dinner, can't you? - I wish we ........................, but we can't. a. can b. stayed c. could d. would stay c 15. The train had left when we arrived ..................... the station. a. at b. in c. on d. over --> a 16. A new film ........................ here last night. a. show b. is shown c. was shown d. were shown c 17. The plane crashed ..................... the building in front of them. a. for b. with c. of d. into --> d 18. A New Year's party .......................... at our home every year. a. gives b. is given

c. was given d. had given b 19. Its very nice ..................... you to be present at my party. a. for b. with c. of d. because --> c 20. This book .......................... written recently. a. is b. was c. has been d. had been c 21. Lan seems to be ..................... a hurry. a. in b. at c. on d. with --> a 22. People don't learn languages overnight. Languages ......................... learned overnight. a. aren't b. haven't c. weren't d. hadn't a 23. David is in love ..................... Mary, but Mary doesn't love him. a. with b. at c. to d. in --> a 24. His room is rather small compared ............................ yours. a. on b. in c. with d. for c 25. Betty started school ..................... the age of 6. a. in b. on c. at d. with --> c 26. A dictionary is a ............................ book. a. research b. good c. reference d. helpful c 27. Vietnam is ..................... in Southeast Asia. a. discovered

b. set up c. placed d. located --> d 28. We often go to the school library to read or to ............................ a. watch TV b. talk c. sleep d. do research d 29. It is now ..................... for you to rebuild your house. a. possible b. possibly c. possibility d. possesses --> a 30. This magazine is one of the ............................ we have here. a. dictionaries b. periodicals c. card catalogues d. story-books b 31. Is your father ..................... on the excursion to London today? a. coming b. taking c. booking d. setting --> a 32. Two years ago, that writer published a ............................ of short stories. a. collection b. group c. section d. dozen a 33. Nancy was ..................... a job at her town. a. offered b. drawn up c. inherited d. got over --> a 34. This ............................ library is open to all the pupils and teaching staff. a. school b. public c. large d. central a 35. Mrs. Lan goes to church every Sunday morning. She is ..................... a. conscious b. religious c. precious d. arduous --> b 36. You can ...................... books from the school library. a. borrow

b. lend c. leave d. buy a 37. He has worked hard ...................., and he is now old enough to retire. a. for some years b. a short time c. in his youth d. all his life --> d 38. That is a ......................... place in North Vietnam. a. history b. historically c. historic d. historian c 39. Hello. Can I make ..................... to see the dentist? a. a meeting b. an appointment c. an experiment d. a department --> b 40. Olympic .............................. must be amateurs. a. audience b. spectators c. games d. athletes d 41. Jogging is usually an individual sport, but volleyball and basketball are ..................... sports. a. collection b. single c. team d. group --> c 42. Have you ever participated ............................ May Day marches? a. on b. to c. in d. into c 43. Please ..................... your radio. I can't learn my lessons. a. slow down b. let down c. put down d. turn down --> d 44. Mai's family had a porter ............................. their luggage. a. carry b. carried c. carrying d. to carry a 45. Its rather hot here. You should ..................... your coat.

a. switch off b. take off c. call off d. see off --> b 46. They knew that he ..................... in three months' time. a. will promote b. has been promoted c. will be promoted d. was going to be promoted --> d 47. We arent ..................... enough to travel everywhere by taxi. a. poor b. rich c. strong d. weak b 48. Nam asked his classmate............................. him an English book. a. lend b. to lend c. lent d. lending b 49. They are fighting the oil pollution which is ..................... marine life. a. threatening b. pleasing c. coming d. tiring --> a 50. Lan told her friends not .............................. reference books out of the library. a. take b. taking c. to take d. taken c Test 6: I. Pronunciation 1. a. cell b. cube --> b 2. a. page b. game --> a 3. a. cure b. turn --> b 4. a. verb b. here --> a 5. a. note b. hope --> d 6. a. saw b. stock --> d

c. cease c. go c. during c. deer c. lope c. sportsmen

d. rice d. girl d. purity d. engineer d. cock d. sure

II. Find the mistakes 7. Mary has been sick quite a few times since she arrived. She just can't have used to the hot weather.

a. has been b. a few c. arrived d. have used -> d 8. Our children get to the bus at the same stop every day. a. Our b. get to c. at d. every day -> b 9. Anybody ought to learn what to cook. a. Anybody b. to learn c. what d. to cook -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. The little girl plays the piano ....................... a. bad b. beautiful c. beautifully d. good c 11. Nothing can grow in this poor ...................... a. idea b. thing c. ground d. soil --> d 12. Please read the story ................................ a. aloud b. loud c. loudness d. loudly a 13. She drove carelessly and ..................... into the tree. a. attempted b. put forward c. crashed d. looked --> c 14. Mai's family had a few ............................. rest after working in the garden. a. hours b. hours' c. hour's d. hours b 15. Lan is a very ..................... girl. She only thinks about herself. a. selfish b. self-confident c. self-reliant d. lonely

--> a 16. They were given a .................................. tour around the city. a. sightsee b. sightseer c. sightseeing d. see-sight c 17. A surgery is usually performed by a ...................... a. doctor b. dentist c. scientist d. surgeon --> d 18. The class discussion was short; ............................. we learned a lot from it. a. however b. moreover c. besides d. next to a 19. Mai's family had their luggage .............................. to the hotel. a. carry b. carried c. carrying d. to carry b 20. The television program was very interesting; ............................. it gave us some knowledge about the Olympic competitions. a. however b. moreover c. in spite of that d. in spite of b 21. I shouldn't let her ..................... out alone. a. going b. went c. to go d. go --> d 22. We heard the teacher ............................. a. comes b. came c. coming d. to come c 23. Each country ..................... an army to defend the people and to fight against the enemy. a. have b. is having c. has d. are having --> c 24. Jack was talking ............................. the next Olympic Games. a. about b. to

c. in d. off a 25. The new task will not be easy. It will be ..................... hard work for you. a. a b. the c. an d. no article is needed --> d 26. That's a machine for ............................. eggs. a. grade b. grading c. graded d. to grade b 27. They ..................... my car since yesterday morning. a. were having b. have had c. have been had d. are having --> b 28. Do you enjoy ............................. your bicycle to the countryside at the weekends? a. ride b. to ride c. riding d. rides c 29. If he goes to see her now, he ..................... out the truth. a. find b. will find c. would find d. would have found --> b 30. We had bread and milk ............................ breakfast. a. for b. with c. in d. on a 31. Just before we ..................... London, there was a violent flood. a. reached b. have reached c. had reached d. reach --> a 32. We watched the soldiers ............................. in the parade. a. marching b. to march c. march d. a & c are correct d 33. Do you mind ..................... in a small house with us? a. to live b. live

c. living d. being lived --> c 34. I read two novels ............................. week. a. a b. one c. once d. an a 35. This cake tastes ...................... I can't eat it. a. awful b. awfully c. badly d. all are correct --> a 36. Our school had 200 pupils in the ninth form last year. 160 of them passed the graduation examination ............................. per cent of the pupils passed. a. 20 b. 80 c. 32 d. 65 b 37. It cost me ..................... money to travel all over the world. a. many b. few c. a lot of d. all are correct --> c 38. We didn't use our time ............................. well as we should. a. the same b. same c. as d. like c 39. The bicycle ..................... at present. a. is cleaned b. is being cleaned c. was cleaned d. has been cleaning --> b 40. The more we study, the ............................. we are. a. more good b. better c. better than d. gooder b 41. I and ....................... friends will go camping next week. a. me b. my c. mine d. I --> b 42. The more paper we save, ............................. preserved. a. more is wood pulp

b. the more wood pulp is c. wood pulp is more d. many wood pulp is b 43. Mr. Brown ..................... a computer already. a. will buy b. buys c. has bought d. have bought --> c 44. Our country is doing ............................. it did ten years ago. a. more construction work than b. more than construction work c. more construction work as d. many construction work as a 45. Last night, they studied hard until .....................11 p.m. a. at b. for c. on d. no word is needed --> d 46. Her marks are neither good ............................. bad. a. or b. nor c. none d. and b 47. The boy is quite fond ................ picture-books. a. in b. of c. at d. with --> b 48. This exercise is ............................. hard for me to do. a. very b. too c. so d. quite b 49. He wishes he were a ..................... speaker. a. fluent b. quick-tempered c. fast d. slow --> a 50. This grammar exercise is ............................. easy. I can do it in three minutes. a. so b. much c. such d. more a Test 7

I. Pronunciation 1. a. study --> a 2. a. eat --> c 3. a. gas --> c 4. a. weather --> d 5. a. faithful --> c 6. a. course --> d

b. plural b. please b. gone b. those b. failure b. courter

c. pullover c. pleasure c. germ c. there c. fairly c. coursing

d. sugar d. teacher d. goods d. theory d. gain d. courage

II. Find the mistakes 7. I think of she is going to Hanoi next holiday. a. think b. of c. she d. is going to -> b 8. Draw this picture by your. Do not ask your brother to do it for you. a. Draw b. your c. Do not ask d. to do -> b 9. It is rude to laugh for our friends. a. is b. to laugh c. for d. our friends -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. They often wear .............. when riding a motorbike. a. a business suit b. a helmet c. a pair of shoes d. perfume --> b 11. That play was ............................. for her to see again. a. too interesting b. enough interesting c. interesting enough d. so interesting c 12. A well-known actor in films is called ...................... a. a film star b. a talented man c. a movie fan d. a movie producer --> a 13. The circus shows are ............................. exciting that the whole family enjoy them.

a. so b. very c. too d. quite a 14. She sometimes goes to church ..................... foot. a. in b. with c. on d. through --> c 15. The young pupils are amused ............................. the new picture-books in the library. a. to b. in c. at d. with c 16. He is often ..................... when delivering the speech. a. embarrassed b. comfortable c. sleepy d. relaxed --> a 17. John hasn't finished ............................. yet. a. worked b. working c. to work d. being worked b 18. Its a good film. I can ..................... it highly. a. recommend b. introduce c. order d. reserve --> a 19. People of different interests can tune ............................. their favorite television programs. a. in at b. in c. in to d. to c 20. Their son was ..................... and irreplaceable. a. available b. unique c. lonely d. alone --> b 21. After ............................. at the desk, they had their suitcases taken upstairs. a. carrying b. checking c. landing d. leaving b

22. Surely 15 minutes is ..................... for you to make tea. a. long time b. enough time c. enough long d. too enough --> b 23. I usually ............................. my bicycle to the countryside on Sundays. a. ride b. drive c. go d. take a 24. Mr. White didnt like to talk to ..................... about his matter. a. anyone b. somebody c. whoever d. ever whom --> a 25. Fish ............................. their eggs around the lake. a. lie b. lay c. put d. lain b 26. ..................... will she spend her summer holidays? In Hanoi. a. When b. Where c. How d. With whom --> b 27. The air in our city is very dirty. It is ............................. a. fresh b. healthy c. polluted d. unpolluted c 28. The man was so angry that he ..................... his shirt in two. a. tear b. tore c. torn d. teared --> b 29. Nobody .................. harder than John does. a. works b. work c. worked d. has worked a 30. I ..................... a letter to my friend this morning. a. write b. wrote c. had written d. written --> b

31. Wood ............................. is used to make paper. a. land b. pulp c. work d. chip b 32. If I knew her number, I ..................... her. a. phone b. will phone c. would phone d. had phoned --> c 33. We are delighted to watch the .............................of a sputnik into space. a. opening b. landing c. launching d. applauding c 34. If they were rich, they ..................... buy a castle. a. will b. can c. would d. were able to --> c 35. Newspapers are printed on ............................. a. newsprint b. paper mill c. used paper d. papering plant a 36. They got there just ..................... time to see the end of the performance. a. in b. on c. by d. around --> a 37. The television station in our city ............................. two hours every night. a. distributes b. flies c. broadcasts d. delivers c 38. Dalat is very famous ........................... its scenic spots. a. for b. with c. of d. because --> a 39. Many people like this television series. It is very ............................. a. alike b. popular c. delighted d. well-known b

40. Maps can ..................... many different things. a. inform b. show c. guess d. instruct --> b 41. That plan can't be developed without the ....................... of the public. a. cooperation b. household c. newsprint d. impression a 42. The Atlantic Ocean is ..................... the United States and Europe. a. in b. among c. with d. between --> d 43. He drove fifty miles ............................. hour. a. a b. every c. each d. an d 44. We ..................... them, but they didnt come. a. hoped for b. expected c. waited d. looked to --> b 45. He drank as ...................... as he could. a. many b. more c. a lot d. much d 46. The vice-president is an American-born ...................... a. citizen b. human being c. person d. member --> a 47. The ............................. helped us understand the lesson clearly. a. household b. discussion c. paper d. wood b 48. A ..................... girl has a nice face. a. kind b. beautiful c. friendly d. warm --> b

49. Waste paper can be used again after being ............................. . a. produced b. recycled c. wasted d. preserved b 50. Citizens in American have a lot of ..................... freedom. a. personal b. physical c. human d. technical --> a Test 8 I. Pronunciation 1. a. worked --> c 2. a. bought --> c 3. a. go --> a 4. a. is --> c 5. a. tow --> d 6. a. dear --> b

b. stopped b. ought b. mother b. will b. low b. bear

c. loved c. plough c. brother c. library c. grow c. near

d. laughed d. cough d. sometime d. with d. town d. tear

II. Find the mistake 7. Where could he swim and sunbathe if he was in London? a. could b. swim c. if d. was -> d 8. We decided not to go out because of the weather was bad. a. decided b. not to go out c. because of d. was -> c 9. No examples are relevant with this case. a. No b. examples c. are d. with d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Those factories produce an average of a hundred trucks .............................. a. one week b. a week c. one day

d. one month b 11. Blond hair is ..................... hair. a. light-coloured b. dark c. dark-brown d. red --> a 12. This child has lost her parents. She is ............................. a. a lost child b. a poor child c. an orphan d. an only child c 13. He is a ...................... He rides the buses and trains. a. passenger b. rider c. driver d. traveler --> c 14. The suitcase is .................................. heavy for us to carry. a. too b. so c. such d. enough a 15. I looked ..................... the window. a. onto b. out through c. out off d. out of --> d 16. .................................. he is tired, he can't work longer. a. Because b. Even though c. Although d. Besides a 17. The driver of that car hit that post ..................... there. a. on b. in c. over d. at --> c 18. ......................... it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat. a. If b. Since c. Although d. Because c 19. The driver got out of the car and began shouting ................. me. a. at b. on c. onto

d. towards --> a 20. ......................... you ask him, he will help you. a. If b. Since c. Although d. Because a 21. Take ..................... your shoes and put ..................... your slippers. a. on / out b. on / off c. off / on d. off / out --> c 22. .......................... he is so busy with his work, he always finds time to go to the concert every week. a. If b. Since c. Although d. Because c 23. Mary ..................... be on duty tomorrow, wont she? a. must b. will c. is going to d. has to --> b 24. He passed the examination .......................... he had been prevented by illness from studying. a. although b. but c. however d. moreover a 25. You havent called on your aunt for a long time, .................? a. have you b. do you c. did you d. have you not --> a 26. We have not won yet; ......................... ; we shall try again. a. although b. but c. however d. moreover c 27. If you ..................... this glass, you would have to pay for it. a. broke b. break c. have broken d. had broke --> a 28. Tom was not there, ........................., his brother was. a. since

b. and c. however d. and c 29. If you ..................... French, which language would you study? a. were studying b. are studying c. werent studying d. have been studying --> c 30. He was ......................... ill that he had to send for a doctor. a. so b. such c. much d. too a 31. Im not ..................... that ceiling. a. enough tall to reach b. tall enough for reach c. tall enough reaching d. tall enough to reach --> d 32. I haven't had .......................... an enjoyable evening for months. a. so b. many c. much d. such d 33. I hate ..................... so early, but I was very tired last night. a. of leaving b. leaving c. for leaving d. at leaving --> b 34. Miss White was ......................... a good teacher that she received an award for excellent teachers at the end of the last school-year. a. so b. many c. such d. much c 35. I ..................... him since he was young. a. saw b. might see c. have seen d. would see --> c 36. We are reading David Copperfield, ......................... by Charles Dickens. a. write b. wrote c. written d. writing c 37. Jack ran ..................... quickly that his cousin could not catch him.

a. so b. such c. very d. too --> a 38. Le van Tam was ......................... a. a great hero Vietnam b. a great Vietnamese hero c. a Vietnamese hero great d. both a & c are correct b 39. Last summer he went to London. He was ..................... London last summer. a. at b. to c. in d. on --> c 40. The library is ......................... a. pretty cool and comfortable b. cool pretty and comfortable c. cool and comfortable pretty d. comfortable and cool pretty a 41. After four weeks, they saw a ship and the ship rescued them. a. saved b. served c. helped d. found --> a 42. - ......................... fast does Lan read? - Fifty pages a day. a. How fast b. How much c. How many books d. How d 43. Women in American have a lot of ..................... freedom. a. personal b. physical c. human d. technical --> a 44. - .......................... novel are you reading? - Tam's. a. Who b. Which c. Whose d. that c 45. The Atlantic is ...................... a. an Ocean b. a canal c. a river d. a lake

--> a 46. Le Van Tam destroyed ......................... a. petrol with the Ammunition Depot b. the Ammunition Depot with petrol c. the Ammunition Depot to petrol d. the Ammunition Depot of Petrol b 47. That farmer plants more vegetables. More vegetables ..................... in his garden. a. grow b. grow tall c. grow up d. grow big --> a 48. - How ......................... have you read that book? - Up to page 124. a. far b. long c. page d. many a 49. One of the passengers ..................... in the accident. a. injured b. was injured c. injuring d. were injured --> b 50. ......................... book are you reading, a textbook or a novel by Charles Dickens? a. Who b. Whose c. Which d. That c Test 9 I. Pronunciation 1. a. got --> b 2. a. thief --> c 3. a. down --> b 4. a. country --> b 5. a. new --> b 6. a. thank --> b

b. to b. piece b. show b. cease b. sew b. there

c. on c. tie c. brown c. recover c. few c. things

d. off d. niece d. town d. economy d. nephew d. length

II. Find the mistakes 7. We like to have a swim under the rain. a. like b. to have c. a swim d. under

-> d 8. She says she isn't afraid of nobody. a. says b. she c. isn't d. afraid of -> c 9. Sanskrit is not easy being learnt. a. Sanskrit b. is not c. easy d. being learnt -> d III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. Lan asked Mrs. Brown - her teacher ......................... her more about Charles Dickens. a. tell b. telling c. told d. to tell d 11. Looking after the passengers on the flight is the task of the .......................... a. air-hostess b. cook c. servant d. waitress --> a 12. .......................... the bus is faster, he takes it to work everyday. a. So b. Therefore c. So that d. Because --> d 13. The ..................... is the person who flies the plane. a. pilot b. engineer c. security officer d. air-hostess --> a 14. Nam was ......................... a mathematician. a. born as b. born in c. born with d. born to --> a 15. When a plane is out of control and hits the ground, we speak of a ..................... a. crash b. collision c. collapse d. earthquake --> a 16. Sometimes Lan helps Nam in his study, and sometimes Nam helps her. They help .........................

a. them b. altogether c. themselves d. together --> d 17. A fisherman usually ..................... fish. a. buys b. dislikes c. tries to catch d. keeps --> c 18. ......................... he wasn't ready in time, we went without him. a. When b. Moreover c. As d. So --> c 19. She looked for her pen. She ..................... it. a. tried to look after b. tried to look at c. tried to find d. tried to see --> c 20. She has blond hair. She's a ..................................... a. blonde b. bald head c. grown-up d. all are correct --> a 21. Is that all ..................... would you like something else? a. or b. but c. and d. although --> a 22. - ......................... did you write the letter to? - To my teacher. a. Who b. Whose c. Whom d. a & c are correct --> d 23. ..................... some more coffee, please? a. What I have b. Could have I c. Could I have d. Please I have --> c 24. I bought ......................... a. a shirt for my father b. my father a shirt c. my father for shirt d. only c is incorrect --> d

25. Her dog had taken it into the bedroom. It was ..................... the bedroom. a. to b. into c. at d. in --> d 26. We call Uncle Ho ......................... a. President b. is President c. was President d. be President --> a 27. I don't know ..................... they speak English. a. if b. yet c. what d. not yet --> a 28. Karl Marx ......................... the founder of scientific communism. a. considered b. considers c. is considered d. are considered --> c 29. ..................... us the truth if we asked her? a. Did she tell b. Had she told c. Will she tell d. Would she tell --> d 30. While in London, Lenin wrote ......................... the newspaper Iskra. a. about b. in c. for d. to --> c 31. You should take an aspirin ..................... any other tablet to kill the pain. a. if b. but c. or d. as --> c 32. - Who are you waiting .........................? - My classmates. a. for b. at c. in d. on --> a 33. If the headache still continues, send for ..................... at once. a. doctor b. doctors c. a doctor d. some doctors

--> c 34. Karl Marx knew ......................... English and German, but also French, Spanish, and Russian. a. only b. not only c. did only d. both --> b 35. He ..................... for an hour when you arrived home. a. has waited b. had been waited c. has been waiting d. had been waiting --> d 36. We receive our guests in the ......................... a. sitting-room b. dining-room c. kitchen d. bed room --> a 37. I ..................... many friends since I moved to this school. a. have had b. had had c. had d. could have --> a 38. That child needs help. She has lost both of her parents. She's ......................... a. a lost child b. a poor child c. an orphan d. a poor girl --> c 39. Her English examination is ..................... Sunday, October 11th. a. at b. to c. in d. on --> d 40. If you don't remember what orphanage means, look it ......................... in the dictionary. a. on b. up c. out d. over --> b 41. The public libraries open between 2 p.m. ..................... 4 p.m. everyday. a. from b. and c. to d. until --> b 42. In many of his books, Charles Dickens wrote about himself. These books are ......................... a. autobiographies

b. plays c. reports d. films --> a 43. She has never heard ..................... UFOs. a. of b. through c. on d. at --> a 44. Mr. Lam is sixty years old. He is ......................... after a long and happy period of life. a. inheriting b. retiring c. creating d. entertaining --> b 45. If he wins ..................... this race, hell get 400,000 pounds. a. of b. by c. in d. through --> c 46. There have been more buses on our way to work ......................... , it is now easier to get to our office. a. Brilliantly b. Constantly c. Consequently d. In a word --> c 47. She often interrupts me! She often ...................... a. speaks b. talks c. talks while I am talking d. cuts off --> c 48. Uncle Ho 's Mausoleum is one of our great ......................... a. memorials b. memories c. memoirs d. memory --> a 49. She is a popular singer. So ...................... a. she is a folk singer b. she is a public singer c. everyone likes her d. no one likes her --> c 50. ......................... methods of farming have helped to increase rice production a great deal. a. Working b. Scientific c. Interested d. Science b

Test 10: I. Pronunciation 1. a. how b. towel --> d 2. a. teach b. dead --> b 3. a. call b. curtain --> d 4. a. your b. four --> d 5. a. door b. mood --> a 6. a. sun b. sure --> b

c. cow c. reach c. contain c. court c. shoot c. seen

d. know d. team d. city d. hour d. hood d. sort

II. Find the mistakes 7. You must write for him at once. a. must b. write c. for d. at once -> c 8. Why did people used to think Halloween was important? a. did b. used to c. think d. was -> b 9. At the end we reached the city. a. At b. the end c. reached d. the -> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. His white hair was in sharp ......................... with his dark skin. a. occasion b. movement c. contrast d. oppose c 11. Most people wear or carry ...................... a. an alarm clock b. an alarm c. a clock d. a watch --> d 12. In capitalist countries, the whole body of workers is usually contrasted with the owners of industry and is known as the ......................... a. founder b. proletariat c. movement

d. leader b 13. Everyone at a party usually feels ...................... a. happy b. nervous c. embarrassed d. tired --> a 14. It is difficult to ....................... friends in a new school. a. make b. do c. take d. have a 15. We call a period of exactly one hundred years a(n) ...................... a. century b. duration c. anniversary d. documentary --> a 16. They have already known ....................... well. a. other b. one another c. each another d. altogether b 17. I like ..................... coins and stamps. a. choosing b. keeping c. collecting d. knowing --> c 18. Some of my friends are eager to help the new ....................... of the class. a. members b. regulations c. strange people d. people a 19. How many ..................... are there in the wedding party? a. courses b. acts c. tastes d. plates --> a 20. The pupils walked on the ........................... a. stair b. pavement c. train d. river b 21. Banks in the United Kingdom arent open ..................... weekend. a. in b. by c. at

d. off --> c 22. In the big city everybody seemed to be ........................... a. hurry b. a hurry c. in a hurry d. hurried c 23. They won't finish their work ..................... 5 oclock. a. through b. until c. for d. on --> b 24. She intends to ........................... for her mother at a bus stop. a. waiting b. wait c. waited d. waits b 25. He was born ..................... Tuesday, May 15, at midnight. a. on b. at c. in d. by --> a 26. Life in a big city is always ........................... a. crowded b. busy c. lovely d. happy b 27. Have a good trip! Take care ..................... yourself. a. of b. at c. with d. by --> a 28. She rewarded me with a bicycle ........................... my result. a. on b. in c. about d. for d 29. What happened ..................... the picture that used to be on that wall? a. to b. at c. by d. for --> a 30. Mary is having a look ........................... that restaurant. a. on b. in c. at

d. by c 31. I borrowed this money ..................... a friend of mine. a. from b. at c. with d. by --> a 32. The surrounding area of a city is called the ...................... a. community b. commuter c. subway d. suburb d 33. He is ..................... to carry this suitcase. a. not enough strong b. strong not enough c. not strong enough d. enough strong c 34. You can...................... books from the school library. a. borrow b. lend c. leave d. buy a 35. After the meeting the speakers were given ............... a. glasses of orange juice b. glass of orange juices c. glass of orange juice d. glasses of orange juices --> a 36. The dictionary is a ..................... book. a. fiction b. story c. reference d. picture c 37. ..................... if I take the map. a. I would get lost b. I will not get lost c. I will get lost d. I wouldnt get lost --> b 38. Olympic ........................ must be amateurs. a. audience b. spectators c. games d. athletes d 39. She worked ..................... than her sister. a. more careful b. more carefully c. carefully

d. very carefully --> b 40. Have you ever participated ............................ May Day marches? a. on b. to c. in d. at c 41. When she reached the box-office, she ..................... a ticket. a. buying b. is buying c. bought d. will buy --> c 42. A lot of people come to see the circus shows. These shows ...................... large audience. a. attract b. fond of c. like d. need a 43. Hoa is the only friend .................. understands me. a. which b. who c. what d. whose b 44. I'm looking forward ......................... receiving your letter. a. to b. of c. in d. for a 45. I met the person .................. can speak six languages. a. who b. whose c. which d. whom a 46. When I was a child, my grandmother used to tell me ..........................historical stories. a. about b. of c. for d. to a 47. Have you seen the magazine .................. was on the table? a. who b. which c. where d. whom b 48. A motorcycle is useful in Vietnam. It is faster than ....................... a. a car

b. a plane c. a bicycle d. a bus c 49. There are some pictures .................... are on the wall. a. when b. where c. which d. who c 50. ........................... children like sweets. a. Most of b. The most c. Most of the d. Most in c Test 11: 1. a. hear b. dear c. tear d. bear --> d 2. a. dead b. head c. weather d. seat --> d 3. a. please b. nose c. lose d. house --> d 4. a. main b. saint c. said d. maid --> c 5. a. barn b. can't c. dark d. dam --> d

6. a. whose b. rose c. dose d. chosen --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. Mary failed her exam like her brother did. a. failed b. her exam c. like d. did -> c 8. Would you mind clean these tools for me? a. Would you mind b. clean c. these tools d. for -> b 9. Jim had better not to tell Mary anything about it. She's too young to understand it. a. had better not b. to tell c. too young d. to understand -> b III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. District lake is the place ............................. a. I would like to visit b. I would like to visit it most c. I would like most to visit d. I would have liked to visit a 11. I don't like people ................... never stop talking. a. who b. which c. whom d. whose a 12. The man ....................... came to see me yesterday is my English teacher. a. who b. whom

c. whose d. which a 13. Why does Mai always wear clothes ................. are too small for her? a. which b. who c. whose d. where a 14. The reason ............................ he failed was obvious. a. when b. where c. why d. what c 15. Everybody .................. contacted her liked her very much. a. who b. whose c. which d. whom a 16. Where does the stream ........................ the river? a. meet b. start c. take part d. join d 17. The butcher is a person .................. sells meat. a. who b. which c. whose d. when a 18. The man .............................. the blue shirt is my brother. a. putting on b. having c. talking on d. wearing d 19. The president delivered an excellent speech on TV last night, ..................?

a. wouldn't he b. didn't he c. did he d. wasn't he b 20. We visited some ............................ during our holiday in Paris . a. scenic spots b. natural beauty c. entertainment d. assignment a 21. - Did you check your exercise? - No, I ................. it now. a. checking b. am checking c. check d. checked b 22. The weather is fine. The sun is fine. The sky is .......................... a. cloud b. cloudless c. cloudy d. cloudiness b 23. Mary is very anxious .................... her grandmother. a. meet b. to meet c. meets d. meeting b 24. He has been ............................. a lot of homework this week. a. done b. assigned c. made d. got b 25. I'm very sorry when ................. seeing the interesting film on TV last night. a. missing b. miss c. missed d. to miss a

26. We often held our ................ when they ordered the fierce animals to perform. a. head b. hand c. feet d. breath d 27. Youre late for an appointment, so you say, "..................... Im late." a. Sorry / Im sorry b. Excuse me c. Forgive me d. Pardon me --> a 28. The chairman ............................ a long speech at the meeting. a. gave b. said c. talked d. spoke a 29. You fail to hear what someone says to you, so you say, ".....................?" a. Excuse me b. Pardon c. Forgive me d. Pardon me --> b 30. This magazine is .......................... once a week. a. issued b. published c. sold d. found b 31. A passenger on a bus complains youre standing on his foot; you say, "....................." a. Sorry b. Forgive me c. Excuse me d. Pardon me --> a 32. Novels are ............................ books. a. expensive b. valuable c. fiction d. non-fiction

c 33. Heres your apology for bad behavior: " ..................... for my awful behavior last night". a. Please pardon me b. Please forgive me c. I beg your pardon d. Please excuse me --> b 34. What a pity you can't join in the trip as you ...................... a. said b. talked c. spoke d. promised d 35. You answer the phone and you might say, ".....................!" a. Speak b. Hullo c. Enter d. Say --> b 36. You can enjoy your holidays there because the air is very ......................... a. dirty b. fresh c. quiet d. loving b 37. You are introduced to a stranger, so you say, .....................? a. How are you b. How do you do c. What do you do d. How are you getting along --> b 38. The match brought excitement to thousands of TV ........................... too. a. watchers b. travelers c. viewers d. crowds c 39. Youre leaving, so you say, ".....................!" a. Adieu b. Goodbye

c. Hello d. Excuse me --> b 40. How far did he throw the ........................... ? - Over 100 meters a. weightlifting b. javelin c. pole d. football b 41. You are refusing food that is offered; you say, " ....................." a. Thank you b. No, thank you c. Thanks d. Yes, please --> b 42. The careful ....................... has made the contest more attractive. a. prepare b. preparing c. prepared d. preparation d 43. She is very .................... because she has been ill for about two months. a. weakly b. weak c. weakness d. strong --> b 44. He ....................... four world records in only six months. a. broke b. stroke c. hit d. crashed a 45. You meet a friend at the airport on arrival and you might say, " ..................... London." a. Welcome to b. Be welcome to c. Welcome in d. Well come to --> a 46. They will build some ........................... across the river.

a. bridges b. cottages c. houses d. monuments a 47. At the end of the Olympic Games and other sports contest, ........................... are given to the best athletes as awards. a. reports b. satellites c. medals d. records c 48. Someone asks you how you are and you answer, "..................... thanks." a. Good b. Very good c. Fine d. Very fine --> c 49. The ........................... of the sea makes him frightened. a. great b. greatly c. greatness d. greater c 50. Your friend is waiting for you to finish what youre doing and you say," ....................." a. One moment b. A moment c. One minute d. Just a minute --> d 51. The river which ........................... through our city is the Saigon river. a. flows b. blows c. floats d. washes a Test 12 I. Pronunciation 1. a. bad b. sad c. glad d. name

--> d 2. a. hall b. honest c. high d. hot --> b 3. a. comfortable b. come c. some d. bomb --> d 4. a. seat b. heat c. reasonable d. heavy --> d 5. a. line b. dim c. sin d. win --> a 6. a. this b. these c. then d. thin --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. He didn't let me to get my toy. a. didn't let b. me c. to get d. my toy -> c 8. The Black Sea coast would be ideal for holiday if there are not so many people this summer. a. would be b. ideal for c. there are d. not so many -> c 9. Children under eighteen years old had not better smoke or drink. a. under b. eighteen years old

c. had not better d. smoke or drink -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. Their teacher ........................... some homework to do. a. offers b. assigns c. awards d. presents -> b 11. Havent we done .....................? a. a lot of shoppings b. a lot of shopping c. a shopping d. many shoppings --> b 12. We often see cattle ........................... in the meadows. a. eat b. graze c. chew d. swallow -> b 13. Could I have some more ..................... please? a. coffee b. coffees c. a coffee d. the coffee --> a 14. His room is rather small compared ..................... hers. a. to b. in c. with d. for -> c 15. I suddenly heard ..................... from the room next door. a. a loud laughter b. a loud laugh c. loud laugh d. a loudly laugh --> b 16. The library cards are issued ..................... the beginning of each year. a. on b. at c. in d. for -> b 17. Im afraid I havent ..................... on me. a. any moneys b. some moneys c. some money d. any money --> d 18. The librarian is always ...................... her desk to help the readers. a. at

b. on c. from d. in -> a 19. We drove round for half an hour looking for ...................... a. a parkings b. some parking c. a parking-lot d. a park --> c 20. These are pictures of acrobats ........................... from trapeze to trapeze. a. flied b. are plying c. ply d. flying -> d 21. Someone answers the phone and you say, "Can I ..................... Elsa please?" a. speak to b. talk to c. say to d. tell --> a 22. They never go camping. They wish they ........................... camping some time. a. goes b. didn't go c. went d. did -> c 23. You want to use the phone. You ask, "Can I make a ..................... please?" a. ring b. phone c. telephone d. call --> d 24. If I ........................... a car, I........................... to Spring field next month to visit my friends. a. buy / will drive b. bought / would drive c. had bought / would have driven d. have bought / would have driven -> a 25. Someone calls your number by mistake, so you say, "Sorry! .....................!" a. Wrong number b. Mistake c. Youve made a mistake d. Error --> a 26. The form teacher had his pupils ......................... manual work at the school workshop. a. did b. do c. to do d. will do -> b

27. You can make a telephone call from a public ...................... a. phone box b. cabin c. cubicle d. box --> a 28. How long ago ............................ these adventure stories? a. buy b. bought c. did you buy d. have you bought -> c 29. You cant get through on the phone because the number you want is .......................... a. busy b. occupied c. in use d. engaged --> d 30. Tom is three years old and Daisy is six. Daisy is Tom's ................... sister. a. younger b. youngest c. old d. older -> d 31. - Do you drink tea? - I do, but I dont ..................... now, thank you. a. want b. want any c. want some d. want it --> b 32. She talks as if she .......... all the housework herself, but in fact her two sisters ........... most of it. a. did / did b. did / had done c. had done / had done d. does / do -> a 33. Someone offers you some food which you dont want. You say, "....................." a. Please b. Thank you c. Thanks d. No, thank you --> d 34. You can have a headache if you are very ........................ a. tiring b. tires c. tired d. tire -> c 35. You want your friend to wait a moment. You say, ".....................!" a. Just a moment b. A moment c. One moment

d. The moment --> a 36. If she ................ (not apologize), he will never speak to her again. a. don't apologize b. didn't apologize c. doesn't apologize d. hasn't apologized -> c 37. You want some tea. You say, "..................... a cup of tea, please!" a. I like b. I love c. Id like d. I may like --> c 38. ................ it was late, we decided to take a taxi home. a. Because b. Since c. As d. All are correct -> d 39. You repeat a prohibition. You say, "I asked you ..................... touch my computer." a. to not b. not to c. to dont d. no to --> b 40. If I .................. something wrong, .................. at me. a. do / don't shout b. did / shouldn't shout c. had done / should have shouted d. all are incorrect -> a 41. You have finished a meal at a restaurant. You say, "Lets ..................... the bill." a. ask for b. ask c. ask about d. demand --> a 42. The actors and actresses ...................... very well on the stage. a. performers b. performance c. performed d. performs -> c 43. You are calling your dog. You say, "....................." a. Approaching b. Come here c. Go near d. Reach here --> b 44. The school yard was ........................ with pupils and parents. a. covered b. around c. crowded

d. surrounded -> c 45. This is what you say to a friend on January 1st: "..................... New Year!" a. Lucky b. Happy c. Merry d. Good --> b 46. The topic of that discussion was very ....................... a. interested b. interesting c. interest d. interests -> b 47. The class stands up as you enter the room and you say, "..................... a. Sit yourselves b. Take a seat c. Sit down d. Sit you --> c 48. The ........................ who could fly from trapeze to trapeze attracted the most of all. a. clowns b. lion-tamers c. acrobats d. managers -> c 49. Youre attending an interview and the interviewer says, "....................." a. Sit yourselves b. Take a seat c. Sit d. Sit you --> b 50. The opening ceremony will be ........................ in that new stadium. a. celebrated b. admired c. protected d. considered -> a Test 13: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. wind b. kind c. behind d. night --> a 2. a. shall b. hall c. war d. tall --> a

3. a. myth b. with c. both d. sixth --> b 4. a. moon b. food c. blood d. pool --> c 5. a. write b. high c. written d. right --> c 6. a. asked b. helped c. missed d. wanted --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. My aunt lives two miles farther from here. a. My aunt b. lives c. farther d. from c 8. Tom hasn't returned back to school yet. a. hasn't returned b. back c. to d. yet -> b 9. They are going to lay down for an hour. a. are going to b. lay c. down d. for -> b III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. Thousands of football ......................... marched in the streets after the winning of their team. a. players b. forwards c. fellows

d. fans d 11. Heres ..................... that will interest you. a. a new b. a piece of news c. a news d. news --> b 12. Ten ASEAN countries sent their best teams to ........................ in that football cup. a. fight b. compete c. express d. explain b 13. What .....................! a. nice weather b. a nice weather c. the nice weather d. weather nice --> a 14. Large ........................ ships are used to bring goods from country to country. a. wooden b. sea-going c. tiny d. broken b 15. A lot of people dont eat ...................... a. pig b. pork d. hog d. the pig --> b 16. He looked like his father in every .......................... a. detail b. appearance c. activity d. suburb a 17. I receive ...................... a. all kinds of letters b. all kind of letters c. all kinds of letter d. all kinds letters --> a 18. The cattle made a lot of ......................... in the farm yard. a. noise b. noisy c. noises d. noisier a 19. We sell ........................ a. all kinds of cloth b. all kind of cloth c. all kind of cloths

d. all the kinds of cloth --> a 20. We must cross the street at the .......................... a. pavement b. bus stop c. zebra crossing d. district c 21. While you are at the greengrocers, please get a ...................... a. greens b. salad c. lettuce d. green --> c 22. He is a curious boy. He always .......... questions. a. asks b. looks at c. says d. laughs at a 23. Do you need .....................? a. a help b. any help c. any helps d. helps --> b 24. They ............. healthy after the summer holidays. a. saw b. looked at c. looking d. looked d 25. We've had ......................... lately. a. very good time b. very good weather c. a very good weather d. very well weather b 26. I believe that they'll tell us about ........ a. himself b. herself c. themselves d. ourselves c 27. Ive never seen anyone eat ........ as quickly as you do. a. a bar of chocolate b. some chocolate c. some bar of chocolate d. a bar of chocolates --> a 28. I'm afraid you .............. to do this. It's a regulation. a. should b. ought c. must

d. have to b 29. Thank you for ............................ me. a. invite b. invited c. inviting d. invitation c 30. .............. don't love to read picture-books. a. Some pupil b. Some of pupils c. Some of the pupils d. Some the pupils c 31. I am really looking forward to ..................... you and your family again. a. see b. have seen c. saw d. seeing d 32. .................... do you go to the library? Twice a week. a. How often b. How c. How long d. How far a 33. How much .....................? a. does it make b. is it c. does it d. has it --> b 34. They buy tickets at the ................ a. box office b. cinema c. performance d. pictures --> a 35. John left school .................... the age of 18. a. for b. in c. on d. at d 36. There is always a .............. in front of the cinema. a. people b. shopkeeper c. crowd d. guest --> c 37. These apples have ..................... and theyre not very nice. a. go soft b. gone soft c. made soft

d. kept soft --> b 38. We're going ......... the zoo this evening. a. at b. for c. to d. in --> c 39. I ..................... playing tennis. a. heated b. hotted c. got hot d. got heat --> c 40. They had to .......... up for the tickets yesterday evening. a. queue b. fall c. stand d. come --> a 41. This nice hand cream will ..................... your hands soft. a. do b. make c. get d. have --> b 42. The show often begins with a .......................... a. training film b. newsreel c. cartoon d. main film --> c 43. I ..................... waiting for the bus. a. cold b. colded c. got cold d. made cold --> c 44. We .................. a very good play at the National Theatre. a. do just see b. did just see c. have just seen d. have seen just --> c 45. The United Nations .................. about 160 nations. a. consist of b. consist in c. consist d. consists of d 46. Do you enjoy .................. to the theatre? a. go b. to go

c. going d. went --> c 47. English is easy when you begin learning but it soon ...................... a. gets difficult b. does difficult c. difficults d. makes difficult --> a 48. What do you intend ......................? a. bought b. to buy c. buy d. to have bought --> b 49. Would you like to go .................. a walk ........................ the park this afternoon? a. for / in b. for / at c. to / in d. to / at a 50. I'm afraid of ................... the streets. a. cross b. to cross c. crossing d. crossed --> c Test 14 I. Pronunciation 1. a. mud b. cut c. put d. but --> c 2. a. measure b. sun c. son d. sit --> a 3. a. love b. cover c. color d. lower --> d 4.

a. bought b. thought c. through d. ought --> c 5. a. nib b. sob c. comb d. hob --> c 6. a. bound b. sound c. count d. countryside --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. He talks as if he knows everything. a. talks b. as if c. knows d. everything -> c 8. After dinner Helen will have her younger sister to do the washing up. a. After dinner b. will have c. to do d. washing up c 9. My younger brother often spends all the day into his room. a. younger b. spends c. all the day d. into -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. I .................. wandering about all day without any food. a. got hungry b. hungered c. made hungry d. did hungry --> a 11. Let's ...................... over there. a. to go b. gone c. went d. go d 12. My sister was tired ..................... working too hard.

a. from b. by c. with d. of a 13. We've never ................... this kind of exercise before. a. do b. did c. done d. doing c 14. I dont mean to .................. with so many questions! a. get you tired b. tire you c. tire yourself d. have you tired --> b 15. You might ................. to help the newcomers. a. wanted b. want c. to want d. wants b 16. Why didnt you .................. this morning? a. shave you b. shave c. get shaved yourself d. shave me --> b 17. The .............. actress acted very well. a. meeting b. sparkling c. interesting d. leading d 18. The person in charge of a business is informally known as the ................... a. chef b. chief c. boss d. master --> c 19. How can we compare a play ......... a film? a. on b. to c. at d. with d 20. The person who is in charge of a car is the ................... a. guide b. leader c. motorist d. driver --> d 21. Sometimes her parents take her to the city for a ..................

a. seeing sight b. sight c. sign d. sightseeing d 22. A person who prepares food is a ................... a. cook b. cooker c. fooder d. cookor --> a 23. We often go to the .......... for a play. a. stationer's b. theatre c. cinema d. library b 24. Its a boring play. Im quite .............. with the performance. a. disappointed b. disappointment c. disappointing d. disappoint a 25. An usherette showed us to our ................... a. chairs b. tables c. desks d. seats d 26. A person who takes photographs is a ................... a. photograph b. photographer c. photography d. photographic --> b 27. The audience was moved to ............ when the prince killed himself. a. tears b. tea c. jewelry d. dark a 28. A person who knows how to use a keyboard is a ................... a. typewriter b. typist c. typing machine writer d. writer --> b 29. They spend their summer holidays on a .......................... a. field b. common c. hill d. farm d 30. A woman who looks after other peoples children is a ....................

a. nanny b. nurse c. manager d. doctor --> a 31. In France, snow ........... trees and houses in winter. a. hides b. covers c. tumbles d. seeks b 32. The person you work with is your ................... a. college b. colleague c. collaborator d. roommate --> b 33. The .............. is used to pull the plough. a. combine b. harvester c. cooker d. tractor d 34. The person who would service your car is ...................... a. a mechanic b. an engineer c. a technician d. a worker --> a 35. Taking the same crop year after year makes the ............. poor. a. ground b. grass c. hay d. soil d 36. A person who studies the origins of the universe is a .................... a. physician b. physicist c. physics d. physic --> b 37. To make the land in good condition, we grow different ........... a. shops b. crops c. plants d. trees b 38. Another word for "a doctor" is a ................... a. physician b. physicist c. medicine d. medical --> a 39. We also fertilize the land with fertilizers and .............

a. manure b. ridge c. furrow d. water a 40. Lets .................. at home and watch TV. a. stay b. staying c. to stay d. stayed a 41. It's a Sony. It's the most modern ........................... a. fashion b. present c. date d. model d 42. If you are one of the people waiting to be served in a shop you are a ................... a. customer b. patron c. patient d. guest --> a 43. It is one of the .......... farms in the country. a. rich b. richer c. richest d. most rich c 44. If you serve people who come into a shop, you are ................... a. an official b. a shop assistant c. an attendant d. a bank clerk --> b 45. Mr. Green had to get to the cinema early to ................. for the tickets. a. queue up b. get up c. stand up d. line up a 46. I found the film very ................... a. boring b. bored c. bore d. is boring --> a 47. Mrs. Green took her children to the ................. for a play. a. clothing store b. National Theatre c. police station d. the zoo b 48. I got so .................. waiting for you to arrive.

a. boring b. bored c. bore d. is boring --> b 49. My father is tall, but my brother is ................. a. tall b. the taller c. the tallest d. taller d 50. I was .................. to attend my sons wedding as I was ill. a. able b. unable c. ability d. enabled b Test 15 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. alone b. over c. women d. open --> c 2. a. teenage b. sat c. add d. black --> a 3. a. burn b. turn c. curl d. during --> d 4. a. bed b. get c. decide d. setting --> c 5. a. children b. child c. mike d. wild --> a 6. a. hut b. shut

c. put d. cut --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. Hurry up! You will be lose the train. a. Hurry up b. will c. be lose d. the -> c 8. Children have to cross busy streets in order that to go to school. a. have to b. cross c. that d. to go -> c 9. His room' window is not open. a. His room' window b. is c. not d. open -> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Which of those three boys is ................. a. young b. younger c. the youngest d. youngest c 11. I am happy to .............. your invitation. a. take b. accept c. agree d. consent b 12. You use .................... to end a letter. a. Dear Mary b. Goodbye c. A postscript d. Sincerely yours d 13. Im sorry I havent got any money left. Ive ................ my wallet at home. a. missed b. left c. let d. forgotten b 14. He ......... in London for two years. a. has lived b. lives c. have lived d. lived

a 15. The letter B is ................... A and C. a. after b. among c. between d. before c 16. While I ....... to the radio, my children ......... their homework. a. were listening / was doing b. have listened / did c. was listening / were doing d. listened / was doing c 17. It was ................. boring speech that I fell asleep. a. so b. very c. such a d. too c 18. There are two teeth need .......... and one tooth need to be ........ a. pulled out / to fill b. pulling out / filled c. to pull out / filling d. pull out / fill b 19. You want to address an envelope to a whole family. You write: ................... a. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family b. Family Wilson c. Family Mr. & Mrs. Wilson d. Mr. & Mrs. Wilson --> a 20. When he ..............., I ............... my homework. a. came / was doing b. has come / do c. was coming / have done d. comes / was doing a 21. You want to begin a letter to a woman you have never met. You write:................... a. Dear Mrs. Grey b. Dear Miss. Grey c. Dear Ms. Grey d. Dear Mr. Grey --> c 22. Children ........... play football in the street. They ........ play it in the stadium. a. mustn't / need b. mustn't / must c. needn't / need d. needn't / must b 23. A pupil is answering a male teacher. The pupil says: "..................." a. Yes, Sir b. Yes, Mr. c. Yes, Sir Teacher d. Yes, Mr.Teacher

--> a 24. She mended the broken cup with ........ a. latex b. rubber c. glue d. liquid c 25. The bookshop .................. six days a week. a. has opened b. opening c. opens d. is opening --> c 26. My friends are good ........ English. a. at b. in c. on d. about a 27. You stop a woman in the street to ask the way. You say, ".................." a. Excuse me, Mrs. b. Excuse me c. Madam d. Excuse me, Lady --> b 28. Those naughty boys kicked the bag ........... my class. a. from b. to c. in d. into d 29. She wasn't at the seaside during the holidays. She wishes she ..................... there. a. had been b. has been c. would be d. were --> a 30. This bowl is very .......... . Please handle it carefully. a. burst b. elastic c. fragile d. clever c 31. You are answering a university professor. You say: "......................" a. Yes, Professor Hawkins b. Yes, Mr. Professor c. Yes, Professor d. Yes, Hawkins --> a 32. We can find many rubber .......... in the South eastern provinces. a. fields b. lands c. plantations d. commons

c 33. A shopkeeper might say this to a man: "Can I help you, .....................?" a. Mr. b. Sir c. Master d. Ms. --> b 34. The ball collapsed .......... a shapeless mass. a. in b. to c. into d. out c 35. A shopkeeper might say this to a woman: "Can I help you, ......................?" a. Mrs. b. Miss c. Madam d. Lady --> c 36. Water has no ................... It is a .................. liquid. a. color / colorful b. colorless / color c. colorful / colorless d. color / colorless d 37. You stop a man in the street to ask the way. You say: "......................" a. Excuse me, Mr. b. Excuse me c. Sir d. Sorry --> b 38. - There's still .................. that our orchards will grow well. - She always feels .................. about the future because she has a rich father. a. hope / hopeful b. hope / hopeless c. hopeful / hopeless d. hopeful / hopeless a 39. You want some meat so you go to the ..................... a. butcher b. butchers c. butchers d. butchers b 40. This girl has no ................... She is a .................. girl. This .................. woman is very nice to children. a. mother / motherly / motherless b. mother / motherless / motherly c. motherly / motherless / mother d. motherless / mother / motherly b 41. The children did not know the ................ by which the game was played. a. facts b. customs

c. orders d. rules d 42. This kind of material is .................. because you can make many things from it. That is a .................. machine. It does not work any more. You can make .................. of this fertile land in farming. a. use / useful / useless b. use / useless / useful c. useful / useless / use d. useless / useful / use c 43. Everyone turned round and looked at me as I . ................. a. entered into b. entered c. got into d. entered by b 44. Steel is most useful .................... building. a. in b. for c. at d. into b 45. The blind man ................. carefully to the other side of the road. a. crossed b. passed c. past d. through a 46. These toys are made .................... our country and those ................... Japan. a. from / from b. of / of c. in / in d. at / at c 47. What time did you ................... London Airport? a. reach to b. arrive to c. arrive at d. arrive c 48. His children are proud ................... their father. a. in b. of c. at d. for b 49. My son ............... at university for the last two years. a. has gone b. has been c. went d. was b

50. My son is good ................... Mathematics and English. a. at b. in c. for d. of a Test 16 I. Pronunciation 1. a. heat b. bean c. head d. gleam --> c 2. a. helped b. booked c. needed d. missed --> c 3. a. lived b. living c. lively d. lift --> c 4. a. place b. dad c. dam d. understand --> a 5. a. hot b. not c. come d. got --> c 6. a. day b. plane c. may d. bat --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. The food in China is very different than that in England.

a. in b. is c. than d. that -> c 8. There have been little rain this summer. a. There b. have c. been d. rain -> b 9. Tom will find his key somewhere between those newspapers. a. will find b. somewhere c. between d. newspapers -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. Are you familiar ................... farm life? a. on b. with c. in d. to b 11. What time did you ................... London? a. leave from b. live c. live from d. leave d 12. - What's the trouble with you? - Oh, I have a terrible ........ in my back. a. complaint b. wrong c. pain d. trouble c 13. I was locked out and I had to .................... through the window. a. enter b. get in c. get into d. enter in b 14. He looks tired. He ......... a rest. a. need b. needs c. needn't d. need to b 15. Let's go .............. in Oxford Street. a. for shop b. shopping c. to shop d. shop b

16. My brother usually complains .............. his new job. a. on b. in c. about d. with c 17. Money you are paid for your work is money you .................... a. earn b. win c. profit d. benefit a 18. We must .......... well when we eat. a. hold b. keep c. chew d. brush c 19. You want to make a phone call but only have a note. You need some ................ a. small money b. little money c. (small) change d. exchange c 20. Two of his teeth need .............. a. filling b. be filled c. filled d. to fill a 21. You want to know the price of something, so you say, "...................?" a. How much is it b. How many is it c. How much the price d. What it costs a 22. My little sister was running fast when she fell face down ......... the yard. a. in b. at c. on d. to c 23. When you finish a meal at a restaurant, you ask for the .................... a. bill b. addition c. account d. reckoning a 24. The pupils are very ............... because their school has won the basketball championship. a. excitement b. excited c. exciting d. excite

b 25. If you visit a doctor privately, he will certainly charge a .................. a. tariff b. fee c. tax d. fare b 26. That was a very .............................. story about the adventures in the tropical forests. a. excitement b. excited c. exciting d. excite c 27. How much did you .................. the plumber before he left? a. pay b. pay for c. pay of d. paid a 28. Those men are the .............................. of our school. a. cookies b. cookers c. cookeries d. cooks d 29. How much did you ............... that dress? a. pay b. pay for c. pay of d. paid b 30. Peter did his best to play ......................... a. splendidly b. suddenly c. frequently d. hardly a 31. A professional person's bill is often referred to as ................ a. a reckoning b. a tariff c. a charge d. an account d 32. The dress is made ............ cotton. a. of b. from c. in d. at a 33. Three prisoners ................... from the prison in May. a. collapsed b. attacked

c. escaped d. appeared c 34. He has ..................... to get a better job. a. an opportunity b. a time c. a trip d. a change a 35. Please be careful ....................... dishes. It's easy to break them. a. on b. at c. with d. for c 36. The .......... is the rubber thing inside a ball used in football games. a. tyre b. latex c. bladder d. glue c 37. When buying something by weight, you may like to know how much it is .................. . a. a kilo b. per the kilo c. for the kilo d. per a kilo a 38. There are more exciting things for us such as merry-go-rounds, bumper cars and ......................... a. boxes of good cakes b. boxes of coloured pencils c. tumbling boxes d. many kinds of animals c 39. Someone's selling a car and you want to know how much he is .................... a. asking b. demanding c. charging d. thinking a 40. There will be a grand ............... of fireworks after march. a. display b. gallery c. flag d. fire a 41. You pass an empty house and see a notice outside it which reads: "..............." a. To sell b. On sale c. For sale d. In sale c 42. I'm sorry, this car is not .......... sale.

a. for b. on c. in d. of a 43. Nobody likes to pay ............. prices. a. high b. tall c. big d. great a 44. I don't know how she ............ her birthday party. a. greets b. celebrates c. hopes d. wishes b 45. ........... should pay more taxes. a. Rich b. The rich c. The riches d. Richer b 46. Nam asked Hoa to go to the Summer ......................... a. fair b. stage c. show d. performance a 47. You can write English better ............. anyone in the class. a. as b. than c. else d. to b 48. She often sends ............. cards to her friends on the Tet holidays. a. readings b. meetings c. greetings d. writings c 49. Red is my ............ colour. a. best b. favourite c. beloved d. dearest b 50. On Sunday, our family members usually ....... and enjoy a good meal. a. meet b. gather c. talk d. see b

Test 17 I. Pronunciation 1. a. absent b. government c. comment d. independent --> c 2. a. forget b. unfortunate c. form d. fortieth --> a 3. a. now b. show c. down d. cow --> b 4. a. absent b. absorb c. bib d. debt --> d 5. a. feather b. weak c. heat d. beat --> a 6. a. sit b. nice c. bite d. kite --> a II. Find the mistakes 7. Daisy's ring is make of gold. a. Daisy's b. is c. make d. of -> c 8. He ate the apple greedy.

a. ate b. the c. apple d. greedy -> d 9. Until she died at the age of sixty, she is a very successful poet in this country. a. Until b. died c. is d. successful -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. New Year's ........ is the night before New Year. a. Eve b. Even c. Ever d. Night a 11. ................ people I know are worried about the environment. a. Most b. The most c. Much d. The much a 12. Our visits to Uncle Ho's Mausoleum made the trip more ....................... a. amuse b. amused c. amusing d. amusement c 13. Which is the ............ building in this town? a. elder b. most old c. oldest d. most elder c 14. It is interesting to join in the ............ of fireworks. a. garland b. picture c. display d. playing c 15. My brother is .......... than I am. a. elder b. older c. more old d. most older -->b 16. Tractors, combine harvesters and other machines are various types of ........................... equipment for farming nowadays. a. useless b. use c. useful d. using

c 17. At the present time, ............. people can afford to travel abroad for their holiday. a. less b. lesser c. fewer d. smaller c 18. He will do ............ if there is iron and steel. a. needlework b. metalwork c. woodwork d. cooking b 19. Your car is ............. than mine. a. very larger b. very much larger c. a lot more larger d. more larger b 20. He does his ........... to win for his class. a. well b. better c. best d. good c 21. The Lockerbie crash was one of the ............... disasters in aviation history. a. worse b. worst c. most bad d. baddest b 22. Tom seems to be important as if he ........ a teacher. a. is b. were c. has been d. was b 23. This novel is so exciting, I can hardly wait to get to the ............. chapter! a. last b. latest c. newest d. youngest a 24. If you want to telephone, please go to the telephone ......... a. shop b. booth c. fair d. receiver b 25. I haven't met our new secretary yet. ..............? a. What's she like b. How is she c. How is she like

d. What does she like a 26. Don't .......... your bicycle too fast. a. go b. drive c. ride d. walk c 27. I don't know the English word for this. ................? a. What do you call it b. How do you call it c. How do you name it d. What do you name it a 28. How happy we were to ........... our holidays on the farm! a. send b. pass c. spend d. have c 29. I don't know your friend's name ..............? a. What is she called b. How is she called c. What is she named d. What does she call --> a 30. He acts ......... he were the oldest person here. a. as b. if c. as if d. like c 31 . ............. paid the waiter? - Jane did. a. Whom b. How c. Who d. Whose c 32. They are going to ....... their golden wedding anniversary next week. a. hold b. celebrate c. have d. open b 33. .............. pictures are those? a. Whose b. Who's c. How's d. What's a 34. He is jogging ......... her two friends. a. among b. between c. beside

d. besides b 35. I hear you've been ill. ............ now? a. How do you do b. How are you c. What do you do d. How do you b 36. Uncle Ho is a man of great .......... a. simple b. simplest c. simply d. simplicity d 37. - ................ for a living? - I'm an engineer. a. What are you doing b. How do you do c. What do you do d. What are you c 38. There are so many people in the pastures that we cannot know the exact number. There are .............................. people. a. counter b. counted c. countless d. countable c 39. I've never met your son, ..................? a. how old is he b. what age has he c. what old is he d. how age is he a 40. Ho Chi Minh city is an important industrial .............................. a. centered b. central c. centrally d. center d 41. ................'s the weather like today? a. What b. Who c. How d. Which a 42. He became a poor .................................. when his parents died. a. elephant b. orphan c. orchestra d. orphanage b 43. I've never heard of John Nashe. ............ is he? a. Who

b. What c. How d. Which a 44. He asked for a second ................................... because he was very hungry. a. dish b. spoon c. fork d. helping d 45. .............. tall you've grown! a. What b. How c. How much d. How many b 46. It wasn't .................................. of you to serve yourself without asking. a. happy b. complicated c. polite d. rude c 47. ................ you are! a. What a tall girl b. How tall girl c. What tall girl d. How a tall girl a 48. Don't .................................. me as if I were an idiot! a. talk b. show c. turn d. treat d 49. In the old days, orphans and homeless people lived and worked in .................................. a. workhomes b. workhouses c. warehouses d. workshops b 50. Where are you going to .................................. your summer holiday? a. send b. spend c. stay d. live b Test 18: I. Pronunciation: 1.

a. till b. profile c. while d. mile --> a 2. a. assist b. must c. island d. kist --> c 3. a. examine b. kind c. line d. mine --> a 4. a. police b. nice c. twice d. vice --> a 5. a. seat b. sweat c. bread d. dread --> a 6. a. cough b. enough c. though d. tough --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. The person who is in charge on a library is called a librarian. a. who b. in charge on c. is called d. librarian -> b 8. My brother looks upon gardening like a creation. a. looks b. upon c. gardening d. like -> d

9. I'm very keen of cycling. a. very b. keen c. of d. cycling -> c II. Grammar and vocabulary 10. The film was .................................. interesting that it could satisfy everybody. a. too b. very c. so d. such c 11. It's so nice ................... you. a. to see b. seeing c. saw d. see a 12. Great talkers are never great ...................... a. doer b. doers c. doing d. do b 13. ............... we've been having! a. What a dreadful weather b. What dreadful weather c. How dreadful weather d. How a dreadful weather --> b 14. She is only an............................. pupil. Her papers are neither good nor bad. a. intelligent b. average c. excellent d. attractive b 15. The line you cross to go from one country to another is called the .............. a. frontier b. way c. fence d. line a 16. TV ............................. won't like such a program. a. watchers b. lookers c. owners d. viewers d 17. It's wide and large and it's often lined with trees. It's ..................... a. an avenue b. an alley c. a street

d. a park a 18. He ....................... has written this letter. a. him b. himself c. hisself d. his b 19. Climb to the top of a hill so that you can admire the ................ a. country b. land c. countryside d. place c 20. The new members of a class are called the ....................... a. new friends b. newcomers c. special friends d. classmates b 21. You have to drive very carefully if a road is full of .............. a. angles b. bends c. corners d. hole b 22. The newcomers do things differently because they do not know the new ........................ a. troubles b. rules c. regulations d. difficulties c 23. If you want to put up a tent, you'll have to look for a nice flat piece of ............. a. ground b. oil c. earth d. land a 24. Hurry up! Our uncle is coming. His plane will ............................... in less than an hour. a. fly b. go c. park d. land d 25. There are quite a few islands off the west ................. of Scotland. a. shore b. cost c. coast d. beach c 26. The air in the city is very dirty. It is ....................

a. fresh b. pure c. polluted d. healthy c 27. The house ............ he was born is open to the public. a. where b. which c. that d. whom a 28. Charles Dickens is ........................ as one of the greatest names in English literature. a. told b. known c. spoken d. considered b 29. How many people are there in the ...............? a. cosmos b. earth c. world d. universe --> c 30. A ........................ is a person who lends money to others. a. debtor b. borrower c. user d. lender d 31. An open place in a city, town or village where people like to sit. It's called ................. a. a square b. a circus c. a place d. a ground --> a 32. At the age of sixty, the man ......................... and went to the country to live. a. retired b. died c. drew d. gave up a 33. He arrived for work ................... that the manager sent him home again. a. too late b. very late c. so late d. much later c 34. He works ........................ a worker in the hotel. a. as b. such as c. for d. in a

35. They sent some books to my sister and .................. a. I b. me c. he d. himself b 36. We are ........................ to help whenever we are asked. a. exciting b. willing c. boring d. interesting b 37. I couldn't help .................. at some of his remarks. a. but laugh b. laugh c. to laugh d. laughing d 38. She ........................ herself as an old beggar to enter Tibet. a. wore b. disguised c. made d. appeared b 39. Look up and you will see ................... a. the sky b. heaven c. the heaven d. sky --> a 40. Mrs. Green ......................... all her life to teaching orphans. a. devoted b. gave c. compared d. spent a 41. It's often made of iron and can lead into a garden. It's ................... a. a port b. a door c. a gate d. a doorway --> c 42. "To ........................ someone" means "to put someone into prison". a. keep b. catch c. arrest d. imprison d 43. I think Mauritius is my favourite ............. on earth. a. place b. part c. space d. room --> a

44. It hadn't rained for months ........................., the leaves became dry and turned red. a. However b. Moreover c. Besides d. Consequently d 45. How long does it take you to ............... in the morning? a. get dressed b. dress up c. dress yourself d. dressed --> a 46. They had eleven children. That was a ........................ family! a. crowded b. large c. full d. plentiful b 47. Where did they .................... their summer holiday? a. go b. send c. try d. spend d 48. We consider Nguyen Hue one of the great ......................... of our country. a. fighters b. soldiers c. officers d. heroes d 49. Just a minute! I must have a shower and ........... before we go out. a. change b. exchange c. changing d. exchanging --> a 50. A ......................... is a man who loves his country, works for it and is willing to fight and die of it. a. patriot b. peanut-seller c. prisoner d. typist a Test 19 I. Pronunciation 1. a. intermediate b. immediate c. medium d. medicine --> d 2.

a. climb b. dictionary c. physics d. six --> a 3. a. dictation b. place c. station d. thank --> d 4. a. student b. stupid c. stubby d. studio --> c 5. a. strange b. change c. chance d. name --> c 6. a. amusing b. rose c. lose d. house --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. There used to having a castle on the hill. a. There b. used to c. having d. on c 8. It took him only thirty minutes to go to school every day by bicycle. a. took b. him c. to go to d. every day -> a 9. My parents didn't buy that house. I wish they bought it. a. didn't buy b. wish c. they d. bought -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary

10. He was living in London when the war broke ......................... a. in b. out c. down d. up b 11. You'd better .............. your coat before you go out into the cold. a. take off b. dress in c. have on d. put on --> d 12. I'll ask my teacher some more ........................... about that writer. a. news b. information c. records d. autobiography b 13. - ............... is Lan waiting ? - At the station. a. Why b. When c. Where d. What c 14. A terrible explosion ......................... them up. a. got b. raised c. lifted d. woke d 15. Up to now, I .............. a lot of information about her. a. would learn b. have learnt c. have learn d. will learn b 16. They will rebuild the bridge which was ......................... in the war. a. defeated b. retreated c. used d. destroyed d 17. What can cause cancer and may affect future generations? a. effect b. kill c. be bad for d. pollute c 18. He was not only brave but also patriotic and ......................... a. excited b. complicated c. unyielding d. various c

19. She enjoys ............ to the cinema on Sunday evenings. a. to go b. going c. being gone d. go b 20. After an explosion, a flame .................... high into the sky. a. raised b. rose c. flew d. jumped b 21. Manchester players tried hard to even up the score, but they were ...................... a. unsuccessful b. success c. successful d. succeed a 22. We ..................... them a visit last week. a. gave b. paid c. asked d. did b 23. Faraday attended a lecture .............. by a famous scientist. a. giving b. gave c. given d. to give c 24. He is very intelligent. He can speak English and two other .................... a. voices b. sounds c. torches d. languages d 25. Nam was so tired that he ............. asleep in the class. a. got b. felt c. went d. fell d 26. The man always keeps regular daily .................... a. activities b. works c. jobs d. movements a 27. The players .............. to be at the stadium at 3 o'clock. a. told b. were told c. have told d. tell

b 28. There is a ..................... of the dead soldiers in that park. a. revolution b. memorial c. memory d. movement b 29. It is twenty ........... eleven. a. pass b. past c. passed d. passing b 30. The day promotes the.................... of the working people. a. language b. leader c. contrast d. solidarity d 31. My mother is very grateful .............. your help. a. to b. with c. at d. for d 32. He is considered to be the .................... of the movement. a. storey b. article c. leader d. activity c 33. Is this film worth .............? a. to see b. seeing c. see d. to have seen b 34. The painting is one of his famous .................... a. greatness b. works c. monuments d. thoughts b 35. .............. she's got an English name, she is in fact Vietnamese. a. Despite b. Although c. In spite of d. More than b 36. ...................... this occasion, you'll know more about them. a. On b. At c. In

d. Of a 37. More than one person ........... going to do ........... duty. a. is / their b. are / his c. are / their d. is / his d 38. He looked very .................. a. curious b. curiosity c. curiously d. curiousness a 39. - "Dick is so lonely." - "I'd like him ................... a nice girl." a. finds b. to find c. finding d. find b 40. The old students ........... one another in the school yard. a. clutched b. gathered c. greeted d. looked c 41. My brother is .......... the guitar. a. mending b. constructing c. doing d. building a 42. The teacher is always strict .............. his naughty pupils. a. of b. to c. about d. with d 43. - Must I lock the door before I leave? - No, you ................. Someone can do it for you." a. mustn't b. needn't c. don't d. haven't b 44. Everybody ............. healthy and good looking. a. looked at b. looked c. looked of d. looked after b 45. Hoa is ............... She doesn't have any friends. a. lonely

b. alone c. unique d. available a 46. He's just come back ........ his farm. a. from b. in c. of d. for a 47. After he ......... his homework, he went to bed. a. had finished b. has been finishing c. has finished d. would finish a 48. The old pupils gather and talk to ........... a. happily b. one another c. together d. in the school b 49. The new supermarket is ............. for more salesmen. a. advertising b. informing c. requesting d. advising a 50. My new job is much ....................... a. interesting b. interested c. interest d. interests a Test 20 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. think b. the c. that d. then --> a 2. a. bet b. bed c. men d. below --> d 3.

a. few b. new c. grew d. knew --> c 4. a. nicest b. shortest c. hottest d. guest --> d 5. a. bare b. dare c. care d. far --> d 6. a. could b. cell c. call d. cold --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. They no wear uniform at their school. a. no b. wear c. at d. their -> a 8. Sorry. You can't speak to Jim now. He's have a bath. a. can't speak b. to c. have d. a bath -> c 9. Nick's father is a businessman. He travel all over the world. a. Nick's father b. a c. travel d. all over -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. They are doing their homework. We ........................ a. doing, too b. are, too c. do, too d. too b 11. This must be .............. restaurant in this city.

a. the worst b. worst c. the more worse d. the worse a 12. Her birthday is ...................... November. a. in b. on c. at d. onto a 13. You can't swim there because the banks are covered with .............. a. mud b. sand c. ships d. sheep a 14. Peter is .............. the radio. a. looking b. watching c. listening to d. seeing c 15. They felt happy, and ............. did I. a. either b. neither c. too d. so d 16. Mary often ................. the morning newspaper after breakfast. a. sees b. reads c. watches d. writes b 17. Peter says he doesn't see ............... a. somebody b. everybody c. anybody d. nobody c 18. Do you think our teacher will be strict ............. us? a. to b. for c. with d. against c 19. He ............... hardly wait for you because he had no time. a. could b. couldn't c. could to d. can a

20. - .............. are they like? - They're the beautiful and friendly girls. a. What b. How c. Which d. Whom a 21. Our summer holidays ............... quickly. a. past b. passed c. was past d. passing b 22. My father has just had the painter paint the door ....................... a. to be green b. green c. be green d. being green b 23. Nam has studied maths ............... I advised him. a. when b. since c. for d. during b 24. ..................... people are gathering in Trafalgar Square. a. Thousands b. Thousands of c. Thousand d. Thousand of b 25. . ............... a strange man in her house, the girl was afraid. a. Had seen b. Seeing c. See d. When seen b 26. My grandmother has lived in Hue ............... life? a. her all b. all the c. the whole d. all her d 27. These shoes are ............... big ............... a small boy. a. too / for b. too / to c. very / for d. very / to a 28. We haven't seen our dog .............. Christmas Eve. a. till b. until c. to d. since

d 29. Remember to wake ............... at 7:00 a.m. a. Lan and I b. Lan and me c. we d. our b 30. The food that my mother cooked smelt ................. a. delicious b. well c. deliciously d. very deliciously a 31. The teacher as well as his pupils ............... going camping. a. are b. is c. will be d. be b 32. I've never ........... to Da Lat before. a. went b. go c. been d. gone c 33. The country ........... they spent their childhood is very small. a. when b. which c. where d. in where c 34. The new play was a great success. The ................ loved it. a. audience b. playwrights c. crowd d. watchers a 35. The crowd ................... excitedly when he scored the third goal. a. spoke b. said c. shouted d. told c 36. She is one of the ............... in the theatre. a. act b. actors c. actresses d. acting c 37. I tried hard but I couldn't ................... him. a. take b. gain c. win

d. beat d 38. It's a .............. of time and money going to the dancing hall in the evening. a. lot b. waste c. loss d. lots b 39. You cannot use your .............. when playing football. a. head b. hand c. back d. knee b 40. When we were small, we used to go to the Le Do cinema for a ................ a. play b. fairy tale c. film d. story c 41. The father of the girl is a teacher, ....................? a. isn't she b. isn't he c. isn't the girl d. isn't the father b 42. The audience clapped their hands so ..................... that the singer had to sing again. a. many times b. much time c. very much d. much a 43. If you ................ flu, you'll have to stay in bed. a. had caught b. caught c. does not catch d. catch d 44. I prefer films to plays because in a film we can see .................. scenery and adventures. a. true b. real c. truthful d. actually b 45. My relative is busy. Can you ................ home? a. make me a ride b. give me a lift c. ride me d. pick me up b 46. Mary doesn't like cartoons ............................. a. and her friend doesn't like, too

b. but her friend doesn't like either c. and neither does her friend d. but neither does her friend c 47. We ................ a table for four, at nine o'clock. a. set b. bought c. reserved d. put c 48. Our seats were ............. far from the stage that we couldn't see the actors and actresses clearly. a. very b. too c. enough d. so d 49. . ................ you subtract 7 from 12, you will have 5. a. Because b. If c. Though d. As b 50. I'm afraid you .................. to do this. It's a regulation. a. should b. ought c. must d. have to b Test 21: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. chair b. parent c. hare d. are --> d 2. a. both b. box c. note d. boat --> b 3. a. can b. place c. lane d. name --> a 4. a. hit b. sit c. quite d. quit --> c 5. a. food b. flood c. school d. boot --> b 6. a. steal b. great c. heat d. meal --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. Have Daisy got any larger shirts? a. Have b. got c. any d. shirts -> a 8. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans. It are old. a. is wearing b. jeans

c. it d. are -> d 9. Try again. Don't give off your work. a. Try b. Don't c. off d. your -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. Don't make such ........................ thing. a. a stupid b. a stupidly c. a stupidity d. stupidness a 11. An illness with small, red spots on the skin is ............. a. rickets b. mumps c. yellow fever d. measles d 12. ............ don't like to read picture-books. a. Some childs b. some of children c. some of the children d. some of the childs c 13. He was ................. he never washed his clothes by himself. a. too lazy b. so lazy that c. very lazy that d. such lazy that b 14. Their English teacher is as strict as ................ a. our English teacher b. our c. ours d. us c 15. My father has me .............. his clothes. a. to iron b. irons c. iron d. ironing c 16. The old man sat in a corner of the quiet park talking to ............... a. himself b. his c. he c. herself a 17. You needn't .............. the ending of the story. a. to tell

b. tell c. told d. telling b 16. .............. the lesson being learned at this time yesterday? a. Did b. Is c. Was d. When c 18. There are .............. shop windows along the streets. a. hundreds b. hundred of c. hundreds of d. hundred c 19. The computers ...................... used in class now. a. have b. are being c. being d. was b 20. Daisy is going to have someone .............. her skirt. a. is making b. is made c. to make d. make d 21. The city seems ............. at night. a. quietly b. quiet c. be quiet d. to be quiet b 22. Does your friend tell you how much .................... ? a. her skirt costs b. does her skirt cost c. her skirt cost d. is her skirt a 23. They asked Mr. White ....................... that offer. a. to reconsider b. reconsider c. reconsidering d. be reconsidered a 24. His father used to take him to the river for fishing .................. he was a child. a. until b. when c. while d. during b 25. This decaying tooth needs ..............

a. to pull b. pull c. pulling d. pulled c 26. They are .............. young .............. drive the car. a. so / that b. too / to c. enough / to d. not only / but also b 27. It's ............. long time since he last saw his parents. a. such a b. so c. very d. too a 28. - "Do I have to take that English course?" - No, you .......................... a. haven't b. don't have c. mustn't d. needn't d 29. He doesn't need .............. so quickly. a. to run b. ran c. runs d. running a 30. Mary has had her father ...................... her a thorny problem. a. solved b. solve c. to solve d. solving b 31. Before .............. to bed, remember to turn off the lights. a. to go b. went c. goes d. going d 32. Daisy will have her bicycle .......................... tomorrow. a. repair b. repaired c. being repaired d. be repaired b 33. We prefer music .............. film. a. than b. better than c. to d. better

c 34. No one can make him ................ his plan. a. change b. changing c. to change d. changes a 35. Which of those girls is the ..............? a. pretty b. most pretty c. the prettiest d. prettiest d 36. In spite of the hot weather, the little boy refused ............ off his coat. a. take b. have take c. to take d. having take c 37. She was amazed ...................... about that. a. to know b. knowing c. to be known d. know a 38. He was on his ................. to London. a. road b. way c. street d. line b 39. This is .............. beautiful park in the city. a. the goodest b. more c. the most d. most c 40. I like Dalat. What I like ................. living here is that it's fresh, quiet and beautiful. a. more about b. most about c. more of d. most of b 41. The students are happy .............. that good news. a. to hear b. heard c. hears d. hearing a 42. They left the house .............. saying good-bye to their mother. a. before b. after

c. during d. in b 43. Children .............. play football in the street. a. must b. need c. mustn't d. needn't c 44. The children would ............... go to the fair than to the aquarium. a. better b. rather c. like d. prefer b 45. My grandparents have lived in the countryside .............. 1975. a. in b. on c. since d. for c 46. Would you mind ............ this problem for me? a. solve b. will solve c. to solve d. solving d 47. How ......................... the girl is! a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully d. very beautiful b 48. My sister often ............. Shakespeare's lines in the essay. a. writes b. reads c. quotes d. uses c 49. They ............... to Hanoi three times this year. a. were b. have been c. went d. have gone b 50. The man who is sitting .................. my father and your father is their old teacher. a. in b. among c. at d. between d

Test 22: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. stop b. hot c. more d. crop --> c 2. a. fork b. forget c. pork d. born --> b 3. a. turn b. burn c. curly d. bury --> d 4. a. choir b. choice c. noise d. voice --> a 5. a. late b. name c. lady d. map --> d 6. a. even b. key c. eye d. me --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. We go to the library in Monday afternoon. a. go b. to c. in d. Monday afternoon -> c 8. I am planting some roses. Do you want to help mine? a. am planting b. some roses c. want to help d. mine -> d 9. There aren't some Chinese pupils in the English school. a. aren't b. some c. Chinese pupils d. the -> b III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. Fred said that he ................ on the trip to the Far North. a. would go b. goes c. will go d. to go a 11. I'll come to see you before I ............... for London. a. shall leave b. leave c. will leave d. left b 12. Our father had us ......... our homework before watching television. a. finished b. finish c. to finish d. will finish b 13. Peter couldn't row a boat when he was young, .................? a. couldn't Peter

b. could Peter c. couldn't he d. could he d 14. Bright neon signs make the streets more ................. a. beauty b. beautifully c. beautiful d. beautify c 15. - Why was your letter returned? - Because I put only a ............... on it. a. two cents stamps b. stamp of two cents c. two-cent stamp d. stamp two cents c 16. Do the exercises by ............... . Do not ask anybody to do it for you. a. you b. yours c. yourself d. your c 17. He is forty-five years old, but Tom, his son, is only fifteen. a. He is as old as his son. b. He is three times old as his son. c. He is three times as old as his son. d. His son is younger than him three times. c 18. Shall we go to the dancing hall tonight? a. Yes, we go b. Yes, let's c. Yes, we do d. Yes, please b 19. Nancy is the girl .......... you met at the party last night. a. whose b. who c. which d. whom d 20. Last Monday William ................. a valley on a lonely street in Montreal. a. sees b. has seen c. saw d. was seeing c 21. My sister has a new dress, so I wish I ............... one. a. have b. having c. had d. have had c

22. Both of us ................ free now. Let's ............... and ................ a. are / dance / sing b. is / dance / sing c. are / to dance / to sing d. is / to dance / to sing a 23. They always do their work ...................... a. careful b. carefully c. careless d. care b 24. The Blue Whale is probably the biggest creature which .................. a. has ever existed b. had ever existed c. was ever existed d. has ever been existing a 25. There ................ many events in the first Olympic Games. a. was b. had been c. were d. are c 26. Mary practices ................ English through radio every morning. a. to listen b. listen c. listening d. listens c 27. This dress was made ............. cloth. a. of b. from c. in d. by a 28. We're ready ........... working. a. to begin b. beginning c. begin d. begins a 29. They .................. about the difficult exercises since yesterday. a. complain b. complained c. has complained d. have complained d 30. Let's have dinner, ..............? a. will we b. dont' we c. shall we d. do we

c 31. This new bicycle is made .................. Japan. a. of b. from c. in d. to c 32. .................. for your help. a. Thanking you b. Thanks you c. I'll thank you d. Thank you d 33. We would .................. go out alone at night. a. not rather b. rather not c. eager d. better b 34. She will help us ........................ a. if we will meet difficulties b. if we met difficulties c. if we meet difficulties d. if we would meet difficulties c 35. .................. his mother's voice, the little boy cried. a. Heard b. Hear c. Hearing d. To hear c 36. Let's go to the cafeteria for a drink. I'm very ............ . a. hungrily b. hungry c. thirsty d. thirstily c 37. This door needs ................... a. painted b. painting c. to paint d. be painted b 38. My watch doesn't work and ............................ a. my sister's does either b. my sister's does neither c. my sister's doesn't too d. neither does my sister's d 39. I .................. meet him before leaving. a. had better not b. hadn't better c. not would rather

d. wouldn't rather a 40. ................ coffee with milk is Peter's drink. a. The b. A c. This is d. It's a 41. I cant use this calculator. It is ................. a. useless b. use much c. do many d. useful a 42. She swims 50 ............... in a minute. a. meters b. miles c. pounds d. centimeters a 43. .................. players are there in a football team? a. How much b. Many c. Do many d. How many d 44. ............ you please get me the yardstick from the sewing basket? a. Do b. Will c. Shall d. Can b 45. They are called washing machines. a. We call them washing machines. b. Washing machines they are called. c. Washing machines are called them. d. They called washing machines. a 46. Please let Peter ................... his older sister doing the gardening. a. help b. helps c. to help d. helping a 47. My mother said she .................. on a trip to Ho Chi Minh city next month. a. will go b. is going to go c. would go d. goes c 48. - How ................. does he run a day? - 16 miles.

a. much b. far c. long d. fast b 49. They can buy a lot of farm products ................... the Fair. a. at b. for c. to d. by a 50. Pass me the jar of salt, ...............? a. shall I b. shall we c. will you d. would you c

Test 23 I . Pronunciation: 1. a. dear b. tear c. bear d. near --> c 2. a. lower b. coat c. note --> d 3. a. bare b. car c. star d. farm --> a 4. a. high b. fine c. lit d. nine --> c 5. a. barn b. park c. farm d. warm --> d 6. a. both b. pot c. cotton d. bottle --> a II. Find the mistakes 7. There is twenty four hours in a day. a. is b. twenty four c. hours d. in -> a 8. Whose the hat is this? - It's Mary's. a. Whose b. the c. this d. Mary's -> b 9. Uncle Ho's birthday is in 19th of May. a. Uncle Ho's b. is c. in d. of -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary

d. bottle

10. ................ this aspirin, and you'll feel better. a. Have b. Eat c. Take d. Drink c 11. School children learn how to make and repair things in the school .................. a. library b. canteen c. workshop d. class c 12. - ............... we go to the tailor's? - Yes, let's. a. Shall b. Will c. Do d. Would a 13. They would .................. consider him their son. a. not rather b. rather not c. doesn't rather d. not b 14. If you don't understand what ........................., please ask him after class. a. your teacher explain b. does your teacher explain c. your teacher explains d. your teacher will explain c 15. The clowns in the circus made us .................. a lot. a. to laugh b. laughed c. laugh d. laughing c 16. He can't cook well, and I can't, ........................ a. too b. either c. neither d. so b 17. We don't take the umbrella. We wish we .............. a. take b. can take c. took d. could c 18. Mr. Dick likes watching football but his wife ................... a. doesn't b. doesn't like c. does like d. don't

a 19. The Pyramids .................. by the ancient Egyptians. a. was built b. were being built c. had built d. were built d 20. Have orange juice, ............ ? a. will you b. do you c. do we d. would you a 21. You .............. not read those magazines. a. like b. prefer c. rather d. had better d 22. I think he will help you doing your homework .................. ? a. doesn't he b. won't he c. dont I d. do I b 23. She is afraid of ....................................................................... a. watching horror films. b. to ride in busy streets. c. climbing up trees. d. a and c are correct d 24. They like mathematics better ............................ . a. than English b. to English c. for English d. in English a 25. The match brought excitement to thousands of TV .......................... too. a. watchers b. travelers c. viewers d. crowds c 26. Measles ......................... sometimes a serious disease. a. is b. are c. were d. was a 27. A film is .......................... a. more shorter than a play b. more interesting than a play c. most funnier than a play

d. weller than a play b 28. I'm tired ...................... such repeating work. a. to do b. by doing c. of doing d. with doing c 29. ........................... help us see and hear things happening on the other side of the earth. a. Satellites b. Stars c. Flights d. Events a 30. You dont want another cake, ....................... ? a. do you b. isn't it c. will you d. don't you a 31. I did ......................................................................... a. me best to win for our class b. my best to winning for our class c. his best to win for our class d. my best to win for our class d 32. You don't need to start ......................... a. neither b. yet c. too d. so b 33. She has seen ......................................................................... a. many tables made of wood b. many knives made from steel c. many cakes made of flour, eggs, butter, sugar d. many cars made from Japan a 34. Paul spends much time ............. games every day. a. to play b. play c. playing d. plays c 35. Peter is not old enough ...................... there. a. working b. work c. to work d. to be work c 36. Don't drink so much beer. It's harmful .................. your stomach. a. on

b. to c. for d. of c 37. My sister has complained about her teeth ................. a. for last week b. for several days c. since next week d. in several days b 38. She's not sure where she may go for summer holidays. ............... the end, she decides to stay at home. a. At b. In c. On d. Into b 39. Must the decaying tooth come out? a. Yes, it must b. No, it mustn't c. No, it needn't d. a and c are correct d 40. My uncle will go to Ho Chi Minh city .................. the end of this month. a. onto b. in c. on d. at d 41. Do you enjoy .................... a computer? a. use b. to use c. using d. being use c 42. Let's go to the beach for Summer holiday,.............. ? a. shall we b. dont we c. will we d. do we a 43. The young man .......................... a phone call. a. made b. did c. bought d. held a 44. He often goes ...................... every morning. a. swimmer b. swim c. go swimming d. swimming d

45. Jack and his friends are talking to .................. a. everybody b. both c. one another d. everyday c 46. Because they don't have enough money to buy a bigger house, they must make up their .......... here. a. minds to staying b. minds to stay c. mind staying d. mind to stay b 47. She has a .................. bill. a. fifty-cents b. fifty-cent c. fifty cent d. fifties cent b 48. That doll is made of .................. a. cloth b. clothes c. clothe d. clothing a 49. I met his wife ................... a party. a. on b. by c. at d. in c 50. Daisy has been a teacher ................ three years. a. for b. since c. in d. about --> a Test 24: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. corn b. born --> d 2. a. led b. rewrite --> a 3. a. spoken b. woman --> b 4. a. prefer b. clerk --> b 5. a. twins b. fine --> b 6. a. sky b. my --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. My father is a doctors.

c. horse c. repeat c. hold c. tern c. inch c. rely

d. world d. peter d. rode d. certainly d. king d. slowly

a. My b. is c. a d. doctors -> d 8. Three and two are five. a. Three b. and c. are d. five -> c 9. Let's going to the dancing hall this Sunday. a. Let's b. going c. the dancing hall d. this ->b II. Grammar and vocabulary 10. Dick is good ........... maths. a. to b. at c. in d. on b 11. This dress is too small .................. me. a. for b. with c. to d. by a 12. He lives .................. Hoang Dieu street. a. on b. at c. by d. in a 13. If Daisy gets up early, she .................. time for breakfast. a. has b. will have c. having d. have b 14. Peter is 37 years old, but he still lives .............. his parents. a. at b. by c. with d. on c 15. This girl is clever .................. to make fine things from paper. a. rather b. enough c. more d. too b

16. See you .................. Sunday .............. 8 a.m. a. on / on b. at / at c. on / at d. in / at c 17. Mr. Young is not only healthy .................. also cheerful. a. and b. both c. but d. with c 18. They are having a big party ................. Christmas Eve. a. to b. on c. for d. at b 19. He has always been very kind ................... his friend. a. to b. with c. of d. for a 20. Shall we go .............. the theater ............ Sunday evening? a. on / on b. at / in c. to / on d. to / in c 21. He was delighted ................... the show. a. of b. to c. with d. on c 22. I got a gift .............. my girlfriend ...................... Christmas. a. for / to b. by / at c. from / for d. of / at c 23. Everybody was surprised ................... the news. a. with b. at c. by d. b and c are correct b 24. Shall we ring ............... a taxi? a. for b. after c. to d. up

a 25. Peter is not proud ................... what he did. a. of b. with c. on d. from a 26. I must introduce you ............. my cousin. a. to b. with c. for d. about a 27. I'm not good ................... repairing things. a. in b. to c. at d. by c 28. Her show was quite different ................... what I expected. a. from b. to c. with d. a and b are right a 29. Don't eat sweets, they're bad ................. your teeth. a. to b. of c. with d. for d 30. I haven't been to the cinema .................. years. a. at b. since c. for d. about c 31. I ................... to Hanoi three times this year. a. was b. had been c. went d. have been d 32. Would you like a piece of cake .................. your coffee? a. with b. to c. for d. of a 33. Tuan wanted me ................... him. a. help b. to help c. helping

d. will help b 34. I'm afraid there isn't ........................ in the car for everyone. a. space b. room c. places d. vacancy b 35. ................... beautiful collection of coins you have! a. What b. How c. What a d. How is c 36. My father ................. three years ago. a. gave up smoking b. gave to smoking c. gave with smoking d. gave to working a 37. They ................... this course by June. a. will finish b. will be finished c. will have finished d. finish c 38. - Who often (help) you correct your exercises? - Both my sister and my brother (do). a. helps / does b. help / do c. help / does d. helps / do d 39. I like watching the boy ................... football. a. played b. to play c. playing d. will play c 40. Julie looks very beautiful in her new dress. It really ................... her. a. passes b. suits c. shows d. fits b 41. She has ................... up early. a. to get b. get c. got d. getting

a 42. Is there ......................... for everyone? a. food and drink enough b. enough food and drink c. enough of food and drink d. enough food and enough drink b 43. - Do you mind if I turn on the radio? - ......................................................... a. Yes, of course b. No, of course not c. No, thank you d. No, I can manage b 44. Don't go yet, I'm just going to ............. some coffee. a. make b. cook c. boil d. do a 45. The train ................... before I arrived. a. had left b. left d. will leave d. has left a 46. He has got a very good ............... with that company. a. work b. profession c. job d. career c 47. Do you like to travel ................... bus? a. on b. in c. by d. with c 48. - How ........................... to the post office? - Twice a month. a. often does John go b. far does John go c. fast does John go d. long does John go a 49. A football match is divided into two ..................... a. times b. parts c. sections d. halves d

50. The .......................... from Danang to Hue was very interesting. a. travel b. crossing c. journey d. tour c TEST 25: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. down b. low --> b 2. a. care b. bare --> d 3. a. pull b. luck --> a 4. a. call b. salt --> c 5. a. flutter b. put --> a 6. a. too b. food --> d

c. cow c. fare c. lung c. ache c. sugar c. noon

d. now d. bark d. drunk d. fall d. push d. blood

II. Find the mistakes 7. I will go to see her if I have time enough. a. will go b. to see c. have d. enough -> d 8. My brother always makes my parents to laugh all the time. a. always b. makes c. to laugh d. all the time -> c 9. My sister and my brother is teachers. a. My b. and c. is d. teachers -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. I am ......................... my wife to drive. a. learning b. teaching c. showing d. explaining b 11. Parents often make sacrifices ................... their children may receive a good education. a. so that

b. because c. for d. with a 12. They .............. us some new magazines and books if they .......... a. bring / come b. will bring / come c. bring / will come d. would bring / had come b 13. The class discussion was short, ................... we gained some new knowledge from it. a. however b. moreover c. although d. therefore a 14. They ...................... on a camping trip next week. a. will be going b. would be going c. were going d. are going d 15. The team which .................. more goals wins the match. a. shoots b. scores c. blows d. kicks b 16. How often do you borrow books ................. the school library? a. in b. off c. from d. of c 17. The more paper we save, ................... preserved. a. more is wood pulp b. the more wood pulp is c. wood pulp is d. the much wood pulp is b 18. Yes, you're right, Tom. I agree ..................... you. a. to b. with c. on d. about b

19. The circus shows are ................... exciting that the whole family enjoy them. a. so b. very c. too d. such a 20. His aunt stayed ................. the farm for 8 days. a. on b. in c. at d. for a 21. He .................... the door, gets into the room and sits down. a. locks b. unlocks c. locked d. broke b 22. Mary have to look ............. her sister tonight because her mother is absent. a. at b. after c. for d. up b 23. I don't know ......................................................................... a. how much she bought that book? b. what she is name's c. when began the story. d. what he thought about the discussion. d 24. My children are looking forward ............... Christmas. a. with b. to c. against d. for b 25. I will fix your bicycle if I ................... a screwdriver of the proper size. a. shall have b. had c. have d. will have c 26. My brother often ............... television at 8.00 everyday. a. watched b. is watching

c. watches d. watch c 27. If I taught this class, I ................... more exercises. a. will give b. give c. would give d. didn't give c 28. My friend and I ................... fishing next weekend. a. go b. will go c. went d. goes b 29. It's very noisy. I can't ............... you. a. listen to b. hear c. see d. look at a 30. Mother's Day is the day when children show their ................ to their mothers. a. uniforms b. love c. solidarity d. spirit b 31. Mary is ...................... She'd like a piece of bread. a. thirsty b. tired c. hungry d. hurry c 32. Does she usually have a party .................. her birthday? a. at b. with c. on d. in c 33. Mary asked her mother ................... her more about the fairy story. a. tell b. told c. to be told d. to tell d 34. At seven o'clock last night I ................... to the radio. a. was listening b. listened

c. were listening d. has listened a 35. I haven't had ................... an enjoyable evening for months. a. such b. so c. much d. very a 36. I'm really longing ................... the Tet holidays. a. for b. after c. to d. on a 37. She was ................... clever that she could make a dress by hands. a. much b. very c. so d. such c 38. What time did you arrive ................ London? a. at b. in c. to d. on b 39. Nam hasn't finished ................... yet. a. working b. to work c. worked d. works a 40. There is a post office ..................... the end of the road. a. at b. in c. to d. on a 41. The librarian told the students not ................... reference books out of the library. a. taking b. to take c. takes d. take b 42. My sister is afraid ............... monkeys in the zoo.

a. for b. of c. with d. to b 43. It's very dark here. I can't ................... anything. a. listen to b. hear c. see d. look at c 44. He's just arrived ................ New Delhi airport. a. in b. on c. at d. with c 45. We hear Peter ................... a. comes b. came c. coming d. is coming c 46. This film is .......... than the one we saw last week. a. as good b. more well c. more good d. better d 47. Milk is used for ................... many products. a. produce b. to make c. make d. making d 48. Most of the pupils are ................... to pass the examination. a. enough good b. good enough c. too good c. very good b 49. They said they were very ................ in natural beauty. a. interest b. interested c. interesting d. intelligent b

50. My mother won't come home ............. 10 p.m. a. until b. to c. than d. in a Test 26 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. great --> b 2. a. would --> a 3. a. hough --> c 4. a. few --> b 5. a. choose --> d 6. a. season --> c

b. dead b. foul b. cough b. threw b. rose b. seven

c. break c. round c. though c. dew c. rise c. sugar

d. steak d. out d. rough d. new d. horse d. sun

II. Find the mistakes 7. His father would rather ask his son fix the broken radio. a. would rather b. ask c. fix d. broken -> c 8. It is not easy do metal work. a. is b. easy c. do d. metal -> c 9. His sister explained to her how make cookies. a. explained b. to her c. how d. make -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. These piles of books are ............... cleaner than the others. a. as b. very c. so d. much d 11. Do you enjoy ................... picture-books?

a. to read b. being read c. reading d. read c 12. She is ................... an engineer nor an architect. a. nor b. both c. neither d. either c 13. The man ................. a blue shirt is my brother. a. making b. having c. taking on d. wearing d 14. Michele gave you the book yesterday, ............. ? a. did he b. didn't he c. did Michele d. didn't Michele b 15. That play was ................... for her to see again. a. too interesting b. enough interesting c. interesting enough d. more interesting enough c 16. Mr. Baker ............ in the army from 1960 to 1980. a. had served b. has served c. is serving d. served d 17. The more we study, the ................... we are. a. more good b. good c. well d. better d 18. I ................. a letter from my family yet since I came here. a. haven't received b. didn't receive c. won't receive d. don't receive a

19. The underground is cheap, ..................., it is faster than the train. a. however b. moreover c. but d. though b 20. When it began to rain, my mother ........... in the kitchen. a. cooked b. was cooking c. had cooked d. were cooking b 21. She helped her mother ................... the house clean. a. keeping b. to keep c. keep d. b and c are correct d 22. She couldn't find his number in the telephone ...................... a. department b. director c. directory d. inquiry c 23. I wish I ................... last year. a. went to Dalat b. had gone to Dalat c. go to Dalat d. can go to Dalat b 24. Mary can't speak French ................. a. Either can Peter b. Neither can't Peter c. Neither can Peter d. Peter can't neither c 25. Are you going to leave New York ................... the end of this month? a. in b. about c. at d. on c 26. My family live in a ............. of Paris, and come into town by bus everyday. a. suburb b. center c. area

d. countryside a 27. They waited for a bus. ................... the end, they gave up and walked. a. At b. In c. On d. By b 28. How long will it ..... you to get home from work? a. go b. need c. have d. take d 29. The .............. of a football team usually wears a colored armband. a. captain b. forward c. goalkeeper d. defender a 30. Tom wants to .............. the army. a. go b. take c. participate d. join d 31. Last night we didn't watch the film ................... television. a. from b. on c. in d. by b 32. Mr. Brown ........... repaired the machine. a. hisself b. itself c. himself d. b and c are correct c 33. Did you go to Hong Kong ................... business or ................... holidays? a. on / on b. to / to c. for / for d. b and c are correct c 34. My uncle's house, .............. is beside the lake, is very beautiful.

a. who b. that c. which d. b and c are correct c 35. The farmers are working ................... the farm not ................... the field. a. in / on b. on / in c. at / on d. on / at b 36. It was ............... a difficult question that they couldn't explain. a. so b. such c. very d. too b 37. After class they went to a cafe ................ a drink. a. to b. with c. for d. on c 38. There are many ..... for new immigrants in Australia. a. offices b. toilets c. uniforms d. hostels d 39. Thank you! It was very kind ................... you to think about me. a. from b. to c. of d. with c 40. We're both good ...................... because we type carefully. a. typists b. typewriters c. typers d. type-men a 41. This magazine is .................... once a week. a. issue b. published c. sold d. found b

42. As ...................., there werent many people at the meeting. a. usual b. habitual c. average d. popular a 43. They were interested ................... watching the acrobats flying. a. by b. on c. in d. at c 44. She is going to .................. a reading. a. draw b. write c. listen d. copy d 45. If you ................... him a cake, he will eat it. a. will give b. give c. are going to give d. gave b 46. I need some ............... before I can let you cash this cheque. a. identification b. evidence c. questionnaire d. temperature a 47. If I ................... you, I wouldn't take him to the cinema. a. was b. am c. were d. like c 48. The client wants to buy some vegetables. I show him the way to the ..................... a. grocer's b. greengrocer's c. sweet shop d. pharmacy b 49. Miss White would answer the phone if she ................ in the living-room. a. was b. has been c. were d. to be

c 50. The ship was ............... around the Mediterranean Sea. a. running b. going c. flying d. sailing d TEST 27: I. Pronunciation a. hat b. catch c. bad d. wash --> d 2. a. heel b. see c. red d. we --> c 3. a. day b. take c. lace d. any --> d 4. a. thin b. this c. mother d. the --> a 5. a. become b. beloved c. women d. some --> c 6. a. happy b. hand c. many d. fat --> c II. Find the mistakes

7. Ships are made from steel. a. are b. made c. from d. steel -> c 8. They would rather to have their clothes ironed by the maid. a. would rather b. to have c. ironed d. by -> b 9. She drove so fast that she wins the race. a. drove b. so c. wins d. the -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. When I was a schoolgirl, I hated wearing ............. a. clothes b. a uniform c. a suit d. a custom b 11. . ............. that blue shirt to see if it suits you. a. Test b. Prove c. Try on d. Probe --> c 12. That old worker is living on his retirement .................... a. pension b. salary c. service d. mission a 13. I want to read a book, but I forget its .................... a. name b. cover c. title d. content c 14. There is a ................ shop for tourists at the airport. a. memory b. saloon c. souvenir

d. studio c 15. The doctor asked me to ............ my shirt. a. put off b. take off c. take out d. put out --> b 16. These fishes don't taste ................... to me. a. well b. deliciously c. freshly d. fresh d 17. We got John a new ............ for his job interview. a. dress b. costume c. suit d. suite --> c 18. "................... does Mary have to stay at home?" "Because she is having flu." a. What b. Where c. When d. Why d 19. Please show your library card before .................... any book. a. lending b. borrowing c. selling d. buying b 20. Shall we go somewhere .............. a drink? a. for b. from c. to d. of a 21. Peter has fine ...................... of stamps from all over the world. a. magazines b. collections c. periodicals d. cards b 22. My brother won't get married until he ..................... 30 years old.

a. isn't b. is c. will be d. has been b 23. These are the ................. I work in. a. clothing b. clothe c. clothes d. cloth --> c 24. William ............... her at the cinema yesterday. a. meet b. had met c. has met d. met d 25. Your collar looks very tight. Why don't you .............. your tie? a. loose b. lose c. loosen c. lessen --> c 26. ................ you study harder, you will win a scholarship. a. Unless b. Because c. If d. In order that c 27. Jimmy would rather lie on the .................. than swim. a. beach b. wave c. shore d. rock --> a 28. Nobody has .......... lived in this castle before. a. any b. not c. never d. ever d 29. Everyone can ................. in this school activity. a. take off b. take on c. take part d. take c

30. At the moment, Anne ................. a letter to her friend. a. has been writing b. was writing c. writes d. is writing d 31. The country air is fresh; ............, it is not polluted. a. however b. moreover c. whenever d. beside b 32. How ..................... is Mary? She is 5 feet 4 inches ................... a. long / long b. high / high c. wide / wide d. tall / tall d 33. Professor Hopkins .................. Anne French two years ago. a. teaches b. has taught c. taught d. was teaching c 34. He sent a telegram to his mother .................... the good news. a. announce b. to announce c. announced d. announcing b 35. The more cars people produce, ................... cheaper they are. a. the b. the cars have c. the more d. the cars are a 36. My father said that he ............. his teacher some day. a. had visited b. has visited c. will visit d. would visit d 37. The more polluted air we breathe, ................... we get. a. the more weaker b. the more weak c. the weaker

d. weaker more c 38. That little girl washes ...................... as soon as she gets up. a. himself b. itself c. herself d. his-self c 39. ................... we eat, the fatter we become. a. The much b. The more d. Many d. A lot of b 40. Look! Helen .................... a basket of grapes. a. carry b. was carrying c. carries d. is carrying d 41. The lesson ................... for me to understand. a. is very difficult b. too difficult c. difficult too d. is too difficult d 42. People will laugh .................. you if you wear that silly hat. a. at b. for c. in d. of a 43. The tent show is ................... for us to see. a. enough interesting b. very interesting c. interesting enough d. interesting c 44. If he ........................ lies, nobody believes in him. a. goes in telling b. goes to tell c. goes on telling d. goes telling c 45. This book is very difficult. I can't read it.

a. This book is too difficult for me to read. b. This book is too difficult for me reading. c. This book is difficult enough for me reading. d. This book is too difficult for me reading it. a 46. You will have an accident unless you .................... carefully. a. don't drive b. drive c. are driving d. drove b 47. This exercise is ................... I must finish it as soon as possible. a. very important so b. so important that c. too important that d. enough important that b 48. My uncle ran to the railway station to ................ the early train. a. have b. drive c. manage d. catch d 49. She was ................... she never had time to go out in the evening. a. so busy that b. very busy c. busy enough d. busy so that a 50. My grandmother is ................., so she can't hear your voice. a. deaf b. blind c. dump d. dead a TEST 28 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. her b. tern c. person d. where --> d 2. a. cat b. ceiling

c. lace d. race --> a 3. a. riding b. writing c. liking d. fishing --> d 4. a. matter b. back c. hand d. talk --> d 5. a. wait b. train c. said d. sail --> c 6. a. hand b. hour c. high d. hotel --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. Nancy was made repeat the whole reading. a. was made b. repeat c. the whole d. reading -> b 8. Don't be so noisily. Our little baby is sleeping. a. Don't be b. noisily c. little d. is sleeping -> b 9. She is very happy to work by this new sewing machine. a. is b. happy c. to work d. by -> d

III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. His father warned it was a pool that was ................... swim in. a. so shallow that b. too shallow to c. such shallow to d. shallow enough to --> b 11. The chairman ............... a long speech at the meeting. a. gave b. said c. talked d. spoke a 12. His aunt has enough money to ......... that villa. a. selling b. sell c. buy d. buying --> c 13. Before their visitors came, they ...................... everything. a. have prepared b. were preparing c. had prepared d. had been prepared c 14. Can you tell me the ......... of Ho Chi Minh City? a. department b. phone c. directory d. code --> d 15. The test becomes ...................... and ...................... a. hard / hard b. difficult / difficult c. harder / harder d. difficulter / difficulter c 16. I want to .............. a seat at the theater. a. maintain b. reserve c. manage d. allow --> b 17. He is working in that firm. He ...................... there since 1978. a. had worked b. has been working

c. was working d. will be working b 18. My brother is very ............... of international music. a. like b. enjoyed c. interested d. fond --> d 19. His health is getting ...................... and ...................... . a. good / good b. better / better c. bad / bad d. well / well b 20. My near friend is wearing a ............. a. long red nylon skirt b. red long nylon skirt c. nylon long red skirt d. nylon red long skirt --> a 21. They ............. in this city for twenty years. a. had lived b. are living c. have been living d. lived c 22. It seemed a long day, but ..................... it came to an end. a. last b. first c. at last d. at first --> c 23. The road built in 1980 ...................... now. a. repairs b. is preparing c. is being repaired d. repairing c 24. ................ she spoke slowly, I couldn't understand her. a. Since b. Although c. If d. As --> b

25. She lives in a remote area. She ............ a traffic-jam before she went to the city last month. a. didn't see b. were not seeing c. had never seen d. was not seen c 26. She is ..................... intelligent than her brother. a. least b. much less c. much fewer d. more little --> b 27. He didn't ............ for the examination last week. a. hard study b. study hard c. study hardly d. studied b 28. .................... he pretended not to know her, but when she asked him something he had to answer. a. Last b. First c. At last d. At first --> d 29. The examination ............ next month. a. will give b. shall give c. will be given d. gives c 30. We will see her when she ..................... here tomorrow. a. will come b. has come c. to come d. comes --> d 31. They had their luggage ............ to the taxi. a. carried b. carrying c. will carry d. carries a 32. He is ................. a kind boy that everybody loves him. a. so b. such

c. very d. too --> b 33. I had him ............ my bicycle. a. repairing b. repair c. repaired d. is repaired b 34. The lady ............... daughter won the scholarship is a road-cleaner. a. that b. who c. whom d. whose --> d 35. This student has his hair ............ every month. a. cutting b. cut c. is cut d. cuts b 36. Tom, did you ask your father .............. some money yesterday? a. get b. have c. for d. after --> c 37. Please read this book ................. and help him do it. a. care b. careful c. carefully d. careless c 38. Daisy is going to have someone ............ her dress. a. is making b. is made c. to make d. make d 39. He asked his friend ............ him a lift. a. giving b. gives c. to give d. gave c 40. My friends never ................... noise in class.

a. makes b. make c. do d. does --> b 41. She told her son ............ her to work. a. drive b. to drive c. driving d. drives b 42. "..................... I help you?" "I'd like a fountain-pen please." a. Shall b. Will c. May d. Do --> c 43. We had our friend ............ us the scenic spots in Hanoi. a. shows b. showing c. show d. is showed c 44. Mary, you'll be cold if you go out ............. the rain without an raincoat. a. in b. under c. through d. of --> a 45. Team-work helps to strengthen the pupils' ....................... a. strong b. solidarity c. spirit d. health b 46. Your teacher is very angry ............. you if you don't do your homework. a. about b. of c. at d. with --> d 47. Mr Nam used to ...................... bicycle trips to the countryside when he was young. a. talking b. take c. took d. taken b

48. Mary's parents are going to ................ their wedding anniversary next week. a. demonstrate b. attract c. celebrate d. show --> c 49. ...................... they build that house last year? a. Did b. Is c. Was d. When a 50. His name came ............. on the list. He had failed again. a. first b. at first c. last d. at last --> c TEST 29: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. mean b. weather c. head d. ready --> a 2. a. whose b. while c. when d. which --> a 3. a. cake b. take c. brake d. rattle --> d 4. a. pretty b. bet c. sent d. well --> a 5.

a. chill b. child c. line d. sign --> a 6. a. off b. of c. coffee d. knife --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. My daughter not only learn well but also plays the piano beautifully. a. not only b. learn c. plays d. beautifully -> b 8. Jack asked his sister mend his shirt for him. a. asked b. mend c. for d. him -> b 9. Do you want me make you some coffee? a. Do b. want c. make d. some -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. A bird uses ......................... to fly with. a. its legs b. its feather c. its head d. its wings --> d 11. New machines ...................... used on this farm now. a. have b. are being c. being d. was b 12. We are very badly .............. need .......... a servant. a. in / of b. at / of

c. in / for d. at / for --> a 13. He didnt meet me yesterday. I wish he ...................... me. a. met b. meets c. had met d. has met c 14. They live ...................... Tran Phu Street. a. on b. at c. in d. for --> b 15. If you ...................... there, you would meet many famous people. a. were b. have been c. had been d. was being a 16. Taxis are ................. for tourists who need to get to the airport quickly. a. convenient b. cheaper c. distant d. hard --> a 17. The weather was fine, and you could ........................ along the beach. a. swim b. sleep c. walk d. sunbathe c 18. My mother sharpened her knife .................. a flat stone. a. on b. with c. of d. by --> a 19. How much ............... in the shop window? a. is that trouser b. are those trousers c. is those trousers d. is this trouser b 20. Being deaf and dumb makes .................... very difficult.

a. conversation b. transport c. competition d. communication --> d 21. How .................... are you checking in? a. many pieces of luggage b. many luggages c. many baggages d. much luggages --> a 22. After their great efforts to reach the top of the mountain, they felt ..................... a. hungrily and tired b. hungry and tire c. hungry and tiring d. hungry and tired --> d 23. We'll be lucky to find ............. at this time of the night. a. a camping b. a camping site c. camping d. any camping --> b 24. It takes us a long time to .. a good meal. a. prepare b. present c. give d. win --> a 25. What does a ............. like that cost? a. clothing b. clothes c. garment d. clothe --> c 26. The house where the dead man ..................... is being guarded by the police to prevent it from ................ a. was found / entering b. found / entering c. was found / being entering d. was found / being entered --> d 27. The .......... looks pretty full. a. dance b. dance hall c. dance d. dancing

--> b 28. I wish I ......... in my countryside now. Then I could see my old kind grandmother immediately. a. were b. am c. was d. had --> a 29. Would you like ................? a. a fruit b. some fruits c. some fruit d. fruits --> c 30. That's the place .................... I met my boyfriend. a. where b. when c. whom d. which --> a 31. I can't imagine where we can put such .................. a. a large piece of furniture b. a large furniture c. large furnitures d. furnitures --> a 32. Mary's ..................... is 5 feet 2 inches. a. height b. high c. tall d. length --> a 33. It's time I had my ........... cut! a. hair b. hairs c. a hair d. the hair --> a 34. He has a large family to ............ a. feeds b. feed c. fed d. has fed --> b 35. There are only three of us. Why have you ordered ...............? a. so many foods b. so much food

c. so many the foods d. so much the food --> b 36. If she hear from John, she ............. let you know. a. could b. would c. will d. can --> c 37. You can get tickets from the ticket .............. over there. a. room b. booth c. apartment d. section b 38. When they came, the program ...................... a. had begun b. were beginning c. had been beginning d. began --> a 39. My little sister was .................. by the toys in the shop window. a. fascinated b. taken c. promoted d. arranged a 40. They always ............ awake when their daughter ............... home from work. a. lay / come b. lie / comes c. was lying / comes d. lies / come --> b 41. How ............. do you want? a. many toasts b. much toast c. toast d. much toasts b 42. Have you got ..................... doctor's phone number? a. a b. an c. the d. any c

43. While you're out, could you please buy a couple of .................? a. soaps b. bars of soap c. soap d. bar of soap b 44. Is her mother's health getting .............. and ........... ? a. more good / more good b. well / well c. bad / bad d. better / better --> d 45. During the summer holidays, we often take part in a lot of ...................... a. recreations b. works c. performance d. school-days a 46. Daisy has to ............... a lot of washing every day. a. have b. get c. do d. make --> c 47. These shows were so ............... They made my heart thump. a. interesting b. thrilling c. amusing d. fascinating b 48. The airplane is flying ..................... the village. a. above b. on c. over d. a and c are correct --> d 49. Reading is helpful in ...................... the pupils' knowledge. a. develop b. developed c. developing d. to develop c 50. Life is so ........... that she doesn't want to live any longer. a. boring b. interesting c. wonderful

d. hardly --> a

TEST 30: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. map b. lake c. mat d. fat --> b 2. a. give b. gentle c. guide d. game --> b 3. a. those b. toss c. both d. goes --> b 4. a. fun b. but c. busy d. bunch --> c 5. a. chair b. change c. chemist d. child --> c 6. a. wait b. rain c. laid d. fair --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. Remember finish your homework before coming to class. a. Remember b. finish c. coming

d. to -> b 8. If you had had a chance to go to the Soviet Union, what would you do? a. had had b. to go c. would d. do -> a 9. When we got to the stadium, the football match already started. a. got b. to c. already d. started -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Next Tuesday he'll speak to the General Assembly about his world ........... a. vacation b. tour c. politics d. competition --> b 11. His class kept ...................... on the book report last week. a. talk b. to talk c. talking d. talks c 12. We couldn't see the moon because there were so many ............. a. stars b. surfaces c. clouds d. atmospheres --> c 13. Music was ...................... by the band in May Day marches. a. taken part b. playing c. played d. play c 14. How will your brother ............. for living in England? a. gain b. earn c. perform d. look --> b

15. ...................... the room cleaned yesterday? a. Did b. Was c. Were d. Does b 16. The .......... is the most wonderful invention in the 20th century. a. furniture b. astronaut c. machinery d. computer --> d 17. They are talking about the actress ...................... they saw in the film on TV last night. a. whose b. which c. whom d. who c 18. Last Wednesday morning, Bill ....... me up at nine o'clock. a. shouted b. called c. rang d. b and c are correct --> d 19. That's the hall ...................... the meeting will be celebrated. a. what b. where c. when d. that b 20. The visiting team has scored a goal from a ........................ a. match b. contest c. penalty d. final --> c 21. Sunday is the day ...................... I often go shopping. a. when b. where c. which d. that a 22. Can you stop .................. in class? a. talking b. talk

c. to talk d. talked --> a 23. A new film ...................... at Le Do cinema last night. a. is shown b. showing c. was shown d. show c 24. His clock doesn't work and mine doesn't ............ a. too b. neither c. so d. either --> d 25. Last summer holidays were the time ...................... they had a lot of fun. a. that b. when c. where d. whose b 26. They are ....................... that they can't buy a bicycle. a. enough poor b. poor enough c. so poor d. too poor --> c 27. Jack loves to read the book ...................... he borrowed from Jean last week. a. which b. it c. where d. who a 28. We ...................... go to Water Park if we were in Ho Chi Minh city. a. will b. shall c. would d. could c 29. I am not able to go to see Mary with you. I wish I ...................... go. a. shall b. can c. could d. will c 30. We don't have a good time. We wish we ...................... .

a. have b. can have c. had d. could c 31. Did you ........... her coming out? a. attract b. notice c. want d. look at b 32. Pupils ...................... to love their father land. a. teach b. have been taught c. have taught d. taught b 33. He asked her ............................... a. what was her name. b. what her name was. c. her name was what. d. what her was name. --> b 34. She wishes she .................. him, but she doesn't. a. am hating b. hate c. hated d. was hating --> c 35. John would rather .................. early than late. a. to arriving b. arriving c. arrive d. arrived --> c 36. We saw a man .................. in the street yesterday. a. staggered b. staggering c. to stagger d. staggers --> b 37. I want him .................. this exercise in ink. a. write b. to write c. writing d. written --> b

38. It's no good .................. your father about your failure. a. to tell b. tell c. telling d. told --> c 39. I haven't seen much of you lately. We .................. three months ago. a. last meet b. last met c. have last d. have last met --> b 40. His mother said that she ... back soon. a. has come b. had come c. would come d. will come --> c 41. He will tell you the truth when he .................. back. a. will come b. would come c. comes d. will have come --> c 42. It began to rain while we ........................ soundly. a. slept b. were sleeping c. have slept d. are sleeping --> b 43. .................... were you doing at this time yesterday? a. What b. Where c. When d. How --> a 44. He never goes to bed .............. he finishes his homework. a. unless b. when c. while d. if --> a 45. She was .................... in the garden. a. watering b. mending c. practising

d. playing --> a 46. If yesterday ............ a holiday, we would have gone to our countryside. a. was b. were c. had been d. would be --> c 47. The contrary of "loser" is ...................... a. seller b. winner c. learner d. listener --> b 48. He showed me his car, the engine of ................ was very good. a. whose b. who c. that d. which --> d 49. Mary is making a shirt. She likes .......................... a. needlework b. metalwork c. woodwork d. paperwork --> a 50. In my bedroom, there are ..................... pictures on the wall. a. a b. any c. much d. some --> d TEST 31 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. burn b. turn c. pure d. curl --> c 2. a. dine b. climb c. five d. limb --> d

3. a. neighbor b. height c. weight d. beige --> b 4. a. rouble b. round c. amount d. south --> a 5. a. kind b. keep c. know d. kit --> c 6. a. cat b. cut c. cease d. cot --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. What a lovely day us had! a. What b. lovely c. us d. day -> c 8. My former students always send me letters telling about theirs life and work. a. former b. send c. about d. theirs -> d 9. What is the weather like yesterday? a. What b. is c. the d. like -> b III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. My father is going to have his motor ........... tomorrow. a. will repair b. will be repaired c. repaired

d. to be repaired c 11. She is .............. her friends. a. more intelligent than b. less intelligent than c. not so intelligent as d. all are correct d 12. I often help my brother ............. his homework. a. of b. for c. with d. from c 13. Rich ................... his hair cut when John ................. a. is having / called b. had / was calling c. was having / called d. was having / was calling c 14. My mother needs a pairs of .......................... shoes. a. skin b. feather c. leather d. complexion c 15. They were ................... to the radio at 8 o'clock yesterday. a. listening b. speaking c. learning d. teaching a 16. Most of the students are ................ to pass the examination. a. good enough b. enough good c. too good d. so good a 17. I .............. this book from the general library. a. gave b. sold c. lent d. borrowed d 18. The nurse looks ................... patients in hospital. a. after

b. at c. for d. up a 19. He is collecting stamps and he has a valuable .............. of stamps. a. number b. collection c. packet d. pile b 20. Among the subjects, he likes literature best and he's also excellent ................. math. a. at b. with c. for d. to a 21. My friends are waiting ................... me. a. after b. at c. for d. on c 22. His car crashed ...................... my motorcycle. a. on b. into c. in d. onto b 23. Mary will have to get the brakes ............. a. test b. to test c. testing d. tested d 24. Who are you going ...................? a. with b. in c. to d. for a 25. My sister has been saving for two years. She ....................... $2,000. a. has saved b. saves c. saved d. has been saving a

26. Could you tell me how much ................... a month? a. do you earn b. did you earn c. you earn d. will you earn c 27. What this sentence ................ (mean)? a. What this sentence mean? b. What do this sentence mean? c. What this sentence means? d. What does this sentence mean? d 28. My brother asked me if I .................. a. can help him b. could help him c. could help him? d. will help him b 29. Her best painting ..................... in the gallery. a. is showing b. showed c. was shown d. was showing c 30. Anna is talking ................... Annie. a. to b. with c. of d. on a 31. We have got ............. news about their exams. a. many b. some good c. any d. a few b 32. He hasn't met you, .......................? a. has he b. does he c. did he d. will he a 33. You should keep ................... hands clean. a. your b. yours c. you

d. my a 34. Sorry, Dick is out. Do you want to ....... a message? a. take b. leave c. have d. get b 35. He doesn't ....... to any political party. a. join b. attend c. go d. belong d 36. " .................... did they arrive?" - "Ten minutes ago." a. How long b. How much time c. How many minutes d. When d 37. "Who broke that vase?" .................... a. It's me b. I have c. I did d. I was c 38. If the weather ............. fine yesterday, we would have gone on a picnic. a. would be b. was c. was going d. had been d 39. What is your ................? - 164 Hoang Dieu street. a. phone number b. house's name c. address d. house c 40. He wishes he .............. such silly things to her yesterday. a. didn't say b. wouldn't say c. hadn't said d. hasn't said c 41. The boss ............... her so she lost her job.

a. threatened b. shot c. hit d. fired d 42. .............. have you been learning English? - For two years. a. How much b. How c. How often d. How long d 43. How long ago ................................. these adventure stories? a. did you bought b. did you buy c. do you buy d. had you bought b 44. Have your husband ever ............. in his sleep? a. heard b. snored c. breathed d. seen b 45. ................. do they jog every morning ..........? - To toughen their body. a. What / for b. When / for c. Why / for d. What / to a 46. An oil-slick is threatening ............... life and local beaches. a. marital b. maternal c. marriage d. marine d 47. The car ................... out of gas three miles from town. a. got b. rushed c. ran d. had c 48. I couldn't ................... the guitar when I was young. a. draw b. play c. bring d. take b

49. He doesn't enjoy .................... football. He'd rather .............. tennis. a. play / to play b. to play / play c. playing / play d. playing / to play c 50. Can I have the key .............. the front door, please? a. to b. on c. of d. in c TEST 32: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. date b. lake c. damn d. same --> c 2. a. school b. scot c. science d. scan --> c 3. a. rose b. louse c. mouse d. practise --> a 4. a. close b. both c. dozen d. hold --> c 5. a. dub b. robot c. climb d. sob --> c 6. a. mustn't b. cutter

c. mustache d. little --> a II. Find the mistakes 7. This package is three pounds wide. a. This b. is c. pounds d. wide -> d 8. Don't tell her of this. a. Don't b. tell c. of d. this -> c 9. Three days ago the Browns go for a picnic in the country. a. Three days b. ago c. go d. in the country -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. That little baby ................. crying although her brother begged her to stop. a. kept on b. paused c. insisted d. stopped --> a 11. I often go ................ a swim every week. a. on b. in c. to d. for --> d 13. How ................. do you go to the countryside? - Once a year. a. often b. long c. far d. fast --> a 14. When I meet any new word, I ................ the dictionary. a. look at b. look after c. look up d. look over

--> c 15. She was suddenly aware .................... a noise in the next room. a. by b. of c. to d. from --> b 16. A ....................... talk is on the radio everyday. a. scripted b. scripts c. scripting d. script --> a 17. It was kind of ........... to remember my birthday. a. yourself b. your c. yours d. you --> d 18. Is it a ...................... war? a. religious b. religion c. religiously d. religiousness --> a 19. My brother could ................. a boat, but I couldn't. a. ride b. drive c. row d. rode --> c 20. The weather was ..................... yesterday. a. gloriously b. glorious c. glory d. glorious-ness --> b 21. It was eight o'clock last night. My father .............. my brother's ball. a. mends b. was mending c. mending d. mended --> b 22. He often ................ to school by motorbike, but this morning he ......... by bus because his motorbike doesn't work.

a. goes / goes b. goes / is going c. goes / was going d. goes / went --> d 23. What .............. she .............. at that time yesterday? a. were / doing b. are / doing c. was / doing d. is / doing --> c 24. Divide this cake ................. a. among you and me b. between you and I c. between me and you d. between you and me --> d 25. What are the streets in London ..............? a. as b. like c. same d. different --> b 26. The little bird ................... in a cage for such a long time will die. a. shutting up b. to shut up c. which is shut up d. who is shut up --> c 27. He .............. his clothes at present. a. washes b. was washing c. is washing d. are washing --> c 28. A reward ................. has been offered for information. a. of $ 10,000 b. $ 10,000 c. $ 10,000 dollars d. 10,000 dollars --> a 29. They .............. to church yesterday. a. don't go b. didn't go c. weren't going d. weren't go

--> b 30. When I has problem, my mother often ............ me what to do. a tell b. tells c. told d. said to --> b 31. He will ................. his garden more green. a. keep b. do c. take d. kept --> a 32. Do you know ..................... a. what it was wrong? b. what wrong it was? c. what's wrong with it? d. what wrong is with it? --> c 33. Would you ........... to drink a cup of tea? a. please b. mind c. like d. liking --> c 34. They can hardly tell you ...................... a. nothing b. something c. so d. either --> c 35. Fruit trees will make the school yard more ................. . a. attractive b. attractively c. attraction d. attract --> a 36. He says he is not afraid ................... anybody. a. of b. in c. on d. about --> a 37. She is (gaining) weight. (Choose the antonym of the word in bracket) a. raising b. losing

c. getting d. reducing --> b 38. Last summer was so hot that the ......... in the wood actually dried up. a. pond b. bath c. bowl d. flood --> a 39. That skirt becomes too (tight). (Choose the antonym of the word in bracket) a. long b. short c. loose d. narrow --> c 40. I have eight horses ........................ of them run very fast. a. All b. Each c. Both d. One --> a 41. They are growing (fat). (Choose the antonym of the word in bracket) a. small b. thick c. thin d. narrow --> c 42. John, who had been kidnapped, was found .................................. a. safe and good b. safe and well c. safely and well d. safely and good --> b 43. That door is (wide). (Choose the antonym of the word in bracket) a. deep b. narrow c. round d. long --> b 44. This orphan was ................... by his uncle. a. brought grown b. brought up c. brought about d. raised up --> b 45. You must be (taller). (Choose the antonym of the word in bracket)

a. smaller b. longer c. shorter d. higher --> c 46. He is ............................ on laser technology. a. a specialist b. an expert c. an engineer d. a and b are correct --> d 47. They (remember) that story. (Choose the antonym of the word in bracket) a. miss b. read c. forget d. remind --> c 48. A person who breaks into a house and steals things is a (an) ...................... a. burglar b. robbery c. beggar d. thief --> a 49. Bill is one of .................. friends. a. she b. her c. hers d. ours --> b 50. The deaf and mute person is unable ....................... anything. a. to hear and talk b. hear and talk c. hearing and talking d. heard and talk --> a TEST 33 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. mood b. fool c. food d. blood --> d 2. a. burn b. poor

c. turn d. born --> b 3. a. measure b. cease c. house d. mouse --> a 4. a. hall b. horn c. home d. hour --> d 5. a. woke b. worry c. dose d. rose --> b 6. a. bet b. bed c. pretty d. better --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. I havent been to New York before and either has my sister. a. havent been b. before c. either d. has -> c 8. Must she to go to school on Sunday? a. Must b. to c. to d. on -> b 9. Her daughter still has a small temperature. a. Her b. still c. has d. small -> d

III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. The father is thoroughly dishonest and the son ...................... him. He has already been in the court for stealing. a. takes after b. takes up c. takes over d. looks after --> a 11. I saw ................. on the way home. a. him b. his c. he d. himself --> a 12. He as well as I ......................... lonely. a. are b. is c. am d. be --> b 13. ................... teacher is Mr. Pike. a. Their b. They c. Them d. Theirs --> a 14. She quarreled with her brother .................... the terms of their fathers will. a. on b. over c. for d. to --> b 15. You and .................. are the same height. a. me b. my c. I d. Mine --> c 16. Who was the first person ...................... the south Pole? a. reaching b. who reaches c. reached d. to reach --> d 17. The doctor asked his patient to ..................... down on the couch.

a. lay b. sit c. lie d. raise --> c 18. I have a cat and my friend ............... too. a. have one b. has it c. has one d. have it --> c 19. The new music was a great success. The ..................... loved it. a. audience b. spectators c. crowd d. viewer --> a 20. He behaved .................... nothing had happened. a. as b. as like c. like d. as if --> d 21. They arrived ........... the station ........... time for the first train. a. to / in b. in / on c. at / in d. to / at --> c 22. My mother made me ....... in bed for a week. a. staying b. stay c. stayed d. to stay --> b 23. She ............... a pupil. a. are b. is c. was d. were --> b 24. It's surprising now ........ beautiful girl can make so heinous crime. a. such b. so c. a such d. such a

--> d 25. Where ............... you and Vienna a few days ago? a. are b. were c. weren't d. was --> b 26. Her daughter had ............................ a. a cholera b. an cholera c. cholera d. the cholera --> c 27. Was it cold last night? No, it ............... a. isn't b. weren't c. wasn't d. was --> c 28. He is teaching .................... French. a. me b. I c. my d. mine --> a 29. Do you ........ up early everyday? a. stay b. got c. get d. take c 30. Terry helped his uncle .................... the weed-killing. a. from b. on c. with d. in c 31. How ............... is it from your house to the market? a. fast b. far c. long d. much --> b 32. Nobody is ready to go, ................ ? a. are they b. isnt he c. is he

d. arent they --> a 33. How ............... were you in the mountains? a. long b. far c. old d. fast --> a 34. To know is one thing, but to do is ................... . a. another b. other c. the other d. some --> a 35. They were at the seaside ............... two weeks. a. in b. on c. for d. with c 36. .................. people in Thailand earn enough for a comfortable life. a. Most of b. The most c. Most of the d. Almost of --> c 37. This cat looks ............... a. life b. live c. lively d. love c 38. Betty is than Nancy. a. younger b. the younger c. youngest d. the youngest a 39. This girl is intelligent. - Yes, she certainly ........... a. is b. does c. a and b are correct d. are a 40. This house is not so ............... that one. a. expensive as

b. more expensive c. expensive alike d. so expensive like a 41. Daisy ............... a good film at 8 p.m. last night. a. watched b. watches c. watch d. was watching d 42. Either of the women ..................... off duty. a. are b. were c. had been d. is d 43. We missed the film last night but they ............... a. don't b. did c. didn't d. do c 44. The bus came after he ................ there for about twenty minutes. a. standing b. stand c. was standing d. had been standing d 45. She is afraid of .................. the crowded streets. a. cross b. to cross c. crossing d. crossed c 46. My mother came back home after I .............. cooking. a. was finishing b. have finished c. had finished d. finishing c 47. Did you ............... up late last night? a. staying b. stayed c. to stay d. stay d 48. Since 1980, Jim .......... in London, and he is still there now. a. was working b. worked c. have worked d. has been working --> d

49. Don't ........... up late! a. stay b. staying c. to stay d. stayed --> a 50. My sister .................... to visit China some time in the future. a. like b. would like c. will like d. am liking --> b TEST 34 I. Pronunciation 1. a. prefer b. better c. worker d. interpreter 2. a. ribes b. title c. licence d. tit --> d 3. a. kite b. miss c. write d. quite --> b 4. a. pub b. rub c. climb d. sob --> c 5. a. whistle b. little c. title d. battle --> a 6. a. man b. bat

c. sad d. lake --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. The tea is a popular drink. a. The b. is c. a d. drink ->a 8. Our mother likes roses and so can we. a. Our b. likes c. so d. can ->d 9. I am not going to bed early and my father isn't, too. a. am not going b. early c. and d. isn't, too ->d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. This is the first time she .................... to play tennis. a. has tried b. is trying c. was trying d. would be trying a 11. They ................. all yesterday morning. a. cleaning the floor b. were cleaning the floor c. was cleaning the floor d. cleaned the floor b 12. Literature ................... not an easy subject for everybody. a. will be b. are c. is d. arent c 13. They are thinking ................. their project. a. in b. from c. about d. on c

14. Dont touch that wall. It ...................... . a. has just painted b. has just been painted c. just painted d. just have been painted b 15. Do you want anything .....................? a. else b. more c. extra d. less a 16. Mary ............. in the park but she doesnt play there now. a. has played b. had played c. used to play d. used to playing c 17. I like going to Ho Chi Minh city because it gives me a ..................... to meet my boyfriend. a. chance b. case c. possibility d. ability a 18. She shant go to the party unless her nearest friend ............. with her. a. went b. goes c. go d. wont go b 19. When I traveled to Spain last year we ..................... at a marvelous hotel overlooking the beach. a. stayed b. stopped c. lived d. stood a 20. I am very happy to meet you, but I ............ words to express my joy. a. lack b. lack of c. am lack d. am in lack of d 21. My cousin lives ..................... my house.

a. nearly b. near c. in the near of d. farther b 22. During the earthquake, I felt the building ........... violently. a. to shake b. shake c. shook d. shakes b 23. Does her husband ever offer to do the .....................? a. washing-up b. discussing c. talking d. helping a 24. It takes his teacher a long time to teach him the basic knowledge, ........... ? a. isnt b. doesnt it c. is it d. does it b 25. The doctor gave her a ..................... for some medicine. a. receipt b. index c. prescription d. recipe c 26. The witnesses said they had seen the thieves ......... into the bank. a. gone b. went c. go d. were going c 27. When a fire broke out in the Louver, at least twenty ..................... paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso. a. worthless b. priceless c. valueless d. treeless b 28. Her son and daughter ................. at a station were kidnapped yesterday. a. wait b. waited c. waiting

d. were waiting c 29. There are a lot of talks nowadays about ..................... Rights. a. Humane b. Manly c. Human d. Man c 30. She often ..................... up at 6 o'clock in the morning. a. gets b. awakes c. goes d. takes a 31. If we ............... to class on time, we wouldnt have missed our lesson. a. come b. came c. have come d. had come d 32. They reached the house after ......... for almost an hour. a. cycle b. cycled c. cycling d. to cycle c 33. How wide is this street? a. Its ten yards wide. b. Its wide ten yards. c. Its ten yards in wide. d. Its in wide ten yards. a 34. What do you want to buy? a. Neither b. Nothing c. None d. No b 35. I want to write a letter but I have lost my pen. May I borrow one of ...............? a. you b. your c. yours d. yours d 36. He has carried one of the ................... from the library.

a. box of books b. boxes of books c. boxes of book d. books boxes b 37. Why don't you advise him ................. out of crowds? a. staying b. stay c. to stay d. stayed c 38. She often gets up at 6 o'clock .. the morning. a. in b. on c. at d. into a 39. At school, Charles was ............ anyone else in his class. a. as clever as b. as clever than c. cleverer as d. cleverest a 40. .................. the people in our village buy meat every day. a. Just a few b. Only some c. Not much of d. Not many of d 41. As soon as ..................... to his country, he ........... to his new house. a. he's returning / will build b. he returned / moved c. he'd return / build d. he returns / would return b 42. John's brother works at a library and so spends ......... reading books. a. many time b. many times c. much time d. a lot of times c 43. ..................... when you take this medicine. a. Do careful b. Be careful c. Be carefully d. Don't carefully b

44. My mother went out, but she didnt tell .............. where she was going to. a. anyone b. no one c. one d. none a 45. The burglars ..................... come out of the den since six o'clock. a. won't b. hasn't c. didn't d. haven't d 46. When Dick stopped the car, his wife opened the door and got ............... beside him. a. on b. over c. in d. down c 47. Peter said he would finish his homework, but he ..................... yet. a. did not finished b. had not finished c. doesn't finished d. has not finished d 48. Who will ........... your baby while you go to work? a. look on b. look over c. look well d. look after d 49. Jane weeps whenever she ..................... that film. a. watches b. had watched c. will watch d. watched a 50. When she goes away for her holiday, her daughter takes care .......... their garden and house. a. on b. from c. of d. for c TEST 35: I. Pronunciation: 1.

a. keen b. kit c. knife d. kept --> c 2. a. cure b. sure c. duty d. tube --> b 3. a. cart b. dark c. fast d. bare --> d 4. a. hood b. pool c. moon d. food --> a 5. a. corn b. car c. cease d. cut --> c 6. a. cure b. during c. duty d. pull --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. Please wait until your mother will come back. a. wait b. until c. will come d. back -> c 8. Do he go to work every day? a. Do b. go c. work d. every day

-> a 9. Nobody is glad to meet him, aren't they? a. Nobody b. is c. to meet d. aren't they -> d III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. The electricity failed while we ............. television. a. are watching b. were watching c. have watched d. have been watched b 11. The school year ..................... in September. a. begin b. had begun c. begins d. shall begin c 12. My grandmother spends most of her ................ in her countryside. a. life b. live c. to live d. lived a 13. ..................... shop on Hoang Dieu street is very large. a. The b. An c. A d. No article is needed a 14. " .............................." "Not now, but I used to." a. Wont you have some pudding? b. Do you watch TV very often? c. Some more tea? d. Are you going to bed early? b 15. Mrs. Brown parked her car in the parking area of ..................... theatre. a. an b. a c. the d. no article is needed c 16. "What kind of boy is Jim?" "................................. " a. Hes smiling.

b. Hes ambitious. c. Hes bought a green car. d. He has brown eyes. b 17. Where can ..................... people buy butter and cheese? a. the b. a c. an d. no article is needed d 18. "When did you arrive?" "..............................................." a. Since a week b. In five days c. For two days d. Last Sunday d 19. A shoe of leather is a ................................. a. leather shoe b. shoed leather c. shoe leather d. skinned leather a 20. "............................................" "He has got flu." a. Is it time to leave? b. Whats the matter? c. What will you say? d. It is free time? b 21. That is her ..................... farm. a. mother - in - law b. mother - in - law's c. mother - in - laws' d. mother's - in - law b 22. "Do you have a story book?" "......................................" a. Yes, I have it. b. Yes, I do. c. Yes, I own one. d. Yes, I certainly have. b 23. There was only ..................... water left, so we still felt thirsty. a. few b. a few c. little d. a little d

24. "Where do your daughters and sons want to go next weekend?" "......................................................................................." a. I enjoy the movie. b. We dont like going away. c. We will do the washing-up. d. They plan to visit their grandfather. d 25. As the mathematical problem was too difficult, ..................... students could do it. a. few b. a few c. many d. much a 26. "Thats a very beautiful dress youre wearing." ".................................................................." a. Thats nice b. I like it c. Im glad you like it d. Thats all right. c 27. ..................... do you prefer, biology or physics? a. What b. How c. Which d. Whichever c 28. "Would you mind if I shut the window?" ".............................................................." a. Yes, please shut b. Yes, I wouldnt mind c. No, please do d. No, dont shut it c 29. He told ..................... there was nothing to be afraid of. a. his b. him c. he d. himself d 30. "What do you think about Linda?" "..........................................................." a. I don't remember anything all about her. b. Shes intelligent and kind. c. She went to Spain. d. No, I think nothing. b 31. There isn't ..................... in the dining room.

a. nobody b. no one c. anybody d. somebody c 32. "Whats the matter with you?" "........................................" a. I have a headache b. Yes, I want to see you c. No trouble d. Nothing to say a 33. My mother cooks ..................... my aunt. a. as good as b. as well as c. so well that d. as well than b 34. "Does your car work now?" "No, It .............. needs to be fixed." a. already b. still c. yet d. before b 35. Foreign language centers are ..................... they were many years ago. a. as popular than b. the most popular c. more popular than d. most popular than c 36. "Bill is one of the gentlemen I know." "............ that, he has a great personality." a. Beside of b. Besides of c. Beside d. Besides d 37. Computers are considered ..................... tool today. a. much modern than b. more modern than c. the most modern d. more modern c 38. I suggested that he ............. a card with all of our names on it. a. send b. sends c. to send d. sending

a 39. A market is ..................... a supermarket. a. more convenient than b. less convenient than c. not so convenient than d. the most convenient as b 40. Jack isn't an American. He will have been .......... in the U.S. for ten years when he graduates. a. lived b. live c. living d. to live c 41. We run out ..................... provisions now. a. off b. up c. of d. in c 42. Seize the chance, ................., you will regret it. a. however b. otherwise c. although d. unless b 43. He stares ........... me as if I were a stranger. a. at b. to c. on d. about a 44. "He will never speak to Lee." "What could she .......... to make him so angry?" a. says b. said c. to say d. have said d 45. The manager sometimes traveled ..................... pleasure. a. on b. with c. for d. in c

46. "Do you have any more of these picture books?" "I'm sorry, I have lent all .............. this one." a. but b. for c. until d. that a 47. Where did you go ..................... your summer holidays? a. at b. during c. in d. about b 48. Since she left her country, She .................very homesick. a. am b. have c. has been d. been c 49. He'll pick you ..................... at five o'clock. a. out b. off c. up d. on c 50. He wishes he ....................... such silly words yesterday. a. hadn't said b. have said c. would say d. had said a TEST 36: I. Pronunciation: 1 a. sink b. tank c. banner d. sing --> c 2. a. why b. myth c. cry d. shy --> b 3.

a. cell b. bell c. forget d. pretax --> d 4. a. thumb b. lob c. sob d. lab --> a 5. a. leaf b. deaf c. of d. knife --> c 6. a. kite b. knot c. keen d. keep --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. Hamlet was wrote by William Shakespeare. a. was b. wrote c. by d. Shakespeare -> b 8. English is studyed by Henry every night. a. is b. studyed c. every night d. by Henry -> b 9. You have to take this exam, haven't you? a. have to b. take c. haven't d. you -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. We bought ........... motorbike we could find because we don't plan to use it very much.

a. cheapest b. a cheapest c. the cheapest d. of cheapest c 11. She's very interested ..................... tennis. a. of b. in c. for d. about b 12. "Couldn't we talk about it again?" "There's nothing left ......................" a. say b. to say c. to say it d. say it b 13. Would you like some beer ..................... the meal? a. to b. for c. with d. in c 14. I have been doing the garden ............... nine o'clock. a. for b. since c. from d. before b 15. I'll be back ..................... some minutes. a. in b. for c. after d. on a 16. My mother feels ............ after her illness. a. weakly b. weak c. weakness d. weakish b 17. Is John married ..................... White? a. by b. to

c. with d. into b 18. Some people are born beautiful; ............. are born ugly. a. another b. the other c. others d. other c 19. I've been learning French ..................... three years. a. for b. in c. since d. during a 20. "Would you like to drink a cup of tea?" "......................................................" a. Yes, let's b. Tea, please c. Yes, please d. No, I don't c 21. I went to London .................... air. a. with b. on c. by d. without c 22. The tourist has been lying on the beach in the sun ......... noon. a. at b. since c. for d. when b 23. I bought my son a present ..................... his birthday. a. for b. to c. in d. on a 24. They ..................... to go to the airport to meet their parents. a. will b. had better c. must d. have d 25. She can't marry her cousin .................. she loves him.

a. though b. so c. despite d. because a 26. There are a lot of weeds .................. the grass. a. among b. between c. during d. in a 27. Dr. Clark, .................. I hadn't seen before, entered the room. a. whom b. who c. whose d. which a 28. We were sorry .......... you when we heard about your failure. a. for b. to c. at d. on a 29. Mr. Green lives far .................. his office. a. away b. off c. from d. with c 30. We have been here .......... days. a. after b. for c. since d. in b 31. It rained while we .................. well. a. slept b. have slept c. were sleeping d. had slept c 32. He is a friend ............. mine. a. of b. with c. to

d. for a 33. They have been in love with each other .................. 1992. a. in b. on c. for d. since d 34. My father advised my brother to stop ................ a. smoke b. smoked c. being smoked d. smoking d 35. His relative's flat is on ................. . a. second floor b. floor two c. two's floor d. the second floor d 36. Many people write books but ............ write good books. a. enough b. a little c. few d. much c 37. ................. that reason, I don't want to talk to him. a. Because b. Owing to c. Due to d. For d 38. We have lived here ............ the end of the war. a. from b. since c. to d. at b 39. Do you know the place .................... he is living? a. when b. where c. which d. whom b 40. Mary does that problem her own way .............. Peter will do it his.

a. although b. so c. and d. even c 41. They don't drink coffee, ....................? a. won't they b. don't they c. do they d. aren't they c 42. My sister doesn't want to play the guitar and .......... a. so don't I b. neither do I c. I don't too d. either I don't b 43. Life without ................. would be dull. a. a laughter b. an laughter c. the laughter d. laughter d 44. I tried my best to catch the thief .................. had stolen my bag. a. who b. they c. who they d. which they a 45. My teacher had some pupils ................. her a table. a. bring b. bringing c. brought d. to bring a 46. When we came back home, there was a smell of cooking .......... from the kitchen. a. come b. came c. coming d. had come c 47. There are students in the classroom ................. their lessons. a. prepares b. to prepare

c. was preparing d. preparing d 48. She hopes that ....... her when he came to Vietnam. a. he'll visit b. he is visiting c. he would visit d. he visited c 49. She is very poor. She hasn't ..................... money left now. a. any b. none c. some d. no a 50. My test is too long ............ to do in half an hour. a. to me b. for him c. for me d. for her c TEST 37: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. study b. cut c. push d. mud --> c 2. a. invite b. site c. beside d. visit --> d 3. a. once b. none c. gong d. come --> c 4. a. sugar b. song

c. sing d. same --> a 5. a. servant b. her c. very d. verse --> c 6. a. ago b. ashamed c. adam d. again --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. Listen to your teacher! He shows the way to solve the thorny problem. a. Listens to b. shows c. the way d. to solve -> b 8. "Where is Tommy?" "He plays football in the garden." a. is b. plays c. football d. in -> b 9. "How often do they go to their grandparent's house." "Two time a week." a. often b. do c. go d. two time -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. I wish my father ..................... smoking. a. stops b. stop c. stopped d. will stop c 11. Tom and Henry are going to school and Mary is going with ................. a. their b. they c. them d. theirs c

12. Mary and Peter laughed a lot because the film was very ..................... a. amuse b. amusing c. amused d. amusement b 13. He came back home .................. last night. a. late b. lately c. latter d. less a 14. Can you tell me .....................? a. which film you like best b. which film do you like best c. you like best which film d. you like which film best a 15. Dana prefers literature .............. mathematics. a. as b. to c. more d. more than b 16. If I ..................... Daisy's address, I ..................... some letters to her. a. know / would write b. know / write c. knew / would write d. knew / wrote c 17. .............. is my favorite drink. a. A Orange juice b. The Orange c. Orange d. Orange juice d 18. ..................... don't like civics. a. Most student b. Most of students c. Most of the student d. Most of the students d 19. "I want to see blue fountain pen." ".........................................." a. What is it? b. Yes c. Could I take it

d. Here it is d 20. I've looked for my pen, but I can't find it ............................ a. everywhere b. nowhere c. anywhere d. somewhere c 21. I ....................... in Canada for seven years. Now I still live there. a. have lived b. have been living c. came to live d. am living b 22. My father .................. goes to bed before midnight. a. little b. mostly c. fairly d. hardly d 23. These are our pens, and those are .................... a. their b. they ones c. theirs d. their pens c 24. He has been living in the same .................. for over 10 years. a. neighbor b. ground c. earth d. district d 25. The opposite of successful is ...................... a. not succeed b. unsuccessful c. non successful d. not successful b 26. Don't .................. about your mother's sickness. a. worry b. sad c. sorry d. afraid a

27. Is your son angry ............... his younger sister? a. with b. to c. for d. at a 28. Whose book is this? It's not .................. a. my one b. of me c. me d. mine d 29. The house is ................ repair. a. in b. under c. at d. for b 30. The three friends all .................. for the same job. a. requested b. applied c. intended d. referred b 31. His uncle died ......... diabetes. a. for b. by c. in d. of d 32. Be .................. ! The baby's sleeping. a. quietly b. quiet c. quite d. silence b 33. Everybody is very kind ........ me. a. for b. in c. to d. with c 34. She's been saving for two years. She .................. $2,000. a. has saved b. saves c. saved

d. has been saving a 35. The matter has been settled between ............... a. their b. they c. theirs d. them d 36. Could you tell me how much .................. a month? a. does your husband earn b. did your husband earn c. your husband earns d. will your husband earn c 37. Peter plays ................ piano almost as well as her teacher now. a. with b. at c. in d. the d 38. She asked me if I .................. a. can help her b. could help her c. could help her? d. will help her b 39. After ........................... grass for hay, he will grow corn. a. cut b. cutting c. to cut d. cuts b 40. His photograph .................. on television. a. his showing b. showed c. was shown d. was showing c 41. Lee speaks French well and so ..................... a. Lucia speaks b. speaks Lucia c. Lucia does d. does Lucia d

42. The students have got .................. news about their exams. a. many b. some good c. a d. a few b 43. We showed the strange man .............. to get to the Odeon cinema. a. how b. how can c. how he can d. how can he a 44. Sorry, John is out. Can I .................. your message? a. take b. leave c. have d. get a 45. Farmer kept the land in good condition by .............. it with manure. a. fertilize b. to fertilize c. fertilizing d. fertilized c 46. I am sorry Sir, I don't want to .................. this political party. a. join b. attend c. go d. belong a 47. She's been feeling much happier since she found the .............. treasures. a. losing b. lost c. loser d. loss b 48. .............. broke this glass? a. Which b. Where c. Who d. How c 49. She .................. in the kitchen when the telephone rang. a. cooked b. had cooked

c. has been cooking d. was cooking d 50. If the weather .................. fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic. a. will be b. is c. is going d. has been b

TEST 38: I. Pronunciation 1. a. broke b. note c. hot d. code --> c 2. a. don't b. on c. hold d. comic --> c 3. a. fate b. ate c. day d. dam --> d 4. a. out b. trouble c. double d. couple --> a 5. a. sound b. doubt c. count d. hough --> d 6. a. birth b. with

c. myth d. fifth --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. This is the first time he drove a car. a. is b. first c. time d. drove -> d 8. How many marks does she often gets for Literature? a. many b. marks c. often d. gets -> d 9. What must you do if you want pass your exam well? a. must b. if c. pass d. well -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. I wish I .................. him, but I don't. a. am liking b. like c. liked d. will like --> c 11. His family has known me ......... we loved each other. a. for b. before c. when d. since --> d 12. The opposite of important is: a. irimportant b. imimportant c. ilimportant d. unimportant --> d 13. ........... his opinion, our working day begins at 8 o' clock. a. To b. In c. By d. According to --> b

14. I wanted to tell you about the good news but you didn't give me a .................. a. time b. second c. chance d. word --> c 15. The orphans have no warm ...... to wear in this winter. a. cloth b. cloths c. clothes d. clothe --> c 16. Fish don't .................. noise as other pets do. a. sound b. go not c. make d. give --> c 17. It all depends on ............ you want to consult with. a. who b. whom c. for whom d. of whom --> b 18. On the way the bus stopped to pick up a .................. a. customer b. rider c. pedestrian d. passenger --> d 19. "Pass me the jar of salt, please." " ..................................... " a. Here you are b. No, it isn't c. Yes, please d. It does not matter --> a 20. I have to .................. weight. I'm too fat. a. drop b. gain c. loose d. lose --> d 21. He says his father will go to a (an) ................ meeting in London tomorrow. a. famous b. important

c. clever d. fine --> b 22. The clerk had to .................. the conversation in order to wait on a customer. a. interrupt b. continue c. begin d. hurry --> a 23. When his new car broke down, the ..................... put it right free of charge. a. makers b. markers c. builders d. shoppers --> a 24. There are .................. tourists in London this year than last year. a. littler b. smaller c. lesser d. fewer --> d 25. If traffic moves at low speed, the number of accidents is ................ a. pulled back b. cut down d. turned off d. put away --> b 26. He's .................., so he can't hear your voice. a. blind b. blond c. deaf d. died --> c 27. My bedroom ....................... on Sundays. a. is often made tidy b. often is made tidy c. are often made tidy d. is often made tidying --> a 28. You're ................... your time trying to persuade him. He'll never help you. a. spending b. closing c. missing d. wasting d 29. Since she began work, she hasn't ........... asked her mother for money.

a. greatly b. very much c. badly d. ever d 30. How will you .................. a living in Australia? a. gain b. earn c. perform d. look for b 31. They asked ...... of all people to come to their wedding party. a. quite a lot b. quite too many c. so very many d. a very lot a 32. Much new ................ has been installed in that house. a. furniture b. astronauts c. machinery d. computers c 33. In Liverpool's match against Manchester, Owen was the most popular player ................. the field. a. in b. with c. for d. among a 34. The driver ................. at the boys who are playing football in the street. a. shouted b. called c. rang d. b and c are correct a 35. The Greens usually ............. to the countryside at the weekends. a. were driving b. have driven c. will drive d. drive d 36. "This morning, he seemed ............. a hurry." "That is right because he is ......... duty." a. in / in b. on / on c. in / on

d. on / in c 37. The pupils are talking cheerfully when the teacher .............. a. comes b. came c. has come d. has been coming a 38. There are two .................. of dirty clothes on the table. a. piles b. crowds c. groups d. columns a 39. After the accident, I ......... my car repaired. a. has to had b. had to have c. have had d. had having b 40. He said that he .................. back soon. a. has come b. had come c. would come d. will come c 41. My uncle asked me ............................ a. how old I was b. how old was I c. how old I do d. how old do I a 42. It began to rain while we .................. soundly. a. slept b. were sleeping c. have slept d. are sleeping b 43. My friends asked me ............................. a. when was I married b. when am I married c. when I am married d. when I was married d 44. I won't go to bed .................. I finish my homework.

a. until b. when c. while d. since a 45. Her husband didn't know .................................... a. where was she going b. where she was going c. where is she going d. where she is going b 46. If yesterday .................. a holiday, we would have gone to the beach. a. was b. were c. had been d. would be c 47. "What did he give you for your birthday?" "He gave me ....................." a. a bunch of flowers b. a flowers bunch c. a bunch flowers d. a bunches of flowers a 48. I make friends with Mary, .................. younger brother is learning at this school. a. whose b. who c. that d. which a 49. He's still going to school ......... his injury. a. even though b. although c. in spite of d. even c 50. People .................... her as the most brilliant student. a. to know b. know c. known d. are known b TEST 39 I. Pronunciation: 1.

a. tube b. but c. cut d. sun --> a 2. a. kind b. nine c. sign d. king --> d 3. a. work b. horn c. torn d. torch --> a 4. a. London b. ton c. none d. cot --> d 5. a. brother b. breathing c. either d. both --> d 6. a. bare b. dare c. care d. barque --> d II. Find the mistakes 7. Was the Bakers able to buy the tickets for the comedy? a. Was b. able c. to buy d. for -> a 8. She wants go for a walk along the beach? a. wants b. go c. for

d. along -> b 9. How much cigarettes do you smoke a day? a. much b. cigarettes c. do d. a day -> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. He left home early .................. he could arrive at the station on time. a. because of b. in order to c. although d. so that d 11. I am going to have my bicycle .................. tomorrow. a. will repair b. will be repaired c. repaired d. to be repaired c 12. We all hope you will be successful in ...... time. a. few years b. a few years d. a few year's d. a few years' d 13. She works .................. than her friends. a. more hard b. less hard c. not so hard d. b and c are correct b 14. She disagreed with her husband ................. rearing their children. a. about b. at c. with d. in a 15. He is .................. his driving test today. a. examining b. taking c. answering d. holding b 16. He looked .................. when he heard his teacher told him to return the old lesson.

a. anxious b. anxiously c. with anxious d. very anxiously a 17. She needs a pair of .................. shoes. a. skin b. feather c. leather d. complexion c 18. "Have you got any good books?" "No, ..........................." a. I'm not b. thank you c. I haven't d. not at all c 19. I .................. this shirt from my brother. a. gave b. sold c. lent d. borrowed d 20. She still passed the examination ....... her laziness. a. because of b. because c. in spite of d. instead of c 21. He is collecting coins and he has a valuable .................. of rare coins. a. number b. collection c. packet d. pile b 22. After one month of hard fighting, the northern alliance army won the ................ a. attack b. force c. war d. battle d 23. He likes his job and he's very good .................. his job. a. at b. with c. for d. to a

24. He got some money by selling one of ................ old pictures which his father left. a. useful b. helpful c. usual d. valuable d 25. A car crashed .................. a security van. a. on b. into c. in d. with b 26. I telephoned the airport to make ............ of the time of the plane. a. sure b. true c. real d. right a 27. I'll have to get the brakes .................. a. test b. to test c. testing d. tested d 28. Tom can drive a car and ................... his younger sister - Daisy. a. too can b. so can c. can also d. can so b 29. When my brother was asked if he liked the job, he replied that he .................. a. has done b. does c. did d. was doing c 30. The boy kicked the ball ................ hard, and it broke the window. a. a very little b. a small amount c. quite a little d. a little too d 31. .................. him to the circus tonight?

a. Do you take b. Are you take c. You take d. Will you take d 32. She received two ............ from two her near friends yesterday. a. wedding card b. weddings card c. wedding cards d. wedding 's cards c 33. Tim .................. go fishing with his father when he was young. a. used to b. is used to c. has used to d. was used to a 34. His grandmother is very old and isn't ....... very good health. a. with b. from c. in d. on c 35. I can't begin sewing my dress until my mother .................. it out for me. a. will cut b. cut c. cuts d. will be cutting c 36. "Come back home before 5 o'clock," her father ordered "your homework ......... by then." a. will be done b. has been done c. is being done d. was being done a 37. The news .................. bad last night. a. were b. was c. has d. have been b 38. My grandmother caught the small boy ................. over the garden wall to pick fruit. a. has climbed b. climbing c. to climb

d. being climbed b 39. All the furniture in the house .................. old-fashioned. a. is b. are c. have d. have been a 40. He went to see her a month ago, but he ....... her since then. a. hasn't met b. didn't meet c. wasn't meeting d. wasn't met a 41................... people have never heard of Shakespeare. a. Very few b. Only few c. Quite few d. Just few a 42. The policeman asked him .................. a. where did he live b. where he lives c. where he lived d. where does he live c 43. .................. of the visitors were strangers to me. a. Mostly b. Almost c. Most d. The most c 44. My director asked me when .................................... a. had I finished that project b. has I finished that project c. I had finished that project d. I has finished that project c 45. The teacher .................. has not yet arrived. a. I wrote to you about b. who I wrote to you c. I wrote to you about him d. whom I wrote to you about him a 46. He is too short ...................... the hat.

a. for reach b. to reach c. for reaching d. to reaching b 47. She has to do a .................. of washing every day. a. many b. few c. lot d. much c 48. Mary is not used to ................. told what to do. a. been b. being c. be d. was b 49. There was nearly a terrible accident in the javelin ............... a. examination b. problem c. result d. event d 50. I didn't like that performance because it was very ....................... a. bored b. boring c. boredom d. bore b TEST 40 I. Pronunciation 1. a. here b. mere c. there d. hereby --> c 2. a. tear b. dear c. bear d. fear --> c 3. a. bill b. file

c. tin d. pin --> b 4. a. cat b. flat c. date d. spat --> c 5. a. both b. code c. hob d. note --> c 6. a. pleasant b. south c. sane d. guest --> a II. Find the mistakes 7. Could I have another cup coffee? a. Could b. have c. another d. cup coffee -> d 8. Would you please to tell me the best answers? a. Would b. please c. to tell d. best -> c 9. Would you like to listen to some songs? Thanks, I'd love. a. like b. to listen c. to d. love -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. We couldn't see the moon because there were so many .................. a. weather b. surfaces c. clouds d. atmospheres c

11. The students will have their uniforms ................... for the new school-year. a. make b. to make c. made d. to be made c 12. The picture he gave you is more valuable .......... the one he gave me. a. over b. above c. to d. than d 13. I must have the television .................... a. fix b. to fix c. fixed d. fixing c 14. He left his job .............. the reasons he explained. a. on b. from c. for d. about c 15. These roses smell ........... . a. sweet b. sweetly c. sweetness d. being sweet a 16. The visitor spoke ............. the subject of wildlife in northern Britain. a. in b. on c. from d. with b 17. She is ................. in reading historical story. a. interests b. interested c. interesting d. being interest b 18. Jane's going to clean the floor and .......... a. so is Jack b. too Jack is c. so does Jack

d. too Jack does a 19. He asked her .............. she could live with him. a. that b. that if c. weather d. if d 20. My brother can't play tomorrow and ........... a. either can I b. neither can I c. neither I can d. I can't too b 21. She is ............... kind that everybody loves her. a. such b. such a c. so d. so a c 22. I like watching .............. on television. a. football match b. footballs c. football d. a football c 23. How long does it ............... him to walk to his school? a. want b. need c. take d. require c 24. Would you mind ............... me your dictionary? a. lend b. to lend c. lending d. lent c 25. The milk-can was nearly empty; there was .............. milk left. a. little b. a little c. few d. a few a 26. We have .............. in the house, so we needn't go shopping tomorrow.

a. enough food b. food enough c. too food d. food too a 27. She is better today, .................. better than yesterday. a. very b. so c. too d. much d 28. "To put off" means "to .................." a. destroy b. postpone c. cancel d. turn on b 29. Do you know ............... tools for doing the garden were bought? a. when b. where c. how d. what b 30. Tom and ........... are going to the birthday party together. a. I b. me c. myself d. him a 31. Though my father was very tired, he went on ................... . a. work b. to work c. working d. worked c 32. We will wait here ........... he comes back. a. while b. until c. before d. after b 33. Michael is going to study ............... next year. a. Germany b. German c. the German

d. the Germany b 34. His father has not seen his mother ......... five years. a. for b. since c. during d. until a 35. Her teacher .................. her to come and see him. a. spoke b. said c. told d. says c 36. "Are there many eggs in the fridge?" "............................................" a. Yes, there are b. Yes, they are c. Some are d. Many are a 37. The room was empty, but Tom felt that ........... was watching him. a. anybody b. nobody c. somebody d. everybody c 38. The selling price of that house and ........... is 24,000 pounds. a. many furniture b. some furniture c. many furnitures d. some furnitures b 39. Mary told me to tell her mother that shell come back home .......... two hours. a. in b. at c. on d. from a 40. On the table, there are bread, meat and two large .............. a. bowl of soup b. bowl of soups c. bowls of soups d. bowls of soup d

41. Ann ............... the dishes while Alice .............. some clothes. a. was washing / was ironing b. washed / ironed c. was washing / ironed d. washed / was ironing a 42. This is your room and that is ............. a. our's b. ours' c. ours d. our c 43. That little girl refused to climb the tree because she was afraid of .................... a. fall b. to fall c. falling d. to be falling c 44. Have you ever listened ..................... Song of India? a. in b. to c. for d. from b 45. My older sister wont sleep well unless ................ in bed for our half an hour. a. she's reading b. she reads c. she read d. she was reading b 46. My watch is slow and .............. is hers. a. either b. too c. so d. neither c 47. My younger brother listens ............... the radio carefully. a. with b. for c. of d. to d 48. I took the wrong umbrella ............... mistake. a. by b. of c. with

d. for a 49. He didn't know the lesson. His teacher said, Perhaps I ought ............. you another chance. a. giving b. to give c. give d. gave b 50. She gets Mr. Nam ............. her roof. a. fix b. fixed c. fixing d. to fix d TEST 41 I. pronunciation: 1. a. new b. dew c. threw d. few --> c 2. a. bob b. sob c. tomb d. lob --> c 3. a. show b. how c. know d. arrow --> b 4. a. many b. van c. bat d. sad --> a 5. a. spoon b. flood c. food d. noon --> b

6. a. show b. tower c. low d. snow --> b II. Find the mistakes 7. A child said: "Mum, I'm getting tall, am not I?" a. said b. I'm getting c. tall d. am not -> d 8. Would you like come to theater with me? a. Would b. like c. come d. me -> c 9. Could you show me the way for the Odeon cinema, please? a. Could b. show c. the way d. for -> d III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. Mary was shocked at the ................. spectacle in the dancing hall. a. to frighten b. frightening c. frightened d. fright b 11. ............... doesn't belong to us. a. The earth b. A earth c. An earth d. Earth a 12. If he wants to catch the bus, he had better .................. a. to run b. running c. run d. ran c 13. She ............. Alice that it was awful.

a. tells b. said c. speaks d. told d 14. She looked very ....................... when I told her the news. a. happily b. happy c. happiness d. was happy b 15. Mary told her dog to .......... down a. lie b. laid c. lay d. lain a 16. The food that my mother cooks tastes ............... . a. deliciously b. be delicious c. delicious d. is delicious c 17. The street to that hill is ............. long. a. more b. much c. very d. many c 18. She cant stand .................. in such poor conditions. a. to living b. living c. live d. to be alive b 19. The teacher has .................. come into the principal's room. a. still b. already c. yet d. so far b 20. The police questioned the host ............ house was broken into by the robbers. a. who b. whom c. whose d. of which c

21. Her baby was born ............. eleven o'clock yesterday evening. a. at b. in c. on d. about a 22. His motorbike doesnt cost so much ................. yours does. a. like b. as c. same d. such b 23. The weather is .................. today than yesterday. a. much better b. very better c. too better d. much good a 24. Thousands of people came to see the Queen ................ the rain. a. because b. owing to c. in spite of d. according to c 25. He is ............. a busy man that he really needs a helper. a. so b. such c. very d. quite b 26. He runs slowly ................ her house very morning. a. pass b. past c. passing d. to pass b 27. Have you read ............ chapter of this novel? a. third b. the third c. a third d. the three b 28. ................. do you go on a trip to London next month? a. How far b. How often

c. How much d. How d 29. My father has just .............. his key. a. loses b. looses c. lose d. lost d 30. Tell me .................................................................. a. what do you want? b. you want what c. what you want d. that what you want c 31. She often goes shopping ........... Tuesday mornings. a. in b. on c. at d. over b 32. Mary's class .............. of two boys and thirty girls. a. is consist b. is composed c. contains d. contained b 33. Hurry up! A train ................ a. is coming b. are coming c. coming d. was coming a 34. Would you tell me where .................? a. you were born b. were you born c. you was born d. was you born a 35. People usually ............ early for the performance. a. arrive b. arrives c. arriving d. to arrive a

36. My aunt has a very quiet and .................. life in that big, empty villa. a. by himself b. herself c. only d. lonely d 37. Don't you think that your homework .......... bad? a. are b. is c. be d. was b 38. Jack .................... TV at 8 last evening. a. watched b. is watching c. were watching d. was watching d 39. Somebody left ............. handbag on my table. a. her b. hers c. their d. she a 40. Daisy looked ............. on her wedding party. a. happily b. happy c. to be happy d. being happy b 41. Have you ever been to Dalat ........... my father has a lovely house? a. who b. where c. whose d. which b 42. The players in the visiting team are .................. younger than ones in the home team. a. very b. many c. quite d. much d 43. Everyone had .............. at the picnic yesterday. a. good time b. a good time c. good times

d. a well time b 44. They couldnt stay to dinner because the last bus ............. at eight o clock. a. left b. has left c. is leaving d. will leave a 45. Jim is working .............. to pass the entrance examination of the university. a. hard b. more hard c. hardly d. hardest a 46. We hope ................ good weather for our holiday this year. a. we had b. weve had c. well have d. were having c 47. I wish I .......... to Dalat last year. a. went b. had gone c. would go d. would have gone b 48. He sat at the table until all the food .................. . a. were eating b. was eating c. were eaten d. was eaten d 49. They wish their son ............... clever. a. were b. was c. have d. had a 50. You were pleased when you heard the result of examination, ...............? a. didnt you b. werent you c. wasnt it d. didnt it b TEST 42 I. Pronunciation:

1. a. mean b. cheat c. heat d. bear --> d 2. a. wanted b. moved c. achieved d. learned --> a 3. a. bound b. tough c. bounce d. ground --> b 4. a. potatoes b. laziness c. reasonable d. cake --> c 5. a. live b. kill c. quite d. silk --> c 6. a. hearse b. near c. fear d. gear --> a II. Find the mistakes 7. Diana's sister is 5 foots and 9 inches high. a. Diana's sister b. foots c. inches d. high -> b 8. That package is 85 lbs on weight.

a. That b. is c. 85 lbs d. on -> d 9. What is the broadth of that house? a. What b. is c. broadth d. of -> c III. Grammar and vocabulary 10. London is ............... capital of England. a. a b. one c. the d. an c 11. I am very ............... when I watch the football match. a. excite b. exciting c. excited d. being excited c 12. I am .......... in Dickens's characters. a. very interested b. interested very much c. much interesting d. very interesting a 13. He advised me ...................... that book. a. to reading b. reading c. read d. to read d 14. The man ............... made a speech was the headmaster. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose a 15. "She likes to drink orange juice, doesnt she?" "................................ She drinks it once a day." a. Yes, she doesn't. b. No, she does. c. Yes, she does.

d. No, she doesn't. c 16. Listen to what your teacher is explaining, ................? a. don't you b. will you c. do you d. won't you b 17. Tom worked hard last year, didn't he? a. Yes, he didn't. b. No, he worked hard. c. Yes, he did. d. No, he did. c 18. ................ does it cost? a. How much b. How many c. do you d. How a 19. The children rode to the countryside, didn't they? a. Yes, they didn't go there. b. No, they did. c. Yes, they did. d. They went to the Floating market. c 20. Someone is knocking .......... the door. a. in b. at c. over d. on b 21. I don't like the place ......... he lives. a. that b. which c. where d. what c 22. There are ............. girls in our class. a. any b. much c. some d. a little c 23. We could reach the house ....... the road was flooded.

a. although b. whether c. as if d. even a 24. This mango tastes .............. a. sweetly b. sweety c. sweet d. sweeten c 25. My dog is very fierce. My father keeps the dog ......... so that it will not bite anybody. a. in chain b. unchained c. chained up d. to be chained c 26. Nam has had a bad cold .......... yesterday. a. for b. since c. until d. before b 27. Those are ........ shoes. They are too big. a. mans b. man c. man's d. mans' c 28. His secretary........... she would type the letter in ten minutes. a. spoke b. say c. told d. said d 29. You told a very ............. story. a. to interest b. interesting c. interest d. interested b 30. Lan learns as ............... as Nam. a. well b. good c. better

d. best a 31. Did they have their photograph ........ last yesterday? a. taking b. took c. take d. taken d 32. Nga is ............... than Minh. a. happiest b. happier c. more happy d. as happy b 33. The teacher explained the lesson too fast. Bill did not know it. Ben didn't .................... a. neither b. either c. too d. so b 34. This river is ............... than that river. a. narrow b. narrowest c. narrower d. most narrow c 35. There is ........................................ in my house. a. very large garden b. a garden very large c. garden very large d. a very large garden d 36. Cigarette paper is .............. of all papers. a. the thinnest b. the thinest c. thinner than d. the thinner a 37. Does your brother want this ...............? a. black box tin b. tin box black c. tin black box d. black tin box d 38. My cold is ............. than it was yesterday.

a. worse b. worst c. bader d. bad a 39. That is a .................................... a. English valuable stamp b. valuable stamp of English c. valuable English stamp d. English stamp valuable c 40. The story you told me was ............... of all. a. funniest b. funnier than c. the most funny d. the funniest d 41. Did she tell you how much ...................... ? a. did the house cost b. does the house cost c. does the house costs d. the house cost d 42. Robert is ................... than John. a. fat b. fatter c. fater d. fattest b 43. You have to teach your children how to distinguish the difference .......... the wrong and the right. a. between b. from c. to d. of a 44. She .............. the table to prepare for lunch. a. lied b. layed c. lain d. laid d 45. .............. my mind, they have made a serious mistake. a. In b. To c. From

d. At b 46. Do you know ..................? a. what does her name b. what is her name c. what her name does d. what her name is d 47. "............................................................." "His father will come back soon tomorrow." a. When his father will come back soon? b. When will his father come back soon? c. How long will his father come back soon? d. Where will his father come back soon? b 48. Tom couldn't go on a camping trip and ................... a. Peter couldn't either b. neither couldn't Peter c. neither Peter could d. Peter could either a 49. The boy ................. typhoid fever by the good doctor at this time last year. a. was be cured b. was being cured c. has been cured d. was cured b 50. Mrs. Green would like .................. sugar than this. a. less b. such c. fewer d. many a TEST 43 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. brother b. there c. thought d. they --> c 2. a. fine b. shine c. dine d. think --> d

3. a. seat b. say c. surely d. sand --> c 4. a. house b. honest c. heat d. hand b 5. a. enough b. cough c. high d. rough c 6. a. few b. lewis c. phew d. hew b II. Find the mistakes 7. How much does Peter weigh last time? a. much b. does c. weigh d. last time -> b 8. Last week Peter weighed eighty seven pound. a. Last b. Peter c. weighed d. pound -> d 9. Daisy and her mother are the same high. a. her mother b. are c. same d. high -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. We wonder if we have to pay for the ............... cups and dishes.

a. broken b. break c. breaking d. broke a 11. He had the barber .................. his hair. a. to cut b. cut c. being cut d. cutting b 12. All the students but Teddy ........ present last Sunday. a. was b. were c. is d. are b 13. How long ago .................. to her office? a. did you come b. you came c. have you been coming d. would you came a 14. I can go out, can't I? a. No, you can. b. Yes, you can't. c. Yes, you can. d. No, I can't. c 15. All the butter ................ in the freezer. a. were b. are c. is d. has c 16. Daisy comes here by taxi, doesn't she? a. Yes, she does. b. No, she does. c. Yes, she will. d. No, she won't. a 17. Ann won't be late for work, .................. she? a. has b. does c. will d. is c

18. The plane hasn't come yet, has it? a. Yes, it didn't. b. Yes, it did. c. No, it has. d. No, it hasn't. d 19. My children ............. many photographs while we were on our vacation. a. taking b. take c. taken d. took d 20. Twice four is ............ half of eighteen. a. less than b. the same as c. greater than d. not less than a 21. I advise you .......... late. a. not be b. not being c. don't be d. not to be d 22. The time ......... he'll start is not known. a. where b. when c. which d. how b 23. Yesterday, they ................ their exercises all the evening. a. have done b. was doing c. were doing d. did c 24. That old woman is ........ deaf to hear what her children say. a. so b. enough c. too d. not c 25. He painted his house ....... my house. a. as b. like c. similar

d. different b 26. I won't blame my daughter for ............. the money because she is so young. a. loss b. lost c. loosing d. losing d 27. If today ........... Sunday, they would go to the beach. a. was b. is c. were d. had been c 28. I want to have my house ................. a. rebuilt b. rebuilding c. rebuilds d. to rebuild a 29. How ........... she sings! a. beautifully b. beautiful c. beauty d. beautyfully a 30. He'd rather watch television than ........ to his wife. a. talk b. to talk c. talking d. talked a 31. What .......................... ! a. nice girl b. a nice girl c. nice girl d. girl nice b 32. My father often drinks .......... in the morning. a. a tea b. the tea c. tea d. many tea c 33. If we phoned our parents often, they .......... happy.

a. will feel b. would feel c. would felt d. would have felt b 34. He decided ............. at home. a. stay b. to stay c. staying d. not stay b 35. Have you sent .................... cards to your friends? a. library b. writer c. greeting d. title c 36. Only 30 ................... of these pupils passed the examination. a. per cent b. per-cent c. per cents d. per-cents a 37. I went to Paris ......... French. a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. not learn b 38. .......................... there will be an eclipse of the sun. a. On next Sunday week b. Sunday at next week c. On Sunday next week d. On next week Sunday c 39. This letter is going ............. by the city. a. to be built b. be built c. to build d. being built a 40. .................. is extremely dangerous. a. At very high speeds driving motorbike b. Motorbike at very high speeds driving c. Driving motorbike at very high speed d. Motorbike driving at very high speeds c

41. Sahara looks a lot .......... her brother. a. like b. as c. similar d. different a 42. I regretted I wasted a lot of time ............... such silly things. a. do b. making c. make d. doing d 43. Football is liked all ............. the world. a. in b. at c. around d. over d 44. What part of the country is he .......... ? a. of b. by c. on d. from d 45. They ....... this school in 1990. a. build b. be built c. built d. was building c 46. His son was ill, so he sent ............ the doctor. a. for b. away c. about d. with a 47. The little girl is ......... beside her father. a. standing b. stood c. stand d. standding a 48. Bad news like that only gets her ................... a. off b. in c. to

d. down d 49. He will tell you the truth when he .............. you. a. will meet b. would meet c. meets d. will have met c 50. He told the judge he was not guilty .......... the robbery. a. to b. of c. for d. with b TEST 44 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. forbid b. pile c. bring d. drill b 2. a. suit b. seven c. sugar d. sun c 3. a. accurate b. accept c. accident d. success a 4. a. happy b. man c. cabal d. fat c 5. a. her b. were c. person d. where

d 6. a. cat b. ceiling c. nice d. center a II. Find the mistakes 7. Did your mother hung the ornaments along the branches? a. Did b. hung c. ornaments d. branches ->b 8. The children often put their stockings at the foot of their beds. a. often put b. stockings c. foot d. beds ->c 9. What is Daisy's weigh? a. What b. is c. Daisy's d. weigh ->d III. Grammar and vocabulary: 10. Some people are used to ..................... in crowded buses. a. ride b. riding c. rode d. ridden b 11. Would you please ....... me speak about the new plan? a. let b. allow c. ask d. tell a 12. You would rather ........... early than late. a. to arriving b. arriving c. arrive d. arrived c

13. My father said the custard ..................... a. was tasting very sweetly b. tasted very sweet c. had tasted very sweetly d. was tasting very sweet b 14. Miss Trang is sitting ................. her two younger sisters. a. between b. besides c. beside d. among a 15. Be sure to come before eight, ............. you? a. won't b. don't c. aren't d. haven't a 16. Would you mind .............. this lesson to me again? a. explaining b. to explain c. explain d. be explain a 17. Mary is ...... the flowers in the garden at the moment. a. pick b. picks c. picked d. picking d 18. Tim ............... go fishing with his father when he was young. a. used to b. is used to c. has used to d. was used to a 19. Please don't smoke in the ................... room. a. bedded b. beds c. bedding d. bed d 20. Lan is as ................ as Hoa. a. tall b. taller c. tallest

d. more tall a 21. ............ the manager yet? Now is your chance to do so. a. Haven't you met b. Don't you meet c. Hadn't you met d. Weren't you meeting a 22. Gold is ............. than silver. a. as precious b. more precious c. the most precious d. more precious than b 23. He told me that he ....................... a. had already the play seen b. the play had already seen c. had seen already the play d. had seen the play already d 24. Hoa is ............. of all girls. a. the most beautiful b. more beautiful than c. as beautiful as d. most beautiful a 25. Having examined the man carefully, the doctor lets him ............... a. to go back to work b. going back to work c. to go back working d. go back to work d 26. This is the most interesting novel ................. a. I've read b. I had read c. I've never read d. I've ever read d 27. I was born ................. a. at 1975, in April b. on April, 1975 c. 1975, at April d. in April, 1975 d

28. She ................. knows nor cares. a. nor b. both c. neither d. either c 29. Who of us seem to have the ......... money? a. less b. least c. fewest d. littlest b 30. He ................. on his history studies all yesterday morning. a. used to work b. had worked c. was working d. was worked c 31. My brother is fond ............. music. a. into b. in c. by d. of d 32. A beautiful girl is sitting ................. a. among you and me b. between me and you c. between you and I d. between you and me d 33. My eldest brother has been in England ........... 1980. a. to b. by c. since d. for c 34. In the end I ................. home. a. got to b. arrived at c. got d. arrived in c 35. I ............ to bed until four o'clock last night. a. wasn't b. got c. haven't got d. didn't get

d 36. We can hardly tell you ................. a. nothing b. something c. anything d. none is correct c 37. "I am late for work this morning because my watch doesn't work." "You should take it ........................." a. to be repaired b. be repaired c. repair d. repairing a 38. Would you mind ................. me up? a. to wake b. waking c. wake d. for waking b 39. "Lee is so lonely." "I'd like her ............ a kind man." a. finds b. to find c. finding d. find b 40. Jack told me ......... the window. a. to close b. close c. closing d. closed a 41. Yesterday he .................... an exciting football match in the stadium. a. was watching b. watched c. had watched d. has watched b 42. These shoes are made .......... leather. a. in b. of c. from d. for b 43. Let's see how much food ......... is in the fridge before deciding to buy something for lunch.

a. it b. they c. there d. their c 44. How ................. of him to break that cup! a. careless b. careful c. care d. carelessly a 45. "Was the boy upset about his bad marks?" "Yes, he was ....... upset that he cried about it afterwards." a. very b. so c. such d. too b 46. The ball collapsed .............. a shapeless mass. a. in b. into c. to d. on b 47. Mary wants to know ...... her unkind friends said about her. a. that b. which c. what d. it c 48. He is good .............. English. a. in b. on c. at d. for c 49. "Will you be able to go swimming with us?" "I'll try, but I'm not sure that I ............." a. may b. can c. can to d. go to b 50. They are happy ............. their friends again. a. meet b. meeting c. to meet d. met

TEST 45: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. think b. thanks c. that d. three c 2. a. riding b. writing c. liking d. mixing d 3. a. count b. sound c. found d. should d 4. a. last b. fast c. taste d. task c 5. a. how b. low c. know d. slow a 6. a. seat b. meat c. heat d. head d II. Find the mistakes 7. He goes to the theater with his family last night. a. goes b. to

c. with d. last night -> a 8. That big ship carried a lot of men, woman and children. a. carried b. men c. woman d. children -> c 9. "What did the students go on a trip to Hoi An?" "By motorbike." a. What b. did c. go on d. By -> a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Ask her ............. coffee with milk. a. she likes b. if she is liking c. does she like d. if she likes d 11. She hasn't got ........... to buy a car. a. enough money b. money enough c. so many money d. so much money a 12. Although she is unkind, I can't help ....... her. a. like b. liked c. to like d. liking d 13. They have the porter ............... their suitcase. a. bring b. to bring c. bringing d. brought a 14. It is ....................... to swim in the rivers and the sea in the summer. a. interesting b. interested c. to interest d. to be interested a

15. They get the porter ............. their suitcase. a. bring b. to bring c. bringing d. brought b 16. There .................. some fruit on the plate. a. is b. are c. were d. has a 17. If you .............. morning exercise, you'll be healthy. a. do b. did c. had done d. would do a 18. We enjoy ................... in the swimming pool. a. swim b. swimming c. swam d. swims b 19. She ............... her examination if she tries her best to study. a. would pass b. will pass c. passes d. pass b 20. They have been there ......... a long time. a. since b. for c. just d. on b 21. She says she ........... the exams. a. will pass b. would pass c. won't do pass d. would do pass a 22. Lucy .......... early when she stayed with us. a. has got up b. gets up c. will get up

d. used to get up d 23. She showed me ....................... a. where the pain is b. where the pain was c. where was the pain d. where is the pain b 24. Her daughter .................... sitting in the park. a. has found b. finds c. is found d. is finding c 25. He kept his room .................. a. tidy b. to tidy c. being tidy d. will tidy a 26. You must try to make .................... their teeth. a. these children clean b. these children will clean c. these children to clean d. these children cleaning a 27. The children ........... play football in the streets. a. needn't b. mustn't c. must d. need b 28. This is the fishing village ............. she met her lover ten years ago. a. where b. in that c. which d. from which a 29. Must I wash that sweater? a. No, you mustnt. b. No, you needn't. c. No, you need. d. Yes, you need. b

30. The number 3 is ......... 1 and 2. a. after b. between c. from d. before b 31. I have been here ........... 1989. a. since b. for c. in d. before a 32. He prefers living in London .......... Vietnam. a. into b. to c. than d. from b 33. She'd rather .............. there by herself. a. doesn't go b. not go c. not be go d. not to go b 34. Nick ....................... exercise in his garden every morning. a. is doing b. is making c. makes d. does d 35. Mary would like to go on the camping trip with us at this weekend, but with her exams on Monday, she knows she really ............ a. wouldn't b. couldn't c. shouldn't d. hadn't c 36. "How was the play?" "To tell the truth, it was rather ..................." a. disappointing b. disappointment

c. disappoint d. disappointed a 37. You'd better ......... late. a. not be b. not being c. don't be d. not to be a 38. "Do the Bakers live next door to your parents?" "No, but they ........................." a. used to b. used to do c. used to was d. used to did a 39. She preferred ............... television to ................. the cinema. a. watching / going b. watching / go c. to watch / going d. to watch / go a 40. In mathematics class today Dr. Johnson spent most of the hour .......... the book. a. referring b. referring to c. referring of d. referring from b 41. Mount Everest is .................. mountain in the world. a. higher b. highest c. the higher d. the highest d 42. Lee .................. play the piano when she ............... ten. a. can / was b. could / is c. could / was d. can / were c 43. Can I ................. this prescription, please? a. do b. make c. fill d. sell c

44. "How ........... books have you bought?" "I have bought ten books." a. many b. much c. far d. long a 45. He was found ................. on the library floor of his country house. a. die b. dead c. deadly d. died b 46. I couldn't talk to Mrs. Changchien very well, because my Chinese isn't very good yet." "........... there, he would have been able to interpret for you." a. Had John been b. John had been c. John was d. Was John a 47. Will you ................. the door open? a. permit b. give c. allow d. leave d 48. My lunch is very good. The salad tastes especially .............. today. a. fresh b. freshly c. freshness d. freshing a 49. He went to the ................. to have his hair cut. a. butter's b. barber's c. baker's d. chemist's b 50. "Whose book is it?" "I believe it's .............. ." a. she b. her c. hers d. she's c

TEST 46 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. down b. flow c. town d. now b 2. a. dark b. park c. warm d. spark -->c 3. a. may b. pay c. day d. mayor d 4. a. hall b. valley c. call d. fall b 5. a. thus b. bus c. busy d. must c 6. a. loved b. killed c. liked d. turned c II. Find the mistakes 7. How a busy day! a. How b. a c. busy d. day a 8. What the bright and talented students! a. What b. the

c. and d. students b 9. What beautifully your sister sings! a. What b. beautifully c. your d. sings a III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 10. She wanted to know if I ................. a. will help her b. could help her c. can help her d. help her b 11. That baby is so small that he doesn't know ............. doing such things is right or wrong. a. whenever b. whether c. unless d. that b 12. Close the book, .................? a. do you b. will you c. don't you d. should you b 13. Do you know ............ makes people thinner? a. who b. that c. what d. how c 14. My friends never smoke in class, ................. a. I don't too. b. I don't neither. c. neither do I. d. so do I. c 15. You have to make up your mind fast, .......... you slip the best opportunity. a. and b. so that c. if d. or d

16. We have known each other for some years, ................. ? a. have we b. do we c. haven't we d. don't we c 17. If you are here, our teacher ............ . a. made you do it b. made you doing it c. make you do it d. will make you do it d 18. I ................. in a factory for three years from 1990 to 1993. a. worked b. have worked c. had worked d. had been working a 19. "..................... you like to listen to some records with me?" "Thanks, I'd love to." a. Would b. Do c. Can d. Could a 20. He arrived ................. Hanoi at 7.00 this morning. a. for b. to c. in d. across c 21. She has gone to ................. She wants to pray for her mother to get away unscathed. a. restaurant b. home c. house d. pagoda d 22. These clothes are ................. better than the others. a. more b. much c. very d. so b 23. Please wait until she ............ back. a. comes b. coming c. will come

d. came a 24. It was ................. a boring film that Tom fell asleep. a. such b. so c. much d. too a 25. My mother looks ............... she is tired. Perhaps she didn't sleep well last night. a. like b. although c. until d. as if d 26.................. do you think of our new house? a. How b. What c. Why d. a and b are correct b 27. Sara wrote ....... the address and hurried to the post office. a. fast b. quickly c. out d. slowly c 28. They see her ................. in the garden. a. playing b. played c. to play d. be play a 29. My mother bought me two shirts. Here is one, but where is .............. one? a. other b. the other c. another d. the another b 30. The play ................. me a lot. a. is interesting b. interests c. is interested d. was interested b 31. It is easy ............................... a. get to that island

b. to get to that island c. in getting to that island d. for get to that island b 32. He asked where ................. a. is my school? b. my school is. c. was my school? d. my school was. d 33. My brother nearly went mad ............ pain. a. of b. by c. with d. for c 34. He is one of the ................. in the village. a. funnyest men b. funniest men c. more funny men d. most funny men b 35. Miss White is studying at Singapore ............. present. a. in b. in the c. at d. for c 36. We both enjoyed ................. a good meal at a new restaurant in the High street. a. ourself b. oneself c. myself and himself d. ourselves d 37. Will you tell me ......... this book? a. where to buy b. whom to buy c. where do you buy d. from were to buy a 38. You had toast and meat for lunch, ................. ? a. had not to b. did you c. had you d. didn't you d

39. "You look sad. What's wrong?" ".........................................." a. No, sir b. No matter c. Not at all d. Nothing d 40. When I was your age, I ................. a. used to go hiking b. used to went hiking c. use to go hiking d. use to going hiking a 41. What ................. when he................ to your house yesterday? a. was you doing / comes b. were you doing / came c. did you do / came d. do you do / comes b 42. He was writing to his friend when he ................. a noise. a. was hearing b. heard c. had heard d. hears b 43. I have an English course in the evening and ............................. a. so my brother does b. so does my brother c. my brother does so d. my brother so does b 44. How much . . . . . . these eggs? a. is b. were c. do d. are d 45. Kathy worried ......... taking her oral exams. a. about b. of c. that d. to a 46. Good morning . . . . . . I help you? a. Am b. Do c. May

d. Was c 47. My mother .......... very happy when she .............. her old friend again two days ago. a. was / met b. had been / met c. has been / meets d. has been / met a 48. A person who does the work of keeping house is called: a. a thief b. a criminal c. a burglar d. a housekeeper d 49. Don't you know ..............? a. who it was b. who was it c. who was d. who it a 50. "................. I drink beer, Father?" "No, dear. It's not good for growing children." a. May b. Will c. Shall d. Can a TEST 47 I. Pronunciation 1. a. sun b. June c. gun d. fun b 2. a. hard b. yard c. card d. carry d 3. a. lane b. man c. can d. fan a

4. a. cave b. have c. slave d. behave b 5. a. bull b. full c. pull d. dull d 6. a. do b. go c. so d. no a II. Find the mistakes 7. Martha could not row a boat last year, was she? a. could b. row c. was d. she c 8. Maria take a bath almost every afternoon in Summer. a. take b. bath c. every d. in a 9. Let them to hang the lights along the branches. a. Let b. them c. to hang d. along c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. He showed us the house .................. he was born. a. which b. in which c. in where d. in that b 11. I was very ............... for what you do for me.

a. glad b. grateful c. in debt d. pleased b 12. I'll come to see you tomorrow .................. I am busy. a. because b. unless c. when d. as b 13. I .................... many people since I came here in June. a. met b. has met c. was meeting d. have met d 14. She must know ........... her husband left the house. a. when b. as c. whenever d. so that a 15. You ....................... go to school late. a. may b. shouldn't c. should d. needn't b 16. Peter thanked ............... a. John the car b. for the car Jack c. John for the car d. the car John c 17. "May I smoke a cigarette?" "No, I'm ....................... not." a. saying b. thinking c. afraid d. feeling c 18. Do you often get your motorbike ...........? a. wash b. to wash c. washed d. washing c

19. Jim's finally got engaged ....................... Jane. a. with b. by c. to d. from c 20. Peter's essay is .......... worse than his younger sister's. a. more b. much c. probable d. very b 21. She is cooking ............... the kitchen. a. on b. under c. in d. at c 22. It ............ that women live longer than men. a. says b. is said c. saying d. said b 23. If I ................ you, I would not do that. a. were b. am c. would be d. had been a 24. She would not have gone away if her father .............. her his car. a. lent b. lending c. to lend d. had lent d 25. My brother wishes he ..................... time when he was young. a. didn't waste b. hadn't wasted c. hasn't wasted d. wouldn't waste b 26. Our teacher speaks slowly ................. we may understand him. a. because b. in order to c. so that

d. or c 27. "Who's taken all my toys?" "I ............................." a. am b. have c. do d. will b 28. She is ........ than her mother. a. more beautiful b. so beautiful c. very beautiful d. most beautiful a 29. He ................ football since he was a boy. a. plays b. is playing c. has played d. played c 30. He can't win the scholarship and ............ his brother. Their parents are very sad. a. so can b. so can't c. neither can d. nor can't c 31. He will start receiving a .............. when he retires at sixty-five. a. promotion b. gift c. money d. pension d 32. Peter speaks Spanish ...................... than Mary does. a. more fluent b. more fluently c. very fluent d. so fluent b 33. Don't bring anyone with you; come .................... a. along b. alone c. yourself d. together b 34. ................ I have another glass of beer? a. Am

b. Will c. Could d. Would c 35. He will ..................... his sister with him. a. take b. move c. deliver d. hitch-hike --> a 36. Look at these two beautiful hats. Which do you like .................? a. most b. better c. more than d. best b 37. I prefer playing tennis ................. listening to the radio. a. to b. for c. than d. that a 38. She felt .......... living in his uncle's house. a. comfortable b. comfortably c. very comfortably d. with comfort a 39. We ................... maths at this time last week. a. were learning b. are learning c. learning d. was learning a 40. "It's very kind of you to help me." " ............................" a. Never mind b. Don't mention c. You're welcome d. It doesn't matter c 41. When I ................... the door, she was reading a newspaper. a. opens b. opened c. was opening d. was opened b

42. My brother is building furniture. He likes ........................ a. needlework b. woodwork c. farm-work d. woodworking b 43. She was playing games while he ................... a football match. a. watched b. watches c. was watching d. watching c 44. They stopped ..... when I entered the room. a. to talk b. talking c. from to talk d. from talking b 45. She ................... to Ho Chi Minh city last year. a. goes b. has gone c. go d. went d 46. We are .................. ready to go to the supermarket for buying some food. a. being b. doing c. having d. getting d 47. I ................... milk. a. liked b. am liking c. like d. likes c 48. "Your cassette player is good." "It ....................... in Japan." a. made b. had made c. was made d. was making c 49. - May I go out tonight, Mother? - I'm ....................... you can't. You are having a temperature. a. afraid b. thinking c. feeling

d. worried a 50. "Do you believe that he will apologize to his nephew?" "I don't know but to me, he ..........." a. should b. will c. ought d. owes a TEST 48 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. hole b. go c. toe d. colour d 2. a. peace b. meat c. instead d. leader c 3. a. large b. war c. car d. starter -- > b 4. a. climbed b. allowed c. bathed d. laughed d 5. a. head b. feather c. reading d. leather c 6. a. cow b. show c. borrow d. slow a

II. Find the mistakes 7. They had better to review this chapter carefully. a. had better b. to review c. chapter d. carefully b 8. The children wish today was sunny so that they could spend during the day at the seaside. a. wish b. was c. during d. at b 9. Mrs. Green was cooking dinner but her daughter Susan was laying the table. a. was cooking b. but c. Susan d. was laying b III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Nam isn't here. What's the matter with ....................... ? a. he b. him c. her d. his b 11. We usually go to see a dentist when we have ....................... a. a headache b. a bad cold c. a toothache d. mumps c 12. I haven't seen Tom ............... he gave me this book. a. since b. for c. until d. before a 13. My son is ............ young to go to school. a. very b. too c. so d. enough b 14. She can't go out because she is having .......................

a. a flu b. flus c. flu d. some flu c 15. There's .................. take us to the nearest gas station. a. not any petrol b. no so much petrol to c. no enough petrol to d. not enough petrol to d 16. I'm afraid she is having a ....................... in her back. a. problem b. matter c. trouble d. pain d 17. ............ it is getting dark, she still waits for him. a. Unless b. Since c. While d. Although d 18. ....................... he has a headache, he has to take an aspirin. a. How b. Because c. Where d. Although b 19. If we study hard, we ....................... in our examination. a. fail b. will fail c. won't fail d. failed c 20. ............ the pupils in my class chose John to be the monitor. a. Most b. Most of c. Almost of all d. Almost all of b 21. .............. the kinds of flowers, which do you think is the most beautiful? a. With all of b. Of all c. For all of d. All b

22. If you ....................... morning exercise, you will have a good health. a. will do b. does c. don't do d. do d 23. The Greens have moved into a huge ............ a. two-storey house b. house of two storey c. two-storeys house d. house two-storey a 24. They will go swimming if the weather ....................... fine. a. will b. will be c. are d. is d 25. Most of the children feel .............. of the dog. a. frighten b. frightened c. frightening d. to frighten b 26. They ....................... a doctor if they have mumps. a. will see b. see c. don't see d. shall see a 27. Lee is not my sister, but she is related ............... me. a. of b. to c. by d. with b 28. Will you please hand me that dictionary? a. Yes, please. b. Yes, I will. c. Yes, of course. d. No, thank you. c 29. I promised to pick him ........... at the corner on my way to town. a. on b. over c. off

d. up d 30. Will you please get me the tape measure ....................... the sewing basket? a. at b. from c. on d. in b 31. Lee ......... her shirt made one month ago. a. has b. have c. will have d. had d 32. My sister wants four ....................... of bread. a. loafs b. loaf c. bars d. loaves d 33. ............. kind of books do you want? a. What b. Which c. Whose d. Why a 34. Will you please give me a ....................... of scissors? a. couple b. pair c. double d. bobbin b 35. Nowadays my mother .......... to work on foot. a. has gone b. used to go c. went d. goes d 36. Her brother has a headache. He has to see a ................ a. dentist b. nurse c. doctor d. teacher c 37. She drinks much water because she is ................

a. hungry b. sad c. tired d. thirsty d 38. Your paper isn't finished. Why don't you tell your teacher that you need a ............. time? a. few more b. some more c. little more d. small more c 39. She still continues talking. She doesn't care ....................... a. if or not he likes it b. whether he likes it or not c. does he like it or not d. he likes it or not b 40. I can't ................ the bicycle. a. drive b. ride c. run d. row b 41. ................ up! You'll be late for class. a. Stand b. Hurry c. Get d. Take b 42. .................... of the pupils go to school by bicycles. a. Mostly b. Almost c. Most d. The most c 43. It is raining ................ You should stay at home. a. heavily b. heavy c. big d. much a 44. I want to ................ some letters. a. write b. draw c. paint d. speak

a 45. ................ he playing football now? a. Will b. Does c. Was d. Is d 46. I cant solve that thorny problem until my brother............. it to me. a. will explain b. explain c. has explained d. will be explaining c 47. Tim ...................... go shopping with his grandmother when he was a little boy. a. used to b. is use to c. has used to d. was used to a 48. ..................... you to London with him tomorrow? a. Does your father take b. Is your father take c. Your father takes d. Will your father take d 49. When she was asked if she understood the lesson, she replied that she .................. a. understood b. does c. did d. understands c 50. Where are you ................ spend your holidays? a. go to b. going to c. going d. be b UNIT 49 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. gave b. slave c. slap d. date c 2.

a. begun b. funny c. upwards d. autumn d 3. a. picture b. pure c. nature d. agriculture b 4. a. clean b. bread c. threaten d. dead a 5. a. this b. thick c. math d. think a 6. a. grew b. threw c. new d. flew c I. Find the mistakes 7. Her drawing is so perfect as her teachers. a. drawing b. is c. so d. teachers c 8. Richard lived in London since 1960 to 1980, but now he lives in Washington. a. lived b. since c. to d. lives b 9. If you kicked a policemen, you would be arrested. a. kicked b. policemen c. would

d. arrested b III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. "............ did he finish his homework?" "A few minutes ago." a. How long b. When c. How much time d. How many times b 11. Where ................ these pupils going to go on a camping trip? a. be b. are c. is d. were b 12. The shirt he was wearing is somewhat ......... yours. a. as b. similar as c. like d. alike c 13. Where is Lan? I'm not sure. She ................ be in the garden. a. may b. may not c. stands d. can a 14. We spent every summer in our father's village ..................... a. until our age was about twenty b. until twelve years old c. up until when we were about twelve d. until we were about twelve d 15. When do you leave Ho Chi Minh city? - I can't make ...... my mind yet. a. at b. in c. up d. on c 16. Tom is a very good friend of ..................... a. us b. our c. ours d. ourselves c 17. He'll be ................ to live on his uncle's farm next week.

a. able b. going c. go d. will a 18. Every morning, I often sit in my garden and ................ to my nightingale sing. a. listening b. listen c. listened d. listens b 19. I ................ like a new coloured pencil, please. a. may b. could c. will d. would d 20. Daisy's mother said Daisy never .......... milk at home. a. use to drinking b. used to drink c. use to drink d. used to drinking b 21. They are ........................They want to eat some bread. a. hungry b. tired c. thirsty d. sad a 22. "What a cold day!" "Yes, it's .................... that I have to wear two pullovers and a coat. a. such cold b. so cold c. too cold d. cold so b 23. Mary would like a glass ................ lemon juice. a. with b. of c. in d. by b 24. Mr. Basket doesn't know .................. his friend's. a. which the house is b. which house is c. which is the house d. what house is

b 25. "Anna would like a cup of coffee." "All right. I'll get ................ one right away." a. him b. it c. her d. them c 26. You have to keep ............, otherwise you will fall over. a. slowly a walk b. a slow walk c. walking slowly d. to walking slow c 27. She is ................ She wants to take a rest. a. sick b. tired c. hungry d. worried b 28. Please write your remark ............. ink. a. in b. with c. of d. by a 29. Will you please ......... me the way to the post office? a. telling b. to tell c. told d. tell d 30. Keep quiet! We ....................... to the music. a. are listening b. listen c. were listening d. is listening a 31. It takes me half .................. hour to walk from my house to school by bicycle. a. a b. an c. the d. for b 32. You felt tired, .........................? a. don't you b. did you

c. didn't you d. weren't you c 33. Would you please ................ me that book? a. pass b. lend c. hand d. all are correct d 34. Whenever you .................. your homework, you can leave the house. a. finish b. finished c. have finish d. had finish a 35. This comic hat is fifty ................, isn't it? a. pence b. pennies c. penny d. pences a 36. She is looking for her bag because she can't remember where she .................... her bag. a. leave b. left c. had left d. was left b 37. Would you ...................... show me your new dress? a. like b. want c. please d. mind c 38. Mary looks sad when her mother told ................. that plastic doll to her friends. a. she returns b. her to return c. her returning d. that she return b 39. Do you want ....................... else? a. nothing b. anything c. something d. everything b

40. There's no one in my class more generous and intelligent ................ Tom is. a. than b. like c. to d. as a 41. Her sister wants to write some letters. She needs a ..................... a. notebook b. writing-pad c. post-office d. book b 42. ..................... people have never heard of Mark Twain. a. Very few b. Only few c. Quite few d. Just few a 43. Can you . . . . . me your book? a. borrow b. lend c. write d. read b 44. The news that he told you last night ........................ untrue. a. were b. was c. has d. have been b 45. Another word for aim is ........... a. profession b. purpose c. strength d. plan b 46. "To arrest" means " ......................." a. to seize b. to follow c. to hurt d. to injure a 47. "To call up" means "........................" a. to visit b. to talk to c. to telephone d. to speak to

c 48. "To look out" means "......................." a. to be careful b. to be quick c. to be ready d. to be careless a 49. You ................ tidy up your house before your parents come back. a. would have b. should c. ought d. should have b 50. Mary will tell her mother the truth when she ...................... back. a. will come b. would come c. comes d. will have come c Test 50 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. eight b. weight c. freight d. heighten d 2. a. wanted b. worked c. stopped d. forced a 3. a. page b. game c. go d. gift --> a 4. a. burning b. cure c. during d. purity --> a 5.

a. note b. hoping c. coke d. cock --> d 6. a. sportsmen b. seen c. sure d. stocking --> c II. Find the mistakes 7. Carol will able to stay with them next summer holiday. a. will b. able to c. stay d. next b 8. My father makes a delicious cake at the moment in the kitchen. a. makes b. delicious c. at d. in a 9. Mum, how many meat and cheese do you want? a. many b. and c. do d. want a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Will you ...................... me to post this letter tomorrow? a. remember b. recollect c. mind d. remind d 11. He ................ intelligence. a. learns b. teaches c. shows d. introduces c 12. Jackson looks concerned. He .................... worrying about his son. a. has been b. been

c. have been d. being a 13. They imagine ................... to be a tall and stout man. a. he b. him c. his d. he'll b 14. My father .................... three years ago. a. finished with smoking b. finished smoke c. stopped smoking d. stopped to smoke c 15. The ........... from London to Edinburgh was very tiring. a. travel b. journey c. cross d. crossing b 16. "Did you like the present that I gave you on your birthday?" " ...................... the presents that Ive received, I liked this one the most." a. Of all b. All of c. For all d. From all a 17. Mrs. Green's daughter are so well ................ that my mother always sings their praises. a. well-manners b. well-manner c. well-mannered d. well-mannerly c 18. Mary has gone to the baker's to buy a ................ of bread. a. piece b. packet c. loaf d. pound c 19. Don't go yet. I'm just going to ................ some coffee. a. cook b. do c. boil d. make d

20. The driver drove at a speed of 80 kilometers .............. hour. a. a b. an c. the d. no article b 21. My sister couldnt go to your party because of a ............. cold. a. quick b. surprising c. sudden d. hurried c 22. When the teacher ....................... the room, all of us stand up. a. comes b. arrives c. appears d. enters d 23. Mrs. Baker wasnt in her car; she was driving ................. car. a. someones else b. someone else c. someone elses d. someones elses c 24. Michael is going to study ............... next year. a. a French b. the French c. French d. France c 25. "Do the children learn maths everyday?" "................................." a. Yes, they go b. Yes, they do c. They do d. Yes, they don't. b 26. "Is it time for us to leave?" " No, not ......................." a. still b. already c. yet d. just c 27. This is the material which my mother ................... for my father's new shirt. a. bought it b. have bought it c. bought

d. bought them c 28. Last weekends, the thieves broke ........................ their house and took away all precious pictures. a. into b. down c. out of d. away a 29. My brother said he sent the letter to my parents three days ago, but they ....... yet. a. did not receive b. had not received c. does not receive d. have not received d 30. We spent the whole day .................. the bedroom. a. paint b. painting c. to paint d. be paint b 31. We are sorry ............. Jane. She lost her bicycle. a. with b. for c. to d. no word b 32. The hens have ................. more eggs this week. a. lied b. lain c. lay d. laid d 33. Their sons ............ come out of the house since six o' clock. a. will b. has c. did d. have d 34. If I .............. his address, I ............. him a present on his birthday. a. have / would send b. have / send c. had / would send d. had / sent c 35. All of the children laughed because his story was very ................

a. amuse b. amusing c. amused d. amusement b 36. .......... you do your exercises yesterday? a. Did b. Do c. Does d. Have a 37. They always go to school ........... foot. a. by b. on c. in d. at b 38. I want to ask my mother for some money. I am ............ money now. a. out of b. none c. lack d. without a 39. My parents had the telephone .......... out of their bedroom. a. take b. taking c. taken d. to take c 40. Does Sudan stay ............... home? a. in b. at c. on d. up b 41. ................. colour is your shirt? a. What b. Which c. Why d. When a 42. What ............. now? a. is the time b. does the time c. is time d. the time

a 43. ............... that reason, she doesn't love him. a. Because b. Owing to c. Due to d. For d 44. My apartment is on ............... of that building. a. third floor b. floor three c. three's floor d. the third floor d 45. There were large halls with ..................... in my school. a. beautiful decorating walls b. beautiful walls decorating c. beautifully decorated walls d. beautifully decorating walls c 46. Let ............. go to the beach. a. we b. us c. you d. our b 47. What colour ............. his new bicycle? a. have b. is c. does d. has b 48. "Which of those two women is your mother?" ".................. is." a. Both of them b. All of them c. None of them d. Neither of them d 49. ............ Mountain Everest is ..... highest peak of ........... Himalayas. a. A / the / no article b. No article / the / the c. No article / a / the d. The / the / the b 50. He ............... comes back home before 11 p.m. a. ever b. not

c. does not d. never d TEST 51: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. easy b. please c. pleasure d. teaching --> c 2. a. gas b. gain c. goods d. germ --> d 3. a. weather b. these c. therefore d. theory --> d 4. a. fairly b. failure c. faithful d. fainted --> a 5. a. bought b. plough c. brought d. nought --> b II. Find the mistakes 6. "Could I use your dictionary?" "No I couldn't. I need it myself." a. Could b. use c. I d. need c 7. Would you like going to the zoo with us? a. Would b. like c. going

d. with c 8. Could you show I the way to the post office, please? a. Could b. show c. I d. to c 9. We can't live unless air and water. a. can't b. live c. unless d. and -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 10. Carol ........................... here at weekends since the first month of this year. a. has been working b. has working c. having working d. has been worked a 11. He doesn't play tennis as ........... as his brother. a. good b. better c. well d. goodly c 12. I'll .............. my best to win the race. a. make b. do c. try d. b and c are correct d 13. She lives on ................ floor. a. five b. fifth c. fiveth d. the fifth d 14. I do not know ............... I travel or not. a. whether b. weather c. wither d. within a

15. She's trying to remember his phone number. I wonder why she doesn't .............. in the phone book? a. look it up b. look up it c. look up d. look it a 16. "Whats your hobby?" "I like .............. of sports. a. any kinds b. kinds c. all kind d. all kinds d 17. Mary asked her husband: "What would you like for supper?" He answered " ............... I am so tired, I want to have some shrimp soup" a. However b. Moreover c. Since d. Although c 18. She is not sure where she has left her bag. But I think ...................... left her bag in the train. a. she might have b. she has might c. she have might d. she had might a 19. ....................... it rained heavily, they went to school on time. a. Even though b. Through c. Though d. a and c are correct d 20. Susan is sad because she has .............. all her money. a. lose b. lost c. loose d. loss b 21. His parents are very glad indeed that he has not ........... a. death b. dead c. died d. die c 22. The artist ........... painted this picture is a classmate of mine. a. who b. where c. which d. whom

a 23. He will leave for New York ................ the end of September. a. at b. on c. in d. for a 24. My brother didnt ............. with us; he just told me what to do. a. argue b. explain c. describe d. offer a 25. She likes these shoes, but they dont .................. her very well. a. meet b. fit c. agree d. reach b 26. My mother asked if my sister would like half a cake or ........................... a. whole one b. the one whole c. a one whole d. a whole one d 27. "Anybody who has taken Peter's pencil by mistakes please bring .................. " the teacher said. a. back to him b. it back to him c. back it to him d. it to him back b 28. Her eyes are full of tears whenever she ....... such a sad film. a. watches b. has watched c. will watch d. watched a 29. They had a parting meeting ............ the twentieth. a. at b. in c. on d. into c 30. "How many ............. are there in the business lunch?" "Just three. Soup, meat and ice cream."

a. courses b. acts c. tastes d. plates a 31. She is the ................ member of the family. a. taller b. tallest c. higher d. highest b 32. Not only my son but also I ........... tired from walking so far. a. is b. are c. am d. were c 33. The drivers should ............ when they drive on the motorway. a. do careful b. be careful c. be carefully d. do carefully b 34. "Can you tell me ...............?" The librarian told me. a. which book you want to borrow b. which book you want to borrow it c. you want to borrow which book d. you want which book to borrow a 35. We have seen this film twice because it is .............. a. interested b. interest c. interesting d. interests c 36. I am used to ................. up early. a. get b. to get c. getting d. have got c 37. No one can make him ................. his mind. a. changed b. to change c. changing d. change d

38. New York, Cambridge and Montreal are all ...................... a. big cities b. capital cities c. central cities d. in Europe. a 39. "What did you want to talk about, Bill?" "I'm considering ................ home. a. go b. going c. to go d. about going b 40. I wish our parents .......................... our problems a little better. a. understand b. understands c. understood d. will understand c 41. There is only one pupil in the classroom ................. her lesson. a. prepares b. to prepare c. was preparing d. preparing d 42. ............ were you absent yesterday?" " I was too busy to go to the club yesterday." a. What b. Why c. How d. When b 43. You don't want some more coffee, ....... ? a. won't you b. don't you c. do you d. isn't it c 44. All the rooms in five-star hotel are ............., and that makes it too expensive to stay in. a. air-condition b. air-conditioners c. air-conditioning d. air-conditioned d 45. My uncle (feeds) his birds every morning. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. bathes b. breathes c. saves

d. gives food to d 46. English is spoken all ................. the world. a. over b. in c. above d. on a 47. Jack got good marks yesterday but Peter ................. a. isn't b. hasn't c. didn't d. wasn't c 48. Sara always wins the prize because her projects are ..................... a. extremely presented well b. presented well extremely c. extremely well presented d. well presented extremely c 49. "Whose picture is this?" "I don't know, but I think ...................." a. it's Tom's brother b. it's Tom's brother's c. Tom's brother picture d. that Tom's brother's b 50. They are going to the theater and their daughter wants ........... with them. a. to go b. go c. going d. to be gone a TEST 52: I. Pronunciation 1. a. dear b. bear c. near d. fear --> b 2. a. down b. show c. brown d. towel --> b

3. a. new b. sew c. few d. nephew --> b 4. a. teacher b. deaf c. reach d. team --> b 5. a. your b. hour c. four d. pour --> b II. Find the mistakes 6. Peter's mother looks tired, doesn't he? a. Peter's b. tired c. doesn't d. he d 7. Their father decorates the electrical lights on the Christmas tree. a. Their b. decorates c. electrical d. on c 8. What were you yesterday evening? a. What b. were c. you d. evening a III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 9. He is ............ weak to do such a painstaking job. a. very b. enough c. so d. too d 10. I ............... a house if I had enough money. a. will buy b. would buy

c. bought d. has bought b 11. A security guard protects people from .............. a. danger b. fire c. disease d. damage a 12. Since she's allergic to aspirin, she takes Tylenol ............ when she gets a headache. a. instead of b. rather tan c. instead d. rather c 13. I wish ................ stop snowing so that I can drive home. a. would b. it c. it would d. it will c 14. They are (tired of) doing the same job everyday. (Choose the synonym of the words in bracket) a. interested in b. bored with c. frightened at d. worried about b 15. My father ................ a box of chocolates. a. gives often my son b. often gives my son c. often my son gives d. to my son often gives b 16. I've never seen .......... flower before. a. that kind b. that kind of c. such kind d. such b 17. "You should have known that Nancy couldn't keep a secret." "Never .......... her anything again!" a. will I tell b. I tell c. will I say d. I say a

18. (Finally), he decided to stay at home. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket). a. At least b. Easily c. At first d. At last d 19. That's the place .............. the meeting took place. a. where b. when c. whom d. which a 20. The shops close .................. Sunday afternoons. a. on b. in c. by d. at a 21. "Your pictures are beautiful!" "We ................ more if we hadn't run out of film." a. would take b. had taken c. will haven taken d. would have taken d 22. "How much does this bag cost?" "It ................ $ 5." a. is b. costs c. cost d. a and b are correct d 23. "Nice to talk to you, Daisy. Thanks ....... calling." a. for b. to c. of d. from a 24. They often receive their salary ................. of each month. a. at end b. by end c. at the end d. on the end c 25. A customer is a person who ..................... goods. a. buys b. sells c. acts

d. uses a 26. You haven't met our new teacher today, .....................? a. have you b. do you c. did you d. have you not a 27. The children fought ........... in the alley last night. a. each other b. to another d. with other d. one another d 28. "How long have you known her?" ".................................................." a. Since ten days b. For ten days c. Ever since ten days d. Along ten days b 29. A child can ............ easily and fast. a. remembered b. remember c. remembers d. to remember b 30. The angry men ran out of the room, ...... the door as he went. a. slam b. slams c. slamming d. slammed c 31. He has put the material in the wrong place. It ought .......... just here but it wasn't. a. to put b. be put c. to have put d. to have been put d 32. How ......... is your house from here? It's about thirteen minutes by bicycle. a. many b. much c. long d. far d 33. She was (astonished) when she saw Jack appear. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket.)

a. worried b. frightened c. excited d. surprised d 34. Her sister is very .................. of pop music. a. enjoyed b. liked c. interested d. fond d 35. He has made a (serious) mistake. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. slight b. common c. terrible d. obvious c 36. She has turned ................. a miser. a. to b. in c. off d. into --> d 37. You had better ................ harder. a. work b. to work c. worked d. working a 38. Let him ................. to Jim. a. to talk b. to talking c. talked d. talk d 39. Have you .................. for a job in the city yet? a. requested b. begged c. enquired d. applied d 40. My father ............... books, but she isn't a famous novelist. a. edits b. arranges c. writes d. prepares c

41. Dickens's .................. were full of color and life-good people were very, very good and bad people were very, very horrible. a. actors b. characters c. people d. film stars b 42. My son usually has lunch at school,............... he? a. hasn't b. does c. doesn't d. has c 43. He had (a nightmare) last night. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket.) a. a wild party b. a bad dream c. a dance d. a surprise b 44. What ............... does the play start? a. time b. moment c. order d. timetable a 45. Jim has just finished ................ his clothes. a. wash b. washing c. washed d. washes b 46. My brother has been (out of work) for a long time. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket.) a. enabled to do b. unemployed c. bored d. disappointed b 47. I ............... in the garden when it began to rain. a. was walking b. walked c. am walking d. have walked a 48. Michael is the ................. member of the Liverpool. a. younger

b. more young c. youngest d. most youngest c 49. Let me have a look ............... it. a. in b. at c. on d. to b 50. Is there any interesting ............... on television? a. new b. olds c. pieces of news d. news d TEST 53 I. Pronunciation 1. a. instead b. head c. weather d. seat --> d 2. a. please b. nose c. rose d. house --> d 3. a. main b. saint c. said d. laid --> c 4. a. whose b. route c. close d. chosen --> c 5. a. asked b. helped c. wanted d. kissed

--> c II. Find the mistakes 6. Be sure phone me up at once when you come there. a. Be b. phone c. up d. come b 7. The flowers in the vase is beautiful. a. flowers b. in c. the d. is d 8. How far was Peter at the party yesterday? For two hours. a. far b. was c. at d. for a III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. Dickens had to leave school .......... the age of eleven. a. in b. on c. at d. with c 10. This is the second time that you have been here, .............? a. isn't it b. haven't you c. don't you d. do you a 11. He looks honest. I don't think he .................... me a lie. a. says b. tells c. speaks d. talks b 12. This is the most beautiful girl ................ I have ever seen. a. where b. what c. that d. which c

13. I'd like to ................ (shorten) this skirt. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket.) a. wash b. make longer c. make shorter d. sew c 14. It's so dark .............. he can't see anything. a. for b. that c. as d. because b 15. This street is .................. than that one. a. narrowest b. the more narrow c. narrower d. narrow c 16. I am not thirsty,............ a. and she isn't too b. and neither is she c. and so is she d. and she is either b 17. ...........................................? a. How much did she weigh last year? b. How heavy was she last year? c. a and b are correct. d. a and b are incorrect. c 18. Helen often drives ........................... than Allen. a. much carefully b. much more carefully c. carefully d. in a careful way b 19. Helen loved ................ her hair before she went to bed. a. washing b. cleaning c. washing up d. bathing a 20. They have to hire an old woman to ............... their children. a. look at b. look for c. look after d. look out

c 21. David is short. He's not ................ to be a policeman. a. so tall b. tall enough c. quite tall d. tall that b 22. Would you mind turning on the lights? a. Yes, please. b. No, thank you. c. Not at all. d. No, I'm not. c 23. He has to go to work today, ..................? a. isn't it b. doesn't he c. hasn't he d. has he b 24. I .................. in the living-room when the police arrived. a. sat b. was sat c. was sitting d. have sat c 25. She is having a terrible headache. She should ............. some aspirins. a. use b. swallow c. consume d. take d 26. I often get up at 6 a.m. and ............... my house at 7 a.m. a. live b. leave c. get d. go from b 27. She ................. you as soon as she comes back. a. phones b. would come c. will phone d. phone c 28. This flat is ............. small for six people to live in. a. too b. enough

c. so d. such a 29. She has been a widow ............. last year. a. for b. in c. during d. since d 30. We must find him ................ he comes. a. wherever b. whenever c. however d. whatever a 31. Are there any good ..................... on television tonight? a. showings b. screens c. programs d. performances c 32. He thinks she will join the club, ...............? a. doesn't he b. won't she c. will she d. does he b 33. He has ....... to look after his garden. So the trees in his garden wither. a. not time enough b. time not enough c. not enough time d. enough time c 34. Haywood is the village ................. a. where I was born in b. which I was born c. in which I was born d. which I was born there c 35. She did her best but her boss is angry ............ her. a. on b. from c. over d. with d 36. There is now much .................. rain than there was last year.

a. smaller b. fewer c. less d. lesser c 37. What's the ................ going to be like tomorrow? a. climate b. condition c. degrees d. weather d 38. We have so many friends ............... we never feel lonely. a. that b. than c. but d. and a 39. Our visit to Japan was delayed ............... my wife's illness. a. because b. because of c. thanks to d. though b 40. A girl .................. a blue dress wants to see you. a. in b. on c. with d. at a 41. Her sister is now an airline ................. a. waitress b. server c. steward d. stewardess d 42. He was .............. to twenty years in prison. a. declared b. tried c. accused d. sentenced d 43. This country has a ..................... of 70 million. a. population b. number c. amount d. quantity a

44. The boy suffered ................. a very bad headache. a. of b. from c. by d. with b 45. ..................... did he ask for? 2 pounds. a. How many b. How c. How much d. How few c 46. When the telephone rang, she ............. a letter. a. wrote b. was writing c. was written d. were writing b 47. She can not swim, and I can't .................. a. too b. either c. neither d. so b 48. ........... book is this, yours or mine? a. What b. Who c. Which d. Whose d 49. How many ..................... do you have? a. child b. childs c. children d. childrens c 50. Who ............ noise in the room?" a. makes b. made c. is making d. was making c TEST 54 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. muddy

b. bull c. buggy d. dull --> b 2. a. strange b. change c. chance d. same --> c 3. a. few b. new c. threw d. knew --> c 4. a. turn b. burn c. bury d. curtain --> c 5. a. choir b. choice c. toilet d. noise --> a II. Find the mistakes 6. Your brother doesn't drink beer, doesn't he? a. Your b. drink c. doesn't d. he c 7. Susan likes fresh oranges and her mother is, too. a. likes b. oranges c. is d. too c 8. French grammar is difficult, isn't this? a. French b. is c. isn't d. this

d II. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. He planned to spend all his savings on a chicken farm when he ............... a. retired b. withdrew c. retreated d. grew up a 10. My uncle had me ............. his telephone out of his office. a. take b. taking c. taken d. to take a 11. Water ............... of hydrogen and oxygen. a. includes b. composes c. consists d. has c 12. You ................ to be very glad about something. a. are seemed b. are seeming c. seem d. seems c 13. After returning back home, they usually ............... their uniforms. a. put off b. take off c. take out d. put out b 14. ................ a new house? a. Have you just bought b. Did you just buy c. Do you just bought d. Have you bought just a 15. Her tooth in the upper jaw is decayed. They need ........... a. to fill b. filling c. fill d. filled b 16. Who .............. you to do so? a. spoke

b. said c. told d. says c 17. What about .............. to dinner with me? a. come b. coming c. to come d. of coming b 18. I was glad ............. him. a. to meet not b. not to meet c. to not meet d. not meet b 19. Our room is very small. We wish we .......... a bigger one. a. had b. have c. have had d. will have a 20. ................. to get there? - Only 3 hours. a. How far is it b. How long it is c. How long does it take d. How many hours c 21. My dog always barks if he ................. any unusual. a. hears b. will hear c. would hear d. hear a 22. I'm not sure where .................... a. does he come from b. he come from c. he comes from d. from he comes c 23. He did not ............... the gift. He turned it down. a. except b. accept c. expect d. send b

24. He would pass the exam if he ................. harder. a. works b. had worked c. worked d. has worked c 25. This car is different .............. mine. a. with b. from c. to d. as b 26. The boy was fascinated by the game because it is ................... a. very excite b. very excited c. very exciting d. very excites c 27. The principal's office is the third door .............. a. on the left b. to the left c. on left d. in the left a 28. You have to get up now or you will ............... class. a. be late for b. late for c. lose d. miss a 29. I don't know what ............... do. a. will b. should c. can d. to d 30. He worked ................ than his brother. a. more careful b. more carefully c. very carefully d. most carefully b 31. She advises me ............. him some money. a. lend b. lending c. not to lend d. not lending

c 32. What's your phone .....................? - 0511 812354 a. number b. figure c. dial d. letter a 33. My boss has just gone out. Would you like to leave a ..................? a. phone b. call c. letter d. message d 34. They ....................... for an hour when the final bus came. a. waited b. have waited c. have been waiting d. had been waiting d 35. He didn't have to go to the court. But he would ................. if his lawyer hadn't been so good. a. had b. have c. be d. do b 36. "Why was our father so angry with you last night?" "Because of ............ late." a. my to be b. my being c. I am d. I be b 37. "How do you like your new house?" "We're very .......... with its convenience." a. pleasing b. pleasure c. please d. pleased d 38. You don't like to talk to Mr. David because he speaks ........, doesn't he? a. more fast b. too much fast c. fastly d. fast d 39. The book .................. reading. a. is worth

b. worth c. to be worth d. be worth a 40. "............................ is this house?" "10 meters." a. How far b. How fast c. How soon d. How long d 41. ....................... to talk to her. a. It's fun b. It has fun c. There is a fun d. There is funny a 42. If ............................ I will use the map that you give me. a. I lose myself b. I will lose myself c. I lost myself d. I am lost a 43. There are two houses in this alley but ........... of them aren't Linda's. a. one b. all c. none d. each c 44. He wishes ................................................... a. he was at home when his lover called yesterday b. he were at home when his lover called yesterday c. he had been at home when his lover calls yesterday d. he had been at home when his lover called yesterday d 45. Can I ......... your book, please? I can't find mine. a. look b. owe c. borrow d. lend c 46. That theater would be .................. popular if it had a car park. a. quiet b. very c. much d. extreme c

47. I have ................ "Congratulations!" to my nephew because he has won a scholarship to study abroad. a. said b. told c. spoken d. made a 48. .................... is your skirt, the yellow one or the blue one? a. Why b. Which c. When d. What b 49. My motorbike is ........ good condition. a. in b. at c. on d. with a 50. My sister usually goes to bed at half ........... nine. a. pass b. passed c. past d. part c TEST 55 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. leave b. weave c. steal d. weary --> d 2. a. suit b. seven c. sugar d. sun --> c 3. a. day b. take c. face d. any --> d 4.

a. happy b. man c. lane d. fat --> c 5. a. proved b. listened c. claimed d. chased --> d II. Find the mistakes 6. If you pass by the post office, buy some postcards for me. a. pass b. by c. buy d. me b 7. - Don't go back home late. No, I don't. a. Don't b. go c. late d. don't d 8. - Peter is absent today. - What is the matter with he? a. is b. absent c. is d. he d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. Mary isn't brave enough to sit on the elephant's back and neither .................... a. Lee is b. is Lee c. Lee isn't d. isn't Lee b 10. Please give my best regards ....... your parents. a. to b. for c. toward d. a and c are correct a 11. I came into the room while they ......... the radio. a. have listened to b. listened to c. were listening to

d. have been listening to c 12. After the party everybody thanked Frank for ........ them a wonderful evening. a. letting b. asking c. enjoying d. giving d 13. The old people ....... tea to coffee. a. prefer b. prefers c. preferred d. had preferred a 14. Everyone .............. not want to go to the movies. a. do b. does c. doing d. done b 15. .......... he comes to theater with me, I shall go alone. a. Because of b. Unless c. Because d. When b 16. I think he is coming but I ............... not quite sure. a. do b. have c. am d. shall c 17. Someone may probably ............. when he has a cold. a. yawn b. vomit c. cough d. snore c 18. A person who tries to get secret information about other countries is a ...................... a. star b. spy c. scar d. sage b 19. They must pay ........... for landowner every month. a. fee

b. fare c. rent d. tip c 20. ............. in cities is controlled by red and green lights. a. Traffic b. Delivery c. Transportation d. Communication a 21. ..................... is a place which is used for scientific research. a. Laboratory b. Laundry c. Museum d. Corridor a 22. ................. this morning? a. Has your black-board been painted b. Have your black-board been painted c. Was your black-board painted d. Have your black-board been painting c 23. He lives .............. a lord. a. in b. on c. at d. like d 24. Peter and his father swims ................. the river every day. a. cross b. crossed c. across d. crossing c 25. The ship was broken to pieces and ............ in the river. a. sink b. sank c. drowns d. drowned b 26. The film tells adventures that happened ................ a. at a long time b. a long time ago c. in the very old d. an old time ago b

27. Kimono hasn't visited her home in Japan .......... . a. for many months b. since many months c. many months since d. many months ago a 28. One of the windows of my house is very hard ................. a. open b. to open c. opened d. opener b 29. I advise the old woman ............. a doctor about her unusual symptom. a. to examine b. to meet c. to see d. to test c 30. That little boy ........... non-stop for the past hour. a. cried b. was crying c. is crying d. has been crying d 31. They ........ a luxuriant garden if they looked after it. a. will have b. would have c. are having d. have had b 32. Before we finished the exercise, he told us to ........ our books. a. put away b. push away c. get away d. go away a 33. "Do you like her?" "Very much. She's ........... charming when she smiles." a. so b. very c. more d. too b 34. His parents always let him ........... what he thinks he should. a. to do b. do c. doing d. did

b 35. Please let me .......... some words. a. say b. saying c. to say d. says a 36. A person who installs water pipes is a .......... . a. butler b. plumber c. spectator d. patient b 37. A ........... is a person who plants flowers. a. typist b. dentist c. florist d. chemist c 38. ................... is a place where a horse is kept. a. Poll b. Snare c. Trap d. Stable d 39. One who sells sundry goods is a ............... . a. gangster b. partner c. grocer d. holder c 40. ................... is a person who makes the wooden furniture. a. Mechanic b. Carpenter c. Butcher d. Corridor b 41. I think he'll buy that one. It's ............. him. a. too good to b. too good for c. good enough to d. good enough for d 42. "............... shall I do?" "Why don't you consul a doctor?" a. What b. How

c. Why d. Whom a 43. Monday is the .............. day of the week. a. one b. first c. second d. third b 44. Vasco da Gama ............ the sea route to India. a. discover b. discovered c. invent d. invented b 45. Jack .................. that he had seen the robber. a. refused b. refusing c. denied d. denying c 46. .............. 1975, our country was quite independent. a. From b. At c. Since d. In d 47. They have already found their daughter .................... a. disappeared b. disappearing c. disappear d. disappears c 48. The police haven't yet found the car .......... was stolen yesterday. a. which b. which it c. it which d. it a 49. It is I who ................ the youngest employee here. a. is b. am c. are d. been b 50. While I ................ for a bus, I saw a terrible accident.

a. have waited b. wait c. was waiting d. waiting c TEST 56 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. height b. honest c. high d. hotel --> b 2. a. rewrite b. get c. send d. well --> a 3. a. of b. off c. cafe d. knife --> a 4. a. chair b. cheap c. child d. chemist --> d 5. a. double b. round c. allow d. south --> a II. Find the mistakes 6. Mary is making a cake. She needs some butters. a. making b. cake c. needs d. butters d 7. She have to do her exercises first. Then she goes to bed. a. have

b. do c. goes d. to a 8. Nancy has to looks after her younger sister. a. has b. looks c. her d. younger b III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. He ................ getting up early. a. is never used to b. used never to c. never use to d. used to never a 10. He ................ wear a pair of glasses. a. used to b. used c. use d. use to a 11. After he ................ work, he went straight home. a. had finished b. has been finishing c. has finished d. would finish a 12. He ................ in Vietnam since January 5. a. has been b. had been c. was d. have been a 13. If he had explained it to me, I ................ a. would understand b. would not have understood c. would have understood d. would not understood c 14. The secret was known only to Jack and ................ a. I b. me c. he d. his b

15. The boy fell while he ................ down the stairs. a. run b. was running c. running d. runs b 16. I wish I ................ fly in the sky. a. can b. am able to c. could d. will c 17. Use the ........ provided words to fill in the blanks. a. below b. following c. under d. added b 18. Love, friendship, and strength are ........ nouns. a. material b. collective c. common d. abstract d 19. If you take a map along, you ................ get lost. a. will b. will not c. wouldn't d. would b 20. Up to now, I ................ a lot of information about her. a. would learn b. have learnt c. have learn d. will learn b 21. The canteen always ................ at 7:10 a.m. a. will open b. will have opened c. opens d. be opened c 22. I remember ................ her before. a. seeing b. to see

c. to have seen d. having seen a 23. The girls and flowers ................ he painted were vivid. a. who b. which c. whose d. that d 24. Will you be good enough to ................ me $ 10? a. lend b. borrow c. loan d. let a 25. ................ nice house! a. What a b. How c. What d. How a a 26. The noise was deafening and they could hardly hear themselves .............. a. sound b. say c. tell d. speak d 27. ................. is a person who performs operations. a. A dentist b. A surgeon c. A doctor d. A physician b 28. The employee stopped working to ask better pay. They were on ............ a. protest b. strike c. scorn d. split b 29. "..................." is used before getting the information from the other people. a. Excuse me b. Apology c. Invitation d. Promise to wait a 30. A person who has little or no bravery is a .................

a. coward b. carpenter c. soldier d. grocer a 31. My friend went to the sea for a swim and unfortunately, he was ............ . a. missed b. killed c. destroyed d. drowned d 32. After rain, it is ............ walking. a. rugged b. dangerous c. shabby d. slippery d 33. He always has .................... gum after every meal. a. chewing b. chew c. chewed d. chews a 34. If you visit a doctor, you must pay him a ................ a. fare b. commission c. fee d. tip c 35. When the singer finished singing, the audience ........... for five minutes. a. shouted b. clapped c. kept silent d. opposed b 36. If someone is with his disordered mind, he is ............. a. excited b. angry c. nervous d. mad d 37. To make someone unable to see clearly is to ............... a. dazzle him b. confuse him c. puzzle him d. hurt him a

38. "He used to play tennis" means that he played tennis ................ a. in the past b. quite often c. occasionally d. now and then a 39. Blotting paper can ............ ink. a. destroy b. absorb c. remain d. accept b 40. ..................... is a thing which is used to weigh something. a. Scale b. Ruler c. Clock d. Meter a 41. You needn't wash this dirty cotton wadding. Send to the ............. a. grocery b. bakery c. laundry d. orchard c 42. If you want to see the doctor, it's best to make ............. with him. a. an interview b. a date c. a meeting d. an appointment d 43. A .......... is a large hole through a mountain. a. tunnel b. flannel c. kennel d. funnel a 44. I ..................... very fast when the accident happened. a. wasn't driving b. hadn't driven c. am not driving d. hasn't driven a 45. I know a mountain .................... you can find dates. a. which b. it c. where

d. that c 46. Someone .............. my grandfather's car twenty years ago. a. stolen b. has stolen c. was stolen d. stole d 47. He (kept on) talking although the teacher asked him several times to stop. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. moved on b. continued c. ran on d. got on b 48. The twins are so alike that I can never ................. the difference between them. a. decide b. say c. make d. tell d 49. (At times), she stays up late to do her homework. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. Always b. Usually c. Seldom d. Sometimes d 50. I have to go to the stationer's ............... a. for buy a pen b. to buy a pen c. to buy pen d. in order that buy a pen b TEST 57: I. Pronunciation 1. a. kind b. keep c. knight d. kit --> c 2. a. cease b. cat c. come d. car

--> a 3. a. dubbing b. robot c. climbing d. sober --> c 4. a. refer b. nurser c. teacher d. worker --> a 5. a. booked b. looked c. fooled d. washed --> c II. Find the mistakes 6. What does the weather like in Hanoi in fall? a. does b like c. in d. fall a 7. We will be for on time for appointment. a. be b. for c. for d. appointment b 8. Let is sing this song. It is a beautiful song. a. Let b. is c. sing d. beautiful b III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. Jack is at the barber's at the moment. He ..................... a. is cutting his hair b. is having his hair cut c. has cut his hair d. all are correct b 10. If I ................ the day off tomorrow, I would spend it in the mountains. a. had

b. can have c. have d. will have a 11. Why don't you try ......... this jacket? a. on b. in c. over d. of a 12. My family has lived in this city ................. a. since a child b. from ten years c. for 1992 d. since 1990 d 13. If something can be seen, it is ................ a. visible b. incredible c. audible d. edible a 14. Daisy would come to the cinema if you ............ her. a. asked b. have asked c. will ask d. have been asked a 15. That parcel is fragile; please .................. it with care. a. make b. drop c. place d. handle d 16. Can Tho is ............... from Ho Chi Minh city than Bien Hoa is. a. farther b. farer c. far d. father a 17. "Must I open the windows?" " No, you ...................." a. needn't b. mustn't c. don't d. couldn't a

18. Do you know what ......................? a. is he thinking about b. does he think about c. he is thinking about d. did he think about c 19. These vegetables don't taste .............. to me. a. well b. fresh c. freshly d. deliciously b 20. Everybody admires him because he .............. good sense of humor. a. got b. has got c. get d. is b 21. Ann was feeling ill last night. She ............. leave the party early. a. have to b. has to c. had to d. should c 22. The word "telescope" is associated with ................... a. explorers b. astronomers c. astrologers d. ministers b 23. ................. is a person who speaks on the radio. a. Radiator b. Loudspeaker c. Newsman d. Broadcaster d 24. Those lions are performing at the zoo. They are ....................... a. timid b. big c. tamed d. savage c 25. If I say that I'd rather help you, I mean that I .................... a. prefer to help you b. like to help you c. refuse to help you d. promise to help you

a 26. ................ is a place where milk, cream, etc, are sold. a. Daily b. Diary c. Dairy d. Grocery c 27. The boatmen usually use an ............. when they row a boat. a. elbow b. oil c. oar d. ore c 28. Mary can't buy that shirt because she forgot to bring her ............ a. gloves b. purse c. dress d. bonnet b 29. Be ............. ! My father is sleeping. a. quietly b. quiet c. quite d. silence b 30. Peter lives far ................ his school. a. away b. off c. from d. with c 31. It rained while my mother ................ the clothes. a. washed b. was washing c. has washed d. had washed b 32. They have been in love with one another ............... 1992. a. in b. on c. for d. since d 33. Have you ever ................ in your sleep? a. snored b. watched

c. breathed d. seen a 34. Rice will become.................. if it is kept in a damp place. a. muddy b. stale c. fresh d. rotten d 35. A .............. is built to restrain flow of water in stream. a. reservoir b. protection c. dam d. fortress c 36. A ............. is an actor who always has funny parts in plays. a. comedian b. guardian c. musician d. magician a 37. His parents are dead. He is an ......................... a. emigrant b. orphan c. infant d. author b 38. If a bomb goes off, it ............... . a. fails b. explodes c. strikes d. misses its object b 39. ..................... languages can you speak? a. How much b. How many c. How few d. How b 40. Her sister is ........................... him. a. as intelligent as b. intelligent than c. more intelligent d. as intelligent than a 41. Mrs. Hoa ................ a businesswoman, but actually she's a teacher.

a. likes b. looks like c. like d. is the same b 42. "What's your job ............?" a. looks like b. likes c. like d. as c - " It's boring"

43. My mother likes skiing, and so ..................I. a. like b. do c. can d. does b 44. I'm saving my money ................. a CD player. a. buy b. to buy c. buying d. to be bought b 45. I generally ................ jeans, but today I .................... a suit. a. wear / was wearing b. am wearing / wear c. wear / wear d. wear / am wearing d 46. My grandparents are very strong and ................ for their age. a. healthily b. health c. healthy d. healthier c 47. ................ is the flesh of a pig. a. Mutton b. Beef c. Steak d. Pork d 48. "Must I pay a ........... for the porter?" The customer asked the receptionist. a. fare b. fair c. fee d. commission a

49. A red light is a ........... of stopping. a. design b. signal c. sermon d. destination b 50. .................... is a kind of metal. a. Aluminium b. Rubber c. Brass d. Canvas a TEST 58 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. whistler b. little c. gentle d. listel --> a 2. a. foot b. pool c. moon d. food --> a 3. a. thumb b. sob c. lab d. tab --> a 4. a. ago b. army c. again d. ashamed --> b 5. a. seizure b. measure c. tension d. confusion --> c II. Find the mistakes

6. We have a car, but our friends are not. a. have b. but c. our d. are d 7. She can to help them when they meet difficulties. a. She b. to help c. they d. difficulties b 8. Mary can't solve this problem. Can you teach she? a. solve b. problem c. Can d. she d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. My swimming pool is only three feet .............. a. narrow b. deep c. shallow d. thick b 10. A friend of ......... came to her house yesterday. a. her Nana b. Nana c. Nana's d. Nanas c 11. The librarian went to look into the cupboard ............... rare books were kept. a. which b. where c. that d. there b 12. "I think Real Madrid is a great team." " ...................." a. And so am I b. So do I c. The same for me d. And I so b 13. Who is that old man ............... the big nose? a. of b. with c. from

d. by b 14. .............. the light on; it's dark here. a. Do b. Push c. Make d. Switch d 15. Everyone spoke very ................... in order not to wake the baby. a. quiet b. quite c. quietly d. quitely c 16. "How is your headache?" - "It's getting .........................." a. badder b. worse c. worst d. very bad b 17. "I've been travelling all day." " You ........... be tired". a. will b. might c. can't d. must d 18. All the clothes in your wardrobe ................ new and beautiful. a. is b. are c. have d. have been b 19. I used to play tennis means that I play tennis ................ a. in the past b. quite often c. occasionally d. now and then a 20. When the headmaster .............. the room, all the pupils stood up. a. came b. arrived c. appeared d. entered d 21. The police haven't yet found the car ............. was in the accident. a. which

b. which it c. it which d. it a 22. Which month has the ................. days? a. few b. fewest c. more fewer d. most fewest b 23. She divided the cake .................. two equal parts. a. into b. between c. among d. for a 24. .................... is a person who steals from pockets. a. Bandits b. Robbers c. Pickpockets d. Thieves c 25. After a ............ of two hours, they continued their journey. a. delay b. retirement c. limit d. consideration a 26. In some countries, smoking is ......................... a. prevented b. prohibited c. refused d. excluded b 27. She wore beautifully to ............. everyone's attention in the party. a. overtake b. keep c. arrest d. hold c 28. Her sister had a very ........... temper. a. fast b. swift c. speedy d. quick d

29. Please ........ the door, don't pull it. a. push b. drag c. draw d. climb a 30. ................. of life in Vietnam is 65 years old. a. General age b. Usual age c. Expectation d. Average age c 31. A dog ......... its tail when its owner comes back home. a. pats b. rolls c. wags d. pulls c 32. .................. is a person who is so stupid that he cannot learn anything. a. Idiot b. Artist c. Author d. Onlooker a 33. Please be sure .............. this work first, Dick. a. to finish b. finishing c. finish d. to be finishing a 34. If you are tired, go to bed and ....... for a while. a. to have a rest b. have a rest c. having a rest d. had a rest b 35. I hear the birds ................. a. to sing b. singing c. sang d. sung b 36. She'd rather ............. than rich. a. clever b. to be clever c. be clever d. being clever c

37. A swimming pool must ................... in the middle of the wide yard. a. build b. to be built c. be building d. be built d 38. There ................ a dozen eggs in the fridge. a. is b. are c. be d. has been b 39. My grandfather likes going fishing and ....... my father. a. so does b. so did c. so can d. neither does a 40. You ..... doing such silly things all day. a. must to stop b. must stop c. may to stop d. may stop b 41. It was ....... intelligent of you to solve that difficult problem. a. much b. great c. very d. almost c 42. You haven't got ................. food in your fridge, have you? a. many b. much c. few d. a few b 43. After he retired, he spent his ................. on an expensive holiday. a. dollars b. accounts c. savings d. cheques c 44. It is no use ................. to school if you ................. to work hard. a. going / do not ready b. to go / do not ready c. going / are not ready

d. go / are not ready c 45. Do you ................. your own bed, or do you have it made? a. do b. did c. make d. made c 46. He tried .................. smoking, but he couldn't. a. to stop b. stopping c. not d. not to a 47. I am going to take the bus ................. money. a. for to save b. to save c. saving d. by saving b 48. My little brother is having a ................ cough. a. bad b. poor c. strong d. difficult a 49. Many of us feel ............. of the dark. a. frighten b. frightened c. frightening d. to frighten b 50. They were very glad when they ................. to sell their house so quickly. a. succeeded b. could c. risked d. managed d TEST 59 I. Pronunciation 1. a. tribe b. triangle c. trial d. distribute --> d

2. a. disguise b. bruise c. cruise d. bruit --> a 3. a. historic b. heir c. honesty d. honorable --> a 4. a. penalty b. scene c. epidemic d. level --> b 5. a. hooked b. helped c. laughed d. painted --> d II. Find the mistakes 6. This hats are small but those gloves aren't. a. This b. are c. gloves d. aren't a 7. He can speak Spanish and his friend is, too. a. can b. speak c. and d. is d 8. He has a new sweater, but he isn't have a new coat. a. has b. but c. isn't have d. a c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. Do you mind ..............? a. If I turn on the radio

b. If I would turn on the radio c. me to turn on the radio d. mine the turning on the radio a 10. They had to walk because they couldn't ................. to take a taxi. a. afford b. be wealthy c. supply d. furnish a 11. Life would be very difficult without ................. a. weather b. temperature c. architecture d. electricity d 12. This valuable ring ..................... to him. Its Dicks'. a. is not belonged b. belongs not c. not belongs d. does not belong d 13. He wishes his mark ............... higher. a. is b. were c. will be d. would b 14. The building in ................. he lives is very old. a. where b. who c. which d. that c 15. That journalist has to report to the Directors office, .....................? a. hasn't he b. wont he c. doesn't he d. does he c 16. If it ................. convenient, let's go out for a drink tonight. a. be b. is c. was d. were b

17. Flowers in your garden ............... well if you water them regularly. a. will grow b. would grow c. grow d. will be grown a 18. "To keep something from harm" means: a. to protect b. to watch c. to choose d. to blow a 19. Would you please .................... so much? a. to speak not b. dont speak c. not speak d. not to speak c 20. The man often gets angry ................. his children. a. at b. to c. on d. with d 21. If you had studied harder, you ................... a. would be awarded b. would have awarded c. would had awarded d. will be awarded --> b 22. This golden watch is the same ................. that one. a. like b. with c. as d. to c 23. Our teacher often ............ us historical stories when he has free time. a. says b. tells c. speaks d. talks b 24. This math is similar ................. that one. a. as b. to c. like d. with

b 25. When I see Lee in the street, she always ................... at me. a. smiled b. has smiled c. was smiling d. smiles d 26. You often write with a ................. a. blackboard b. pen c. paper d. notebook b 27. His mother told him that he would have an accident if he ............ more care. a. am not talking b. haven't taken c. won't take d. didn't take d 28. These are nice shoes. Can I ........................................? a. put it on b. take them on c. try them on d. try it on c 29. Many people died in the terrorization, some were hurt and ......... to hospital. a. have taken b. have been taking c. were taken d. were taking c 30. As soon as he ................. a certificate in English, he will apply for a job. a. would get b. got c. gets d. will get c 31. "You're late," she said. "I think the train ........ already." a. went b. was going c. has gone d. goes c 32. I (made up my mind) not to go on a camping trip. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. concluded

b. decided c. determined d. thought b 33. She used to wish that she ........ a motorbike. a. can rode b. can ride c. could rode d. could ride d 34. He usually ................. in green ink. a. write b. writes c. wrote d. has written b 35. "Who's ....... in my bed?" Seven dwarfs asked in turn. a. sleep b. been sleep c. been sleeping d. been slept c 36. If she ................. him, she would be very happy. a. would meet b. will meet c. is meeting d. met d 37. It's a lovely day, but I ...................... staying at home with my grandfather. a. don't mind b. haven't mind c. am not minding d. wasn't minding a 38. If I had enough money, I ................. abroad to improve my English. a. will go b. would go c. should go d. should have gone b 39. My mother showed me ....... to cook and do the housework when I was sixteen. a. what b. that c. how d. as c

40. My cousin is coming tonight ................. train. a. with b. in c. by d. on c 41. I often have some bananas when I ................. my meal. a. finished b. finish c. will finish d. will be finished b 42. I don't know the man ................. is talking to Rita. a. whom b. which c. where d. who d 43. Maria as well as Lee .................. here since last week. a. has been b. was c. were d. have been a 44. The holiday - makers ................. in the sunshine to get sunburnt. a. laid b. lied c. lying d. lie d 45. My sister .................... in Paris at the moment. a. will study b. studies c. is studying d. has been studying c 46. ......................... has been no news of the children. a. It b. Its c. There d. Which c 47. When water freezes, it ................. into ice. a. turns b. has turned c. would turn

d. is turning a 48. Shall we go out for a swim? a. Yes, we go b. Yes, let's c. Yes, we can d. Yes, we are b 49. Our class .......... of thirty members. a. composes b. is composed c. has composed d. is composing b 50. The accident ................. when we were on the way to Vung Tau. a. occur b. occurring c. occurred d. had occurred c TEST 60: I. Pronunciation 1. a. orchestra b. charity c. chorus d. ache --> b 2. a. idiom b. ideal c. idle d. item --> a 3. a. complain b. bargain c. ascertain d. campaign --> b 4. a. brochure b. sugar c. conscious d. scholarship --> d

5. a. laughter b. taught c. naughty d. slaughter --> a II. Find the mistakes 6. Our friends is young and we are too. a. Our b. is c. and d. too b 7. Mrs. Young is big and her husband isn't. a. is b. and c. her d. isn't b 8. Our parents are both worker. a. Our b. parents c. are d. worker -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 9. At the moment, Ann ................. a letter to her parents. a. is writing b. writes c. was writing d. has written a 10. How ................ is he? - He is 5 feet 6 inches. a. high b. tall c. long d. wide b 11. ..................... usually have boiled rice and meat for lunch? a. Are you b. Have you c. Do you d. Had you c 12. My sister usually helps me ................. maths. a. to learn b. learn

c. learning d. a and b are correct d 13. She ................. in Nha Trang from 1995 to 1997. a. was living b. lived c. had lived d. has lived b 14. He .................... to school when he had a puncture. a. shall drive b. am driving c. drove d. was driving d 15. There ....... some good news about my family lately. a. is b. were c. has been d. have been c 16. Since 1980, scientists the world over ................. a lot of things to fight against AIDS. a. have done b. are going c. did d. had done a 17. At present, they ................. at their office. a. have worked b. are going to work c. are working d. have been working c 18. Now I .................................... up late. a. am used to work b. used to work c. used to working d. am used to working d 19. My mother refused ......... to her countryside. I don't know why she did so. a. returning b. to return c. to be returned d. return b

20. Our government ................. a system of private schools in a near future. a. was developing b. has developed c. would develop d. is going to develop d 21. They are .............. of living in a big city. a. interested b. bored c. tired d. happy c 22. Whenever my little sister .............., all of us will run to him. a. cries b. will cry c. would cry d. cried a 23. Yesterday I ............ in the park when I saw Dick playing football. a. was walking b. is walking c. has walked d. has been walking a 24. She is sick when she travels by plane so she was afraid of .......... a. to fly b. be flying c. flying d. being flying c 25. We like to read the novel written ................. Charles Dickens. a. of b. from c. in d. by d 26. He is standing ................. the wall. a. on b. upon c. against d. over c 27. I'm glad ................. you after a long time. a. that meet b. of meeting c. of to meet d. to meet

d 28. The letter I wrote was full .............. mistakes. a. in b. of c. with d. about b 29. Mr. Hill is .............. to need a doctor. a. so ill b. as ill as c. ill enough d. that ill c 30. I ................ a film for two years up to now. a. don't see b. haven't seen c. won't see d. didn't see b 31. The librarian said: "You ought ....... that library book back to the library in due course." a. take b. taking c. to take d. to be taken c 32. Peter ........................ for her wife's letter since last Friday. Now he hasn't received yet. a. was waiting b. has been waiting c. waited d. waits b 33. Don't cook a meal for him. He's already ............ a. eat b. eaten c. eating d. been eaten b 34. I have not heard from him since we ................. a. last meet b. have last met c. last met d. met last c 35. This is the first time I ................. here.

a. am b. have been c. was d. be b 36. The librarian tells the girl that she ................... pay for the missing book. a. need not b. need not to c. needs not d. needs not to a 37. I know that he .......... in this factory at this moment. a. works b. has worked c. is working d. was working c 38. I felt ................. because the players played excellently. a. excited b. exciting c. excitement d. excitedly a 39. Did she say she ................. him tomorrow? a. has visited b. will visit c. would visit d. is going to visit c 40. This choice of words .......... very good. a. is b. are c. be d. being a 41. "Let's go fishing, ..............?" "Yes, let's." a. will we b. don't we c. do we d. shall we d 42. This exercise is ................. long for me to do in half an hour. a. very b. not c. too d. so c

43. The little boy wishes he ................. an acrobat when he grows up. a. would become b. becomes c. became d. had become a 44. The teacher said all of us ......... to review our knowledge before having a test. a. had b. must c. ought to d. has a 45. Peter made ........ mistakes on his finals. a. a little b. few c. little d. none b 46. Nam worked hard so that he ................. himself. a. can support b. could support c. is able to support d. may support b 47. That machine ................. several times this year. a. is repaired b. has repaired c. repaired d. has been repaired d 48. He is looking ................ his ball-point pen. a. after b. for c. into d. by b 49. ........... enough time to perform this project. a. It hasn't b. There isn't c. There hasn't d. It isn't b 50. They can type. They ................. type. a. learn how to b. are able to c. know how to

d. b and c are correct d TEST 61 I. Pronunciation 1. a. practice b. device c. service d. office --> b 2. a. come b. comb c. roll d. grow --> a 3. a. blood b. prove c. rude d. souvenir --> a 4. a. dealt b. dreamt c. heal d. jealous --> d 5. a. barked b. loved c. liked d. locked --> b II. Find the mistakes 6. "What is your name?" "Your name is Susan Pike." a. is b. your c. your d. is c 7. "What's he name?" "He is Tom." a. What's b. he c. He d. is

b 8. You are a doctor. Mr. Allen is a doctor, too. We're both doctors. a. a doctor b. a doctor c. we're d. doctors c III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 9. She took bikini, ......... and then went for a swim. a. wrote it b. tried it on c. put it on d. had it on c 10. He kept on ................. English. a. practiced b. practice c. practicing d. practices c 11. She wishes she ......... go to London with her brother. a. shall b. should c. can d. could d 12. She leaves him alone without ................. anything. a. say b. to say c. said d. saying d 13. Its no good ............ your parents about your attitude to your studying. a. to tell b. tell c. telling d. told c 14. I've got ............................... than you. a. lessest b. lesser c. little d. less d 15. There ............... no rain here since last month. a. is

b. were c. was d. has been d 16. John would rather ................. early than late. a. to arriving b. arriving c. arrive d. arrived c 17. The teacher ............... has not yet arrived. a. I often tell you about b. who I often told to you c. I often tell you about him d. whom I often tell you about him a 18. He's too stupid ............... my words. a. understand b. to understand c. understood d. to understanded b 19. What country do you come .............? a. in b. from c. by d. out of b 20. She couldnt help ................. afraid when she stays at home alone in the evening. a. be b. being c. am d. was b 21. "Is this the house that you used to live in your childhood?" "Yes, ................................." a. thats b. thats the one c. thats the it d. thats this b 22. They have not finished their homework ........ now. a. since b. for c. at d. until d

23. What do you think ............. my girlfriend? a. of b. to c. with d. from a 24. We saw a big woman .................... into your house one hour ago. a. went b. going c. to go d. goes b 25. He asked her ........................ . a. what book did she want to buy b. what book she wanted to buy c. she wanted to buy what book d. what book she wants to buy b 26. They are studying English in their room, .............. ? a. are they b. aren't they c. do they d. don't they b 27. We are used to .............. in the rough road to our countryside. a. all b. riding c. rode d. ridden b 28. Football ................. my favorite sport. a. are b. is c. was d. have been b 29. Over there ................. the shop that sells flowers. a. is b. are c. has d. have a 30. My teacher believes me ................. innocent. a. to be b. being c. is

d. was a 31. My father allowed me to invite my friends for dinner. He said: " You ................. invite your friends for dinner tonight". a. ought to b. have to c. must d. may d 32. We're going ......... the zoo this evening. a. at b. for c. to d. in c 33. They had to ........ up for the tickets yesterday evening. a. queue b. fall c. stand d. come a 34. It was a long time ....... I didn't return to my countryside. a. that b. since c. ago that d. ago c 35. Nara expects to be in Canada ........ next April. a. at b. by c. on d. in b 36. The water is ................ You can't drink it. a. fresh b. clean c. polluted d. pure c 37. The .............. actress acted very well. a. meeting b. sparkling c. interesting d. leading d 38. .............................. wants some more pudding?

a. What b. Who c. Whom d. Where b 39. She ........ her supper because she is too fat. a. has not b. not has c. does not have d. not have c 40. How can we compare a play ......... a film? a. on b. in c. at d. with d 41. Sometimes her parents take her to the city for a ................ a. seeing sight b. sight c. sign d. sightseeing d 42. We often go to the .............. for a play. a. stationer's b. theatre c. cinema d. library b 43. I am too fat, .................? a. don't I b. am not I c. aren't I d. aren't you c 44. All of the people were warned ......... the danger. a. in b. by c. with d. of d 45. My parents discovered .............. horror that someone else was lying in front of our house. a. with b. from c. in d. by

a 47. An usherette showed us to our .............. a. chairs b. tables c. desks d. seats d 48. The audience was moved to .............. when the prince killed himself. a. tears b. tea c. jewelry d. dark a 49. She often goes to church on Sunday but I ........... . a. don't either b. don't c. do d. not often b 50. Peter is ............................... student in the class. a. more intelligent b. the most intelligent c. intelligenter d. most intelligent b Test 62 I. Pronunciation 1. a. slogan b. motor c. total d. proper --> d 2. a. divide b. decide c. polite d. ill --> d 3. a. those b. stove c. glove d. motion --> c 4.

a. mice b. police c. slice d. spice --> b 5. a. recent b. rate c. iron d. right --> c II. Find the mistakes 6. Don't buy any bread at the shops. There are a lot in the kitchen. a. Don't buy b. any c. are d. a lot ->c 7. "Where does Tom go to Spain every summer?" "Because he likes hot weather in Spain." a. Where b. go c. Because d. likes ->a 8. How much water do he drink a day? a. How b. much c. do d. a day ->c III. Grammar and vocabulary 9. This girl is ............................... than that one. a. as beautiful b. the most beautiful c. more beautiful d. most beautiful c 10. John is ............................... student. a. a good b. better c. a worse d. a best a 11. That exercise is ...................... long for that small boy to do in half an hour. a. very

b. not c. too d. so c 12. "She used to play the piano" means that ................................. a. She plays the piano quite often b. She played the piano now and then c. She often played the piano in the past d. She plays the piano occasionally c 13. A .................. is someone aged between 13 and 19. a. teenager b. youth c. graduate d. student a 14. You can cut an orange with a .............. a. car b. cup c. knife d. frying pan c 15. Without ............., you can't see anything. a. hands b. ears c. eyes d. nose c 16. The pupils walked on the ........................... a. stair b. pavement c. train d. river b 17. "................ the time?" "It's half past eleven." a. When is b. What's c. Is it d. We know b 18. "Peter is twenty years old." "............. is his younger sister?" "Thirteen years." a. Mrs. Black b. Who c. What d. And how old d

19. ................. , can you tell me the way to the post office? a. Thank you b. All right c. Listen d. Excuse me d 20. ................. that street and the Odeon theater is at the next corner. a. Go along b. Turn right c. On the left of d. Turn on a 21. In the big city everybody seemed to be ........................... a. hurry b. a hurry c. in a hurry d. hurried c 22. She intends to ........................... for her mother at a bus stop. a. waiting b. wait c. waited d. waits b 23. Life in a big city is always ........................... a. crowded b. busy c. lovely d. happy b 24. She rewarded me with a bicycle ........................... my result. a. on b. in c. about d. for d 25. Mary is having a look ........................... her friend's skirt. a. on b. in c. at d. by c 26. He is a curious boy. He always .......... questions. a. asks b. looks at c. says d. laughs at

a 27. .................... do you go to the library? Twice a week. a. How often b. How c. How long d. How far a 28. Did they walk or come ............. car? a. with b. in c. by d. through c 29. Nam went to the party last night but Dung .................. a. isn't b. hasn't c. didn't d. wasn't c 30. Let's come into the kitchen and ....................... a. help our father plant trees? b. help our brother repair his bicycle. c. help our mother cook. d. help our sister do his homework. c 31. "Happy birthday to you!" "......................................." a. Thank you very much b. I'm very well, thank you c. Give that ball to Peter, please d. Are you free tonight? a 32. "....................... ?" "On June 19th 1983." a. When is your birthday b. What's the day today c. What's today d. When were you born d 33. "I have just bought for my mother a skirt on her birthday." "..................... ?" "Grey." a. What color is it b. What are their colors c. What color has it d. Is it grey a 34. ............. you going to Paris next week? a. Is b. Do

c. Are d. Have c 35. The dentist says to the little girl: "Lie down, please .............. shut your mouth". a. Don't be b. Do c. Be d. Don't d 36. ................ does your grandmother live with? a. Who b. Whom c. Where d. a and b are correct d 37. "What songs are Peter and Mary going to sing next Saturday?" "................................................." a. With their classmates b. Some Vietnamese songs c. At their Vietnamese club d. Some Vietnamese ones d 38. My family lives ............ the fifth flat, block B2, Baker street. a. at b. on c. in d. into a 39. According to the weather .................., there will be snow tomorrow. a. program b. information c. forecast d. news c 40. It is difficult to ....................... friends in a new school. a. make b. do c. take d. meet a 41. Did you watch the football .................. between Italy and France on television last night? a. play b. game c. match d. sport c

42. This river water is polluted. You will get a (disease) if you drink it. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. thirsty b. sickness c. fish d. wastes b 43. In our classroom, there .............. any dust on the floor. a. are b. aren't c. have d. isn't d 44. Do you know ............ about "The old man and the sea"? a. something b. anyone c. anything d. somebody c 45. My friend usually has ......... milk and bread for breakfast. a. some b. much c. many d. few a 46. The children are meeting difficulties. We have to help ................ immediately. a. their b. them c. theirs d. they b 47. Everybody ............. healthy and good looking. a. looked at b. looked c. looked of d. looked after b 48. "Let's go to the theater." "Yes, ..........................." a. let's b. Yes, go c. Let us do d. Yes, please a 49. He's just come back ........ his farm. a. from b. in

c. of d. for a 50. Dick isn't here. He with his father .............. to their countryside. a. is going b. go c. are going d. goes a Test 63: I. Pronunciation 1. a. mine b. famine c. line d. airline --> b 2. a. meant b. lean c. bean d. clean --> a 3. a. fur b. pure c. burden d. urban -> b 4. a. able b. table c. unable d. comfortable --> d 5. a. bargained b. calmed c. resembled d. distributed --> d II. Find the mistakes 6. She is a very warm woman and everyone like her. a. very b. warm

c. and d. like ->d 7. There aren't much beer in the glass. Can she have some more? a. aren't b. much c. have d. more ->a 8. Sad films always make her crying. a. Sad b. make c. her d. crying ->d III. Grammar and vocabulary 9. If you .................. a choice, which country would you visit? a. have b. had c. have had d. will have b 10. Trees won't grow .................. there is enough water. a. if b. when c. unless d. as c 11. If I had taken that English course, I .................. much progress. a. had made b. would have made c. would make d. make b 12. If I were in your place, I .................. a trip to England. a. will make b. had made c. would make d. made c 13. She has been studying engineering .................. . a. since 5 years b. for 5 years c. 5 years before d. during 5 years b

14. In 1966, my brother .................. at Havard university. a. studies b. is studying c. studied d. had studied c 15. Of all of the singers, which one do you like ..................? a. best b. the best c. most d. the most a 16. .................. shoes are always of various types. a. Woman b. Womans' c. Women's d. Womens' c 17. A glass for holding beer is a .................. a. glass beer b. beer-glass c. glass of beer d. beer's glass c 18. Here is .................. girl we are talking about. a. a b. an c. the d. no article c 19. Her parents are now working in .................. Europe. a. the b. a c. an d. no article is needed d 20. They often go to ................ work at 6 o'clock every morning. a. an b. a c. the d. no article is needed d 21. It was very kind ............. you to help me. a. of b. for c. on d. from

a 22. We live at .................. third house from the church. a. the b. a c. an d. no article is needed a 23. It takes me 15 minutes ................ to the office. a. drive b. to drive c. driving d. drove b 24. If we ............... more time, we would go to the beach. a. have b. would have c. had d. had had c 25. I ................ go to the circus when I was a small boy. a. used to b. am used to c. was used to d. use to a 26. They are looking forward ............... you. a. to see b. seeing c. to seeing d. see c 27. I had him ............... my bicycle yesterday. a. to repair b. repair c. repairing d. repaired b 28. She often passes the shop ............... the way home. a. in b. during c. over d. on d 29. Peter ................. in Paris when I saw him last. a. was working b. is working

c. has worked d. has been working a 30. They couldn't live in this house because they were afraid of ............. ghost. a. to see b. seeing c. be seeing d. being seeing b 31. I'm glad ................. you that you can get the job. a. tell b. telling c. of to tell d. to tell d 32. He can drive and ................. his brother. a. so can b. too can c. neither can d. can so a 33. "Would you mind opening the windows?" "..........................................." a. Not at all b. No problem c. I guess not d. All are correct d 34. Thomas is learning English .......... the moment. a. in b. in the c. at d. on c 35. There was a lot of traffic, ..........................? a. was there b. wasn't there c. were there d. was it b 36. She is not .................... to get married. a. young enough b. enough young c. old enough d. enough old c 37. What ............. does this train get to London?

a. size b. color c. time d. kind of time c 38. He ..................... his breakfast at seven o'clock. a. has not b. not has c. does not have d. not have --> c 39. Are you from .................? a. Spain b. Spanish c. Spainish d. Span a 40. I don't know how much ................... pay. a. do I have to b. I have to c. I do have to d. have to I b 41. ............... enough time to discuss this. a. It hasn't b. There isn't c. There hasn't d. It isn't b 42. I wish we ........... go to Hanoi with him. a. shall b. should c. can d. could d 43. Would you like ..........more coffee? a. some b. any c. have d. a few a 44. I....................... Japanese quite well, but my wife can't. a. am speaking b. can speak c. can d. could speak b

45. My wife .............. in London. a. is born b. are born c. was beared d. was born d 46. When I was young, one of my hobbies ................ football. a. are b. is c. were d. was d 47. My cousin is very ................ He's at least 190 centimeters. a. tall b. height c. high d. long a 48. Do you know how ..................... it is from Da Nang city to Ho Chi Minh city? a. long b. much c. far d. fast --> c 49. She got this dictionary from a very good friend ...................... a. of me b. to me c. of mine d. of my c 50. ........................ likes John. He's very friendly. a. Everyone b. All people c. Nobody d. All one a Test 64: I. Pronunciation 1. a. open b. close c. hope d. cottage --> d 2. a. finish

b. climax c. clip d. cliff --> b 3. a. aunt b. clause c. pause d. cause --> a 4. a. put b. punish c. pull d. push --> b 5. a. show b. shower c. row d. grow --> b II. Find the mistakes 6. Please stop make that awful noise. a. stop b. make c. awful d. noise -> b 7. I don't know where the writer's name is. a. don't know b. where c. writer's d. is -> b 8. The street seems quietly. a. The b. street c. seems d. quietly -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 9. What time do you usually ..................... in the morning? a. go down b. raise c. go up

d. get up d 10. " ...................... are you?" "Fine, thanks." a. How b. What about c. How much d. How well a 11. Can I .................. your phone, please? a. borrow b. use c. lend d. have b 12. Can you ................. me the time, please? a. say b. tell c. speak d. told b 13. There aren't ........................ oranges left. a. some b. no c. any d. none c 14. .............................. I'm late. a. Excuse me b. Sorry for c. I'm sorry d. Sorry about c 15. ............................. a strange man outside the house. a. There are b. It's c. He's d. There's d 16. She ................. to drink a cup of tea. a. would like b. like c. likes d. will like a 17. She usually goes to ............... at 7.30. a. my work

b. my job c. work d. the work c 18. ............................. me the salt, please. a. Pass b. Reach c. Hold d. Open a 19. My son sings very....................... a. good b. great c. well d. beautiful c 20. How many .................... were there at the party on Saturday? a. people b. persons c. guests d. person a 21. There's a park at the .................... of my house. a. back b. backside c. behind d. back-sight a 22. Let's ................. somewhere for a swim. a. go b. going c. went d. to go a 23. Do you mind if Brenda ........................ us to the cinema tonight? a. come with b. follows c. follows with d. comes with d 24. Shall we go for .................... this afternoon? a. walking b. a walk c. walk d. to walk b

25. It is very hot here. You should take .......... your coat. a. on b. off c. into d. over b 26. We had ................ beautiful weather last weekend. a. so b. so a c. such a d. such d 27. I'd like .........................., please. a. a loaf of bread b. a bread c. one bread d. two loafs of bread a 28. Did you have a ...................... time at the party? a. funny b. fun c. nice d. nicely c 29. The thief ................. me with stick. a. fight b. anger c. attack d. angry c 30. Another word for baggage is ........... a. furniture b. equipment c. luggage d. suitcase c 31. To make up one's mind means to ............ a. decide b. feel sure c. wish d. hope a 32. "Oh, something's wrong with my phone." "Call the ................" a. operator b. madam c. receiver d. controller

a 33. ................... do the buses run? "Every twenty minutes" a. How far b. What time c. How often d. How much c 34. Their father has just given them his car, so they needn't ............. a new car. a. to buy b. will buy c. buy d. buying c 35. He looks tired of carrying that case, .............? a. is he b. don't he c. isn't he d. doesn't he d 36. You've heard she will travel around the world, ...........? a. is she b. haven't you c. aren't you d. hasn't she b 37. What does he do to .............. his living? a. earn b. try c. earns d. tries a 38. You may go out for a drink .............. the intervals. a. while b. by c. during d. through c 39. ............... present the price of apples is 6,000 VND a pound. a. In b. On c. At d. For c 40. He was only nine, but he ate ............. his brother did. a. much than b. more that

c. as much as d. as much than c 41. Our plane will arrive at the airport ....... noon. a. in b. at c. to d. on b 42. The letter C is ................. B and D. a. after b. between c. from d. before b 43. It takes five minutes ........... to the post office. a. walk b. walking c. walked d. to walk d 44. He has bought .............. a nice dress. a. his wife b. to his wife c. for his wife d. of his wife a 45. Where did he go when we ..........? a. talk b. had talked c. have talked d. were talking d 46. It's ............. cold for us to go out now. a. too b. so c. very d. much a 47. My house is a few yards ................ the bus-stop. a. off b. away c. from d. with c 48. The food was ........... good that we ate all of it.

a. very b. so c. too d. much b 49. Let's listen to .................. music on the radio. a. a b. one c. some d. those c 50. Who can make you ...........? a. smile b. smiling c. to smile d. smiled a Test 65: I. Pronunciation 1. a. smart b. card c. carry d. yard --> c 2. a. none b. stone c. bone d. alone --> a 3. a. peace b. head c. read d. reap --> b 4. a. down b. crown c. allow d. snow --> d 5. a. dead b. threat c. beat

d. breath --> c II. Find the mistakes 6. He learns not so well as his sister. a. learns not b. so c. well d. as -> a 7. It is dangerous riding fast in busy streets. a. is b. dangerous c. riding d. busy -> c 8. The traffic light have become red. a. traffic b. light c. have become d. red -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 8. Years have passed since we .................. school together. a. begin b. began c. will begin d. are beginning b 9. "Wealthy" means .............. a. rich b. strong c. clever d. healthy a 10. Another word for "damage" is ................ a. wound b. injury c. destruction d. violation b 11. "Confident" means ................ a. sure b. right c. glad d. careful a

12. "To employ" means to .............. a. borrow b. buy c. hire d. lend c 13. "To cure" means to ............... a. heal b. make happy c. satisfy d. treat a 14. If you are not careful, you'll get ........... a. in the trouble b. into trouble c. into troubles d. troubles b 15. That's very kind .............. a. from you b. by you c. of you d. of your part c 16. Put ............... money in your pocket. a. this b. those c. these d. there a 17. Are these books ...............? a. yours or John's b. your's or John's c. your or John's d. yours' or John's a 18. Mary isn't here. She's ........... a. at the doctor b. by the doctor's c. gone to the doctor's d. to the doctor c 19. Because of advances in technology in recent years, Americans are enjoying more (leisure). (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. free time b. business c. new things

d. money a 20. I suggest that you (review) these figures before you submit them in your final report. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. go across b. go over c. go up d. go on b 21. Before you (establish) a small business in your home, you must be sure that you are acting in compliance with the zoning laws. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. set down b. set about c. set up d. set aside c 22. She has a full (schedule). (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. working day b. busy day c. program of work d. project c 23. Tom can not (afford) a new bike this year. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. ride b. share c. sell d. buy d 24. The box is too heavy ................ to carry. a. with me b. on me c. to me d. for me d 25. Will you ................ the windows open? a. leave b. allow c. permit d. give a 26. Tom has just been ................ a job. a. offered b. brought c. presented d. delivered a

27. "To look up something" is to ................. a. lose it b. forget it c. search for it in a reference book d. overlook it c 28. Everyone is ................ his best. a. making b. saying c. working d. doing d 29. I (feel sorry for) those who have to do that mental kind of work. (Choose the synonym of the words in bracket) a. pity b. apologize c. excuse d. like a 30. Paper money is obviously easier to ................ a. quote b. expose c. handle d. reveal c 31. You should stay in this hotel. The rooms, food and ................ are excellent. a. registration b. meals c. service d. application form c 32. At 4:30 she has to go and ................ up her children from school. a. take b. bring c. pick d. drive c 33. He is very concerned ................ his mother's poor health. a. about b. through c. at d. by a 34. Why did you object ................ our suggestion so strongly? a. at b. against

c. to d. in c 35. What prevented him ................ to the wedding? a. from coming b. to come c. come d. not coming a 36. They warned us ................ the car. a. against buying b. buying c. not buying d. not buy a 37. Please tell me where ................ a. does Peter live. b. Peter lives. c. does Peter live? d. Peter live. b 38. Do you know the beautiful girl ................? a. sit in the car b. sat in the car c. who is sitting in the car d. who sit in the car c 39. The weather was awful. I wish it ................ warmer. a. had been b. has been c. were d. was a 40. We wouldn't have any money if we ................ a. don't work b. refuse to work c. didn't work d. won't work c 41. I hated ................ my parents for money. a. ask b. asking c. having asked d. to have been asked b 42. I wonder if you'd mind ................ me.

a. to help b. helping c. having helped d. to have been helped b 43. What makes you ................ so? a. to think b. thinking c. think d. having thought c 44. He ................ school in 1982. a. left b. took c. moved from d. went back a 45. I regret not ................ hard when I was a student. a. to work b. working c. work d. to have worked b 46. The police made him ............... out the truth. a. speak b. speaking c. spoke d. speaks a 47. You can't eat it all at ........... a. one b. once c. time d. times b 48. The buses were very ................ this morning. a. busy b. crowd c. full d. crowded d 49. ................, which was purchased from Russia in 1867, is the largest state in the US. a. Alaska b. when Alaska c. It is Alaska d. Alaska is that a

50. ................, a famous hunter, was chiefly responsible for opening up the upper part of the old Southwest. a. It is Daniel Boone b. Daniel Boone c. It was Daniel Boone d. Daniel Boone was b Test 66: I. Pronunciation 1. a. choir b. chat c. chop d. chalk --> a 2. a. tin b. tidy c. timer d. title --> a 3. a. type b. typhoon c. typical d. style --> c 4. a. niece b. piece c. client d. brief --> c 5. a. foot b. book c. stood d. flood --> d II. Find the mistakes 6. Let's wait in the zebra crossings. a. Let's b. wait c. in d. crossings -> c

7. There is many traffic in the city center. a. is b. many c. traffic d. in -> b 8. The children hurried to the bus station. They were afraid to missing the last bus. a. hurried b. the c. were d. afraid to -> d III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. She is worried .......... taking her oral exams for the Ph.D. a. about b. of c. that d. to a 10. The house is old and it needs ................ a. to paint b. painting c. painted d. being painted b 11. I would prefer ................ at home. a. her to stay b. her staying c. her stay d. she stay a 12. He felt ................ living in that family. a. happy b. happily c. very happily d. with happiness a 13. "Thank you very much for your help." "......................" a. Never mind b. Don't mention c. You're welcome d. It doesn't matter c 14. When I arrived, Susan .................. television. a. watched b. was watching c. has been watching

d. had been watching b 15. He was ................ a friendly man that everybody liked him. a. so b. such c. too d. very b 16. She told me ................ to go to the bank. a. don't forget b. not forget c. not to forget d. should not forget c 17. He is ................ young to marry. a. so b. such c. too d. very c 18. Have you finished ................ the table? a. set b. setting c. to set d. to be set b 19. Picasso was a (well-known) cubist painter. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. artistic b. famous c. colorful d. knowledgeable b 20. The Chinese people worship their (ancestors). (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. fossils b. elders c. forefathers d. heirs c 21. I really need ...................... Can you help me? a. some advice b. an advise c. some advices d. advices a

22. I am right, ................? a. am not I b. aren't I c. am I d. are not I b 23. Mr. Pike is now richer ............................. a. than he is in the past b. than he in the past c. then himself in the past d. than he used to d 24. They gave ................ looking for her when it grew dark. a. up b. in c. of d. out a 25. After a lot of difficulty, he ................ to open the door. a. managed b. succeeded c. obtained d. realized a 26. As he was ill, he has to ................ the party. a. miss b. avoid c. regret d. fail a 27. Trains stop here in order to ................ passengers only. a. get off b. pull off c. pick up d. get past c 29. What do the colors of the flag (stand for)? (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. represent b. change c. defend d. signal a 30. The man died ................ heart attack. a. to b. at c. with

d. of d 31. He compared Smith ................ a wild animal. a. to b. for c. with d. a and c are correct c 32. France .................. the World Cup in 1998. a. brought b. won c. beat d. carried b 33. She finally decided ................ her children alone in the house. a. not leaving b. do not leave c. not leave d. not to leave d 34. Do you have enough money to ........... your bills? a. pay b. spend c. afford d. purchase a 35. I wish I ................ a cold last night. a. hadn't b. didn't have c. hadn't had d. wouldn't have c 36. If he had told me the truth, I ................ him. a. will not punish b. would not punish c. would not have punished d. would have not punished c 37. We have to keep secret what he has just said, ................? a. don't we b. mustn't we c. doesn't he d. won't he a 38. Looking at her face, I can't help ................. a. laugh

b. laughed c. to laugh d. laughing d 39. We moved to the front row ................ we could hear and see better. a. so b. so that c. such d. such that b 40. She was ............. tired that she couldn't work. a. so b. that c. so that d. in order to a 41. Last Sunday was ................ that he took a drive in the country. a. so beautiful day b. such a beautiful a day c. such a beautiful weather d. so beautiful d 42. They usually get their salary at the end of the .......... a. day b. year c. month d. week c 43. The teacher .................... has not yet arrived. a. who teach me English b. who teaches me English c. whom teach me English d. whom teaches me English b 44. This is the first time I ................ the washing-up. a. have done b. do c. would do d. did a 45. He ................ working for several hours. a. is b. has been c. began d. had been b

46. It's a lovely day, but I .................. staying at home with you. a. don't mind b. haven't minded c. am not minding d. wasn't minding a 47. He's looking forward to ................ his old friends. a. meet b. have met c. meeting d. met c 48. It ................. every day so far this week. a. has rained b. is raining c. rained d. rains a 49. Mr. Brown is the person ................. hires us. a. who b. whom c. from who d. from whom a 50. Swimming is good .............. our health. a. at b. on c. for d. about c TEST 67 I. Pronunciation: 1. a. merely b. there c. sphere d. sincere --> b 2. a. hour b. sour c. flour d. tour --> d 3. a. even b. event c. open

d. stolen --> b 4. a. hour b. house c. honour d. honesty --> b 5. a. washed b. walked c. watched d. wanted --> d II. Find the mistake: Find the mistakes 6. Our teacher rewarded him with his rapid progress in study. a. rewarded b. with c. rapid d. study -> b 7. We fell to sleep because the film wasn't exciting. a. fell b. to sleep c. wasn't d. exciting -> b 8. It is the most expensive of the two cars. a. is b. the c. most expensive d. of -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. Silver is .............. gold. a. valuable less than b. more valuable than c. less valuable than d. valuable more than c 10. Her father smokes cigars, and .............. does mine. a. either b. also c. too d. so d

11. "What does he do?" "He is .............." a. taxi driver b. a taxi driver c. taxis's driver d. a taxis' driver b 12. .............. beautiful girl! a. What b. What a c. How d. How a b 13. .............. many high buildings and new hotels in the city. a. They are b. There is c. It is d. There are d 14. Eat as .............. as you can. a. much b. many c. better d. very good a 15. If I were you, .................................? a. what would you do b. what will you do c. where would you do d. what you would do a 16. They will wait here until Mary .............. tomorrow. a. comes b. will come c. would come d. to coming a 17. He ................. more photographs if he ................. more film. a. would have taken / had had b. would have taken / had c. would take / had had d. would take / has had a 18. ................. to go to the cinema with us tonight? a. Do you like b. Would you like c. Will you like

d. Have you like b 19. When ................. Peter? a. do you last see b. were you last see c. were you last seeing d. did you last see d 20. When he ................. his cup, he broke it. a. was dropping b. dropped c. drop d. had dropped b 21. If I were you, I ........................ that car. a. won't buy b. wouldn't buy c. didn't buy d. haven't bought b 22. The water in this river is ................. with filthy waste from factories. a. pure b. pollution c. polluted d. polluting c 23. He gave me some very ................. advice on buying a house. a. precious b. wealthy c. dear d. valuable d 24. The day is fine. The sun is bright. The sky is ............... a. cloud b. cloudless c. cloudy d. cloudiness b 25. We know ....................... she has gone for holiday. a. when b. why c. where d. which c 26. The man ............... came to see me yesterday is my teacher of English. a. who

b. whom c. whose d. which a 27. "Where's Sara?" "She ................." a. is studying in her room b. in her room is studying c. studies in her room d. has in her room studies a 28. He's worked .............. an oil company for ten years. a. from b. by c. of d. for d 29. Elvis Presley is a famous rock ........... a. actor b. singer c. movie star d. dancer b 30. I'm going to my ................. home in Samarra. a. uncle b. uncle's c. uncles d. uncles' b 31. "Have you seen my cassette-radio?" "I've ................ it." a. lost b. missed c. stolen d. disappeared a 32. She doesn't like ....................... television. a. watches b. watch c. watching d. see c 33. I am very ................. in the information you have given me. a. concerned b. surprised c. interesting d. interested d

34. I've been saving for 2 years. I've .............. $100. a. been saved b. had saved c. been saving d. saved d 35. Thank you .......... your letter. a. of b. from c. to d. for d 36. "Mary has got a headache." "Told her to ............ this medicine, and she'll be well again." a. have b. drink c. eat d. take d 37. He wishes today .......... his birthday. a. is b. am c. are d. were d 38. He drank ten ............... last party. a. glasses of beer b. glass of beers c. glass of beer d. glasses of beers a 39. It was kind ........ you to remember my birthday. a. for b. of c. in d. about b 40. Mrs. Smith was ............... of reminding her husband to return back early. a. interested b. fond c. excited d. tired b 41. Some young people make trouble. They are ................ a. trouble - maker b. troubles - maker c. trouble - makers

d. troubles - makers c 42. Would you like to go ................. a swim ............... the river this afternoon? a. for / in b. for / at c. to / in d. to / at a 43. The flight had to be delayed ................ the bad weather. a. because b. due to c. because of d. b and c are correct d 44. It's no use ..................... him. a. meet b. meeting c. to meet d. met b 45. She told me ................ to go to the bank. a. don't forget b. not forget c. not to forget d. should not forget c 46. He is .................. slim nor fat. a. either b. too c. so d. neither d 47. He decided to go there ................ the reasons he explained. a. on b. from c. for d. about c 48. They are working in a factory ............... a. at the moment b. in present c. since last year d. for two years a 49. After the summer holiday, we all looked ................ . a. health

b. healthy c. healthful d. healthily b 50. The man ................ used to live in that house has moved. a. whom b. whose c. who d. which c Test 68: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. call b. cup c. coat d. cent --> d 2. a. break b. mean c. key d. pleased --> a 3. a. nose b. seen c. useful d. bus --> a 4. a. child b. which c. school d. catch --> c 5. a. both b. whose c. show d. toast --> b II. Find the mistakes 6. I knew him until I was a child. a. knew b. until

c. was d. a child -> b 7. Were the mistake discovered by Ann? a. Were b. the mistake c. discovered d. by -> a 8. The townsfolk are being affected of the population in the city. a. the townsfolk b. are being affected c. of d. population -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. The train arrived ............... the station ............ time. a. on / at b. at / on c. in / at d. by / on b 10. It was a beautiful day. The sun shone .............. and the sky was ............. a. brightly / cloudless b. bright / cloudless c. brightly / cloudy d. bright / cloudy a 11. At this moment I ................ that we have a good chance of victory. a. was feeling b. am feeling c. has been feeling d. feel d 12. The tennis match is ................. a. excite b. excited c. exciting d. excitement c 13. Trains are used to carry farm ......... to the city. a. product b. products c. productive d. production b

14. The water in this glass is ................ You can drink it. a. dirty b. clean c. polluted d. filthy b 15. He hasn't got ................ time to read this book. a. too b. much c. enough d. many c 16. Is that the hospital .............. you are working? a. where b. when c. which d. that a 17. She often ................ her bicycle to the countryside with her friends at weekends. a. drives b. rides c. carries d. guides b 18. The police ................ warned the people not to come home. a. hasn't had b. hasn't c. has been d. have d 19. Her long ..................made me bored and sleepy. a. speaking b. speech c. speak d. speechless b 20. My sister won't get married until she ................ 25 years old. a. isn't b. is c. will be d. has been b 21. If you study your lesson carefully, you ................good marks. a. will get b. got c. gets d. would get

a 22. It sometimes may be difficult .................... a taxi during rush-hours. a. get b. getting c. to get d. got c 23. Nobody has ................ done this before. a. any b. not c. never d. ever d 24. He .................... TV when my friend knocked at the door. a. were watching b. watched c. was watching d. is watching c 25. Mr. Brown ................ in the army from 1960 to 1980. a. had served b. has served c. is serving d. served d 26. "To drop someone a line" means:................................... a. to write him a letter b. send him a telegram c. telephone him d. call him a 27. She asked me to (hold on) while she left the telephone to find a pencil. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. grasp b. take a firm hold c. wait d. rest c 28. Did you (have a good time) on holiday? (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. have nice time b. play much c. travel much d. enjoy yourself d 29. We were forced to (postpone) the picnic because of bad weather. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket)

a. call of b. do without c. put off d. cut off c 30. She gave up her job to come to this (remote) mountainous village. (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. busy b. high c. far-away d. unknown c 31. My mother doesn't like to borrow book ................ this library. a. in b. from c. of d. on b 32. My mother is a very good ................ a. cooker b. cookie c. cooking d. cook d 33. The place ................ I spend my holiday is very beautiful. a. that b. where c. which d. whom b 34. Oliver Twist was first ................ in 1980. a. published b. pleased c. punished d. hoped a 35. ................ she's busy, she still helps you. a. Although b. Because c. Since d. As a 36. She always sings those songs ................ a. beautiful b. beautifully c. beauty d. beautify

b 37. Hurry up! Your father is coming. His plane will ................ in less than an hour. a. fly b. take off c. land d. park c 38. Those factories produce an average of a hundred trucks ................ a. one week b. a week c. one day d. one month b 39. People say that London has ................ nearly everyday of the year. a. cloud b. a bright sun c. fog d. cloudless c 40. Dorothy is more hardworking now ................ before. a. as b. than c. if d. since b 41. The river which ................ through our city is Thu Bon river. a. begins b. rises c. flows d. runs c 42. He ................ me of our first school day. a. remembered b. reminded c. returned d. remained b 43. They will build some ................ across the river. a. bridges b. cottages c. houses d. monuments a 44. Mary and ............... would like to go on a trip to London. a. me b. my

c. mine d. I d 45. On his way home, John usually ................. at the park. a. stops b. stop c. to stop d. stopped a 46. Uncle Tom can't see .................. without his glasses. a. badly b. good c. clear d. well d 47. They felt happy, and ................ a. too did I b. neither did I c. so did I d. either did I c 48. They wish they ................ the film on TV last night. a. had seen b. saw c. seen d. would saw a 49. The President .............. to New York several times. a. is b. has been c. saw d. have seen b 50. ............... you buy this book yesterday? a. Did b. Is c. Was d. When a Test 69: I. Pronunciation 1. a. food b. look c. took d. good --> a

2. a. find b. bite c. since d. drive --> c 3. a. bush b. pull c. brush d. push --> c 4. a. clothes b. gone c. drove d. ghost --> b 5. a. wrong b. shop c. watch d. love --> d II. Find the mistakes 6. His father stayed up so lately that he couldn't get up early the following morning. a. up b. lately c. get up d. following -> b 7. Near my house is the forest which you can find strange mushrooms. a. Near b. is c. which d. can find -> c 8. The more I learn English, the most I like it. a. more b. learn c. the most d. like -> c III. Grammar and Vocabulary 9. Where will you ................ your summer holiday?

a. have b. made c. stay d. spend d 10. I can't understand her because she doesn't speak clearly ................. a. well b. enough c. good d. too b 11. The fire ................ out when they were having dinner. a. breaks b. was breaking c. broke d. has broken c 12. The opposite of "careful" is ................ a. cared b. careless c. care d. carefully b 13. My parents prefer to live in the countryside because they are interested in ................ a. neighbors b. neighbor-ship c. beauty d. a peaceful life d 14. I feel sorry for those ........................ a. who has to do that kind of work b. who is to do that kind of work c. who have to do that kind of work d. who does that kind of work c 15. I don't go to the party. I wish .................... a. I went there b. I go there c. I would go there d. I can go there a 16. He was living in France when ..................... a. his father has died b. his father dies c. his father is dying d. his father died d

17. The ship was ............. around the Mediterranean Sea. a. running b. going c. sailing d. flying c 18. He was unwilling to apologize but in the end ........................ a. I forced him to do so b. I let him to do so c. I allowed him to do so d. I persuaded him to do so d 19. My brother is very.............. of music. a. like b. fond c. interested d. enjoyed b 20. Hoa doesn't drink coffee .................... a. Lan not drink coffee b. Lan doesn't either c. Lan doesn't too d. Neither Lan drinks b 21. Would you please ............... him speak about the new plan? a. let b. allow c. ask d. tell a 22. Did she tell you how much .................. ? a. does the pen cost b. does the pen costs c. the pen costs d. the pen cost d 23. Nam was ill, so ...................... a. his father sent the doctor b. his father sent with the doctor c. his father sent for the doctor d. his father sent about the doctor c 24. "How wide is this street?" ".................................................." a. It's 20 meters wide. b. It's wide 20 meters. c. It's 20 meters in wide.

d. It's in wide 20 meters. a 25. We are talking ............... each other .................. Oliver Twist now. a. to / about b. with / on c. to / on d. with / of a 26. Mrs. Hoa is our physical teacher. He ................ physics since he .................. London in 1990. a. has taught / left b. has taught / leaving c. have taught / left d. has taught / has left a 27. When she was a girl, she used to ............... swimming but now she is used to ................. tennis. a. going / play b. go / playing c. playing / going d. go / play b 28. He .................. four world records in only six months. a. crashed b. stroke c. hit d. broke d 29. Praja returned home as ............... as he could. a. quick b. quicker c. quickly d. quickily c 30. Jim couldn't do it , .................? a. couldn't he b. could he c. did he d. could Jim b 31. There ......... a cat in the kitchen. a. will b. are c. were d. is d

32. I go to Ho Chi Minh city ................ my grandmother is living. a. when b. where c. why d. which b 33. We'd ..................... watch a film than watch a football match. a. prefer b. like c. rather d. better c 34. We take .................... in most social activities of our town. a. duty b. part c. task d. role b 35. I'd like to have a look ............... that book. a. in b. into c. after d. at d 36. All the animals were afraid of the lion because it was so ................ a. rude b. polite c. fierce d. funny c 37. Those people are working very ................ a. hardly b. hard c. hardness d. hardnessly b 38. When Peter reached his house, he ............ that he had left his keys in his office. a. discovered b. created c. exploded d. ended a 39. There is always a ............. of people waiting at the bus stop. a. hill b. stand c. stream d. crowd

d 40. Edison was born ............... February 11,1847. a. at b. on c. in d. during b 41. Why don't you ask someone ................ those curtains? a. to wash b. wash c. washing d. washed a 42. May I have ............... sugar? a. one b. a c. any d. some d 43. Mr. Nam is 55 years old. He'll ............... tomorrow. a. inherit b. retire c. choose d. type b 44. My uncle went out of the house ................. ago. a. an hour's half b. a half of hour c. half an hour d. a half hour c 45. Wedding rings are usually made of .............. a. gold b. a gold c. the gold d. golds a 46. I don't want ............... milk today. a. some b. any c. no d. many b 47. I have drunk .................... today. a. four beer-bottles b. four bottles beer

c. beer four bottles d. four bottles of beer d 48. I must introduce you ................ my cousin. a. for b. with c. from d. to d 49. We are having a big party ................ New Year's Eve. a. to b. on c. for d. at b 50. I'm terribly sorry, I seem to have .............. my book at home. a. lost b. forgotten c. left d. hidden c Test 70: I. Pronunciation: 1. a. door b. floor c. start d. small --> c 2. a. bread b. read c. pence d. very --> b 3. a. work b. third c. person d. hair --> d 4. a. meal b. meat c. bread d. reason c

5. a. opened b. arrived c. stopped d. phoned --> c II. Find the mistakes 6. She is too young for getting married. a. is b. too c. for getting d. married -> c 7. The child who Mr. Brown is going with comes from Japan. a. who b. is going c. with d. comes from -> a 8. How long has you been waiting for him? a. How long b. has c. been waiting d. for -> b III. Grammar and Vocabulary: 9. My sister and I are always quarrelling. We just don't seem to .............. very well. a. get off b. get together c. get on d. get by c 10. Most parents find it difficult to ................. their children nowadays. a. grow up b. foster c. develop d. bring up d 11. The woman began to ................ because her son was late coming home. a. trouble b. worry c. care d. take care b 12. I ................. to inform you that your mother died ten minutes ago. a. sorry

b. regret c. apologize d. pity b 13. When students are sixteen, they can ................ school if they wish. a. escape b. go out of c. leave d. put away c 14. It is rude to laugh .................... other people. a. at b. to c. against d. for a 15. It's an hour since he ................ , so he must be at the office now. a. is leaving b. was leaving c. has left d. left d 16. I always try to .................. some money each month for my holidays. a. save b. spare c. spend d. put a 17. I don't have a job. I'm ............. a. lonely b. sick c. unused d. unemployed d 18. Excuse me, have you got ........................, please? a. the fire b. a light c. the torch d. match b 19. My little sister is afraid to .............. the dishes after dinner. a. have done b. wash c. make d. made b

20. Is there ...................... for everyone? a. water enough b. water of enough c. enough of water d. enough water d 21. "Do you mind if I open the window?" "......................................................" a. Yes, of course b. No, of course not c. No, thank you d. Yes, please b 22. I've got a very good ................. with the BBC. a. work b. profession c. job d. seat c 23. You ................ dinner in a restaurant yesterday, didn't you? a. must b. eat c. had d. had eaten c 24. We can't go out because it's raining (hard). (Choose the synonym of the word in bracket) a. a little b. for a long time c. heavily d. all the time c 25. Oh dear! My watch has ...............! a. ended b. stopped c. finished d. completed b 26. I still feel to like a cigarette even though I ................. smoking two years ago. a. gave in b. gave up c. gave over d. completed b 27. If you don't know what a word means, you can always look it ................ in a dictionary. a. on b. over

c. up d. in c 28. He looked very .................. a. curious b. curiosity c. curiously d. curiosily a 29. He went to bed with ................. bad cold. a. the b. an c. a d. some c 30. The teacher is always strict .............. his naughty pupils. a. of b. to c. about d. with d 31. She went ............................ last week. a. for shopping b. for shop c. to shopping d. shopping d 32. Hasn't ...............................................? a. come the postman yet? b. yet the postman come c. the postman yet come d. the postman come yet d 33. "I don't like salmon." ".............................." a. Neither do I. b. So do I. c. So I don't. d. Nor I do. a 34. That old man is blind ...................... the left eye. a. with b. of c. in d. about c 35. He works hard ................... help his family.

a. so as that b. in order to c. in order that d. a and b are correct b 36. That small boy was accused ........................... stealing a motorcycle. a. of b. in c. to d. b and c are correct a 37. Having a meaning "importance". a. significant b. specific c. contemporary d. similar a 38. He was .................. terrified to move. a. enough b. very c. too d. so c 39. She ........................ her driving test easily. a. passed b. got c. made d. succeeded a 40. You ..................... stay up late. a. mustn't b. don't have to c. needn't d. shouldn't d 41. My friend has little spare time. a. free b. occupied c. busy d. filled a 42. ........................ to London four times last year. a. I've gone b. I've been c. I've been going d. I went d

43. Are you interested ..................... spiders? a. for b. in c. at d. on b 44. A postman is a man who ..................... letters. a. gives b. delivers c. buys d. sells b 45. What is this tool .....................? a. from b. for c. with d. of b 46. She ate ......................... loaf. a. whole a b. all a c. an all d. a whole of d 47. Little naughty boys like ................... up the trees. a. climb b. climbing c. swing from d. having a swing b 48. .......................... what you are doing! a. Care b. Mind c. Attention d. Look out for b 49. Nowadays the children go to school only 5 days ...................... a. one week b. a week c. per week d. by week b 50. Her house is opposite ................... his house. a. from b. of c. to d. no word is needed

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