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There is a number made of eleven tens of thousands, eleven thousands, eleven hundreds, and eleven units?

What is that number? A nice and simple sum does the trick. 110,000 + 11,000 + 1,100 + 11 = __________ 122,111

Tom and Tim, time tested twice troublesome twins, entered the kitchen at ten o'clock on a Tuesday evening. "Mom, mom, look what I found" said Tom, waving a sheet of faded paper. "No, I found it." said Tim. "What is it, Tom?" Mom asks. "I don't know, mom, but it talks about Genies." "really?" she replied as she took the paper from him. It was a copy of the family geneaology she had been looking for so she could do some research. "where was it?" "It was in that Bible on the mantle." said Tim, "Between page 588 and 589." "No," said Tom, "it was between pages 1201 and 1202!" Mom gave Tom a dirty look, and said to Tim, "thanks for finding this sweetie." She looks at Tom. "Why did you lie to me, Tom?" How did Mom know that Tom was lying? Page 1 in a book is the page just inside the front cover. Page 2 is the other side of the same sheet. Pages 1201 and 1202 are opposite sides of the same sheet of paper, so finding something between these two is highly improbable. Tom asks his question, "How many ducks do you have if you have two ducks in front of two ducks, two ducks behind two ducks, and two ducks between two ducks?" Tim is stumped. "15?" "Nope," says Tom. "12?" "Nope." Exasperated, Tim says, "Ok, what is the answer?"

When Tom tells him, Mom goes off smiling, Tim stomps off, and Tom gets the high score on the game. What it the least number of ducks to meet the conditions? Four ducks in a single row would do it.

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