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MPA. II Subject ; Organizational Theory & Behavior Course Facilitator; Sir Fahad Riaz Name; Muhammad Nadeem Reg.

# 011713110-19

This quotation Give me a Child and I will shape him into anything is quoted by B.F.Skinner. B.F. Skinners Contributions in Psychology; Skinner was a psychologist who published nearly 200 articles and more than 20 books. In a 2002 survey of psychologists, he was identified as the most influential 20th-century psychologist. In operant conditioning introduced by Skinner, Behavior may result either in reinforcement, which increases the likelihood of the behavior recurring, or Punishment, which decreases the likelihood of the behavior recurring. Uses of Skinners Operant Conditioning Theory; Mental health professionals often utilize operant techniques when working with clients. Teachers frequently use reinforcement and punishment to shape behavior in the classroom and animal trainers rely heavily on these techniques to train dogs and other animals. My Personal Point of view; Skinner believed that the best way to understand behavior is to look at the cause of an action and its consequences what we call operant conditioning. In my opinion, as a Student, I think this theory can be very useful for Organization. As a Manager, I can use reinforcement, same as motivation, to encourage the employees of Organization. When some employees are providing their remarkable and necessary part of service efficiently and effectively, then reinforcement is a best tool and a very good reward to the dedicated employees who deserve it. On other hand, if some employees are being lethargic then punishment is a weapon to deal with that drone members of organization. According to Skinner, all behavior is a consequence of reinforcement; reinforcement increases the likelihood of that behavior (whether positively or negatively). Therefore, the particular behavior chosen in a specific situation will depend on the expected outcome. I dont think so that each and every time some person puts the outcomes on front while doing some action, it may be surprisingly opposite from the outcome sometimes. For Example, Some students know very well that if they wont study they fail at the end in Final exam, but in spite of knowing this reality,

students dont study. It means Human Psychology cant be predicted in a Hard & fast strict Theory. By the way, I believe that positive reinforcement is more effective in changing behavior than punishment.

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