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Alisons Grade 5 English Class July 15, 2013

October 6, 2013
Students: Bring a book to class every day. Bonus words in the spelling test must be used in a sentence for full marks. Hint: pay attention in class and use a dictionary.

News and Upcoming Events

This week students will be reading PM books independently in class. In order for students to become better readers (higher PM levels) they must be reading every day. Encourage reading in the following ways: o No T.V. until your child completes 20 minutes of reading. o Talk about the book your child is reading. o Listen to your child read before you sit down to a meal. o Get caught reading around the house! (Newspapers,

Vocabulary Words List 5 (Test Thursday) 1. magic 2. credit 3. exist 4. deposit 5. staff 6. direct 7. splendid 8. business 9. sense 10. discuss 11. contest 12. building 13. swift 14. interest 15. exact 16. promise 17. habit 18. thus 19. active 20. solve Bonus (words must be used correctly in sentences for marks.) 1. motivation 2. horrendous
Speaking/ Listening o Listening activities throughout the week. o o Other PM Reading Silent reading.

magazines; it all counts.)

What we are learning this week:

Reading o Chapters 1113 of How to Train. o Writing Writing process, planning to publishing. o o Spelling List 5 o Grammar Lesson 5

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