Revision Quiz Ch02

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... solute and solvent.



Use these questions to help you revise

1 Name the 2 parts which make up a solution.

(page 16)

2 In this process, particles spread out from a

high concentration to a low concentration. (p. 16)

... diffusion.

3 When does diffusion stop? (p. 17) 4 The greater the difference in concentration,
the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the rate of diffusion. (p. 17)

... when particles are spread out evenly. ... greater.

5 What effect would an increase in

temperature have on the rate of diffusion? (p. 17)

... increase it.

6 Two substances that diffuse out of our blood

into our cells. (p. 17)

... food and oxygen.

7 This type of membrane allows small

molecules (like water molecules) to pass through but not large ones. (p. 18)

... partially permeable.

8 What do we call the passage of water

molecules from a weaker solution into a stronger solution through a partially permeable membrane? (p. 18)

... osmosis.

9 This acts as a partially permeable

membrane in plant cells. (p. 19)

... cell membrane.

10 Water passes into plant cells by osmosis

making them _ _ _ _ _ _. (p. 20)

... turgid.

11 If plant cells are placed in a strong sugar

solution water will pass _ _ _ of these cells. (p. 21)

... out.

12 When cells are no longer firm and turgid, we

say that they are _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (p. 21)

... flaccid.

13 If red blood cells are placed into distilled

water they burst. This is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (p. 21)

... haemolysis.

14 Amoeba uses this to get rid of excess water.

(p. 22)

... contractile vacuole.

15 Salts can be taken up by cells against a

concentration gradient by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (p. 23)

... active transport.

Gareth Williams, 2011

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