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Breathing and respiration

... energy.



Use these questions to help you revise

1 During respiration glucose is broken down

to release _ _ _ _ _ _. (page 62)

2 Energy is released in our cells inside these

structures. (p. 63)

... mitochondria.

3 The gas produced during respiration.

(p. 64)

... carbon dioxide.

4 These structures are found inside your

thorax and are used for breathing. (p. 67)

... lungs.

5 This happens to air as it passes along our air

passages. (p. 67)

... it is warmed, moistened and cleaned.

6 Small air sacs that make up our lungs.

(p. 70)

... alveoli.

7 Write down the pathway along which air

passes from the larynx to the alveoli. (pp. 68, 70)

... larynx, trachea (windpipe), bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli.

8 Which structures protect the lungs? (p. 68) 9 The muscles between the ribs. (p. 68) 10 A sheet of muscle separating the thorax
from the rest of the body. (p. 68)

... the ribs and pleural membranes. ... intercostal muscles. ... diaphragm.

11 What happens to gases in the alveolus?

(p. 70)

... oxygen diffuses through the wall of the alveolus into the blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood in the opposite direction. ... anaerobic respiration. ... fermentation.

12 Respiration without oxygen. (p. 73) 13 A type of anaerobic respiration in yeast that
makes alcohol. (p. 73)

14 During vigorous exercise, our muscles make

this substance because they cant get enough oxygen. (p. 74)

... lactic acid.

15 The extra oxygen needed to break down

lactic acid is known as ... (p. 74)

... the oxygen debt.

Gareth Williams, 2011

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