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Use these questions to help you revise

1 What is meant by a drug? (page 160) 2 Give 2 examples of beneficial drugs. (p. 160) 3 Give 2 examples of hard drugs.
examples of these. (p. 161)
(p. 160)

... a chemical that affects the way in which your nervous system works. ... antibiotics, painkillers, insulin. ... heroin and cocaine. ... stimulants.

4 Amphetamines, cocaine and ecstacy are 5 Barbiturates, heroin and benzodiazepines

are examples of these. (p. 161)

... depressants.

6 What are hallucinogens? (p. 161)

... a group of drugs that can produce sensations of false identity and distort what is seen and heard. ... class A drugs.

7 In the UK, drugs are legally classified.

Which group is the most dangerous, with the heaviest penalties? (p. 160)

8 Why do scientists disagree about the link

between cannabis and addition to hard drugs? (p. 162)

... Lack of enough reliable data. Cannabis smoking may cause psychological problems to develop and some see it as a gateway drug to more harmful substances. ... it can affect behaviour and cause damage to the lungs, liver and brain. ... Alcohol is a depressant which slows down reactions. If taken, in excess, it can lead to lack of self-control, unconsciousness or even coma. ... damage to the liver (cirrhosis) and to the brain. ... nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and particulates. ... Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. This can deprive the fetus of oxygen and lead to a low birth mass. ... bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

9 Why is inhaling solvents so dangerous?

(p. 163)

10 What are the short-term effects of alcohol on

the body? (p. 164)

11 What are the long-term effects of alcohol

abuse? (p. 165)

12 Name 4 toxins substances found in tobacco

smoke. (p. 166)

13 Why should pregnant women avoid smoking?

(p. 166)

14 Name 3 smoking related diseases.

(pp. 1667)

15 Why have some sports people used anabolic

steroids? (p. 168)

... to increase muscle growth and so improve their performance in competitions.

Gareth Williams, 2011

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