In, at or On: Click The Answer Button To See The Answer

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htm In, At or On
Click the answer button to see the answer.

1. It can get extremely hot here ___ Summer.

2. Magda doesn't have a job ___ the moment.

3. Both cars stopped ___ the same time.

4. Piotr left at 9am. He's probably ___ Krakw now.

5. Would you like to go to the cinema ___ Saturday night?

6. Roman's always tired. He's ___ bed now!

7. Bye! I'll see you ___ the morning.

8. Were you ___ Hania's party last night?

9. I'll see you ___ three weeks time.

10. Simon was born ___ 1966.

11. The dentist will see you ___ 11:15.

12. ___ the age of eight I wanted to be a train driver.

13. My boyfriend gave me a fantastic present ___ my birthday.

14. The sugar is ___ the shelf.

15. Your car keys are ___ your pocket.

16. Ela's gone to work. She's probably ___ work now.

17. My uncle lives ___ Skwierzyna.

18. ___ my opinion you should buy the black polo shirt.

19. ___ second thought, the dark green one is nicer.

20. I'll see you ___ Wednesday.

21. I'll be taking my holiday ___ Easter this year.

22. Buy some biscuits ___ your way home.

23. What will you be doing ___ New Year's Eve?

24. ___ the end of a course students usually get drunk!

25. That new bench ___ your garden is very nice.

26. There weren't many cars ___ the road today.

27. Jacek and Kasia always go out to dinner ___ their wedding aniversary.

28. I got up ___ 11am today!

29. Are you doing anything ___ the weekend?

30. He lives ___ this address.

Exercise # 2
What are the correct prepositions for each of theses sentences? Click the answer buttons to see the answers.

1. The workers went ___ strike because they thought their working hours were too long.

2. She warned her daughter ___ the dangers ___ going out alone ___ night.

3. Although we had expected them to come on foot, they came ___ car.

4. ___ today's newspaper it's stated that a new agreement will be signed ___ Poland and Ukraine this week.

5. I learned to ride a bike ___ the age ___ four.

6. The favourite was beaten ___ a very close race.


Will you please pick up some pierogi ___ supper ___ your way home this evening?

8. The price charged ___ that school ___ their lessons is too high.

9. He submitted his CV ___ June 13th, so he missed the closing date for applications.

10. Ela was desperately ___ need ___ more speaking practice.

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