Managing Enterprise in Health and Social Care

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Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

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Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME


Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 PURPOSE OF THE ASSIGNMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 BACKGROUND --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

LEARNING OUTCOME 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

ME1- Significance of entrepreneurialism in Health and Social Care ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 ME1.1 Analysis of the Concept of entrepreneurialism --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 ME1.2- Critically evaluation of entrepreneurialism in public- private health and social care system --------------------------- 5

LEARNING OUTCOME 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

ME2- Auditing of demographic, epidemiological and social environment --------------------------------------------------------------- 6 ME2.1 An investigation in key concepts in demography and epidemiology ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 ME2.2- Critically analyzing of impacts of key demographic trends and change in epidemiological ------------------------------- 7 ME2.3- An investigation in key sources of demographic and epidemiological data --------------------------------------------------- 8 ME2.4 An investigation in key aspects of the social environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

LEARNING OUTCOME 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

ME3- The impact of the cultural and political environment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ME3.1 A systematic analysis of the culture of the enterprise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 ME3.2- An investigation of nature and source of power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 ME3.3- An examination of value of conflicts arise in joint and collaborative working and how it can overcome ------------ 10 ME3.4 Differentiation of positive and negative aspects of politics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

LEARNING OUTCOME 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

ME4- The factors that critical to effective change management in health and social care ------------------------------------------ 11 ME4.1 Critically evaluation of effectiveness of management models in health or social care organizations ---------------- 11 ME4.2- An investigation of appropriate strategies for managing on-going changes in organizations --------------------------- 12 ME4.3- A critically evaluation of the recommended strategy in the context of the constraints of an health care or social care organizations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

CONCLUSION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

WORKS CITED--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

An illustration of the concept of entrepreneurialism in healthcare system by recognizing main sources of demographic and epidemiological data and impact of changes in demographical trends and epidemiological environment in health and social care provisions, besides that recognize the organizational culture in which entrepreneurialism would thrive and develop and to be key into manage the ongoing change in public and private health and social care sector and identifying the culture in which entrepreneurialism not do the same with reasons in social entrepreneur in residence programs developed by Young Foundation in their Health Launch Pad fort folio of Health Incentives a program which helps people to lead healthier lives or manage their long term condition by healthier behaviours.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide a view to the changing requirements and role of entrepreneurialism in healthcare Industry. In Health and Social Care Sector both middle and senior managers be proactive, therefore patient or client focused approach of entrepreneurial style of management essential to recognize the cultural, demographic, epidemiological, social and political aspects and it should be influence nature and purpose, besides that vital to understand nature, purpose and opportunities and constraints that influence. Therefore both identifying the significance of adapting continually to changing circumstances and lead the adaption and change with proactive with continuing change is vital in this approach.

In medical Industry, managing the health of population requires community wide understanding of health and diseases by the executive by direct participation in planning the medical services and interventions, therefore the changing atmosphere demands to address the growing challenges. Therefore innovative ways of solutions required to meet the needs of people in long term basis in health care sector.

The changing and innovation demanding health care sector contributed by The Young Foundation, established in 2005 in UK serving abroad too determined to make changes positively by social innovation with open University , studio schools and working closely with individuals, communities and partners, besides that building relationships to make changes together for continuous grow. To meet the social needs they bring together insights, innovation and entrepreneurialism. The promising innovative ideas to meet the needs of people for long term conditions by them from health division, by their Health Launch Pad and its developed methods demands the skills and experience of front line staff, patients and volunteers latent talent often uses for innovation and enterprise.

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

The Launch Pad health portfolio deals with- Health Incentives, Neuro Response, Living Together with Dementia, Maslaha- Health, Start Again, Saheli and Care4 Care.

Learning Outcome 1
ME1- Significance of entrepreneurialism in Health and Social Care
Entrepreneur is an individual person owns and manage the enterprise with the qualities of risk taking, innovativeness, independent, do better, dissatisfied with routine activities, determined and patient, sense of leadership and competitiveness, takes responsibility and oriented towards future and convert a situation into opportunity. (Krueger, 2002) Therefore the entrepreneurialism has a significant role in Health and social care sector.

ME1.1 Analysis of the Concept of entrepreneurialism

The entrepreneurship changes and satisfies both entrepreneur and society. It improves the backwardness of society and makes economic development, analyzes the resource utilization, utilizing human potentiality, initiative in new activities, self employing and generating employment opportunities, reduces the disparities in regional imbalance and better economic gain. (Achintya Kr. Baruah, 2013) Refers to Peter Ducker, cited by (Dees, 1998) "not every new small business is entrepreneurial or represents entrepreneurship.". Entrepreneurship is the new innovative execution of ideas. Another quote by Peter Ducker mentions that Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. An entrepreneur searches for changes and respond for it, moreover exploit it as an opportunity.

ME1.2- Critically evaluation of entrepreneurialism in public- private health and social care system
The entrepreneurship in private sector set individual mission and public sector has a mission created to sustain social value and realizing and pursuing to serve the social value of mission. Moreover continuous innovation, adaption and learning and acting boldly without limiting by resources in hand and showing a high accountability with constituencies served. Refers to Peter Ducker, (Dees, 1998) Not every social sector leader is well suited to being entrepreneurial. The same is true in business. Not every business leader is an entrepreneur in the sense that Say. Therefore social entrepreneurs required to find new creative and innovative ways to lead towards social improvements.

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

Learning Outcome 2
ME2- Auditing of demographic, epidemiological and social environment
According to (WHO, 2013)The social environment, or social conditions in which people live and work, has a major influence on their health. It includes factors such as living conditions, diet, education, and work. People who are socially disadvantaged tend to have less access to health resources and more ill-health, and to die earlier than people in more privileged social positions. The social audit is the process of measuring and understanding the performance of an organization and it consists of the reporting and improving the performance and effect to reduce the gap between vision and actual performance result, moreover values the beneficiaries including poor groups. It not only strengthens the accountability but also transparency in local bodies. The social audit provides information about social projects and benefits, moreover actions addressed to employees, investors, market analysis, shareholders and community. Social audit function as a strategic instrument to measure the social responsibility and it strengthen the relationship among company, society and environment. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems. Various methods can be used to carry out epidemiological investigations: surveillance and descriptive studies can be used to study distribution; analytical studies are used to study determinants. (WHO, 2013) The epidemological approach needed to investigate diseas problems and it conducts in various phases such as, diagnostic, nvestigative, decision making and monitoring phase. Moreover there are different types of studies in epidomology such as prospective studies, retrospective studies and cross sectional studies. It conducted by using different sampling techniques and sampling sizes by existing data or epidemological field studies. The epidemologicl monitoring may use existing data or epidemological field studies. The monitoring of epidemological study measures whether these program are carried out properly otherwise enquires the reason. These control system helps to ascertain the application of the predicted and desired effect on disease incidence and provide a ditection of developments that affect the control program. (, 2013)

Statistical study of human populations, especially with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics. Contemporary demographic concerns include the global birth rates, the interplay between population and economic development, the effects of birth control, urban congestion, illegal immigration, and labour force statistics. The basis for most demographic research lies in population censuses and the registration of vital statistics. (Encyclopedia Britanica, 2013)

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

Therefore auditing demographic facts reveals the human population and it provides vital statistical information to control the population and manage the link between population and economic process. Demographic, epidemological and social environment and auditing provides crucial information to strategic planning.

ME2.1 An investigation in key concepts in demography and epidemiology

The concept of demography consists of the scientific study of human population and covering the phenomena of changes in population size, composition of population and population distribution in space. The demographic process consists of fertility, mortality, marriage, education and social mobility. In addition in a broader sense it considers additional characteristics such:1. Ethnicity race mother tongue 2. Social characteristics marital status , literacy educational attainment and womens status 3. Economic characteristics - employment status occupation and income Those demographic statistics are available from various sources such as census, national survey, registration of vital events and demographic studies. The population studies consists with the studies of population variables and relationships between population changes and also the variables such as social, economic, political, biological, genetic, geographical, environmental and health. The epidemiology key concepts focused to health related states in specified population and also application of this study to control those health problems. It is the basics science of public health and interdependent to use the demographic reports. The epidemiology is highly quantitative discipline and constructed on statistical principles and research methodologies. It studies the distribution of frequencies and patterns of health related events within the population with time, place and person. It seeks the cause associated with risk or probability of diseases and also studies the health related states on population and it used as an analytical tool and guide public health decisions to present health problems.

ME2.2- Critically analyzing of impacts of key demographic trends and change in epidemiological
The demographic trends shows the developments in human population and changes like change in population, age gender, geographical location, marital status, educational attainment, employment status, household income, race, religion and health. As a result of demographic developments drives to economic changes to the global economy in both developed and developing nations.

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care Assignment No...ME The key drivers of economic changes interconnected with people and where they live, their age, how educated they are, how much they are earning, besides that the changing performance.

ME2.3- An investigation in key sources of demographic and epidemiological data

The data resources mainly for epidemiology and statistical information available from Research Database, Special Population Data, Reports, Working papers, State data sources, Census data, Central government data sources, Global epidemiology. Besides that different countries have their own data sources from various uses. In addition the U.S. Data sources there are A. Global Health Organizations B. World health organization C. United nations statistics division D. Pan American health organization E. International government agencies F. WHO Research Tool G. World Health Reports

ME2.4 An investigation in key aspects of the social environment

Refers to Scottish Public Health Observatory, Social environment is, How we behave, our relationships, our gender and ethnic group, our education and work, the conditions and communities in which we live, and how we feel about ourselves are all elements of the social environment. These elements overlap and interact with elements of the physical environment to influence our health and impact on how long we live. The sustainable economic growth requires not only action on range of inequalities in health, but also other related social outcomes such as health, justice, environment, economy and education. Besides that these are relevant to social environment such as relation to education attainment, crime and homelessness. (Scot PHO, 2012 ) The determinant of health consists of various factors such as genetic inheritance, personal behaviours, access to quality health care and general external environment such as quality of air, water and housing conditions, besides that social and cultural factors and health. (The National Academies Press, 2013 )

Learning Outcome 3
ME3- The impact of the cultural and political environment
The change in health care industry on thinking, practice and delivery leaded the managers and professionals to identify the significance of problem solving and decision making skills. Therefore assessment of the impact of cultural and political environment, besides that environmental and other external influences up on health care policies. The strategic development and planning mechanism depended to proposals and organizational programs and becomes a recognizable stage of health. To understand the strategic analysis, it is essential to diagnose the key issues that the organization to address.

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care Assignment No...ME The trend analysis PESTELI is used to analyze the key issues. It refers to political, economical, social, technological, environmental, legal and industry levels. The impact of political environment depend the politics, media, judiciary and bureaucracy. That is the type of political government and type and stability of the government, freedom of press, rule of law and levels of bureaucracy and corruption, regulation and deregulation trends, social and employment legislation, tax policy and trade and tariff controls, environmental and consumer protection legislation and likely changes in the political environment. The impact of socio cultural environment also has a significant role in strategic planning mechanism. The factors of socio-cultural environment are The population growth rate and age profile The attitude to population health The education and social mobility The population employment factors The job market freedom The attitude to work The press attitudes The public opinion The social attitudes The life style choices and attitudes The socio cultural change (Health Knowledge, 2011)

ME3.1 A systematic analysis of the culture of the enterprise

According to Taylor, culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." Refers to business dictionary, business culture is, Model or style of business operations within a company. The business culture determines how different levels of staff communicate with one another as well as how employees deal with clients and customers. Merriam-Webster say business culture is: the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an organization The real persons culture exists themselves and they reflect it in the society, the artificial persons have culture and it is moulded with humans shared attitudes, values, goals and practices and it exists and reflects in humans and reflects in society. The great culture leads to great growth in service or profit motto organizations. To build a great culture, the enterprises have to follow some principles such as:1. Convey dream and operationalize it 2. To be clear about what one should for both inside and outside the enterprise

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care Assignment No...ME 3. Design the enterprise for what it needs to win 4. Quick start with a right team 5. Make innovation in all kinds 6. Set the standard high 7. Continuous training 8. Do symbolic things to create excitement about what is important 9. Think and act like winner 10. Live desired legacy (Zwilling, 2012)

ME3.2- An investigation of nature and source of power

Obviously the political power creates legislature, the legislature, budgets and policies allows functioning the overall objectives including health care system. Besides that, there are power authorities to execute the strategic plans within the organization. The nature of political government, judiciary, media and bureaucracy functions to execute, criticize, control and generate and generate the overall well being of the power. The political power generated from the interaction from various sources such as:Authority Human resource Skills and knowledge Intangible factors Material resources sanctions Refers to (Merchant, 2013), Power is the possession of authority and influence to others. Power is an effective tool and leads it based on its use and generates negative or positive outcomes. In 1959, American sociologists John French and Bertram Raven published an article, "The Bases of Power, it identified and classified the source of power such as coercive, referent, legitimate, expert and reward power. (Merchant, 5 Sources of Power in Organizations, 2013)

ME3.3- An examination of value of conflicts arise in joint and collaborative working and how it can overcome
Conflicts between team members affect the productivity and resolving conflicts rationally and effectively increase the relationships among team members and cause to increase understanding increased group cohesion and improved self knowledge. If this not handled effectively, it turns into personal dislikes. The conflict styles by Thomas and Ralph Kilmann identified five styles such as competitive collaborative compromising accommodating and avoiding. The positive approach calm down the problems and the discussion should be courteous and non-confrontational focused to issues other than individuals and it leads to attention by people carefully to explore the facts issues and possible solutions correctly and solve the conflict effectively. (Mind Tools, 2013)

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

ME3.4 Differentiation of positive and negative aspects of politics

Refers to Business Dictionary Organizational Politics is, The pursuit of individual agendas and self-interest in an organization without regard to their effect on the organization's efforts to achieve its goals. (Dictionary, 2013) Organizations possess two faces with own power structure such as rational side with power in organizational structure and irrational side with a hidden power structure with unwritten rules of the game. Therefore political forces exists in the organization, it may ethical or unethical and to be realize it and involved it with the positive side of the politics. Sometimes the political groups used the power to their own interests and benefits. To get into the force or quit from the scene and start a new opening is the bad effect of bad politics. The vital part is recognize the politics and stay with strategy for the organizational goals. (Jeroen De Flander, 2012)

Learning Outcome 4
ME4- The factors that critical to effective change management in health and social care
The Health and social care management focused to improve the health and social care services by delivery of quality services to service users and it attained through managing people, resources, information, projects and change. Therefore managing change is significant to liberating change and commission services, work with patients and also delivers better social care in future. Besides that informatics has a key role in this change. So leadership and culture change required organizational and cultural change in organizational and cultural aspects and depend upon leadership skills to achieve the shared goals. The effective change comes from effective benefits management, planning and benefits cycle. The change capabilities depends improving organizations and effective change management skills needed to manage change and make it happen. Therefore organizational development required developed materials around the change and management. (NHS, 2013)

ME4.1 Critically evaluation of effectiveness of management models in health or social care organizations
Due to the worldwide changes in healthcare organizations and its environment and complexity required broaden prospective. Therefore innovative management models required to apply for solving the complexities. The traditional models like functional model, task model and roles model and innovative models like TQM (Total Quality Management) and re-engineering helps to an extent according to the nature of organization to enable dramatic betterments in quality and cost. The implementation of a management model is a success factor in health care organizations. (Dr.Jon Warner, 2013)

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care

Assignment No...ME

ME4.2- An investigation of appropriate strategies for managing ongoing changes in organizations

The organizations will affect and change its environment by technology, society, economics and politics; moreover innovations like World Wide Web, integrated computer systems and robotics are affected and made enormous change in environment. Therefore organizational change is the fundamental level of substantial shift to operate or functions. The changes may small scale or large scale and the better way to manage the transition or adopt a deliberate change management approach. The organizational change process stages consists of analyzing the facts like, where we are now, where we are going, how do we get there and review of the success. Therefore to address the questions like where, when, how, what, who and why. The right organizational change strategy consider various factors like, present position, available resources, availability of time and personal preference. Moreover the success of managing change depends on describe accurately the situation to be changed and look for blind spots.

ME4.3- A critically evaluation of the recommended strategy in the context of the constraints of an health care or social care organizations
The changes in the environment in the health care industry and the high responsibility to provide the quality services in health sector required to adopt updated strategies to manage the change and upcoming responsibilities. Therefore to adopt the innovative management models to adopt for better quality service providing and managing complexity. TQM Total Quality Management is the suggested model due to the modern technologies to include and provide high quality services to users. The modern innovations reduce the constraints to adopt the management of change. (Dr.Jon Warner, 2013)

The health care industry gives importance to provide high quality services and take high responsibility. Therefore managing enterprises and organizing it requires entrepreneurship qualities with high leadership qualities.

Works Cited
Achintya Kr. Baruah, M. (2013, February 18). Retrieved February 18, 2013, from pdf

Managing Enterprise In Health And Social Care Assignment No...ME Dees, J. G. (1998, October 31). Retrieved February 18, 2013, from The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship: Dictionary, B. (2013, February 24). organizational politics. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from Dr.Jon Warner. (2013, August 2). Organizational Change Management Strategies. Retrieved February 25, 2013, from Ready To Manage: Encyclopedia Britanica. (2013, February 18). Demography. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from (2013, February 21). An introduction to the planning and evaluation of disease control policy. Retrieved February 21, 2013, from Health Knowledge. (2011, February 23). Assessing the impact of political, economic, sociocultural, environmental and other external influences . Retrieved February 23, 2013, from De Flander. (2012, June 6). The 5 stages of politics in an organisation where are you? Retrieved February 25, 2013, from Abudi Consulting Group L.L.C: Krueger, N. F. (2002). ENTREPRENEURSHIP- CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE ON BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT. Merchant, P. (2013, February 24). 5 Sources of Power in Organizations. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from Chron: Merchant, P. (2013, February 24). Sources of Power in Organizations. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from Mind Tools. (2013, February 24). Conflict Resolution. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from Mind Tools: NHS. (2013, February 26). Managing change and managing benefits . Retrieved February 26, 2013, from Scot PHO. ( 2012 , September 21). The Scottish Public Health Observatory. Retrieved September 21, 2012 , from The National Academies Press. (2013 , February 23). The Impact of Social and Cultural Environment on Health. Retrieved February 23, 2013, from WHO. (2013, February 18). World Health Organization. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from Zwilling, M. (2012, March 12). 10 Ways to Build a Business Culture Like Apple. Retrieved February 24, 2013, from

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