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Jaynes-Cummings model - Quantum Optics

Introduction Opticalcavities QuantumDots Rabioscillations

Rabimodel JaynesCummingsmodel

Jaynes-Cummings model9
We now turn to the quantum electrodynamic version of the Rabi model. In this model we consider the same two level quantized atom as the Rabi model. However, we do not consider a classical field, but a quantized field of the form

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The interaction Hamiltonian is now



where (3.21) The total Hamiltonian of a quantum mechanical atom-field interacting system is (3.22) We choose the zero energy level of the atom to be exactly halfway between the ground and excited state, so the free-atom Hamiltonian becomes


where (3.24) is the inversion operator. The free-field Hamiltonian is



Jaynes-Cummings model - Quantum Optics


In this case we can drop the zero-point energy term, because it does not contribute to the dynamics of the system. (3.26) This approximation is known as the Jaynes-Cumming model. We now introduce the atomic transition operators


Because of parity consideration, one can say (3.28) Now we may write (3.29) where we have assumed that d is real. The total Hamiltonian of the system becomes now




Now we apply the Rotating Wave Approximation (RWA). (3.32) We may break this Hamiltonian into two commuting parts (3.33) where



Jaynes-Cummings model - Quantum Optics




respectively the electron number and the excitation number, such that (3.36) All the essential dynamics is contained in HII. HI contains only irrelevant phase factors. We now consider a simple experiment with =0. The atom is initially in the excited state |e> and the field initially in the number state |n>. The initial state of the system is |i>=|e>|n> and the final state is |f>=|g>|n+1>. In the same way presented in the Rabi model, we obtain with the given initial conditions (3.37) With a probability the system makes a transition to the state |f> (3.38) where (3.39) is the quantum electrodynamic Rabi frequency. In this case there are Rabi oscillations even for the case when n=0. These are the vacuum-field Rabi oscillations.


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