Law Exam Important Questions

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law exam important questions 1. what is prospectus and its content required under law 2.

position of director and how it can be removed 3. what is MOA and state its content which is imp for incorporation of the company and why its content is important 4. Essential features of company and its disadvantages 5. what are conditional warranties under sale of goods act and what are different implied conditions 6. explain goods- what are different types of goods. along with classification along with examples 7. Essentials of sales of good act 8. difference between contract to sale and agreement to sale . 9. Who is unpaid seller and what remedies are available to unpaid seller. 10. Characteristics of cheques and what are the different types of crossing. 11. discuss 3-tier redressal system. 12. What are essentials of negotiation instruments and different types of instruments 13. Who is consumer under consumer protection law, and explain rights short notes 1. e-commerce under IT act 2. Anti competitive agreement - horizontal and vertical 3. Composition and functional of competition commission. 4. Bills of exchange under negotiation instruments 5. complaints and complainants under consumer protection act Further short notes role of certifying authority undet IT act objects of competion act Note on national commision under comp. act AOA under competition act.

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