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Asha Dinald

ACT 1 SCENE 3 LINE 365-IAGO'S SOLILOQUY Upon the exit of Roderigo Iago is now alone. This is actually when Iago tries to beguile us. This is what is known as a soliloquy. A soliloquy is a device used in drama when a character speaks to himself, relating thoughts and feelings,and in the process also sharing them with the audience. Other characters in the drama are not aware of what is being spoken. Now that Iago is actually alone he first begins to ridicule/deride Roderigo by saying "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse" and also he states "For I mine own gain'd knowledge should profane, If I would time expend with such a snipe. But for my sport and profit." In this soliloquy Iago compares Roderigo to a snipe. A snipe is a bird that is famed for its flightiness and also a propensity to run into traps. It is later proven that Roderigo is actually a snipe. He then begins to speak on thhe protagonist Othello, the person he hates most. This seen through use of words in the line that states :"And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets / He has done my office" He basically states that everyone thinks Othello is having a love affair with his wife. Though throughout the play this is proven to be grossly incorrect. Even though Iago knows that this is a lie he is still going to go through with his plan towards Othello. This scene in the line "I know not if't be true; But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety." This brings across Iago's vindictive and contemptible attitude. Lastly he then begins to formulate a plan. Also because Iago has a Othello's trust it will not work out well. He then brings Cassio into the soliloquy. He states that Cassio is is "a proper man" and by this he is stating that Cassio is handsome. To Iago this is one other thing for him to dislike about Cassio. He also wants to otain Cassio's position and if this happens in the take down of Othello it would be spectacular. He states that he will tell Othello lies that Cassio and Desdemona have been having an affair (which is clearly not true). It is clear that Iago is basically using all the trends of these great men against them for his own despicable gain and because of this he is pleased with himself immensly.

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