Platzhalter Für Bild Verbrennung": Energy Self-Sustaining Sewage Sludge Utilization Process Sludge Utilization Process

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thermal sewage sludge utilization

introduction of the thermal sewage sludge utilization from 3,000 25,000 tDS/a October 2012

energy self-sustaining sewage sludge utilization process

Platzhalter fr Bild Verbrennung

Initial position
Huber SE HUBER SE, headquartered in Berching, Germany, is a worldwide active company in the field of water, wastewater and sludge treatment. At our headquarters in Berching, more than 600 employees develop and manufacture products, manage projects and develop system solutions for municipalities and d industries. i d ti With more than th 28 000 installations 28,000 i t ll ti worldwide HUBER is one of the internationally leading companies in this field. HUBER's adapted treatment processes contribute to the solution of the global water problems problems. WTE Water Technology Energy WTE Group is an affiliate enterprise to EVN AG, a leading international listed energy and environmental services provider with headquarters in Essen, North RhineWestphalia. We provide designing, construction and operation of engineering plants for water supply, waste water disposal, th thermal l waste t utilisation, tili ti sludge l d i i incineration ti and d the th generation of heat and energy. Operating on an international basis, we lead numerous subsidaries and project offices in 15 countries or riparian states of the EU respectively. respectively

Sludge 2 Energy GmbH Sludge 2 Energy GmbH concentrates the long term experience of the company Huber SE and the WTE Group in the field of equipment supply, the optimization, the construction and the operation of waste water treatment plants and thermal utilization facilities, , which has been g gained in several international p projects j with numerous turn-key y solution and financed operator models.
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sludge2energy GmbH |


sludge2energy GmbH |

storage, dryer, feeding
1. Sludge tank (1) for storage of sewage sludge 2. Sludge transportation by slurry pump 3 Belt dryer 3. dr er (3) with ith heat supply s ppl system s stem fed b by the combustion the fluidized bed reactor (5) 5. Intermediate storage (2) of dried sewage sludge g( (4) ) of dried and dewatered sludge g by y screw 6. Mixing conveyor 7. Milling and pneumatic input 8 Fluidized bed reactor with two radiation strings and 8. convection strings for heat exchanger installation (5, 6, 7)

fluidized bed reactor

9. Heat recovery from flue gas for combustion air pre-heating (6) and hot water production (7) 10 Hot water 10. ater boiler (7) for the supply s ppl of all internal demands as well as external if needed compressed by the combustion air compressor (17) and heated in the combustion air pre-heater (6) before injection into the fluidized bed reactor 12. The combustion air can be injected at three levels of the fluidized bed reactor, also recycled flue gas can be used to have a constant control of the combustion process

4. Condensation of belt dryer vapor and injection into 11. The combustion air pre-warmed in the belt dryer (3) will be

sludge2energy GmbH |

Flue gas cleaning
16. Ammonia (14) will be injected in the combustion chamber according to the Selective Non Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) method for denitrification of flue gas y srubber (12) ( ) as second flue g gas cleaning g step p 17. Dry with sodium bicarbonate for dechlorination and desulfurization purpose as well as activated carbon to bind dio dioxines ines and hea heavy metals (Hg) 18. Fabric filter (9) for removal of dust and sorbents 19. Ash recirculation to improve dry scrubber efficiency

Emission measurement, consumables, peripherals

20. Measurement station for the control of all legal emission limits 21. Filter ash discharge is separate from combustion bed and boiler ash and stored in different containers (11) g Bags g or storage g 22. Consumables will be stored in Big boxes.

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sludge2energy GmbH |

KIELCE / Poland
Client: Project: Wodocigi Kieleckie Sp. z o.o Reconstruction and building of waste water treatment plant including sludge drying and sludge incineration 290.000 PE / 19,2 t DS/d 2008 - 2010 Description: WTE is Leader of the Consortium with Hochtief and Degremont. The fully biologcially treatment and the sludge treatment system including sludge thickening, digestion, dewatering, drying and sludge incineration are in operation since October 18, 2010. Sludge incineration is realized in a fluidised bed reactor with a capacity of 19,2 t DS/d.

Capacity: Contract period:

sludge2energy GmbH |

Client: Zaklad Wodociagow i Kanalizazacji Sp. z o. o. w Szczecinie 417.000 PE / 79.000 m/d 2004 2009 Description: The ISPA project, awarded in 2004, includes a completely newly constructed turn-key WWTP for the Stettin area. B Based d on a simultaneous i lt d it ifi ti in denitrification i 6 aeration ti t tanks k daily, max. 79.000 m waste water will be treated. After anaerobic sludge stabilization in digesters - gas utilization in cogeneration plants - the sludge will be disposed of in a drying plant with incineration following (capacity: 27 t DS/d).

Capacity: Contract period:

sludge2energy GmbH |

Client: LIFE06 ENV/D/000460 City of Straubing Capacity: Contract period: 200.000 PE 2006 2012 Description: The EU-Life project, awarded in 2006, includes a completely newly constructed turn-key sludge utilization solution l ti sludge2energy l d 2 with ith electrical l t i l power generation ti for Straubing area. In addition a co-fermentation is installed. After sludge stabilization in digesters - gas utilization in cogeneration plants - the sludge will be disposed of in a Huber belt drying plant with grate firing following (capacity: abt. 7 t DS/d).

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S2E Demo Plant Straubing

Sludge2Energy demo plant Straubing

sludge2energy GmbH |

S2E Demo Plant Straubing

electrical power generation

waste heat to dryer thermal H2O H2O energy

phosphorus recycling

raw sludge 4% DS

dewatered sludge 25-30% DR

dried sludge 65-70% TR



sludge2energy GmbH |

S2E Demo Plant Straubing

schematic: Sludge2Energy, Sludge2Energy new

sludge tank abt 25-30% DR abt.

belt dryer bio filter washer

sludge to combustion abt. 70% DR ash discharge

abt . 1/8 of the original volume

waste heat reuse odor treatment


micro gas turbine

sludge2energy GmbH |

S2E Demo Plant Straubing overview Sludge2Energy Straubing

flue gas cleaning

waste heat h recovery


intermediate sludge storage electrical p power generation

belt dryer
sludge2energy GmbH |

S2E Demo Plant Straubing

belt dryer



65-90% DR

belt dryer: feed temperature: input: input - DR: output - DR:

sludge2energy GmbH |

combustion / turbine: 140 C 9.000 t/a 25 30 % i 25-30 i. M M. abt. 70 % DR sludge amount: electr. l t performance f MGT: MGT 2 700 t/a DR 2.700 80 kW combustion heat performance: 1 MW

S2E Demo Plant Straubing process overview i

municipal sludge 4% DS
sludge dewatering flue gas cleaning (17. BImSchV)


exhaust h t filtrate
sludge abt 25 abt. 25-30% 30% DS sludge 70% DS

flue gas

waste heat recovery

sludge tank


flue gas

future perspective: phosphorus recycling

pre-heated burner air


heat recovery for dryer

hot air

micro gas turbine

fresh air

sludge2energy GmbH |

S2E Demo Plant Straubing grate t firing fi i

high flexibility

simple i l serviceability i bilit gentle sludge feed automatic ash removal integrated flue gas / air and flue gas / hot water heat exchanger

sludge2energy GmbH |

S2E Demo Plant Straubing

flue gas cleaning NOx-reduction reduction

SNCR (selective non-catalytic reduction)

dry scrubber
neutralization of SO2 und HCl adsorption of heavy metals (Hg)

dust removal
cyclone y fabric filter

sludge2energy GmbH |

summary / advantages
Auto-thermal combustion; autarkic process g for a capacity p y of 5,000 , bis 7,000 , t DS/a as single-line g system, y , applicable pp for 200.000 up p to Modular design 300,000 PE sewage treatment plants Combination of sewage sludge drying and thermal sludge utilization by means of stationary fluidized bed oven Low invest and operational costs by means of optimized concept of thermal drying and utilization in a compact design Optimal quantity and mass reduction Reliability of disposal; critical assessment of agricultural use Production of recycling material that can be reused for the most part (e. g. construction industry) Minimization of sewage sludge transports

sludge2energy GmbH |


summary / advantages
Dry flue gas cleaning process, no additional loading to the sewage treatment works pollutant emissions; ; significantly g y below the air limit values set by y BIMSCHV and TA Luft Low p Minimum space requirement Availability: 8,000 h/a Fully automatic operation 24 h/d, 7 d/week Step to further reduction of the agricultural use with regard to water and soil pollution Possibility of phosphorus recycling from sewage sludge ashes

sludge2energy GmbH |


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