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SustainFloyd looks forward to learning about your ideas and interest in getting involved in the 350
planning committee, the first action group of SustainFloyd.

This Committee will be planning community education out-reach focused on enhancing knowledge
about what 350ppm means and why that number has such an impact on the people living right here
in Floyd. This committee is working on a Floyd County and town event that will provide a focus on
local sustainable foods, services and information towards a lower C02 footprint for our community.
Also Highlighted at the festival will be the official opening of the Farmers Market & Community

If you would like to join us in future 350 planning committee meetings please indicate what plan-
ning area you would most like to participate in.

____ Farmers Market & Community Pavilion

____ Sustainable Demonstrations and exhibits
____ Merchant Vendors
____ Local Food Vendors
____ Kids Programs
____ Educational Out reach leading up to the event
____ Open to any area

Contact Information:

Name: ______________________
Phone / Best time to call: ______________________
Email: ______________________

❀ ❀ ❀
____ Please add me to the SustainFloyd Mailing list so I can stay updated on current and future
meetings of SustainFloyd.

We look forward to working with you. Thank you again for joining us today, your input is impor-

~ SustainFloyd 350 planning committee

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