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A salary increase

Student A: Employee


Business Builder Teacher Resource Series


Negotiate your salary increase for next year. As always, the economic climate is difficult, but you want a reasonable increase. Prepare your role carefully before you start. You joined the company three years ago. Last year inflation was 5%. Your salary increase was 3%. You have had new responsibilities this year and your department has performed well. Your company believes in motivating good workers thats why you joined. Inflation is currently 4%. The market situation is better this year. Other workers in similar jobs have recently agreed on a 5% increase. Salary increase you want: Other benefits you want: Training courses you want:

Student B: Manager
Negotiate the salary increase for one of your employees. Prepare your role carefully before you start. This employee joined the company three years ago. Last year your company made a small loss. All employees (including you) received a salary increase of 3%. Inflation was 5%. This employee has had new responsibilities this year and his/her department has performed well. You want to motivate him/her. Inflation is currently 4%. The market situation is a little better this year. Other workers in similar jobs have recently agreed on a 5% increase. Salary increase you will offer: Other benefits you are prepared to pay for: Training courses you are prepared to pay for:

Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002


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