Mini-Interview: Your Management Abilities: 1 Team Work

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Business Builder Teacher Resource Series

Mini-interview: your management abilities


Prepare for a mini-interview. Decide which of the following areas you want to talk about and make some notes, using examples from your own experience. Then work with a partner to discuss how you would answer each question.
Team work Give an example of when you were part of a team. What was the occasion? What were the objectives? What was your contribution? How did you encourage other team members?

Persuasion and negotiation Give an example of when you attempted to persuade other people. What was the occasion? What preparation did you do? What actions did you take? What was the result?

Planning and objectives Give an example of when you created a plan to meet specific objectives. What did you have to plan? What preparations did you make? How did you check progress? Was there a deadline? Did you achieve your objectives by the deadline?

Decision-making Give an example of a situation where you made a complex decision. What was the situation? What information did you use? Why did you choose this information? What did you consider before making your final decision? What was your final decision? What were the advantages and disadvantages of this decision?

Development of others Give an example of a situation where you encouraged other people. How did you know they were not performing effectively? What did you do? Why did you do this? What was the result?

Work with a new partner and have a formal mini-interview. Interviewee Before you start, tell your interviewer which areas you have prepared. Interviewer Use the questions above. Listen carefully and ask follow-up questions.

Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002


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