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Your is used to show possession: Your book is black, my book is red.

You're is used as the contraction for you are: I hope you're not confused! Circle the correct word in each sentence below:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. [ Your / You're ] car is fast! [ Your / You're ] a new student here, aren't you? I met [ your / you're ] brother yesterday. Sometimes [ your / you're ] brother isn't very nice! Hey Jack! [ Your / You're ] friend is here to see you! [ Your / You're ] doing great! Keep on going! When [ your / you're ] driving to school, do you sing in your car? Has she seen [ your / you're ] new apartment yet? [ Your / You're ] not from California, are you? When [ your / you're ] studying, do you watch TV? [ Your / You're ] trip to Disneyland sounds fun! What colour is [ your / you're ] bedroom? How much gas is in [ your / you're ] car? [ Your / You're ] an intelligent person. [ Your / You're ] quiz is almost finished. Have you told [ your / you're ] friends about English-Zone.Com? Is [ your / you're ] understanding of "your" and "you're" better now? Ok, now [ your / you're ] finished!

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