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Voki Lesson Plan

Lesson title: Writing Lesson title: Christmas around the World Grade Level: Middle School Author: Eva Diep Objectives:
Students will learn: 1. Christmas traditions from different counties 2. Symbols of Christmas 3. The legend of Santa Claus

1. 2. 3. Paper Powerpoint (

1. Brainstorm the different symbols of Christmas and write them on the board. 2. Discuss the legend of Santa Claus: The original St. Nicholas lived in Turkey. He was accredited for performing miracles on sailors and children. In Holland, he was referred to Sinter Klaas. Santa was known to wear different colors, such as purple, green, and blue. The standard image of Santa Claus became a jolly old man wearing a red suit and white fur. 3. Ask the students to write down how their families celebrate Christmas. If they do not celebrate Christmas, ask them what they do during the holiday season. 4. Assign each student a country. They are required to research how different countries celebrate Christmas. Students will create a Voki to present their research.

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